



英和・和英辞典で「場合によるね - 何の?」に一致する見出し語は見つかりませんでしたが、

「場合によるね - 何の?」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 73



To prevent damage caused under pressure contact, by preventing any pressure contact of an outer edge of a lid with the opening edge of a recess even when any external force is applied to the lid during the fuel filling work through a fuel filling port. - 特許庁


To provide a network system, in which restoring measures can be taken by another normal terminal with a comparatively simple constitution, even when there is occurrence of failure in one of a plurality of terminals connected to a network bus. - 特許庁


To provide a cold reserving box wherein the defrost end can be always adequately determined even in either defrosting by natural thawing or defrosting by directly spraying water over the refrigerator. - 特許庁


To prevent the working efficiency of a treatment equipment from reducing when any laser apparatus stops without being involved in an increase in cost because of the increasing of the number of the laser equipments. - 特許庁


To quickly activate an air fuel ratio sensor while preventing element crack of the air fuel ratio sensor due to adhesion of moisture in an exhaust pipe when an internal combustion engine is started after short trip operation is repeated several times. - 特許庁


When the secondary battery is to be used as a power supply, for example, for an impact driver, numbers indicate how many screw-clamping operations by the impact driver can be made. - 特許庁


When wireless data transmission fails due to some cause, e.g. movement of a device or variation in radio wave transmission situation, or jamming occurs during wireless transmission of broadcast data from the channel selecting section in a wireless center 3 to a display 5 (L-1), the display 5 notifies a portable telephone 10 to this effect by wireless communication technology. - 特許庁

(4) 特許登録簿に登録すべき契約書に基づく義務を満たすため,外国通貨によるなる支払も,特許登録簿にその旨登録が行われていない場合は認められない。例文帳に追加

(4) No authorization shall be given for payment in foreign currency in fulfillment of obligations under contracts that are subject to recording in the Patent Register when such has not been done. - 特許庁


Where the applied provisional measures or measures for preserving evidence are revoked by the court or where they lapse due to any act or omission by the person who applied for them, or where a decision of the court establishing that there has been no infringement or threat of infringement of the rights established by this Law comes into effect, or where the person, who has applied for provisional measures or measures preserving evidence, does not institute proceedings within a period determined by the court, the defendant shall be entitled to request compensation for any injury caused by application of those measures. - 特許庁


Where the applied provisional measures or measures for preserving evidence are revoked by the court or where they lapse due to any act or omission by the person who applied for them, or where a decision of the court establishing that there has been no infringement or threat of infringement of the rights established by this Law comes into effect, or where the person, who has applied for provisional measures or measures preserving evidence, does not institute proceedings within a period determined by the court, the defendant shall be entitled to request compensation for any injury caused by application of those measures. - 特許庁


The ECU 26 decides that the collision occurs when a detection value by either one of the pair of the pressure sensors 24 is larger than a first threshold value and a detection value by the other pressure sensor 24 is larger than a second threshold value set to be a larger value than the first threshold value. - 特許庁


To improve absorption efficiency of input load energy by increasing the absorption of the input load energy by a bumper stay on a non-input side of a offset load when the offset load is input on either a vehicle front side or a rear side. - 特許庁


In such the case, the heat exchanger having a rectangular cross-section satisfies the spatial limitation compared with circular one, a cost is reduced latently by reducing materials, and heat shielding performance is also enhanced, by a prescribed geometric internal shape. - 特許庁


To provide an ignition system for an internal combustion engine, which prevents a failure due to a self-heating ignition coil in case an engine control unit (ECU) is out of order from any cause, and fails to supply a prescribed ignition signal, resulting in consecutive emission of ignition signals. - 特許庁

