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該当件数 : 91



To compress an overhead of an external bus access for shortening a computing required time and hence for an improvement in usage performance of CPU time resources in a system connecting a many-body problem operation computer 2 to a host computer 1 via an external bus 3. - 特許庁


Concretely, a through-hole 32 for shield film connection is installed at the corresponding place of the ground layer, and a pin 8 for connection is put through this so that it is possible to separate a circuit element 1 from the ground of the shield film 3, and to easily discriminate the problem of disconnection or the like. - 特許庁


To enable a commercial transaction management system, which manages commercial transaction while at least 3 users (enterprise, company, etc.), relate to one enterprise, to efficiently and smoothly handle a problem occurring to some user without causing confusion on the entire enterprise. - 特許庁


Japan has pursued negotiations to date based on recognition of the new round as significant in (1) developing rules in areas where none currently exist; (2) stabilizing the WTO regime through efforts to deal with developing country issues, etc. ; (3) stimulating the domestic economy; and (4) restraining the emergence of protectionism. - 経済産業省



Specifically, the following items will be verified from a top-down approach. 1. Were the statedtargetsachieved; 2. If not, what was lacking; 3. What are the problems with the existing measures; and 4. What should be improved, including the abandonment of ineffective measures.  - 経済産業省



Although transmission of skills is an issue that potentially concerns all kinds of industries and occupations, factors such as the following have made the problem particularly acute in manufacturing: 1) The increasing sophistication of technologies year after year 2) The rapid cycle of technologies, as a result of which the technologies to be passed on themselves become outdated and are replaced by new technologies 3) Inability to inject sufficient human resources into internal training of the next generation of workers due to historical factors, i.e., demands for restructuring through cost reductions and quicker delivery times - 経済産業省


The semiconductor particle layer 3 of ZnO can be made thick by providing the fine particle layer 32, and thickening of the film is achieved with the fine particle layer 32 of larger flexibility than the ZnO porous layer 31, so that adherence of the semiconductor particle layer 3 to distortion or the like of a base material is improved to restrain problems of peeling off of the base material and a transparent electrode. - 特許庁


Since the water separating space H is provided between the outer sewn line 41 of the waterproof edge covering part 4 and the pants body 3, and the end surface of the water absorbing sheet 1 is provided, no moisture in the water absorbing sheet 1 leaks out from the outer sewn parts to solve an oozing problem occurring when connecting with the pants body 3. - 特許庁


A pressurized fluid ejection opening member 15 is formed in the support member 3, and the pressurized fluid is ejected toward the tank 2 to form a mechanism in which the support member 3 is brought up/down while being floated from the tank 2. - 特許庁


第2-1-14 図によると、大企業では「大震災以前から全像を把握していた」と回答する企業の割合は、3 割に満たないものの、大震災を契機として問題意識が高まった結果、「大震災以降に調査等を実施して全像を把握した」、「大震災以降に調査等を実施し把握する予定」と回答する企業の割合は4 割に上り、「取組は行っていない」と回答する企業の割合は3 割弱となっている。例文帳に追加

Fig. 2-1-14 shows that while fewer than 30% of large enterprises “had a general grasp prior to the great earthquake,” 40% of enterprises “have surveyed and gained a general grasp since the great earthquakeorplan to survey and gain a general grasp following the great earthquakeowing to increased awareness of the issue since then. The proportion that had “taken no action,” meanwhile, was less than 30%.  - 経済産業省



Further, these two kinds of brush bodies 8C and 8CC are used properly according to the purpose for cleaning the step 3, while the mount body 8A is reusable and resource savable. - 特許庁


A protector 3 of an escalator 1 includes: a substantially triangular plate body 3C for closing a dangerous wedge-like space Q; a front edge body 3D for protecting a collision object; and a compact blocker 3E which is fixed after vertically adjusted in a vertical groove part 3a provided at a lower edge thereof. - 特許庁


In case of a dispute as to the use of a design under this section, the terms therefor or as to the existence or scope of any record referred to in subsection (3), the matter shall be referred to the High Court for decision, and the High Court shall have the power to refer the whole matter or any question or issue of fact thereon to be heard by an arbitrator upon such terms as it may direct. - 特許庁


The Patent Office shall, upon request, furnish expert opinions in writing on the state of art concerning a concrete technical problem (searches) and on the fact if there is an invention patentable according to the provisions of Sections 1 to 3 as compared with the state of art cited by the applicant or to be searched by the Patent Office.  - 特許庁


A cleaning device 8 of an escalator 1 includes a first brush body 8C and a second brush body 8CC with brushes 8B and 8BB having different lengths and hardness, which are selected for cleaning a step 3 different contamination levels. - 特許庁


