



英和・和英辞典で「監督 どうでした?」に一致する見出し語は見つかりませんでしたが、

「監督 どうでした?」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 36



What are your thoughts especially on the responsibility of the main creditor bank?発音を聞く  - 金融庁

4 第二項に規定する監督委員の同意を得ないでした行為は、無効とする。ただし、これをもって善意の第三者に対抗することができない。例文帳に追加

(4) Any act conducted without the supervisor's consent prescribed in paragraph (2) shall be void; provided, however, that this may not be asserted against a third party without knowledge.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


On the other hand, in the Railway Agency of Ministry of Communication that was in charge of approval and license on private railways, the business reduced greatly.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Among the students in his later stage, Kensho YAMASHITA served as a backup director in "Eireitachi no Oenka" (The Last Game) (International: English title), although he had already been promoted to director at that time, Go RIJU took charge of as a joint script writer, leading actor, and assistant director for "Chikagoro naze ka Charusuton" (At This Late Date, the Charleston) at the age of only 19, and Yusuke OKADA, actual President of Toho, worked as a producer and at the same time as the leading actor in "Battle Cry/ Go for Broke."発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He formed 'Yonki no kai' (film directors) with four members consisting of Akira KUROSAWA, Keisuke KINOSHITA and Masaki KOBAYASHI in 1969 and wrote the script of "Doraheita" together.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


We also ask the IAIS to continue its work on a common framework for the supervision of internationally active insurance groups, call on CPSS and IOSCO to continue their work on systemically important market infrastructures and the FSB in consultation with IOSCO to prepare methodologies to identify systemically important non-bank financial entitiesby end-2012.発音を聞く  - 財務省

3 第一項の許可又はこれに代わる監督委員の同意を得ないでした行為は、無効とする。ただし、これをもって善意の第三者に対抗することができない。例文帳に追加

(3) Any act committed without the permission under paragraph (1) or consent of supervisors in lieu thereof shall be ineffective; provided, however, that the above provision may not be asserted against a third party without knowledge.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


At the end of 1943, she made a comeback as an actress with the movie "Kaizokuki Futtobu" directed by her husband Shinzo MAKINO and Shinzo's master Yoshiro TSUJI, produced by Shinzo's elder brother Masahiro MAKINO, and she also formed a theatrical troupe 'Gekidan Nadeshiko,' becoming active on the troupe's provincial tour.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


With the first use of the payoff program now imminent, which will entail the partial reduction of deposits to be paid back, is there any issue or point to look back at concerning your supervision hitherto?発音を聞く  - 金融庁


The same series was well known also as a work directed by Tai KATO, Kosaku YAMASHITA, and Shigehiro OZAWA, but the one that created the character, Otatsu, was Suzuki and wrote most of the scripts of the series (including the co-written works).発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


She was also well known as 'a woman with many loves,' with relationships including her cohabitation with and spilt from director Hiroshi SHIMIZU as well as her romance with Keio University Baseball Club headliner Shigeru MIZUHARA.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

第六条 職業安定主管局(厚生労働省の内部部局として置かれる局で職業紹介及び職業指導その他職業の安定に関する事務を所掌するものをいう。第九条において同じ。)の局長(以下「職業安定主管局長」という。)は、厚生労働大臣の指揮監督を受け、この法律の施行に関する事項について、都道府県労働局長を指揮監督するとともに、公共職業安定所の指揮監督に関する基準の制定、産業に必要な労働力を充足するための対策の企画及び実施、失業対策の企画及び実施、労働力の需要供給を調整するための主要労働力需要供給圏の決定、職業指導の企画及び実施その他この法律の施行に関し必要な事務をつかさどり、所属の職員を指揮監督する。例文帳に追加

Article 6 The Director-General of the Employment Security Main Bureau (which means the bureau established as an internal bureau of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare that has jurisdiction over affairs concerning employment placement, employment guidance and other matters relating to security of employment; the same shall apply in Article 9) (such person shall be hereinafter referred to as "Director-General of the Employment Security Main Bureau") shall, under the direction and supervision of the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, direct and supervise the Prefectural Labour Directors with respect to matters concerning the implementation of this Act, establish standards for direction and supervision of the Public Employment Security Offices, plan and carry out programs to meet the labor needs of industry, plan and carry out programs to alleviate unemployment, determine the boundaries of major labor market areas to adjust the supply of and demand for labor, plan and carry out vocational guidance, and take charge of other affairs necessary for the implementation of this Act, as well as direct and supervise the officials under his/her jurisdiction.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Since after Izuminokami MATSUKATA at the age of 15 went to Nagasaki to learn the manufacturing of guns at the behest of the lord in the 17th century, the family had gotten salaries by supervising the gun manufacturing.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Kyoto-kami Labor Standards Supervision Office (The office was transferred to 3 Saiin Hiramachi, Ukyo Ward, on October 10, 2006 for the purpose or rebuilding, and the office restarted at the new location on June 2, 2008.)発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


