
「調達する」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(22ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 1308



Since ciphers are used as a part of security measures when constructing an information system, risk analysis must be conducted prior to cipher procurement in order to know for what purposes ciphers should be used. (Fig. 1)  - 経済産業省


In this procedure, the Guidebook describes cipher procurement, modes of operation (a technical concept) necessary, categories of cryptographic techniques, and an overview of each cryptographic algorithm selected for the e-Government recommended ciphers.  - 経済産業省


The Cryptographic Module Subcommittee, under the direction of the CRYPTREC Advisory Committee, will establish cryptographic module evaluation criteria and test criteria by March 2005, while watching international standardization (ISO/IEC, etc.) trends and envisaging future use as a standard for governmental procurement.  - 経済産業省


To this end, it is urgently required to establish security evaluation criteria for cryptographic modules. With respect to such security evaluation criteria, the United States proposed the entry of FIPS140-2, a U.S. governmental procurement standard, in the ISO/IEC standards. Therefore, when establishing security evaluation criteria for cryptographic modules in Japan, discussions at ISO, IEC, etc. should be carefully monitored.  - 経済産業省


本節では、昨年の動きとして、第 8 回 WTO 定期閣僚会議の結果を中心に、WTOにおける保護主義の抑止の対応、ドーハ・ラウンド交渉の状況、及びその他の成果(ロシア WTO 加盟、政府調達協定改正交渉)を概観する例文帳に追加

In this section, we will overview the action taken by the WTO for the restriction of protectionism, the status of Doha Round negotiations and other efforts (Russia’s accession to the WTO and negotiation toward amendment of government procurement agreements), focusing on the results of the 8th Periodical Ministerial Meeting of the WTO in the last year. - 経済産業省


新たな制度では、進出自動車メーカーは既存、 新規参入にかかわらず、ブラジル国内又はメルコスー ル域内で製造された部品、原材料、製造にかかわる機 器の調達額に応じて、減額措置30%を上限とするIPIの減税を受けられる。例文帳に追加

Under the new policy, existing or newly entering automobile manufactures in Brazil, can be subject to up to 30% of IPI tax reduction according to the procurement amount of components and raw materials produced within the borders of Brazil or Mercosur and equipment related to such production. - 経済産業省


Consultation from experts (beginning with SME management consultants), advice from financial institutions and other such support is thought to be important when SMEs draft management strategies and business plans aiming to realize innovation, and procure the necessary personnel and funds. - 経済産業省


When SMEs carry out research and development in order to develop new products, they need to find a source of funds to help pay for the research and development costs, but the cash flow that new products create doesn’t materialize until the research and development work has been successfully completed, the new products are released on the market, and sales are recorded. - 経済産業省


Japanese companies are stepping up efforts to expand international business networks in pursuit of reducing business costs and expanding marketing opportunities. Here, we will see how these Japanese manufacturers are undertaking procurement and marketing activities in invested countries in a bid to secure business benefits. (Table 2.2.22) - 経済産業省



The company's overseas outposts are making a variety of business efforts, including adopting a small-lot and multiple-cycle manufacturing system to reduce inventories as much as possible, and shortening the time for making heat-conversion equipment and the time for sheet metal work and coating work, both of which tend to become a bottleneck for the company to achieve the goal of shortening the overall lead time including parts procurements. - 経済産業省



Some point out that Danish manufacturers purchase parts from China and Eastern European countries, while they work hard to become more competitive, such that all they engage in is highly intellectual endeavors. This is what constitutes their strategy. - 経済産業省


On the other hand, regarding business development in China and other parts of Asia in recent years, we can see that oversees development by non-manufacturing industry and the local sales and local procurement ratios for manufacturing industry are expanding due to deregulation of nonmanufacturing industry, rapid economic growth, and growing purchasing power. - 経済産業省


In the next Chapter we will discuss the procurement of funds, the lifeline of community SMEs performing business expansion, and in Chapter 3 we will discuss the creation of networks with enterprises, universities, and others, networks that are the key for community SMEs to supplement their management resources. - 経済産業省


Fig. 3-2-6 shows the types of main banks used by SMEs according to size of workforce based on the Survey on Fund Raising (hereafter, "Survey of SMEs") conducted by Tokyo Shoko Research, Ltd. targeting SMEs. - 経済産業省


In order to strengthen the presence of regional financial institutions in their respective areas, and to further facilitate fundraising by regional SMEs, it is essential that they avoid standardization, and develop and introduce lending schemes that are tailored to the characteristics, enterprise business, and size of regional SMEs. - 経済産業省

貿易動向を相手国・地域別にみると、EU と米国に対しては大幅な貿易黒字、日本、韓国、台湾に対しては大幅な貿易赤字となっており、東アジアから部品・中間財を調達し、完成品を先進国へ輸出する加工貿易基地としての役割は続いているとみられる。例文帳に追加

