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by Birthの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 500


There are various theories about the dates of his birth and death and they remain uncertain, but many references point out that he died at the age of 68, and by calculating back from the most reliable "Chuyu-ki" entry, dated July 15, 1106, it is mostly likely that he was born in 1039. 例文帳に追加

生没とも諸説あってはっきりしないが、68歳で死去とする史料が多く、またその没年は、史料としての信頼性が最も高い『中右記』1106年(嘉承1)7月15日条から逆算し、1039年(長暦3)の生まれとする説が有力である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He opposed Emperor Goshirakawa, who was resisting the power of the Taira clan, and therefore started Jisho-sannen no seihen (The Coup in 1179: the third year of the Jisho era) to confine the cloistered Emperor, seized Emperor Antoku to whom Tokuko had given birth, and seized political power; however, the Taira clan's dictatorship faced strong resistance from aristocrats, temples, shrines, and warriors, resulting in the gathering of warriors by Kawachi-Genji (Minamoto clan) to defeat the Taira clan. 例文帳に追加

平氏の権勢に反発した後白河天皇と対立し、治承三年の政変で法皇を幽閉して徳子の産んだ安徳天皇を擁し政治の実権を握るが、平氏の独裁は貴族・寺社・武士などから大きな反発を受け、河内源氏による平氏打倒の兵が挙がった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kinsue's legitimate grandchild FUJIWARA no Kinnari, who was particularly favored by Kinsue in his last years, was promoted only up to Chu-nagon (Middle Counselor) while Kinsue was alive, but after his death, Kinnari's daughter FUJIWARA no Moshi (adopted daughter of FUJIWARA no Yoshinobu) gave birth to a prince who later became Emperor Shirakawa; this event brought luck to the clan, resulting in unexpected completion of the plan that Kinnari's grandfather, Kinsue, could not complete. 例文帳に追加

晩年の彼が特別に目をかけた嫡孫藤原公成は、生前の官位こそ中納言どまりであったが、死後、娘藤原茂子(藤原能信養女)が生んだ皇子が白河天皇となったことで一族の運を開き、祖父が成し遂げなかった事業を意外にも完成した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Saneyori and Morosuke vied with each other for the status of maternal relative of the Emperor Murakami by sending their daughters, FUJIWARA no Jutsushi and FUJIWARA no Anshi, respectively, to the Emperor's Inner Palace as nyogo (high-ranking ladies serving) at the Court, but Jutsushi died without having a baby with the Emperor, while Anshi successfully gave birth to children with the Emperor, who later became Emperor Reizei, Imperial Prince Tamehira, and Emperor Enyu. 例文帳に追加

実頼は藤原述子を、師輔は藤原安子を村上天皇の女御として入内させ寵を競ったが、述子は皇子を生むことなく死去し、一方、安子は東宮冷泉天皇をはじめ、為平親王、円融天皇を生んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Before Yoshihisa was born, it had been decided that Yoshimasa's younger brother Yoshimi ASHIKAGA would be the next shogun; however, with the birth of Yoshimasa's son, a dispute over who would become the next shogun broke out between Yoshimasa and Yoshimi, and in the same year, Sadachika, Yoshihisa's foster father, schemed to discredit Yoshimi by starting a rumor that Yoshimi was planning a rebellion. 例文帳に追加

義尚誕生後に発生した次期将軍が決定していた義政の弟の足利義視との間で将軍後継問題が発生し、同年には義尚の乳父であった貞親は義視を排斥するために義視謀反の噂を流す謀略を行う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Baby boys born to Gishi were all adopted by other families out of consideration to Yorimichi's legal wife, MINAMOTO no Takahime and the legitimate son FUJIWARA no Michifusa (the biological mother however was not MINAMOTO no Takahime); however, Michifusa, the older brother of Morozane born to a different mother, suddenly died after the birth of Morozane, and Morozane therefore was appointed to be the successor of the family headship. 例文帳に追加

