
「営業部」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(14ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 783



When the vending machine 11 receives ordering data from the remote controller 12 in the infrared port 112, it transmits the ordering data to an on-line automatic order receiving terminal unit 21 in a branch office/sales division 2 via a packet communication network 51 from an antenna 113. - 特許庁


When the instruction (designation of investigators and a deciding person) of the electronic circulation is inputted from the input section 13 (Yes at S640), the electronic circulation of the consultation document data having this consultation document number is requested to a business office server 40 (S650). - 特許庁


. Convenience stores have a wide range of functions and are becoming an integral part of the infrastructure. In addition to playing an expanded role, they are also plagued by various social issues highlighting the negative side of their position as "outsiders" in a community (increased CO2 emissions and crime rates resulting from 24-hour operation, discarding of massive quantities of food leading to a negative image, etc.)  - 経済産業省


The group will now make use of the subsidies to repair the business establishments, factories, refrigerated warehouses, freezing facilities and other assets owned by each company as quickly as possible, and boost competitiveness by promoting joint use, reducing expenses and other rationalization measures.  - 経済産業省



Benesse has stuck to its original style for the core part of its business such as teaching materials, , and pursued thorough localization tailored to the different culture and business environment (“actual good comes firstprinciple, call-center business, logistics, cash payment method, etc.), which led to successful overseas development. - 経済産業省



A black box is created by the following approaches: “Restricting local staff’s access to information”; “Managing core parts/materials information as trade secret”; and “Exporting production equipment from Japan by sealing off knowhow in the equipment.” It is necessary to take further actions in the future.  - 経済産業省


They hold a monthly study meeting at which employees from various departments such as the person in charge of intellectual property-related matters, the person in charge of sales, and the person in charge of development, work together to discuss tactics such as whether to apply for patents or make requests for examination, whether to continue to hold on to certain patents, and other matters. - 経済産業省


The study by the Japan Research Institute narrowed the scope of companies subject to the research to companies listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and compared a variety of financial data, including the operating profit ratio and ROE, against the above-listed nine indicators as social indicators. - 経済産業省


When the personnel information database of the personnel information DB server is changed and the each of DBs of the AP/DB server is changed, these databases are compared with each other for modifying data to obtain conformity with changed data and storing the modified data. - 特許庁



Does the institution appoint a director in charge or manager who is responsible for responding to economic sanctions such as asset freeze (hereinafter referred to asAsset Freeze Administrator”)? Has the institution developed a system in which an  - 財務省



To provide a component information supporting method for allowing a CAD designer to easily execute the retrieval of optimal components and the collection/storage of component information and the arrangement and delivery of components, and for allowing even a component maker to expand business effects by obtaining a mechanism applicable to the product design/product management system of its own company. - 特許庁


C. Whether the internal control division strives to develop a control environment that ensures the effectiveness of interviews to be conducted by sales division managers with customers by, for example, prescribing a specific interview method, communicating the method to all directors, officers and employees and revising the method as necessary after examining how interviews have been conducted.  - 金融庁

(e) 特許権者がパリ条約の規定を享受できず,かつ,スペイン法と同様の尺度を採用する国に通常居住し又は工業若しくは商業上の営業所を有する場合,第9第1章に定める発明を実施する義務を怠る場合。かかる場合は,第8第3章及び第9第2章,第3章及び第4章に含まれるライセンスの付与に関する規定は適用しないものとする。例文帳に追加

(e) failure to fulfill the obligation to work the invention as specified in Chapter I of Title IX when the owner of the patent does not benefit from the provisions of the Paris Convention and is usually domiciled or has his industrial or commercial establishment in a country the legislation of which permits the adoption of such a measure. In such cases, the provisions concerning the granting of licenses contained in Chapter III of Title VIII and in Chapters II, III and IV of Title IX shall not apply. - 特許庁


The transmission request receiving part 100 receives the transmission request of the order content information from the terminal 50 of the orderer, the user judgment part 110 judges that the orderer has no use authority of the customer information and the display information transmitting part 120 displays the order content information, a name and a contact address of the sales person on an order reference picture of the terminal 50. - 特許庁


