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went afterの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 1039


After the liquidation of Makino Productions, a company established by Shozo MAKINO in 1925 when he became independent from Toa Kinema, operations of the Omuro Studio it had built when handing over Tojiin Studio to Toa were taken over by Shoei Makino Kinema and then Takarazuka Kinema in 1932, but both of these companies went into liquidation as well. 例文帳に追加

かつて1925年(大正14年)に東亜キネマから独立した牧野省三が設立したマキノ・プロダクションが、等持院撮影所を東亜に譲り渡したさいに建設した御室撮影所を、同社の解散後、1932年(昭和7年)の正映マキノキネマや宝塚キネマが相次いで稼動させたが、いずれも解散した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The master incredulously asked him where he obtained fifty ryo, presenting him another fifty ryo, which was turned in to his place after it had been left in the place where Bunshichi went to collect the money and was so absorbed in Igo (board game of capturing territory), and Bunshichi hurriedly confessed the whole story. 例文帳に追加

それはおかしい、お前が遣いにいった先で囲碁に熱中するあまり、売り上げをそっくりそのまま忘れてきてしまったものを、先方は既に届けてくれて金はここにある、一体どこから、また別の五十両が現れたのかと、主人が問いただすと、文七はことの顛末を、慌てて白状する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They took word of Jihe and Osan for that Jihe went nowhere for these ten days, and miuke was conducted by Jihe's romantic rival, Tahee, and after the aunt took the precaution of letting Jihe write kishomon (sworn oath) on which a crow of Kumano Gongen Deity was printed, they left for home with peace of mind. 例文帳に追加

ここ10日治兵衛は何処にも行っていない、身請けしたのは恋敵の太兵衛だという治兵衛とおさんの言葉を信じ、叔母は治兵衛に念の為、と熊野権現の烏が刷り込まれた起請文を書かせると安心して帰っていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Saionji family of court nobles prospered during the Kamakura period due to Kintsune's close connections to the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) but went into decline after the collapse of the Kamakura bakufu and, in the Muromachi period, the third shogun, Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, constructed Kitayamadai (now Rokuon-ji Temple) on this site, with the temple being relocated to Muromachi in 1352. 例文帳に追加

公家である西園寺家は公経が鎌倉幕府と関係があったことから鎌倉時代には隆盛したが、鎌倉幕府が滅亡するにおよび衰退し、室町時代に入ると3代将軍足利義満がこの地に北山第(現在の鹿苑寺)の造営に伴い1352年(文和元年)室町に移った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The shrine was burned down in the battle of the Onin War but it was rebuilt later and did not changed its place of enshrinement even after the Kazan-in family moved to another place and the surrounding area went through a transition to Kugemachi (court noble village), and it was finally enshrined in the Imperial Gardens due to the transfer of the capital to Tokyo by Emperor Meiji and it was ranked as a fusha (a prefectural shrine) in 1875. 例文帳に追加

応仁の乱の兵災に罹り焼亡したが、その後再建され、周辺一帯の公家町化の過程で、花山院家が転宅した後も鎮座地を変えず、明治天皇の東京遷都によって御苑内鎮座となり、明治8年(1875年)に府社に列した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to tradition about the foundation of Kiyomizu-dera Temple described in some historical materials such as "Konjaku Monogatari" (The Tale of Times Now Past), a monk of Kojima-dera Temple, Enchin, founded Kiyomizu-dera Temple to enshrine Senju Kannon (Thousand armed Avalokitesvara) after he had a nightmare and went to Otowa no taki Falls (it was described as '小島山寺' not 'Kojima-dera Temple' in "Konjaku Monogatari"). 例文帳に追加

『今昔物語』等に取り上げられている清水寺開創伝承によれば、清水寺は子嶋寺の僧・延鎮(賢心)が霊夢を得て音羽の滝にたどりつき、千手観音を祀って開創したものである(『今昔物語』には「小島山寺」と見える)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, although Prince Taruhito was placed in confinement at home, it is said he disguised himself as a monk and went out of the house at night and met with his associates to discuss national affairs, he also used Kiboku FUJII (who later became a member of the Chamber of Elders) as a secret messenger, who became a distinguished new leader after was arrested, to contact with Choshu sides. 例文帳に追加

