
「Wei」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(5ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










該当件数 : 241


The Emperor of Wei (Cao Rui [Emperor Ming] if it was in 238 and Cao Fang in 239), who was pleased with this, conferred the title of the ruler of Wa (Japan) upon Queen Himiko and endowed her the Gold Seal with Purple Ribbon, as well as enormous gifts including 100 bronze mirrors. 例文帳に追加

悦んだ魏の皇帝(景初2年だとすると曹叡、景初3年だとすると曹芳)は女王を親魏倭王とし、金印紫綬を授けるとともに銅鏡100枚を含む莫大な下賜品を与えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

That is, while 'Wei chih' was based on written records from the Sung era, it is possible that some manuscripts before then described the south and east correctly. 例文帳に追加

すなわち「魏志」がすべて宋時代の刊行本を元としているのに対し、それ以前の写本の中には、南を東と正しく記載したものがあった可能性もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Gifts and ranks given by Wei to the queen and her people represented 'most favored nation' treatment, comparable to that given to Kusana in the west, and it is difficult to imagine this in the case of a small feudal ruler. 例文帳に追加

魏から女王たちに贈られた品々や位が、西のクシャーナ朝に匹敵する最恵国待遇であり、小領主へ贈られたものとは考えにくいこと。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, for various views looking for the candidate site based on the accounts of "Wei chih," it has been suggested that 'it makes no sense to look for the site of Yamatai based on these accounts because there are biases in the descriptions.' 例文帳に追加

一方、『魏志』の記述を元に候補地を探す諸説に対し、「そもそも記述に作為があるため、それをもとに邪馬台国の位置を探るのはナンセンスである」という指摘もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


If we follow the theory that Yamatai Koku (Yamatai Kingdom) was in northern Kyushu based upon "Gishiwajinden" (literally, an 'Account of the Wa' in "The History of the Wei Dynasty"), the power should have been shifted from the Kyushu to the Yamato kingship. 例文帳に追加

『魏志倭人伝』の邪馬臺國が北部九州に在ったとする説をとると当然ながらその後、九州からヤマト王権への権力の移動がなければならない - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to "Gishiwajinden" (literally, an 'Account of the Wa' in "The History of the Wei Dynasty"), even Naokoku in the third century had 20,000 families (had a population of over 100,000), which was much larger than the population of Fujiwara-kyo or Heijo-kyo. 例文帳に追加

『魏志倭人伝』によると3世紀の奴国(博多)でさえ2万戸(10万人以上)の人口があり藤原京や平城京より遥かに人口が多かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Gokanjo" (historical records of the Later Han Dynasty) wajinden states ' ,' while "Gishiwajinden" (literally, an 'Account of the Wa' in "The History of the Wei Dynasty") states '長上鉄鏃.' 例文帳に追加

『後漢書』倭人伝では「其兵有矛楯木弓竹矢或以骨為鏃」であったものが、『魏志倭人伝』では「兵用矛楯木弓木弓短下長上竹箭或鉄鏃或骨鏃」とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is a tendency to consider that the tumulus belongs to Himiko, the queen of Wa-koku (the oldest recorded name for Japan), described in the Gishiwajin-den (the Wei Chronicle) (in accordance with the Yamatai-koku Kinai-setsu, which argues that the Yamatai-koku Kingdom was in Kinai, or the five central provinces surrounding the ancient capitals of Nara and Kyoto, namely Yamato, Kawachi, Settsu, Izumi and Yamashiro, which are now the municipalities of Kyoto and Osaka and the prefectures of Nara and Hyogo). 例文帳に追加

この古墳を、魏志倭人伝が伝える倭国の女王「卑弥呼」の墓とする(=邪馬台国畿内説)向きもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some scholars also link the forces in the Nobi Plain with the Kina-koku Kingdom, which fought against the Yamatai-koku Kingdom ruled by Himiko, the queen of Wa-koku (that is, the oldest recorded name for Japan), described in Gishiwajinden (literally, an 'Account of the Wa' in "The History of the Wei Dynasty"). 例文帳に追加

