
「Develop」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(117ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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If you are using the Java Persistence API you can choose the persistence provider that you want to use in your application. The GlassFish application server ships with Oracles's Toplink persistence provider, but you can easily configure your application to use the Hibernate persistence provider and quickly develop an application that accesses a database with the Java Persistence API.例文帳に追加

Java Persistence API を使用している場合、アプリケーション内で使用する持続性プロバイダを選択できます。 GlassFish アプリケーションサーバーには Oracle の Toplink 持続性プロバイダが付属していますが、アプリケーションで Hibernate 持続性プロバイダを使用するように簡単に設定し、Java Persistence API を使用してデータベースにアクセスするアプリケーションを短時間で開発できます。 - NetBeans

When it was opened, there were fields along Omiya-dori Street heading east from the Kansai Main Line, Japanese National Railways (current JR), but once Shin-Omiya Station opened along the Kintetsu Nara Line, the neighborhood developed into a new city, and as the city hall was relocated from the former city, offices, business facilities, and department stores began to develop. 例文帳に追加

開通当初は、国鉄(現JR)関西本線以西の大宮通り沿いは田畑が広がる田園地帯であった(いくつか集落はあった)が、近鉄奈良線に新大宮駅が開業すると、付近は新都心として発展し、市役所が旧市街より移転するとその傾向に拍車がかかり、オフィスや商業施設、百貨店などが林立することとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the nirvana of Kakuban in 1143, Kakuban school led by one of their priests, Raiyu, re-transferred Daidenpo-in to Mt. Koya, but the argument was not settled and 145 years later in 1288, the acting leader of the Kakuban school, Raiyu, took his followers and returned to Mt. Negoro to further develop Kakuban's teaching and established the Shingi Shingon sect that taught 'Shingi' different to that of conventional teachings. 例文帳に追加

1143年の覚鑁入寂後、同派僧侶の頼瑜を中心とした覚鑁派は再び大伝法院を高野山に戻したが確執は収拾せず、145年後の1288年、同派の実質的指導者であった頼瑜は門弟を連れて根来山に戻ると共に覚鑁の教義を発展させ、それまでの教義と一線を画した「新義」を打ち立て新義真言宗が確立する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

If that is the case, I thought I should learn things about rinju before other things, and when I collected, thought about, and used as a mirror the interpretations of Buddhist scriptures by those who studied and wrote about Buddha's entire teachings and by those who studied Buddha's such teachings and taught them to develop the personalities of others, comparison of the condition at the time people died, on the one hand, with the condition after that, on the other, gave no doubt of their correctness. (Myoho ama gozen gohenji [(Reply to the Nun Myoho]) 例文帳に追加

「されば先(まず)臨終の事を習うて後に他事を習うべしと思いて、一代聖教の論師・人師の書釈あらあら考え集めて此れを明鏡として、一切の諸人の死するときと並に臨終の後とに引き向えてみ候へば少しもくもりなし。」(妙法尼御前御返事) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While school members hold events such as "The gathering of Kyomai Shinozuka school" at Gion Kobu Kaburenjo Theater and Kyoto Prefectural Art Center, etc., and "The gathering to appreciate Kyo dance in a tatami room" at Rokasensui-sho Manor (Important Cultural Property) and at Noguchi-tei Estate and Sugimoto-tei Estate (Tangible Cultural Asset Designated by Kyoto City) to develop their own school, they also devoted themselves in playing an active role in the cultural field by presenting classical "Shimabara san banso" (Shimabara third boat) at Kyoto Shimabara Sumiya (Important Cultural Property). 例文帳に追加

祇園甲部歌舞練場、京都府立芸術会館などで、「京舞篠塚流の会」を開催したり、重要文化財・芦花浅水荘、京都市指定有形文化財・野口邸、同じく杉本邸などで「座敷で見る京舞」を開催するなど、流派の発展に尽力するかたわら、重文・京都島原角屋で『島原三番艘』を披露するなど文化面での活動にも余念がない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


With respect to Raizo ICHIKAWA VIII in particular, considering his later achievements in the movie industry, the fact that the kabuki world would not develop his talent and let him move to the film industry because of his weak blood relationship with the kabuki world and the fact his initial foster father was a supporting player resulted in major damage to Kansai Kabuki, in the sense of kabuki's performance as a business, because kabuki at that time was competing with films. 例文帳に追加

