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The new administration, in the meantime, issued an imperial edict to foreign countries which was written by Okubo and Munenori TERASHIMA upon consultation with Ernest Mason Satow (interpreter of the British legation) and Charles de Montblanc (French nobleman) in order to win recognition for the new administration from foreign countries and to declare the continuation of diplomacy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to tradition, when Saicho, the founder of the Nihon Tendai sect, founded Tokko-ji Temple in 805 after arriving at the area following his studies in Tang (China), he endowed ancestors of the Yokooji family, who cooperated in the founding of the temple, with (hori no hi flame) and Bishamon-ten-zo (statue of Bishamon-ten (Vaisravana)) as a token of gratitude.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At the period of the eleventh generation, Kennyo, who was a child of Shonyo, the Honganji Buddhist sect that became a virtually independent feudal lordship, expanded its influence into Kinai, which led to the confrontation with Nobunaga ODA, who tried to establish unified control by seizing seigniory from the religious power.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It was reported in an official organ of Soka Gakkai, 'Soka Shinpo' that in Argentina, Mother Teresa was told that Nichiren Shoshu Sect was the only appropriate religion and others are not, and this was considered as criticizing other religions, or after they conducted an opening ceremony for a propagation office without gaining approval from the government, and the group lost the license to be a corporate body and the monks were forced to leave the country; currently, the propagation office held the opening ceremony and the activities of the temples are continuing.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Later, when the Onin War (1467-1477) broke out and an internal conflict occurred between East and West squads in Kaga Province, north of Yoshizaki Gobo, as the base of Hongan-ji Temple at that time in Echizen Province, the Monto of Senshu-ji School took the side of Kochiyo TOGASHI who took part in the West squad, while the Monto of Honganji School, through the assistance of Takakage ASAKURA, the Daimyo of Echizen (the 7th chief), took the side of Masachika TOGASHI, Kochiyo's brother and a former Shugo deported from Kaga, who belonged to East squad, and deported Kochiyo in 1474. (In other words, Ikko-Ikki in Kaga was started as a power struggle inside Shinshu)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



However, because Saicho mainly studied the Tendai Doctrine but did not do so with Mikkyo, Mikkyo was introduced more properly by Kukai (Kobo-daishi), who studied it at Shoryuji Temple, Qinglongsi Temple (the basis of Chinese Mikkyo), Engyo, Ennin (Jikaku Daishi), Eun, Enchin (Chisho Daishi) and Shuei.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although Ryogen was not a direct disciple of Saicho (Dengyo Daishi) and his rank was not high, he gradually distinguished himself as an able priest through refuting high priests of traditional Buddhist temples in Nanto (southern capital (Nara)) or praying safe delivery of a child for the Empress of Emperor Murakami, and finally he achieved Tendai-zasu, the supreme position in the Tendai Sect, in 966.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In Nichiren Sho Sect, nyubutsu-shiki (a consecration ceremony) is held being guided by doshi (the master priest) when honzon is newly bestowed, and is also held under the guidance of hossu (the head priest of the sect) when a temple is newly built or when honzon is newly enshrined in the main hall, or when the main hall of the temple is reconstructed, (if a main hall is reconstructed but honzon is not newly bestowed, rakusei-shiki (an inauguration ceremony) is held in combination with kaigen-kuyo for existing honzon after restoration of the hall).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the generation who entered into the priesthood around 1965, which was called the honeymoon period of Soshu (Soka Gakkai and Nichiren Shoshu Sect), many new temples were built rapidly thanks to huge donations from Soka Gakkai, some people were appointed that more monks and lower quality, just like 'quantity products of low quality,' because there were more ascetic monks who came from among lay believers than other traditional Buddhist schools, and currently they have a good reputation of their strict grounding on education of monks.