また、この濃尾平野の勢力は、魏志倭人伝に記載のある倭の女王卑弥呼の邪馬台国と闘った狗奴国との関係を想定する学者もいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Because of the retirement of Yang Wei, the Beijing Olympics gold medalist from China, Uchimura was considered to have the best chance for the gold medal at this year’s World Championships. 例文帳に追加

北京五輪の金メダリストであった中国の楊(ヤン)威(・ウェイ)選手が引退したため,内村選手は今年の世界選手権で金メダル獲得の可能性が最も高いとみなされていた。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


An internal write-in signal WEi of a H level is inputted to the voltage supply circuit 72 at the time of write-in of data, voltage VCC-VTH is supplied to a memory cell by a N channel MOS transistor 721.例文帳に追加

電圧供給回路72は、データの書込み時、Hレベルの内部書込信号WEiが入力され、NチャネルMOSトランジスタ721によって電圧VCC−VTHがメモリセルへ供給される。 - 特許庁

Also, an internal write-in signal WEi of a L level is inputted to the voltage supply circuit 72 at the time of read-out of data, and voltage VCC is supplied to a memory cell by a P channel MOS transistor 720.例文帳に追加

また、電圧供給回路72は、データの読出し時、Lレベルの内部書込信号WEiが入力され、PチャネルMOSトランジスタ720によって電圧VCCがメモリセルへ供給される。 - 特許庁

These (or Tripitaka) were said to be called 'Issai-kyo Sutra' in the northern Wei dynasty, meaning the Pei dynasty (China), while they were called 'Tripitaka' in Liang (Nanchao), meaning the Nan dynasty (China); both titles were established in Sui and the beginning of the Tang dynasty, and the form of manuscripts were determined as comprising 17 letters in a line. 例文帳に追加

これらの衆経ないし三蔵を、北朝(中国)の北魏で「一切経」と呼び、南朝(中国)の梁(南朝)で「大蔵経」と呼んだといい、隋・唐初に及んで両者の名称が確立し、写経の書式も1行17字前後と定着した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The main army consisting of Liu Yuanjing, Xne Andu, 龐, and others achieved a series of victories and took Tong Gate; however, Wang Xuanmo, who proceeded his army in Huaibei, took Qiao'ao and seized Huatai (geographical names) but was forced to take flight in the face of the imperial expeditionary force led by Taiwudi of the Northern Wei Dynasty crossing a ford in great number. 例文帳に追加

柳元景・薛安都・龐法起らの本軍は連戦連勝して潼関を陥れたが、一方、淮北に別軍を進めた王玄謨(おうげんぼ)は、碻磝を陥れ、滑台を包囲したにもかかわらず、北魏の太武帝の親征軍が大挙して渡河したため敗走に追い込まれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition to the above, there is also a legend describing a miracle which relates that when Sonkeitoku of the Northern Wei Dynasty was about to be executed and the executioner brought the axe down, Sonkeitoku uttered the aforementioned scripture and the axe was broken; however, another legend has it that the scripture uttered by Sonkeitoku was some other "Kookannonkyo" (another of the Buddhist scriptures), thus the story is not certain. 例文帳に追加

このほかに、北魏の孫敬徳が処刑されそうになったときに、同一の経文を唱えたところ、死刑執行人が刀を振り下ろしても刀が折れてしまうという霊験があったという伝説もあるが、孫が唱えたのは別の『高王観音経』であるともいい、はっきりしない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the latter theory, statues of the early seventh century, such as the Shaka Sanzon-zo of Kondo of Horyu-ji Temple, are regarded as having their roots in the style of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and the statues with further understanding of three-dimensional space are regarded as having been influenced by Northern Qi, Northern Zhou, and Sui Dynasties that are dated later in history. 例文帳に追加