また、特に八代目市川雷蔵については、その後の映画界での大活躍を鑑みた場合、歌舞伎界との血縁の薄さ、当初の養父が脇役役者という境遇ゆえに、歌舞伎界がその才能を伸ばす事ができず映画界へと流出させてしまった事が、興行という意味において当時の歌舞伎と映画は競合する関係にあった以上、関西歌舞伎にとっては後年さらに大きな痛手となってゆく。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This is an act of malicious nuisance called Internet bulling (to be picked on), or an exposure of uncertainty over or criticism of the society, and also refers to a situation that an expansion and enlargement of opinions or discussions conducted in various Internet sites by routs who act in concert with it or follow it blindly, or people having own opinions, develop to the state called so-called 'matsuri' on the Internet. 例文帳に追加

これは、ネットいじめ(祭り上げられる)といった悪意の迷惑行為、または社会に対する不安や批判などの発露であり、それに呼応したり尻馬に乗るなどの野次馬や、一過言を持つ人々がインターネット上の様々な場所で、意見や議論を拡散・増大させ、いわゆるネット上の「祭り」といわれる状態に更になっていく様をいう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Sightseeing volunteer guides mainly handle individuals and groups but recently, travel agencies that are aiming to develop new products and cut package costs have begun to pay attention to and use sightseeing volunteer guides in order to cut back on entrance and guide fees while conveniently providing customers with a way to spend time. 例文帳に追加

観光ボランティアガイドは個人・グループ客を主な対象としているが、最近では新しいツアー商品開発とパック価格引下げを図りたい旅行会社が、施設入場料やガイド料がそれほどかからず一定時間を過ごせる便利な立寄り先として観光ボランティアガイドに着目し、活用しはじめている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kanko-ken (sightseeing areas) are areas (each of which is located in one prefecture or multiple prefectures in Japan), being organized for tourism; they are designated by the Japan Tourism Agency, an extra-ministerial bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan, to develop sightseeing areas in order to distinguish Japan as a tourism nation and promote tourists' visits and extended stays. 例文帳に追加

観光圏(かんこうけん)は日本の一つの都道府県または複数の都道府県にまたがった地域を観光のためにまとめたもので、日本を観光立国とする実現に向けての整備をし、観光旅客の来訪および長期の滞在を促進するために日本の国土交通省の外局である観光庁に認定された地域。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is written in "Genryu Sawa" (Essays about the Tea Ceremony), published by Chikushin YABUNOUCHI during the mid-Edo period, that 'Hechikan preferred the wabi (taste for the simple and quiet) style tea ceremony, held aloof from popular tea ceremony styles, and never owned expensive tea cups, but was always contented with his life' and that 'although Hechikan was eccentric, he knew the essence of wabi, and other celebrated tea ceremony masters enjoyed having tea with him,' indicating that he was trying to develop a unique style of his own without using expensive tea cups that were popular at the time. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代中期に成立した藪内竹心の『源流茶話』によれば「丿貫は、侘びすきにて、しいて茶法にもかかはらず、器軸をも持たず、一向自適を趣とす」「異風なれ共、いさぎよき侘数奇なれば、時の茶人、交りをゆるし侍りしと也」と書かれており、当時盛行していた高額な茶器などは用いず、独自の茶道を追求していたようである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Muneharu TOKUGAWA of the Owari Tokugawa family, the highest-ranked gosanke, tried to develop the economy by using differenct policy from Yoshimune by proactively promoting economic activities, but his extravagant lifestyle, which conflicted with the reforms by Yoshimune, caused ill feelings in the bakufu, and senior retainers of the Owari family including Masatake TAKENOKOSHI also became anxious about the policy of Muneharu, who was then ordered to retire and confine himself at home, with doors and windows locked. 例文帳に追加

御三家筆頭尾張徳川家の徳川宗春は吉宗と異なった経済政策をとり、積極政策による経済の発展を図ったが、吉宗の改革と異なる華美振る舞いが幕府の忌諱に触れ、また竹腰正武らの尾張家重臣層も宗春の政策を危ぶんだため、宗春は隠居謹慎の上、閉門を命じられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are several theories which have tried to explain his contradictory attitudes toward Hideyoshi: from the grudge he started to develop due to the loss of his adopted son, Tadachika SHIMAZU, and from the reasoning that he tried to shoulder all the displeasure that the Shimazu family received, etc, however, there is no proven theory and this contradiction has come to be one of the biggest mysteries about Toshihisa in later years. 例文帳に追加

