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The heat resistant steel for an exhaust valve is composed of a high nitrogen-high Cr austenitic steel which contains 0.50 to 0.90% C and 15.0 to 25.0% Cr as additional elements comprising essential additional elements and optional additional elements which can be optionally contained, wherein fine carbides and/or fine carbonitrides are at least precipitated into crystal grains in a dispersed manner. - 特許庁


To provide a video output apparatus and video output method which, even when a video stream to be reproduced is not in a complete 3-2 pull-down form, can reproduce and output a 24p video signal without delaying or advancing output timing thereof and can synchronize the 24p video signal with audio. - 特許庁


An image converting apparatus reads an image from a film 3 by a film scanner 4, converts the read image into the format of digital images by a format converting means 9, records the converted digital image on a medium 2 (2a or 2b) which can be loaded on a digital camera, by an image recording means 10, and returns the medium 2 to the user. - 特許庁


To provide an immunological test piece capable of transferring and developing an added reagent rapidly from a reagent absorber to a water- absorbing base material used as a developing layer, and having a small quantity of remains of the reagent caused by adsorption or the like, for being used in an immunochromato method capable of an immunological inspection rapidly and easily, and an immunological test method by using it. - 特許庁



A mirror box (mirror driving device) is equipped with the four-joint link mechanism LM capable of switching a main mirror 103a held by a main mirror holder 1031 between mirror-down posture Pa and mirror-up posture Pb, and respective stoppers Sa and Sb abut on the main mirror holder 1031 to position the main mirror 103a in the mirror-down posture Pa. - 特許庁



A jet stream producing means comprises a jet stream generation means having a water jet nozzle for forming jet streams of ballast water and an impact plate which receives the impact of the jet streams to cause cavitation in a main treatment line for supplying ballast water to a ballast tank 2, wherein an ozone supply part 14 is arranged ahead of or behind the jet stream generation means. - 特許庁


To provide an inexpensive and simple-structured seat slide device with a combination of high and low power motors, capable of smoothly sliding a seat back and forth by driving both high and low power motors when an occupant is not seated on a seat while sliding the seat back and forth by driving only the high power motor when the occupant is seated on the seat. - 特許庁


To enable accurate detection of the occurrence of an overrun of an engine 1, even if the engine 1 is in a driving state or a driven state, in a control device 100 of a vehicle in which the engine 1 and a transmission 2 are connected via a clutch 3 and a torsional damper 8 is provided for a flywheel 7. - 特許庁


The film processing apparatus has a film processor FP and a film scanner FS arranged to continuously execute developing processing and image data acquiring processing, and is provided with a forwarding path moving mechanism for conveying the tail end of a developed photographic film F discharged from the film processor FP to the film inserting side of the film scanner FS. - 特許庁



The waste water treating device is provided with a waste water gasifying means having a sprayer for spraying the waste water, a gasifying part to which the waste water is introduced and the waste water gasified by the gasifying means is discharged and a reaction part in which a catalyst for catalytically oxidizing the gas to be treated discharged from the gasifying part is packed and the treated gas oxidized by the catalyst is discharged. - 特許庁


第六条 事業主は、短時間労働者を雇い入れたときは、速やかに、当該短時間労働者に対して、労働条件に関する事項のうち労働基準法(昭和二十二年法律第四十九号)第十五条第一項に規定する厚生労働省令で定める事項以外のものであって厚生労働省令で定めるもの(次項において「特定事項」という。)を文書の交付その他厚生労働省令で定める方法(次項において「文書の交付等」という。)により明示しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 6 (1) When a business operator employs a Part-Time Worker, the business operator shall promptly indicate clearly to said Part-Time Worker such matters concerning the working conditions specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, but other than those specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as provided in paragraph 1 of Article 15 of the Labour Standards Act (Act No. 49 of 1947) (referred to as "Specified Matters" in the following paragraph) by delivery of documents or by any other method specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (referred to as "Document Delivery, etc." in the following paragraph).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Although Japan was in the position to take part in Korean finance and diplomacy due to the conclusion of the First Japan-Korea Treaty in 1904 during the Russo-Japanese War, she decided to conclude this treaty in order to required the Korean Empire, who had lost trust from Japan, to take more reliable actions, because Japan had been approved of the priority rights over Korea by Russia due to the Treaty of Portsmouth (September 5, 1905), the peace treaty of the Russo-Japanese War, and also because it became a problem that Gao Zong (King of Korea) had sent a secret agent to other countries to show his discontent with the First Japan-Korea Treaty.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Medical-treatment relative items are put in a database and made speedily obtainable through a communication line to construct and provide a medical network system which improves convenience such as the evasion of the repetition of the same research by facilitating latest medical-treatment information exchange and communication among medical institutions and between researchers and medical educational institutions and also makes it easy to obtain information when medical knowledge is required even in daily life. - 特許庁


