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該当件数 : 46



Sheep - Dainichinyorai  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


But I've never met such a large-minded person as Ryoma.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kanezane lamented, 'I have never heard of a high priest of noble birth who had such hardship' ("Gyokuyo," entry of January 13, 1184).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Later, when Nyojo's brother Zonnyo died and there was a conflict in deciding upon a successor for his position, once Nyojo appointed Rennyo as his brother's successor, since he thought the oldest son Rennyo had the talent for it, even the opposition went against it, and after Nyojo died his mistress wanted to bestow the jigo (literally, "temple name," which is the title given to a Buddhist temple) of Honsen-ji Temple and sent Renjo there.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



To provide an unknown system estimation method for estimating a FIR filter for simulating an unknown system by receiving an input signal given to the unknown system such as an acoustic transmission characteristic and an output signal obtained from the unknown system or realizing prediction and simulation of an output from the unknown system and to provide an apparatus for executing the method. - 特許庁



It is said that although it is of the Bosatsu grade in order to benefit Shaka's teaching, once it became Buddha it was called Ryushu-nyorai, Daishin-butsu or Shinsen-butsu and will become Buddha (called Fuken-nyorai) in the future.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


And, everywhere in its sutra, Nehan-gyo preached that it was necessary because wicked Buddhist priests may appear in the future to preach that Nyorai (Buddha) is no longer existing after his death.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


(7) Nothing in this Act shall be construed as affecting the assignment or transmission of an unregistered trade mark as part of the goodwill of a business. - 特許庁


The reaction of the command to the disk controller 41 is reaction of no loading independently of the loading of the cartridge 1. - 特許庁



To surely realize a sealing function exhibiting an unused condition by a simple structure regardless of a shape of a depressing head in a pump type container. - 特許庁



To improve the operating efficiency in an operation whose finished part and unfinished part are difficult to discriminate from each other by preventing the unfinished part from being left, and preventing any waste such as traveling in the same place many times. - 特許庁


Therefore, a situation that the visible performance of the plate 22 is lowered such as in the case the aperture rate is <8% or in the case the diameter of the aperture 24 is <0.5mm is prevented. - 特許庁


Moreover, in the Hoke-kyo Sutra it is stated that Shakanyorai did not become Buddha under the line tree for the first time but had already awakened in an immeasurable past time; in Nehan-gyo sutra there are more descriptions about the future, which states that Nyorai exists forever without any change and ultimately denies Mappo (Age of the Final Dharma) as an expediency.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to Mahayana Buddhism, Shakamuni-butsu (Shakanyorai) is one of the immeasurable Buddhas at the ten directions (east, south, west and north, each midpoint, up and down) and three worlds (past, future and present) as well as a Buddha in this corrupt world.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While 上生信仰 is a wish to be relieved again at Tosotsuten of Miroku Bosatsu, 下生信仰 is the faith that we have to be ready for Miroku Bosatsu's appearance 'at present' rather than 5670 million years in the future.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Nothing in this Act shall be construed as affecting the assignment or transfer of an unregistered trade mark as part of the goodwill of a business.  - 特許庁


To prevent dioxins from being produced by achieving complete combustion of unburned carbonaceous particles including a dioxin-precursor such as hydrogen carbide remaining in a waste incinerator exhaust gas. - 特許庁


To provide an inkjet recording device which can detect correctly an ink residual amount in an ink cartridge, and can inhibit irregularities of an output picture beforehand and lack of output data. - 特許庁


To provide a system for management of browsing status, capable of preventing occurrence of difference in recognition, between browsing users, about a single electronic mail, relating to an electronic document data and electronic mail. - 特許庁


Herein, even in a case that the second water passing hole 51 is clogged or water is excessively supplied to the mixer 10, the sheet metal member 50 is broken by water pressure to prevent the damage or water leak of the piping 11. - 特許庁


Just as those who stop all activities at night are bound to resume their work on the next day unless they have completed their tasks, those who learn Mahayana Buddhism will never be able to achieve nirvana and live in peace without learning the ultimate Buddhist truths revealed in the Nirvana Sutra, even if they have read all other sutras and studied all other Buddha's teachings.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This invention is provided to solve the problems in the conventional belt conveying device by automatically guiding and correcting the rotating track of the run-out belt to a normal belt rotating track to prevent the problems caused by the run-out of the belt in advance. - 特許庁


