
「幅の広い」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(74ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 3768



To manufacture a level/tilt adjustment device used for a piloting-training simulator, a motion seat interlocked with an image in a movie theater, a level adjustment mechanism, a body feeling game machine in a game parlor, or the like, imparting a level state or a desired tilt state to a mounted object to enable it to be used widely and practically. - 特許庁


To provide a sheet material feeding device provided with an intermediate plate pressurization mechanism capable of obtaining stable pickup pressure not depending on a loading amount of the sheet even when the sheet with a wide width is fed and capable of storing the intermediate plate and a feeding tray compact in the sheet material feeding device provided with the intermediate plate having a pivot center far spaced from a feeding roller. - 特許庁


To provide a composition for skin or hair having excellent ultraviolet absorbing effects in a wide ultraviolet wavelength region from a UV-A region to a UV-B region without inhibiting effects of an alkyl β,β-diphenylacrylate and/or an α-cyano-β,β-diphenylacrylate (e.g. octocrylene) on improvement in light stability of a dibenzoylmethane derivative. - 特許庁


To provide a reversible thermochromic composition which has a broad hysteresis width and nominally exhibits an irreversible colored state under the ordinary use conditions (normal temperature region) for giving a high color developing density and high contrast in small residual color on color extinguishing even if microencapsulated to enhance the properties when used as a reversible thermochromic material. - 特許庁



The imaging apparatus comprises at least photo diodes each having a vertical overflow drain structure, vertical shift registers for temporarily storing signals transferred from the photo diodes, and horizontal shift registers for storing signals transferred from the vertical shift registers and transferring in the horizontal direction. - 特許庁



The antenna sheet has an antenna pattern containing a loop coil pattern composed of a conductive thin film on a base material sheet, wherein the loop coil pattern has the outermost periphery coil pattern, the innermost periphery coil pattern, and a middle coil pattern and a part or all of the outermost periphery coil pattern and the innermost periphery coil pattern are wider than a line width of the middle coil pattern. - 特許庁


In the transient absorption measuring instrument for measuring the transient absorption of a substance, steady light is used as a probe light source and an avalanche diode is used as a light detection means to measure the transient absorption over the wide region from the ultraviolet region to the near infrared region with high measuring precision and high time resolving power. - 特許庁


To provide a sword fighting system for the game machines which can reproduce the scenes actually fighting spectacularly and clarify the result of the fighting and furthermore, has the options of the action display over a wider range covering not only the counter attack but also avoiding action on the defence side by making the screen present an action display showing the attack and defence in response to the players' operations. - 特許庁


To provide a manual or open loop control type fluid control device that facilitates installation, piping and wiring in a semiconductor manufacturing apparatus or the like, enables constant stable fluid control and enables fine flow control over a wide flow rate range by a simple structure dispensing with feedback control, and ensures flow control even when a pulsating fluid flows. - 特許庁



A resist layer 21 having an opening broader than a width of the base electroconductive layer 20 on the base electroconductive layer 20 is formed on the front-face substrate 2, and is electroplated with the transparent electrode 9 and the base electroconductive layer 20 as plating electrodes, so that a main electroconductive layer 22 is formed on the transparent electrode 9 and the base electroconductive layer 20. - 特許庁



This flame retardant net material contains a red phosphorus-based flame retardant in the net material by using a uniaxially stretched thermoplastic resin film as a raw material, and therefore the net material does not generate a toxic gas unlike the case of using a halogen-based flame retardant, and can be used in a wide variety of uses requiring the flame retardance. - 特許庁


To provide a preform for precision press molding comprising optical glass imparting broad dispersion characteristics, permitting a low pressing temperature suited to precision press molding and affording high stability, a method of manufacturing the same, an optical device obtained by the precision press molding of the preform and a method of manufacturing the optical device. - 特許庁


To provide a new radiation-sensitive composition for colored layer formation having good storage stability as a solvent-containing liquid composition and giving pixels and a black matrix excellent in solvent resistance to various solvents and in adhesion to a substrate, and to provide a color filter and a color liquid crystal display element. - 特許庁