祇子所生の男子は頼通の正室源隆姫と嫡男藤原通房(ただし、生母は別の女性である)への配慮から全員他家への養子に出されていたが、師実の誕生から程なく異母兄・通房が急死ししたため、師実が後継者に立てられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Beginning in 1955, he was recognized, along with Akira KUROSAWA, as being one of Toho's two great master directors of epics and period dramas; in 1959 he created 'Nihon tanjo' (The Birth of Japan), Toho's commemorative 1000th film, starring Mifune and featuring special effects by Eiji TSUBURAYA, as well as the 1962 commemorative film 'Chushingura' (sometimes credited as 'The Forty-Seven Ronin' in English) celebrating the 30th anniversary of Toho's founding in 1932, both of which achieved success as entertainment films. 例文帳に追加

昭和30年代以降は黒澤明とともに東宝の大作及び時代劇路線の代表的な監督とされ、34年三船出演・円谷英二特撮の東宝1000本記念映画「日本誕生」を、37年東宝30周年記念映画「忠臣蔵」を製作し、それぞれ興行的に成功を収めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the theory that seems most probable is that Yoshimitsu in fact studied under Tokimitsu, and Tokimoto was the one who proceeded for the battle, who was one generation prior to Tokiaki as determined by his birth year, and the battle occurred at Osaka no Seki (the Osaka Barrier) rather than Mt. Ashigara. 例文帳に追加

しかしながら、時秋の生年などから、実際に義光が師事したのは時光、戦場に赴く際に別れたのは時元と一代ずつ前であり、またその場所も足柄山ではなく逢坂関であったとする説が現在では有力である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, even Michinaga could not ignore the fact that Seishi's position was similar to a lawful wife and that she had given birth to three imperial princes, so he compromised for the time being by having Seishi as Empress and Genji as Chugu (the second consort of the Emperor), but he kept exerting pressure on Seishi and her supporters. 例文帳に追加

だが、長年正妃的な地位にあり、3人もの親王を儲けた娍子の存在を無視することは道長でも困難であり、漸く娍子を皇后・妍子を中宮とすることで折り合いをつけたが、その後も道長は娍子側に圧迫を加えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to "Katsushika Hokusai Den (Biography of Hokusai KATSUSHIKA)" by Kyoshin Iijima, Heihachiro KOBAYASHI, an expert swordsman who had been treated as a hero of the Kira side in the Genroku Ako Incident (Chushingura [The Treasury of Loyal Retainers]), had a daughter who later married Ise NAKAJIMA, an artist of mirrors, and gave birth to Hokusai KATSUSHIKA. 例文帳に追加

飯島虚心『葛飾北斎伝』によれば、元禄赤穂事件(忠臣蔵)で吉良方のヒーローとして扱われている剣客の小林平八郎には、娘が一人いて、その娘が後世、鏡師中島伊勢に嫁ぎ、そこで生まれた子が葛飾北斎であるという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As his poems were highly evaluated particularly in the early Showa period, his poem "How reverend Mother is because she gave birth to me to have me serve to the Emperor" was selected as 80th poem of Aikoku Hyakunin Isshu (One Hundred Patriotic Poems by One Hundred Poets). 例文帳に追加

特に昭和初期にその評価は高まり、昭和17年11月には愛国百人一首の80番として、東雄の「天皇に仕へまつれと我を生みし我がたらちねぞ尊かりける」が採用されている(現代語訳「天皇にお仕えせよと私を生んでくださった私の母親は、なんと尊い人であろうか」)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Nagasaki clan supported Kunitoki HOJO who was born the eldest son to a Takatoki's concubine and sister of Muneshige GODAIIN, miuchibito (private vassals of the tokuso), in the previous December, while Okatadono and the Adachi family were not happy with his birth as represented by not showing up at the birthplace or not visiting Takatoki when he was born. 例文帳に追加

