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該当件数 : 670



In December 918, during the scholar of Chinese literature Kiyotsura MIYOSHI's funeral procession over this bridge, his son, who had been a disciplinant in Kumano Sanzan (a set of three Grand Shrines located in the southeastern part of the Kii Mountain Range), hurriedly returned at the news of his father's death, and gave prayers to his father while throwing himself over the coffin, when a peal of thunder temporarily resurrected Kiyotsura and they embraced each other.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a container with a measuring function which is capable of dispensing the contents by a predetermined quantity easily by performing an operation for tilting the whole container, and capable of dispensing the contents by the predetermined quantity correctly without spillage, since a container body is integrated with a measuring portion. - 特許庁


The plant landscaping device is attached with a water level gauge 2b to visually confirm the quantity of collected water, a water supply pipe 2c to directly pour water into a collecting part, and a lighting equipment for increasing the landscaping function of the flower pole 1. - 特許庁


The moving body 30 is energized by the spring 34 in the direction of storing the moving body in the small diameter section 28 to retain the state that the protruded section 42A is engaged with the pouring mouth 36, and the fluid 14 is not made to flow unless the container 12 is pressed even when the container 12 is inverted. - 特許庁



The suction cup 10 is attracted to a bathtub 15 and the faucet 7 is arranged near a discharge port, by which the hot water in the bathtub 15 is poured from the pour spout 6 through the tube 3 embedded into the mat body 2 and is discharged from the faucet 7 or is stored into the mat body 2. - 特許庁



The first opening port 3a is set to be rather larger diameter so as to discharge fuel vapor effectively and the second opening port 3b is set to be a diameter allowing replenishing of oil, that is, rather smaller diameter comparing with the first opening port 3a. - 特許庁


The heat oxidation film is formed in such a condition so as to suppress the growth of oxygen condensation in the Si substrate to a degree that no problem occurs in an actual processing, thereby precisely forming a three-dimensional shape by an anisotropic etching using KOH. - 特許庁


To provide a powder hopper capable of stably discharging powder from a discharge port by scraping off fixed objects adhered to walls near the discharge port provided in a lower part of a hopper body, finely crushing large lumps existing in a hopper body interior, and preventing blocking of the discharge port. - 特許庁

本発明は、天然存在の4量体ヘビイソギンチャク(Anemonia sulcata)緑色蛍光タンパク質499(AsGFP499)の2量体および単量体変異体、そのペプチド、ならびにそれらをコードするポリヌクレオチドと、とりわけ細胞ベースアッセイまたは無細胞アッセイのセットアップにおける、細胞内蛍光マーカーとしてのそれらの使用とに関する。例文帳に追加

Dimeric and monomeric mutants of the naturally occurring tetrameric Anemonia sulcata Green Fluorescent Protein 499 (AsGFP499), peptides thereof and polynucleotides encoding them, and their use as intracellular fluorescent markers particularly in the set up of cell-based or cell-free assays, are provided, respectively. - 特許庁



In this shop, everyone can easily have a meal by selecting a desirable commodity from exhibition shelves dedicated to pot noodles inside the shop and safely and smoothly filling an instant noodle cup with hot water from a hot water supplying faucet (provided with a safety device invented to keep a constant distance from noodles inside a pot to prevent scattering of hot water) dedicated to instant pot noodle and fitted to a in-store counter. - 特許庁



Morihei himself spoke of the health benefits of aikido using unique religious expressions, saying that 'aikido is a "misogi" that removes the "impurities" from the body by improving the blood circulation, correcting the bone structure and adjusting the flow of "qi" in the body through moderate exercise.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The other-side fitting groove 23 having a smaller groove width and a dent groove 33 formed away from the other side fitting groove 23 and formed by reducing a thickness so as to compensate a difference in the groove width between the one side fitting groove 22 and the other side fitting groove 23 are formed at a position at the other side in the radial direction facing the one side. - 特許庁


To provide a navigation device, a method, and a program which realize setting of the destination suitable for the express sending, such as mailing of postal matter or the route guidance, by notifying the user of collection facilities, such as mailboxes that can still make it on time for today's collection, in view of the position of the departure point and the date and time. - 特許庁