しかし、この謹慎期間中も熾仁親王は僧侶に変装して夜な夜な邸を抜け出し、同志たちと密会して国事を論じたほか、入獄中の粟津に代わって頭角を現した藤井希璞(後の元老院議官)を密使として、長州側と接触を図っていたと言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was discovered that, in his later years, he once returned to Okawara in 1378, when the selection of the Shinyo Wakashu had almost been completed, but no reliable records remain concerning what he did after he went back to Yoshino in 1381 to pass the Wakashu to Emperor Chokei. 例文帳に追加

晩年については、新葉和歌集の選集がほぼ終わったと思われる1378年(天授4年)に大河原に一度戻った事が判明しているが、1381年(弘和元年/永徳元年)に吉野に戻って新葉和歌集を長慶天皇に奉覧して以後は、確たる記録が残されていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Imperial Prince Yoshimune was born in 1233 after Emperor Juntoku was driven into exile to Sadogashima island, and though the time is uncertain, he went to Kyoto and was raised in his grandmother Shumeimonin's place and given the title of Imperial Prince there, and inherited Shichijoin estate from his grandmother in 1251. 例文帳に追加

善統親王は順徳天皇が佐渡島に流刑になった後の天福元年(1233年)に生まれた皇子で、時期ははっきりしないが上洛して祖母・修明門院のもとで成長し、親王宣下を受け、建長3年(1233年)に祖母から七条院領を相続した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Iwanohimenomikoto became jealous easily, and in 342, when she went to play in Kumano and her husband invited Yata no himemiko (Emperor Nintoku's empress after Iwanohimenomikoto died) into the Court, she became very angry and moved to Tsutsukinomiya in Yamashiro (present day Kytotanabe City, Kyoto Prefecture), and died at this spot. 例文帳に追加

とても嫉妬深く、仁徳天皇30年(342年)、彼女が熊野に遊びに出た隙に夫が八田皇女(磐之媛命崩御後、仁徳天皇の皇后)を宮中に入れたことに激怒し、山城の筒城宮(現在の京都府京田辺市)に移り、同地で没した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


During the conflict between his uncle Yoshitomo and his father Yoshikata in Kanto who sided with MINAMOTO no Tameyoshi, Yoshitaka was defeated by his nephew Yoshihira; with the help of Shigeyoshi HATAKEYAMA and Sanemori SAITO young Yoshinaka evacuated to Shinano Province (Nagano Prefecture) after his father's defeat, grew up under the wing of Kaneto NAKAHARA, the powerful clan in Kisodani, and went by his popular name of "Jiro KISO." 例文帳に追加

関東での源為義派の父義賢と、伯父の義朝の対立の過程で、父の義賢が甥の源義平に討たれた後、幼少の義仲は 畠山重能、斎藤実盛らの援助で信濃国(長野県)に逃れ、木曾谷の豪族、中原兼遠の庇護下に育ち、通称を「木曾次郎」と名乗る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the July after the Yongin Battle, he hastily joined forces with Yoshiaki KATO and Yoshitaka KUKI to take on the naval forces of Yi Sun-sin but Yasuharu WAKISAKA, eager for glory, went out alone and, at the Battle of Hansan Island, was thoroughly defeated by Yi Sun-sin. 例文帳に追加

龍仁戦闘の直後の翌7月には李舜臣による水軍の活動を抑えるために加藤嘉明、九鬼嘉隆と共に急遽連合水軍として編成されるが、功を逸って単独で抜け駆けした脇坂安治は閑山島海戦で李舜臣に大敗した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After that, Yoshitomo abandoned FUJIWARA no Nobuyori and went to Togoku to regain his power with his first son Yoshihira, his second son Asanaga, his third son Yoritomo, the families MINAMOTO no Yoshitaka (later Mutsu Rokuro Yoshitaka), Yoshinobu HIRAGA, and MINAMOTO no Shigenari (later Shigenari SADO), his followers Masakiyo KAMATA, Sanemori SAITO and Konnomaru SHIBUYA. 例文帳に追加

