
「幅の広い」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(75ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 3768



In this context the Discussion Paper gave the following three methods as examples of ways to work towards the formation of an East Asian Community: (1) promotion of functional cooperation in a wide range of areas (the "functional approach"), (2) future introduction of institutional arrangements on a regional scale (the "institutionalization approach"), and (3) development of a "sense of community" through a variety of methods, including promotion of exchange between regions, reduction in developmental disparities between countries in this region, and creation of a shared identity based on common values and principles. - 経済産業省


As I said previously, regarding the use of dormant deposits, I believe it is necessary to hold debate from the perspective of a wide range of points of debate, such as how to secure the confidence of and convenience for depositors, the legal treatment of property rights relating to dormant deposits, who should manage dormant deposit accounts, how accounts should be managed, and how to finance and share the costs of paying back and managing dormant deposits, in light of the unique circumstances in Japan and on the premise of depositors' and other relevant parties' understanding. And then we should consider how to create an effective and sustainable system.  - 金融庁

第一には、協定において扱われる分野として、関税・非関税障壁の撤廃のみならず、投資、競争、環境、経済協力、人の移動など、新たな分野に関するルールの整備が含まれるケースが増えたことである(従来の貿易についてのFTAの要素を含みつつ、特定の二国間又は複数国間で域内のヒト、モノ、サービス、カネの移動の更なる自由化、円滑化を図るため、水際及び国内の規制の撤廃や各種経済制度の調和等を行うなど広い取り決めを内容とする協定を、わが国では、経済連携協定(Economic Partnership Agreement(EPA))と呼んでいる)。例文帳に追加

First, there were more cases involving, not only the elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade, but also the establishment of rules in new areas (such as investment, competition, environment, economic cooperation and the movement of natural persons). - 経済産業省


As to the utilization of dormant deposits, relevant cabinet ministers recently held a meeting to discuss such points of debate as how to ensure depositors' trust and assure convenience for them, how to share the cost of managing dormant accounts and the legal treatment of property rights to dormant deposits, and later, Minister Furukawa apparently spoke in a door-step interview.  I believe that it is necessary to consider this matter from a broad perspective.  - 金融庁



The round was launched to deal with a lot of issues as follows: disagreement among advanced countries that had emerged at the Third Ministerial Conference held in Seattle in 1999; a deep divide between advanced countries and developing countries; and failures caused by factors including civil society's opposition to trade liberalization itself. With a view to addressing new issues of the present age, negotiations cover wide range of fields including agriculture, nonagricultural market access (NAMA), service, antidumping, Singapore Issues or environment. - 経済産業省



In order to achieve real GNI growth in the midst of globalization, while at the same time spreading the fruits of such growth broadly throughout the economy and building an affluent national economy, it will be necessary 1) to acquire external demand through aggressive trade investment (expand real GDP through growth in exports, expand income earnings overseas through greater overseas investment), 2) improve terms of trade (improved trading gains/losses) and 3) achieve a smooth repatriation of wealth acquired overseas into Japan (generation of domestic demand). - 経済産業省


The reduced water can be used as a means eliminating the negative effects of excessive dependence on sterilization over a wide range of fields, for prevention of nosocomial infection, prevention of aerial infection of influenza in public facilities, and prevention of pathogenic bacteria propagation in highly closed stock farming and houses. - 特許庁


Debate on IFRS will continue. Accounting standards are not merely a technical issue but are closely related to the status of Japanese companies based on the country's history, business culture and national heritage as well as legal systems, including the Companies Act and the tax system, and companies' international competitiveness. Therefore, I believe that it is necessary to conduct a wide-ranging study on the advantages and impact of the introduction of IFRS from a broad perspective and fulfill our accountability to the people.  - 金融庁


From the point of the Bank, issues to be seriously considered include: i) how to respond, as a regional bank, to the decentralization of the World Bank, ii) what role the Bank should play in supporting the emerging market countries with the access to the international capital markets, and iii) how the Bank to provide more active and effective support to private sector development.  - 財務省