This positron emission tomographic device 1 measures 511keV of annihilation gamma ray resulting from a positron emission nucleide for labelling a radioactive chemical administrated to a specimen 17 to collect the emission data, irradiates the specimen 17 with a radiation source 21 for reduction correction to measure a transmitted gamma ray, collects thereby the transmission data, and conducts the reduction correction for the emission data, using the transmission data. - 特許庁


To provide a recombinant plasmid to be used for simultaneously expressing NEDD8 and a target protein in Escherichia coli and binding (NEDD) both the proteins together in the Escherichia coli, to provide Escherichia coli transformed by the above recombinant plasmid, to provide a method for screening (identifying/detecting) an unknown target protein using the thus transformed Escherichia coli, and to provide a method for mass-preparing/refining the NEDD target protein. - 特許庁


The mirror which turns back the light beam is arranged in the vicinity of the intersection of imaginary lines defined by the positioning part which positions the case in an optical axis direction and the positioning part which positions the case in a main scanning direction. - 特許庁

グローバル・インバランスが縮小に向かう可能性を、これまで概観してきた世界経済の動向の中に見い出すとすれば、①「米国への消費の一極集中」から「消費の多極化」への変化が進むこと、また、「消費の多極化」については特に、② 中国において輸出主導から個人消費を中心とする内需主導の成長へと経済発展モデルの転換が図られること、③ 中国の消費の高まりにより東アジア域内の自律的な消費の活発化が進み、欧米向け輸出の比率が相対的に低下すること、といった点が挙げられよう。例文帳に追加

If a possibility to reduce the global imbalance can be found in the movements of the world economy that we surveyed till now, those are: a) Changes from “overconcentration on United States of America for consumptionto “multipolarization of consumptionshould be advanced; for this “multipolarization of consumption”, b) The Transfer of economic development models from export-led to domestic demand-led growth focusing on the individual consumption should be planned in China; and c) by a surge of consumption in China, autonomous consumption in the East Asia area becomes active, as the ratio of the exports to Europe and America decrease. - 経済産業省

二 適格分割型分割 当該適格分割型分割に係る分割法人の分割前十年内事業年度(適格分割型分割の日前十年以内に開始した各事業年度又は各連結事業年度をいう。次項において同じ。)の課税済留保金額又は個別課税済留保金額のうち、当該適格分割型分割により当該内国法人が移転を受けた当該特定外国子会社等の直接及び間接保有の株式等の数に対応する部分の金額として第六十六条の六第一項に規定する請求権の内容を勘案して政令で定めるところにより計算した金額例文帳に追加

ii) Qualified split-off-type company split: Any part of the taxed amount of retained income or individually taxed amount of retained income of the split corporation involved in the qualified split-off-type company split for each business year within ten years before the company split (meaning each business year or each consolidated business year that commenced within ten years before the date of the qualified split-off-type company split; the same shall apply in the next paragraph), which is calculated pursuant to the method specified by a Cabinet Order as the amount of income corresponding to the number of shares, etc. of the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. transferred to and therefore held by the said domestic corporation through direct and/or indirect ownership as a result of the said qualified split-off-type company split, while taking into consideration the contents of the claim prescribed in Article 66-6(1  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

