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該当件数 : 118



Furthermore, the inside of a heating chamber 3 can be cleaned when it is not used because the cooking utensil 8 can be mounted removably on the wall surface in the heating chamber 3. - 特許庁


The lower end of the tension material 2 is just tensioned by the weight 3 and not fixed, so that this screen can create a soft impression with floating feeling. - 特許庁


The invented tension adding device 1 adds tension to a hollow extruded product 17 and is equipped with a chuck 3 for retaining the extruded product 17 by adding a load toward the outside of the extruded product 17 from its inside. - 特許庁


The method comprises gradually increasing a current value of each half cycle of an AC current continuously applied to a discharge lamp (3) during steady lighting of the discharge lamp (3), whereby the tip portion of an electrode surface of the discharge lamp (3) is gradually deformed into a shape approximate to a cone. - 特許庁



A heat treatment chamber 15 for regulating the coated electric wire 11 drawn out from the extruder 3 to a crystallization promoting temperature for the polyethylene terephthalate resin is disposed on the downstream side of the extruder 5 in an extrusion processing line. - 特許庁



(3) The Board may request heads of each ministry and agency to give reports or to take necessary measures for supervision concerning the measures taken by the special corporations, etc. pursuant to the provision of paragraph 1.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

併せて、1999年第回ASEAN+3首脳会議における初の共同声明「東アジアにおける協力に関する共同声明」、2001年第5回ASEAN+3首脳会議におけるEAVGの報告、2002年第6回ASEAN+3首脳会議における「東アジア・スタディ・グループ」(EastAsia Study Group:EASG)89の報告、2004年6月のASEAN+3高級事務レベル会合における我が国からの「論点ペーパー」発出等を経て、東アジア共同体に向けた長期的なビジョンと政治的モメンタムが形成されていった。例文帳に追加

In addition, through the Joint Statement on East Asia Cooperation of the Third Informal Summit in 1999, the first-ever joint statement issued by an ASEAN+3 summit, and the EAVG Report in the 5th ASEAN+3 Summit in 2001, the Final Report of the East Asia Study Group (EASG)89 in the 6th ASEAN+3 Summit in 2002, and the Discussion Paper presented by Japan in the June 2004 ASEAN+3 Senior Officials Meeting, the long-term vision and political momentum for creating an East Asian Community began to take form. - 経済産業省


The apparatus for observing a furnace wall comprises storing an imaging apparatus 8 into an insulated container 3; placing mirror surfaces 2a and 2b on the outside of the insulated container 3; and imaging an image of the furnace wall reflected in the mirror surfaces by the imaging apparatus. - 特許庁


The styrenic resin extruded foam has 20-80 kg/m^3 bulk specific gravity of the whole and the bulk specific gravity in the surface layer part from the surface to 2 mm in the thickness direction is higher than the bulk specific gravity of the whole and >50 to105 kg/m^3. - 特許庁



A process is provided for combustion of a fuel by oxygen rich oxidant in a combustion chamber 3 in which at least one main variable indicative of combustion in a combustion chamber 3 is measured periodically, and hereby a control instruction for adjusting flow rates of a fuel and oxidant injected into a combustion chamber 3 is determined as a function of a measured result of the at least one main variable. - 特許庁



The auxiliary tube 1 has an intervenient structure between an outer coating pinching and holding member and an optical fiber cable 3 to install the optical fiber cable 3 in the outer coating member, and the cross section of the auxiliary tube 1 is an annular shape comprising a major axis part 13 and a minor axis part 15 and having a gap part 17. - 特許庁


The extruded tube 3 for the heat exchanger is formed by applying a brazing filler metal composition layer 7 containing brazing filler metal powder, flux and a binder, to the outer surface of an Al alloy extruded tube 6, and providing the outer surface of the Al alloy extruded tube 6 with line-like rugged parts. - 特許庁


The cleaning cloth 3 is composed of micro fibers not more than 0.5 denier, and a elastic polymer, and is formed of nonwoven fabric by projecting the superfine fibers on a surface in a standing shape. - 特許庁

実質的に密な繊維含有熱可塑性樹脂押出表面層と、微細空隙を有する繊維含有熱可塑性樹脂からなり、繊維含有率が15〜70重量%、平均繊維長が1〜0mm、見かけ密度が0.2〜1.0g/cm^3 である押出成形品が得られる。例文帳に追加