Therefore, it has been decided that the Business Accounting Council's Audit Committee should adequately deliberate auditing procedures to deal with accounting fraud from the perspective of making accounting audits more effective. The Financial Services Agency (FSA) hopes that the Audit Committee will conduct adequate deliberation while taking account of wide-ranging opinions from relevant persons and that audit procedures for dealing with accounting fraud will be enhanced.  - 金融庁



Though a solution has not necessarily been found, a great deal of discussion is held to deal with this situation. It is suggested that, in addition to increasing the efficiency of regional policy programs, local regions should be revitalized not in a uniform manner, but by bringing out the uniqueness and strength of each region. Moreover, such uniqueness should be considered not simply from the narrow viewpoint of economic status, but from a wider perspective that includesquality of life.” In fact, we are able to find these new approaches in operation. - 経済産業省


Recognizing the importance of low-emissions strategies as an integral part of sustainable economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region, we encouraged APEC economies to elaborate low-emission strategies as part of their broader economic growth plans and in line with the Cancun Agreements adopted in December 2010, in order to make full use of the potential for green growth in our economies and undertake bold actions to address climate change considering social, environmental and economic aspects.  - 経済産業省


At the time of Economic, Trade and Industry Minister Amari's visit in January 2008, a memorandum was concluded for specifying joint investment projects in Asia between NEXI and Mubadala Development. By the request of Abu Dhabi side, broad ranging proposals were made such as cooperation between universities of the two countries, medical cooperation including the training of Abu Dhabi doctors and the holding of seminars on the promotion of bilateral investment. - 経済産業省


Because dialogue helps strengthen the ownership of developing countries, increase the poverty reduction impact, and improve the efficiency of aid provision by avoiding unnecessary overlap in development aid. Thus, we believe it is essential for the Bank to strengthen partnerships, through dialogue, with donor countries, the governments in developing countries, civil society, the local communities, the private sector, and other development institutions. Strengthened partnerships with these stakeholders will then prove their worth in promoting structural reforms and governance in the countries of operations.  - 財務省


A Remittance Handling Financial Institution, etc. is not necessarily required to introduce anAutomatic Checking System” where, in confirming whether a customer falls under those subject to economic sanctions such as asset freeze, both a person in charge at the Sales Division or a sales branch who has received a request from a customer and a person in charge at a division in charge of remittance affairs not only conduct search for a name that exactly matches the customer’s name with the use of the “List of Those Subject to Sanctionsbut also carry out appropriate confirmation, for example, by extracting similar information through search by each word and narrowing down extensive candidates one by one, with regard to all outgoing remittances.  - 財務省


To obtain a bis(perfluoroalkylsulfonyl)methane useful e.g. as a synthetic raw material for tris(trifluorosulfonyl)methane lithium salt usable as a solid electrolyte of a high-performance totally solid battery by reacting a specific perfluoroalkylsulfonic acid anhydride with methyl lithium. - 特許庁

次代を担う青年層や女性層の中小・小規模企業経営者を中心に、中小企業団体、税理士等の士業、商店街関係者、生業、地域金融機関等、広い主体の参加のもとに、「“ 日本の未来” 応援会議~小さな企業が日本を変える~(略称:“ ちいさな企業” 未来会議)」(共同議長:経済産業大臣、日本商工会議所会頭)を設置し、これまでの中小企業政策を真摯に見直し、中小・小規模企業の経営力・活力の向上に向けた課題と今後の施策の在り方を討議した。例文帳に追加

The “Future of Japan Support Conference - Small Enterprises Change Japan,” known for short as the “Small EnterprisesFuture Conference, was established with the participation of a wide range of entities, including SME associations, certified public tax accountants and members of other professions and occupations, bodies involved with shopping districts, and local financial institutions. Targeted mainly at the young and female small business entrepreneurs of the future and jointly chaired by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Chairman of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the conference considered a major rethink of conventional SME policies, obstacles to improvement of SMEs’ and small enterprisesmanagement strengths and dynamism, and the future shape of support measures.  - 経済産業省