Watching the trend of trade according to the countries/ regions, China had large surplus in trade with EU and United States, and large deficits in trade with Japan, Korea and Taiwan. It seemed that China continued to be a processing trade base, procuring parts and intermediate goods from East Asia, exporting finished products to advanced economies. - 経済産業省


In Islamic finance, as mentioned above, the receipt and payment of interest is not included, so as a substitute, revenues from the operation of investments are returned as a dividend to investors such as financers and depositors, and commissions and so forth are paid to financialinstitutions in exchange for the procurement of goods. - 経済産業省


Should the activity in the US housing market fall, homeowners in the US will reduce their borrowing that has been implemented through refinancing their mortgages or extracting gains in equity, and then consumers consumption will fall, which may have negative impacts upon the world economy through reduced export to the US. - 経済産業省


The scope of liberalization was later widened from tariffs to non-tariff barriers as of the Tokyo Round (1973-1979), leading to the creation of the Anti-Dumping Agreement, the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, the Government Procurement Agreement and numerous other agreements on nontariff measures. - 経済産業省


Furthermore, METI strove to stabilize business management and maintain employment by implementing comprehensive measures applicable irrespective of the size of companies, such as expanding corporate financing for Japanese companies operating abroad by starting a scheme to support fund-raising in developed countries through Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), in addition to implementing support measures related to trade insurance. - 経済産業省


In the future, Japan's manufacturing industries intend to increase the outsourcing of work to logistics business operators which are advanced in implementing environmental protection measures, and there are high hopes that the burden on the environment will be reduced through the consolidation of production and sales facilities, consolidation of procurement and distribution routes, and joint distribution of products with other companies. - 経済産業省


More than 20% of the companies surveyed are making efforts not only to ensure that skills are passed on among its own workers but that these skills are also passed on to their suppliers, thereby enhancing the manufacturing capabilities of their business partners as a whole. This trend is particularly notable in the transportation equipment industry and the precision machine industry, which require close coordination between machinery makers and parts suppliers. - 経済産業省


Also for capital market, by changing from indirect finance to direct finance and by diversifying financing method, etc., cooperate governance by main bank weakened and the ratio of stock holding by foreign investors increased, thereby shifting to “stockholders-weighted operation”. - 厚生労働省

イギリスにおいては、9 月 14 日に、中堅銀行のノーザンロックが、サブプライムローン関連商品をほとんど保有していなかったにもかかわらず、①欧州の短期金融市場が非常にタイトであったことや、②返済が長期にわたる住宅ローン業務に特化する一方で、資金調達の多くを短期の市場性資金に頼っていたことから、資金調達が困難となり、イギリス当局において、流動性支援のための緊急融資が行われた。例文帳に追加

In the United Kingdom, Northern Rock, a midsized bank, fell into funding difficulties on September 14 in spite of the fact that it did not hold many subprime mortgage-related products, due to the facts that (i) the condition of the European short-term money markets were extremely tight, and (ii) it relied on short-term financial markets for a large portion of its funding, while specializing in long-term mortgages.  - 金融庁

また、米国と日本との間においても、当初、付表において地方政府機関及び政府関係機関について協定不適用がそれぞれ規定されていたが、日米間で1996年2月、かなりの部分について相互不適用を解消する旨の合意がなされたことを受け、付属書に所要の修正が施された(しかしながら、たとえば、米国は、日本の電源開発が政府調達協定の適用対象機関ではないことを不満としてTVA については日本との関係では政府調達協定の適用を除外している。)。例文帳に追加

Japan and the United States initially decided that the 1994 Agreement would not apply to sub-central government entities or governmentrelated entities. However, the two countries reached an agreement to eliminate most of the mutual non-application between them, and their Appendices were revised accordingly in February 1996. - 経済産業省


The law excludes from state agency procurement: (1) companies that have a principal place of business in Myanmar or who otherwise conduct business in Myanmar, including any majority-owned subsidiaries of such companies; (2) companies providing financial services to the Government of Myanmar; (3) companies promoting the importation or sale of gems, timber, oil, gas or other related products from Myanmar (trading in all is largely controlled by the Government of Myanmar); and (4) companies providing any goods or services to the Government of Myanmar. - 経済産業省


Particularly, most ventures have only limited abilities to raise funds through indirect financing mainly because they have few particular assets, meaning few properties to be put up as collateral, because few of them make enough revenues from which loans and interests can be paid, and because, even with good sales, they need as much of their revenues as possible to be reserved for growth. It would be no exaggeration to say that how much a start-up can raise through equity and other direct financing decides whether it successfully grows at the earliest stage.  - 経済産業省


