
「合成風」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(4ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 205



To provide an inexpensive upholstered furniture product having good feeling and touch feeling, and useful for furniture, bedding or the like having beautiful appearance in good processability while keeping flame retardancy by solving the problems hardly solved by a conventional flame-retardant synthetic fiber. - 特許庁


To constitute a synthetic resin roofing member used in a simple roof or the like, to be held stably in an initial attached position, without allowing an end to come off from a support member, even when the roofing member is deflected or warped in a strong wind. - 特許庁


To provide a gas warm air heater which can be manufactured without using a high-grade heat resistant synthetic resin and has high design flexibility and sufficient strength and heat resistance. - 特許庁


Resulted from causing charge due to the piezoelectric powder onto the base material by influence from wind or vibration of the ground, and transmitting electric signal due to the charge via the base material to the underground, the photosynthesis-accelerating device accelerates photosynthesis of plants planted in the ground, promotes the growth of the plants, has a simple mechanism and requires no electric expenses. - 特許庁



The Ferris wheel includes an imaging unit 1 provided for each gondola 63 for imaging actual scenery outside the gondola 63, a display unit 2 provided inside each gondola 63, and a control unit 3 which generates a synthetic image by superimposing a virtual image at a prescribed position of an actual image imaged by the imaging unit 1 and makes the display unit 2 display the synthetic image. - 特許庁



The method for producing extrafine synthetic fiber ≤0.9 dtex in single filament fineness in the form of polyester multifilament yarn made from a polyester that is obtained by copolymerization between a metal 5-sulfoisophthalate and polyethylene glycol is provided, wherein this method is characterized by involving using a specific spinneret with nozzle arrangement, etc. specified and making a cooling airflow blowing treatment under the spinneret under specific conditions. - 特許庁


To provide a cleaning brush for a shutter type bathtub which comprises comparatively wide top face parts to the surface side, slender hollow members made of hard synthetic resin with continuous slope parts and valley parts on the top face part, and continuous band shape pieces made of soft synthetic resin upon covering the upper face of a bathtub. - 特許庁


To provide a method and a system for producing extrafine synthetic multifilament without declining in productivity and quality by installing a melt spinning machine with a spinneret having a specific nozzle specification and nozzles with a specific arrangement in consideration of the direction of melt-spun filament-cooling airflow. - 特許庁


To obtain an acrylic synthetic fiber which comprises an acrylic copolymer containing acrylonitrile in an amount of 30 to 70 wt.%, whose imparted crimps can easily be removed by a polishing treatment at a relatively low temperature, and which can give a plush fabric having excellent touch and appearance, and to provide a method for producing the same. - 特許庁



Hot wind is blown from a hot wind generator 3 to the screw feeder 2 to dry the chip while a synthetic resin raw material chip B thrown from a hopper 4 to an extruder 5 is melt, is supplied to a mixing block 10 and is mixed with a compressed gas from a pump 6 to contain many micro pores. - 特許庁



The navigation device 1 comprises: specifying a target scenery position displaying a building at a target position on route guide concerning images photographing a photographing direction of a camera 12 with a field angle of the camera 12 at current position; and displaying the images after processing on a monitor 14 by performing the processing synthesizing an image indicated by an arrow indicating the target scenery position on the image photographed by the camera 12. - 特許庁


The disk array device focuses attention on the first sound of a specific frequency which is a noise component of an original sound generated from a fan 50 to generate a second sound reversed in phase from the first sound by the structure of a cooling air flow path passed through the fan 50, and synthesizes the second sound with the first sound on the cooling air flow path to absorb it. - 特許庁


He made a wide range of works in various styles, for example, working on the puppet play "Topo Gigio and the Missile War" after the epic "Tokyo Olympics" and making "Hi no Tori" (Phoenix) (comic), the fantasy fiction combining animation during the period between the eerie "Gokumon Island" written by Seishi YOKOMIZO and "Jouou bachi" (Seishi YOKOMIZO).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide an emulsified oil or fat composition for puff, from which stable puff skins having good flavors, good textures and large shapes can be produced without using synthetic casein Na and an emulsifier as food additives. - 特許庁


This method for improving flavor comprises using α-1,4-glucan as a flavor improving agent, enzymatically synthesized with glucan phosphorylase and capable of demonstrating effect even if adding in any stage during production processes of a food and drink composition or a food additive composition. - 特許庁


To provide a sausage and a ham having antioxidative property, antibacterial one and resistance to refrigeration and freezing, and having flavor and food feeling equal to or better than conventional ones, without adding a chemically synthesized material having tendency to be suspected of being carcinogenic and an environmental hormone. - 特許庁


To use double simple hangers such as thick wire or synthetic resin cleaning hangers and to open/close a space in laundry, thereby improving ventilation in the laundry to facilitate drying and facilitating attachment to and detachment from the laundry. - 特許庁


Since EGR gas circulating inside of the EGR gas distribution pipe 13 is efficiently cooled by the travelling wind introduced into the engine compartment 2, the thermal damage to the synthetic resin intake manifold 5 is effectively prevented. - 特許庁


