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2 days and 1 night 例文帳に追加

1泊2日 - Weblio Email例文集

Increased Wages for Overtime Work, Work on Days Off and Night Work 例文帳に追加

時間外、休日及び深夜の割増賃金 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

As usual, the camping class will be held for two days and one night. 例文帳に追加

例年通り、林間教室を一泊二日で実施します - 京大-NICT 日英中基本文データ

Although it is often said that this is one of two days a year when "the lengths of day and night will be equal," actually, the day is longer than the night. 例文帳に追加

しばしば、「昼と夜の長さが同じになる」といわれるが、実際は昼の方が長い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


I went to Ito last Friday and stayed for two days and one night. 例文帳に追加

私は先週の金曜日から1泊2日で伊東に行ってきました。 - Weblio Email例文集


We used a night bus and stayed there for four days and three nights. 例文帳に追加

私たちは夜行バスを使い、三泊四日でそこに行きました。 - Weblio Email例文集

The selection of applicants is done in the beginning of March over two days and one night. 例文帳に追加

入寮選考は3月上旬に1泊2日で行われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

I had been without sleep for a night and two days, and I was feverish and irritable. 例文帳に追加

わたしは二日と一晩にわたり寝ておらず、熱っぽくて怒りっぽくなっていました。 - H. G. Wells『タイムマシン』

He connected the bell between two boats in the sea and floated it, then kept praying for 17 days night and day. 例文帳に追加

二隻の船の間に鐘を繋いで海上に浮かべ、17日間昼夜を分かたず祈願した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He is spending a few days in New York with his wife and two daughters, and he leaves for the South to-night." 例文帳に追加

ここ何日かを妻と娘2人と一緒に過ごし、今夜南部にもどろうとしているんだ」 - O Henry『シャムロック・ジョーンズの冒険』


Strangely, the moon disappeared behind a cloud on my way home. I wonder if I stayed too long out of fondness for the good old days and it was far into the night, or our past stories made me cry. (with Kotobagaki) 例文帳に追加

あやしくぞかへさは月のくもりにし昔がたりによやふけにけむ(詞書付き) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, actually the day when the variance between day and night is substantially smaller occurs approximately 4 days after the vernal equinox. 例文帳に追加

そして、実際に昼夜の長さの差が最も小さくなる日は春分の4日程度前になる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, actually the day when the variance between day and night is substantially smaller occurs approximately 4 days after the autumnal equinox. 例文帳に追加

そして、実際に昼夜の長さの差が最も小さくなる日は秋分の4日程度後になる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(Only open to the public on specific days in spring and autumn. Also opened when illuminated at night.) 例文帳に追加

(春・秋の特別拝観日のみ一般公開。また、夜間にはライトアップされて公開される時もある) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the night of March 13, 1109, an incident occurred in which Yoshitada was attacked, and he died five days later. 例文帳に追加

天仁2年(1109年)2月3日夜、義忠が斬りつけられ、5日後に死亡する事件が発生した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

That night, after they reached the hut, snow fell, and fell for very many days after that; 例文帳に追加

その夜二人が小屋に着いたあと、雪が降りはじめ、何日も降りつづきました。 - Ouida『フランダースの犬』

It happened in these days, that he went out to the mountain to pray, and he continued all night in prayer to God. 例文帳に追加

そのころ,彼は祈るために山に出て行き,夜通し神に祈り続けていた。 - 電網聖書『ルカによる福音書 6:12』

Koshin towers and Koshin halls were built in various locations throughout the nation, and organizations and customs such as Koshin-ko (organizations celebrating Koshin) and the Koshin-machi ritual (being awake throughout the night on Koshin days) are firmly established. 例文帳に追加

各地に庚申塔や庚申堂が造られ、庚申講や庚申待ちという組織や風習が定着している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This custom, however, has been simplified at present, and a Buddhist memorial service 49 days after a person's death is commonly the first service held after Tsuya (all-night vigil over a body), the final service and a memorial service on the sixth day after person's death. 例文帳に追加

現在では簡略化され通夜・告別式・初七日の後は四十九日まで法要はしない事が通例化している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