In addition to increases in environmental awareness among consumers and the strengthening of environmental regulations, many companies, especially large enterprises, actively try to develop new technology such as fuel cells, whilegreen procurement,”10) which prioritizes the procurement of parts and materials with a small environmental impact, is also expanding. As a result, SMEs are also thought to be actively working to develop various environmentally friendly products and services. - 経済産業省


Generally, since evaluating the content of SME projects and monitoring the implementation of their projects would be costly for the lenders, sourcing funds primarily from financial institutions in the form of loans is considered to be a characteristic of SME fund procurement, and so it is understandable that early growth phase SMEs that carry out research and development also use loans from financial institutions as their primary source of funding. - 経済産業省

また、同試算によると、公共事業で調達される全ての工業製品を米国産とすることで、約9 千人の雇用創出効果が見込まれるが、仮に米国の主要貿易相手国12 か国 が対抗措置を講じて当該国の公共調達に係る米国からの輸出が減少した場合、1%の減少で6,500 人、10%の減少で65,000 人の雇用が失われるため、バイ・アメリカン条項は雇用創出効果よりも潜在的な雇用喪失効果が大きいとしている。例文帳に追加

Further, according to these calculations, switching all industrial products procured for public works to American products would generate job opportunities for approximately nine thousand people; however, if the twelve principal trade partners of the Unites States12 take countermeasures that would result in a 1% decline of goods for public procurement exported from the United States, this would entail a loss of 6,500 jobs, and a 10% decline would entail a loss of 65,000 jobs. Thus, these tentative calculations suggest that, in regard to the Buy American provision, the potential decline in employment is greater than the potential for the creation of job opportunities. - 経済産業省


This metal resources collecting method comprises the processes for: sorting the waste collected from consumers; storing the sorted waste; raising funds by calculating asset value of the stored waste, dividing the calculated asset value into a plurality of values to be securitized and selling security to investors; and collecting metal resources from the stored waste by collection facilities. - 特許庁


To support the optimization of fund raising and distribution and a loan repayment plan for each class via a computer simulation when investors are classified, at the time of making a secured loaning credit a security, into an investor mainly expecting a loan repayment and an investor mainly expecting a return from the disposition of the pledged assets. - 特許庁

我々は,ボトルネックと制約に対処する共同のインフラ行動計画を作成する MDBs の努力を歓迎し,MDBs に対し,特に投資家が利用可能なデータの質,地域プロジェクトを支持するインセンティブ,官民連携のため支援の改善,建設セクターの透明性,プロジェクト準備の効率性,MDBs の調達規則と慣行の調和について,カンヌ・サミット前に提案を発表するよう要請する例文帳に追加

We welcome the efforts of the Multilateral Development Banks to develop a joint Infrastructure Action Plan to address bottlenecks and constraints and call on them to present their recommendations ahead of the Cannes Summit, in particular on quality of data available to investors, incentive to support regional projects, improved assistance for public-private partnerships, transparency in the construction sector, efficiency of project preparation and harmonization of MDBs procurement rules and practices.  - 財務省

我々は、(1)域内の金融統合を強化する観点から金融市場当局者間の協調を向上すること、(2)中小・零細企業の金融力の強化や資金調達の能力構築を支援するための政策とイニシアティブを進展させること、(3)民間金融をインフラに振り向ける政策的枠組みを支援すること、(4)資本市場の効率性を高めること、を内容とする提言を提出した ABAC からのインプットを歓迎した。例文帳に追加

We welcomed inputs from ABAC, which put forward recommendations on (1) improving collaboration among financial market regulators in view of increasing regional financial integration; (2) developing policies and initiatives that support capacity-building for financial empowerment and financing of SMMEs; (3) supporting policy frameworks to channel private financing into infrastructure; and (4) enhancing the efficiency of capital markets.  - 財務省


We consider this to be an attempt to use national security as an excuse to limit competition and thereby improve the competitiveness of the US industry. The expansion ofnational securityto includenational economic securitygoes against the spirit of the 1994 Agreement and its basic principle of non-discrimination. - 経済産業省

中国や韓国の中間財の競争力向上に伴い、我が国の中間財輸出競争力は、電気機械等において、低下傾向(特化係数を示す線が左下に低下する傾向)を示しており(第3-2-2-4 図)、また、ここ数年現地調達率は概ね上昇傾向であるが、他方で日本からの調達率は低下傾向であり、今後も現地における技術の向上等により現地調達率の向上が一層図られることを勘案すれば(第3-2-2-5 図)、引き続き中国をはじめとしたアジア新興国の市場拡大に伴って、我が国の中間財輸出が右肩上がりで伸びていくとは必ずしも限らない可能性がある。例文帳に追加