昭和7年(1932年)10月 日午前3時30分ごろ、大谷光瑞が全精力を注ぎ込み、英才教育の推進や建築、園芸、西域探検などの調査、研究を通じて、教団を近代化に導く舞台とした二楽荘は、不審火によって焼失した。例文帳に追加

Around 3:30 in October 1932, Nirakuso was burned down by suspicious file where Kozui Otani put their full energy and the temple was led to modernization through the implementation of special education, architecture, horticulture and research and studies like western area expedition.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This steel structural body 2 has a main steel 3 of a column and a main steel 4 of a horizontal beam, a reinforcing structural body 31 having a support frame and reinforcing bars are assembled in an intermediate part between the main steels 3 and 4, and a flow hole in which concrete is poured is formed on a surface of the support frame. - 特許庁


At the time of receiving contents, the pouring port 17 and the extension 18 are held and pulled laterally to have them sealed, whereby more contents can be received and outer appearance of the bag 10 is not disfigured when the contents are received. - 特許庁


This base material has a soil-preventing layer at its surface, and shows40° contact angle of water at a part from where a silicone oil is flown away in the case of dropping the silicone oil on the surface of the base material, tilting the base material by 60° for flowing down the silicone oil, pouring 1.5 L water on the surface of the material and then drying. - 特許庁


Though the style of Shimotsuki kagura varies from one region or shrine to another, it is basically conducted in the following order: prior to the ceremony, water drawn from a specific river or waterfall is boiled in a large pot and offered before the gods; after the yudate prayer, participants are splashed with hot water purify them; the kagura then begins with the reading of a list of invited deities; before midnight, the unmasked Torimonomai (dance of symbolic offerings) is performed; prayers are offered in praise of the deities; the invited gods are seen off at midnight; a naorai (feast) is held; after midnight is the Kamiasobi (kagura), with the dancers wearing Oni (demon) or Okina (old man) masks; a blessing ceremony is held.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


We expect the CIF to play an important role in the international community’s efforts on climate change by responding to various needs of developing countries, and to achieve visible results such as reduction of green house gas through dissemination of low carbon technologies as well as accumulation and sharing of experience, knowledge and lessons on adaptation.  - 財務省


To achieve a bulkhead with a fishway, constantly securing a fishway eliminating a head drop and holding down the projection into a water flow section to the minimum not to constitute an obstacle to flowing water of a river or the like in a lane bulkhead or a bulkhead surface easily causing a large head drop between a river or the like and a canal flowing into it. - 特許庁


To provide a method and a system for reservation service for a reserved seat ticket which positively and rationally provide a reserved seat ticket to a user even when seats are all reserved and which are convenient specially to a user making haste and sufficiently practical. - 特許庁


Hot water is intermittently filled from a hot water device into a trap body 3 through a hot water filling port 5 to kill the miscellaneous bacteria or micro organism growing in the sealing water and prevent odor from returning into a room due to losses of the sealing water in the trap. - 特許庁


A 4×4 pixel matrix corresponding to the 4×4 data matrix is subjected to 4×1 dot inversion and frame inversion and the resulting pixel matrix corresponds to pixels having a "+" polarity by the FRC data pattern corresponding to each frame, and corresponds to the number of data elements having a value "1" and pixels having a "-" polarity, data elements with a value "1" being equal in number. - 特許庁


A vertical shift register 19 and a horizontal shift register 17 of the image display panel 10 are provided with dummy stages having no output object when selected to increase the total numbers of stages of the shift registers, and then preferable image display is enabled by driving by the driving IC 11 adaptive to the image display panel having more pixel rows and columns than the employed image display panel 10. - 特許庁


In a binder system which is one of the three major elemental technologies for a bonded magnet manufacturing, coordination elements with a magnet powder and molding process are reviewed by creating a flexible thermo-setting resin system, to provide a new type of flexible magnet and a new small high-performance permanent magnet motor which utilizes it. - 特許庁