その後、藤原信頼を見捨て、長男義平・次男朝長・三男頼朝・一族の源義隆(陸奥六郎義隆)・平賀義信(平賀義信)・源重成(佐渡重成)、家臣の鎌田政清・斉藤実盛・渋谷金王丸らを伴い、東国で勢力挽回を図るべく東海道を下るが、 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Zenchu-ki" in the military epic, "Genpei Seisuiki" (The Rise and Decline of the Minamoto and Taira clans), has a different story; instead of committing suicide, after his pilgrimage to Kumano, Koremori went to Kyoto to plead with the Cloistered Emperor for his life, and the Cloistered Emperor communicated Koremori's wish to Yoritomo, who wanted Koremori to come to Kanto (the east of Japan) but he died of disease on the way to Kamakura in Yu-shimojuku in Sagami Province. 例文帳に追加

『源平盛衰記』に記された『禅中記』の異説によれば、維盛は入水ではなく、熊野に参詣したのち都に上って法皇に助命を乞い、法皇が頼朝に伝えたところ、頼朝が維盛の関東下向を望んだので、鎌倉へ下向する途中に相模国の湯下宿で病没したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Akiie KITABATAKE, after capturing Kamakura which was guarded by Yoshiakira ASHIKAGA, closed in on Kyoto from Mutsu Province, Hidetsuna went to the border between Omi Province and Mino Province together with KO no Moroyasu, KO no Morofuyu, Yoriharu HOSOKAWA, Ujinobu SASAKI and his father, Doyo SASAKI, and stopped Akiie's march. 例文帳に追加

北畠顕家が陸奥国より足利義詮の守る鎌倉を落し京へと攻め寄せた際には、これを迎え撃つべく、高師泰、高師冬、細川頼春、佐々木氏信、父の佐々木道誉らと共に近江国と美濃国の国境へと赴き、顕家の進軍を阻止する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kasuga no Tsubone (Fuku SAITO), who was Iemitsu's wet nurse, was on friendly terms with Saneeda from their early childhood, because, after her father, Toshimitsu SAITO went with the army in the Honnoji Incident, which was initiated by his master, Mitsuhide AKECHI, and died in the battle of Yamazaki, she was taken in by Kinkuni SANJONISHI, who was a relative on her mother's side, and grew up in the mansion at Sanjonishi. 例文帳に追加

なお家光の乳母・春日局(斎藤福)は、父斎藤利三が主君明智光秀の起こした本能寺の変に従い、山崎の戦いに敗死した後、母方の親戚である三条西公国に引き取られ三条西邸で養育された過去があり、実条とも幼少より親交が深かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshikata was staying at the residence of the Minamoto clan in Horikawa in Heian-kyo (the ancient capital of Japan in current Kyoto) but, in 1153, when MINAMOTO no Yoshitomo, who had gone to the Kanto region after becoming at odds with their father Tameyoshi, assumed a post in Shimotsuke Province and extended his power over the Southern Kanto region Yoshikata, at the father's command, went to the Northern Kanto region to retaliate against Yoshitomo. 例文帳に追加

平安京堀川の源氏館にいたが、仁平3年(1153年)父為義と不仲になり関東に下っていた兄の源義朝が、下野国に就任し南関東に勢力を伸ばすと、義賢は父の命により義朝に対抗すべく北関東へ下った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1957, he re-released his own film 'Muhomatsu no issei' with the scenes that had been cut by the wartime censors restored; the complete version then went on to win the Grand Prix at the Venice International Film Festival, and the story of the brief telegram he sent to Japan just after receiving the reward, 'won, cried,' is quite famous. 例文帳に追加

さらに33年には自作「無法松の一生」を戦時中にカットされた箇所を元に戻して再度映画化し、ベネチア国際映画祭グランプリに輝く、このときに本国に「トリマシタ ナキマシタ」の電報を打ったという話は有名である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After his assumption of office as inhogandai (office work position) in 1168, he played an active part as In no Kinshin (the Retired Emperor's courtier) of Emperor Goshirakawa, successively filled the posts of Emonfu (Headquarters of the Outer Palace Guards), Meryo (the section taking care of imperial horses), Shurishiki (Office of Palace Repairs) and in 1183, became Kura no kami (Chief of Kuraryo, Bureau of Palace Storehouses), but along with the exile of the Taira clan by MINAMOTO no Yoshinaka's entrance into Kyoto in 1183, went down to the Saikai (provinces on the western seacoast). 例文帳に追加