2002年1月に署名、同年11月に発効した、我が国初のEPA である日シンガポールEPA については、一般特恵制度(GSP)の原産地規則の影響を受け、必要最小限の規定にとどまっていたが、その後の日マレーシア等では輸入国当局が輸出国へ情報照会・検証訪問が行える検認規定が加わる等、より広い内容が盛り込まれ、また使いやすい原産地規則となったことを受け、シンガポール側からの打診もあったことから、2006年4月より日シンガポールEPA 見直し交渉開始し、ユーザーにとって使い勝手のよい日マレーシアEPA 等と同様の規則へ改正した。例文帳に追加

The first EPA which Japan entered into, the Japan-Singapore EPA, was signed in January 2002, entered into force in November of the same year, and has the minimum requisite provisions, following the rules of origin adopted under Japan’s generalized system of preferences (GSP). - 経済産業省


The conference was centered on youth and women entrepreneurs who manage SMEs and small enterprises, with participation from wide-ranging bodies including SME organizations, tax accountants and other professionals, shopping districts, and local financial institutions. The participants earnestly reviewed SME policy to date considering the management conditions, issues and importance of small enterprises, and examined to implement issues and future policies to improve the management abilities and vitality of SMEs and small enterprises.  - 経済産業省


Now, one-third of large companies have adopted this system. The present system is, in most cases, accepting students who are scheduled to join the firms for three or six months as pre-employment experience. But we believe it important that companies should accept more students, not limited to those students that are to join the firm, and expand the doors to include middle and high school students as well as university and college students as at present. - 厚生労働省


In order to realize compact cities full of energy, intensive support will be provided with a focus on activities for "selection and concentration" to revitalize commerce and services undertaken by shopping centers, retailers, etc., with extensive participation by landowners and other parties in city centers where "integration of urban functions" and "recovery of energy in city centers" under the Revised Law for the Revitalization of Central Urban Districts are being pursued together. To this end, support will be provided to areas (city centers) seeking to revitalize commerce, establish and operate Councils for the Revitalization of Central Urban Districts, offer consultation on town management, etc. (continuation) (included in \\6,300million budget) - 経済産業省


The ERIA also holds symposia and seminars as necessary in member countries to increase awareness about the policy research conducted by the ERIA, to promote exchange of opinions among a broad range of people from the industrial, academic and governmental sectors in the region and to promote capacity-building projects designed to improve the ERIA performed, ahead of its formal establishment, research projects, capacity-building projects, and symposiums in cooperation with the Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO) in FY2007. - 経済産業省


Of course, I welcome lively debate.However, as I said at that time, accounting is related to international business strategy and it is not merely a technical issue. We added 10 new members from various fields so that wide-ranging discussions will be conducted from the perspectives of companies' positions in the economy, the national history, traditions and the cultural environment, as liberalism is a sort of culture.  - 金融庁


As I said earlier, the financial industry has experienced the Lehman Shock and the European debt crisis, which have triggered extreme volatility in the government bond prices of various countries.  Therefore, we would like to conduct intensive deliberations on a broad range of points of debate, including the flexibilization of regulation to suit the trend of international rules and changes in social and economic circumstances and on the assurance of the supply of appropriate products that takes account of ordinary investors.  - 金融庁


Public job training programs implemented by the government are intended to train workers in the use of the kind of sophisticated machinery which has actually been installed at manufacturing sites to have them acquire advanced skills, so that they can serve as core human resources of the manufacturing industry in the future. - 経済産業省


Public job training programs implemented by the government are intended to train workers in the use of the kind of sophisticated machinery which has actually been installed at manufacturing sites to have them acquire advanced skills, so that they can serve as core human resources of the manufacturing industry in the future. At the same time, the training programs provide training for existing workers through training courses related to advanced knowledge and skills in a wide range of fields, such as adaptation to new technologies and improvement of production processes. - 経済産業省