To provide a new fluorine-containing polymerizable monomer and fluorine-containing high polymer compound that has high transparency in a very wide wavelength area from the ultraviolet area to the near infrared area, additionally have high adhesion to substrate, film-forming properties, heat resistance, solvent resistance, dielectric property, mechanical stability, further has high etching resistance and is useful as a resist material and photographic sensitive material. - 特許庁


To provide a new polymerizable monomer, to provide a polymer which uses the monomer, and has a high fluorine content, high transparency in a wide wavelength region from vacuum UV light to an optical communication region, a high adhering property to substrates, and a high film-forming property, and further to provide a reflection-preventing material, an optical device material and a resist material coated with the polymer. - 特許庁


In a container for a medical suction drainage apparatus constituted of at least a connection port, a transfer preventing chamber, a liquid collecting chamber and a water seal chamber, separately from a part not having an inner cavity dividing the respective chambers, a part wider than this part and having no inner cavity or a part having an inner cavity narrow in depth is provided. - 特許庁


To provide a material for purifying air by using light for activating the material in the light having a wide wavelength area, for easily manufacturing the material, and for informing a user of the times for reproducing the material by an easy method, for changing the materials and the time after reproducing the material. - 特許庁


To provide a modulation signal generating apparatus for converting a frequency of a digital modulation signal into a frequency of a carrier, using a band pass filter to suppress an unnecessary frequency component and aiming at correction of a change in the characteristics of the band pass filter due to a temperature change when the pass band of the band pass filter is a broad modulation band width. - 特許庁


To obtain a composition comprising a polymer readily and cheaply obtained from wide vinyl monomers including a polar vinyl-based monomer such as a (meth)acrylic acid-based monomer, having a regulated molecular weight and molecular weight distribution and further having hydroxy group at the terminal, and good in toughness, weather resistance, thermal stability, water resistance or the like, and further to provide the use thereof. - 特許庁


To provide an active energy line hardening type resin composition for Fresnel lens and a Fresnel lens sheet using the composition which has a high elastic modulus and a high refractive index, whose adhesion for a plastic base material and transparency are excellent, whose lens layer shows excellent shape holding power in a broad temperature range, and which does not easily have chip or crack of the shape by external force. - 特許庁


To provide an excellent toner for developing electrostatic latent images which facilitates rapid rising of a charge amount, excels in contradictory two properties of increasing the charge amount and making it hard to cause charge up, can form good images in various environments, and does not cause filming on a photoreceptor drum, and to provide an image forming method using the toner. - 特許庁


To provide a nitride compound semiconductor light emitting element which can greatly shift its light emitting wavelength to a long wavelength, even if having e.g. an InxGa1-xN light emitting active layer or a lower mixed crystal ratio of In, has a sufficient life and can select the light emitting wavelength in a wide wavelength range from blue to red, etc. - 特許庁


If we look then at the state of cooperation with related non-governmental entities inrevitalizing local governments,” we find that local governments of this kind tend to have arrangements in place for contact and collaboration with a wide range of related players in the private sector. These includeparticipation in TMOs,”“meetings with TMOs,” and “liaison meetings with related organizations” (Fig. 3-4-29). - 経済産業省


To meet this challenge, companies are changing and enhancing their human resources requirements. For example, engineers are expected to have broad expertise as well as creativity that enables improvements in production systems, while technicians are expected to be not only highly skilled and versatile but also capable of making proposals and executing them on the shop floor so that streamlined operations and high value creation can be fostered, thereby improving the company’s financial standing (Chart 2-2). - 経済産業省


In a bid to help explore channels for sales to wealthy people in rapidly-growing China among overseas markets, METI sponsored the Japan Quality-Life Products Gallery in Shanghai from November 2009 to the end of February 2010. The gallery exhibited 190 crafts, including dishes made in collaboration between craftsmen and designers, over the three-month period (attracting about 20,000 visitors) and actively provided business negotiation opportunities. METI has thus conducted a wide range of promotions for traditional Japanese crafts. - 経済産業省