In this case, an extrusion molded product consisting of a substantially dense fiber-containing thermoplastic resin extrusion surface layer and a fiber-containing thermoplastic resin layer having fine voids and characterized by that a fiber content is 15-70 wt.%, a mean fiber length is 1-30 mm and an apparent density is 0.2-1.0 g/cm3 is obtained. - 特許庁


(1) The full grain or suede leather-like sheet is made of an entangled nonwoven fabric, and a base material, the inside of which is impregnated with a polymeric elastic body; (2) the full grain or suede leather-like sheet is superposed on the core material by sewing; and (3) the concentration of dimethylformamide (DMF) existing in the leather-like flooring material is 10 ppm or less. - 特許庁


Among his children, Yasumasa HIGUCHI (the third head of the Higuchi family), Yasumoto HIGUCHI (the fourth head), Yasumitsu CHUJO who became Izu no kami (Governor of Izu Province) and served the Tokugawa family of Owari Province, Yasuhiro HIGUCHI (Nagayasu HIGUCHI, the fifth head), a daughter who became the wife of Shigenaga SUZUKI, a daughter who became the wife of Tadakatsu MATSUDAIRA, Osa who became the wife of MATSUDAIRA Zusho no kami, Ritsu who became the wife of Masatatsu TAKEKOSHI (the third son of Masanobu TAKEKOSHI), a daughter who became the wife of Yorishige HAMURO, and a daughter who was adopted into Nishihonganji and became the wife of Kimio ANO, are known.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After working as a judge of Tokyo Appellate Court, a department director of Yokohama District Court, an office manager of Mito District Court and a department director of Tokyo Appellate Court, he joined Sumitomo with help from Masaya SUZUKI in 1902 and became the manager of Besshi Mining Company in 1902.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In facility equipment (sink stand 1) that has a space part 4 with a size for inserting a lap part while being seated in a chair from the front side of a water reception part 3 being provided on a top 2, the height of a rising wall 8 at the front side of the water reception part 3 is variable. - 特許庁


In the optical signal multiplexer/demultiplexer, an input optical signal in which optical signals having four different wavelengths λ_1, λ_2, λ_3, λ_4 are superimposed is emitted from an optical signal input/output port 1, and is collimated by a first lens 2, and is further made incident on a step grating 3 which operates as a diffraction grating. - 特許庁


In 1966, Hideo BO, the Minister of Health and Welfare in the third reshuffled cabinet of the first Sato government, was intently copying Jikku Kannongyo in his notebook for a calming effect during his impeachment speech at the Diet.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Industrial Property Arbitration Tribunal shall comprise three members who shall be appointed every two years by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Development and Reconstruction, one being freely chosen by the Ministry, another proposed by the President of the State Defense Council from among its body of attorneys and the third elected from a list of three persons submitted by the Court of Appeal of Santiago.  - 特許庁

特許庁は, 決定を下す前に, 登録の拒絶予定の理由に関して書面で出願人に通知するものとし,出願人に対し,第39 条(2) に従って出願を取り下げるか又は修正するか( 補正した形で効力を維持する) の判断を3 月以内に表明する機会を与える。例文帳に追加

Before the taking of a decision, the Patent Office shall inform the applicant in writing regarding the grounds for the expected refusal of registration providing the applicant with an opportunity to express within a period of 3 months his or her considerations, to withdraw or modify the application (maintain in force in an amended form), observing the provisions of Section 39, Paragraph two of this Law. - 特許庁


(3) The Governor concerned may give a necessary instruction concerning the instruction of paragraph (1) to the Sea-area Fisheries Adjustment Commission concerned or the Joint Sea-area Fisheries Adjustment Commission concerned. In this case, the Governor concerned shall notify the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister of the contents of said instruction in advance.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The ID code the light of which is emitted by the optical demodulator 1 is confirmed by an ID identifying position detection processor 5 on an image projected by the camera 3 for recognition. - 特許庁


Moreover, the ultrasonic linear motor has a slider 4 which is shifted by elliptic motion, in contact with protruded members 5a and 5b and a restricting member 6 which are provided on the surface of the vibrator 3 where this elliptic motion is generated. - 特許庁


