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He works night and day.  - 斎藤和英大辞典


to work night and daywork double tideswork double hours  - 斎藤和英大辞典

外気温が摂氏 25 度より下がらない暑い本では熱帯とよぶ.例文帳に追加

A hot night when the temperature does not fall below 25°C outdoors is called a ‘tropical night' in Japan.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典


The commentary continues that while she was watching the moon reflected on the surface of the lake on the night of August 15, the concept for the Tale of Genji occurred to her and she began with the sentence from the chapter Suma, 'Thinking it is the harvest moon...'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In the night of February 21 when all the battalions had successively arrived at Kawajiri, the Satsuma army, having been unexpectedly attacked by Kumamoto Garrison, held a council of war.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Solar Impulse 2, a Swiss-made solar-powered airplane on a round-the-world flight, made an unscheduled landing at Nagoya Airport on the night of June 1. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


Restoration work was carried out every day and night until February 8, when the section between Ashiya and Sumiyoshi was restored, and until February 20, when another section between Kobe and Nada was restored, leaving the section between Sumiyoshi and Nada yet to be reconstructed including an elevated bridge that had been destroyed in the area of Rokkomichi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It was, especially, upon retiring to bed late in the night of the seventh or eighth day after the placing of the lady Madeline within the donjon, that I experienced the full power of such feelings.  - Edgar Allan Poe『アッシャー家の崩壊』


The procession leaves Kyoto on April 17, passes through the spots on the coast of Lake Biwa which are associated with Rennyo and arrives at Yoshizaki Gobo in the night of April 22, and a number of memorial services are conducted in both of the two Hongan-ji Yoshizaki Betsuin.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



suddenly she was again keeping half a dozen dates a day with half a dozen men, and drowsing asleep at dawn with the beads and chiffon of an evening dress tangled among dying orchids on the floor beside her bed.  - F. Scott Fitzgerald『グレイト・ギャツビー』


第六十四条 航空機は、間(没から出までの間をいう。以下同じ。)において航行し、又は間において使用される飛行場に停留する場合には、国土交通省令で定めるところによりこれを灯火で表示しなければならない。但し、水上にある場合については、海上衝突予防法(昭和五十二年法律第六十二号)の定めるところによる。例文帳に追加

Article 64 Any aircraft shall, when it is operated at night (between sunset and sunrise; hereinafter the same) or parked on aerodrome used at night, be marked with lights pursuant to the provision of Ordinances of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism; provided, however, that any aircraft operated or parked on water shall conform to the provisions of the Act for Preventing Collision at Sea (Act No.62, 1977).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


"Anmo," which flies from the Pacific Ocean and arrives unseen on the moonlit night of May 15th, is also of this sort, and it is said to come and rip the skin with a brown spot which a lazy child simply warming himself at the hearth will have on his shin.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Yesterday, the Ministry of Finance (MOF) announced that some ministry employees who habitually go home by taxi after working until late at night have received cash and gifts from taxi drivers. What are your feelings about this?  - 金融庁


However, according to the record on the following day, on the 25th in Mitsuoki IRAKO's diary mentioned previously, it said that the Emperor had much phlegm and Atsuhira FUJIKI and Seiken gave him a massage, and Mitsuoki applied ointment on Emperor's body, all the doctors, mixed from different groups, were watching the Emperor closely day and night, and then the Emperor died after eleven o'clock in the morning on the same day.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It was his habit to walk swiftly in the street even by day and whenever he found himself in the city late at night he hurried on his way apprehensively and excitedly.  - James Joyce『小さな雲』


This is a matter under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Finance. As you know, the leaders of the 27 EU countries and the 17 euro-zone countries apparently reached an agreement late night the day before yesterday after more than 10 hours of talks. Japan has high regard for that agreement.  - 金融庁


Yoshitsune who, together with Noriyori, was ordered to expel the Taira clan, went around Harima Province with backdoor troops on February 4 (old old lunar calendar), and in the Battle of Mikusayama he broke the forces of TAIRA no Sukemori and others in a night raid.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Additionally, sub-express and local trains are used for this service, mainly in the early morning and late evening (in the past, these types were used as outbound section express during the weekdays, but since the timetable revision of January 2007 they haven't been used).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although Amaterasu omikami-the god of the sun-is considered to be the ruler of the firmament as she is depicted in "Kojiki" and "Nihon shoki" as ruling the heavens or Takamagahara, there are conflicting stories about the domain of Tukuyomi-the god of the moon; one in "Nihon shoki" says that Tukuyomi was placed in the heavens next to the sun, and another says that he (or she) was ordered to rule the country of the night or the ebb and flow of the tide.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

