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Weblio例文辞書での「「トム、お家建てたんだってね」「あっ、はい。『うさぎ小屋』ですけど」「またまた、謙遜しちゃって」」に類似した例文 |
"Tom, I heard you built your own house." "Er, yeah. It's only small though." "You're underselling yourself again."
"Tom, say that you love me." "Wh-, what?" "Say that you love me." "Why?" "Just do it." "....I love you." "Thanks." "What was that all about?" "Nothing. Don't worry about it."
"Doesn't Tom wear the same clothes all year around?" "That's true, when I visited his house his clothes hangers were filled with identical items of clothing. But he does seem to be particular about which brands he wears."
"Nah, I wouldn't say anything to a guy like Tom." "That's right. Why would you say anything to a blabbermouth like him, of all people?"
"Oh Tom, you big, strong man! Come here and kiss me!" "I'm sorry! I'm married!"
"Why is Tom in such a bad mood?" "I heard that he wrecked the new car he just bought. We should probably leave him alone for now."
Tom keeps referring to me as "omae" when he is drunk, but I want him to stop. I'm not his girlfriend.
"Why are you here?" "I was just going to ask you the same thing." "Well, Tom told me he had something to give me, so I came here." "Me too." "Oh, so this is Tom's doing."
"What kind of car do you drive Tom?" "Ah, a Volvo." "Really?" "Of course not! I don't have one."
"What did you think of Tom?" "He's got a nice voice." "Just a nice voice?" "Well, his face is nothing special, right?" "Really! I think he's pretty good looking."
"What do you think of Tom?" "His voice is cool isn't it" "Just his voice?" "Don't you think his face is just normal?" "Uh- I think it's cool though."
"When I asked to go out drinking with some friends, did you not say that it was fine? So why are you so angry? You're contradicting yourself." "Not at all! You never said that you were going to be drinking with men!" "That's because Tom is just a friend, and I know that if I said I was going with him then you'd have said no."
"How many mobile phones do you have, Tom?" "How many? You mean, people actually have more than one?" "I have 4." "Why would you?"
Tom always sits in that seat over there. Do you know why? It's because it's hard for the teacher to see him there. Look, he's sleeping again.
"Why don't you tell me that you love me, Tom?" "And why don't you tell me that you love me, Mary?"
"Tom, do you know what kind of script this is?" "Probably Tibetan, but I can't read a bit of it."
"Tom, do you know what kind of writing this is?" "Probably Tibetan, but I can't read a bit of it."
"Tom, I have to tell you something. I love someone. His name starts with TO and ends with M." "Er, who would that be? Is it someone I know?"
"Tom, I have to tell you something. I love someone. His name starts with T and ends with M." "Er, who would that be? Is it someone I know?"
Tom praised you earlier, saying that "You are able to make bold translations thanks to an exceptional sense of the nuances in both English and Japanese". I think so too.
Tom isn't your average guy. He doesn't like things most guys like and he doesn't like to do things most men enjoy doing.
Tom hadn't washed clothes in a long time, so he searched through his dirty clothes to see if there was something clean enough to wear.
Tom sprang out of bed, threw on some clothes, ate breakfast and was out of the door within ten minutes.
"Why isn't Tom coming?" "He was talking about getting infected by a computer virus or something." "Hah, Tom did?" "Yeah, he's going to heat it out in bed." "I don't think I understand." "Me neither."
Tom rolled out of bed at 6:30, shuffled into the kitchen and put two slices of bread into the toaster.
"What languages do you know, Tom?" "C++, Java and a little PHP. What about you, Mary?" "French, Japanese and Hebrew."
Tom is a language genius who speaks 10 languages fluently, but he's really bad at maths and can't even solve a simple first-order equation.
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