
「Naval」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(12ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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Egawa was safe, as he was harbored by roju (Shogun's council member) Tadakuni MIZUNO, but Kazan criticized the shogunate's conservative naval defense policy while his house was being searched and, because of that agitation, his personal paper "Shinkiron," which he had refrained from publishing, was found by house researchers, whereupon he was deemed guilty of blaming the shogunate's policy; consequently, he was placed under house arrest in his hometown of Tahara. 例文帳に追加

江川は老中水野忠邦にかばわれて無事だったが、崋山は家宅捜索の際に幕府の保守的海防方針を批判し、そのために発表を控えていた『慎機論』が発見されてしまい、幕政批判で有罪となり、国元田原で蟄居することとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Maizuru City has a history of being developed as the only military port along the Japan Sea after Maizuru Chinjufu (Maizuru Naval District) was established in 1901; however, in order to complete its construction before the establishment of Chinjufu, the construction of the military water system started in 1898, and the Katsura reservoir was completed upstream of Yohoro-gawa River. 例文帳に追加

1901年(明治34年)に舞鶴鎮守府が創設され、日本海側唯一の軍港として発展した歴史を持つ舞鶴市であるが、鎮守府創設にあわせる形で1898年(明治31年)に軍事水道の建設が開始され、1900年(明治33年)に与保呂川上流に桂貯水池が完成。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Characteristically, it also has Maizuru Port which is a naval as well as international trade port, and maritime organizations to control and supervise a wide area of the Sea of Japan such as Maritime Self-Defense Force Maizuru District Headquarters, Maizuru Ports Office of the Eighth Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, and Kinki Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. 例文帳に追加

なお、軍港及び国際貿易港たる舞鶴港を有し、海上自衛隊舞鶴地方総監部や第八管区海上保安本部、国土交通省舞鶴港湾事務所など日本海広域を指揮監督する海事機関があるのも特徴の1つである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kiyomori raised taxes from the wealthy class in Kyoto to feed the troops and at the same time, moved the naval forces around Ise, and was energetic about attacking the anti-Taira clan forces, but died suddenly from a febrile disease in February of that year (a leap year), which was a large blow for the Taira clan administration. 例文帳に追加

清盛はこれにより京の富裕層から兵粮を徴収すると同時に、伊勢周辺の水軍に動員をかけて、反平氏勢力の追討に意欲を燃やしていたが、同年閏2月に熱病で急死し、平氏政権は大きな打撃を受けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to this view, therefore, Makoto KONDO, who was a rangakusha (a person who studied Western sciences by means of the Dutch language) entered the service of the Naval Academy (Japan), was ordered at first to create the words, but there was an objection in the Imperial Japanese Navy, therefore, Sumiyoshi KAWAMURA, who was a 海軍, adopted words familiar to him as a song for celebration of his home town. 例文帳に追加

そのため、当初、海軍兵学校(日本)へ出仕していた蘭学者である近藤真琴へ歌詞を書かせたが、海軍内で異論があり、海軍海補であった川村純義が郷里で祝言歌として馴染みのあった歌詞を採用したというものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Also, on July 13, 2007, Sung Man KIM, a former high-ranking officer specializing in naval tactics (specifically, a vice-admiral in the Navy reserve) spoke out on the Korean National Security Net against the claim of sovereignty over Takeshima island (by Shimane Prefecture) made in Japan's Self-Defense white paper, and also requested that he be allowed to draw up a plan for the invasion of Tsushima. 例文帳に追加

また、2007年7月13日には、金成萬(キム・ソンマン)前海軍作戦司令官(予備役海軍中将)が、KoreanNationalSecurityNetで日本の防衛白書の竹島(島根県)領有問題の記載に対しての反論および、対馬侵略計画を作成するよう主張している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Oda navy led by Yoshitaka KUKI encountered the Mori navy which entered into Osaka Bay to support Ishiyama Hongan-ji Temple and had a naval battle with them, then 600 ships of the Mori navy and the Murakami navy suffered a crushing defeat before the power of ozutsu and odeppo loaded onto the Oda navy's six armored warships. 例文帳に追加