The linear grooves 5, 6 are formed in a V shape in cross section in the direction orthogonal to the joined surface of both chips 10, 11, and the first and second engaging members 2, 3 are engaged with one optical device 16 connected by preliminarily aligning optical axes and are connected with bolts 13 to manufacture the optical axis adjusting jig 1. - 特許庁


A window terminal 10 at a receiving office A1 reads the address and name of a sender and a recipient listed on a mail 2, and a barcode label 3 attached in acceptance, and creates a mail receipt 4 by the image copying of the address/name sections of the sender and the recipient. - 特許庁


In 1554, Yoshiteru got rifles and a secret recipe for making gunpowder called "Teppokusurikata narabini chogo shidai" from the Otomo clan, and in 1560, he allowed Gaspar Vilela to preach Christianity, and these facts illustrate that he had a great interest in new things.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1459, Yoshitoshi SHIBA, the head of the Shiba clan, was removed from his position as head of the clan by Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA, the 8th shogun of the Ashikaga shogunate who was angry about the conflict between Yoshitoshi and Jochi KAI, the shugodai (deputy military governor) and the vassal of the SHIBA clan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the multilayer extruder 20, electric heaters 54 and 56 adjusting the temperature of a molten resin in a manifold 28 which can form the inner layer 3 of the multilayer film 2 are arranged to be closer to the manifold 28 side. - 特許庁


Then, this rubber mixture is kneaded in a sealed kneader and after kneading, a metallic colored tire tread 1 having a surface layer rubber portion 2 and an inner layer rubber portion 3 which contain a wear-resistant compound is extruded. - 特許庁


(3) A prefectural governor may seek the necessary cooperation from the mayor of a municipality (including a special ward) (such mayor shall exclude the mayor of a designated city, core city or a city specified by a Cabinet Order set forth in paragraph (1)) concerning custody of a dog or cat under paragraph (1) (including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph; the same shall apply in paragraphs (5) and (6)).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The semiconductor substrate 3 has a higher band-gap than the active layer 7, the first DBR reflection layer 3 is transparent to light having a light emission wavelength, and the first semiconductor layer and the second semiconductor layer are different in refractive index from each other. - 特許庁


Laser light 3 exiting from a light source 1 such as a semiconductor laser impinges on the beam shaping element 2 and is diffracted by its 1st surface 2a and transmitted through a 1/2 wavelength plate 2c, and diffracted by its 2nd surface 2b to exit while having its spread shaped into a circular distribution. - 特許庁

(3) 当該請求及び陳述書の写の商標所有者による受領後3月以内に,商標所有者は長官に対して異議申立書を提出することができ,長官はその写を請求人に送付する。ただし,第51条(4)に基づく取消請求が第51条(1)(a)又は(b)に規定の不使用の理由を根拠とする場合は,商標所有者は,異議申立書と共に自己による標章使用の証拠を提出するものとし,その提出を欠く場合は,長官は,異議申立を却下し,請求を認可することができる。例文帳に追加

(3) Within three months of receipt by the proprietor of the copy of the application and the statement the proprietor may file a notice of opposition with the Controller and the Controller shall send a copy thereof to the applicant: Provided that where an application for revocation under section 51(4) is based on a ground of non-use specified in section 51(1)(a) or (b), the proprietor shall file with the notice of opposition evidence of the use by him or her of the mark; and upon failure to do so, the Controller may dismiss the opposition and grant the application. - 特許庁


(3) Matters regarding the transfer of evaluation activities and other necessary matters, in the event of the conducting of evaluation activities by the competent minister pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) and the permission by the competent minister of the abolition of evaluation activities pursuant to the provision of Article 26 paragraph (1) or the withdrawal of designation pursuant to the provision of Article 27 paragraph (1), shall be provided by the applicable ministerial ordinance.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(3) With regard to a design for which secrecy is requested under Article 14(1), the holder of the design right or the exclusive licensee may not make a demand under paragraph (1) unless he/she has given warning with documents stating the matters listed in Article 20(3) and certified by the Commissioner of the Patent Office.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二百六条 受命裁判官又は受託裁判官が証人尋問をする場合には、裁判所及び裁判長の職務は、その裁判官が行う。ただし、第二百二条第三項の規定による異議についての裁判は、受訴裁判所がする。例文帳に追加