二 適格分割型分割 当該適格分割型分割に係る分割法人の分割前十年内事業年度(適格分割型分割の日前十年以内に開始した各連結事業年度又は各事業年度をいう。次項において同じ。)の個別課税済留保金額又は課税済留保金額のうち、当該適格分割型分割により当該連結法人が移転を受けた当該特定外国子会社等の直接及び間接保有の株式等の数に対応する部分の金額として第六十六条の六第一項に規定する請求権の内容を勘案して政令で定めるところにより計算した金額例文帳に追加

ii) Qualified split-off-type company split: Any part of the individually taxed amount of retained income or taxed amount of retained income of the split corporation involved in the qualified split-off-type company split for each business year within ten years before the company split (meaning each consolidated business year or each business year that commenced within ten years before the date of the qualified split-off-type company split; the same shall apply in the next paragraph), which is calculated pursuant to the method specified by a Cabinet Order as the amount of income corresponding to the number of shares, etc. of the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. transferred to and therefore held by the said consolidated corporation through direct and/or indirect ownership as a result of the said qualified split-off-type company split, while taking into consideration the contents of the claim prescribed in Article 66-6(1  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第五十一条の二 次の各号に掲げる廃棄(製錬事業者、加工事業者、原子炉設置者、外国原子力船運航者、使用済燃料貯蔵事業者、再処理事業者及び第五十二条第一項の許可を受けた者が製錬施設、加工施設、原子炉施設、使用済燃料貯蔵施設、再処理施設又は同条第二項第七号に規定する使用施設に付随する同項第九号に規定する廃棄施設において行うものを除く。)の事業を行おうとする者は、次の各号に掲げる廃棄の種類ごとに、政令で定めるところにより、経済産業大臣の許可を受けなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 51-2 (1) Any person who intends to carry out the activity of radioactive waste disposal or storage (excluding disposal carried out by a licensee of refining activity, licensee of fabricating or enrichment activity, licensee of reactor operation, operator of a foreign nuclear vessel, licensee of spent fuel interim storage activity, licensee of reprocessing activity and a person who has obtained the permission set forth in Article 52 (1) at a refining facility, fuel facility, reactor facility, spent fuel interim storage facility, reprocessing facility or disposal facility provided in item (ix) of said paragraph that is associated with a usage facility provided in item (vii) of paragraph (2) of said Article) activity falling under any of the following items shall, for each category of waste listed in each of the items below, obtain the permission of the Minister of METI pursuant to the provision of the Cabinet Order:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二十一条 登記官は、その登記をすることによって申請人自らが登記名義人となる場合において、当該登記を完了したときは、法務省令で定めるところにより、速やかに、当該申請人に対し、当該登記に係る登記識別情報を通知しなければならない。ただし、当該申請人があらかじめ登記識別情報の通知を希望しない旨の申出をした場合その他の法務省令で定める場合は、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 21 Where an applicant him/herself becomes a registered right holder by making a certain registration, when a registrar has completed the registration, the registrar shall, as provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice, promptly give notice of the information for registration identification pertaining to said registration to the applicant; provided, however, that this shall not apply in cases where the applicant has made a notification in advance to the effect that he/she does not wish to be given notice of information for registration identification, and in other cases specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


At first, Japan was demanding the cession of Geoje Island or Utsuryo Island, however, six days before the arrival of four warships and 1,500 soldiers led by Daitaicho (Battalion Chief) Masatake TERAUCHI, Qing had already subdued the rebellion and taken the initiative, and the United States of America had dispatched warships to put pressure on Japan, both of which led Yoshimoto HANABUSA, the Japanese Minister to Yi Dynasty Korea who was in charge of the negotiation, to change the original demands to the ones stipulated in the treaty, mediated by Jianzhong MA (a diplomatic secretary to Hung Chang LI, the captain of the army of Qing).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When both erasure declare and the slip identification information are inputted, and when the slip identification information is stored in the slip information storage means together with the first attribute information showing the acceptance data and the second attribute information showing the collection of cargo, the slip identification information is written and stored in the slip information storage means together with first attribute information showing erasure data and second attribute information showing the non-collection of cargo. - 特許庁

5 防衛大臣は、前各項の規定により重傷病認定基準、衛生要員送還基準、宗教要員送還基準、終了時送還基準、宣誓解放送還基準、捕虜交換等送還基準又は移出基準(以下「送還等諸基準」という。)を作成したときは、速やかに、当該送還等諸基準を捕虜収容所長に通知するものとする。例文帳に追加