One of them, which constitutes a major pillar of the reform, is the adoption of a macro-prudential policy, which seeks to strengthen the stability of the financial system as a whole with systemic risks in mind. On this point, Japan is in deep agreement with the United States, and Japan will need to study this matter in relation to how its own financial regulation and supervision should be conducted while carefully watching global developments from the viewpoint of realizing internationally consistent regulation and supervision. We should also strive to ensure appropriate supervision while strengthening our cooperation with foreign supervisory authorities as well as with the Bank of Japan, although there is already considerable cooperation発音を聞く  - 金融庁


In this sense, although the FSA has three separate functions - namely planning institutional frameworks, inspection (which in this context includes the monitoring of market developments and market transactions in the broad sense), and supervision of business sectors under its jurisdiction, exchanges, certified public accountants and other relevant parties - there is a common logic to all these functions. Nonetheless, planning institutional frameworks, inspection and supervision are different in nature. Thus, it is also important to ensure that common knowledge and standards are shared with regard to each business sector, and that a consistent logic is maintained when individual cases of institutional and supervisory matters are handled.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


In the eyes of customers, it may seem that the company was slow to act to prevent an expansion of the extent of the information leakage and the resale of the leaked information and there may also be doubt as to whether the FSA properly conducted supervision or gave appropriate guidance. What actions did the FSA take?発音を聞く  - 金融庁


The former chairperson of a subsidiary of Shinsei Bank, of which the government is a major shareholder, has taken up a post as an advisor to a bank that would be a conflict of interest under laws and regulations. From the perspective of the government, it does not make sense to me that this could happen in relation to a problem that could potentially be damaging; also from the perspective of the supervisory agency that is supervising both two companies, what could be beneficial to one company could be detrimental to the other. It is a bit hard to understand that an officer would be shared between banks where a conflict of interest exists in their relationship. It may also give rise to substantial difficulties in supervision. What are your thoughts on this?発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Concerning cases in which workers engaged in the above emergency tasks at the TEPCO's Fukushima No.1 Nuclear Power Plant forgot to put radiation filters on their masks or smoked by taking off their masks, an instruction card was issued to relevant companies under the name of the Chief of the Tomioka Labour Standards Inspection Office against TEPCO to fully enforce measures against reoccurrence of such problems. (June 22, 2011) - 厚生労働省

(2) 大臣は,1 以上の意匠副登録官を同様に任命する。意匠副登録官は,登録官の監督に従うことを条件として,本法により登録官に与えられたすべての権限を有し,かつ,これらの者のうち上級の者は,登録官が何らかの理由で職務を遂行できない場合は,その職務を臨時に代行する。例文帳に追加

(2) The Minister shall similarly appoint one or more deputy registrars of designs, who shall, subject to the control of the registrar, have all the powers conferred by this Act on the registrar, and the senior of whom shall, whenever the registrar is for any reason unable to fulfill his duties, act temporarily in his stead. - 特許庁

3 特定機械等(移動式のものを除く。)を設置した者、特定機械等の厚生労働省令で定める部分に変更を加えた者又は特定機械等で使用を休止したものを再び使用しようとする者は、厚生労働省令で定めるところにより、当該特定機械等及びこれに係る厚生労働省令で定める事項について、労働基準監督署長の検査を受けなければならない。例文帳に追加

(3) A person who has installed specified machines, etc., (excluding movable ones), or one who has effected any change upon the parts provided for by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of specified machines, etc., or one who is to resume the use of specified machines, etc., the use of which has been discontinued, shall have the said specified machines, etc., as well as the matters provided for by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in relation thereto inspected by the Chief of the Labor Standards Office, as provided for by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The improvement was in fact no more than the drafting of an ineffective plan, and the FSA approved the plan and overlooked its ineffectiveness. As a result, organized crime groups opened hundreds of accounts with the bank, and illegal transactions were probably made. In light of this, the FSA will have to bear responsibility for the failure of its surveillance and supervisory systems. What would you say to that?発音を聞く  - 金融庁


MHLW notified the Prefectural Labour Bureaus of the closure, as of September 30, 2011, of the emergency consultation service counters mainly established at the Labour Bureaus administering TEPCO and the Tohoku Electric Power Company's electricity supply areas and the Labour Standards Inspection Offices in the Labour Bureaus' service areas to respond to consultation by workers and employers saving electricity during summer. (September 29, 2011)) Refer to Attachment 6, "Measures taken related to the Rolling Blackouts," for the past development regarding the Rolling Blackouts. - 厚生労働省