九鬼嘉隆指揮の織田水軍は、石山本願寺支援のため大坂湾に入った毛利水軍と木津川口で海戦となり、織田軍の6隻の鉄甲船に搭載された大筒・大鉄砲の火力の前に毛利水軍・村上水軍600隻は惨敗した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This was because direct naval battles were unfavorable to the Japanese navy because of the differences in equipment and tactics between the Korean navy that was oriented to distant combat (battles with missiles) to break the vessel's body because of their experiences over a long period in coping with wako (Japanese pirates) and the Japanese navy that was oriented to close combat to suppress sailors. 例文帳に追加

これは長年の倭寇対策で船体破壊のための遠戦指向の朝鮮水軍に対して、船員制圧のための近戦指向の日本水軍では装備や戦術の差もあって、正面衝突の海戦をすると日本水軍が不利であったことによる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

By the way, this battle are called in the Republic of Korea 'three major victories in Imjin Waeran' together with the Naval Battle of Hansan Island (July 1592, the Japanese army commanded by Yasuharu WAKISAKA versus the Korean army commanded by Yi Sun-sin) and the Battle of Henju-Sanson (the Battle of Haengju) (the Japanese army commanded by Hideie UKITA versus the Korean army commanded by Gwon Yul). 例文帳に追加

ちなみに、この戦闘は閑山島海戦(1592年7月、脇坂安治指揮の日本軍対李舜臣指揮の朝鮮軍)・幸州山城攻防戦(1593年2月、宇喜多秀家指揮の日本軍対権慄指揮の朝鮮軍)とあわせて韓国では「壬辰倭乱の三大捷」と呼ばれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Having wiped out the Korean navy at The naval Battle of Chilcheollyang, the Japanese forces attacked and conquered the cities of Chonju of Jeolla Province, fought against the Ming force at Shokusan (the Battle of Shokusan: both forces recorded they had won.), and also attacked Chikusan, Anjo-city of Gyeonggi Province (Eight Provinces of Korea). 例文帳に追加

日本軍は、漆川梁海戦で朝鮮水軍を壊滅させると進撃を開始し、たちまち全羅道の道都全州を占領、忠清道の稷山で明軍と交戦(稷山の戦い:双方とも自軍の勝利と記録)した後、京畿道(朝鮮八道)の安城市・竹山まで進撃した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1930, the government concluded the London Naval Treaty, and then the opposition party, the Imperial Japanese Navy General Staff and right-wing groups condemned the treaty as a violation of the supreme command by the government, and the Prime Minister, Osachi HAMAGUCHI was attacked by a member of a right-wing group. 例文帳に追加

1930年(昭和5年)、ロンドン海軍軍縮条約を締結した政府に対し、野党と海軍軍令部、右翼団体が、政府による統帥権の干犯であると難じ、内閣総理大臣・濱口雄幸が右翼団体員に襲撃される事件が起きた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Russia, however, concluded a secret agreement with the Qing and obtained leases for the cities of Lushun and Dalian at the southern tip of the Liaodong peninsula which Japan was forced to return, and proceeded to expand its presence in Manchuria constructing a naval base in Lushun for the First Pacific Fleet (Lushun Fleet). 例文帳に追加

ところがロシアは露清密約を結び、日本が手放した遼東半島の南端に位置する旅順・大連市を1898年に租借し、旅順に旅順艦隊(第一太平洋艦隊)を配置するなど、満洲への進出を押し進めていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Hachiman Daibosatsu Gudokun" (another title of Hachiman Gudokun) reads, "they looked around Chikushi Province in the night and wrote instructions about the place for naval battle, position and the way to escape" and in addition, the records on Liang-pi CHAO in "Genshi" also says, "envoy to Japan Liang-pi CHAO reached Dazai-fu and returned with detailed information about Japanese titles granted to vassals, the number and names of provinces, customs and products." 例文帳に追加