また、仁安(日本)3年(1168年)の院判官代就任以後は後白河天皇の院近臣としても活躍し、衛門府、馬寮、修理職を歴任し、寿永2年(1183年)に内蔵頭に至るが、同年源義仲の上京を受けた一門都落ちに随い、西海へ下向した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In midst of raising an heir and production of upcoming projects, she passed away from a stroke at the age of 62 in Amiens, France, where she went for research after lecturing and demonstrating in 'The Beauty of Modern Japanese Techniques' exhibition at British Museum, London. 例文帳に追加

後継者の育成や更なる作品の製作の道半ば、ロンドンの大英博物館で開催中の作品展「現代日本のわざの美」で実演と講演をした後、調査のため向かったフランスのアミアンで、脳出血のため62歳で死去した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the memoirs of his younger sister, Kimiko KOGANEI, Ogai in his youth made depictions of Shikunshi (four plants with high virtue), sketched their courtyard and often went to the yose (storyteller theater) after coming back from work; she writes that he once took her, but left halfway through before the Rakugo story teller finished his nagauta (long epic song with shamisen accompaniment). 例文帳に追加

なお妹、小金井喜美子の回想によれば、若き日の鴎外は、四君子を描いたり、庭を写生したり、職場から帰宅後しばしば寄席に出かけたり(喜美子と一緒に出かけたとき、ある落語家の長唄を聴いて中座)したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Towazugatari" (The Confessions of Lady Nijo) recounts that Sukemune, Yoritsuna's son, went to Mt. Ashigara as kebiishi to receive Imperial Prince Hisaaki, who was to replace Shogun Imperial Prince Koreyasu who was expelled from Kamakura in 1289, after composing the following poem: 'I shall not follow the footsteps of the one who has been expelled.' 例文帳に追加

『とはずがたり』には、正応2年(1289年)に鎌倉を追放された将軍惟康親王に代わって久明親王を迎える際に、検非違使として迎えに出立した頼綱の子資宗が「流され人ののぼり給ひしあとをば通らじ」と詠んで足柄山に向かったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later Katsumasa was ordered to be the lord of the Harada-jo Castle by Nobunaga to compete with Murashige's force which was on the side of Miyoshi Sanninshu, and he moved from place to place with Yusai HOSOKAWA to fight but after Murashige ARAKI became a retainer of Nobunaga, Katsumasa went into retirement at Ikeda (It is also said that Katsumasa traveled to the Kyushu region). 例文帳に追加

その後、三好三人衆についた村重らの押さえとして信長より原田城城主に任じられ細川幽斎らとともに各地を転戦したが、荒木村重が信長家臣になると池田に戻り隠居した(諸国を旅し、九州へ渡ったとも言われている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since Naosuke II, who had been commanded the shogunate government as Tairo (chief minister) at the cabinet officials of the Shogunate after a Roju (senior councilor) Masahiro ABE died, signed The Treaty of Amity and Commerce between the United States and Japan in 1858, Yoshikatsu went to the Edo-jo Castle untimely with Nariaki TOKUGAWA of the Mito-Tokugawa family to protest against Ii. 例文帳に追加

幕閣において老中阿部正弘の死後に大老となり幕政を指揮していた井伊直弼が、安政5年(1858年)にアメリカ合衆国と日米修好通商条約を調印したため、慶勝は水戸徳川家の徳川斉昭らとともに江戸城へ不時登城するなどして井伊に抗議した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1855, he was posted to Nagasaki, and became a disciple of Moroto SAKATA, the head of Yusoku-kojitsu (knowledge of court rules, ceremony, decorum and records of the past), thus causing him to intensify his Shoko shugi, and after returning to Fukuoka, he went out with his friends in strange attire, wearing eboshi (formal headwear for court nobles) and hitatare (a kind of ancient court dress). 例文帳に追加