15 この法律において「間対応型訪問介護」とは、居宅要介護者について、間において、定期的な巡回訪問により、又は通報を受け、その者の居宅において介護福祉士その他第二項の政令で定める者により行われる入浴、排せつ、食事等の介護その他の常生活上の世話であって、厚生労働省令で定めるものをいう。例文帳に追加

(15) The term "Home-Visit at Night for Long-Term Care" as used in this Act means care provided for bathing, bodily waste elimination, meals, etc., and for other daily activities that are as determined by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare. Said care is provided to an In-Home Person Requiring Long-Term Care at his or her home by a long-term care public aid worker or other personnel specified by a Cabinet Order and as set forth in paragraph (2) of this Article, according to periodic night visits or as requested during the night.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Also, MINAMOTO no Hiromasa repeatedly visited Osaka for three years and on the night of August 15 (old calendar) was finally initiated into the esoteric music of biwa, "Ryusen" and "Takuboku" ("Konjaku Monogatari shu " - The Tale of Times Now Past).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, on the night of January 8, Hachijoin left Hojuji-dono Palace, on January 9, Josaimonin and the Imperial Princess Ryoshi left, Hokuroku no miya ran away, and, as if to replace them, Emperor Gotoba, Cloistered Imperial Prince Shukaku, Cloistered Imperial Prince Ene, and Myoun of Tendai-zasu (head priest of the Tendai sect) entered the Imperial Palace, and judging from the move, it is considered that Goshirakawa had made up his mind to attack Yoshinaka.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a fire receiver which can give an alarm on next and succeeding days even if the dirt alarming of the fire receiver is detected in the middle of night, eliminates the need to confirm the alarm by an administrator at each time, and makes it possible to confirm the dirt of sensors of the whole system at an arbitrary time. - 特許庁

2 前項の規定による請求は、厚生労働省令で定めるところにより、その期間中は深において労働させてはならないこととなる一の期間(一月以上六月以内の期間に限る。第四項において「制限期間」という。)について、その初(以下この条において「制限開始予定」という。)及び末(同項において「制限終了予定」という。)とするを明らかにして、制限開始予定の一月前までにしなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) A request pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph shall be made, pursuant to Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, with regard to a continued period where an employer shall not make a worker work at Late-Night (limited to a period from one month to six months; referred to in paragraph 4 as "Limitation Period"), by making clear the first day thereof (referred to as "Limitation Period Scheduled Start Date" hereinafter in this Article) and last day thereof (referred to as "Limitation Period Scheduled End Date" in paragraph 4) on or before the day one month prior to the Limitation Period Scheduled Start Date.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Starting with the first invasion of the Echizen troop of Tadanao MATSUDAIRA that destroyed the Sanada troop, the Tokugawa army entered the Castle in a stream; the fire set in the inside of the Honmaru by betrayers reached the castle keep leading the fall of Osaka Castle at midnight of May 7 (the old calendar).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

4 出前、没後には、令状に間でも検証をすることができる旨の記載がなければ、検察官、検察事務官又は司法警察職員は、第二百十八条の規定によつてする検証のため、人の住居又は人の看守する邸宅、建造物若しくは船舶内に入ることができない。但し、第百十七条に規定する場所については、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

(4) A public prosecutor, a public prosecutor's assistant officer or a judicial police official shall not enter, before sunrise or after sunset, the residence of a person, or premises, buildings or vessel guarded by a person for the purpose of inspection pursuant to the provisions of Article 218, unless the warrant contains a written statement that inspection during the night is permitted; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the places prescribed in Article 117.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


At a predetermined time at night, the control unit 11 calculates remaining hot water quantity in a hot water tank 3 by acquiring water level data in the hot water tank 3 with water level sensors 10A to 10C and calculates required additional hot water quantity by reducing the remaining hot water quantity from a hot water quantity setting data set for the day after. - 特許庁


