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該当件数 : 53



What do you think about that?  - Weblio Email例文集


About that, it's just as you are thinking. - Weblio Email例文集


I am currently in the middle of thinking about that.  - Weblio Email例文集


I am in the middle of thinking about that. - Weblio Email例文集



Or is that a stereotyped idea of what a city school is like? - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文



There is a media report that a timetable for the implementation of a hike in the consumption tax rate will be announced. What is your view on this?  - 金融庁


Former Minister Jimi's stance was that it is not necessary to review it immediately. What is your stance on that?  - 金融庁


Some people have pointed out negative side effects of putting these two ministerial portfolios in the hands of one minister. What would you say to that?  - 金融庁


Although the double loan problem may be a matter to be handled by the government as a whole, could you tell me about your view on how it should be dealt with? Disaster-stricken companies and people are saddled with their old and new loans and they must repay principal and interest regarding both. Do you think that the government should provide support for the repayment of old and new loans? And what support can be provided?  - 金融庁



The BOJ is scheduled to hold a Monetary Policy Meeting on Friday. While some people say that the BOJ should consider reducing interest rates, what are your hopes regarding the bank’s interest rate policy, or what do you think it should do?  - 金融庁



I shew this to you to-day, in order to enlarge your ideas of these things, and that you may see how greatly results are modified by circumstances.  - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』


Q.You said that you will not comment on a cabinet reshuffle. But should a cabinet reshuffle be carried out, do you think the approval rating would rise? Also, do you think that the people feel the need for a cabinet reshuffle?  - 金融庁


How does the FSA view the fact that a bank, whose screening function should enable it to identify a fictitious company, failed to do so while a bank employee was reportedly involved in the case? What administrative action is the FSA considering at the moment?  - 金融庁


Forgive me for asking you about an individual company, yet supposing this media report is true, what do you think of the planned acquisition of a Japanese company by a Chinese governmental investment fund?  - 金融庁


The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing when it is no longer doubtful, is the cause of half their errors.  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


I think that some of the umbrella organizations have indicated that they will not for the moment apply for the use of the revised Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions, as they can increase their capital on their own. What is your thinking in this regard?  - 金融庁


You said that the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) have established their respective investigative teams. What is your thought on cooperation with those teams?  - 金融庁


You said that the first meeting will be held as soon as the scheduling adjustments are finished. Could you give me a more specific timeframe? Also, regarding the proceedings of the review, how many times is the committee expected to meet?  - 金融庁


I would like to ask you two questions related to the Democratic Party of Japan's (DPJ's) plan for dealing with the double loan problem. Do you think that the expansion of the current loan purchase scheme under this plan will be sufficient? Also, what is your view on what to do with the interest subsidy scheme?  - 金融庁


As a result, there is a widely spreading view in some corners that mandatory application of IFRS could be introduced for the business year ending March 31, 2015 (i.e., BY2014), at the earliest. Therefore, I am stating that we are not thinking of introducing mandatory application, at least for the business year ending March 31, 2015.  - 金融庁


Regarding Nomura Securities, the company is believed to have been involved in three cases of insider trading.Regarding how to take responsibility for this problem, do you think it is necessary or desirable for Nomura Securities' top management to resign?Or do you think that pay cuts, for example, will be sufficient?  - 金融庁


Regarding measures to prevent a recurrence of cases like this, you mentioned the shift from the authorization system to the registration system. Does that mean that you will consider a fundamental review as to whether to maintain the registration system or revert to the authorization system?  - 金融庁


This report strongly calls for the promotion of foreign investment in Japan, including investment by government-affiliated investment funds. What are your views on the promotion of foreign investment in Japan? In relation to this issue, a dispute has arisen in the financial industry just before the season of general shareholders' meetings. Nipponkoa Insurance has clashed with a U.S. fund that, in its capacity as a major shareholder of the company, demanded a reshuffle of the management team and the implementation of drastic reform measures. How do you view disputes like this?  - 金融庁


Regarding the comprehensive package of economic measures, could you tell me how you view the stance of financial institutions on lending to SMEs in light of the decreasing amount of outstanding loans to them?Also, are you considering taking any measures regarding this?  - 金融庁


Some people argue that the approval has decreased because of financial institutions' reluctance to mediate for guarantee, which has led to curbs on loans, and that this situation has been aggravated by the responsibility-sharing system that was introduced last October. What does the FSA, which I think has jurisdiction over credit guarantee associations, think of this argument?  - 金融庁