(1) 次のれかに該当する場合は,特許は消滅する。 1. 特許所有者が,特許庁に対して書面による宣言をもってその特許を放棄する場合2. 第 37条(1)に定められた宣言が,庁の通知(第 37条(2))の送達後,適時になされない場合 3. 年次手数料又はその差額が庁の通知(第 17条(3))の送達後,適時に納付されない場合(特許費用法第 7条(1),第 13条(3)又は第 14条(2)及び(5),本法第 23条(7)第 4文)(2) 第 37条(1)に定められた宣言が適時に行われたか否か,及び納付が適時に行われたか否かの決定は,専ら特許庁が行う。第 73条及び第 100条は影響を受けない。例文帳に追加

(1) A patent shall lapse if 1. the patentee relinquishes it by written declaration to the Patent Office; 3. the annual fee or the difference are not paid in due time (Section 7(1), Section 13(3) or Section 14(2) and (5) Patent Cost Act [Patentkostengesetz], Section 23(7), sentence 4, of this Act).発音を聞く  - 特許庁

カナダ国民が,商品又はサービスについてのれかの業務又は営業活動に関して, (a) 1994年4月15日前に善意で,又は (b) その日前少なくとも10年間, 保護された地理的表示を継続的に使用していた場合は,そのカナダ国民による継続的又はこれに類似する使用には,第11.14条又は場合により第11.15条は適用されない。例文帳に追加

Where a Canadian has used a protected geographical indication in a continuous manner in relation to any business or commercial activity in respect of goods or services (a) in good faith before April 15, 1994, or (b) for at least ten years before that date, section 11.14 or 11.15, as the case may be, does not apply to any continued or similar use by that Canadian.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


To restore the transaction data transmitted before interruption, at a client side after the recovery of failure, in a case when a receiving processing of the transaction data by a server is interrupted by failure of some kind in a transaction data management system among a plurality of clients and a server communicatably connected through the network. - 特許庁


In dealing under the said provisions with an application under this section, the tribunal shall have regard to the like considerations, so far as relevant, as if the application were applications under section 18 and to any other considerations relevant to applications under this section, including the desirability of securing that a certification trade mark shall comprise some indication that it is a certification trade mark.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


Registrability of trade mark that contains person's name Registrability of trade mark that contains person's name If a person applies for registration of a sign as a trade mark and the sign contains the name or representation of a person, the Commissioner may require the written consent of that person unless the person died 10 years or more before the making of the application; or the person's legal representative if the person died within 10 years before the making of the application; or the Commissioner thinks the person's consent cannot for any other reason be obtained. - 特許庁


To easily fix a screen at low cost without the need for changing a conventional housing and a jig even when one of a Fresnel lens and a lenticular lens is an independency-free sheet formed of an independency-free film base material. - 特許庁

第50条 (1) (a)に基づいてらかの登録を変更する申請又は第50条 (1) (c) (i)から(iv)までに掲げたれかの理由により登録を取り消す申請の場合は,登録官は,当該申請を様式TM-32による通知及び提出された事情陳述書と共に審査し,かつ,当事者に対して書面をもってその旨を通知しなければならない。例文帳に追加

In the case of an application for varying any registration under paragraph (a) of sub-section (1) of section 50 or canceling any registration on any of the grounds mentioned in items (i) to (iv) of sub-clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 50, the Registrar shall consider the application together with any notice in Form TM-32 and statement of case filed and shall dispose of the application and also inform the parties in writing accordingly. - 特許庁


Where any person (whether entitled to or interested in a patent or not) by circulars, advertisements or otherwise threatens any other person with proceedings for infringement of a patent, any person aggrieved thereby may bring proceedings in the Court against him for any such relief as is mentioned in subsection (2).発音を聞く  - 特許庁