長崎氏は前年12月に高時の妾で御内人五大院宗繁の妹が産んだ長子北条邦時を押したが、大方殿と安達一門は邦時誕生の際に御産所にも高時の前にも現れず、あきらかに態度で不快を示したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to Hashimoto, Kiyomori seized the chance by making Moriko (who was the widow of the former Regent) the foster mother of the prince that Shigeko gave birth to, and therefore Kiyomori became the 'father of the foster mother of the Crown Prince' and used this as a reason to promote him to Nai-daijin and Daijyo-daijin (Hashimoto 200622-24). 例文帳に追加

橋本によれば、清盛はこの状況を奇貨として滋子の生んだ皇子の養母を「先の摂政の未亡人」である盛子に引き受けさせ、「東宮の養母の父親」である清盛が内大臣や太政大臣に出世する口実としたとされる(橋本200622-24)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the version of the legend handed down in Ibaraki City itself, Ibaraki Doji was born in Mizuo village (today's Ibaraki City) after a sixteen-month pregnancy and a very difficult delivery; by birth, he had already acquired his teeth, and began to walk almost immediately thereafter, and looking on his mother's face, he smiled and gazed with such a piercing stare that his mother died of shock. 例文帳に追加

茨木市の伝承では、茨木童子は水尾村(現・茨木市)の生まれだが、16ヶ月の難産の末に生まれたときにはすでに歯が生え揃い、生まれてすぐに歩き出して、母の顔を見て鋭い目つきで笑ったため母はショックで亡くなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The estate of Sekkan-ke managed by Moriko was thought to be handed over to FUJIWARA no Motomichi (the son of Motozane) or Emperor Takakura whose junbo (a woman who was given the status equivalent to the emperor's birth mother) was Moriko, but the cloistered emperor assigned Shirakawa-dono Kuraazukari (the finance of the palace of Emperor Shirawaka) to FUJIWARA no Kanemori, who was his trusted vassal, and confiscated all of the estate in reality. 例文帳に追加

盛子の管理していた摂関家領は藤原基通(基実の子)もしくは、盛子が准母となっていた高倉天皇が相続すると思われていたが、法皇は白河殿倉預(くらあずかり)に近臣・藤原兼盛を任じて、事実上その所領の全てを没収してしまった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although it lacks an article on the Hogen War and Heiji War, the articles on the birth of Emperor Antoku in 1178, his enthronement in 1180, and the enthronement and Daijoe (banquet on the occasion of the first ceremonial offering of rice by the newly-enthroned emperor) of Emperor Gotoba in 1184 are precise, which shows that Tadachika was familiar with chogi (ceremony at the Imperial Court) and the political situation. 例文帳に追加

保元の乱・平治の乱の記事は欠けているが、治承2年(1178年)の安徳天皇誕生、同4年(1180年)の即位、元暦元年(1184年)の後鳥羽天皇の即位と大嘗会の記事は緻密で、忠親が朝儀や政界の情勢に通じていたことが分かる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, as the aristocratic society was restructured during the cloistered government, promotion path to official positions and the final achievable position/rank became determined more by birth, and the aristocratic clans from the ancient times differentiated into each mon and transformed into the "Ie (family, house)" of the middle ages. 例文帳に追加

更に院政期において公家社会が再編される中で官職昇進次第や極位極官が出自によって決定される傾向が強まっていくと、古代からの貴族諸氏は一門に分化して中世的な「家」へと変質していく。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This is because the government needed a person of noble birth with authority as their symbol to oppose the charismatic leader SAIGO and also had to avoid causing a power struggle between the Army and the Navy by appointing Lieutenant General and Vice Admiral to the seconds-in-command instead of appointing one of them to the supreme commander. 例文帳に追加

これは、カリスマ的指導者である西郷に対抗して権威のある貴種を旗印として用いるためと、どちらか一方を総司令官にせずに、同じ中将の2人を副官に据えることで、陸軍と海軍の勢力争いを回避するためであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Amidst the low birth rate, the increasingly aging society, and the economys low growth rate, the financial sector is expected to provide more solid support to the real economy and enterprises, by providing suitable investment opportunities to the household sector, and diverse fundraising methods to enterprises. 例文帳に追加