この征伐前後における彼の矛盾した秀吉への対応には、秀吉の九州征伐で婿養子・島津忠隣を失ったことからの怨恨説、今征伐における秀吉の島津家への不興を一身に背負おうとした説など複数あるが、定説はなく歳久の後年を語る最大の謎である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For construction of most tumulus, sandy soil and cohesive soil were alternately tamped down using method called the hanchiku method (a method of making the core of a podium), which was used to make the banking part harder, and according to surveys which were conducted during the repair of buildings of the Asuka and Nara periods, the method was generally used to develop a solid base of large buildings in ancient times. 例文帳に追加

墳丘の築造にあたっては、盛り土部分を堅固にするため砂質土や粘性土を交互につき固める版築工法で築成されるものも多いこと、こうした工法は飛鳥時代や奈良時代に大規模な建物の基礎を固める工法として広く使用されていることが、修繕時の調査などで判明している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later it merged with Oizumi Films, which had achieved success in the film production industry, and Toyoko Film Company (founded in 1938) which had run movie theaters in Shibuya, Tokyo and Yokohama City in order to develop the areas along the Tokyu Toyoko line, but after World War Two it rented the former Shinko Cinema Kyoto Studio from Daiei Motion Picture Company to start film production and changed its name to Toei. 例文帳に追加

やがて映画製作に進出した太泉映画(おおいずみえいが)と1938年設立の東横映画(とうよこえいが)(東急東横線の沿線開発を目的に、東京の渋谷や横浜市で映画館を経営していたが、戦後大映(映画)より京都第2撮影所(旧新興キネマ京都撮影所)を賃借して映画製作に進出。)を吸収合併、社名を東映と改めて出発した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He also introduced the concept of collecting the wealthy men above the middle class to establish a new political party having the central power in local districts, make them have seasoned political experience before dispatching to central political district to develop moderate conservative power to prevent the increase of school of the Freedom and People's Rights Movement and nationalist as means of providing the politicians of the next generation who will continue the policy of enhancing the wealth and military strength of a country sought by the Meiji government 例文帳に追加

明治政府が進める富国強兵路線を継承する次世代の政治家を育てる手段として中等以上の財産家を集めて新党を結成して地方自治において主導権を握るとともに、彼らに政治的経験を積ませて中央に進出させ、穏健な保守勢力を形成させることで、過激な自由民権派や国粋主義者の台頭を食い止める構想を打ち明けている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Unlike in Continental Asai, walled towns did not develop in Japan with only a few exceptions partly because different races seldom invaded Japan and partly because most of the land is covered with mountains; 'Josaku' (official defense sites) constructed as military defense facilities and 'Yakata', or worriers' residences armed with moats and wooden framed stages, developed into mountain castles during the Middle Ages. 例文帳に追加

日本では異民族の侵入が少なかったことや山地が国土の大半を占めることなどから、大陸に見られるような城壁都市は一部を除いて発展せず、野戦用の防御施設として作られた「城柵」や武士の居館を堀や櫓で防備した「館(やかた、たて、たち)」が、中世には山城へと発展した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With regard to the issues pointed out on the occasion of the last inspection, it is important for financial institutions to develop and implement effective improvement measures. If only stop-gap measures or insufficient improvement measures have been taken, the inspector shall focus on identifying the cause and context of this lack of sufficient improvement measures and give a rating in light of this. 例文帳に追加

前回検査指摘事項については、実効性のある改善策の策定・実行に取り組むことが重要であり、弥縫策に留まっている場合あるいは改善が不十分である場合には、改めて、不十分な改善策に留まっている要因・背景を把握して、その状況を踏まえた上で評定を行うものとする。 - 金融庁

Whether the directors of managing companies or the directors of group companies involved are fully aware of the risks expected to arise when group financial institutions develop financial products jointly with other group financial institutions or sell the financial products developed by other group companies, and take appropriate measures to cope with them. 例文帳に追加

①グループ内の金融機関が、他のグループ内会社等と共同で金融商品を開発する場合や、他のグループ内会社等の組成した金融商品の販売を行う場合などに想定されるリスクについて、経営管理会社の取締役及びそれに関わるグループ内会社の取締役が十分な認識を持ち、適切な対応を講じているか。 - 金融庁