Introduction of the income exemption system should provide a greater incentive for people who refrain from selling any stocks and, naturally, have no profits made in trading, though such people have so far been refused tax advantages offered for the year of investment. It is also supposed that people in parts of Japan who intend to support a “company with something gleamingin its foundation, including friends of the founders, should be encouraged by the tax treatment in quite an effective way to make investment, and that it should make great contribution to revitalization of local communities.  - 経済産業省


In this respect, ministries that have been powerful since a long time ago, such as the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, are acting appropriately. Governmental financial institutions and policy-based finance schemes can be supported by the taxpayer's money in the form of interest subsidies, so they can provide no-interest loans or loans with a five-year grace period of principal repayment, for example. Policy-based finance schemes and public financial institutions are notable in that they are convenient and useful for relief activities because of the broad range of policy objectives.  - 金融庁

国際金融システムに関し現在行っている対話を広い国々に拡大するため、数多くの措置が採られてきている。これには、25の参加者からなるIMFの新規借入取極(NAB) の創設、1998年に開催されたシステム上重要な国々の蔵相及び中央銀行総裁による特別会合、今春ボン及びワシントンで開催された33の先進国及び新興市場国によるセミナー、及び今回初めて特別代理会合によって準備が行われた本年春のIMF暫定委員会が含まれる。例文帳に追加

A number of steps have been taken to widen the ongoing dialogue on the international financial system to a broader range of countries, including the establishment of the New Arrangements to Borrow (NAB) comprising 25 participants; the special meetings involving Ministers and Governors of systemically significant economies that occurred during 1998; the seminars involving 33 industrial and emerging economies held this Spring in Bonn and Washington; and this year's Spring meeting of the IMF Interim Committee which was prepared for the first time by a special meeting of deputies.  - 財務省


A number of steps have been taken to widen the ongoing dialogue on the international financial system to a broader range of countries, including the establishment of the New Arrangements to Borrow (NAB) comprising 25 participants; the special meetings involving Ministers and Governors of systemically significant economies that occurred during 1998; the seminars involving 33 industrial and emerging economies held this Spring in Bonn and Washington; and this year's Spring meeting of the IMF Interim Committee which was prepared for the first time by a special meeting of deputies.  - 財務省


To provide a liquid crystal display performing color display by using a liquid crystal display element using color filters of three primary colors and a back light consisting of time division light sources of multi-primary colors having emission spectra of narrow bands, wherein spectral transmittance of each color filter is high within the concerned wavelength region and low in the other wavelength region and a color reproduction region is extremely wider than that of a CRT. - 特許庁

また、震災により国内投資減少の懸念がもたれる中、平成23 年4 月には、経済産業省は、アジア拠点化施策の一つとして、グローバル企業による高付加価値拠点の国内立地に対して補助を行う「アジア拠点化立地推進事業」について、平成23 年度の該当企業として5 事業者を採択した。 これは、次世代太陽電池、IT、医薬品など広い成長分野についての研究開発拠点の整備を支援するものである。例文帳に追加

Amid concern that the earthquake disaster might result in a decrease in domestic investment, in April 2011 METI announced that it selected five projects to fall under theSubsidy Program for Projects Promoting Asian Site Location in Japan”, which supports the establishment of new high-value-added R&D sites in Japan in a wide variety of fields such as next-generation solar cells, IT and pharmaceuticals. - 経済産業省


The company succeeded in the world's first demonstration of a SiCinverter in January 2006.In November 2009, the company introduced a technology to further reduce power loss and proved a 90% reduction of power loss compared to conventional Si inverters. Due to a wide range of potential applications, the SiC inverter technology is expected to be utilized in various products, including air-conditioning equipment, power conditioners for solar photovoltaic systems, and elevators. - 経済産業省


Public vocational training programs are designed to train workers in the use of the kind of sophisticated machinery which has been used at manufacturing sites so as to make them highly skilled workers capable of serving as the core human resources of monodzukuri industries in the future. In addition, the programs provide training for existing workers through training courses related to advanced knowledge and skills in a wide range of advanced fields, such as adaptation to new technologies and improvement of production processes. - 経済産業省