2 前項第三号に掲げる場合において、休業の日数が四日に満たないときは、使用者は、同項の規定にかかわらず、労働安全衛生規則様式第二十四号により、一月から三月まで、四月から六月まで、七月から九月まで及び十月から十二月までの期間における当該事実を毎年各各の期間における最後の月の翌月末日までに、所轄労働基準監督署長に報告しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) When the number of absences is less than four days in the case designated in item (iii) of the preceding paragraph, any employer shall report, according to Form No. 24 of the Industrial Safety and Health Regulations, to the director of the labor standards office concerned those facts having arisen from January to March, from April to June, from July to September, and from October to December, by the end of the month after the last month of each period every year notwithstanding the provision of the preceding paragraph.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Richard Dale, the director of the film, says, “When I met astronauts who walked on the moon, I was totally impressed by their powerful aura. This film is not a documentary about the development of scientific technology, but the story of brave men who fought for the dream of human space exploration. You’ll be impressed by the film’s breathtaking, awe-inspiring images. All the stories in the film are real, and there is no place in it for imagination or dramatic effects.”発音を聞く  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


Furthermore, in the inspection and supervision of financial institutions, we take action in a stringent manner as necessary based on the confirmed facts pursuant to laws and regulations if violations of laws and regulations or problems in user protection are found as a result of on-site inspections, day-to-day supervision and other such activities. Likewise, we have endeavored to inspect and supervise the Incubator Bank of Japan in a stringent manner. The FSA had to properly conduct the first inspection and, in particular, the second inspection, according to law as an executive branch of government. Unless there is an obvious violation of law, an executive branch of government cannot take any arbitrary action. The third inspection, however, clearly revealed a violation of law as you know—what I am trying to tell you is that our action must be based on laws and facts. That is how an executive branch of government works. In that sense, although I can see at the emotional level why we are being criticized for not taking action earlier from the start, I believe as the head of an executive branch of government that regulation and supervision involves giving guidance based on objective facts in accordance with law, and should have as little room as possible for demands based on likelihood and arbitrariness. I believe this is an important quality for a person in charge of regulation and supervision based on laws and facts. Nevertheless, given that the Bank consequently failed, the FSA shall learn a lesson from this and continue to endeavor to stabilize the financial system.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

2 前項の場合において、休業の日数が四日に満たないときは、事業者は、同項の規定にかかわらず、一月から三月まで、四月から六月まで、七月から九月まで及び十月から十二月までの期間における当該事実について、様式第二十四号による報告書をそれぞれの期間における最後の月の翌月末日までに、所轄労働基準監督署長に提出しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) The employer shall, in the case set forth in the preceding paragraph, notwithstanding the provisions thereof, and when the number of days a worker or workers are suspended from the work concerned is less than four days, submit a report by Form No. 24 to the Chief of the competent Labour Standards Inspection Office by the end of the succeeding month of the last month of the respective quarterly periods of January-March, April-June, July-September and October-December, informing the Chief of the facts.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(a) on demand by an authorized officer, either permit his person and goods and baggage to be searched by the officer for any goods liable to be seized under section 82 or detained under section 93A or, together with the goods and baggage, accompany the officer to a police station or an examination station, and there permit his person and goods and baggage to be searched in the presence and under the supervision of a senior authorized officer for any goods liable to be seized under section 82 or detained under section 93A; or - 特許庁


In my view, the FSA needs to take a rigorous approach against the Incubator Bank of Japan in connection with the progress and implementation of its business improvement plan. Moving on to the subject of his two years in office as an appointment of then-Minister for Financial Services Takenaka, I am sure that all of you know that the financial administration was then faced with many pressing issues, ranging from, for example, financial system stabilization and enhancement and promotion of a shift from saving to investment - as a matter of fact, it was a period that was filled with very challenging financial issues, including expediting a solution to the non-performing loan problem and reforming the securities market structure. At any rate, seeing as the recent turn of events, where someone with such experience got arrested for allegedly hindering an inspection later, is extremely regrettable and I am also aware that there is a high level of public attention to this matter, I am determined to exercise strict oversight, bearing firmly in mind the points I've just made.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


This matter has been reported in various news articles, and one article asserted that Japan Post Insurance would be allowed to do anything as long as it notifies the authorities. However, that is not true. Even if Japan Post Insurance notifies the authorities, it will have to give consideration to competition with other financial institutions and notify the privatization committee, and it is subject to orders from the Minister for Financial Services, acting on behalf of the Prime Minister, and the Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications. I would like you to understand that Japan Post Insurance is subject to such additional regulations, which are not applicable to other insurance companies, as stipulated in the law. In particular, I would like foreign correspondents here to avoid misunderstanding in that respect.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Japan has made various proposals about policies that emerging markets need to pursue in order to reduce their vulnerability to crisis: (1) capital account liberalization needs to be carried out in a well-sequenced manner; (2) more detailed data of capital inflows and outflows need to be collected in order to strengthen the monitoring of capital movements; (3) domestic financial systems, including appropriate supervisory and regulatory systems need to be strengthened; (4) appropriate exchange rate regimes must be adopted in accordance with countries' particular situations; and (5) capital controls, though they should not be a substitute for sound macroeconomic and structural policy, may be helpful in certain cases. Many of these proposals are becoming part of an international consensus.発音を聞く  - 財務省