These days, Buddhist memorial services have been simplified, and after Tsuya, (all-night vigil over a body), funeral service, and Shonanoka, no services are held until Shijukunichi (the 48th day after the date of one's death) in general. 例文帳に追加

現在では簡略化され、通夜・告別式・初七日の後は四十九日まで法要はしないの通例である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After staying one night, lotus flowers are in full bloom filling up the floor, and in seven days, they reach enlightenment, visit the land of each Amida or Bosatsu, and then after a long time, they gain mushobonin. 例文帳に追加

その後に一宿を経て蓮華が開敷し、7日後に無上道を退かず、諸仏の国土へ赴き、1小劫を経て無生法忍を得るという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In those days she was absorbed in reading tales, and it is said that when she was given more than fifty chapters of "The Tale of Genji," she was lost in reading them day and night. 例文帳に追加

当時、物語への熱がさめず、伯母から『源氏物語』50余帖をもらった時は、昼夜を問わず読み耽ったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"The Thirteenth Night" - The military camp is covered with frost on clear fall days; Geese are flying in rows in the evening; Now we've brought the mountains in Echigo and Ecchu together with Noto, and the view is wonderful; However, people in our hometown must be worrying about this expedition now. 例文帳に追加

『十三夜』-霜滿軍營秋氣淸 数行過雁月三更 越山併得能州景 遮莫家郷憶遠征 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In order for tofu that is frozen during the night not to thaw during the day, it's placed in a separate ice room and allowed to mature for a few days, and after thawing it is dried. 例文帳に追加

夜間に凍結した豆腐が日中に溶けてしまわないように、専用の氷室に入れて数日間熟成させ、その後に解凍し乾燥させる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Japan, to meet the convenience of attendees accustomed to the style of Buddhist funerals, quite a number of rituals are held for two days, on the night before and on the day. 例文帳に追加

日本においては仏教の葬儀様式に慣れた参列者の便宜を図り、前夜と当日との2日にわたって典礼を行うことが少なくない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The trains run all night long from New Year's Eve to New Year, and run frequently during the first 3 days of the new year. 例文帳に追加

大晦日から新年にかけては、終夜運転が行われ、正月三が日には頻発運転が行われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A daytime-night forming device 20 in which a daytime area 34 for lighting fluorescent lamps 64 in days and nights and a night area 36 not having a fluorescent lamp 64 are formed in a building, and culture trays 14 in which seed mosses are planted are alternately moved to the daytime area 34 and the night area 36 to form a daytime-night condition required for the culture of the seed mosses.例文帳に追加

建屋12内に蛍光灯64を昼夜点灯する昼間区34と蛍光灯64を設置しない夜間区36とを形成した昼夜形成装置20を設け、種ゴケを植えつけた栽培トレー14を昼間区34と夜間区36との間で交互に移動させることにより種ゴケの栽培に必要な昼夜の条件を形成するようにした。 - 特許庁

A clock runs at the constant speeds, so there were a method of replacing a clock face every 15 days (wari-koma dial) and a method of exchanging two kinds of tenpu (weights), one for day and the other for night (nicho-tenpu), automatically at the border between day and night (ake-mutsu [dawn], kure-mutsu [dusk]). 例文帳に追加

時計の進む速度は基本として一定なので、15日ごとに時計の文字盤をはめ変える方式(割駒式文字盤)のものと、昼用と夜用の2種類の天符(おもり)を使用し、昼と夜の境(明六つ、暮六つ)ごとにそれぞれが自動的に切り替わる方式のもの(二丁天符)が存在した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the classical encyclopedia "Shukaisho," 'Hyakki-yako days,' the days when a hyakki yako appears, were on the New Year, the day of the Rat in February, the day of the Horse in March and April, the day of the Snake in May and June, the day of the Dog in July and August, the day of the Ram in September and October, and the day of the Dragon in November and December (old calendar), so people used to avoid going out at night on those days because it was said that they would die if they came across a hyakki yako. 例文帳に追加