Under the Strategy for Rebirth of Japan, which was adopted as a Cabinet decision in December 2012 after discussions at the National Policy Meeting, it was once again recognized that “harnessing global demand, including stronger demand in Asia-Pacific region, is vital for Japan to continue and increase economic growth” and “Japan needs to proactively promote high-level economic partnerships and play leading roles in creating new trade and investment rules,” and determined that “Japan will pursue strategic, multifaceted economic partnerships with key trade partners and a wide variety of other countries.” - 経済産業省


What kind of measures did these enterprises take when going through a period of distress? As seen in Fig. 3-1-26, between enterprises that "have felt that continuing business operations would be a little difficult" and enterprises that "have felt that continuing business operations would be very difficult," the later tended to take measures that can be considered more urgent or broader, including cost reduction through "wage cuts" and "staff downsizing" and cash flow measures such as "investment of personal assets" and "investment of privately borrowed money." - 経済産業省

ERIAの「エネルギー・食料資源戦略に関するシンポジウム」は、各国大使、国会議員、各省庁幹部、企業関係者、学識有識者等広いトップリーダーを含む計約300 名の聴衆を得て開催され、二階経済産業大臣、橋本外務副大臣、石田農林水産副大臣及びスリンASEAN事務総長の基調講演が行われるとともに、「持続可能な経済成長に向けた食料戦略」及び「持続可能な経済成長に向けたエネルギー戦略」の2 つのセッションにおいてパネルディスカッションが行われた。例文帳に追加

The ERIA Symposium "Energy and Food Strategy for Sustainable Economic Growth in East Asia"was participated in by a total of 300 people, including a wide range of leaders, such as ambassadors, members of Parliaments, officials of ministries and agencies, business leaders, and academic experts. Keynote speeches were delivered by Toshihiro Nikai (Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry),Seiko Hashimoto (State Secretary for Foreign Affairs), Noritoshi Ishida (Senior Vice-Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) and Dr. Surin Pituswan (Secretary-General of ASEAN). After the speeches there were two panel discussion sessions on Food Strategy for Sustainable Economic Growth and Energy Strategy for Sustainable Economic Growth. - 経済産業省


Although these political parties agreed certain points in external policy, in the internal policy these parties, which included nationalistic Dainihon Association, National Association, and the East Liberal Party which was a leftist among the Freedom and People's Rights Movement, agreed each other only in the point of criticism against the government, the Liberal Party which was the second party of House of Representatives (in Meiji Period), or the Rikken seiyukai (a political party organized by Hirobumi ITO) which was established from the alliance of the Liberal Party and the governmental bureaucratic in the side of Hirobumi ITO.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Furthermore, in each of the committees established within the board of directors (the nominating committee, the compensation committee and the audit committee), more than half of the directors are required to be outside directors, thereby guaranteeing a fair degree of externality. Furthermore, since an audit committee, which conducts audits under the "Company with Committees" system, is placed in the board of directors, consequently it has wide-ranging authority, including audit of not only issues of legality but also appropriateness.  - 金融庁


First comprehensive fact finding survey of hedge funds was conduced in 2005 Based on theProgram for Further Financial Reform (December 2004)’, the FSA conducted its first comprehensive fact finding survey of hedge funds, covering 1,251 financial institutions and issued the report titledSummary of Hedge Fund Survey Results and the Discussion Pointson December 2005.This report covered investment, distribution and arrangement activities by financial institutions in Japan over last five years as of the end of March 2005.  - 金融庁


Specifically, the concept calls for members of the board of directors to have not only short-term but also long-term views as well as the perspectives to cover a broader range of factors from relations with stakeholders such as employees, business partners and customers to environmental considerations, with a clear awareness of the shift from the image of the company as an entity surely pursuing short-term and narrowly-defined profits to the new corporate image committed to longer-term value creation. - 経済産業省