なお、日中の省エネルギー・環境協力を推進するため、2006 年より、閣僚クラスも参加した官民のフォーラムである「日中省エネルギー・環境総合フォーラム」を開催し、日中双方が省エネルギー・環境に関する政策、経験、技術などについて、広い分野で意見交換を実施している。例文帳に追加

Meanwhile, in order to promote energy conservation/environmental cooperation between Japan and China, Japan has hosted the Japan-China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Forum since 2006, a public-private forum participated in by ministerial level officials, to exchange views on a wide range of areas concerning policies, experiences and technologies related to energy conservation and the environment. - 経済産業省


To provide a resist composition giving a pattern having a smooth good surface free from foreign matter and rectangular good profile and also having a large focal depth in the case of an isolated pattern in lithography using a short-wavelength light source for exposure which enables ultra- microfabrication and a positive type chemical amplification resist. - 特許庁


To provide a scroll compressor capable of coping with a wide range of operation mode by reducing mechanical loss due to reduction of operation frequency by increasing volume in a high speed operation range, and reducing leak loss and motor loss due to operation frequency increase by reducing volume in a low speed operation range without changing size of a compressor main body. - 特許庁


To provide a composition for alkali development type resist ink which can respond to direct exposure technique by laser and which has super-high sensitivity exhibiting excellent curing properties even with low exposure energy, coating hardness and a wide heat management width, and to provide a vinyl ester resin which can give such properties to the composition for alkali development type resist ink. - 特許庁


To provide a herbicide composition or a plant growth regulator composition which is a composition having a wide herbicidal spectrum to various weeds, is effective to weeds generated in non-crop land, and shows excellent control effect and selectivity in a low dose, particularly when it is used on a golf course and the like. - 特許庁


As a result of studies for attaining the purpose, the present inventors found that wide herbicidal spectrum is developed by simultaneously bringing N-benzyl-2-(4-fluoro-3-trifluoromethylphenoxy) butanoic amide and a glyphosate herbicide into contact with weeds and herbicidal activity obtained thereby is remarkably improved, compared with herbicidal activity obtained when either one thereof is alone used to complete the present invention. - 特許庁


An aggregate substrate 10 which is formed by integrating a plurality of mounting substrates 11 planar via a cutting margin 12 is formed, and meanwhile, a reinforcement substrate 20 is formed which is thicker than the aggregate substrate 10 and has a through opening part 21 formed to leave a supporting part 22 whose width is larger than that of the cutting margin 12 at least in a part corresponding to the cutting margin 12. - 特許庁


To provide a scroll compressor capable of coping with a wide operation mode by reducing a leakage loss and a motor loss by increasing an operation frequency by reducing the volume in a low speed operation area, while reducing a mechanical loss by reducing the operation frequency by increasing the volume in a high speed operation area, without changing the size of a compressor body. - 特許庁


To provide a hydrogen gas sensor having an extremely simple structure, not influenced by existence of moisture, operating normally and promptly especially in the dry state, usable in a wide temperature region, and capable of realizing lower power consumption and more excellent gas selectivity than hitherto, and a hydrogen gas sensing method using the sensor. - 特許庁


Since the isolating angle at a short wavelength side can be made small or the isolating angle or the isolating breadth can be linearly changed from a short wavelength region toward a long wavelength region, when the multiple image polarization element is used for a polarization imaging apparatus, a polarization spectroscope and a multi-channel Fourier spectroscope, a wide wavelength range can be simultaneously measured. - 特許庁


A tongue 1A of the metal foil 1 is stuck on the surface of the spool 100, a strip-shaped elastic body 11 having a predetermined length(L) and the same or larger width than the metal foil 1 in the circumferential direction of the spool 100 is stuck on the surface of the spool with adhesive agent, and thereafter, the metal foil on the spool is rolled up by rotating the spool. - 特許庁


An RF spectrum analyzer is provided with an antenna 12 for acquiring RF carrier signals, a down converter 14 for converting the RF carrier signals into IF signals, an A/D converter 20 for converting the IF signals into digital signals having a relatively broad band width, and a DSP 28 which functions to measure a plurality of offset frequencies in an IF band width by performing FFT filtering on the converted digital signals. - 特許庁