古典の百科全書『拾芥抄』によれば、正月、2月子日、3月・4月午日、5月・6月巳日、7月・8月戌日、9月・10月未日、11月・12月辰日は百鬼夜行が出現する「百鬼夜行日」であり、百鬼夜行に出遭うと死んでしまうといわれたため、これらの日には夜の外出を控えたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After arriving in the Pure Land, flowers are in full bloom in one day and one night, and after 37 days later, they can open their eyes and listen, visit the land of each Amida or Bosatsu and then, after a long time, they can go to gokuraku jodo with the rank of juji (41 to 50 grades of 50 ranks). 例文帳に追加

また往生した後に1日1夜で華が開き、37日後に耳目が明らかになり、諸仏の国土へ赴き、3小劫の後に十地に往生するという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On November 26, 2 B.C., he was buried in Musanotsukisaka, and advisers who were close to him were buried alive around his grave (junshi; suicide or killing to follow the master to the grave), but those that followed him to the grave did not die for many days and groaned night and day; when they died, dogs and birds picked on their rotten flesh. 例文帳に追加

翌月2日、身狭桃花鳥坂(むさのつきさか)に葬られ、墓のまわりに生前の側近を生き埋めにしたが(殉死)、殉死者は数日間も死なずに昼夜呻き続け、死後は犬や鳥が腐肉を漁ったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yugiri, who virtually forces Ochiba no Miya to marry him, visits both Kumoi no Kari and Ochiba no Miya equally at night for fifteen days a month each, and he moves Ochiba no Miya to the Summer-Residence of Rokujo-in Palace, and moreover adopts Roku no Kimi, a daughter of To no Naishinosuke. ('Nioumiya') 例文帳に追加

なかば強引に落葉の宮と結婚した後は、毎月夜毎十五日ずつ均等に雲居の雁と落葉の宮に通い、また落葉の宮を六条院の夏の町に移して藤典侍腹の六の君を養女とした(「匂宮」)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When his favorite concubine caused a problem, his main retainer Yojiemon HIKOSAKA made a move to remonstrate against Tadamasa and remained seated day and night without going to sleep for two days, saying that he would not leave the place, unless Tadamasa banished his concubine; as a result, Tadamasa finally relented and banished her. 例文帳に追加

寵愛の妾より事起こり、老臣の彦坂与次右衛門の諫言により、妾を追放せんことにはこの場を退出しないと2日間、昼夜座り続けたまま眠らず、忠昌は大いに感悟してついに妾を追放した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

I am thy father’s spirit; doom’d for a certain term to walk the night, and, for the day, confin’d to waste in fires till the foul crimes done in my days of nature are burnt and purg’d away.例文帳に追加

我こそは汝が父の亡靈なれ。只眞夜中の若千時のみ、閻浮にさまよふ許あれども、娑婆にて犯しゝ罪業の燒き淨めらるゝそれまでは、焦熱地獄の餓鬼の苦しみ。 - Tatoeba例文

A splendid concert of onnagaku (women's music) is held at Rokujo-in Palace during the New Year's days, and Onna Sannomiya, Murasaki no ue, young lady Akashi, and Akashi no onkata all give a wonderful performance, but Murasaki no ue, in her unlucky age of thirty-seven, suddenly collapses during the night. 例文帳に追加

年が明け正月に六条院で華やかな女楽が催され、女三宮、紫の上、明石の女御、明石の御方が揃って見事な演奏を披露したが、その晩に37歳の厄年だった紫の上が突然倒れる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Lady Aoi gave birth to Yugiri after a difficult delivery approximately in the middle of the eighth month (old calendar), but a few days later, on the night of the autumn conference on promotions and appointments, her condition took a sudden turn for the worse and she passed away. 例文帳に追加

8月(旧暦)の中ごろに葵の上は難産のすえ男子(夕霧(源氏物語))を出産するが、数日後の秋の司召の夜に容体が急変し亡くなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This event, having started since 2003, is held only for 10 days, but has been well established as an event where you can enjoy the impression and atmosphere of Kyoto at night, and attracts more than a million people each year. 例文帳に追加