当スタディグループの平成19年6月13日の中間論点整理におけると同様、ここでは、「受託者」という用語を、我が国で一般的に使用されている信託契約における trusteeを指すものではなく、英米における fiduciary、すなわち他者の信認を得て一定範囲の任務を遂行すべき者を指す広い概念として用いており、fiduciary(受託者)が負うさまざまな責任を総称して fiduciary duty(受託者責任)として広く捉えている。例文帳に追加

As in the "Interim Summary of Issues" announced by this study group on June 13, 2007, here, the term "fiduciary" is not synonymous with the term "trustee" generally used in trust agreements in Japan, but is used as a broad concept that refers to "fiduciary" in the Western context, that is, a person who is required to perform a certain range of duties under the mandate of another party. Various responsibilities assumed by the fiduciary are collectively and broadly referred to as "fiduciary duties".  - 金融庁


If the income deduction system as described above is introduced in 2008, the angel tax system would work as a stronger incentive and boost angel investment. After the introduction of the system, aggressive public relations efforts should be made to have the taxation known by venture entrepreneurs, existing and potential angel investors, licensed tax accountants and start-up supporters. In addition, consulting and other services should be provided for those who intend to receive the favorable treatment to encourage more people to use the system.  - 経済産業省


In the development of human resources suited to monodzukur, the challenge is to motivate students to proactively acquire, through school education, a wide range of knowledge and skills and the ability to perform various tasks by using them and, on the other hand, to foster, through in-company and external lessons and training, personnel equipped with advanced knowledge and skills suitable for their respective jobs based on basic capabilities necessary for achieving social and vocational independence. - 経済産業省


In relation to IFRS, the Business Accounting Council has held comprehensive discussions from a broad perspective since last year in light of Japan's national interest so as to form strategic thinking and map out a grand design. After a year of intensive discussions, we are starting to see a certain consensus. I think that now is the time to summarize the discussions in an interim report.  - 金融庁


In opening a new deposit account pertaining to a non-resident/customer with a Foreign National Name, does the institution confirm whether the non-resident/customer with a Foreign National Name is subject to economic sanctions such as asset freeze in an appropriate manner, for example, by searching his/her name in aList of Those Subject to Sanctionswith the use of a computer and by, in search, first extracting similar names through search by each word and then narrowing down extensive candidates one by one? In addition, does the institution record the content and results of confirmation by this method and the fact that confirmation has been performed?  - 財務省


To obtain a method and an apparatus, capable of easily indentifying the reversion of a spectral spectrum more, as compared with the conventional spectral spectrum methods performing comparison which are not based on spectral width but only on peak height and capable being adapted to a wide field of a spectral spectrum, such as visible spectrum, ultraviolet spectrum, vacuum ultraviolet spectrum, infrared spectrum, Raman spectral spectrum or nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum. - 特許庁


The inkjet recording sheet provided with at least one ink receiving layer on a base material is characterized by the ink receiving layer having at least one porous ink receiving layer comprising a fine pigment and a binder resin and with two peaks or a wide peak with a shoulder in a range of fine pore diameter of 6-150 nm in a fine pore distribution curve measured by means of a mercury porosimeter. - 特許庁


Combined use of one or more kinds of antimicrobial compounds selected from the group consisting of an isothiazoline-based compound, benzisothiazoline-based compound, haloacetylene-based compound, carbamoylimidazole-based compound, alkoxyalkylamine-based compound, tetrahydrothiophene dioxide-based compound and quinolone-based compound and salts thereof widens an antimicrobial spectrum and synergistically improves antimicrobial activity to give the industrial antimicrobial agent usable in wide industrial uses. - 特許庁



When the antibacterial agent also contains one or more antibacterial compounds selected from the group consisting of isothiazoline compounds, benzisothiazoline compounds, benzimidazole compounds, haloacetylene compounds, alkoxyalkylamine compounds, tetrahydrothiophene dioxide compounds and salts thereof, an antibacterial agent for industrial use usable in wide industrial applications, which has a wider antibacterial spectrum and synergistically improved antibacterial activity, is attained. - 特許庁


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