The production plan creation system 10 is provided with a device information data base 1, a product information data base 2, a product quality result information data base 3, a device priority calculating part 4, a line priority calculating part 5, a business information data base 6, a production result data base 7 and a production plan creating part 8. - 特許庁


To reduce burdens on a user due to mode changeover by shifting to a prescribed operation mode by presetting job contents different depending on time zones such as copying, printing by a printer and the transmission of image data to an apparatus paying attention to the fact that job processing is different by a time unit according to the activity contents of the departments such as a business department and a financial department. - 特許庁


As the stepping operation of the pedal 22 is performed on the service side, it is advantageous for crime prevention from outside without damaging a satisfactory impression provided for the customer as the unlocking operation of the glass plate 6 is hidden from the customer. - 特許庁

第四十二条 再生手続開始後において、再生債務者等が再生債務者の営業又は事業の全又は重要な一の譲渡をするには、裁判所の許可を得なければならない。この場合において、裁判所は、当該再生債務者の事業の再生のために必要であると認める場合に限り、許可をすることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 42 (1) After the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings, the rehabilitation debtor, etc. shall obtain permission of the court in order to transfer the entirety or a significant part of the rehabilitation debtor's operation or business. In this case, the court may grant permission only when it finds it necessary for the rehabilitation of the rehabilitation debtor's business.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

三 同項第三号に規定する分割 分割の経緯を説明した書面、分割計画書又は分割契約書の写し及び分割により認証紛争解決手続の業務に係る営業又は事業の全又は一を承継する法人の基本約款を記載した書面及び登記事項証明書例文帳に追加

(iii) The demerger prescribed in item 3 of the same paragraph -a document explaining the particulars of the demerger, a copy of the written demerger plan or the written demerger contract, documents containing the basic contracts of the juridical person succeeding all or part of the business management or business operations pertaining to the certified dispute resolution services through the demerger and a certificate of the registered matters of such juridical person  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第八条 新法第十六条の規定は、施行日以後に銀行がその営業所又は代理店において臨時にその業務の全又は一を休止する場合について適用し、施行日前に旧法の免許を受けた銀行が臨時に休業し、又は預金の払戻しを停止した場合については、なお従前の例による。例文帳に追加

Article 8 The provision of Article 16 of the New Act shall apply to the case where a Bank temporarily suspends whole or part of its business at its business office or at its agency on or after the Effective Date, and the provisions then in force shall remain applicable to the cases where a Bank Having Obtained the License under the Former Act temporarily suspends its business or suspends the repayment of deposits before the Effective Date.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


In this system, the controller part for the automatic control equipped in the agricultural machine can be connected to the personal computer mounted in information processing facilities such as the office in the remote place via the cellphone line, and the data from the controller part is transmitted to the personal computer in the information processing facilities to diagnose a failure position. - 特許庁


To provide a structural design support system by which manufacturers of articles (members such as pillars and beams and their joint components, etc.,) being constitution materials of a steel structure can effectively perform business operation accompanying design support, development, etc., or many unspecified users and the respective users can efficiently perform the structural design of a building. - 特許庁


A gate type reader 16 reads in a contactless state an analyte management number given to each analyte when the analyte sampled at customer facilities is sent from a business office and a processing part 10 confirms that the analyte to be sent is present in a box for transportation according to the read analyte management number and request information stored in a request information storage part 14. - 特許庁


Major features of the JVA calculation step are: restructuring expense items of financial accounting to appropriately distribute expenses under the management of each business section, adjusting the timing of expense posting of fixed costs out of sales costs on an accrual basis, and calculating financing costs from a balance sheet created for each business section and reflecting them in operating profit/loss calculation. - 特許庁


The owner DVD 2 contains, in addition to contents such as exterior or interior details of a building, family pictures before and after construction, states of various confirmations and examinations performed in the course of construction and a written verification and the like thereof and character display of the department or name of an account executive of the housing marker, and also contains URL information of the housing marker and the ID of the owner. - 特許庁