少子高齢化が進展し、経済の低成長が続く中、家計部門に適切な投資機会を提供し、企業等に多様な資金調達手段を提供することを通じて、金融がこれまで以上に実体経済をしっかりと支えることが求められている。 - 金融庁

A high-voltage generator 14d uses the AC voltage obtained with the DC/AC inverter 14c to generate AC power for giving birth to X-ray irradiation by an X-ray tube 11a provided at the X-ray computer tomograph.例文帳に追加

高電圧発生器14dは、DC/ACインバータ14cにより得られた交流電圧を利用して、X線コンピュータ断層撮像装置に備えられたX線管11aによるX線照射を生じさせるための交流電力を発生する。 - 特許庁

Preferably, by administering the coenzyme Q to mother pigs in a specific period of pregnancy, especially at one month after mating and/or the late pregnancy for at least one month, it is expected to obtain the improvement of the reproduction of the pigs or increase of the growth/productivity of the baby pigs after their birth.例文帳に追加

好ましくは、妊娠の特定期間、特に、交配後1ヶ月及び/または妊娠後期の母豚に少なくとも1ヶ月間補酵素Qを投与することで、豚の分娩成績の改善または、出生以降の子豚の成長・生産性の向上が期待できる。 - 特許庁

In an acoustic device typified by a navigation device 1, a control unit 10 controls a driver's license reading unit 15 to acquire the date of birth of a holder of a driver's license 2 from the driver's license 2 and accurately determines his or her age.例文帳に追加

本発明では、ナビゲーション装置1などに代表される音響装置において、制御部10が運転免許証読み取り部15を制御して運転免許証2からその保有者の生年月日を取得し、正確に年齢を判別する。 - 特許庁

The server provides the students with the personal data (names, date of birth, age, sex, face photographs, music histories, hobbies, self- publicity, etc.), inputted when the lecturers of the music classroom make registration and instructs the students to select the lecturers from whom the students are desirable of receiving lessons by referencing such personal data.例文帳に追加

生徒には、音楽教室の講師が登録するときに入力した個人データ(氏名、生年月日、年齢、性別、顔写真、音楽歴、趣味、自己PR、など)を提供して、その個人データを参考にレッスンを希望する講師を選択させる。 - 特許庁

A lucky direction retrieval determination part 13 fetches user information composed of an address and a birth date, automatically obtains a highly lucky direction and a lucky direction of the user by Kigaku, and outputs data located in the luck direction from data relevant to preliminarily registered places such as stores and facilities.例文帳に追加

吉方位検索判定部13は、住所、生年月日から成る利用者情報を取り込み、気学による利用者の大吉方、吉方を自動的に得て、あらかじめ登録済みの店舗、施設等、場所に関連するデータから、吉方にあるデータを出力する。 - 特許庁

The identity confirmation adhesive seal 3 provided with the writing part of a shape stored in the caseback 1 of the optional wrist watch 5 is bonded to the reverse face 1 to write the name, the contact address, the birth date, a blood type and the like, and is covered by the convex transparent protection seal 4 thereon.例文帳に追加

任意の腕時計(5)の裏蓋(1)に収まる形状の氏名、連絡先、生年月日、血液型等を記入できる書き込み部を設けた身元確認粘着シール(3)を裏面(1)に貼り付け、このうえに凸面形状の透明保護シール(4)で被うことを特徴とする。 - 特許庁

Scoring of an uterus opening expansion degree, an effacement degree, a baby head lowering degree, stiffness of lips, and the position of the uterus opening by enanthema is trained, based upon the position of the baby head dummy 20 inserted into the birth canal dummy 10 and a touch on the artificial membrane 30.例文帳に追加

前記産道模擬体10の内部に挿入された児頭模擬体20の位置と擬似膜30の感触とで、内診による子宮口開大度、展退度、児頭下降度、口唇の硬度、子宮口の位置について採点実習するように構成する。 - 特許庁

On the other hand, while the birth rate drop, aging, and depopulation are further advancing, the fields having been covered so far by self-support and mutual support such as shopping support and watching are discussed as a social challenge, where governmental participations are required as one of public services. 例文帳に追加