『八幡大菩薩愚童訓』には「夜々ニ筑紫之地ヲ見廻、船戦之場懸足逃道ニ至マテ、差図ヲ書」とあり、『元史』趙良弼伝にも「使日本趙良弼、至太宰府而還、具以日本君臣爵号、州郡名数、風俗土宜来上」とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, like in the battle in Tannowa, Yoshitaka used the tactic in which the armored warships approached and shot cannons to the ships which the opponent general probably was aboard to sink them, and finally succeeded in repelling hundreds of Mori's ships to the sea off Kizu (the second Naval Battle of Kizu-gawa River Estuary). 例文帳に追加

しかし、嘉隆は淡輪での戦いと同様に、鉄甲船を相手の大将が乗っていると思われる舟に近づけては大砲を打ち込んで撃沈するという方法で相手を打ち崩し、ついには毛利水軍の舟数百艘を木津沖に追い返すことに成功した(第二次木津川口の戦い)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Once the Edo bakufu decided to dispatch its punitive force against Choshu Domain for the Kinmon Incident, Choshu Domain enforced a naval blockade as its countermeasure at Kanmon-kaikyo Strait which was under its control, and this blockade inevitably close off the sea route from the Tohoku and Hokuriku regions to Osaka via Kanmon-kaikyo Strait and Seto Inland Sea. 例文帳に追加

禁門の変によって長州藩追討が決定されると、関門海峡を支配する同藩の海上封鎖によって東北地方・北陸地方から同海峡・瀬戸内海を経由して大坂に向かう航路の封鎖が確実となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Yoshitsune angered Yoritomo because he gained a government post without Yoshitsune's permission after the naval battle of Danno-ura on April 15, 1185, Tadanobu also assumed the position of Hyoe no jo (Lieutenant of the Middle Palace Guards), so Yoritomo abused him, saying "There is no precedent that a Hidehira's retainer was appointed to efu (a palace guard). You should know who you are. A guy who gets carried away is inferior to a cat (or badger, or raccoon dog)." 例文帳に追加

元暦2年(1185年)4月15日壇ノ浦の合戦後、義経が許可を得ずに官職を得て頼朝の怒りを買った際、忠信も共に兵衛尉に任官しており、頼朝から「秀衡の郎党が衛府に任ぜられるなど過去に例が無い。身の程を知ったらよかろう。その気になっているのは猫(もしくは狢、狸?)にも落ちる。」と罵られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since he was critical of the Cabinet of the Kenseikai and Rikken Minseito, along with minister of foreign affairs Kijuro SHIDEHARA, which took a cooperative diplomatic stance, he rejected an emergency imperial bail-out bill for the Bank of Taiwan and forced the First Wakatsuki Cabinet to resign in 1927; and he acted against the Osachi Hamaguchi Cabinet in the 1930 conclusion of the London Naval Conference. 例文帳に追加

協調外交を進める憲政会・立憲民政党内閣、幣原外交に批判的で、1927年(昭和2年)枢密院で台湾銀行救済緊急勅令案を否決させ第1次若槻内閣を総辞職に追い込み、1930年(昭和5年)のロンドン海軍軍縮会議締結時には濱口雄幸内閣を苦しめた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, because his older brother Takasue KUKI was opposed Hisataka with a sense of dissatisfaction about this succession and caused a commotion, Hisataka was required by bakufu to take responsibility for this, and was transferred and decreased to Sanda Domain, Settsu Province of 36000 koku from Toba Domain, Shima Province, and Takasue was transferred to Ayabe Domain, Tanba Province of 20000 koku, then the Kuki clan lost their naval force inherited from Yoshitaka. 例文帳に追加