Whether the boards of directors of a management company are fully aware that as a result of the ongoing networking of computer systems, in the event a risk surfaces, its effects tend to spread, causing wide-spread and serious results, and it may have a material effect on business management, and develop a risk management system of the group as a whole. 例文帳に追加

①経営管理会社の取締役会は、コンピュータシステムのネットワーク化の進展等により、リスクが顕在化した場合、その影響が連鎖し、広域化・深刻化する傾向にあるなど、経営に重大な影響を与える可能性があるということを十分踏まえ、グループ全体のリスク管理態勢を整備しているか。 - 金融庁

Financial firms that provide financial services will have a clear vision on the way they should act in cases where there are no applicable written rules or where interpretation of existing rules may vary. They could refer to the Principles as guidelines in their voluntary efforts to improve their services as well as develop and provide new ones, in order to respond flexibly to changing circumstances. 例文帳に追加

金融サービスの提供者である各金融機関等にとっては、成文化されたルールがない場合やルールの解釈が分かれる場合であっても、自らがとるべき行動について、基本的な考え方が明確となり、環境の変化に応じて機動的に、自主的なサービスの改善や新サービスの開発・提供などに取組む際の指針となることが期待される。 - 金融庁

Therefore, the respective inspection departments/bureaus of the FSA and the Local Finance Bureaus shall work together to: prepare a system to collect information on the latest financial transactions and the financial institution's business; strive to recruit and train inspectors who take on crucial duties and to develop a support system for their recruitment and training; and continue making efforts to conduct "evolutionary inspections" at all times. 例文帳に追加

このため、金融庁及び財務局の検査部局は、一体となって、最新の金融取引・金融機関の経営に関する情報把握体制の整備を図り、重要な任務を担う検査官の採用・育成やそのサポート体制の整備に取り組み、常に「進化する検査」の実施に取り組み続けなければならない。 - 金融庁

(4) The auditor shall develop an audit plan for tests of controls responsive to the preliminarily assessed risks of material misstatement at the assertion level, and substantive procedures responsive to the level of detection risk, then determine the nature, timing and extent of audit procedures. 例文帳に追加

4 監査人は、財務諸表項目に関連して暫定的に評価した重要な虚偽表示のリスクに対応する、内部統制の運用状況の評価手続及び発見リスクの水準に応じた実証手続に係る監査計画を策定し、実施すべき監査手続、実施の時期及び範囲を決定しなければならない。 - 金融庁

(5) If the auditor determines that there is a significant risk that, in the auditor’s judgment, requires special consideration, such as that relating to the management’s judgments in making accounting estimates or revenue recognition, transactions which may indicate the possibility of fraud, or unusual transactions, he or she shall develop an audit plan which sets out audit procedures that are specifically responsive to that risk. 例文帳に追加

5 監査人は、会計上の見積りや収益認識等の判断に関して財務諸表に重要な虚偽の表示をもたらす可能性のある事項、不正の疑いのある取引、特異な取引等、特別な検討を必要とするリスクがあると判断した場合には、そのリスクに対応する監査手続に係る監査計画を策定しなければならない。 - 金融庁

The FSA has been making efforts to improve customer protection and customer convenience, such as promoting the diversification of insurance products, improving the flexibility of their pricing developing sales and solicitation rules for insurance products, and encouraging insurance companies to improve and develop claims payment management systems by tackling problems like payment leakage and non-payment. 例文帳に追加

金融庁では、これまで、利用者保護・利用者利便の向上の観点から、保険商品の多様化と価格の弾力化の推進、保険商品の販売・勧誘ルールの整備、保険金の不適切な不払い・支払い漏れ等の問題に対する対応を通じた各社における保険金支払管理態勢の改善・整備の促進などの取組みを進めてきた。 - 金融庁

16. The firm confirmed in writing that it would perform sufficient and appropriate measures to remedy deficiencies identified in the course of JICPA's quality control review, such as communicating the identified deficiencies to the audit staff, strengthening monitoring over the quality control system and so on; however, the firm did not develop a detailed plan for implementing the remedial action or appropriately communicate the identified deficiencies to its staff. 例文帳に追加

ア) 監査実施者への研修等による周知及び品質管理のシステムの監視による是正措置の実施などにより、全監査業務において適切な対応を図るとしているものの、具体的な改善計画及び対応策を策定していないほか、監査実施者への研修等による周知が徹底されていない。 - 金融庁