Article 206 Where an authorized judge or commissioned judge examines a witness, the respective judge shall perform the duties of the court and the presiding judge; provided, however, that a judicial decision on an objection under the provision of Article 202(3) shall be made by the court in charge of the case.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


In the co-extruded lamination film, (A) a first resin layer containing 70-100 mass% propylene-butene-1 copolymer, and (B) a second resin layer containing 50-100 mass% of (b) a straight chain low density polyethylene with a density of 0.930-0.950 g/cm^3, are laminated. - 特許庁


In a method for manufacturing the fiberoptic cable, the temperature of thermoplastic resin is set to 160 to 190°C when a tension member 2 of glass FRP and an optical fiber are coated with a coating layer 3 of the thermoplastic resin by extrusion. - 特許庁


In a display part of a cellular phone (1), mouse functions, when linking with the display type glasses (including the non-magnified type), are disposed on a front surface (2), a side surface (3), a back surface (4) or integrally on the combination thereof, and a mouse is operated to operate the display screen projected on the glasses, thereby achieving the purpose. - 特許庁


A map expression part 9 produces map image information formed by superimposing only an icon showing the latest position of the mobile terminal 3 in the first mode and changes the display form of the icon when the acquisition time of the latest position information is included within a certain period from the present time in the second mode. - 特許庁


(3) The Registered Foreign Lawyers Disciplinary Action Committee may request the registered foreign lawyer subject to the disciplinary procedure, the person who has made the request under paragraph (1) of Article 53, the bar association which has made the request under paragraph (2) of the same Article, the relevant persons, government or public offices and others to make a statement or explanation or submit data if necessary for the examination.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


In this manufacturing method, a nonwoven fabric 4, an adhesive film 3 immediately after extrusion obtained by extruding thermoplastic resin from an extruder 20 at a melt flow rate of 10-1,000 g/10 minutes, and a skin material 2 are overlaid in this order, and are nipped by a pair of rolls 21 and 22. - 特許庁


In January 997, Teishi gave birth to Imperial Princess Shushi (or Nagako), the first Princess of Emperor Ichijo, and the Emperor yearned to have Teishi back in the Imperial Court as the Empress; on the other hand, Higashi Sanjo Nyoin (or Higashi Sanjoin) was hardly recovered yet from her illness; at last on May 18, 997, the Imperial Court decided to pardon the brothers Dazai gon no sochi Korechika and Izumo gon no kami Takaie under the general amnesty on Nyoin gono (illness of Nyoin) to send them back by Daijokanpu (official documents issued by Daijokan, Grand Council of State).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


(3) The handover of examination affairs and other necessary matters shall, in the case where the Director-General of the Japan Meteorological administers examination affairs pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), has permitted the abolition of examination affairs pursuant to the provisions of Article 24-15, paragraph (1), or has rescinded designation pursuant to the provisions of the preceding Article, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2), be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Shozeicho was created in three copies a year; one of those was kept by kokufu to serve as material used for succession at the time of replacement of kokushi, and for creation of shozeicho of the following year, and the two of those were submitted to Daijokan attached to some related material (shibun) that could confirm the balance of financial affairs including denso, suiko, almsgiving, and building and preservation cost of Kokubun-ji Temple, by February 30 each year (in the old lunar calendar) except Dazaifu where by May 30 (in the old lunar calendar).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This guide wire for radio rebroadcasting, etc., is made by disposing, at its center part, a string-like member 1 made of non-metallic fiber having corrosion resistance, flexibility, and tension resistance, together twisting a plurality of conductors 2 therearound to prevent tension from being exerted on the member 1, and coating the conductors with an insulator 3 by extrusion. - 特許庁


The extruded foam of a cyclic olefin copolymer resin comprises a cyclic olefin copolymer resin and a non-chlorofluorocarbon-based blowing agent and has 10-150mm foam thickness, 20-50kg/m^3 foam density and a volume change in heating the foam in an atmosphere at 100 °C for 24 hours of -10 to +10%. - 特許庁



In 1888, while still a student, Kojuro presented an article titled 'The method to establish the common writing style between men and women' with Naohiko (Masahiko) MASAKI, who was his close friend and later became the principal of Tokyo Fine Arts School (present Tokyo University of Arts) in the educational journals "Dainihon Kyoikukai Zasshi "(Vols. 73 and 74: March and April) and "Kyoshi no Tomo" (Vols. 10 and 11: March and April).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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