しかし兄の九鬼隆季がこの相続に不満を持って対立、騒動を引き起こしたため、幕府からその責任を問われて久隆は志摩国鳥羽藩から摂津三田藩3万6000石に減移封、隆季は丹波国綾部藩2万石に移され、ここに嘉隆以来の水軍力を九鬼氏は失ってしまったのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The eastern area of Maizuru City (Higashi-Maizuru), which used to be called Shin-Maizuru-cho and later Higashi-Maizuru City, grew rapidly as a military town following the establishment, in 1901, of Maizuru Naval Base, the only military site on the Sea of Japan side and because the imperial family often visited the city up until World War II, the station building used to be very large and have a VIP room. 例文帳に追加

かつて新舞鶴町、のちに東舞鶴市と呼ばれた舞鶴市東部(東舞鶴)は、1901年に日本海側唯一の軍事拠点として開府した舞鶴鎮守府を中心にして軍都として急速に発展した街であり、第二次大戦までは度々皇族が訪れたことから、貴賓室が設置される程の大きな駅舎を有していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As shown above, the Taira clan administration was established in the latter half of the 1160s due to increased influence of military force in the political scene, strong collaboration between Goshirakawa and Kiyomori, the relationship between Goshirakawa and Shigeko, Takakura's ascension, Kiyomori's support of the Daijin, substantial financial power based on Japan-Song trade and accumulated properties (shoen), and military power based on the western bushi and the Seto Inland Sea naval force. 例文帳に追加

以上に見るように、政治世界における武力が占める比重の増加、後白河と清盛の強い連携、後白河と滋子の関係、高倉の即位、清盛の大臣補任、日宋貿易や集積した所領(荘園)に基づく巨大な経済力、西国武士や瀬戸内海の水軍を中心とする軍事力などを背景として、1160年代後期に平氏政権が確立した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At this time, persons who would later become leading military men and statesmen participated in the government army: Major General Tateki TANI (later, Minister of Agriculture and Commerce) as Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Sukenori KABAYAMA (later, Navy Minister, Chief of the Naval General Staff) as Chief of Staff, as well as Major Gentaro KODAMA (later, Army Minister, Chief of the General Staff), Major Soroku KAWAKAMI (later, Chief of the General Staff), Major Yasukata OKU (later, Chief of General Staff, General of the Army), for example. 例文帳に追加

この時の官軍側には、司令官の谷干城少将(後に農商務大臣)、参謀長の樺山資紀中佐(後に海軍大臣・軍令部長)はじめ、児玉源太郎少佐(後に陸軍大臣・参謀総長)、川上操六少佐(後に参謀総長)・奥保鞏少佐(後に参謀総長・元帥)など、後年の大物軍人・政治家らが参加していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Under the Meiji Constitution, the capacity and power of the Emperor was used to be assisted by the Minister of State if there was no specific regulations, but it was not written in the Constitution, and traditionally as for the military orders (supreme command affairs related to the strategy and tactics) were assisted not by the Minister of State but by the supreme command staff (the Chief of the Army General Staff and the President of the Naval General Staff). 例文帳に追加

明治憲法下で天皇の権能は特に規定がなければ国務大臣が補弼することとなっていたが、それは憲法に明記されておらず、また、慣習的に軍令(作戦・用兵に関する統帥事務)については国務大臣ではなく、統帥部(陸軍:参謀総長。海軍:軍令部総長)が輔弼することとなっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Under the Meiji Constitution, the supreme command of the army belonged to the Emperor, but whether the organization rights (troop organization, budget organization, etc.) were assisted by the Minister of State or, although it was not described in the Constitution, or it was included in the supreme command, because the military orders were assisted traditionally not by the Minister of State but by the supreme command staff (the Chief of the Military General Staff, the President of the Naval General Staff) was the major point of the dispute. 例文帳に追加