The CPAAOB strives to gather and analyze information concerning quality control of the relevant audit firms, as well as to develop a collaborative relationship among relevant organizations and international audit oversight authorities, taking into account the subsequent developments of notification from the subject firms and the content of notification documents. The Board intends to conduct inspection when deemed necessary after making specific examinations on the inspection procedure, the selection of audit firms to be inspected, and the utilization of inspection results. 例文帳に追加

審査会においては、当該届出の状況や届出内容を踏まえ、関係部局との連携や外国監督当局との協力関係の充実を図るとともに、当該外国監査法人等の品質管理に関する情報等の収集及び分析に努めることとし、検査方法、検査対象先の選定、検査結果の活用などについて具体的に検討を行い、必要に応じ検査を実施する。 - 金融庁

In the course of publishing the Draft Standard, many comments were offered which requested the development of a set of practical guidance (Practice Standard) which will assist with the implementation of the Standard. The Committee made decision to further develop the Practice Standard. The Committee established a task force and requested the promotion of practical discussion and, on that basis, issued an exposure draft for the Practice Standard in November 2006. 例文帳に追加

さらに、基準案のとりまとめに際して、これを実務に適用していく上での実務上の指針 (実施基準)の策定を求める意見が多く出されたことから、内部統制部会では、引き続き、実施基準案の検討を行うこととした。同部会では、同部会の下に設置した作業部会における実務的な検討を踏まえて、平成18年11月、実施基準案を公開草案として公表した。 - 金融庁

To develop and maintain a fair, transparent and high quality financial and capital market, it is extremely important that financial instruments firms play the role of gatekeepers. They are expected to prevent the market participation of those who intend to abuse and misuse the market, through the adequate management of customers, trade examination, underwriting examination (due-diligence) and other activities. The SESC will verify whether and to what extent they are playing appropriately their roles. 例文帳に追加

公正・透明な質の高い金融・資本市場を形成していく上で、金融商品取引業者が顧客管理、売買審査、引受審査等を通じて、市場を悪用あるいは濫用する者の参加を未然に防止する、ゲートキーパーとしての役割を果たすことが極めて重要であることから、その役割を適切に果たしているかについて検証する。 - 金融庁

C. Whether the internal control division strives to develop a control environment that ensures the effectiveness of interviews to be conducted by sales division managers with customers by, for example, prescribing a specific interview method, communicating the method to all directors, officers and employees and revising the method as necessary after examining how interviews have been conducted. 例文帳に追加

ハ.内部管理部門においては、各営業部門における管理責任者等が行う顧客面談等に係る具体的な方法を定め、当該方法を役職員に周知徹底するとともに、顧客面談等の状況を把握・検証し、当該方法の見直し等、その実効性を確保する態勢を構築するよう努めているか。 - 金融庁

C. Whether the Financial Instruments Business Operator makes sure to maintain the effectiveness of measures to ban any relations with anti-social forces by, for example, having the anti-social forces response division develop a manual for dealing with anti-social forces, provide on-going training, foster cooperative relationships with external expert organizations such as the police, the National Center for the Elimination of Boryokudan and lawyers on an ongoing basis. 例文帳に追加

ハ.反社会的勢力対応部署において対応マニュアルの整備や継続的な研修活動、警察・暴力追放運動推進センター・弁護士等の外部専門機関と平素から緊密な連携体制の構築が行われるなど、反社会的勢力との関係を遮断するための取組みの実効性を確保する体制となっているか。 - 金融庁

Although I am aware of media reports about that, I would like to refrain from making comments, as this is a matter concerning an investment by a specific company. Generally speaking, for insurance companies, it is a very important task to develop an appropriate risk management system regarding asset management based on the recognition of risks involved in asset management, as you know. 例文帳に追加

そのような報道があったことは承知をいたしておりますが、個別会社の投資に関する事項であり、当局としてコメントすることは差し控えさせていただきたいと思っております。一般論として申し上げれば、保険会社においては資産の運用に係るリスクを認識した上で、適切な資産運用リスク管理態勢の整備を図るということは、もうご存じのように極めて重要な課題でございます。 - 金融庁

A little before the Lehman shock, trading in J-REITs became active due to investment from U.S. funds, leading to a rise in real estate prices. I hope that the J-REIT market will play a part in further invigorating investment by enhancing the liquidity of real estate, and that it will develop into a prosperous market. 例文帳に追加