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Jitsunyo, racking his mind for what to do amongst these circumstances, planned several responses, notably: 1) promulgating--together with his younger brother Renjun and his son Ennyo--three different punitive admonitions, the most notable of which was the one focused on Jodo Shinshu followers in the Hokuriku region (central-north Japan) that outlawed Ikki; 2) establishing Ichimon-Ikka System that split the household at Hongan-ji Temple into the Ichimonshu (the lineage of the eldest son) and the Ikkashu (the lineage of the second and other sons); and 3) selecting 80 documents from among Rennyo's writings, compiling them into five volumes, calling them the Gobun (also referred as Ofumi, literally Epistles) and using them as the fundamental doctrinal creed of the sect.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


伊藤真乗(修行時代の僧名「天晴(てんせい)」=上醍醐の行場では『あっぱれさん』とよばれていたらしい)は、醍醐修験部(当山派正統法脈)に伝承の在家法流の行を修めた後(昭和14年秋1939)、さらに本部の大法受法に臨み、醍醐伝承の出家法流「三宝院流」を履修し畢えて、昭和18年春(1943)、「伝燈大阿闍梨 金剛院真乗」となった。例文帳に追加

Shinjo ITO whose monk name when he was learning was Tensei, but he seemed to be called "Apparesan" in the gyoba of Kami-Daigo (the upper part of Daigo) after he finished learning the traditional Buddhist teachings of lay believers at the Daigo training place (orthodox dharma lineage of the Tozan school) in 1939; furthermore, he tried to learn 大法 of the Honshu department, and he became 阿闍梨 金剛 in 1943 after finishing traditional system of teaching when entering into priesthood of Daigo-ji Temple, 'Sanpoin-ryu.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


About this point, Mujaku Dochu of the Rinzai sect said, after he mentioned that it was wrong to write Shuri as "修理," 'Legend holds that Daigen shuri was a lad (vocative) of Ashoka the Great of India and was a guardian of stupas constructed by Ashoka, and he came to Mt. Shoho in Mingzhou, China, by his divine power to look out over the whole land of China putting his hand over his eyes, and then Aikuo-ji Temple enshrined him as an earth deity.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


They appear not only in the shrine festivals accompanied by a shrine maiden and a historic pageant, but also in a flower festival at a temple (birthday ceremony, kanbutsue (the Buddha's birthday festival), Shakyamuni's birthday ceremony), days consecrated to the Bodhisattva of Compassion and Fudo Myoo, the anniversary of the death (memorial service) of the founders, such as Honen and Nichiren, grand Buddhist memorial services held once in decades or hundreds of years such as a celebration of completion of a main hall or the inauguration ceremony for the head priest of a temple.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Presently in Japan, shorinji kenpo and nihon kenpo are famous - the former has spread among a wide range of people within background of a new religion and the latter has spread among some groups centered on university kenpo teams and turned into a sport in a sense – but both are performing activities such as showing their techniques on TV.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This is because many Japanese people engage in rituals of multiple religions, holding the seven-five-three festival and other seasonal festivals at shrines and visiting shrines at the beginning of the New Year based on annual events and rituals developed in the natural climate from ancient ethnic religions of Japan, and by the influence of the temple guarantee system in the Edo period, holding funerals and bon festivals (a festival of the dead or Buddhist all soul's day) with Buddhist rites.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Gofukakusa in was not happy about the situation, he demonstrated his dissatisfaction by declining from his position as the retired emperor and to receive the respected name in 1275, Sanekane SAIONJI, who was the Kanto Moshitsugi in this period and favored the Retired Emperor Gofukakusa, negotiated with the regent, Tokimune HOJO, he succeeded to have Gofukakusa's Prince, Imperial Prince Hirohito (the Emperor Fushimi) to become Crown Prince in the same year.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1340, when Iinoya-jo Castle fell under the attack of KO no Moroyasu and Yoshinaga NIKI,he stayed in Teradomari, Echigo Province (currently Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture), or Hojozu, Ecchu Province (currently Imizu City, Toyama Prefecture); after that, he went to Okawara (currently Oshika-mura, Nagano Prefecture) at the invitation of Takamune KOSAKA (a member of the Mochizuki clan, who were a branch of the Shigeno clan) of Ina County, Shinano Province (currently Nagano Prefecture) in 1344.