明治憲法下では軍の統帥権が天皇にあったが、編成権(部隊編成、予算編成など)に関しては国務大臣が補弼するのか。それとも、憲法に明記されていなかったが、慣習的に軍令については国務大臣が輔弼せず統帥部(陸軍:参謀総長。海軍:軍令部総長)が補弼することとなっていたことにより、その大権に含まれるのかどうかが大きな論点となっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For that, as a result of the consultation between the government, the Navy, and the Army, the substitution of official activity by the civil officers would be admitted by the government regulations, but the duty as for the Iaku-joso (making comments on military affairs to the Emperor with full responsibility of the results) would be substituted by the Chief of the Naval General Staff, and the Army accepted that the affair this time would not become a precedent. 例文帳に追加

これに対して、政府と海軍が陸軍と協議をした結果、内閣官制によって事務行為の代理については文官でも認められること、ただし、帷幄上奏に関する職務は軍令部長が代行すること、陸軍に対しては今回の件を前例とはしないことで、陸軍もこれを受け入れた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In response, the Kuki navy, a Nobunaga army's vassal, blocked the estuary of Kizu-gawa River (Osaka Prefecture) with around 300 ships but the Mori navy, outnumbering the enemy, burnt out ships of the Oda army using flaming arrows and horokudama bombs (A fire smolders inside this weapon and, when it hits a target, fire comes out and suddenly spreads.) and sent Hongan-ji Temple the supply after the complete victory (the first Naval Battle of Kizu-gawa River Estuary). 例文帳に追加

信長軍はすぐさま、配下の九鬼水軍など三百余艘で木津川(大阪府)河口を封じたが、毛利水軍は数の利を生かして火矢や焙烙玉(中に火がくすぶっており、目標に当たると中身が出て一気に燃え広がる武器)で信長軍の船を焼き払い、大勝して本願寺に兵糧・弾薬を届けた(第一次木津川口海戦)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Most local currencies were issued between the Bunkyu era and the end of the Edo period, and its reasons were that the bakufu shifted governmental duties such as the naval defense to various domains, various domains faced with financial difficulties due to expenses for measures for riots, there was shortage of coins in provinces, metal currencies were issued due to the weakening of trustworthiness of Hansatsu (paper currency issued in various domains), various domains established an independent political system because the bakufu became less influential, and Imperial proclamation of minting of coin was issued. 例文帳に追加

地方貨幣の発行は文久年間から幕末に集中しており、海防充実などの幕府事業の各藩への転化、一揆などの騒動対策による藩財政の逼迫、地方における銭貨の払底、藩札の信用低下による金属貨幣の発行、幕府の権力低下による各藩独立体制の進化、および朝廷による鋳銭宣下などが挙げられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is sure that in the letters of Society of Jesus members there was a single proposition to conquer Min Dynasty and Kyusyu region; in fact, Alessandro Valignano advised the General of the Philippines to increase Christian in Japan and use them as troops in order to conquer Min Dynasty in the letter to him as of December 14, 1582, and Pedro de la Cruz advised the head of Society of Jesus that Japanese naval force was weak so that Spanish navy could conquer Kyusyu or Shikoku in the letter to him as of February 25, 1599. 例文帳に追加

イエズス会員の書簡においては、明征服や九州征服に関する単独の提案があったのは確実であるが事実、アレッサンドロ・ヴァリニャーノは、1582年12月14日のフィリピン総督宛の書簡において、明征服のためには日本でキリスト教徒を増やし、彼らを兵として用いることを進言しており、また、ペドロ・デ・ラ・クルスは、1599年2月25日付けのイエズス会総会長宛ての書簡で、日本は海軍力が弱く、スペイン海軍をもってすれば九州または四国を征服できると進言している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The message of Bolton EYRES-MONSEL, First Lord of the Admiralty, by BBC from England, and the message of William STANDLEY, Chief of Naval Operation, by NBC from America were broadcast respectively, and it happened that the program by NBC finished earlier than planned, so the NBC broadcast the Japanese songs "Oedo Nihon-bashi Bridge" and "Kappore," which were completely unsuitable to the funeral memory, to fill its allotted time. 例文帳に追加