そういった意味で、確かに一時はJ-REIT、リーマン・ショックの少し前はアメリカからファンドが来まして、活性化した時期もございまして、色々な相場は上がったが、不動産の流動化ということを通じて投資をさらに活性化させる機能を期待いたしておりまして、今後も是非いいマーケットに育って頂きたいというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁

Earlier, you said that following the integration of the TSE and the OSE, you would like to reflect on how to develop regional exchanges such as those in Sapporo and Fukuoka with the possibility of a similar move in mind. 例文帳に追加

一つ確認なのですが、第3次補正予算が成立したということで、時の争点が、野田総理が強い意欲を示しておられる消費税の増税、これが今後の大きな課題になってくるかと思いますが、この消費税の税率を2010年代半ばまでに10%に引き上げるという内容につきましては、これは閣議決定ではなくて、閣議報告というように私、理解しておりますけれども、そういう理解でよろしいでしょうか。 - 金融庁

Financial reforms intended to develop a free, fair and global market were carried out, and as a result, various incidents, including the very severe financial crisis, have occurred since the era of the Hashimoto cabinet, and so compared with 28 years ago, when I became a Diet member, I am sure that the Japanese market has become very fair, equal, and highly transparent. 例文帳に追加

我々が28年前に国会議員になった頃に比べれば、やはりフリー・フェア・グローバルなどという金融改革もございましたし、そういった結果を受けて橋本内閣の時代から、大変きつい金融危機をはじめ非常に色々なことがございましたが、そういったことを経て、日本の市場というのは非常に公正で、公平で、透明性の高いものだと確信いたしております。 - 金融庁

As the market volatility has increased very much amid the severe conditions of the real economy and the global market turmoil, I hope the managers will conduct management with a forward-looking vision as to what kind of risks their financial institutions will be exposed to and how their institutions can develop their businesses half a year, one year and two years from now. 例文帳に追加

実体経済の状況が厳しい中で、またグローバルな市場の混乱によってマーケットのボラティリティ(変動)が非常に高くなっている中で、半年後、1年後、2年後に自分のところの金融機関の実態というのはどういうリスクにさらされて、どういう姿に成り得るのかというフォワードルッキングな発想で経営に取り組んでいただきたいと思っております。 - 金融庁

Securities companies need to strictly manage corporate information related to such matters as public offering of new shares from the perspective of preventing unfair trading, such as insider trading, and they are first and foremost required to develop effective internal control systems and conduct business with a high level of compliance awareness and professional ethics. 例文帳に追加

証券会社はインサイダー取引等の不公正な取引を防止するという観点からは、公募増資等の法人関係情報を厳格に管理する必要があるわけでありまして、実効性ある内部管理態勢を整備するとともに、高い法令遵守意識や職業倫理をもって業務を行うことがまず求められる。 - 金融庁

Has the Board of Directors or organization equivalent to the Board of Directors had the manager in charge of supervising overall Finance Facilitation Management for developing and establishing the Finance Facilitation Management system (hereinafter referred to as the “Finance Facilitation Manager”) develop internal rules that clearly specify the arrangements on the management of finance facilitation (hereinafter referred to as the “Finance Facilitation Management Rules”) in accordance with the Finance Facilitation Management Policy? 例文帳に追加

取締役会等は、金融円滑化管理方針に則り、金融円滑化管理に関する取決めを明 確に定めた内部規程(以下「金融円滑化管理規程」という。)を、金融円滑化管理態勢を整備・確立するための金融円滑化管理全般を統括する責任者(以下「金融円滑化管理責任者」という。)に策定させているか。 - 金融庁

Does the Board of Directors or organization equivalent to the Board of Directors have the Manager (hereinafter simply referred to as the “Managerin this checklist) of the division in charge of overseeing matters related to legal compliance in an integrated manner (hereinafter referred to as the “Compliance Control Division”) develop internal rules that clearly specify the arrangements on legal compliance (hereinafter referred to as the “Legal Compliance Rules”) and disseminate them throughout the institution in accordance with the Legal Compliance Policy? 例文帳に追加

取締役会等は、法令等遵守方針に則り、法令等遵守に関する取決めを明確に定めた内部規程(以下「法令等遵守規程」という。)を、法令等遵守に関する事項を一元的に管理する部門(以下「コンプライアンス統括部門」という。)の管理者(以下本チェックリストにおいて単に「管理者」という。)に策定させ、組織内に周知させているか。 - 金融庁