一方、少子高齢化・人口減少がますます進展する中、買い物支援や見守りといった今までは自助や共助によって担われてきた分野が社会的な課題として大きく取り上げられ、公共サービスとして行政の関与が求められるようになっている。 - 経済産業省

In an electronic transaction, if a minor intentionally enters a false date of birth at a company's age confirmation screen, and if, as a consequence, a company supposes that he is of age, the minor may be deprived of the right to rescind his expression of intention by Article 20 of the Civil Code. 例文帳に追加

事業者が電子商取引の際に画面上で年齢確認のための措置をとっているときに、未成年者が故意に虚偽の年齢を通知し、その結果、事業者が相手方を成年者と誤って判断した場合、民法第21条により、当該未成年者は取消権を失う可能性がある。 - 経済産業省

(5) Where an application for registration under paragraph 3 has been filed, the competent minister shall immediately register the name, the date of birth and other matters specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry in the registry except in a case that falls under paragraph 1 of the following Article. 例文帳に追加

5 主務大臣は、第三項の規定による登録の申請があつた場合においては、次条第一項の規定に該当する場合を除くほか、直ちに氏名、生年月日その他主務省令で定める事項を登録原簿に登録しなければならない。 - 経済産業省

Furthermore, a breakdown by size of enterprises reveals the proportions of persons remaining in work after giving birth to be 39.4% at enterprises with 1~9 workers, 27.5% at enterprises with 10~29, 24.7% at enterprises with 30~99, 24.6% at enterprises with 100~299, 20.0% at enterprises with 300~999, and 13.7% at enterprises with 1,000 or more. The proportion of workers remaining in employment is thus higher at smaller enterprises (Fig. 3-2-30).例文帳に追加

さらに、出産後も仕事を継続した者の割合を企業規模別に見ると、1~9人で39.4%、10~29人で27.5%、30~99人で24.7%、100~299人で24.6%、300~999人で20.0%、1,000人以上で13.7%となっており、規模が小さい企業ほど継続して働く割合が高くなっている(第3-2-30図)。 - 経済産業省

It is expected that the domestic market for services, especially personal services, will suffer the impact of a substantial medium-to-long-term decrease in population caused by a declining birth rate and increased population aging. Under such circumstances, overseas business will continue to grow in importance for Japanese service sectors例文帳に追加

国内サービス市場、とりわけ対個人サービス業は、中長期的に少子高齢化に伴う人口減少等の影響を大きく受けることが予想される中で、我が国のサービス産業にとって海外事業の重要性は今後一層増大するものと思われる。 - 経済産業省

Minor children covered by (a)(i) of Article 3 shall moreover also be entitled to such measures if they are domiciled in the territory of Switzerland and if they have either been born disabled there or have resided there without interruption since birth例文帳に追加

同条の規定に該当する未成年の子については、スイスの領域(a)(i)内に住所を有する場合において、スイスの領域内で障害を有する子として生まれ、又は出生から中断することなくスイスの領域内に居住していたときにも、当該措置を受ける権利を有する 。 - 厚生労働省

There is also a conjecture that he has same mother as Nobuhide ODA (Obora) by association between their childhood names, but this is not likely because of following reasons: currently the leading hypothesis is that Nobuhide's birth mother is the Inaba clan, and also it is said that Nobuhide's birth mother became a concubine of Hideyoshi; If this theory is correct, there is no way to explain why Nobutaka was only allowed to call himself with the last name of Hashiba and his official court rank was Jugoige (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) Saemon no suke (assistant captain of the Left Division of Outer Palace Guards) and his territory was limited to 2000 koku compared to Nobuhide who promoted to daimyo with around 20000 to 50000 koku of chamberlains in addition to be allowed to call himself with the last name of Hashiba as a family member of Hideyoshi. 例文帳に追加