The problems existed in a conventional oil retaining wall is solved by covering the whole perimeter of the tank completely with a reinforced concrete 3 having equivalent strength to the oil retaining wall, close to a main tank 1 and the covered concrete can restrain heat conduction from a neighboring fire to the tank body (main tank) and play a role to protect the tank body from outside impact by a falling object or the like. - 特許庁


To provide a (meth)acrylate polymer having a silicon-containing functional group crosslinkable through formation of a siloxane bond, not containing possibly environmentally-hostile aromatic compounds as a solvent, and having TVOC (total volatile organic compound) emission of less than 1,500 μg/m^3 as measured by the method described in the Feb. 14, 2001 edition of GEV or to provide a composition thereof. - 特許庁


This liquid supplying device is constituted such that a tube 2 having a plug 3 at its extremity end is air-tightly passed through a lid 1 which can be closely fitted at a bottle port, the lid 1 is provided with an air feeding hole 1b and there is provided an air feeding machine 5 having a nozzle 5a closely fitted to the air feeding hole 1b. - 特許庁


The media representative 2 accesses the advertisement regulation information database 9 to confirm and approve the document regulation information applied for registration by the medium company 1 so that the advertising company 3 which produces advertisement without troubles, and the advertisement agency 4 which plans and sells advertisement can correctly transmit stationary information and moving information of the advertisement to an advertisement providing company. - 特許庁


The media rep 2 accesses the advertisement specification information database 9 to confirm and approve of the document specification information that the media company 1 has registered, so that the advertising company 3 creating ad scripts can perform creation services without problems, and so that the advertising agent 4 planning and selling advertisements to a company providing the advertisements can correctly give fixed information and operation information about the advertisements. - 特許庁


The heat insulation material having small possibility of a damage or decreasing a performance and small problem of adhesive properties or the like in the case of applying is provided by laminating a heat insulation package 3 obtained by sealing and filling particles, fibers of fine aerogel, carbon black or the like or a foamed sheet or the like, and preferably reducing pressure or performing evacuation into vacuum, on a base material 2. - 特許庁


Consequently, the rear surfaces of chips of the element 4 and the IC 3 can obtain common GND potential, and both can be die-bonded by using one kind of die bonding paste represented by an Ag paste 5, thereby enabling taking measures against an electrostatic discharge damage which is a problem in a bipolar type semiconductor. - 特許庁


The media representative 2 accesses the advertisement regulation information database 9 to confirm and approve the document regulation information applied for registration by the medium company so that the advertising company 3 which produces advertisement without troubles, and the advertisement agency 4 which plans and sells advertisement can correctly transmit stationary information and moving information of the advertisement to an advertisement providing company. - 特許庁


3. There is a risk that the suspension of the round would jeopardize the multilateral free trade system and undermine sustainable growth of the world economy. The business community around the world is strongly expressing a keen interest in an early conclusion of the round. Moreover, suspension of the round would be a serious hindrance for the sound development of the developing countries as well as in finding a solution to the issue of poverty in the world.  - 経済産業省


Regarding the specific problems encountered by SMEs in employing younger people, many enterprises Section 3 Hiring and appointment of younger workers by SMEs citelack of human resources sought and few applicants with necessary abilities” and “few applicants even if position is advertised” (Fig. 3-3-13). If they are to be able to hire enough younger people as permanent employees, then, SMEs will have to broaden their net to include freeters as well as fresh graduates. - 経済産業省

コンプライアンス・ルールにおいては、①欧州競争法の一般的な事項として、競合他社との 間で議論してはいけない事項(製品の価格、販売条件等)、及び競合他社との間で協定を締結してはいけない事項(価格設定、生産制限等)、②事業者団特有の競争法上の問題として、 市場に関する情報交換方法、団への加入拒絶、事業者団によるボイコット等の事項、③競争当局の職員が当団へ来訪したときの具的な手順、について定めている。[欧州事業者団C]例文帳に追加

Stipulated the following in the compliance rules: 1) matters that cannot be discussed with competitors (price of the product, sales conditions, etc.) and matters that cannot be agreed to with competitors (setting prices, restricting production, etc.) as a general matter under European competition law, 2) matters such as the methods of exchanging market information, refusal to allow membership into the association, and boycotting by trade associations, which are competition law issues that are unique to trade associations, and 3) specific procedures to take when competition authorities visit the association. (European Trade Association C) - 経済産業省


Basically, this is a matter concerning an individual financial institution's capital policy, so I would like to refrain from making comments. However, if a recapitalized bank proposes to make repayment, we will conduct deliberation based on the Deposit Insurance Corporation's three principles, namely ensuring the soundness of management of financial institutions, avoiding placing a burden on the people and maintaining the stability of the financial system. If no particular problem is recognized, repayment will be approved in principle.  - 金融庁