Has the Board of Directors or organization equivalent to the Board of Directors had the Managers in charge of operations concerning Customer Protection Management develop internal rules that clearly specify the arrangements on the management of Customer Explanation and Customer Support, as well as Customer Information Management, Outsourcing Management and Conflict of Interest Management (hereinafter referred to as the “Customer Protection Management Rules”) in accordance with the Customer Protection Management Policy? 例文帳に追加

取締役会等は、顧客保護等管理方針に則り、顧客説明管理、顧客サポート等管理、顧客情報管理、外部委託管理、利益相反管理に関する取決めを明確に定めた内部規程(以下総称して「顧客保護等管理規程」という。)を各顧客保護等管理に係る管理責任者に策定させているか。 - 金融庁

(i) Does the Customer Support Management Manager have the people who provide customer support comply with the Customer Support Management Rules, Customer Support Manual and other customer support related arrangements? Does the Manager develop a system in order to provide appropriate and sufficient customer support, and implement specific measures in order to ensure its effectiveness? 例文帳に追加

(ⅰ)顧客サポート等管理責任者は、顧客サポート等管理規程、顧客サポート・マニュアル及びその他の顧客サポート等に関する取決めを顧客サポート等を行う者に遵守させ、適切かつ十分な顧客サポート等を行うための態勢を整備し、その実効性を確保するための具体的施策を実施しているか。 - 金融庁

Does the Board of Directors or equivalent organization to the Board of Directors have the Manager of the Comprehensive Risk Management Division (hereinafter simply referred to as the “Managerin this checklist) develop internal rules that clearly specify the arrangements concerning comprehensive risk management (hereinafter referred to as the “Comprehensive Risk Management Rules”) and disseminate them throughout the institution in accordance with the Comprehensive Risk Management Policy? 例文帳に追加

取締役会等は、統合的リスク管理方針に則り、統合的リスク管理に関する取決めを明確に定めた内部規程(以下「統合的リスク管理規程」という。)を統合的リスク管理部門の管理者(以下本チェックリストにおいて単に「管理者」という。)に策定させ、組織内に周知させているか。 - 金融庁

(v) Does the Manager develop a system to appropriately coordinate with the Finance Facilitation Manager, and obtain timely and appropriately information on inappropriate or possibly inappropriate handling of consultations and requests for new finance and loan condition changes, etc., considering the intention of finance facilitation, and report this to the Finance Facilitation Manager? 例文帳に追加

(ⅴ)管理者は、金融円滑化管理責任者と適切に連携し、新規融資や貸付条件の変更等の相談・申込みへの対応のうち、金融円滑化の趣旨に照らして、不適切又は不適切なおそれのあるものについて、適時適切に情報を収集し、金融円滑化管理責任者に報告する態勢を整備しているか。 - 金融庁

(i) Does the Board of Directors have the Managers of the Asset Assessment Management Divisions (hereinafter simply referred to as the "Managers" or "Manager" in this checklist) develop standards that clearly specify the arrangements for conducting self-assessment in an appropriate and accurate manner (hereinafter referred to as the "Self-Assessment Standards") and standards that clearly specify the arrangements for implementing write-offs and loan loss provisions in an appropriate and accurate manner (hereinafter referred to as the "Write-Off/Loan Loss Provision Standards") and disseminate them throughout the institution? 例文帳に追加

(ⅰ)取締役会は、自己査定を適切かつ正確に行うための取決めを明確に定めた基準(以下「自己査定基準」という。)及び償却・引当を適切かつ正確に行うための取決めを明確に定めた基準(以下「償却・引当基準」という。)を資産査定管理部門 の管理者(以下本チェックリストにおいて単に「管理者」という。)に策定させ、組織内に周知させているか。 - 金融庁

(i) Does the Board of Directors have the Managers of the Asset Assessment Management Divisions1 (hereinafter simply referred to as the "Managers" or "Manager" in this checklist) develop standards that clearly specify the arrangements for conducting self-assessment in an appropriate and accurate manner (hereinafter referred to as the "Self-Assessment Standards") and standards that clearly specify the arrangements for implementing write-offs and loan loss provisions in an appropriate and accurate manner (hereinafter referred to as the "Write-Off/Loan Loss Provision Standards") and disseminate them throughout the institution?例文帳に追加