このほか、幼名との繋がりから織田信秀(大洞)と同腹との推測もあるが、信秀の生母は稲葉氏との推測が現在有力であり、また信秀生母は秀吉の側室となったと言われ、この説が正しいとすると信秀は秀吉の一族として羽柴姓を許されたほか侍従、2~5万石級の大名に昇進しているのに対して信高は羽柴姓を許されているのみで官位は従五位下佐衛門佐、所領も2000石どまりであることの説明がつかないことから、同腹である可能性は低いと思われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Chiten no Kimi, holding Hokumen no Bushi (the Imperial Palace Guards) as his own military power, formed the relationships between lord and vassals with samurai such as the Taira and Minamoto clans and placed them in important positions, but as a result, it opened the way to solving political disputes by military power, and led to the birth of the Taira clan government and the establishment of the Kamakura Bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) by the Minamoto clan. 例文帳に追加

治天の君は、自己の軍事力として北面武士を保持し、平氏や源氏などの武士とも主従関係を結んで重用したが、このことは結果的に、武力による政治紛争の解決への道を開くことになり、平氏政権の誕生や源氏による鎌倉幕府の登場につながった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are some theories that: Otondo was in fact the first son of Imperial Prince Abo, but as the Imperial Prince was demoted to Dazai-fu (local government office in the Kyushu region) by being implicated in the Kusuko Incident, he was adopted by OE no Mototaka; and Otondo's mother who (from the Nakatomi family) was originally a waiting woman for Imperial Prince Abo, and after she got pregnant by Imperial Prince Abo, she became the wife of Mototaka and gave birth to Otondo, therefore Otondo may be the brother of ARIWARA no Yukihira or ARIWARA no Narihira. 例文帳に追加

なお一説によると、音人は実際は阿保親王の長子であるが、親王が薬子の変の連座で大宰府に左遷されたため、大枝本主の養子になった、あるいは、母中臣氏はもともと阿保親王の侍女で、阿保親王の子を身籠もった後に、本主の妻となり音人を産んだといわれ、在原行平や在原業平らと兄弟だともされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Article 24 (1) A person who has the qualification to become a registered foreign lawyer shall be required to obtain registration of his/her name, date of birth, nationality, name of the state of primary qualification, address in Japan, office, name of the bar association to which he/she belongs and other matters stipulated by the Articles of Association of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, in the Roll of Registered Foreign Lawyers kept by the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, in order to be a registered foreign lawyer. 例文帳に追加

第二十四条 外国法事務弁護士となる資格を有する者が、外国法事務弁護士となるには、日本弁護士連合会に備える外国法事務弁護士名簿に、氏名、生年月日、国籍、原資格国の国名、国内の住所、事務所、所属弁護士会その他の日本弁護士連合会の会則で定める事項の登録を受けなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

In January 997, Teishi gave birth to Imperial Princess Shushi (or Nagako), the first Princess of Emperor Ichijo, and the Emperor yearned to have Teishi back in the Imperial Court as the Empress; on the other hand, Higashi Sanjo Nyoin (or Higashi Sanjoin) was hardly recovered yet from her illness; at last on May 18, 997, the Imperial Court decided to pardon the brothers Dazai gon no sochi Korechika and Izumo gon no kami Takaie under the general amnesty on Nyoin gono (illness of Nyoin) to send them back by Daijokanpu (official documents issued by Daijokan, Grand Council of State). 例文帳に追加

同年12月には定子の腹から一条天皇第一皇女脩子内親王が出生し、帝が定子入内を強く望む一方、東三条女院の病気も一向に快方に向かわず、朝廷は遂に長徳3年(997年)4月5日、女院御悩による大赦に託けて大宰権帥伊周・出雲権守隆家兄弟の罪科を赦し、太政官符を以って召還することに決めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The birth of this sakura-namiki (row of cherry trees) was begun five years before the planting by Kaizu-mura by Seishichi MUNETO (37 years old at that time; living in Momose-mura [present Makino-cho, Takashima City]) who was working for Takashima regional office of Shiga Prefecture at that time as a worker for repairing roads and planted young trees, which he bought at his cost, during intervals of his work. 例文帳に追加