Possessing it is like having treasure to atone life by giving it to robbers or bad guys who come and want to kill you, so if bad Biku (Buddhist priests) emerge in the future and preach "Shakanyorai, Shikyajirai died, entered Nirvana, and no long exists in this world," then you should deliver this secret Nehan-gyo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is considered that charms were originally used in China that were subsequently brought to Japan and while much of the history of charms in Japan still remains unexplained, some items such as jufu mokkan with inscription of a magic word 'kyukyunyoritsuryo' were excavated from the ruins of Fujiwara-kyo long ago, suggesting that they were already in use in the Nara Period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


(2) No proceedings shall lie to prevent or recover damages for the infringement of an unregistered trade mark as such; but nothing in this Act shall affect the law relating to passing off or rights under the Geographical Indications Act (Cap. 117B). - 特許庁


The amount of the annual fee related to each of the year of the certificate’s validity shall be fixed at the amount of the 20th annual fee of the base patent. It is the same for the amount of the additional charge due in case of late payment. Any fraction of one year shall be counted as one whole year. - 特許庁


Dust contained in the exhaust gas of a cement kiln 5 is collected by a dust collector 9 and recovered by separating by a given means such as a vibrating screen into dust with a high content of heavy metals (e.g. unburnt carbon) and dust with a low content of heavy metals. - 特許庁


The optical disk device 1 discriminates whether undetermined recording reservation data stored in the main body is incomplete recording reservation data lacking necessary information such as a recording start time, a recording end time, or a channel to be recorded or not, and this recording reservation data is determined unless being incomplete recording reservation data. - 特許庁


To provide a means for previously prevent a trouble before it occurs or detecting it in an early time in a heat exchanger where combustion gas is used as a heating side fluid even if a situation happens in which an occurrence of a fine crack is anticipated in any parts on an outside surface of an inner truck where combustion gas flows inside thereof. - 特許庁


A manufacturing method of a flame retardant resin comprises blending 5-40 mass% of urea in a flammable resin such as a polyolefinic resin followed by heat-kneading this mixture at a softening temperature or higher of the flammable resin and at lower than degradation temperature of urea to convert the urea into a polymer, for example a biuret. - 特許庁


To provide a light diffusion plate for a waterproof case which enables anyone to readily mount and dismount the light diffusion plate for the waterproof case irrespective of the overall length of a case cylindrical section of the waterproof case, and which does not get in the way while not in use and to provide a photographing method. - 特許庁


To provide a machine tool, in which operability of the machine tool is not deteriorated even when a rotary table device for holding workpieces has failed, and in which entanglement of power transmitting passage members such as a power cable for charging power to a drive source for the rotary table device is prevented. - 特許庁


To utilize a hard disk built in other equipment when a power source is not turned on by handling the hard disk built in the other equipment just as set to a slave even in a state of turning off the power source of the other equipment. - 特許庁


Therefore, especially in an elevator without a machine room, when a trouble occurs whether an administrator is present or not, the maintenance personnel can use the emergency apparatus 9 and easily and promptly take a trouble measure, so that working efficiency is improved and a secondary problem due to a delay of working is prevented in advance. - 特許庁


Additionally, it showed the teaching of egalitarianism as 'all people can be Buddhas some day' from the values of that time, like 未来成仏(悪人成仏) of Daidatta, and emphasized this through representations such as the appearance of a treasure tower in which Tahonyorai appeared and clarified the correctness of Hokke-kyo, 虚空 and .  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As maternal relatives, Morofusa's descendants were at the height of their prosperity during the reign of Emperor Horikawa, who was a biological son of MINAMOTO no Akifusa's daughter, FUJIWARA no Kenshi, as can be seen from 'members of the Minamoto clan positioned side by side as the Minister of the Left and the Minister of the Right, as well as the Major Captain of the Left and the Right Divisions of Inner Palace Guards, which has never happened before' ("Chuyuki" (diary of FUJIWARA no Munetada), the article of January 22, 1094) and from 'there are 24 modern-day kugyo (court nobility), of which more than half are from the Minamoto clan, which has never happened before' ("Chuyuki" (diary of FUJIWARA no Munetada), the article of written on August 15, 1102).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Sakihisa KONOE, who took refuge with Hongan-ji Temple after he was repelled from Kyoto by Yoshiaki, advised Kennyo to help the Miyoshi clan (However, then Sakihisa's anti-Nobunaga attitude came from his intention to defeat Yoshiaki, who was still officially protected by Nobunaga, and later he returned to Kyoto soon after Yoshiaki was expelled by Nobunaga, turning himself into a key figure among Nobunaga's allies.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(2) 前項による事態が起こる可能性が認められる場合は,特許権者は最初の3年間何なる手数料も免除されるものとする。納分の額は所定の様式でその後の数年間で返済するものとする。この納付の延期は特許登録簿に記録され,遅延した手数料を納付する責任は,当該特許権者が誰であれ特許権者が負担する。例文帳に追加