(5) When the Minister of Defense has prepared criteria for recognition of a serious wound or sickness, repatriation of medical personnel, repatriation of chaplains, repatriation at the end of armed attack, repatriation for release on parole, repatriation in conjunction with an exchange, etc. of prisoners of war or the outgoing transfer (hereinafter referred to as "criteria for repatriation, etc."), he/she shall promptly notify the prisoner of war camp commander of the criteria for repatriation, etc.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


If a deposited sample of biological material has been transferred from one depositary institution to another under Rule 5 (1) of the Regulations under the Budapest Treaty, the applicant shall as soon as possible after having received a receipt in respect of the transferred deposit inform the Patent Authority thereof and of the new number accorded to the deposited sample.  - 特許庁


The moisture-curing resin composition is prepared by compounding a modified silicone polymer having alkoxysilyl groups at its terminals with a curing catalyst and zeolite and can be cured quickly by expelling water adsorbed in zeolite to the outside by microwave induction heating or high-frequency induction heating. - 特許庁


The transmission control device 9 with a constant speed running control function provides a shift-down controlling function performing shift-down to a speed change gear generating torque larger than torque generated in a current gear A when temporarily accelerating at a position greater than a designated position of an accelerator during the constant speed running control. - 特許庁


The target gas G moves downward in the division 3, changes its direction on the water surface of the tank 2, moves upward in the division 4 and is emitted into the atmosphere. - 特許庁


This anti-oxidizing perfume composition which is evaporated or distilled in a gas phase for use is characterized by containing at least one of thyme oil, orange time, pink grapefruit oil, absolute jasmine, oakmoss oil, oregano oil, white cedar oil, lavender oil, and chamomile roman oil as an active ingredient. - 特許庁


To provide a disk playback device which shortens a playback start time period between loading and unloading of a disk by using a servo adjusting parameter stored in a nonvolatile memory, and which quickly adjusts servo when a mismatch with the servo adjusting parameter stored in the nonvolatile memory has occurred. - 特許庁


To provide an audio data reproduction device in which a speaker with a small diameter can be used, a small number of speakers is enough, and an upper limit of a frequency band in which reproduction can be faithfully achieved with a small amount of calculations can be increased when reproducing audio data so as to be heard as a sound image relating to a virtual sound source by using a plurality of existing speakers. - 特許庁


To provide a practical method and apparatus for recycling a waste edible oil, by which a recycled oil capable of being mixed with kerosene, gas oil, heavy oil, or the like in a high mixing ratio and being used as a diesel fuel oil is obtained from the waste edible oil such as waste tempura oil at a low operation cost in a reduced wastes-generating state, and which can thereby be utilized for economically viable management. - 特許庁


During the operation of the printer 100, the cleaning surface is brought into contact with the contact surface during the n-rotation of the printing plate 40 to eliminate residue of paste 49, and a used portion is wound by the winding roller 12 to deliver an unused portion from the delivery roller 11 during the m-rotation of the printing plate 40 to change the cleaning sheet 39, thus forming a new cleaning surface. - 特許庁


To provide a method for synchronous input control by which a phase difference that promptly satisfies a synchronous input condition by controlling the phase difference even if the phase difference stagnates, and which hardly receives the influence of an external disturbance and hardly fails in inputting since the phase difference can stably be kept in a prescribed range of a long time, and to provide a device used in the method. - 特許庁


In the mask material L for coating mounted on the door sash of a door of which the door sash 3 and door panel 1 are coated with different colors, the mask material L is constituted of a resin and both longitudinal edge parts thereof are locked to the weather strip attaching groove 3A and window glass groove 3B of the door sash 3. - 特許庁


The power applicator is obtained by attaching a knapsack type power applicator 1 or a broad caster to a paddy field float 2 on a chassis 3, placing a fertilizer for supply, a fuel and tools on the right and left of the power applicator and restarting an operation by a rapid supply and an emergency repair even if the operation is interrupted by running out of fertilizer or fuel or an operation trouble. - 特許庁


In an auxiliary device attaching an auxiliary 2 to an engine via an auxiliary bracket 3, the auxiliary 2 is attached to the auxiliary bracket 3 at a position where natural frequency A of a power plant including an engine and a transmission connected to the engine almost coincides with natural frequency B of an auxiliary part including the auxiliary bracket 3. - 特許庁