Could you tell me about the purpose of a meeting of the Financial System Council's working group on insider trading that is scheduled for Friday? I have one more question, which concerns the business integration plan of the OSE and the TSE. You said you will not comment on the affairs of specific companies. However, as this is related to the plan to establish a comprehensive exchange, I would like you to tell me about the government's thinking regarding what the Japanese market should be like in the future.  - 金融庁


The first one relates to the idea of a comprehensive exchange. Given that the related authorities reached an agreement on centralized supervision last Friday, what do you think of that arrangement? On the other hand, seeing as there has been no specific discussion of any approach to supervision as to which ministry or agency will assume what responsibility, please also let us know the schedule, if there is one, for the work of coordination in the future.  - 金融庁


I have another question, as some events pertaining to the establishment of the Bank are unclear. The Bank was permitted to launch business exceptionally quickly given that new financial businesses had not been given permission at all under then-Minister for Financial Services Heizo Takenaka. Do you intend to investigate this?  - 金融庁


Regarding government-affiliated financial institutions, one revision was made, as you mentioned. I think that the current organizational framework basically reflects the reality of the era of the Koizumi administration. Do you think that further reviews and revisions will be made so as to reflect the reality of the present era or that it will basically be sufficient to make only minor changes to the current framework?  - 金融庁


New York stock prices fell to the lowest level since April 1997 again, and this could affect Japan’s real economy. How do you feel about this? Also, while the ruling partiesdeliberations on stock price-supporting measures have apparently made considerable progress, Nippon Keidanren is expected to present the government with a proposal for an expansion of the range of items that may be purchased by the BanksShareholdings Purchase Corporation to include ETFs (exchange-traded funds). With a proposal like this in mind, what measures do you think should be taken to support stock prices?  - 金融庁


I would like to ask you about the U.S. financial crisis. In Japan, after the liquidation of the "jusen" companies (specialized housing loan companies), a wave of failures occurred among private financial institutions. In light of this, I think that the United States needs to take additional measures. Do you think it is necessary for the United States to take preventive measures in anticipation of failures of private financial institutions?  - 金融庁


I have another question regarding the United States. Washington Mutual, which is a regional financial institution, has gone bankrupt, and today, a British regional financial institution went bankrupt. How does the FSA view the possibility of the management of Japanese financial institutions being affected by this series of failures of regional banks in the United States and Britain?  - 金融庁


I understand that you are scheduled later today to take over the office from your predecessor and deliver a speech before the FSA staff. Now that you are thus prepared to fully start performing your duties, could you tell me what the issues you need to tackle in your areas of responsibility are and what the policy priorities are?  - 金融庁


In relation to this, the business climate is extremely tough not only for Takefuji but for moneylenders in general. In addition to claims for the reimbursement of overpayments, the amended Money Lending Act which came into force in full since June may have been an aggravating factor. What are your thoughts on this situation, where moneylenders including consumer finance companies are substantially decreasing in number?  - 金融庁


I have another question regarding the moratorium scheme. You have said that loans to which the moratorium scheme is applied will not be regarded as non-performing loans. That may be fine with financial institutions concentrating on domestic businesses. However, in the case of megabanks with international business operations, a lack of transparency will arise in the eyes of foreign investors if the classification of borrowers becomes vague  - 金融庁


As for the G-7 meeting, I have not yet formally received a briefing from my staff. In any case, as various events are occurring day to day and individual countries are cooperating in responding to them, Japan should keep a close watch on unfolding developments day to day and take appropriate actions. This is my thinking for the moment.  - 金融庁


I have a related question, which may have already been asked previously. Financial institutions are very vulnerable to stock price movements, and this leads to calls for the purchase of their shareholdings each time stock prices slump. What do you think of the argument - a similar idea has been floated in the LDP yesterday - that bankspractice of owning shares should be reviewed?  - 金融庁


Let me ask you again about the matter that was mentioned just now. The heart of the matter is not the SESC's independence but banks' lending practices. What is clear about this incident is that Olympus committed an illegal act by kicking back funds through excessive payments for M&A deals. The fact that the creditor banks increased loans in relation to that has become clear through publicly disclosed information. Therefore, I would like to ask you again as to whether you are willing to conduct further inspection of banks and your view on the banks' responsibility.  - 金融庁


As you know, the FSA is working hard to promote the Better Regulation (improvement in the quality of financial regulation) initiative. The first pillar of the Better Regulation initiative is "optimal combination of rules-based and principles-based supervisory approaches."As I understand that you news reporters are familiar with this concept, I would like to make supplementary explanations by elaborating on it. The relationship between the "no-return rule" and the rules-based approach is as I explained just now.  - 金融庁