A subjective demand forecast calculation section 7 retrieves sales plans 11 of the respective sales customers 11a, sales plans 12 of sakes companies 12a as broken down by region and channel, sales plans 13 of the sales departments 13a of manufacturing and sales companies, or the like, out of the database 5, and corrects the objective demand forecast 21 for the preparation of a subjective demand forecast 30. - 特許庁


The system comprises a sales department input/output terminal 1001, an order reception processing module 1002, a manufacturing plan storage module 1003, a process department input/output terminal 1004, a manufacturing plan generating module 1005, a master management module 1006 which stores a master of kinds and manufacturing conditions of a product and a manufacturing line, and a read module 1007. - 特許庁


Since the product quality management supporting device 100 receives a component name transmitted from portable terminal equipment 200 (step S708) and transmits a trouble measure procedure information group predetermined corresponding to this name of a component, in which a trouble occurs, to the portable terminal equipment 200 (step S710), a business side can speedily take measures to cope with the trouble. - 特許庁

第七条 第三条又は前条の規定に違反する行為があるときは、公正取引委員会は、第八章第二節に規定する手続に従い、事業者に対し、当該行為の差止め、営業の一の譲渡その他これらの規定に違反する行為を排除するために必要な措置を命ずることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 7 (1) In case there exists any act in violation of the provisions of Article 3 or the preceding Article, the Fair Trade Commission may, pursuant to the procedures as provided for in Section II of Chapter VIII, order the relevant entrepreneur to cease and desist from the said acts, to transfer a part of his business, or to take any other measures necessary to eliminate such acts in violation of the said provisions.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Because all the trains of the Tokaido Shinkansen make stops at Kyoto Station--and since many express buses connected with various destinations ranging from the South Tohoku District to Kanto, Chubu, Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kyushu District, depart from and arrive at the station--large numbers of people arrive from all over Japan, and the average total number of users of the Kyoto Station exceeds 630,000 a day.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When a 'JR line operated in parallel' has become unused because (a portion of) a regular railway line operated in parallel has been abolished or has been transferred to a joint public-private venture railway company (for examples, the section from Takasaki Station to Karuizawa Station to Nagano Station on the Nagano Shinkansen line, the section between Morioka Station and Hachinohe Station on the Tohoku Shinkansen line, and the section between Shin-Yatsushiro Station and Sendai Station on the Kyushu Shinkansen line), the actual route distance is used for the fare calculation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Nankai Railway operated between Namba Station and Wakayama City Station, and Tobu Railway operated between Kitasenju Station and Kuki Station, and both were considered for the buyout at one time, but as there were Kansai Railway in Wakayama district and the lines operated by Nippon Railway in Northern Kanto district which were both the buyout candidates, they were excluded from the buyout due to budgetary constraints.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Teikokuzaiseikakushin kai operated in urban areas around Tokyo Prefecture due to its reason for establishment, and its four candidates including SUDO and TAGUCHI were elected in the fourth general election of members of the House of Representatives in 1894 in the hopes of changing from Minto (general term of the political parties such as Liberal Party, Progressive Party and so on which conflicted with a domain government when the Imperial Diet was inaugurated) that was reluctant to reduce business taxes of commercial and industrial men while asserting a reduction in land taxes.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In response, in order to minimize the of infection spreading to customers who visit the branch, the bank has so arranged that employees of the branch other than managers stay at home in principle as a precaution and has continued operations at the branch with substitute staff members, and the bank also announced that it may advise customers to go to neighboring branches depending on circumstances.  - 金融庁


B. Whether the manager of each sales division, in the course of handling securities for specified investors, takes into consideration that SMEs and local public entities are included in the scope of specified investors, and from this viewpoint, strives to identify and keep track of the actual state of such handling and takes appropriate measures, focusing on points such as whether sufficient arrangements are made to give notice or deliver documents as required under Article 40-5(1) and (2) of the FIEA.  - 金融庁


I am aware that last evening Mizuho Bank announced that it was moving closer to processing the backlog of unsettled transactions left over from last week and that on March 22, today, it would open all retail branches at the normal start time but with reduced operations in order to ensure the normalization of the system processing.  - 金融庁


