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Though he had never embraced more than the Jewish ethical code, his fellow-Catholics, whenever they had smarted in person or by proxy under his exactions, spoke of him bitterly as an Irish Jew and an illiterate, and saw divine disapproval of usury made manifest through the person of his idiot son.  - James Joyce『恩寵』


In another legend, he was born as a son of a blacksmith in Echigo Province, spent 16 months in his mother's womb, started walking and speaking like a five or six year old boy immediately after delivery, was as strong and intelligent as a 16 year old by the age of four and was detested by all the villagers, who nicknamed him 'onikko,' or 'oni-like child,' because of his abnormal wit and rough nature.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There is also another example suggesting a homosexual relationship of Masamune with Shigenaga KATAKURA, the son of Kagetsuna KATAKURA; referring to "the Historical Records of KATAKURA clan," there is a description regarding the night before joining the Siege of Osaka, stating that Masamune kissed on the cheek of Shigenaga by saying, "who am I supposed to appoint a vanguard if I can not ask you for that" upon the request of Shigenaga to be the vanguard of the battle on the next day.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Gonancho forces gradually lost their power, and during the Onin War were labeled in historical records as descendants of Oguranomiya (in the "Daijoin temple and shrine records of miscellaneous matters" they are listed as offspring of Oguranomiya), while the son of Zenmonshu (Gatekeeper) OKAZAKI being welcomed in the capital's western district (this son was called "The Southern Emperor of the western district") by Sozen YAMANA is the last historical mention of them; after this point, they no longer appear in historical records.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Jitsunyo, racking his mind for what to do amongst these circumstances, planned several responses, notably: 1) promulgating--together with his younger brother Renjun and his son Ennyo--three different punitive admonitions, the most notable of which was the one focused on Jodo Shinshu followers in the Hokuriku region (central-north Japan) that outlawed Ikki; 2) establishing Ichimon-Ikka System that split the household at Hongan-ji Temple into the Ichimonshu (the lineage of the eldest son) and the Ikkashu (the lineage of the second and other sons); and 3) selecting 80 documents from among Rennyo's writings, compiling them into five volumes, calling them the Gobun (also referred as Ofumi, literally Epistles) and using them as the fundamental doctrinal creed of the sect.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



However, the succession to the throne wasn't Emperor Junna's intention (according to "Nihon Koki," on May 22, 806, when his father died, Prince Otomo asked to be removed from the Imperial Family, but he was dissuaded from resigning by the crown prince (Emperor Heizei)) and was worried that his son Prince Tsunesada, who lacked the support of court nobles, would become the crown prince of Emperor Nimmyo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Then, in 1246, a rumor was circulated that Michiie KUJO who was an influential person in the then imperial court and chief supporter of Shumeimonin colluded with his son, Shogun Yoritsune KUJO, and intended to put up Shogun Yoritsune KUJO as the next Emperor by dismissing the regent Tokiyori HOJO and Emperor Gosaga who were supported by him.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Apart from the political confrontation, one of the reasons noteworthy for the 'exclusion of Prince Nagaya' was that the three princes, including Kashiwade no Okimi, who were given birth by Imperial Princess Kibi, an aunt of the emperor, (and of course the sons of Prince Nagaya) would have been the most promising successors to the Imperial Throne if something happened to the emperor and Prince Asaka.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