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Conventionally, it was believed in general that interference in the authority of the imperial court from the bakufu resulted in the above circumstances; but recently it is widely believed that, in addition to the friction between Kameyama and Sanekane SAIONJI, Kameyama's intimacy with Yasumori ADACHI who fell during the Shimotsuki Incident, as well as his ambition for 'Shinsei' (law reconstitution) produced suspiciousness among the Tokuso (the patrimonial head of the main branch of the Hojo clan) family who aimed to control not only the eastern part, but the entire country.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although his shoryo (territory) at this time is unknown, a historian Yoshihiko AMINO assumes that FUJIWARA no Kanemitsu as follows was Kanemitsu IGA; the former Governor of Ise Province who took over the position of Jitoshiki (manager and lord of manor) of the Jisei-kyo Village and Hyugaura in Wakasa Province in December 1265 as the heir of Mitsumune IGA, great grandfather of Kanemitsu, and a donor and former Ise no kami (Governor of Ise Province) who appears on Monju Bosatsuzo Bokushomei (statue of Manjusri [bodhisattva], ink inscriptions) of the Hannya-ji Temple in Yamato Province dated in April 1324.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Gonancho forces gradually lost their power, and during the Onin War were labeled in historical records as descendants of Oguranomiya (in the "Daijoin temple and shrine records of miscellaneous matters" they are listed as offspring of Oguranomiya), while the son of Zenmonshu (Gatekeeper) OKAZAKI being welcomed in the capital's western district (this son was called "The Southern Emperor of the western district") by Sozen YAMANA is the last historical mention of them; after this point, they no longer appear in historical records.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When the second Shogun, Yoshiakira ASHIKAGA, died, the Kanrei (regent) Yoriyuki HOSOKAWA gave his support and advice to Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, the third Shogun, and helped usher in a new administration, and engineered Masanori KUSUNOKI's defection and other anti-Southern Court efforts as well as dispatching Sadayo IMAGAWA to Kyushu as part of a push to eliminate the Southern Court's forces there, while in domestic, nonmilitary affairs, he crafted a response to the problematic conflict between Nanzen-ji Temple, which represented the new Zen sect, and Mt. Hiei, representing the old guard of influential Buddhist temples, and also implemented the hanzei (half-tax).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1335, a conspiracy became apparent in which court noble Kinmune SAIONJI and the Hino clan, who had a relationship with the Hojo clan since they served as kanto moshitsugi (court-appointed liaison with the bakufu) during the Kamakura period, sheltered Yasuie (Tokioki) HOJO, a younger brother of Takatoki HOJO who was in hiding in Kyoto, and attempted to overthrow the government in support of Emperor Gofushimi of the Jimyoin line.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The policy was culminated in the Bunei era and Koan era which corresponded to the period of the cloistered emperor's governments by Emperor Gosaga and Emperor Kameyama in the imperial court administration, and the period of the government led by Tokimune HOJO and the government led by Sadatoki HOJO (Yasumori ADACHI as an advisor), when various kinds of Shinryo Kogyo were conducted to shrines and similar policies were also conducted to the temples under the so-called 'Koan Tokusei.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While implementing modernistic religious policies including the cancellation of a ban on Christianity (in reality a tacit permission) and the prohibition against woman entering a sacred area at temples and shrines, Kyobusho also established a system called the kyodoshoku (evangelist) system, and propagated national edification and the Imperial Edict (of 1870) for Establishment of Shinto under Daikyoin (Great Teaching Institute) in order to realize the edification and enlightenment of citizens after the failure of the Jingikan department.