(2) In subsection (1), "relevant intervening acts" means acts done in relation to matter disclosed in an earlier relevant application between the dates of the earlier relevant application and the application in suit, as for example, filing another application for the invention for which the earlier relevant application was made, making information available to the public about that invention or that matter or working that invention, but disregarding any application, or the disclosure to the public of matter contained in any application, which is itself to be disregarded for the purposes of section 17(3). - 特許庁

的には、 1 )世界経済は、緩やかに回復しつつも格差とインバランスが存在し、いまだ不安定であること。 2 )世界経済は、より力強くかつ自律的な回復を遂げる上でのリスク要因を抱えていること。 3 )格差とインバランスの拡大に伴い、国・地域間の摩擦が高まっており、G20、 APEC、 WTO 等において問題解決に向けた取組がなされていること。 4 )東日本大震災の発生後、各国のとった協調的な動きにより、世界経済はおおむね安定した動きを見せたこと(震災による影響に関しては、第4章、第5章にて詳述する)。等を示す。例文帳に追加

Specifically speaking: 1) The world economy has been recovering moderately, but the gaps and imbalances are found, which are still volatile. 2) The risk factors related to the world economy must be addressed in order to achieve stronger and self- sustaining recovery; 3) Accompanying the widening of gaps and imbalances, friction among countries and regions has been heightened. Efforts have been made to solve these problems by G20, APEC, WTO and other world organization. 4) After the Great East Japan Earthquake, the world economy has shown largely stable upward movement through cooperative support provided by various countries. (Details of the earthquake disaster will be discussed later in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5). - 経済産業省


The main details of the FINPAW include: (1) the endeavor to promote the health and maintain the capability to work of the elderly in their workplaces through provision of training programs and information to the personnel in charge of health and safety at the workplaces, the local occupational safety committee, personnel in charge of labor management, and the workplace and individual, as well as to raise awareness on aging; (2) implementation of detailed health promotion activities for older workers, study on the employment issues and development of a public employment service; (3) development of a support system for lifelong learning by the aged population; and (4) reform of disability and unemployment insurances, among others. - 経済産業省


Therefore, they do not mention that the Retired Emperor Goshirakawa used the Taira clan to maintain his government by giving them high positions and increasing the number of provinces that they were custodians of, and the inability of the aristocracy at that time to deal with the social problems that they faced, but instead emphasize the arrogant behavior of Kiyomori and the Taira clan members (whereas in reality, at least up to 1179, the authority of the Taira clan was mostly due to the strong relationship with Goshirakawa and there is no specific evidence that Kiyomori or the Taira clan members had any dictatorial powers).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Regarding the insider trading problem that was mentioned earlier, a sales official at Nomura Securities leaked information again, after a similar case in March. What do you think of the current situation in which the largest Japanese securities company is repeatedly leaking insider information? Also, don't you think that there is a problem with internal control systems? Currently, the source of an information leak is not subject to punishment. Won't you consider an institutional revision so that the source can be punished?  - 金融庁


Until 2007, there were concerns over banks abusing their dominant position as money lenders. At the time, there were debates as to whether banks would persuade borrowers to buy insurance products in return for providing loans. That was the major issue at the time, when I was a member of the Liberal Democratic Party. Nevertheless, the ban was completely removed in 2007, and the outcome was to review the ban in three years time.  - 金融庁

同国は、FATF及び APGと協働し、①テロ資金供与の適切な犯罪化に係る残存する問題への対処、②テロリスト資産を特定し凍結するための適切な手続きの構築及び履行、③FATF基準に従い法人を刑事責任の対象とすることないし、これを妨げる憲法上の禁止根拠の立証、④全的な監督枠組みの改善、⑤顧客管理措置及び疑わしい取引の届出義務の改善及び拡大、及び⑥国際協力の強化を含む、資金洗浄・テロ資金供与対策上の欠陥に対応するためのアクションプランの履行への取り組みを継続すべきである。例文帳に追加

Vietnam should continue to work with the FATF and APG on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) address the remaining issues regarding adequate criminalisation of terrorist financing; (2) establishing and implementing adequate procedures to identify and freeze terrorist assets; (3) making legal persons subject to criminal liability in line with FATF Standards or demonstrating that there is a constitutional prohibition to prevent this; (4) improving the overall supervisory framework); (5) improving and broadening customer due diligence measures and reporting requirements; and (6) strengthening international co-operation.  - 財務省

同国は、FATF及び APGと協働し、①テロ資金供与の適切な犯罪化に係る残存する問題への対処、②テロリスト資産を特定し凍結するための適切な手続の構築及び履行、③FATF基準に従い法人を刑事責任の対象とすることないし、これを妨げる憲法上の禁止根拠の立証、④全的な監督枠組みの改善、⑤顧客管理措置及び疑わしい取引の届出義務の改善及び拡大、及び⑥国際協力の 強化を含む、資金洗浄・テロ資金供与対策上の欠陥に対応するためのアクションプランの履行への取組を継続すべきである。例文帳に追加