("Mizu Kagami" [The Water Mirror] contains a story that Emperor Konin told the empress, 'if I win, you give me a lady of great beauty. If I loose, I give you a young and strong man,' and the empress won, so his son Imperial Prince Yamanobe (later Emperor Kanmu) was introduced to her, and she got so attracted to the young prince, causing the incident.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Letter "Rirakujo", (national treasure, Hatakeyama Memorial Museum): an apologetic letter written by Sukemasa at the age 48, on his way to Dazai-fu (he was appointed as Dazai no daini), in the letter, he asked FUJIWARA no Shigenobu who was the son of his sister to intercede with Sessho FUJIWARA no Michitaka for Sukemasa, because he left Kyoto without saying goodbye.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Some of his episodes are included in 'Sangyoan Zasshi' (Journal of Sangyoan), in which Tangen KIMURA, who studied under Tanshin KANO, Tanyu's son, discussed painting; for instance the reason why Nakabashi family took over soke (the head family) was because of Tanyu's consideration to enable Yasunobu to earn his daily bread, which is ill-intended and differs from historical facts; and when a roju (senior councilor) told him and two big brothers to paint, Tanyu said to him, "Watch your expert brothers paint," which humiliated him.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Two years later, Hideyori was elevated to the position of Udaijin, and yet, Ieyasu yielded the position of Shogun to his son, Hidetada TOKUGAWA, showing his determination to pass down the position by hereditary succession; in the same year, in place of Kanetaka KUJO, Nobutada KONOE (whose name had changed from Nobusuke and who had been reinstated to Sadaijin in 1601) was appointed to Kanpaku for the first time in twenty-one years since he had started the soron, having caused a series of troubles thereafter; here, the tradition of rotating the position of Kanpaku among the five sekke was restored.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Prince Kusakabe died at an early age, however, most of his families including his parents, wife, sons, daughters and close relatives took throne (moreover the theory that Prince Nagaya, who was the husband of his second daughter Imperial Princess Kibi was also treated as Imperial Prince as a special case and had the right of succession to the Imperial Throne has been pointed out), while his descendants became bearers of culture and politics as main branch of the Imperial line from the Emperor Tenmu in Nara Period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The brothers of Man NOMURA (his real name is Taro) and Mansaku NOMURA (his real name is Jiro) are sons of Manzo ()NOMURA, or Manzo NOMURA, the sixth (his former names were Manzo and Mansaku万作); after the sixth's death, they decided to divide their family name, that is, Man, the older brother, would succeed to a professional name of Manzo NOMURA, the seventh, and Mansaku, the younger brother, would inherit Mansai, the name after retirement of Manzo, the fifth (the father of Manzo, the sixth).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


During the War, he evacuated to Sakamoto (Otsu-city), and got Arikazu KARAHASHI who was his clerk (Keishi (household superintendent)) and cousin on his mother's side to cover 200 hiki for official matters, but in 1470, as a condition for being forgiven his debt, he ended up handing over Arikazu the nengu (land tax) of Iriyamada-mura, Hineno-sho from the little remaining territory he had until the generation of his son Hisatsune.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The plan to reform the court proceeded gradually, beginning on January 25, 1747, with Kaneyoshi passing the position of Kanpaku to his son, Michika, who was serving as Nairan, and being promoted to Daijo-daijin, and when Emperor Sakuramachi abdicated in favor of Emperor Momozono and started a cloistered government six months later, the entry of Kaneyoshi's daughter, Tomiko, to the court was decided quickly (though it actually happened in November 1755, after Kaneyoshi died). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Oshisaka no Hikohito no Oenomiko's hereditary private properties such as Otsusakabe and Marukobe were called '皇祖大兄御名入部,' and handed over to his son of the Emperor Jomei and the grandson of Naka no Oe no Oji (later the Emperor Tenchi), and it is believed that such private properties were returned to the nation after Taika no Kaishin (the Great Reformation of the Taika Era) (April 13, 646 section in "Nihonshoki" [Chronicles of Japan]).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

聞くと、親がベッドの上で死んでいたということだった。監獄に入れられていた息子を見殺しにしようとしていた——実際、見殺しにしたことだろう! 過去、自分の身よりもはるかにはるかに大切な人が窮しているというのに、医薬では癒せない傷を心に負っているというのに、そのまま見殺しにしたことがあるのだから——親が。例文帳に追加

to hear that the parent who would have let him die in jail--WOULD! who HAD let those who were far dearer to him than his own existence die of want, and sickness of heart that medicine cannot cure--had been found dead in his bed of down.  - Charles Dickens『奇妙な依頼人』