However, on the other hand, as for the trade specialization coefficient with China and Korea, in line with improved competitive power in intermediate commodities of China and Korea, the intermediate commodity export competitiveness of Japan, for instance in the electric machinery business, indicates a downward trend (the specialization coefficient line declines in the lower left of the graph) (Figure 3-2-2-4). And also, in these past several years, the local content rate points to an upward trend, while on the other hand, the procurement rate from Japan displays a downward trend. Taking the increase of local content rate in accordance with the progress of technology in local countries in the future into consideration (Figure 3-2-2-5), it is not always true that intermediate commodity exports of Japan are steadily growing and extending from now onward in line with the continuous market expansion of emerging Asian countries, including China. - 経済産業省


In cases where the investment corporation issues subordinated investment corporation bonds, supervisors shall check whether the corporation has carefully examined the necessity of fund raising through the issuance and the appropriateness of the terms of issuance, while taking into consideration that investorsinterest would be harmed depending on the terms of issuance, and has publicized information on these matters appropriately.  - 金融庁


To provide a management system for research and development work capable of setting a research and development theme by an idea of a research and development department in a company, capable of raising funds without putting in expenses of one's company, and preventing the deterioration of operating ratio of researchers and facilities belonging to a research laboratory while carrying out research and development. - 特許庁


Major features of the JVA calculation step are: restructuring expense items of financial accounting to appropriately distribute expenses under the management of each business section, adjusting the timing of expense posting of fixed costs out of sales costs on an accrual basis, and calculating financing costs from a balance sheet created for each business section and reflecting them in operating profit/loss calculation. - 特許庁


A server 11 when receiving a request for storing an order form or a request for printing the order form from a supplier terminal 3 as an order destination extracts data needed to generate the order form on the side of the supplier terminal 3 by reference to a procurement database, and also sends the extracted data to the supplier terminal 3. - 特許庁


A method for preparing gelatin comprises providing a collagen- containing material; desalting the collagen-containing material to form ossein; and then adding an enzyme solution containing a protease at a concentration of at least 10 ppb to said ossein over a sufficient period of time to solubilize the ossein to form a solution containing 0.5-6 wt.% gelatin at a predetermined viscosity. - 特許庁


In the APEC Growth Strategy launched in Yokohama in 2010 we stated that APEC can use its convening power to help create a platform to develop innovative solutions, and provide technical assistance and advisory services to help member economies to raise private and public financing for infrastructure-related projects. - 経済産業省


In the APEC Growth Strategy launched in Yokohama in 2010 we stated that APEC can use its convening power to help create a platform to develop innovative solutions, and provide technical assistance and advisory services to help member economies to raise private and public financing for infrastructure-related projects. - 経済産業省


As this is a matter that concerns an individual financial institution's management decision regarding its capital policy, I would like to refrain from commenting on details from the standpoint of the authorities. V  - 金融庁


Competition among major financial centers around the world has been intensifying. In order to make Japan's markets more attractive and competitive, a highly secure and user-friendly market infrastructure needs to be put in place and its functions enhanced, which enables a variety of transactions that can meet the wide-ranging needs of domestic and international investors and fund raisers.  - 金融庁


In order to construct a market where domestic and foreign investors can engage in transactions with a sense of security, it is important that issuers fulfill accountability to investors through improvement of governance and upgrading of internal control. It is also essential that the exchanges promote the efforts made toward strengthening the governance of listed firms.  - 金融庁

③ 第三に、サブプライムローンを原資産とする証券化商品に対する投資活動において、短期資金を調達して、長期運用を行うという資産・負債のマチュリティのミスマッチがあり、ここに内在する流動性リスクの管理が不十分であったことから流動性リスクが顕在化した(流動性の不確実性)。例文帳に追加

(iii) Liquidity uncertainty. Liquidity risk has materialized due to the insufficient management of liquidity risk arising from the maturity mismatch between the assets and liabilities of investment activities related to securitized subprime mortgage products, where long-term investment had been funded by short-term instruments.  - 金融庁


Take into account the limitations of risk bearing capacity of private and semi-public finance, lessons of successes and failures from the past and ongoing programs, best practice, the importance of durability and whole life costing, and innovative ways to mitigate and intermediate risks to attract finance; and  - 財務省


To provide a method and a facility for producing ethanol, enabling feedstocks to be continuously procured in performing commercial ethanol production in Japan, and capable of utilizing carbon dioxide as a byproduct in the ethanol production and also of producing food materials of high added value from residues as another byproduct. - 特許庁



The purchaser side device 10 opens all the encryption keys at a prescribed period, acquires the encrypted bid information and the decoded key at the same time from all the supply devices 20 corresponding to the opening and uses them for bit opening, by decoding the encrypted bit information by all the decoding keys. - 特許庁


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