後者の説によれば、法隆寺金堂釈迦三尊像のような7世紀前半の像は北魏の作風を源流とするものと見、それよりも3次元的空間把握の進んだ像を時代の下がる北斉・北周・隋の影響下にあるものと見る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is not recognized as conclusive, but he recalculated years of the history according to "Double Year Theory" which says in "Weilue (Brief Account of the Wei Dynasty)", a half year of the present was counted as a year at that time in Japan, and as a result, he asserts that Emperor Jinmu was enthroned in 181 and his life duration was 63 years, half of 127 years. 例文帳に追加

決定的とは認知されていない説だが、『魏略』には現在の半年を当時の日本が一年として数えていたという『倍年説』を基に歴史を再計算しその結果、神武天皇の即位は西暦181年であり、寿命は127歳の半分の63歳であったと主張している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Under Senkyo, master of the Hosso sect at Kofuku-ji Temple, Kenkei studied vijnapti-matrata or Consciousness-only school (aka Yuishiki or wei shih, i.e. a theory that all existence is subjective and nothing exists outside of the mind) and dharmalaksana or Dharma-character school (aka Hosso or faxiang, i.e. the specific characteristics of all manifest phenomena), and also practiced a kind of asceticism called kugo-rengyo, and in the new year of 743, as Shishu (Master) Kenkei of Kofuku-ji Temple he nominated Komaro, who was his relative, for becoming an ubasoku (aka upasaka, referring to a lay servant). 例文帳に追加

興福寺宣教に師事して唯識法相を学ぶ一方で苦業練行を重ね、天平15年(743年)正月に「師主元興寺賢璟」として同族の子麻呂を優婆塞に貢進推挙した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Seng-zhao cited, in his writing "Chuyuimakitsukyo (Vimalak?rti Sutra commentary)," the idea of "Honmatsu," which had been referred to by Wang Bi of Wei, and other scholars replaced the word "所以" with "" (hon) and defined it (hon) as an unfathomable nirvana (enlightenment) achieved by Bodhisattva and "" (jaku) as a means to enlighten people, as used by Bodhisattva. 例文帳に追加

僧肇は『注維摩詰経』で、魏の王弼(おうひつ)などが用いた“本末”の思想を引用し、“所以迹”を“本”と言い換えて、“本”を菩薩の不可思議なる解脱(悟りの内容)とし、“迹”を菩薩が衆生を教化するために示現した方便という意味で使用した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Gishi wajinden (Records of the Wa people, Chronicle of Wei)," Himiko confused her people using kido (the act of calling up the devil), although the details of the kido and how she confused her people are not known; however, this shows that in ancient times magic rituals were performed by women. 例文帳に追加

また、『魏志倭人伝』によると、卑弥呼は鬼道で衆を惑わしていたという(卑彌呼事鬼道能惑衆)記述があり、この鬼道や惑の正確な意味・内容については不明ではあるものの、古代に呪術的な儀式が女性の手によって行われた事が伺える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some state a theory that identifies Akaruhime with Shitateruhime based on the description of Himekoso-jinja Shrine in the Kojiki and the Nihonshoki, explaining that Kiyohiko who appears in the section of the Emperor Suinin is four generations after Amenohiboko who came to Japan in the early third century, so it matches with the generation of Himiko described in "The Record of Japan in the History of Wei." 例文帳に追加

記紀の比売許曽神社の記述Tから阿加流比売神とシタテルヒメを同一視し、垂仁天皇の条に登場する清彦は、天日矛の四代後とされており、天日矛が来たのは3世紀前半となり、魏志倭人伝に描かれた卑弥呼の年代と一致するとする説を唱える者もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With the suggestion of Sima Yi, Gunton were developed near the borders with the Go (Three States Period) (area along the Huai River) and Shu (Guanzhong), countries that they had long been in battle with, and Wei was able to have a stable supply of provisions, which was advantageous in fighting these two countries. 例文帳に追加