Later, Gonrokuro was active in Kyoto with Akimasa IKEDA as the representative, but it did not work well against Satsuma and Choshu of which lord of the domain himself stood in the front, so it was decided to have Yoshimasa retire, but Gonrokuro and Emi visited Tadaka ICHIJO for consultation because Teigoro IKEDA, Yoshimasa's son, was ingorant, and Tadaka said to 'select Mochimasa IKEDA in Mito Domain', and therefore, they submitted an opinion to the upper stratum to adopt Kuromaro.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Koichijo-tei was the house that FUJIWARA no Uchimaro bought and gave to his son, Fuyutsugu, because when Fuyutsugu was an udoneri (ministerial equerry), on his way to sandai (a visit to the Imperial Palace), he was called on by Munakata no Okami from the (empty) sky and received an oracle that if he asked his father to buy him the Koichijo-tei and lived there and enshrined the Munakata no Okami near by, he will be protecting his children's children.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The way he is depicted in stories varies according to the era and people's sense of values; from a political point of view, he is regarded as a person with a fine character and distinguished in both literary and military arts, devoted himself to peace; from a view point of genuine swordsmanship, he is regarded as a skillful swordsman but a little inferior to other contemporary great swordsmen, his father, his son Jubei, or his nephew Toshiyoshi YAGYU (Hyogonosuke); and he is also described as an evil individual who distorted swordsmanship by politics.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He married the third daughter of his uncle Yoshisada OISHI and had five sons; Yoshitaka OISHI (the head of chief retainers of the Asano family of Ako Domain), Yoshishige OISHI (a chief retainer of the Asano family of Ako Domain), Tomotomo OKUMURA (a vassal of the Matsudaira family of Toyama Domain), Yoshihide OYAMA (a vassal of the Asano family of Ako Domain, adoptive father of Yoshimoro OYAMA) and Yoshitsugu OISHI (a vassal of the Matsudaira family of Takamatsu Domain).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Nara Period was marked by political strife in which the Otomo clan was often involved and in Nagayao no Hen (the Conspiracy of Nagayao), Tabito, who was close to Nagayao, was temporarily transferred to Dazaifu as punishment, while in TACHIBANA no Naramaro no Hen (the Conspiracy of TACHIBANA no Moroe, which involved the son of TACHIBANA no Moroe), Komoro was tortured to death and OTOMO no Kojihi was deported, not to return until after the demise of the Emperor Shotoku.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although Yoshitane did not have any sons, he fled to Awa accompanied by Yoshitsuna, a son of Yoshizumi, the former Shogun and Yoshitane's opponent, whom he adopted as his son and after Yoshitane's death, Yoshitsuna came into conflict with his older brother Yoshiharu, who had succeeded to the Shogunate, causing another power struggle between the Yoshitane faction (Yoshitane, Yoshitsuna, Yoshihide and Yoshisuke) and the Yoshizumi faction (Yoshizumi, Yoshiharu, Yoshiteru and Yoshiaki).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When the Onin War broke out Yoshizane sided with the Eastern Camp due to the fact that the cousin of his wife was Katsumoto HOSOKAWA of the Eastern Camp, putting himself against Yoshifuji KIRA sided with the Western Camp; when Yoshifuji left Kyoto to Mikawa Province, Yoshizane appointed his son Yoshinobu KIRA in charge of protecting Kyoto, and departed to Mikawa on May 18, 1467 for tracking down Yoshifuji ("Miscellaneous Records of the Daijo Temple and Shrine").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After Yoriyuki died, Yoshimitsu abdicated the office of shogun in favor of his son Yoshimochi ASHIKAGA and entered the priesthood, yet he kept controlling the bakufu and made bakufu's policy decisions by chairing and holding gozen-sata instead of formal consultations, which nominally retired shogun Yoshimitsu could not convene -- and the shogun Yoshimochi followed the decisions.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Regarding real estate investment, or the REIT market, this market provides a new investment tool. A little more than a decade ago, when Japan was in a deepening recession, I talked with an official of a Hong Kong-based financial institution, who was a son of the family controlling a major Asian conglomerate and was a clear headed man with degrees from Stanford University and with whom I am still friends. When he came to Japan around 15 years ago, I asked him what would get Japan out of the recession, and I clearly remember his reply advising Japan to create a market for real estate securities, or J-REITs.  - 金融庁