To give an overview of utagaki currently practiced in southern China and northern South-East Asia, the custom is most typically observed in the manner that men and women in their teens and 20s gather together in the evening of a holiday (in many cases, at the beginning of spring) and exchange love songs so that couples may enter relationships with each other.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Not only did he hold special conferences such as the 'Ogikubo Meeting' on July 19, 1940, in which he confirmed the construction of 'new order in East Asia,' and 'Tekigaiso Meeting' on October 15, 1941, in which he negotiated the pros and cons of war against the U.S., at times, he even held regularly scheduled top-level ministerial meetings at Tekigaiso and on the eve of the Second World War, many important national policies were approved here.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Also, in 1608, Nikkyo of Nichirenshu sect's Joraku-in Temple who criticized Jodoshu sect (Pure Land sect of Buddhism) in Owari Province (Aichi Prefecture) was prosecuted, called back to the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), and ordered to hold a dialogue with Jodoshu sect at Edo-jo Castle, but failed in fully answering questions because he had been attacked and injured by a mob at the previous night or because he pretended he was sick, thus ending up a victory of Jodoshu sect.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As mentioned above, direct trains run to the Kizu Station of the Katamachi Line via the JR Tozai Line (only one train departs from the Kizu Station to Nishi-Akashi Station in the early morning, and others depart from and arrive at Matsuiyamate Station) as well as to the Sasayamaguchi Station of the JR Takarazuka Line (Fukuchiyama Line) (only one train bound for Takatsuki (for Kyoto on holidays) departs from Sasayamaguchi Station at night and most other trains depart from and arrive at Shin-Sanda Station, except those in the early morning, morning rush hour, and in the middle of the night).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(7) 規則96A(2)にいう取引を実行する際に,ある書類が, (a) 電子オンラインシステムにより登録局に送信され,かつ (b) 当該システムによる当該書類の登録局への送付又は提出について非就業とされていない12時前に,このような送信を受信するために設けられた当該システムのサーバーにより受信された, 場合は,当該書類は,そののその時刻に登録局に送付又は提出され,かつ,登録局に受領されたものとして取り扱われる。例文帳に追加

(7) Where, in carrying out any transaction referred to in rule 96A(2), a document -- (a) is transmitted to the Registry by means of the electronic online system; and (b) is received, by the server of that system set up to receive such transmissions, at any time before midnight on any day which is not an excluded day for the business of sending to or filing with the Registry that document by means of that system, that document shall be treated as sent to or filed with, and received by, the Registry at that time and on that day. - 特許庁


The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision met in Basel, Switzerland, until last night, which was already dawn, Japan time. Discussion on the proposed regulatory reform package is still in full swing and is likely to face a number of hurdles down the road. The Committee is currently analyzing comments from the public and the results of its quantitative impact study, but we have yet to obtain accurate information on the details of its discussion in Basel and I hear that no press release has been issued yet, either. Therefore, I would like to refrain from making any comments about the details of its discussion.  - 金融庁


As for entrepreneurship education courses at graduate schools, given that there is a great need for such courses for those seriously considering starting a business, studies should be started on whether and/or how graduate schools should be allowed to offer, in addition to entrepreneurship education classes for those working to attain a masters or doctor’s degree, more several-- or six-month courses that people can attend at night on weekdays or on days off, even if they have no intention of obtaining a degree.  - 経済産業省

六 法第三十三条若しくは法第三十六条第一項の規定によつて労働時間を延長し、若しくは休に労働させた場合又は午後十時から午前五時(厚生労働大臣が必要であると認める場合には、その定める地域又は期間については午後十一時から午前六時)までの間に労働させた場合には、その延長時間数、休労働時間数及び深労働時間数例文帳に追加

(vi) When an employer makes a worker work overtime, or work on a day off pursuant to the provision of Article 33 or paragraph (1) of Article 36 of the Act, or during the period between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. (or the period between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. when the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare finds it necessary, in areas or during periods that are specified by the Minister), the number of overtime hours, that of working hours on days off or that of night working hours  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Yoshinobu, who is said to have not actively supported starting a war, stayed at Osaka Castle when the defeat of the former Shogunate forces was imminent and he was informed of the issuing of the punitive order against him on February 7; that night Yoshinobu secretly escaped from the castle and retreated to Edo on the Shogunate warship Kaiyo Maru on February 8, which had been anchored at Osaka Bay, along with a few of his close aides as well as Katsukiyo ITAKURA (a senior councilor), Tadato SAKAI (a senior councilor), Katamori MATSUDAIRA (the lord of the Aizu domain) and Sadaki MATSUDAIRA (the lord of the Kuwana domain).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