司馬懿の提言で、長期にわたる抗争を繰り広げていた呉(三国)・蜀それぞれの国境付近(淮河流域、関中)でも軍屯が展開され、これにより安定した食糧供給を維持した魏は、両国との争いを有利に進めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although it was a well established theory that the capital was modeled after Changan of Tang Dynasty, its relationship with Fujiwara-kyo, previously thought to be close, became questionable, and therefore another theory became accepted, which stated that Rakuyo in Northern Wei Dynasty was the inspiration, yet the development of the capital was unique to Japan. 例文帳に追加

以前は唐の都の長安を模倣して作られたというのが一般的な定説であったが、先行する藤原京との密接な関係から現在は関連が疑われており、北魏洛陽などをモデルとした、日本独自の発展系ではないかという見方も有力となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Against the argument that Sankakubuchi Shinjukyo Mirror was discovered only in tumulus after the fourth century, it consistently shows that this mirror was made in the Wei dynasty because the beginning of the Tumulus period was moved up to the third century and it was discovered in the tumulus chronologically in the third century due to the recent study results of the chronology in annual rings. 例文帳に追加

三角縁神獣鏡が出土するのは4世紀以降の古墳のみだというが、近年の年輪年代学の成果により、古墳時代の開始は3世紀に繰り上がっており、3世紀に編年される古墳から出土するので、むしろこの鏡が魏時代のものとして矛盾がないことを示している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ye, the capital of Wei dynasty during the Three States Period (China) has been confirmed as tojo, and later Luoyang, the capital of Western Jin Dynasty, seems to have been built according to jobosei, while the details of capitals of Qin and Han remain vague. 例文帳に追加

秦漢の首都はいまだ詳細茫漠たるものであるが、確認できる都城址としては三国時代(中国)に入ってから魏(三国)が都したギョウ、その後の西晋朝洛陽では条坊制に則した都城が成立していたものと思われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The first appearance of Tamna in historical records is as Juho (present Jeju Island) in Weizhi Dongyi zhuan (Records of Wei Concerning Eastern Barbarians) in "Sangokushi (Three Kingdoms Saga)", a Chinese history book written in the third century, but the Geographical Record of the "History of Goryeo" also records a legend which reports its relationship with Wa (Japan) suggesting its interaction with Japan from the ancient times. 例文帳に追加

耽羅の歴史的な記録としては3世紀の中国の史書『三国志(歴史書)』魏志東夷伝に見える州胡が初見であるが、『高麗史』地理志には倭との関係を伝える伝説も記載されており、古くから日本と交流があったらしいことが推察される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because some date-inscribed mirrors such as '青龍3年' (235), which carries the name of the Wei dynasty era (Three Kingdoms Period) and '赤烏元年' (238) and '赤烏7' (244), carrying the name of the Wu dynasty era (Three Kingdoms Period), have been found, the proposition that they were merely forged in relation to Yamatai is questionable, and hasn't been accepted in academia. 例文帳に追加

魏(三国)の年号である「青龍3年」、呉(三国)の年号である「赤烏元年」「赤烏7年」などの紀年鏡も見つかっており、単に邪馬台国にちなんだ偽作というのでは説明がつかないなどの疑問があり、学界では受け入れるところとなっていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Not only it was recorded in Chinese history books such as "Gishiwajinden" (literally, an 'Account of the Wa' in "The History of the Wei Dynasty") and "Zuisho; Suishu" (the Book of the Sui Dynasty), it was already established as a common law as it was referred to in Shasho (decree of amnesty) which was used during the time of the Emperor Temmu ("Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan), the Article of Mizuno-e, the eighth month of the fifth year of the Emperor Temmu). 例文帳に追加

『魏志倭人伝』や『隋書』などの中国の歴史書に書かれているだけではなく、天武天皇期に用いられた「赦書」にも登場する(『日本書紀』天武天皇5年8月壬子条)など、慣習法として確立していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