I understand that regarding the damages compensation for Tokyo Electric Power's nuclear power station accident, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Edano has implicitly called for partial forgiving of debts by saying that creditors such as financial institutions should naturally shoulder a burden that would have arisen without government support. In response, people in the financial industry have expressed opposition, saying that they are not assuming the possibility of forgiving debts. As the minister responsible for overseeing financial institutions, how do you view the necessity of forgiving debts?  - 金融庁


Consequently, although foreign exchange is of course an important issue, I do not know how much it will be discussed at the G-7 meeting nor do I intend to bring it up. As we have always communicated our basic stance to the United States and Europe of preventing rapid movements in foreign exchange rates, we will explain it if they ask us.  - 金融庁


Regarding the three parties' plans for dealing with the double loan problem, while the LDP and New Komeito are considering using Enterprise Turnaround Initiative Corporation of Japan as the purchaser of loans from financial institutions or establishing a new organization, the DPJ basically intends to use an SME turnaround fund and regards the use of Enterprise Turnaround Initiative Corporation of Japan merely as an option that may be considered in the future.Given that indirect effects of the earthquake disaster are expected to spread beyond the disaster areas to the whole of the country, if support from Enterprise Turnaround Initiative Corporation of Japan is ended in October, it will be unclear how recovery efforts outside the disaster areas should be made thereafter. What do you think of that?  - 金融庁


Securities taxation system has been longtime issue, but the FSA has not yet decided on what we discuss at the Government Tax Commission this year. I believe that many must have been ready for in this field. In addition to trading securities as briskly as possible, it is also necessary to keep transparency that is fair in the securities market, it being a market. I believe from those standpoints that the taxation system should be discussed.  - 金融庁


To discover to the world something which deeply concerns it, and of which it was previously ignorant; to prove to it that it had been mistaken on some vital point of temporal or spiritual interest, is as important a service as a human being can render to his fellow-creatures, and in certain cases, as in those of the early Christians and of the Reformers, those who think with Dr. Johnson believe it to have been the most precious gift which could be bestowed on mankind.  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


I understand that in preparation for the full enforcement of the amended Money Lending Act, you are conducting the review process. Could you tell us about the progress of the review? When the project team (the project team on the money lending system) was established, you made comments to the effect that you would not go so far as to re-amend the law and that you would not postpone the full enforcement of the law. Have you changed your mind regarding these points?  - 金融庁


And now, I have to ask your attention to the means by which we are enabled to ascertain what happens in any particular part of the flame—why it happens, what it does in happening, and where, after all, the whole candle goes to: because, as you know very well, a candle being brought before us and burned, disappears, if burned properly, without the least trace of dirt in the candlestick—and this is a very curious circumstance.  - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』


If I said that the current situation represents "overbanking," it would make news headlines. However, from region to region - I am a native of Tochigi Prefecture - the local circumstances, the conditions of borrowers, and the needs for advanced financial services differ, so I find it difficult to say whether the description "overbanking" should be applied universally to all regions.  - 金融庁


I understand that international financial regulatory reform will also be discussed at the Cannes summit. Regarding international financial regulatory reform, I believe that it is important to implement various measures in a comprehensive manner. For example, while strengthening the financial system, we must also give due consideration to the impact on the real economy so as to strike the right balance, and we must also conduct appropriate inspection and supervision, and develop the framework for the resolution of failures, rather than focusing exclusively on strengthening capital requirements. That has been Japan's stance, and at the ongoing summit, Japan maintains it.  - 金融庁


In relation to the need to facilitate financing for small- and medium-size companies that you spoke of earlier, I think that regional financial institutions have a very important role to play in doing that. Across Japan, there are a total of 550 regional financial institutions, including regional banks, Shinkin Banks and credit associations, and there are also Japan Post Bank and agricultural credit cooperatives. This situation is creating excessive competition. As you call for financing for small- and medium-size companies to be facilitated in a situation like this, how do you view the condition of regional financial institutions? Also, do you think that some policy measures will have to be implemented, too?  - 金融庁



However, I think that the FSA needs to conduct a study on measures such as strengthening punishment against false reporting and fraudulent solicitation - as you know, false reports were made in this case - establishing a mechanism that ensures effective checks by third-parties like companies entrusted with funds, auditing firms and trust banks - the checking function did not work at all in this case - and including in investment reports additional information useful for pension fund associations to judge the reliability of companies managing customers' assets under discretionary investment contracts and the investment performance.  - 金融庁


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原題:”On Liberty”

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Copyright on Japanese Translation (C) 2004 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
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