第十五条 行政機関の長は、他の法令の規定により、人にも開示請求に係る行政文書が前条第一項本文に規定する方法と同一の方法で開示することとされている場合(開示の期間が定められている場合にあっては、当該期間内に限る。)には、同項本文の規定にかかわらず、当該行政文書については、当該同一の方法による開示を行わない。ただし、当該他の法令の規定に一定の場合には開示をしない旨の定めがあるときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 15 (1) In the case that, pursuant to the provisions of other laws and regulations, Administrative Documents pertaining to a Disclosure Request are to be disclosed to any person by the same method prescribed in the main clause of paragraph 1 of the preceding Article (When the period of time for disclosure is provided for, limited to within that period of time.), notwithstanding the main clause of the same paragraph, the head of the Administrative Organ shall not disclose those Administrative Documents by that same method; provided, however, that this shall not apply when there is a provision in other laws and regulations to the effect that disclosure shall not be implemented in certain cases.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act - (a) where there is national emergency or where the public interest, in particular, national security, nutrition, health or the development of other vital sectors of the national economy as determined by the Government, so requires; or (b) where a judicial or relevant authority has determined that the manner of exploitation by the owner of the patent or his licensee is anti-competitive, the Minister may decide that, even without the agreement of the owner of the patent, a Government agency or a third person designated by the Minister may exploit a patented invention. - 特許庁


Which input interface is selected between a digital and analog interfaces is informed with a back search off signal and, when the digital one is selected, the controller 217 determines the quantizing scale value Q for use in a quantizer 218, based on the value Q from the back search and that from the code quality control. - 特許庁

(2) 条約による優先権は,この旨の申立による最先の優先権主張日から16月以内に主張する。優先権申立書の訂正も,この期限内に請求することができる。その訂正が最先の優先権主張に影響すると思われる場合は,訂正のための16月の期限は,最初に満了する最先の優先権主張の訂正日から起算する。優先権申立書の訂正は,れの場合も,出願日から4月以内に請求する。例文帳に追加

(2) Convention priority shall be claimed within sixteen months from the date of the earliest priority claimed by making a declaration to this effect. Correction of the declaration of priority may also be requested within this time limit. Where the correction would affect the earliest priority date claimed, the sixteen-month time limit for correction shall be reckoned from the corrected date of the earliest priority claimed provided that it expires first. Correction of the declaration of priority may be requested in any case within four months from the date of filing of the application. - 特許庁

出願人が(1)(b)に従って国際出願の英語又はフランス語のれかへの翻訳文を提出した場合において,長官が当該翻訳文は正確でないと信じるに足る適切な理由を認めるときは,長官は,出願人に次のれかを提出すべき旨を要求しなければならない: (a) 翻訳者の知識の及ぶ限りにおいて当該翻訳文が完全かつ忠実である旨の当該翻訳者による陳述書,又は (b) 翻訳者の知識の及ぶ限りにおいて新たな翻訳文が完全かつ忠実である旨の当該翻訳者による陳述書と共に当該新たな翻訳文例文帳に追加

If the applicant provides a translation of the international application into either English or French in accordance with paragraph (1)(b) and the Commissioner has reasonable grounds to believe that the translation is not accurate, the Commissioner shall requisition the applicant to provide either (a) a statement by the translator to the effect that, to the best of the translator’s knowledge, the translation is complete and faithful, or (b) a new translation together with a statement by the translator to the effect that, to the best of the translator’s knowledge, the new translation is complete and faithful.発音を聞く  - 特許庁

出願人が(1)に従って書類の英語又はフランス語のれかへの翻訳文を提出した場合において,長官が当該翻訳文は正確でないと信じるに足る適切な理由を認めるときは,長官は, 出願人に次のれかを提出すべき旨を要求しなければならない: (a) 翻訳者の知識の及ぶ限りにおいて当該翻訳文が完全かつ忠実である旨の当該翻訳者による陳述書,又は (b) 翻訳者の知識の及ぶ限りにおいて新たな翻訳文が完全かつ忠実である旨の当該翻訳者による陳述書と共に当該新たな翻訳文例文帳に追加

If the applicant provides a translation of a document into either English or French in accordance with subsection (1) and the Commissioner has reasonable grounds to believe that the translation is not accurate, the Commissioner shall requisition the applicant to provide either (a) a statement by the translator to the effect that, to the best of the translator’s knowledge, the translation is complete and faithful, or (b) a new translation together with a statement by the translator to the effect that, to the best of the translator’s knowledge, the new translation is complete and faithful.発音を聞く  - 特許庁