安政2年(1855年)に長崎勤務となり、ここで有職故実家坂田諸遠の門人となり、その影響で国臣の尚古主義はさらに激しいものとなり、福岡に戻ると仲間とともに烏帽子、直垂の異風な姿で出歩くようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, after they went down to Kamakura to suppress the war without the Emperor's permission when Tokiyuki HOJO, the son of the last Tokuso (the patrimonial head of the main branch of the Hojo clan), Takatoki HOJO started the Nakasendai War and occupied Kamakura, they broke away from the Kenmu government and started the movement to establish the samurai government again. 例文帳に追加

しかし、最後の得宗北条高時の子北条時行が中先代の乱を起こして鎌倉を占拠したのに対し、天皇に無断で鎌倉に下って乱を平定したのを機に、建武政権から離反して再び武家政権を樹立する運動を開始している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, Hirashima Kubo gradually lost the meaning of existence because not only was Nobunaga and his army, which was the supporter of the government led by Shogun Yoshiaki, too strong for the Miyoshi clan to stand down by themselves, but also there was the fear of the close-knit relationship between Hirashima Kubo and the Miyoshi clan, who went to rack after that. 例文帳に追加

だが、義昭政権の後ろ盾であった信長軍は三好氏が単体で退けるには強固であった点に加え、その後も没落していった三好氏との結びつきが余りにも強すぎた点を懸念されてか、平島公方は、その存在価値を次第に失っていったのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After finding out that Prince Oama raised an army, his son, Prince Takechi made an escape from Otsukyo, and when he went through the Kafuka area on July 28, 672 and joined up with Prince Oama's group in Tsumue yamaguchi, AKASOME no Tokotari, OKURA no Hirosumi, SAKANOUE no Kunimaro, FURUICHI no Kuromaro, TAKEDA no Daitoku and IKAGO no Ahe were following the prince. 例文帳に追加

大海人皇子の挙兵を知ってその子高市皇子が大津京を脱出し、6月25日に鹿深を越えて積殖山口で大海人皇子の一行に合流したとき、皇子には民大火以外に赤染徳足、大蔵広隅、坂上国麻呂、古市黒麻呂、竹田大徳、胆香瓦安倍が従っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the Seinan War, all the adult males went to the front, and the women had to protect the Saigo family; and after the residence of Takemura had been burnt down, they drifted from one place to another in Kagoshima; during such days Seppo kept following them sharing the pains and sorrows, and gave them emotional support. 例文帳に追加

また、西南戦争中に成人男子が出征して西郷家は完全に女所帯となり、武村の屋敷が焼亡した後は鹿児島各地を転々としたが、雪篷は常に一家と苦患をともにし、その精神的支柱となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He devoted himself to the commerce of the family business, such as launching an enterprise to export tea by employing Hikozo HAMADA (Joseph Heco by a Christian name), but after Obanto (head clerk) Bunshichiro KITA of a branch family died, since misconducts of the employees and failures in speculative buying of commodities arose successively, in the end the family business went bankrupt, and in the depths of despair he died as a stranger in Tokyo. 例文帳に追加

ジョセフ・ヒコ(浜田彦蔵)等を使って茶の輸出事業を興す等、家業・商業に専念するが、大番頭の別家喜多文七郎死後、使用人の不祥事、物品思惑購入の失敗が相次ぎ、終に倒産し、失意の中、東京で客死した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was famous for his books about astronomy and geography, and studied mainly Chinese astronomy while deeply understanding the features of European astronomy; and in 1718 he went to Edo, in 1719 he answered the inquiries on astronomy from Shogun Yoshimune TOKUGAWA; after that, he stayed for some time in Edo and returned to Nagasaki. 例文帳に追加

天文・地理学上の著述で有名、ヨーロッパ天文学説の特徴を十分承知しながら、中国天文学説を主とし、享保3年(1718年)に江戸に下り、翌享保4年(1719年)に徳川吉宗から天文に関する下問を受けた後暫く江戸に滞在し、長崎に帰った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the death of Emperor Ninken, he attempted to assume the position himself, however OTOMO no Kanamura opposed Matori's intention and defeated him under the order of Ohatuse no wakasagi no mikoto (later day Emperor Buretsu); as a result, Matori killed himself and part of the Hegri clan head family went downfallen (there is also a rumor of survival). 例文帳に追加