The pressure casting device including a control device performs control to pressurize a dissolution chamber when the molten base metal is poured into a mold, maintain inside of the dissolution chamber at constant pressure only for a predetermined time when sensed pressure by a pressure sensor reaches predetermined pressure and, after passage of the predetermined, further pressurize the dissolution chamber from the constant pressure. - 特許庁


In such a solar cell array 1, since the rain water, which rains down on the solar cell module 10 and will flaw from an arbitrary position of the solar cell module 10 towards the frame 20 due to an operation of a surface tension on the solar cell module 10, falls off by the time reaching the frame 20, the rainwater is prevented from flowing from the solar cell module 10 to the frame 20. - 特許庁


The extinguisher has a container 1 which contains a liquid extinguishing agent 2 comprising 20-32% (w/v) of potassium carbonate as the main component, wherein the container is partly or wholly made of a flexible material which is at least one material selected from the group consisting of polyethylene, polyethylene terephthalate, and polyvinyl chloride and has one or more pouring holes 111. - 特許庁


The defective pixel correcting method for the liquid crystal display that corrects the defective pixel G generated on the liquid crystal display by irradiating it with pulse laser light L includes a 1st stage of irradiating the defective pixel G with the pulse laser light L along its circumference and a 2nd stage of irradiating the part of the defective pixel G inside the outer periphery with the pulse laser light L. - 特許庁


Basic medical technologies which have regard for environmental and human safety about non-ionizing radiation such as low-frequency and high-frequency waves other than the ultra-low-frequency waves and ionizing radiation, and at the same time, novel application technologies across other fields and technologies on the other fields are also provided. - 特許庁


As a second example, a boss projection having a longitudinal hole cut therein is expanded at the corner connecting position of outer sides of the right and left side walls of the spout of the ladle to the rear outer circumferential wall of the bottomed container, and the upper surface, the side surface and the bottom surface of the boss projection are formed in a substantially U-shape. - 特許庁


Thus, even when a cowl top side inner 12 is moved to the vehicle lower side so that the lower side flanges 22 and 32 are opposed, since the projection part 34 guards the adhesive 36, the lower side flange 22 can be restrained from chipping off the adhesive 36. - 特許庁


Basic medical technologies which have regard for environmental and human safety about non-ionizing radiation such as low-frequency and high-frequency waves other than the ultra-low-frequency waves and ionizing radiation, and at the same time, new application technologies across other fields and technologies on the other fields are also provided. - 特許庁


This brush for fishing is composed so as to be equipped with a body part 12 having brush bristles 10 set therein, a handle part 14 connected to the body part and a spatula-shaped part 20 provided near the peripheral part of the body part and scraping off the stains sticking to a bait container, or the like. - 特許庁


A skeleton structure, formed by using dipentaerythritol acrylate group monomer, straight chain of polyethyleneglycol diacrylate monomer, and a peroxide with 10 hours half life temperature of 35-50°C including a plurality of cyclic hydrocarbon group, are used for a gelled electrolyte, and a lamination body, composed of a porous base material layer 4 and a heat resistant material layer 5 is used for a porous film. - 特許庁


This sluice gate A is provided with a pair of door stops 3 which have U-shaped parts 1 in plan view buried in left and right wall bodies F or a foundation G, respectively, so that vertical grooves 2 face each other and are made of a corrosion resistant material and a door body 4 fitted elevatably into the vertical grooves 2 of the left and right door stops 3. - 特許庁


A cover assembly for a container having a raised outlet defining an endowed opening is equipped with a closure body having a nestable and extendable spout formed with a generally cylindrical section, a truncated-conical section, and an invertible folding part between these two sections so as to enable the cover body to be either nested or extended. - 特許庁


According to this constitution, an electric field generated between a common electrode 131 and the pixel electrode 11 suppresses influence exerted for alignment control of liquid crystal molecules in adjacent pixels G, by narrowing the width of the slit-like opening SL2 provided at a position closest to the adjacent pixel electrode 11. - 特許庁


To provide a flexible system for protecting and managing digital information with diversity by especially supporting a plurality of element technologies, concerning a system for protecting and managing digital information such as file data on media and data on a memory. - 特許庁