出願人が(1)に従って書類の英語又はフランス語のれかへの翻訳文を提出した場合において,長官が当該翻訳文は正確でないと信じるに足る適切な理由を認めるときは,長官は, 次のれかを提出すべき旨を出願人に要求しなければならない: (a) 翻訳者の知識の及ぶ限りにおいて当該翻訳文が完全かつ忠実である旨の当該翻訳者による陳述書,又は (b) 翻訳者の知識の及ぶ限りにおいて新たな翻訳文が完全かつ忠実である旨の当該翻訳者による陳述書と共に当該新たな翻訳文例文帳に追加

If the applicant provides a translation of a document into either English or French in accordance with subsection (1) and the Commissioner has reasonable grounds to believe that the translation is not accurate, the Commissioner shall requisition the applicant to provide either (a) a statement by the translator to the effect that, to the best of the translator’s knowledge, the translation is complete and faithful, or (b) a new translation together with a statement by the translator to the effect that, to the best of the translator’s knowledge, the new translation is complete and faithful.発音を聞く  - 特許庁

(2) 前項による事態が起こる可能性が認められる場合は,特許権者は最初の3年間如なる手数料も免除されるものとする。未納分の額は所定の様式でその後の数年間で返済するものとする。この納付の延期は特許登録簿に記録され,遅延した手数料を納付する責任は,当該特許権者が誰であれ特許権者が負担する。例文帳に追加

(2) Where the possibility offered by the preceding paragraph is allowed, the owner shall not pay any fee during the first three years. During subsequent years, he shall reimburse the amounts remaining unpaid in the prescribed form. The postponement shall be noted in the Patent Register and the responsibility for paying the fees in arrears shall be incumbent on whoever owns the patent. - 特許庁


A patent owner may file an application with Kyrgyzpatent to the effect that he is granting the right to use an object of industrial property (open license) to any person under conditions established in the agreement. In this case the fee, in order to keep patent effective, shall be reduced by 50% as of the year following the year of publication of the information about such application by Kyrgyzpatent. - 特許庁


Where, by reason of the evidence furnished to the Registrar or the failure to furnish any evidence, it appears to the Registrar that a trade-mark, either with respect to all of the wares or services specified in the registration or with respect to any of those wares or services, was not used in Canada at any time during the three year period immediately preceding the date of the notice and that the absence of use has not been due to special circumstances that excuse the absence of use, the registration of the trade-mark is liable to be expunged or amended accordingly.発音を聞く  - 特許庁

(1) 次が証明される場合は,登録所有者又は実施権者により別段の主張がされなかったとしても,人かによる物品の製造,輸入,使用,処分又は複製も登録意匠の侵害とはならない旨の宣言を,その者と登録所有者との間の訴訟手続において,裁判所がすることができる。例文帳に追加

(1) A declaration that the making, importing, using, disposing or reproducing of an article by any person does not or would not constitute an infringement of a registered design, may be made by the court in proceedings between that person and the registered proprietor, notwithstanding that no assertion to the contrary has been made by the registered proprietor or licensee, if it is proved that - - 特許庁


Where a re-examination board has determined that a request for re-examination does not raise a substantial new question affecting the patentability of a claim of the patent concerned, the board shall so notify the person who filed the request and the decision of the board is final for all purposes and is not subject to appeal or to review by any court.発音を聞く  - 特許庁

第82条 無効と認定された特許の取消 侵害訴訟において,裁判所は,当該特許又はそのクレームのれかが無効であると認定した場合は,それを取り消し,法律局長は,裁判所による取消の終局判決を受領したときにはその事実を庁の登録簿に記録し,かつ,IPO公報においてその旨公示する。例文帳に追加

Sec.82 Patent Found Invalid may be Cancelled In an action for infringement, if the court shall find the patent or any claim to be invalid, it shall cancel the same; and the Director of Legal Affairs upon receipt of the final judgment of cancellation by the court, shall record that fact in the register of the Office and shall publish a notice to that effect in the IPO Gazette. - 特許庁