Vietnam should continue to work with the FATF and APG on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) address the remaining issues regarding adequate criminalisation of terrorist financing; (2) establishing and implementing adequate procedures to identify and freeze terrorist assets; (3) making legal persons subject to criminal liability in line with FATF Standards or demonstrating that there is a constitutional prohibition that prevents this; (4) improving the overall supervisory framework); (5) improving and broadening customer due diligence measures and reporting requirements; and (6) strengthening international co-operation.  - 財務省


Behind the abovementioned price rise is the direct result of (1) the existence of a structurally tight supply and demand balance attributable to the economic growth and increased demand for food in emerging Asian and other countries; (2) increased demand for bio-fuels consequent to the efforts to address the issues of crude oil price rise and changes in the climate; and (3) increased investment flow and speculative funds into the global commodities market in the midst of the recent instability in the international financial capital market, which is causing a worldwide impact owing to the progress of globalization. - 経済産業省


As for Japan's financial system, as I have repeatedly said, the exposure of Japanese banks to subprime mortgage-related products, securitization products in general and their losses, which the FSA has compiled and published, are limited compared with the situations of the LCFIs in Europe and the United States, each of which has posted losses to the tune of 3, 4 or 5 trillion yen. Also, Japanese banks' losses are small enough to be covered by their term profits, securing profits for the banking industry as a whole. In light of these factors, I remain unswayed in my belief that Japan's financial system is unlikely to receive serious damage.  - 金融庁


If the IMF continues to advise crisis countries such measures that were appropriate in resolving crises arising from current account deficit, it would not only damage the country's chances to recover from the crisis, but also the reputation of the IMF itself. Recently, means for reforming the international architecture, so that it will remain stable in this new world of free capital flows, have already been discussed intensively in various international fora. Japan has been very vocal on the seissues. Specifically, we have proposed ways to improve IMF programs and its procedures.  - 財務省


In May 2007, Abe, then prime minister of Japan, to overcome serious environmental pollution and oil crisis, presented a proposal calledCool Earth 50,” addressing climate change with long-term strategies in reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. The strategies included a universal goal of halving the current level of global greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, and three principles to establish an international framework for 2013 onwards. They are (a) all major emitters must participate, thus moving beyond the Kyoto Protocol, leading to global reduction of emissions, (b) the framework must be flexible and diverse, taking into consideration the circumstances of each country, and (c) the framework must achieve compatibility between environmental protection and economic growth by utilizing energy conservation and other technologies. - 経済産業省

以下に掲げる点が認められる場合には、評定を行う上でのプラス要素として勘案するものとする。 (1) 顧客説明に用いるディスクロージャー誌その他の説明資料について、その内容が抽象的なものではなく、顧客の立場に立った具的でわかり易い内容となっており、また、わかり易い内容になるように、顧客の意見等を内容の改訂に反映させる等の顧客のニーズに沿って不断の見直しが行われている場合 (2) 顧客サポート等管理のプロセスの中で把握した問題点を受けて、顧客説明マニュアルの適切かつ迅速な見直しを行うなど、顧客説明管理と顧客サポート等管理が有機的に連関し相乗効果を発揮している場合 -11 -(3) 顧客説明管理態勢、顧客サポート等管理態勢、顧客情報管理態勢、外部委託管理態勢の整備が適切に行われるのみならず、その他金融機関の業務に関し顧客保護や利便の向上のために必要であると金融機関自身が判断した業務に係る管理が適切に行われ、実効性ある顧客保護が行われていると認められる場合 (4) 取締役会等及び顧客保護等に関する各管理責任者の行う評価・改善活動が有効に機能しており、顧客の評価も絶えず向上している場合例文帳に追加

If the management actively involves itself in efforts to identify the risks that the financial institution is facing and to grasp and analyze weaknesses and problems in the comprehensive risk management system, thereby helping to enhance the system, this shall be considered as a positive factor in giving a rating.  - 金融庁



Another matter I would like to mention is the stability of the financial system. This is a global issue, with currencies around the world in a very unstable condition due to the Greek shock and the Irish crisis. In that respect, a certain degree of agreement was recently reached at the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and at wider forums, such as the G20 summit in Seoul and G-8. However, there are still some issues over which differences remain. In light of the increasingly important role of the financial sector, I feel the growing importance of international initiatives concerning financial regulation. In the future, in order to prevent the recurrence of a financial crisis and to strengthen the financial system, Japan will continue to actively participate in international debates on a broad range of tasks agreed on at the G20 summit. Although Japan slipped to No. 3 in terms of the size of GDP, it is still among the top three as an economic power. Since the Lehman shock in particular, Japan’s position in the global economy has become increasingly important at a time when Asia is achieving remarkable economic development. Therefore, Japan will actively participate in such debates.  - 金融庁


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