Foremost classical stories include the following: among those without point are long continuous stories such as "Botan Doro (A Tale of the Peony Lamp" (this is usually regarded as Kaidan-banashi), "The Story of Tasuke SHIOBARA", "The Spine-Chiller in Kasanegafuchi", "The Story of Soza ANNAKA", "Futatsu Chocho (literally, two butterflies): Chobe and Chokichi", "Chikiri Iseya", "Bunji NARIHARA", "The Vendetta under a Nursing Hackberry Tree", "Otomi Yosaburo"; short stories such as "Bunshichi's Motoyui Shop", "Mitsui's Daikoku"; stories with points include "Dream of a Leather Wallet", "Parting with Son" (and "Children Hold a Marriage Together" is the latter part), "A Dyer and Courtesan Takao", "The Pumpkin Vendor", "Onaoshi (Extension Surcharge", "Rat Hole", "Kyuzo's Lottery", "Kaji Musuko (My Son is a Firefighter)", "Kakunoshin YANAGIDA", "Kajikazawa Precipice", "Dying Incense".  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, when Kintsune passed away, Michiie claimed without permission that it was the will of Kintsune and became Kanto moshitsugi (liaison with the east) (However, there is also a theory that he was assigned to the kanto moshitsugi post with Kintsune as 'the father of the shogun'), dismissed his second son Yoshizane (Michiie and Yoshizane were on bad terms, and Yoshizane was disowned by his father), and promoted his favored Sanetsune ICHIJO as the Kanpaku (He was reassigned to be Sessho after Emperor Gofukakusa ascended to the throne).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, the view that insei started before the reign of Emperor Gosanjo has become more prevalent in recent years, since it is increasingly apparent that Emperor Uda conducted virtual insei after he abdicated to Emperor Daigo to become Hoo (法皇) as the result of the new Emperor's illness, and based on the view that Emperor Enyu was opposed to Kaneie FUJIWARA, a regent and his maternal grandfather, since Enyu tried to participate in political affairs after his abdication and succession of the throne by his son, Emperor Ichijo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The styles of placement are as follows: a triad style in which Bishamonten is placed at the center with Kyoji (attendant figures) of Kisshoten (Kichijoten, Sri-mahadevi, who is said to a wife of the sister of Bishamonten) and Zennishi-doji (who is said to be a son of Bishamonten) (Kurama Temple in Kyoto, Sekkei-ji Temple in Kochi, and so on); a style that places a pair of Bishamonten with Kisshoten (the statue of Horyuji Temple Kondo (法隆寺金堂) in Nara); and a style that places a pair of Bishamonten with Fudo Myoo (the statue of Koyasan Kongobuji Temple and so on).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The old woman testified that she had gone directly to the house of her son, and later had discovered that she had forgotten some articles of clothing which she needed; that thereupon she had returned to the house and had gone up the back way to her room,— this was about eight o'clock; that while there she had heard Nina San Croix's voice in great passion and remembered that she had used the words stated by the policemen; that these sudden, violent cries had frightened her greatly and she had bolted the door and been afraid to leave the room; shortly thereafter, she had heard heavy footsteps ascending the stairs, slowly and with great difficulty, as though some one were carrying a heavy burden; that therefore her fear had increased and that she had put out the light and hidden under the bed.  - Melville Davisson Post『罪体』


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