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, since the shrine originally was located in precincts of Horaku-ji Temple (Shingonshu sect, founded by Prince Shotoku) in the same town as a chinju-sha shrine (Shinto shrine on Buddhist temple grounds dedicated to the tutelary deity of the area), then was transferred to the current place by the Ordinance Distinguishing Shinto and Buddhism in early Meiji period to take over ujigami (a guardian god or spirit of a particular place in the Shinto religion) of Kuroda village (confirmed by a pair of stone lantern with the inscription of the transferred year as '1770'), the present location of Ioto-jinja Shrine technically is not the palace site.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, as time progressed problems arose, including conflicts among temples over the post of kanjinshoku and the emergence of kanjin shoku, which monopolized profits, concurrently with the decline of the Risshu sect; kanjin shoku became a kind of post that involved vested interest, because the chotei (Imperial Court) and the bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) not only made direct contributions to the Kanjin shoku monks but also offered a shoryo (territory) (for example, all of Sue Province) for making money for the destruction of temples.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The journal of Doyu KUROKAWA's visit Renge-ji Temple in 1681 (included in "Tohoku Rekiran no Ki" (Records of looking around Tohoku region)) says that the Renge-ji's construction was carried out with the cooperation between the poet and calligrapher Jozan ISHIKAWA who built the Shisen-do hall, the scholar of Neo-Confucianism Junan KINOSHITA, the Kano School artist Tanyu KANO, Obaku Sect founder Ingen Ryuki Zenshi, and the 2nd chief priest Mokuan Seito Zenshi; and the 1786 publication "Shui Miyako Meisho Zue" (Images of Famous Places in Kyoto) includes an image of the temple precinct.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the Edo period, Taiseki-ji Temple was allowed to have dokureiseki (privilege to meet shogun face to face) at Edo-jo Castle, and Hiyori the twenty fifth, a grandchild of Emperor Gomizunoo, was adopted as the son of Hiroko KONOE, the lawful wife of the sixth Shogun Ienobu TOKUGAWA, and he was respected by the Imperial family, court nobles, the shogunate families and daimyo family (feudal lord family); however, there was strict control over missionary work by Edo bakufu, the same as for other religious schools, and there was continuous religious persecution in many places such as Kaga clan, Sendai clan, Ii and Owari clan, and Hachinohe clan, and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Citing that "Daiju gatsuzokyo" shows 'Though so many people in Mappo (Age of the Final Dharma) practice and learn, no one has achieved.' ("Jodo Shinshu Seiten (Shichiso hen) (original version and commentary version)", cited from Hongwanji Publishing Company) from "Anrakushu" in "Senchaku-shu" (Passages on the Selection of the Nenbutsu in the Original Vow) to show that the opposite 'Shodo-mon' was difficult to be the main doctrine and to prove, he considered this as the reason to enter Jodo-mon instead of Shodo-mon,.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Among adopted children and children considered as his, there are: MINAMOTO no Narinobu (son of Prince Munehira, nephew of Rinshi), whose father became an ordained monk and passed away so his relative, Michinaga, took guardianship; FUJIWARA no Nobumoto (Norimichi's son, later FUJIWARA no Michimoto) and FUJIWARA no Kaneyori (Yorimune's son), who were Michinaga's biological grandsons but Michinaga adopted them in order to facilitate their promotion; and the brothers adopted for the same reason, FUJIWARA no Kanetsune and Domyo (Betto of Shitenno-ji Temple), who were biological sons of Michitsuna, who was Michinaga's half brother by a different mother.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The problem of embezzling of jisharyo (holdings of temples and shrines) by kokuga (imperial household officials or an estate manager) or bushi (samurai) was the background of the tendo -- But in some cases, as Buddhist monks and Shinto priests inherited the shoryo, which was necessary for maintenance of the facilities and support of the rituals, accompanying their religious belief (Buddhist monks inherited the shoryo from the master to the disciple, correspondingly to the case of the Shinto priests where they inherited the shoryo from father to children), they began to privatize the shoryo such that they could use the shoryo for private purposes, which had nothing to do with their religious activities, or that they sold the shoryo to the other person at their own discretion in the worst cases.