仁賢天皇の没後、自ら大王になろうとしたが、これに不満を抱いた大伴金村は小泊瀬稚鷦鷯尊(後の武烈天皇)の命令を受け平群真鳥を討ち、真鳥は自害し平群本宗家の一部は滅んだ(生存説もある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1868, appointed to Okurairi Bugyo ken Horoyaku (magistrate of directly controlled land and officer of horo (a military kit)), Mondo was assigned to Koidezima in Echigo, which was a exclave of Aizu Domain, to defend Mikuni Pass, but after his younger brother Hisayoshi was killed in the Battle of April 24 he went back to Koidezima, and being further attacked, he moved to the battle line of Echigo. 例文帳に追加

慶応4年(1868年)御蔵入奉行兼幌役を命ぜられた主水は、会津藩飛領である越後の小出島に赴任し、三国峠を守備するも4月24日の戦いで実弟久吉を戦死させたのち小出島まで撤退、さらに攻められて越後戦線へ移動した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1682, Anrin and three or four friends of his used Kohechi from Mt. Koya to visit Kumano Sanzan, after leaving Nachi-taisha Shrine of Kumano Sanzan, they used Ohechi (literally, 'wide road') to visit Saigoku Sanjusansho (the thirty-three temples dedicated to Kanzeon-bosatsu in Kinki region) from Kimii-dera Temple to Fujii-dera Temple, and went back home. 例文帳に追加

安林は天和(日本)2年(1682年)、友人3、4人とともに高野山から小辺路を経て熊野三山に参詣し、那智からは大辺路経由で西国三十三箇所の札所(紀三井寺から葛井寺まで)を巡拝して帰郷している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The members of Yamato-ya departed from Aizu on New Year's Day of 1850 to visit Ise-jingu Shrine; on February 9 they visited Shingu Shrine and Kumano Hayatama-taisha Shrine, and immediately after visiting Kumano Nachi-taisha Shrine on February 10, they went across Kumotori-goe Pass and Okumotori-goe Pass, and lodged at Koguchi; and on February 11 they visited Hongu-taisha Shrine. 例文帳に追加

大和屋一行は嘉永3年(1850年)正月に会津を発ち、伊勢参宮を経て2月9日に新宮に着いて熊野速玉大社に参詣し、翌10日には熊野那智大社へ参詣してすぐに雲取越え大雲取越えを越えて小口に宿をとり、11日に本宮に着いている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Toshimoto and some others were forgiven, but Suketomo was taken to Kamakura and then exiled to Sado Island, an aide, Nobufusa MADENOKOJI went to Kamakura to offer clarification and Emperor Godaigo was forgiven by the bakufu after an apology, but seven years later, in 1331, he led his second plan to overthrow the bakufu, the Genko no Ran (Genko Rebellion). 例文帳に追加

俊基らは赦免されたが資朝は鎌倉へ連行され佐渡島へ流刑となり、側近の万里小路宣房らが鎌倉へ赴いて釈明を行い、後醍醐天皇は幕府に釈明して赦されるが、7年後の1331年(元弘元年)に2度目の討幕計画である元弘の乱を起こす。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As for Yoshimichi SHIONOYA, it is pointed out that, as it was in November 1574 that Yoshitsuna succeeded to the position of family head and there was an unknown period of ten years after the death of Yoshitaka, until Yoshitsuna, a lawful wife's son, went through genpuku, possibly Yoshimichi might have been the family head on a tentative basis. 例文帳に追加

また、塩谷義通については、義綱が家督を継いだのは天正2年(1574年)11月のことであり、義孝の死去から10年のブランクがあるため、正室の子である義綱が元服するまでの間、繋ぎ的に塩谷氏の当主であった可能性も指摘されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore, in order to prevent the downfall of the exchange rate of the sen (a unit of currency), the rate was officially fixed as 6,500 mon per ryo by the furegaki (bakufu orders) announced by the Edo bakufu in September 1842 to be stayed around 6,000 to 7,000 per ryo for a while, however, after the mass production in the end of the Edo period, it finally went over 10,000 mon per ryo in Keio era (1865 to 1868). 例文帳に追加