To provide a clothing product which is formed by using synthetic fiber containing additives efficiently absorbing solar light, and feather, as warm-keeping material, and has satisfactory heat-accumulating performance, and also the appearance and the texture of the feather of which are not spoiled. - 特許庁


The rotating motion and vibration motion of a rotating and vibrating unit, caused by the driving force of the first and second motors (1A, 2A) generate blowing air and an output sound (c) which have been caused by an output produced by combining a first output corresponding to the rotating motion and a second output corresponding to the vibrating motion. - 特許庁


To provide a surface treatment method for textile products that can apply fine particle powder of a natural radioactive rare element mineral not only to textile products made of synthetic fibers but also to those made of any kind of fibers so that the powder particles may not peel off from the surface and the fabric hand of the treated fabrics may not be dteriorated. - 特許庁


In this method for improving fuel consumption of an engine of an automobile and the like, a synthetic rubber sheet 6 obtained by mixing potassium feldspar, quartz and metamorphic rock is attached to an air element case 4 and/or an intake pipe 5, and an air blower 1 is installed near an intake port 7 of the air element case 4. - 特許庁


Deodorant filling layers 12 of plural layers composed of granular or pellet-like activated carbon 13 are arranged in a single trunk type deodorant vessel 5, and a synthetic resin net is provided between a ventilating passage inlet and an outlet of the deodorant vessel 5 and the respective deodorant filling layers. - 特許庁


In the fan boss hole, a negative pressure on the blade negative pressure plane side of the fan boss and a negative pressure by the rotational circumferential speed of the fan boss are combined and a strong air flow A is excited from the inside to the outside of the fan boss so that cooling air flows smoothly in the motor. - 特許庁


The damper for speaker is manufactured by impregnating (2) impregnant resulting from mixing a neutralized material between phenol resin and alkali soluble high polymer with latex used for protective colloid to woven cloth (1) of natural or synthetic fibers, drying (3) the impregnated cloth by hot air or the like, and applying hot pressing (4) and die removal processing (5) to the resulting cloth. - 特許庁


To provide a noise reduction apparatus, a noise reduction method, a noise reduction program and a sound collection apparatus for electronic apparatus by which wind noise can be minimized strongly by properly selecting an audio signal with a minimum level from audio signals from a plurality of microphones for a prescribed period and using the selected signal for recomposition. - 特許庁


To provide a method for producing a packed acidic drink which can control the proliferation of bacteria left in the drink with a natural antibacterial agent without using a synthetic antibacterial agent and without largely deteriorating the flavor of the drink with the strong odor of the antibacterial agent. - 特許庁


A first lawn blade 11 and a second lawn blade 12 constituting lawn blades 1 are formed by a plurality kinds of synthetic resins having different heat shrinkage ratios, by which the lengths of the lawn blades 1 vary in shrinkage caused by heating the lawn blades 1, so that the natural taste can be obtained easily. - 特許庁


In using the camera for imaging, the current position information of the camera is associated with the position information of the map data, the name-symbol data in the map data is read, and the read name-symbol data is synthesized with a landscape image obtained by the camera and displayed on the display part. - 特許庁


To provide a method for producing meat, fish meat or their processed products added with excellent color tone and flavor without using any chemical additives such as a coloring agent and a meat-color retaining auxiliary, and to provide a food obtained by the method. - 特許庁


To suppress getting turned up and swinging of a curtain caused by wind and contact of a human body in comparison with a curtain made of a fabric material or a synthetic resin and to improve interior performance in a room by providing a front face opening part between a pair of side members and opening and closing this front face opening part with an accordion curtain. - 特許庁


This mannequin head for haircutting and hairdressing consists of an outer shell 1 which is made of a synthetic resin and is soft and elastic, a balloon 7 which is arranged on the inside surface of the outer shell 1 and presses the outer shell 1 toward an outer side when air is blown therein and a supporting base 4 which freely attachably and detachably supports the outer shell 1. - 特許庁


This helmet comprising a cap body 19 prepared by fitting an impact-absorbing liner 3 having a ventilation hole 5 formed at a position corresponding to an opening 4 into a vacuum-molded synthetic resin shell 2 having the formed opening 4 is characterized by forming a circular projection portion 12 projected from the periphery 9 of the opening 4 of the shell 2 in the outer direction of the cap body 19. - 特許庁


The method of producing dried powder comprising fucoxanthin at a high concentration is characterized by drying Nemacystus Decipiens obtained by culturing the same in a culture medium into which at least nitrogen and phosphorus are added, under a condition of an effective photon flux density for photosynthesis of 450 μmol×m^-2×s^-1 or lower by way of freeze drying, spray drying or ventilation drying. - 特許庁


To provide a method and an apparatus for producing an extra fine fiber, with which a multifilament synthetic fiber having a fine single fiber fineness is produced without lowering productivity and deteriorating qualities by installing a spinneret having a given ejection hole specification and a specified ejection hole arrangement in a spinning machine with taking the direction of cooling air into consideration. - 特許庁