この桜並木の誕生は、海津村による植樹に先立つこと5年前、当時滋賀県高島地方事務所に道路補修をする修路作業員として勤めていた宗戸清七(当時37歳・百瀬村(現高島市マキノ町)在住)が作業の合間に自費で購入した若木を植えたことに端を発する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When an applicant inputs an educational background field in the electronic personal history in this case, annual information in the educational background field is automatically calculated by utilizing a date of birth inputted by the applicant, annual information regulated in each school and educational background pattern information, and annual information obtained as a calculation result is displayed in the personal history form.例文帳に追加

ここで、応募者が電子履歴書中の学歴欄を入力する際には、応募者が入力した生年月日と、学校毎に規定された年次情報と、学歴パターン情報とを利用して、学歴欄の年次情報が自動計算され、計算結果として得られた年次情報が履歴書フォーム中に表示される。 - 特許庁

This notebook of the pet describing pet's name, birth date, month and year, sex, vaccination for rabies and other information of the pet and the information of an owner is obtained by using a special paper having a hair pattern form and obtained by putting in or mixing the hair of the pet during the processes of papermaking of Japanese paper or western paper, in addition to plant's fiber.例文帳に追加

和紙又は洋紙の製紙工程中で植物繊維に加えてペットの毛を投入又は混入して毛模様形体を有する特殊紙とし、この特殊紙を用いてペットの名前、生年月日、性別、狂犬病の予防接種、その他ペットに関する情報と飼主の情報を記載したペットの手帳とした。 - 特許庁

The “information about an individualis not limited to such information which can identify the specific individual as name, sex and date of birth etc. but all information which represents facts, judgments, and assessments about personal attribute such as body, assets, kind of occupation and title, and includes assessment information, publicized information by officially printed publications, visual information, and sound information regardless of concealment of information by encryption, etc. 例文帳に追加

「個人に関する情報」は、氏名、性別、生年月日等個人を識別する情報に限られず、個人の身体、財産、職種、肩書等の属性に関して、事実、判断、評価を表すすべての情報であり、評価情報、公刊物等によって公にされている情報や、映像、音声による情報も含まれ、暗号化等によって秘匿化されているかどうかを問わない - 経済産業省

Article 2 (1) The term "personal information" as used in this Act shall mean information about a living individual which can identify the specific individual by name, date of birth or other description contained in such information (including such information as will allow easy reference to other information and will thereby enable the identification of the specific individual). 例文帳に追加

第二条 この法律において「個人情報」とは、生存する個人に関する情報であって、当該情報に含まれる氏名、生年月日その他の記述等により特定の個人を識別することができるもの(他の情報と容易に照合することができ、それにより特定の個人を識別することができることとなるものを含む。)をいう。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) The term "Personal Information" as used in this Act shall mean information about a living individual, which can identify the specific individual by name, date of birth or other description contained in such information (including information that can be compared with other information and thereby identify the specific individual). 例文帳に追加

2 この法律において「個人情報」とは、生存する個人に関する情報であって、当該情報に含まれる氏名、生年月日その他の記述等により特定の個人を識別することができるもの(他の情報と照合することができ、それにより特定の個人を識別することができることとなるものを含む。)をいう。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 34-10-8 A person who intends to be a specified partner shall have his/her name, date of birth, the audit corporation to which he/she belongs and any other matters specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance registered on the roster of specified partners (such roster shall be hereinafter referred to as the "specified partners' roster" in this Section) (such registration shall be hereinafter simply referred to as "registration" in this Section (excluding Article 34-10-10(vii) and (viii))). 例文帳に追加

第三十四条の十の八 特定社員となろうとする者は、特定社員の名簿(以下この節において「特定社員名簿」という。)に、氏名、生年月日、所属する監査法人その他の内閣府令で定める事項の登録(以下この節(第三十四条の十の十第七号及び第八号を除く。)において単に「登録」という。)を受けなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 3 (1) In cases where a child acknowledged by the father or mother is under twenty years of age (excluding a child who was once a Japanese citizen) and the acknowledging father or mother was a Japanese citizen at the time of the birth of the child, Japanese nationality may be acquired through notification to the Minister of Justice if that father or mother is currently a Japanese citizen or was so at the time of death. 例文帳に追加