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1878, Gaimukyo (chief of Foreign Ministry) Munenori TERASHIMA negotiated mainly for the recovery of tariff autonomy, backed by the financial difficulty after the Seinan War, and Minister-Counselor to the United States Kiyonari YOSHIDA and EVERTS Secretary of State of the United States signed a new treaty of the recovery of tariff rights (YOSHIDA-EVERTS Treaty), but it was failed because of the objection of England and Germany and the public opinions that required the recovery of jurisdiction to be prioritized (the treaty with the United States did not come into effect because it was conditional on conclusion of similar treaties with the other countries).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The theory to point out the possibility that the Ando family had been already settled in Akita Country before the supposed time of the Minato family's establishment, based on such findings; the family's history can be dated back even earlier period than the time of Magogoro ANDO and Andota, both of whom are confirmed as the territorial lords of the Oga Peninsula, and also earlier than the time of the legendary Kanosue's Nansen (provincial capital's relocation to the south), about which Jakuzo, Tadasue ABE, Joso ABE, etc. described in the copy of Jisha shuzo munefuda (ridge tag with history of the reparation and construction of temples and shrines) compiled in 'Ichikawa Minato Monjo' (The letter of Ichikawa Minato), and that there is an oral tradition in which a family called the Onagawa family was the territorial lord of the Oga Peninsula before the Minato family.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


None of these were particularly suitable as a Baron under the bylaw, however, the following were raised to the peerage: Shinto priests of local areas, especially from the old families (the Arakita family of Ise Jingu Shrine, Kawabe family, Matsumoto family of Ise Jingu Shrine, Aso family of Aso-jinja Shrine, Itouzu family and Miyanari family of Usa-jingu Shrine, Ono family of Hinomisaki-jinja Shrine, Kaneko family of Mononobe-jinja Shrine (in Ota city), the Ki family of Hinokuma-jingu Shrine and Kunikakasu-jingu Shrine, Kitajima family and Sen family of Izumo-taisha Shrine, Senshu family of Atsuta-jingu Shrine, the Tsumori family of Sumiyoshitaisha Shrine, Takachiho family of Tendai Shugen zasu (head priest of the temple) of Hikosan; Family names in bold letters indicate that they were kuninomiyatsuko (the heads of local governments), and Buddhist priests' families which inherited positions (the Kibe family, the chief abbot of the Kibe school of Jodo Shinshu - the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism, the Shibuya family, the chief abbot of the Shibuya school of Jodo Shinshu, and the Hanazono family, the chief abbot of the Kosho-ji Temple of Jodo Shinshu).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Kitokuro ICHIKI, who was his intimate friend and chairman of the Privy Council, and other following figures participated in the memorial service: from the political circles and the official circles; Ministry of Education, House of Peers, Gakushikai (academia), German Consular Offices (Osaka and Kobe), Rentaro MIZUNO, Yosaburo TAKEGOSHI, Kanji ISHIHARA among others, from the educational circle; President of Waseda University Tomio NAKANO, President of Doshisha University Toraji MAKINO,President of Kwansai Gakuin University Kiichi KANZAKI, President of Kansai University Sho Takeda, Dean of Faculty of Law, Kyoto Imperial University Sotaro WATANABE, and from the business circle; President of Daido Life Insurance Company Kyuemon HIROOKA, President of Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK Line) Hisanobu TERAI, President of Osaka Shosen Kaisha (OSK Line) Eitaro OKADA, Board Chairperson of The Asahi Shinbun Company Choken Murayama, President of Mainichi Shinbun Shingoro TAKAISHI, President of the Yomiuri Shinbun Matsutaro SHORIKI, President of the Kyoto Shinbun Harunosuke USHIROGAWA, Sumitomo Zaibatsu (financial combine) Kichizaemon SUMITOMO, and others.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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