To provide an image processing apparatus capable of easily creating a print like a solid printing photo which is designed in response to a request of a client, from a plurality of differently designed film-like templates, and further capable of automatically composing frame images desired to print into a desired template and performing a printing process thereon even if there are a number of such frame images. - 特許庁


A subsidiary radiator 17 is disposed below the fuel cell casing 10, and a subsidiary radiator fan 14 is disposed behind the fuel cell casing 10 to discharge air around the subsidiary radiator 17, which is merged from an airflow from the main radiator fan 13 and the travel wind introduced from a cowl top louver 23. - 特許庁


In a snow country tunnel ready-to-win pattern of a special pattern game played by variation of the left, center and right display patterns, plural images is formed to be the objects of snow with a background while changing display positions along preset radial and helical routes, and also the situation that snowflakes radially and helically fly on a stereoscopic background with the scenery of a snow country is displayed. - 特許庁


In the image server 4, the quality of the image data is optimized by an optimization means, a landscape template and an advertisement template for decorating the picture are determined from customer information corresponding to the code and composed with the image data, editing is performed thereto to create photographic album printing data, and the data are transmitted to a print shop closest to the finishing point of the tour. - 特許庁


To provide a filter for removing VOC gas which is excellent in heat resistance and durability and allows a synthetic zeolite as an adsorbent to be supported between fiber layers by using no binder and removes the adsorbed VOC gas by high-temperature air and further is regenerated by a weight reduction due to the thermal decomposition of the deposited coating and back washing. - 特許庁


To enhance the creep resistance at use of an air conditioner or the like, in a blast fan made of synthetic resin using acrylonitrile styrene resin (hereinafter abbreviated as AS resin) or heat-resistant polystyrene resin (hereinafter abbreviated as heat-resistant PS resin), and to enhance the moldability at molding of a fan and also, enhance the productivity, in, especially, heat- resistant polystyrene resin. - 特許庁


In a snow country tunnel ready-to-win pattern of a special pattern game played by variation of the left, center and right display patterns, plural images are formed to be the objects of snow with a background while changing relative positions along preset freehand curves, and also the situation that snowflakes flutter down along the curves on a stereoscopic background with the scenery of a snow country is displayed. - 特許庁


To provide a method and a machine therefor capable of stably producing a false-twist texture yarn of synthetic fiber without occurrence of fluffs and yarn breakages and obtaining such a false-twist textured yarn giving woven/ knitted fabrics having good drape, puffy feeling, soft feeling, and touch feeling of new sense unlike conventional drawn yarns and false-twist textured yarns. - 特許庁


This method for producing synthetic leather having a soft feeling comprises coating a peelable sheet with a solution or a water dispersion of a urethane-based thermoplastic resin to form a coating film, discontinuously coating the coating film with a hot-melt type adhesive composed of a thermoplastic resin by melting the adhesive by heating and sticking the coating film to the fibrous substrate while the adhesive is in a molten state. - 特許庁


The packaged liquid seasoning is obtained by adding50 mg/L of the ferulic acid to liquid seasoning (such as refined Sake, synthetic Sake, ethanol-containing sweetening seasoning, fermented seasoning, cooking Sake, Mirin, Mirin-like seasoning, wine, liqueur or spirits), charging the mixture in a light-shielding package, and hermetically sealing the package with a lid. - 特許庁


A molten synthetic resin mixed with woody ground matter is injected in a cooling sizing die in a pressurized state and, after the obtained molded product is further cooled, heat treatment is applied to the surface of the molded product to form a woody uneven rough surface, which comprises fine open-voids generated in the surface layer of the molded product, on the surface of the molded product. - 特許庁


To provide a method of production and an apparatus of the production by which a false twisted yarn made of a synthetic fiber can stable be produced without causing fuzz and breakage and the false twisted yarn providing a woven and knit fabric good in drape properties, excellent in a swelling feeling and a soft feeling and having a new touch feeling different from that of conventional drawn yarns and false twisted yarns can be obtained. - 特許庁


At least a first impeller 5 and a second impeller 9 constituting the cross flow fan is molded by a synthetic resin in which a material obtained by mixing a carbon fiber reinforcing material with AS (acrylonitrilestyrene) and a material obtained by mixing a glass fiber with AS (acrylonitrilestyrene) are fused and mixed at a predetermined ratio, respectively. - 特許庁


To provide soymilk ice cream by using soymilk, rapeseed oil, sweet drink made from fermented brown rice, salt and maple syrup, having low fat, low cholesterol and low calorie, containing rich vitamins, minerals and dietary fibers, having smooth palate feeling and flavor and moderate viscosity, and delicious, safe, and orienting health without the use of a synthetic additive, and to provide a method for producing the soymilk ice cream. - 特許庁



To provide a fermented sour agent, the so-called food seasoning which is not a chemical synthetic product without mixing various kinds of organic acids obtained by isolation accompanying chemical treatment after organic aid fermentation, is derived from a natural product directly obtained from a fermentation product and has a good flavor, antimicrobial properties and further actions of preventing sudden discoloration of a vegetable natural pigment of a vegetable-containing food. - 特許庁


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