もフランスの中央銀行の総裁が来まして、1時間近く大臣室でお会いして、はフランス大使館に行って歓迎レセプションにも出席させていただきましたが、フランスと本とドイツというのは、バーゼル III において比較的、立場が似通っていますけれども、そういった中で若干、英国と米国が大き過ぎてつぶせないということが、当時懸念されましたが、SIFIsについては、色々とやるべきだという意見があるということは、知っておられると思いますが、いずれにいたしましても、グローバルなシステム上重要な金融機関、グローバルSIFIsの特定については、年度末までにバーゼルの委員会が、金融機関のシステム上の重要性の判定手法を暫定的にまとめて、来年初めに成案を得て、それから来年中頃までぐらいに、このFSB(金融安定理事会)と各国当局者は、G SIFIsすなわち非常にグローバルなシステム上重要な金融機関を特定するとの程になっておりまして、我が国の金融機関の取り扱いにいたしましても、こうした作業の中で決まってくると思っております。例文帳に追加

It was also yesterday that I had a visit from the governor of the central bank of France and spoke with him in my office and, at night, I also attended a welcome reception at the French Embassy. France, Japan and Germany have a relatively similar position in relation to Basel III. Given that background, the "too big to fail" nature of U.K. and U.S. financial institutions generated a level of concern and some argue for the need to address the issue of SIFIs, as you surely know. In any case, the schedule for addressing the issue of determination of global SIFIs is that the Basel Committee will, by the end of this year, put together a draft approach for determining the degree of systematic importance of a financial institution, which is to be finalized by the beginning of the next year, and then the FSB and the authorities from the respective nations will identify global SIFIs (i.e., systematically important financial institutions that are highly global) by roughly the middle of the next year. How Japanese financial institutions will be treated in this regard will likely be determined in the course of those actions.  - 金融庁

2 この法律において「訪問介護」とは、要介護者であって、居宅(老人福祉法(昭和三十八年法律第百三十三号)第二十条の六に規定する軽費老人ホーム、同法第二十九条第一項に規定する有料老人ホーム(第十一項及び第十九項において「有料老人ホーム」という。)その他の厚生労働省令で定める施設における居室を含む。以下同じ。)において介護を受けるもの(以下「居宅要介護者」という。)について、その者の居宅において介護福祉士その他政令で定める者により行われる入浴、排せつ、食事等の介護その他の常生活上の世話であって、厚生労働省令で定めるもの(間対応型訪問介護に該当するものを除く。)をいう。例文帳に追加

(2) The term "Home-Visit Long-Term Care" as used in this Act means care service that is for bathing, bodily waste elimination, meals, etc., and for other daily activities provided by long-term care public aid workers and other persons who determined by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare (except for care services defined as Home-Visit at Night for Long-Term Care) and which are provided to a Person Requiring Long-Term Care at his or her home (herein referred to as "In-Home Person Requiring Long-Term Care") (including a residence room at a moderate-fee home for the elderly as provided in Article 20-6 of the Public Aid for the Aged Act (Act No. 133 of 1963); a Fee-Based Home for the Elderly as prescribed in Article 29-1 of the same Act (referred to as a "Fee-Based Home for the Elderly" in paragraphs (11) and (19)); and other facilities as determined by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare; the same shall apply hereinafter).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


一 間対応型訪問介護及び認知症対応型通所介護 これらの地域密着型サービスの種類ごとに、当該地域密着型サービスの種類に係る指定地域密着型サービスの内容、当該指定地域密着型サービスの事業を行う事業所の所在する地域等を勘案して算定される当該指定地域密着型サービスに要する平均的な費用(認知症対応型通所介護に要する費用については、食事の提供に要する費用その他の常生活に要する費用として厚生労働省令で定める費用を除く。)の額を勘案して厚生労働大臣が定める基準により算定した費用の額(その額が現に当該指定地域密着型サービスに要した費用の額を超えるときは、当該現に指定地域密着型サービスに要した費用の額とする。)の百分の九十に相当する額例文帳に追加

(i) Home-Visit at Night for Long-Term Care and Outpatient Long-Term Care for a Dementia Patient: the amount equivalent to 90 percent of the expenses calculated based on the standards determined by the Minister of Health, Labour, and Welfare (but shall be the actual expenses required for said Designated Community-Based Service in a case such calculated amount exceeds the actual expenses required for said Designated Community-Based Service) by considering the average expenses required for said Designated Community-Based Service calculated by considering the content of the Designated Community-Based Service pertaining to the type of said Community-Based Service, the area where the provider that performs said Designated Community-Based Service Business is located, etc. (except for expenses necessary to provide meals, residence, and other necessary expenses for daily life as determined by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare with regard to the expenses necessary for Outpatient Long-Term Care for a Dementia Patient), according to by the type of Community-Based Service;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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