2003年から始まった当イベントは、わずか10日間ほどではあるが、夜の京都の情緒や雰囲気を味わえるイベントとして定着し、毎年100万人以上の人出で賑わっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the first three days of the New Year, the line particularly reinforces its capacity for transporting passengers for New Year's visits to shrines, and from New Year's Day (strictly speaking from the late night of New Year's Eve) to January 3 (January 5, depending on the year), the trains are operated under the special 'time schedule for the Year-End and New Year Holidays,' which is different from the ordinary time schedule. 例文帳に追加

正月三が日の初詣輸送には特に力を入れており、元日(厳密に言えば大晦日の夜間以降)から1月3日(年により1月5日)までは通常ダイヤとは全く異なる「正月ダイヤ」を組む。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that he loved ONO no Komachi, and she told him that if he kept visiting her for one hundred days, she would marry him, but on a snowy day, the ninety-ninth night, he froze to death under the snow. 例文帳に追加

小野小町を愛したといわれ、小町が私の元へ百日間通い続けたら結婚しようと言い、九十九夜通ったが、雪の降る日で、雪に埋まり凍死したとも言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nioumiya, who became impatient when he saw Kaoru was humming an old waka poem with Ukifune in his mind at the night of the court poetry reading, revisited Uji despite it snowing, abducted Ukifune to a hideaway located on the other side of the Yodo-gawa River and spent two days there. 例文帳に追加

宮中の詩宴の夜、浮舟を思って古歌を口ずさむ薫の様子に焦りを覚えた匂宮は、雪を冒して再び宇治に赴き、浮舟を淀川対岸の隠れ家へ連れ出し、そこで二日間を過ごした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

But they began to buy bottled sake which they favored in liquor shops and drink it during dinner or after dinner with meals or sakana (appetizers taken with alcoholic drinks) almost every night until they got drunk to some extent (which was called 'namayoi' [a little drunk] in those days). 例文帳に追加

酒屋から瓶で買ってきた自分の好みの銘柄を、ほとんど毎晩晩酌や独酌として、食事や肴とともにたしなみ、そこそこに酔う(当時の表現で「なま酔い」という)様式へ変わっていったのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Strictly speaking, in the Edo period, the length of day and night was not changed everyday, but changed every 15 days, so the clock device was set to it. 例文帳に追加

なお厳密には、江戸時代においては毎日昼と夜の長さを変えていた訳でなく、15日毎の変更になっていたので、時計の仕掛けもそれに合わせられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This calendar is constituted by forming the medicine housing pockets of a transparent or translucent material so as to make the medicine housed therein visible, forming these pockets as the book type and displaying the days of the week (Sunday to Monday), morning, noon, night, or the like, on the medicine housing pockets.例文帳に追加

収納された薬が見えるように、透明または半透明の材質で、薬収納ポケットを作り、ブック式にして薬収納ポケットの上面に曜日(日〜月)朝・昼・晩・等を表示して構成される。 - 特許庁

Additionally, the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament of the Bible tells a story about the creation of the sun and moon, stating that God created the two great sources of light-the sun and the moon floating in the heavens--four days after the Creation, and then separated light and darkness by having the sun and the moon rule the day and night, respectively. 例文帳に追加

また、旧約聖書の創世記では、天地創造の四日目に、神が空の中に「二つの巨いなる光」、すなわち太陽と月を創り上げて、それぞれに昼と夜を司らせ、光と闇を分けたという日月の創造が語られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a reservation reception system which enables changes of means of lodging and transportation and the like on an application content confirmation page and enables a user to make reservations for lodging for at least one night even when there are two or more days between a going trip departure date and a return trip departure date.例文帳に追加

申込内容の確認ページ上での宿泊・交通手段の変更等を可能にし、また、往路出発日と復路出発日の間に2日以上あった場合でも、少なくとも1泊分の宿泊の予約が可能となる予約受付システムを提供する。 - 特許庁

In 1991, there was a special program on Seijun SUZUKI on "CINEMA Daisuki" (we love movies), a late night TV show on the Yomiuri TV covering the movie-related matters, featuring footages from his films made between his days at Nikkatsu and his directorial come back and a rare interview given by Suzuki in which he candidly discussed various matters including those films. 例文帳に追加