The method for approaching to the storage can acquire metadata of content and the content even when a home storage does not operate by controlling approach to the home storage and by approaching to an Internet storage having higher approaching reliability than the home storage in accordance with failure in approach to the home storage caused by this control. - 特許庁


Where, pursuant to Article 4 of the Budapest Treaty, the depositor is notified of the inability of the international depositary authority to furnish samples and no new deposit is made in accordance with that Article, the application or patent shall, for the purposes of any proceedings in respect of that application or patent, be treated as if the deposit had never been made.発音を聞く  - 特許庁

商標登録出願について,補正が次の変更に係わる場合は,如なる補正もすることができない。 (a) 登録官による移転の認可後を除き,出願人の同一性の変更 (b) 商標の識別性を変更しないか又はその同一性に影響を与えない場合を除き,商標の変更 (c) 証拠がその事実によって変更の正当性を証明する場合を除き,その商標のカナダで最初に使用した日又は公知にした日のうちれか先の日への変更 (d) 出願前にその商標がカナダで使用され又は公知になった旨の主張のない出願から,使用され又は公知になった旨の主張のある出願への変更,又は (e) 法律第30条に従って行われた出願時に願書に含まれていた商品又はサービスの記載を拡張する商品又はサービスの記載への変更例文帳に追加

No application for the registration of a trade-mark may be amended where the amendment would change (a) the identity of the applicant, except after recognition of a transfer by the Registrar; (b) the trade-mark, except in respects that do not alter its distinctive character or affect its identity; (c) the date of first use or making known in Canada of the trade-mark to an earlier date, except where the evidence proves that the change is justified by the facts; (d) the application from one not alleging use or making known of the trade-mark in Canada before the filing of the application to one alleging such use or making known; or (e) the statement of wares or services so as to be broader than the statement of wares or services contained in the application at the time the application was filed pursuant to section 30 of the Act.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


If a European patent application has been published under Article 93 of the European Patent Convention and a translation into Finnish of the patent claims as worded when published has been filed with the Patent Authority, the Patent Authority shall make the translation available to anyone and make an announcement in Finnish and Swedish to this effect.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


The connecting object management part 24 monitors the using state of the resources 42 by the resource using clients 30, and upon finding resources 42 not used by the resource using clients 30, it reports the effect to any one of the proxies 12 associated with the user request information written in the use request storage device 22. - 特許庁

(4) 特許権者が付与された特許の内容が最初に公開された日から4 年間連続してその使用を怠り、商業的に許容できる条件による実施権許諾契約を締結する申出を断った場合人も強制非独占的実施権の付与を求める申立を裁判所に提出することができる。例文帳に追加

(4) Where the patent owner has failed to continuously use the invention within four years following the date of first publication of the particulars of the patent grant and has declined an offer to conclude a license contract on commercially acceptable terms, any person may file an appeal with the court requesting the grant of a compulsory non-exclusive license. - 特許庁


In a case when one of the sensors is broken, a temperature which should be detected by the broken temperature sensor is estimated 135 based on a normal temperature detecting value, the ambient temperature difference between the previously detected active engine mounts and a temperature raised portion by the self heating of each active engine mount detected from a driving signal. - 特許庁


When a measured value of working current measured by a current measuring instrument D exceeds a predetermined upper limit, energy can be saved by demand control while suppressing cost because a sub system SS1 is provided with an equipment controller C1 for turning off at least one piece of equipment Xm. - 特許庁



Anyone may request the cancellation of a trade mark registered in Austria or enjoying protection in Austria in accordance with Section 2 par 2 for at least five years, if this trade mark was not genuinely used (Section 10a) for the designation of goods or services in respect of which it is registered within a period of five years prior to the day of submission of the petition in Austria, either by the proprietor of the trade mark himself or, with his consent, by any third party, unless the proprietor of the trade mark can justify the non-use.発音を聞く  - 特許庁



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