We, the Finance Ministers of ASEAN, China, Japan and Korea (ASEAN+3), convened our fourteenth meeting in Ha Noi, Viet Nam, under the co-chairmanship of H.E. Agus D.W. Martowardojo, Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia and H.E. Yoshihiko Noda, Minister of Finance of Japan, with the first attendance of Mr. Benhua Wei, newly appointed Director of the ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO). 例文帳に追加

第 14回 ASEAN+3財務大臣会議を、アグス財務大臣(インドネシア)及び野田財務大臣(日本)の共同議長の下、ベンファ・ウェイ ASEAN+3マクロ経済リサーチ・オフィス(AMRO)事務局長の参加を得て、ベトナム・ハノイにて開催。 - 財務省

Although it is said that he was born as the third son of a king called Koshi in Nantenjiku (South India) and became the 28th Bodhi Dharma of Buddhism after acquiring the teachings of Hannyatara, the oldest reference to Bodai Daruma is found in the "Rakuyo Garanki", which was compiled by Yogenshi in 547 and whose title was Togi Bugunfu Shima (Bungunfu Shima in Eastern Wei), and the record is regarded as the source of all the legends concerning Daruma. 例文帳に追加

南天竺国香至王の第三王子として生まれ、般若多羅の法を得て仏教の第二十八祖菩提達磨(ボーディダルマ)になったということになっているが、最も古い菩提達磨への言及は東魏撫軍府司馬楊衒之撰『洛陽伽藍記』(547年)にあり、全ての達磨伝説はここに始まるともいわれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, this article is not reliable as a historical source, and seems to have been inserted by an editor of Nihon Shoki later; since the period of Wei (220 - 265), Chinese people decided 'not to use joshi any more,' while Kenzo no ki (records of the era of the Emperor Kenzo) still used joshi, and moreover, in the ninen no jo (article of the second year of the Emperor Kenzo's reign) of Kenzo no ki, the family names based on the ranks of headdresses appeared, though these were the names used around the seventh century, and there was a gap in the official record until the eighth century. 例文帳に追加

しかし、魏(220年~265年)以降「3日を用いて上巳を用いず」としており、顕宗の記が依然として上巳を用いているほか、顕宗の記2年の条では喜び集まったの記載にある公卿以下といった冠職姓は7世紀ごろの呼称であり、公式の記録も8世紀まで飛んでいるため、この記事については日本書紀の編者が挿入したとみられ、史料としての信憑性は低い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This is related to the note by Jo Gen in "Yi wei", the surviving fragment of a book on Shinisetsu (isho) which was banned by Emperor Yodai of Sui and got scattered and lost, where 60 years, one cycle of the Oriental zodiac, were defined as 1 gen and 21gen as 1 bou, and it was suggested that, in a specified zodiac year every 1260 years (= 60 ' 21) thus calculated, a national-scale revolution (change of dynasty) would be carried out. 例文帳に追加

これは隋の煬帝により禁圧されて散逸した讖緯説の書(緯書)の逸文である『易緯』の鄭玄の注に、干支が一周する60年を1元(げん)といい、21元を1蔀(ぼう)として算出される1260年(=60×21)の辛酉(しんゆう)年に、国家的革命(王朝交代)が行われる(辛酉革命)という事に因む。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some people say that the 'Kokushi-koku' must be present-day Taiwan, which used to be a part of Baekje's territory in ancient times, and others say that, based on the Gishiwajinden (literally, an 'Account of the Wa' in "The History of the Wei Dynasty"), the 'Kokushi-koku' must have been a country located to the south of Wakoku (Japan) and ancestors of Joshi KOKUSHI were given one of the Baekje's territories, 'Kokushi-koku,' that was located to the southeast of Wakoku, as a reward for their conquering of Wakoku. 例文帳に追加