1991年、読売テレビの深夜映画番組(『CINEMAだいすき!』)で鈴木清順特集が組まれ、日活時代から復活後までの作品と、それらの作品などを珍しく積極的に語る監督の貴重なインタビューが放送された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a fire receiver which can give an alarm on next and succeeding days even if the dirt alarming of the fire receiver is detected in the middle of night, eliminates the need to confirm the alarm by an administrator at each time, and makes it possible to confirm the dirt of sensors of the whole system at an arbitrary time.例文帳に追加

火災受信機の汚れ警報の検出が、夜中に起こった場合でも、翌日以降に警報を行うことができ、管理者がわざわざ警報の確認等を行わなくてよく、又任意の時間にシステム全体の感知器の汚れを一括で確認できるような火災受信機を提供する。 - 特許庁

A well known story tells that in 1201, at the beginning of the Kamakura period, 29-year-old Mt. Hiei temple priest Shinran descended Mt. Hiei each night to worship in the hexagonal main hall for 100 days when, on dawn of the 95th day, he received in a dream a 4-verse gatha poem by Prince Shotoku and became devoted to the exclusive nenbutsu (senju nenbutsu) teaching of Pure Land Sect founder Honen. 例文帳に追加

鎌倉時代初期の1201年(建仁元年)、比叡山の堂僧であった29歳の親鸞が、毎夜叡山を下り、この六角堂に百日間参籠し、95日目の暁の夢中に聖徳太子の四句の偈文を得て、浄土宗の祖法然の専修念仏門に帰依した話は有名である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In those days, as his family, the house of the mayor, might have become ruined in the confusion after the collapse of Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), he was fostered by a family that owned a secondhand shop (or in another opinion, a vegetable store) in Yotsuya immediately after birth; however, his sister felt pity for him, who was left sleeping among the goods until late at night, and took him back home. 例文帳に追加

当時は江戸幕府崩壊後の混乱期であり生家は名主として没落しつつあったのか、生後すぐに四谷の古道具屋(一説には八百屋)に里子に出されるが、夜中まで品物の隣に並んで寝ているのを見た姉が不憫に思い実家へ連れ戻した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Last night, you mentioned the possibility of considering the purchase of shares held by financial institutions, and at a press conference several days ago, Keizai Doyukai (Japan Association of Corporate Executives) indicated hopes that a stock purchase organization will be established to buy stocks with fiscal funds. 例文帳に追加

昨晩、金融機関の株式の買取りについて検討するということについて言及なさったと思うんですけれども、しばらく前に経済同友会の方でも、そういう買取機構を設立して財源として株式の買取りというものを求めたいということを記者会見でおっしゃっていましたね。 - 金融庁


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本サービスで使用している「Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス」はWikipediaの日本語文を独立行政法人情報通信研究機構が英訳したものを、Creative Comons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0による利用許諾のもと使用しております。詳細はhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ および http://alaginrc.nict.go.jp/WikiCorpus/ をご覧下さい。
この対訳コーパスは独立行政法人情報通信研究機構の集積したものであり、Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unportedでライセンスされています。
原題:”The Time Machine”

This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.

翻訳: 山形浩生<hiyori13@alum.mit.edu>
&copy; 2003 山形浩生
プロジェクト杉田玄白 正式参加作品。詳細はhttp://www.genpaku.org/を参照のこと。

This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.

Copyright (C) 2003 Kojiro Araki (荒木 光二郎)

This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.

原文:「Sixes and Sevens」所収「The Adventure of Shamrock Jolnes」
プロジェクト杉田玄白正式参加テキスト。最新版はhttp://www005.upp.so-net.ne.jp/kareha/にあります。 Copyright &copy; O Henry 1911, expired. Copyright &copy; Kareha 2001, waived.
電網聖書はパブリック・ドメインに置かれます。電網聖書は,The World English Bible (WEB)を土台とした新しい日本語訳です。この草稿は2002年3月3日版です。
The World English Bible is dedicated to the Public Domain.
こんにちは ゲスト さん





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こんにちは ゲスト さん






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