(ⅰ)取締役会は、自己査定を適切かつ正確に行うための取決めを明確に定めた基準(以下「自己査定基準」という。)及び償却・引当を適切かつ正確に行うための取決めを明確に定めた基準(以下「償却・引当基準」という。)を資産査定管理部門1 の管理者(以下本チェックリストにおいて単に「管理者」という。)に策定させ、組織内に周知させているか。 - 金融庁

Does the Board of Directors or equivalent organization to the Board of Directors have the Manager of the Comprehensive Operational Risk Management Division (hereinafter simply referred to as the "Manager" in this checklist) develop internal rules that clearly specify the arrangements concerning comprehensive operational risk management (hereinafter referred to as the Operational Risk Management Rules") and disseminate them throughout the institution in accordance with the Operational Risk Management Policy? 例文帳に追加

取締役会等は、オペレーショナル・リスク管理方針に則り、オペレーショナル・リスクの総合的な管理に関する取決めを明確に定めた内部規程(以下「オペレーショナル・リスク管理規程」という。)をオペレーショナル・リスクの総合的な管理部門の管理者(以下本チェックリストにおいて単に「管理者」という。)に策定させ、組織内に周知させているか。 - 金融庁

Does the Board of Directors or equivalent organization to the Board of Directors have the Internal Audit Division appropriately identify the matters to be audited with regard to comprehensive operational risk management, develop guidelines that specify the matters subject to internal audit and the audit procedure (hereinafter referred to as "Internal Audit Guidelines") and an internal audit plan, and approve such guidelines and plan? 例文帳に追加

取締役会等は、内部監査部門に、オペレーショナル・リスクの総合的な管理について監査すべき事項を適切に特定させ、内部監査の実施対象となる項目及び実施手順を定めた要領(以下「内部監査実施要領」という。)並びに内部監査計画を策定させた上で承認しているか - 金融庁

We will review at our next meeting progress made by the IASB and FASB towards completing their convergence project by the end of 2011 and look forward to the outcome of the ongoing IASB governance review process. We welcomed ongoing work of OECD and FSB and other relevant international organizations to develop common principles on consumer protection in financial services. 例文帳に追加

我々は、我々の次回会合で、IASB・FASB による 2011 年末までの会計基準の収れんに関するプロジェクトの完了に向けた進捗をレビューし、現在進行中の IASB ガバナンスのレビュープロセスの結果に期待する。我々は、金融サービスにおける消費者保護について共通原則を策定するための、OECD、FSB 及びその他関係国際機関による現在進行中の作業を歓迎した。 - 財務省

To that end, recognizing that there is a range of policy approaches, we agreed to develop principles reflecting the need to protect taxpayers, reduce risks from the financial system, protect the flow of credit in good times and bad, taking into account individual country’s circumstances and options, and helping promote level playing field. 例文帳に追加

このため、様々な政策手法があることを認識しつつ、我々は、納税者を保護し、金融システムのリスクを減少させ、与信の流れを好況及び不況時に保護するという必要性を反映した原則を、各国の状況及びオプションを勘案し、公平な競争条件の促進に資するよう、策定することに合意した。 - 財務省

review the works of the working groups of the Three Customs; exchange views on tripartite, regional and international Customs matters from the strategic perspective; discuss future directions of the Three Customs cooperation; expand and deepen the mutually beneficial cooperation in relevant fields; and develop and maintain friendly and cooperative economic and trade relations.例文帳に追加

・3か国税関の作業部会における作業をレビューし、3か国、地域及び国際的な税関事項について、戦略的な観点から意見を交換し、3か国税関の協力についての将来の方向性について議論し、関連する分野における相互に有益な協力を拡大し深め、友好的かつ協力的な経済・貿易関係を発展させ維持する。 - 財務省


In the TCHM, the Three Customs will: review the works of the working groups of the Three Customs; exchange views on tripartite, regional and international Customs matters from the strategic perspective; discuss future directions of the Three Customs cooperation; expand and deepen the mutually beneficial cooperation in relevant fields; and develop and maintain friendly and cooperative economic and trade relations.例文帳に追加

TCHMにおいて、3か国税関は、3か国税関の作業部会における作業をレビューし、3か国、地域及び国際的な税関事項について、戦略的な観点から意見を交換し、3か国税関の協力についての将来の方向性について議論し、関連する分野における相互に有益な協力を拡大し深め、友好的かつ協力的な経済・貿易関係を発展させ維持する。 - 財務省


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