When a problem occurs on a virtual machine 101 in operation under a virtual environment at a customer's side 17, a problem solving system 11 copies a virtual image 101a which is an image file of the virtual machine 101, and after encrypting the same, transfers an encrypted virtual image 101b to an environment at maintenance side 20. - 特許庁


To provide a virtual account management device, a settlement method, and a program for using one account even when money is transferred to different recipients and opening a virtual account that can be used directly for money transfer to an account already opened at a financial institution by associating the account with an ID designated by a user. - 特許庁


This powdery or granular material for repelling insect pests is obtained by adsorbing a liquid consisting essentially of an essential oil of Alpinia speciosa produced by steam distillation on finely granulated or powdered weathered reef building coral or finely granulated or powdered charcoal and/or charcoal of bamboo and further mixing the adsorbed substance with fine pieces or powdery material of leaves of Alpinia speciosa. - 特許庁


To prevent generation of cracks, deterioration, burn or the like on a dried object in a microwave drying device, as the dried object gets over-dry by its abnormal temperature rise as the dried object is dried to a certain extent and latent heat depriving heat due to water evaporation gets smaller than microwave energy. - 特許庁


Substrate dimples 11a are formed on an edge face forming the sliding face of a substrate material 11 made of a sintered ceramic material and covered with a film of a hard material such as amorphous carbon, diamond- like carbon, titanium carbide, titanium nitride, titanium carbonitride and silicon nitride evaporated by plasma CVD or PVD process. - 特許庁


To attain rapid alignment of sheets discharged from a discharge means in an image forming apparatus to an alignment tray without bending when feeding the sheets discharged from the discharge means to the alignment tray toward a regulation member by a rotating feeder member and allowing the feeding directional tips of the sheets to abut on the regulation member to align the sheets. - 特許庁


The intake control device performs a first treatment for increasing valve overlap quantity compared to that before an accelerator pedal 11 is released, when it is detected that the accelerator pedal 11 is released; and second treatment for interrupting the first treatment, when it is detected that up-shifting of the manual transmission 8 is performed during the execution of the first treatment. - 特許庁


A detection means is provided for detecting that a portable telephone is connected to a connection part with the portable telephone, communication with the portable telephone is performed to periodically acquire battery voltage information of the portable telephone, charging is performed from the automobile-mount terminal device to a battery and at a time point when a response indicative of full charging is redirected, charging is speedily stopped. - 特許庁


To provide a sealing component, which has a durability to enable dispensing desired aromatic ingredient when desired, and to prevent undesired aromatic ingredient from evaporating when not desired, requires fewer seal spots, and is constituted with a small number of components, in a fragrance device 100 for vehicle intermittently dispensing aromatic ingredient with the opening and closing of doors. - 特許庁


When this fuel cell system is stopped from an operation state, a control device 17 continues driving of the water pump 4 and the cooling fan 2 until a cooling stop condition based on the detection result by cooling water temperature sensors 11 and 12, and an outside air temperature sensor 13 is established, rapidly drops the cooling water temperature and reduces pressure generated by the saturated steam pressure of the cooling water. - 特許庁


By mounting the fire grate 32a in a way described above, drippings falling down along the ceramic coal 31a and a guide cylinder 10 fall on a drain pan 21 from the burner cover 38 and a cover piece 39, whereby failure in operation is not caused thereby as a result of a burner body 15, an ignition plug 22, and a flame failure sensor 23 being exposed to the droippings. - 特許庁


Coal burning boiler equipment provided with a ball mill 2 formed that a number of balls are charged in a rotationally driven drum coal is pulverized as the coal is dried to produce pulverized coal comprises a sludge banker 8 in which paper sludge is stored; and a sludge picking device 9 to effect picking of paper sludge stored in the sludge banker 8 and feed it to the ball mill 2. - 特許庁



To provide a flow control method and a flow control device using a gate which can achieve a stable flow control quickly even in any form of outflow by identifying a target opening with respect to a target flow rate at the time of free outflow and submerged outflow in flow control by the outflow at the gate bottom edge. - 特許庁


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