そこで幕府は銭相場の下落を防止するため、天保13年8月に御用相場として一両=6500文の触書を出し、しばらくは一両=6000~7000文程度で落ち着いたが、幕末期の大量発行に至り慶應年間にはついに一両=10000文を突破した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As ARIMURA and the others celebrated their victory and headed back with the head of Naosuke at the tip of a sword; Hidenojo OGAWARA, who had been lying unconscious on the ground, regained consciousness by a shout of victory and, in an effort to take back his master's head, went after ARIMURA, striking him in the back of the head with a sword. 例文帳に追加

有村らは勝鬨をあげ、刀の切先に直弼の首級を突きたてて引き上げにかかったが、昏倒していた小河原秀之丞が鬨の声を聞いて蘇生し、主君の首を奪い返そうと有村に追いすがって後頭部に切りつけた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Missionary work was limited to the ports of treaty until that period, but the Treaty of Tianjin signed after the Arrow War (Second Opium War) allowed travel inland of the Qing dynasty (permit to propagate inland) and many foreign missionaries entered the country and went inland. 例文帳に追加

それまで布教活動は条約港に限り認められていたが、アロー号戦争(第二次アヘン戦争)後結ばれた天津条約では、清朝内陸への布教を認める条項(内地布教権)が挿入されており、以後多くの外国人宣教師が内地へと入っていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Though Aterui, a leader of the Emishi/Ezo army, survived, Tamuramaro decided to suspend hostilities against the Ezo army seemingly due to the predominant war situation, which may be presumed now from the fact that, in the year after he had returned to Kyoto, Tamuramaro went back to Mutsu Province in order to construct Isawa-jo Castle in the area he procured by fighting against the Ezo. 例文帳に追加

このとき蝦夷の指導者アテルイは生存していたが、いったん帰京してから翌年、確保した地域に胆沢城を築くために陸奥国に戻っていることから、優勢な戦況を背景に停戦したものと見られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In July 1634, after the death of Hidetada, Iemitsu went to the capital with 307,000 soldiers; this was the last time that Nijo-jo Castle welcomed a Shogun, and the castle disappeared from the stage of history until the period of upheaval at the end of the Edo Period 230 years later. 例文帳に追加

秀忠死後の寛永11年(1634年)7月、家光が30万7千の兵を引きつれ上洛し、二条城に入城したのを最後に二条城が将軍を迎えることは途絶え、幕末の動乱期までの230年間、二条城は歴史の表舞台から姿を消す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Kiichi MATSUDA's article, "Tanba Yagi-jo Castle and Joan NAITO," he indicated that Joan NAITO was not present at the battle of Yagi-jo Castle because 'Joan moved to Izumi Sakai and then went to the place of Yoshiaki ASHIKAGA after the autumn of 1574' subsequent to the conflict between the allies Nobunaga ODA and Yoshiaki ASHIKAGA. 例文帳に追加

また松田毅一の論文『丹波八木城と内藤如庵について』では、同盟関係にあった織田信長と足利義昭が仲違いを生じると内藤ジョアンは「1574年(天正2年)の秋以降、和泉堺に移って以後、義昭のもとに走った」と、八木城の戦い時には八木城にいなかった可能性を指摘している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the Onin War, Yoshitoshi and Yoshikado went down to their own territories to reign the whole region; however, the Shiba clan lost most of its own territories after Totomi Province was captured by the Imagawa clan and Echizen Province by the Asakura clan, and only a descendant of Yoshitoshi remained in Owari Province as recommended by the Oda clan, which was Shugodai. 例文帳に追加

応仁の乱に際しては義敏も義廉も領国に下ってその一円支配を目指すものの、遠江国を今川氏に、越前国を朝倉氏に奪われて領国の大半を失い、尾張国で義敏の子孫が守護代の織田氏に推戴されて存続するのみとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

I am aware of the Ministry of Justice's announcement on June 7 that the notification of death for people who went missing after the Great East Japan Earthquake and whose bodies have not been found may be accepted by municipal governments based on statements made by the persons who are submitting the notification. 例文帳に追加

これは先般、今ご質問がございましたように、6月7日に法務省より「東日本大震災で行方不明となり、ご遺体が発見されていない方について、市区町村において届出人の申述書等により死亡届を受付・受理できる」旨公表されたというふうに承知いたしております。 - 金融庁