The control system uses a first narrower cathode pressure range based on stack current density during stack power transients or dynamic cycle to provide better cathode outlet gas relative humidity control, and uses a second wider cathode pressure range based on stack current density during low current density and steady-state current density to improve system efficiency by decreasing compressor parasitics. - 特許庁


The SESC also intends to formulate the inspection plan of the financial firms in a risk-based manner in order to enhance flexibility and efficiency of its inspections based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. The SESC will select certain themes regarding common problems identified in the markets and implement targeted inspections to the financial firms with such problems. The SESC will continue to act flexibly while being alert to wide-raging issues in the markets.  - 金融庁


To enable an operator to acquire knowledge, information, and the like on commodities belonging to various fields by plugging in his her own operating terminal to a system, to acquire advices or the like from experts as needed and to be educated on the commodities or the like. - 特許庁


To provide: an endo-β-1,4-glucanase which is stably present and exhibits its activity under wide conditions such as intermediate to high temperatures, weak acidic to weak alkali region and weak to high ionic strength; enzyme compositions, polynucleotides, polynucleotide structures, recombinant plasmid, and transformed microorganisms including the same; and a method for producing the endo-β-1,4-glucanase. - 特許庁


To provide a heat-shrinkable polyester film having excellent shrink characteristics and shrink finish properties in a wide temperature range from a low temperature to a high temperature, excellent in solvent adhesiveness, extremely reduced in the occurrence of shrink whitening even if the film is preserved over a long period of time and suitably used as a label having excellent tear resistance. - 特許庁


To provide a polyacetal resin composition which, particularly when made into a sliding part, does not select a sliding partner to cope with broad frictional and abrading conditions and suppresses the amount of formaldehyde formed from pellets and molded articles, and to provide a resin molded product formed by molding this composition, specifically, a polyacetal resin sliding member. - 特許庁


Then, a single crystal silicon substrate is etched by injecting an anisotropic etching liquid through the trench 9 for injecting the etching liquid, a cavity 7 where a side wall 7a is constituted by the face (111) whose width becomes narrower in upper and lower directions in a depthwise direction from the widest site is formed, and a through hole 8 and a penetration hole 9 are blocked by a sealing member 10. - 特許庁


The filament bonding system comprises a delivery system having a spool and a dancer arm assembly for equilibration; a clamp having a curved filament entrance, a narrower holding region, and a wider filament exit; and a bond head having a guide, a groove forming section, and a bond tool having a staking section. - 特許庁


To provide a new polymerizable monomer having a high transparency and a low refraction index in such a wide wavelength range as from a vacuum ultraviolet ray to an optical communication wavelength area and further having high adhesion to substrates, high film-forming property and high etching resistance, which can be attained by allowing a polar group to contain in the same molecule even under a high fluorine content, and to provide a polymer compound using the monomer. - 特許庁


To revitalize the occluded domestic economy, business conditions need to be improved in domestic and offshore markets, taking into consideration the impact on a wide range of areas from growth areas and areas with comparative advantage through to sensitive areas. Optimal external economic policy needs to be constantly selected, drafted and implemented from this perspective. - 経済産業省


Three oscillators for generating a frequency of about 200 kHz suitable for white bait detection and one oscillator for generating a frequency of about 50 kHz for wide finding are fixed so that ultrasonic beams go right downward, left downward, and just downward with respect to the hull, and are mounted inside a storage body filled with insulation oil in one horizontal length 1 column with respect to the travel direction. - 特許庁


To manufacture an H-shape steel, a steel slab is successively passed through a break-down mill, a rough rolling mill and a finish rolling mill. - 特許庁



Strike an appropriate balance between the contributions of the private external creditors and the official external creditors, in light of financing provided by IFIs. In cases where a contribution from official bilateral creditors (primarily the Paris Club) is needed, the IMF financing plan would need to provide for broad comparability between the contributions of official bilateral creditors and private external creditors. The Paris Club, if involved, should of course continue to assess the comparability desired and achieved between its agreement and those to be reached with other creditors.  - 財務省


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