(2) Where the possibility offered by the preceding paragraph is allowed, the owner shall not pay any fee during the first three years. During subsequent years, he shall reimburse the amounts remaining unpaid in the prescribed form. The postponement shall be noted in the Patent Register and the responsibility for paying the fees in arrears shall be incumbent on whoever owns the patent. - 特許庁


To previously prevent from damages around hole peripheries of a sheet material, easily cover tilled soil laid with seed tapes except seed parts and easily cover the tilled soil laid with the seed tapes with certainly excepting the seed parts without harmful effects for germination and growth of the seeds such as blocking of the holes of the sheet material caused by influence of cut fragments. - 特許庁


To provide a sheet loading device capable of stably and satisfactorily delivering and loading different sheets on a tray in a mixed condition while preventing the occurrence of trouble such as sheet jamming irrespective of, in particular, loading condition and situation at the time even when folded sheet Pz and a sheet Pn without a fold are loaded on the tray 16 in a mixed condition. - 特許庁


To reduce the generation of unknown words or non-sentences in translating an original into another language and to improve translation accuracy and operation efficiency by correcting words including lost characters or misinputted characters when an input original to be translated is acquired from an original on the basis of the characteristics of an acquiring source of the input original text. - 特許庁


To provide an IC testing system capable of decoding the location data of a wafer prober in any chip arrangement by an IC testing device in an IC testing system which decodes any location data furnished by a wafer prober using an IC testing device making out a chip map for distinguishing tested chips from chips not yet tested, to perform a test. - 特許庁


Now, let me answer the question(*) that I received in the previous press conference from Mr. Namikawa of Toyo Keizai, who is here today. He asked me about the absence of the announcement of the financial results of Incubator Bank of Japan in the fiscal first half. The Second Bridge Bank of Japan, which has taken over the business operations of Incubator Bank of Japan, is not a listed company, so I understand that it is taking the procedure to announce its financial results in the fiscal first half within three months from the end of the fiscal first half in accordance with the Banking Act.  - 金融庁


Where a person has been mentioned as sole or joint inventor in pursuance of this section, any other person who alleges that the former ought not to have been so mentioned may at any time request the Controller to make a finding to that effect; and if the Controller does so, he shall accordingly amend the register and any undistributed copies both of the published patent application and of the specification of the granted patent.  - 特許庁


A subsequent application for the same subject-matter as a previous first application and filed in or in respect of the same state (including the State) shall be considered as the first application for the purposes of determining priority if, and only if, at the date of filing the subsequent application, the previous application has been withdrawn, abandoned or refused, without having been open to public inspection and without having left any rights outstanding, and has not served as a basis for claiming right of priority.  - 特許庁



If the Controller is satisfied, on a claim made in the prescribed manner at any time before a patent is granted, that, by virtue of any assignment or agreement made by the applicant or one of the applicants, or by a decision under section 81, the claimant would, if the patent were then granted, be entitled thereto or to the interest of the applicant therein, or to an undivided share of the patent or of that interest, the Controller shall direct that the application shall proceed in the name of the claimant or in the names of the claimant and the applicant or each of the other such applicants, according as the case may require; provided that no such direction as aforesaid shall be given by virtue of any assignment or agreement made by one of two or more joint patent applicants except with the consent of the other joint applicant or each of the other such applicants.  - 特許庁


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