「黒歯国」は台湾であるとし、台湾は古代には百済の勢力圏に含まれたとする論や、魏志倭人伝を典拠に「黒歯国」は倭国(日本)の南にあった国で、黒歯常之の祖先は、倭国を平定し、その東南にあった「黒歯国」まで百済の勢力圏に含まれていたとし、それらの平定の功績から領地として黒歯の地が黒歯常之の祖先に与えられたとする論などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Though there is no crucial evidence to determine whether the Sankakubuchi Shinjukyo Mirror was made in the Wei dynasty or in Japan, it is one of the compelling evidences of the Yamato theory of the Yamatai-Koku kingdom because the mirror inscribed with the years 239 and 240 can be considered to be mirrors from the third century as seen when counting years according to the accepted view of chronology in recent years. 例文帳に追加

魏の鏡であるか、それとも日本製なのかについては、どちらの説にも決定的な証拠はないが、近年定説化しつつある年代観からすれば景初三年銘、正始元年銘の三角縁神獣鏡自体は紀年にあるとおり3世紀の鏡として理解できるため、邪馬台国大和説の有力な根拠のひとつとなっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are three mirrors, 'Keisho sannen' (the third year of Keisho) mirror discovered in Kanbara-jinja Shrine kofun Tumulus in oaza (an administrative unit) Kanbara, Kamo-cho, Unnan City, Shimane Prefecture, the same form of 'Seishi (Wei) gannen' (the first year of Seishi) mirrors discovered in Kanizawa-kofun Tumulus in Kanizawa, Shibasaki-machi, Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture, Morio-kofun Tumulus in aza Ichio, Morio, Toyooka City, Hyogo Prefecture and in Gokaroyashiki-kofun Tumulus in Takeshima Island, Shunan City (the former, Shinnanyo City), Yamaguchi Prefecture. 例文帳に追加

島根県雲南市加茂町大字神原・神原神社古墳出土の「景初三年」鏡、群馬県高崎市柴崎町蟹沢・蟹沢古墳、兵庫県豊岡市森尾字市尾・森尾古墳、山口県周南市(旧新南陽市)竹島御家老屋敷古墳の三古墳から出土した同型の「正始(魏)元年」鏡三面である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The most common layout of the Chinese ancient capitals placed the palace in the middle of the premises and many dynasties adopted similar Tojo system, but, on the other hand, Luoyang of Northern Wei and Changan of Sui and Tang Dynasty placed their palace in the center of northern end, to the south of which was the imperial court (town of kanga [government office], that is, an administrative district), and at further south were the east and west markets. 例文帳に追加

このように京域中央に宮殿を配する制が中国の歴史上もっともよく見られる形であり、多くの王朝で同様の都城制が採用されていたが、北魏の首都洛陽、隋唐朝の長安では宮殿を都城の北端中央に配し、その南に朝廷(官衙街=皇城)、さらに南方に東西の市を配するという方式がとられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The influence of Luoyang of Northern Wei has been pointed out in the layout of Fujiwara-kyo, for its characteristics such as the area surrounded by the ancient paths in Yamato Province (Nakatsu Michi, Shimotsu Michi, Yokooji and Yamada Michi), the streets dividing the city into twelve rows and eight columns (each of the east and west towns devided into four), three gates attached on each of the north, south, east and west walls (twelve in total), the imperial palace located slightly north to the center and a pond park located further north. 例文帳に追加

藤原京は大和の古道(中ツ道・下ツ道・横大路・山田道)に囲われた領域に南北12条東西4坊ずつの街路が整備され、東西南北3門ずつ計12門を持ち、宮城は市域の中央北寄りに位置しており、その北には苑池が配されていたとことなどから、北魏洛陽城の影響が指摘されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are theories about the indefinite nature of the notation: a theory that '' is a writing error of ',' an alternative theory that they were written distinctly to avoid confusion, which can be guessed from '遣,大夫二十,,' and another theory that the letter ',' which indicated the place in which the emperors of Wei lived, was not supposed to be used for the country name of the eastern barbarians. 例文帳に追加