As soon as the first part was ended Mr. Fitzpatrick and Mr. Holohan went over to Mrs. Kearney and told her that the other four guineas would be paid after the committee meeting on the following Tuesday and that, in case her daughter did not play for the second part, the committee would consider the contract broken and would pay nothing. 例文帳に追加

第一部が終わるとすぐにフィッツパトリック氏とホラハン氏はカーニー夫人の所へ行き、残りの四ギニーは次の火曜日にある委員会の会合の後で支払われるだろう、彼女の娘が第二部の演奏をしない場合には委員会は契約が破棄されたとみなし何も支払わないだろうと言った。 - James Joyce『母親』

As shown in the last passage, soon after this book had been compiled, SHU Buntoku, a lay Buddhist in Taizhou Prefecture Northern Song, went to Kokusei-ji Temple on Mt. Tendai with this book to be respected by many monks and seculars in China, with the result that this book contributed to the resurrection of the Buddhism doctrine in China, which had been scattered and lost due to the confusion at the end of the Tang and Wudai Shiguo period after the persecution of Buddhists in the Huichang era. 例文帳に追加

また、その末文によっても知られるように、本書が撰述された直後に、北宋台州の居士で周文徳という人物が、本書を持って天台山国清寺に至り、中国の僧俗多数の尊信を受け、会昌の廃仏以来、唐末五代十国の混乱によって散佚した教法を、中国の地で復活させる機縁となったことが特筆される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The eldest son of the Prince, Imperial Prince Yasuhito (1320 - 1355) was banished after he failed to overthrow the bakufu again (The Genko Disturbance), once he was appointed as Crown Prince as the successor from the Daikakuji Imperial line after Emperor Kogon of Jimyoin Imperial line succeeded to the throne, but he lost his position the following year, together with Emperor Kogon, when the bakufu went to ruin and Emperor Godaigo came back to his position as Emperor. 例文帳に追加

親王の長男である康仁親王(1320年-1355年)は後醍醐天皇が再度の倒幕計画に失敗(元弘の変)して流罪となり、持明院統の光厳天皇が即位すると大覚寺統の嫡流として皇太子に立てられたものの、翌年の幕府滅亡と後醍醐天皇の復帰とともに光厳天皇ともども廃位されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He went through the Austro-Prussian War as a kansenbukan (a military officer to observe military operations) where he studied international law and obtained knowledge about military affairs, shipbuilding and vessels, then returned to Japan on board the Kaiyo Maru Warship, which had been ordered by the bakufu, and after serving as a gunkangashira-nami (a post in the navy), in January 1868, after Taisei Hokan (a transfer of power back to the Emperor), he was appointed Kaigun Fuku-sosai (the vice-president of the navy), which had been Tokugawa Family's kashoku (a hereditary occupation), and became a considerably leading figure in the Tokugawa Navy. 例文帳に追加

普墺戦争を観戦武官として経験、国際法や軍事知識、造船や船舶に関する知識を学び、幕府が発注した軍艦開陽丸で帰国、軍艦頭並を経て大政奉還後の慶応4年(1868年)1月に徳川家家職の海軍副総裁に任ぜられ、実質的に徳川海軍のトップとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After this, Saigo, Murata, and Shinzo MORIYAMA went to Kyoto to investigate the situation in each domain before the troops led by Hisamitsu SHIMAZU departed, which made Hisamitsu suspect that their actions had instigated Izumi MAKI and Shinshichi ARIMA to raise an army in Kyoto (Teradaya-sodo [oppression of Sonjo group]); after being called back from Kyoto, Saigo was sent into exile to Tokuno-shima Island (and changed to Oki-no-erabujima Island by the second order) and Murata to Kikai-jima Island (not Satuma-iojima Island [Kikai-ga-shima Island]). 例文帳に追加

この後に島津久光進発に先立って上京した西郷・村田・森山新蔵は諸藩の情勢を探っていたが、真木和泉・有馬新七らの京都挙兵(寺田屋騒動)を煽動したと久光から疑われ、呼び戻されて西郷は徳之島(再命で沖永良部島へ変更)へ、村田は喜界島(薩摩硫黄島(鬼界ヶ島)ではない)へ遠島された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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