イギリスからはボルトン・イヤーズ=モンセル海軍省(イギリス)のメッセージが英国放送協会から、アメリカからはウィリアム・スタンドレイアメリカ海軍作戦部長のメッセージがNBCからそれぞれ放送されたが、アメリカからの放送では予定より早く終了したため、時間調整に日本の曲として『お江戸日本橋』『かっぽれ』という、おおよそ追悼に似つかわしくない音楽が放送されてしまうというハプニングが起こった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The railroad was put through a sheer cliff, and once the complicated construction work to build eight tunnels and more than 50 bridges at Hozukyo Valley was finished, the sector between Kyoto and Sonobe Station opened in 1900; however, the construction work north of Sonobe did not proceed due to a cash-flow problem, and when the Maizuru army base (or Maizuru naval base) opened, the government decided it was necessary to lay railroad from Kyoto to Maizuru in order to carry out national policy, took away the rail license and started the work to finish laying the railroad by itself. 例文帳に追加

断崖絶壁に線路を通し、トンネル8箇所、橋梁は50箇所を越える保津峡の難工事も苦心の末、1900年(明治33年)に京都~園部駅間が開業するが、園部以北へは資金難のため工事が遅々として進まず、政府は舞鶴鎮守府開庁に続き、京都から舞鶴へ通じる鉄道の建設は国策遂行上必要不可欠とし、未成部分の鉄道免許を取り消し、政府は自らの手で京都から舞鶴へ通じる鉄道を建設を開始した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The lack of theoretical analyses necessary for achieving high speed railroad trains and discussions about serious vibration problems including criticism from experts that "people would not be able to endure a high speed train for very long" was reaching a frightening level, and this problem had almost been made light of until a staff member, who had been studying aircraft flutter countermeasures at the former "Kaigun Koku Gijyutusho (later called Kaigun Kugisho) at the Japanese Naval Aeronautical Technology Institution, joined the General Railway Technology Institution after the World War. 例文帳に追加

鉄道車両の高速運転の実現に必要な理論解析、特に「高速になると、人間が長時間乗れるものではなくなっていた」と専門家に評された、機関車の深刻な振動問題への考察の欠如は恐るべきレベルに達しており、この問題は第二次世界大戦後、鉄道総合技術研究所へ旧海軍航空技術廠(空技廠)において航空機のフラッター対策を研究していたスタッフが加入するまで、ほとんど等閑に付され続けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Katsumi KUROITA, based on an investigation conducted by Tokyo Imperial University's naval hydrographic department into the tidal currents on May 2, 1185, proved that the westward tidal current in the Kanmon straits started flowing eastward at 8:30 in the morning, reaching a speed of eight knots by around 11 AM, and returned to flowing westward at around 3 in the afternoon; asserting that the times given in the "Gyokuyo" for when the battle was fought (from noon to 4 PM) were correct and thus that the battle took place in the afternoon, he further stated that as long as the current was flowing east the Taira clan had the advantage, but after it switched back to flowing west, there was a reversal of fortunes and the Minamoto clan gained the upper hand. 例文帳に追加

黒板勝美は大日本帝国海軍水路部の元暦2年3月24日(ユリウス暦で5月2日)の関門海峡の潮流の調査を元に、午前8時30分に西への潮流が東へ反転して、午前11時頃に8ノットに達し、午後3時頃に潮流は再び西へ反転することを明らかにし、合戦が行われた時間帯は『玉葉』の午の刻(12時ごろ)から申の刻(16時ごろ)が正しく合戦は午後に行われたとして、潮流が東向きだった時間帯は平氏が優勢で、反転して西向きになって形勢が逆転して源氏が優勢になったとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Afterwards, Emperor Gomurakami made the Shoinden (main shrine building) of the Tsumori clan, who were hereditary chief priests of the Sumiyoshi-taisha Grand Shrine in Settsu Province, his Angu (Sumiyoshi Angu), or temporary lodging especially for an Imperial visit, for about ten years and established a contact route with Shikokua and Kyushu because he held control of the naval forces in the Seto Inland Sea, who worshiped the Sumiyoshi Gods, leading to activities of the Southern Court in various places, but the betrayal of the Yamana clan and Ouchi clan to the Northern Court and the surrender of Masanori KUSUNOKI in 1363 led to its decline and it started to show a shift towards a peaceful stance by returning the three retired emperors. 例文帳に追加