表記のぶれをめぐっては、「壹」を「臺」の誤記とする説のほか、「壹與遣,倭大夫率善中郎將掖邪狗等二十人送,政等還。因詣臺,」から混同を避けるために書き分けたとする説、魏の皇帝の居所を指す「臺」の文字を東の蛮人の国名には用いなかったとする説などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that it was based on the idea of Shinyu kakumei (a prediction of revolution in Kanototori of the Chinese astrological calendar) in isho (Chinese books which describe predictions and others), that is, a revolution to change the dynasty would occur in the first Kanototori year considering 60 years as one cycle () and 1260 years of 21 cycles as one period (), in accordance with the note from Zheng Xuan, '天道 六甲一元 四六二六相乗 相乗 廿一元 千三廿,' in "Yi wei" which was cited in 'kakumeikanmon' (in zatsubu (overall section) in the 26th section of "Gunsho ruiju"(Collection of historical documents compiled by Hokiichi HANAWA)) by Kiyoyuki MIYOSHI. 例文帳に追加

三善清行による「革命勘文」(『群書類従』 第貮拾六輯雜部 所収)で引用された『易緯』での鄭玄の注「天道不遠三五而反六甲爲一元四六二六交相乗七元有三變 三七相乗廿一元爲一蔀合千三百廿年」から一元60年、二十一元1260年を一蔀とし、そのはじめの辛酉の年に王朝交代という革命が起こるとするいわゆる緯書での辛酉革命の思想によるという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The shape of the 'setsu' (a pattern which was presented by Chinese emperors or kings to emissaries) drawn on the observer's right of the picture of the person buried in the tomb in the Mural Painting of Koguryo Tomb (such as in the Angaku No.3 Tomb believed to be from around the middle of the fourth century) looks like the Kasamatsu Pattern drawn on the Sankakubuchi Shinjukyo (Triangular-rimmed mirrors) (the one on the mirror is slightly more flat than the one on the mural painting), and assuming that the Kodo (Yellow Flag) tentatively given to Nashime by the Wei dynasty has the same shape as this setsu, it is possible that the shape looks like a yellow tachibana. 例文帳に追加

高句麗古墳壁画(4世紀中頃とされる安岳3号古墳等)の墓主の画像に向かって右側に描かれている「節(せつ)」の形が、三角縁神獣鏡に描かれる笠松文様に似ていることや(壁画に比べて鏡の方が少し形が平ら)、もし魏から難升米に仮授せしめた黄幢(こうどう)が、この節と同じ形をしているものと仮定すると、黄色い橘の形にも見える可能性はある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to Inoue, the name of Mimana Nihon-fu can be found in "History of Baekje," which is quoted in "Nihonshoki," and although the name of 'Wa' () originally meant the various districts in the southern area of the Korean Peninsula as mentioned in the account of Korea in "Records of Wei" ("Sangokushi" [Three Kingdoms Saga]), Baekje in the end of sixth century used the word as if it was related to the government of wajin (倭人, people of Wakoku) in the Japanese archipelago, trying to win their favor and support in order to compete with Goguryeo and Silla, which unintendedly gives the impression that the power of Yamato sovereignty extended to the southern area of the Korean Peninsula early on. 例文帳に追加

井上によると、任那日本府とは『日本書紀』が引用する『百済本紀』において見られる呼称であり、6世紀末の百済が高句麗・新羅に対抗するために倭国(ヤマト王権)を懐柔しようとして、『魏志』(『三国志(歴史書)』)韓伝において朝鮮半島南部の諸国を表していた「倭」と、日本列島の倭人の政権とを結びつけて、ヤマト王権の勢力が早くから朝鮮半島南部に及んでいたかのような印象を与えるに過ぎない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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