Secondly, a cope is lowered and a prescribed position (a part facing to a square hole 16) of the work is scarfed by a cutting edge 20 of a cope punch 4 so that a U-sectional recess 26 is formed. - 特許庁


To provide a method for producing an extrusion-foamed polystyrenic resin board using a foaming agent comprising saturated hydrocarbons composed mainly of isobutane, methyl formate and carbon dioxide, and forming a foamed board having sufficiently small apparent density of50 kg/m^3, excellent mechanical strength and excellent flame retardancy, etc. - 特許庁


To prevent the occurrence of a defect of a cast slab caused by pouring slag and non-metallic inclusions or the like mixed into molten steel supplied inside a tundish together with the molten steel inside a mold, and to prevent the occurrence of clogging of an immersion nozzle or the like caused by the relatively low temperature molten steel poured first inside the tundish at the start of casting. - 特許庁


This is a prerequisite for tapping into the growths of emerging countries and of elsewhere to the maximum extent possible, and to attract investment in the Japanese market. wCountries are now competing with each other to tap into the growing international market. Many Japanese SMEs remain within Japanese borders, despite possessing the worlds top products and element technologies in infrastructure sectors, such as electric power, water, IT, and railroad.  - 経済産業省


I will take this question. Those who have 10 million yen or less in deposit can receive the payback as a regular transaction as of the beginning of next week. For those with more than 10 million yen, the payback will start as soon as the bank's credit and debt picture can be confirmed, a process that will likely take roughly several months. If a depositor wants an earlier payback, there is a system called estimated proceeds payment whereby the payment can be accelerated a little by applying an estimated proceeds payment rate.  - 金融庁


To use a draft tower also as a show case for exhibiting the frothy and cooled beer before the beer is poured into a jug from a pouring tap, and preventing the poured beer from being warmed by the draft tower warmed by a room temperature, when the beer flows in the draft tower. - 特許庁

2009 年2 月に行われた麻生総理とオバマ大統領の初の日米首脳会談においては、エネルギー・環境の技術を中心とした日米協力の重要性について確認されたことを受け、2009 年5 月に訪米した二階経済産業大臣は、エネルギー省チュー長官との会談において、スマートグリッド、省エネ・ビル、太陽エネルギー、燃料電池などの低炭素技術等の分野における協力について意見交換を行い、その促進について共同声明としてとりまとめた。例文帳に追加

In response to the affirmation of the importance of Japan-U.S. cooperation through energy/environmental technologies at the first meeting between Prime Minister Aso and President Obama in February 2009, Minister Nikai of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, at the time of his official visit to the United States in May 2009, exchanged views with U.S. Secretary of Energy Chu on cooperation in the area of low carbon technologies, such as Smart Grid, energy saving buildings, photovoltaic energy and fuel cells. A joint statement was issued to promote these technologies. - 経済産業省


To provide an image processing system, an information processor, an image processor, a job management method, a storage medium, and a program for informing other user about the occurrence of urgency without the need for a user to visit a UI (User Interface) on the occurrence of a state that the user apart from the UI desires execution of a job such as copying with priority. - 特許庁


The stand comprises a handle gripping tool with a hook to be used at mounting a 2.7 liter PET bottle, a retaining plate with a hook to be used when mounting a carton, and a spout 11 with a cock to be mounted on the mouth part of each container. - 特許庁

容器 (C) に、ちょっと酸の入った水を注ぎましょう(酸を入れるのは、反応を起こす助けとしてだけで、酸そのものは何の変化も起こしません)そして、この容器のてっぺんにつながっているのは、曲がったガラス管 (D) で、これは先日の、銃身を熱したときの実験と似てるでしょう。これがこっちのびん (F) の下にまで通ってきます。例文帳に追加

In the vessel (C) I pour some water containing a little acid (but which is put only for the purpose of facilitating the action; it undergoes no change in the process), and connected with the top of the vessel is a bent glass tube (D), which may remind you of the pipe which was connected with the gun barrel in our furnace experiment, and which now passes under the jar (F).  - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』



By this constitution, the liquid raw material is distributed to the cavities 11b and 11s by a definite amount. - 特許庁


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