第三条 父又は母が認知した子で二十歳未満のもの(日本国民であつた者を除く。)は、認知をした父又は母が子の出生の時に日本国民であつた場合において、その父又は母が現に日本国民であるとき、又はその死亡の時に日本国民であつたときは、法務大臣に届け出ることによつて、日本の国籍を取得することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 9 (1) A person who intends to obtain approval under the provisions of Article 7 (hereinafter referred to as the "approval") shall submit, to the Minister of Justice, a written application for approval which contains his/her name, date of birth, nationality, address, date of acquisition of qualification to become a foreign lawyer, name of the foreign state in which he/she acquired such qualification (in the next Article referred to as the "state of acquisition of qualification"), his/her title as such foreign lawyer and such other matters as are stipulated by Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice. 例文帳に追加

第九条 第七条の規定による承認(以下「承認」という。)を受けようとする者は、氏名、生年月日、国籍、住所、外国弁護士となる資格を取得した年月日、その資格を取得した外国(次条において「資格取得国」という。)の国名、当該外国弁護士の名称その他の法務省令で定める事項を記載した承認申請書を法務大臣に提出しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Based on 'Juko Isshi Mokuroku' (Juko's diary about the method of judgment) in "Yamanoue Soji ki" (The Record of Soji YAMANOUE) (Nigatsu-bon), it had also been believed that Juko served Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA, 8th shogun of the Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), as an instructor of the tea ceremony, but the results of current research on the history of the tea ceremony basically disputes this fact because the descriptions concerning Noami that are included in the same book are not correct in light of the year of his birth and death. 例文帳に追加

さらに『山上宗二記』(二月本)中の「珠光一紙目録」により、室町幕府8代将軍足利義政に茶道指南として仕えたともされたが、これは同書中の能阿弥に関する記述がその生没年と合わないことから、現在の茶道史研究では基本的に否定されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As this term indicated, Shinran explained that, unlike the creed of pure land teachings until then, he made faith, conferred upon the individual by Amida Buddha, the sole precondition for attainment of birth in the Pure Land and for guarantee to become a Buddha at this moment and in this world (Ichinenhokki jushojoju, Heizei-gogyo, and Sokutokuojo jufutaiten: all these verses expound Shinran's concept of "Genseishojoju"). 例文帳に追加

この言葉で表現されるように、親鸞は、それまでの浄土教義とは異なり、信心は阿弥陀仏から人間に与えられるものであり、その信心を受容することで、浄土に往生でき、現在・現時点で仏となることが決定している(一念発起住正定聚、平生業成、即得往生住不退転)とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The story takes place in the mid-Heian period, when matriarchy was dominant, and describes Hikaru Genji, who, demoted in rank and given the family name of Genji despite his birth as a son of the Emperor, has many love affairs and achieves great glory (Part 1), and ultimately experiences the impermanence of worldly things caused by the collapse of his love life (Part 2). 例文帳に追加

物語は、母系制が色濃い平安朝中期を舞台にして、天皇の皇子として生まれながら臣籍降下して源氏姓となった光源氏が数多の恋愛遍歴をくりひろげながら人臣最高の栄誉を極め(第1部)、晩年にさしかかって愛情生活の破綻による無常を覚えるさままでを描く(第2部)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Apart from the political confrontation, one of the reasons noteworthy for the 'exclusion of Prince Nagaya' was that the three princes, including Kashiwade no Okimi, who were given birth by Imperial Princess Kibi, an aunt of the emperor, (and of course the sons of Prince Nagaya) would have been the most promising successors to the Imperial Throne if something happened to the emperor and Prince Asaka. 例文帳に追加

政治的な対立もさることながら、天皇と安積親王に何かがあった場合には天皇の叔母・吉備内親王の生んだ男子(当然、長屋王の息子でもある)である膳夫王ら三王が男系皇族での皇位継承の最有力者となる筈であったことも「長屋王排除」の理由として注目すべき点である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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