その後、後村上天皇が摂津国の住吉大社宮司の津守氏の正印殿を約10年間、行宮(住吉行宮)とし、住吉大神を奉じる瀬戸内海の水軍を傘下にして、四国、九州との連絡網を確立し、南朝は各地で活動するが、1363年には山名氏や大内氏の北朝への帰順、楠木正儀の投降などで衰退し、拉致した三上皇を返還するなど講和的態度も示している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Though the duration of the Bakumatsu is not strictly defined, it generally refers to the period from 1853, when the squadron, called the Black Ships, led by Commodore Matthew Perry, consisting of the four US Naval ships Susquehanna, Saratoga, Mississippi, and Plymouth, arrived off the shore of Uraga near Edo (current Tokyo), to 1867, when Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA returned power to the Emperor, ending the central governance under the Tokugawa shogunate, allowing the start of the Meiji period in 1868. 例文帳に追加

幕末の期間に関する厳密な定義はないが、嘉永6年(1853年)の黒船つまりアメリカ合衆国のマシュー・ペリー率いるアメリカ海軍のサスケハナ、サラトガ号、ポーハタン号、ミシシッピ号による艦隊の来航から、慶応3年(1867年)に徳川慶喜が大政奉還をおこなって幕府が日本の全国政権としての地位を失い、翌1868年に明治天皇が即位して元号が「明治」と改元されたときまでとするのが、一般的である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, whether or not an active Self-Defense Official concurrently serves as a Secretary of State for Defense, it is understood that appointment of a career military man or a Self-Defense official to a Secretary of State for Defense itself is not illegal (For instance, Yasuhiro NAKASONE (lieutenant colonel) who graduated from the Naval Paymasters' School, Raizo MATSUNO (major), Ganri YAMASHITA (lieutenant), and Gen NAKATANI who was in the Japanese Self-Defense Forces (First Lieutenant) were appointed to Chief Secretary of State for Defense). 例文帳に追加

しかし、現役の自衛官が防衛大臣を兼ねることはともかく、かつて職業軍人であった者や自衛官であった者が、防衛大臣に就任すること自体は憲法違反にあたらないと解されている(例えば、旧海軍経理学校出身の中曽根康弘(中佐)、松野頼三(少佐)、山下元利(中尉)らや陸上自衛隊自衛官(二等陸尉)であった中谷元が防衛庁長官に就任している)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Despite the Army demanded to reject the conclusion of the treaty of London Naval Conference on Disarmament, at the Imperial Diet opened in the latter half of April, because the proportion of the auxiliary ships unreached to 70 percent comparing to that of the United States, the government concluded the treaty, so that Tsuyoshi INUKAI, the President of the Opposition Rikken seiyukai, and Ichiro HATOYAMA attacked the government at the House of Representatives appealing 'The conclusion of the treaty ignoring the opposite opinion given by the Army means the interference and violate of supreme command,' and following that the Chairman of the Privy Council Yuzaburo KURATOMI showed his attitude to sympathize with that. 例文帳に追加

4月下旬に始まった帝国議会において、ロンドン海軍軍縮会議締結に対し、軍令部が要求していた、補助艦の対米比7割に満たないとして条約締結拒否を言ったにもかかわらず、この条約を結んだことを理由に、野党の立憲政友会総裁の犬養毅と鳩山一郎が衆議院で、「軍令部の反対意見を無視した条約調印は統帥権の干犯である」と政府を攻撃、続いて枢密院議長倉富勇三郎もこれに同調する動きを見せた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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