Although the inspection is still ongoing, I feel - this is only my general impression - that there are some differences between financial institutions in how carefully the management of borrowers is conducted on a daily basis and to what extent the instructions from the headquarters are enforced at branches, for example  - 金融庁


Does the Customer Information Supervisory Manager ensure appropriate handling of customer information at divisions engaged in the relevant business as well as at sales branches and proper functioning of a check-and-balance system against them by securing, through the person in charge of managing customer information, compliance with the Customer Information Management Rules and the Customer Information Management Manual, etc.? Does the Manager implement specific measures for securing the effectiveness of the arrangement?  - 金融庁


Assignability and transmissibility of registered trademarks Notwith-standing anything in any other law to the contrary, a registered trademark shall, subject to the provisions of this Chapter, be assignable and transmissible whether with or without the goodwill of the business concerned, and in respect either of all of the goods of services in respect of which it is registered or of some only of those goods or services.  - 特許庁


Thus, the fraudulent action to the cover member 90, that is the fraudulent action to the board box, can be checked while going around the hall after it is closed, opening the glass door frame and performing various works, and the fraudulent action to the board box which can be conducted even during business hours can be found in an early stage. - 特許庁


To provide a system for simplifying part of post-stamping operations on conditions of the kind of transaction, a person in charge of the transaction, the amount transacted or the like for increased efficiency of the post stamping operations as an entire financial institution, without centralizing post-stamping operations conducted in each office of the financial institution to an operation center or the like and conducting stamping operations to all transactions. - 特許庁


A CPU 114 of a terminal device 110 in a production department specifies a work position based on address information for specifying the work position (the address of the work position, an address related to an application of electricity use or stoppage, an electric pole number, a customer number, etc.), which is inputted by user input operation or acquired through the Internet. - 特許庁


When the ordinary member N1 buys the commodity X, a part of sales is returned not only to a business member B1 being a store opener of the store selling the commodity X but also to a business member B2 executing the business activity for securing the member N1 as a user of this system and a business member B3 being a proposer of the commodity X. - 特許庁


To provide a supporting system which enables operating persons in charge, etc., who have no skilled design technique to readily conduct designing without having the depend on persons having expert design knowledge or choice works about complicated building component data, and which enables them efficiently use data corresponding to each house model on the design stage. - 特許庁


Many entirely damaged vehicles generated by service offices, etc., of nonlife insurance companies in the whole nation are globally presented to many potential component handling traders, the sales of the entirely damaged vehicles can be performed in a large scale so that the sales can drastically be promoted compared with the conventional sales of all of the damaged vehicles limited to a narrow area. - 特許庁


Then the receiving time is out of the business time, a notification destination specification part 15 specifies the sort of the cooling/heating equipment generating the abnormality by referring to a machine sort information data base 14, retrieves a maintenance man registering data base 13 on the basis of the machine sort and acquires the telephone number of a pager 12 carried by a maintenance man in charge. - 特許庁


Thus, whether a lucky mode or not is readily judged by the lower lucky number display portion 44 only by the result of the lucky mode lottery in the case of the generation of the big hit state in the normal game state, regardless of a game hall performing the generation or termination of the lucky mode in business. - 特許庁


A management supporting part 300 generates various types of specific information to be business management indices such as sales, a gross margin, and an operation rate from stored information, and regressively approximates the correspondence relationship with other specific information based on a single specific information such as the operation rate, contrastively displays them by graphing so as to recognize the error range. - 特許庁


Thus, the worker can check a fraudulent act on a cover member 90, that is, a fraudulent act on a board box while opening the glass door frame and performing the work when compassing the hall after a closing hour, thereby promptly finding out the fraudulent act that might be committed on the board box during an opening hour as well. - 特許庁



Afterwards, by inputting these serial link numbers and serial slips numbers to a keyword, even in the case of online transaction, local transaction and transaction of an external connection system, unitary proof management can be performed as a business store by increasing/decreasing the amounts of respective transactions while using the serial link numbers, the serial slip numbers and transaction amounts or the like. - 特許庁


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