Let me use this occasion to talk about my meeting today with the chairman of the Japanese Bankers Association (ZENGINKYO). Regarding loans to small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs), the relationship between lenders and borrowers is essentially a matter that should be dealt with by themselves. However, as I have been telling you, the FSA (Financial Services Agency) unfortunately guided financial institutions in the wrong direction under the wrong financial policy of Mr. Koizumi (former Prime Minister) and Mr. Takenaka (former Minister for Financial Services).発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Actions include: infrastructure investment (Brazil, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa); supporting research, education and skills development and eliminating tariffs on machinery and manufacturing inputs (Canada); reform of pricing for factors of production, promote market-based interest rate reform in an orderly manner and gradually achieve RMB capital account convertibility as stated in its current 5-year plan (China); structural reforms in the services sector to boost productivity (France, Germany, Italy, Korea); tax reform aimed at a more employment-friendly taxation (Germany, Italy); raising standards of disclosure of information by financial institutions (Russia); phasing out wasteful and distortive subsidies in the medium term, while providing targeted support for the poor (India, Indonesia); reforms to energy efficiency and greater use of renewable and domestic energy resources (Turkey), agriculture (Argentina); ; enhanced regional integration to promote trade and investment (South Africa); improved practices and enhanced oversight of the short-term financing markets and reforms to help promote a rise in household savings as a share of GDP (US); transitioning to a clean energy economy through effective carbon price mechanism (Australia) and, efforts to promote green growth (Korea).発音を聞く  - 財務省


5. 我々は、一次産品価格の潜在的な過度の変動の影響についての懸念を議論し、我々の代理に対し、国際機関と協働して、根底にある動きと、こうした趨勢が消費国と生産国双方に与える課題について我々に報告し、可能性のある対応策の検討を求めた。我々は、この変動が食糧安全保障に与える影響に留意しつつ、途上国の農業セクターへの長期的な投資の必要性を改めて表明した。我々は、石油データイニシアティブ共同機構(JODI oil)の質、適時性及び信頼性を高めるための IEF、IEA 及び OPEC による中間報告を歓迎し、最終報告で詳述されるこれらの提言を実施するための戦略について更に取り組むことを求める。1 月 24 日にリヤドで開催されたシンポジウムに基づき、我々は、IEF が 2011 年 2 月 22 日の次の会合において、産消対話を改善するための具体的な戦略を提供することを奨励する。首脳の要請を受け、我々は、IMF 及びIEF 並びに IEA、GECF 及び OPEC に対し、石油の価格変動に関する G20 の作業をガスと石炭に拡大するための具体的な提言を2011 年 10 月までに策定することを求める。我々は、次回会合において、以下の報告を議論することを期待している:価格報告機関に関する IEF、IEA、OPEC 及び IOSCO の報告、現在関連する国際機関によって作業が行われている食糧安全保障に関する中間報告、及び、特に、透明性を強化し、市場の濫用に対処するための商品デリバティブ市場の規制・監督に関する IOSCO の提言及びFSB の次のステップの検討。例文帳に追加

5. We discussed concerns about consequences of potential excessive commodity price volatility and asked our deputies to work with international organizations and to report back to us on the underlying drivers and the challenges posed by these trends for both consumers and producers and consider possible actions. Keeping in mind the impact of this volatility on food security, we reiterated the need for long-term investment in the agricultural sector in developing countries. We welcomed the interim report by the IEF, IEA and OPEC to improve the quality, timeliness and reliability of the Joint Organization Data Initiative Oil (JODI oil) and call for further work on strategies to implement these recommendations to be detailed in their final report. Building on the Riyadh symposium held on January 24th, we encourage the IEF to provide concrete strategies to improve the producer-consumer dialogue at its next meeting on February 22nd 2011. Following our Leaders' request, we call on the IMF and IEF, as well as IEA, GECF and OPEC, to develop by October 2011 concrete recommendations to extend the G20's work on oil price volatility to gas and coal. We look forward to discussing at our next meeting the report of IEF, IEA, OPEC and IOSCO on price reporting agencies as well as the interim report on food security currently being undertaken by the relevant international organizations, and IOSCO's recommendations, and the FSB's consideration of next steps, on regulation and supervision of commodity derivatives markets notably to strengthen transparency and address market abuses.発音を聞く  - 財務省



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