
「評価」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(892ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










該当件数 : 45164



In order to maintain the activities by highly motivated private operators, local NPOs and leaders, and so forth, besides the efforts made only by the side of suppliers of the services on a voluntary basis, it is necessary for the residents, who use the services, to be related, for example, by taking a positive attitude to give support through purchases and by giving evaluations to the activities.  - 経済産業省


In principle, the timing for the conclusion of a contract would be the time when an e-mail containing a notice of acceptance (shodaku tsuchi) from the seller reaches the potential purchaser who clicked the button to offer (moushikomi) to purchase the product after browsing the website, or when a notice of acceptance appears on the potential purchaser.s browser after the data on the acceptance has reached the offer or, responding to the data on the offer recorded on the web server.  - 経済産業省


Where a potential purchaser clicks the purchase order button after browsing the website, the contract is considered to have been concluded, in principle, at the time when the seller's notice of acceptance reaches the potential purchaser or when the notice of acceptance appears on the offer or's browser after the data on the offer has reached the offer or, responding to the data on the offer recorded on the web server.  - 経済産業省


Where software is actually used by a person other than the licensee, the human scope of such license shall be extended to the person, if the software is considered to be substantially used by the licensee itself, judging comprehensively from the purpose of such use, the human relations between such licensee and the person actually using it, and other factors as well.  - 経済産業省



2.Analysis of Example 2. Temporary workers are virtually no different from other employees of the licensee company in regards to the contents of tasks performed, now that what is called .human outsourcing. is quite common. Thus, such temporary workers. use of the software will be regarded as use by the licensee itself.  - 経済産業省



In this case, whether or not such employees fall within the human scope of the software license shall be judged from the characteristics of the software, the purpose and the specific methods of its use. Then, if the use of software by such employees can be regarded as that by the licensee itself, they may fall within the human scope of such license.  - 経済産業省

上記のとおりであるから、ソフトウェアの使用許諾が及ぶ人的範囲については、ソフトウェアを実際に使用する者のユーザー(ライセンシ)への人的な帰属形態ないしは関係や、ソフトウェアの使用目的等を通じて、当該使用が、当該ユーザーの使用と評価し得るのか否かを判断することが必要である 。例文帳に追加

As discussed above, the human scope of a software license should be judged from the perspective of whether the software will be deemed to be used by the licensee (=user) itself, taking into consideration the relationship between the person actually using such software and the licensee (=user), and the purpose of its use, etc.The licensee (=user) must establish a system where the user is responsible for managing the licensed software so that it is used only within the scope of its license.  - 経済産業省


Temporary workers are virtually no different from the other employees of the licensee company in the contents of tasks performed, now that what is called .human outsourcing. is quite common. Thus, such temporary workers. use of the software shall be regarded as the use by the licensee (=user) itself.  - 経済産業省


(B) The use of a software outside the licensee company Generally speaking, as mentioned above, even where the software is used outside the licensee's (=user's) company, such a mode of use may, depending on the facts, reasonably fall within the scope of the software license, if deemed as being used by the licensee (=user) itself, judging from the characteristics of the software, the purpose of its use, and other specific circumstances.  - 経済産業省



Nevertheless, where those who are neither directly employed by the licensee (=user) nor engaged in the licensee's (=user's) business use the software outside the licensee's company, such use is less unlikely to fall within the scope of such software license, compared with use inside the licensee's company.  - 経済産業省



In this case, where the employees of a customer company use the software for performing the customer company's business, it is very difficult to deem such a mode of use as that by the licensee (=user) itself, even if it is used inside the licensee company. Therefore, basically, such use of the software will not fall within the scope of such software license.  - 経済産業省

裁判例の中にも、プログラムにはバグが存在することがあり得るものであるから、不具合発生の指摘を受けた後、遅滞なく補修を終え、又はユーザーと協議の上相当な代替措置を講じたときは、当該バグの存在をもってプログラムの欠陥(瑕疵)と評価することはできない、とするもの(東京地裁平成9年2月18日判決・判タ 964号 172頁)がある。例文帳に追加

Among the court's precedent (e.g., Judgment of Tokyo District Court, February 18, 1997, 964 Hanreitaimusu 172) states that because every program is likely to have some Bugs, a program should not be considered as having defect because of the Bug if the Vendor repair the Bugs promptly after becoming aware thereof or if they quickly take reasonable, alternative steps after consulting with users.  - 経済産業省


Some may argue that in cases of infringement of the reproduction rights such as (p) and (q1), that the act of providing IDs/Passwords which are indispensable for reproduction to the general public through the internet may be considered as equivalent to causing such website audience to reproduce such software, in other words to use them as a tool for committing an unauthorized reproduction of the software, and thus such act in itself constitutes an infringement of reproduction rights.  - 経済産業省


On the other hand, as IDs/Passwords are indispensable for such reproduction, the act of providing such IDs/Passwords should be regarded as illegal on the ground that the act facilitates the infringement of reproduction rights, unless personal use would normally be the sole purpose for the reproduction such as in the case of a simply structured game for individual amusement.  - 経済産業省


Even if the advertisement should be protected as an "expression" defined under Article 21 of the Constitution under Even and we were to protect the advertisement as "expression" protected under Article 21 of the Constitution, where the celebrity has significant power (normally so) to attract customers' attention, the photograph or image in which his/her image appears is likely considered as solely utilizing his/her power to attract the customers' attention.  - 経済産業省


In regard to an affiliate, where a thumbnail image of a photo of a product is used for a link button from which a link is put to the web page of an on-line shop, the on-line shop is considered to have disclosed the photo of the product in order for the affiliate to utilize it.  - 経済産業省

一方、インラインリンクの方式やフレームリンクの方式でリンクを張る場合には、閲覧するユーザーから見れば、リンク元のウェブページの作成者があたかもリンク先の他人の商標を使用し、当該商標が出所表示機能を発揮しているような場合も想定されるが、そのような態様での使用においては、商標法上の「使用」と評価される可能性もあるものと考えられる 。例文帳に追加

By contrast, where an 'Inline Link' or 'Frame Link' is employed, setting up a linked website may be regarded as the "use" under the Trademark Law, especially if it appears to the website users that the linking website is the origin of another person's trademark appearing in the linked website.  - 経済産業省


Any data gaps for environmentally significant processes shall be filled using generic or extrapolat ed data that achieves at least a “fairdat a quality level rating. Such processes (including generic data gaps) shall not account for more than 10% of the overall contribution to each impact category considered.  - 経済産業省

Scope3 基準自体は企業間比較ができないことを明示していても、CDP 等の情報開示のアプローチでは、結局は企業間比較が行われることになる。企業間比較には使えない算定結果に基づいて、企業間評価が行われれば、ステークホルダー(投資家など)が誤った意思決定を行うことになりかねない。例文帳に追加

Scope 3 standard clarifies that it is not the standard for comparison between companies. However, such comparisons are often observed in the existing disclosure approaches such as Investor CDP report. If comparison is based on calculation results that are not suitable for a company-to-company comparison, it may lead stakeholders, including investors, to erroneous decision-making.  - 経済産業省


In order to sell more in the Japanese market, start-ups that don’t have track records should, for instance, develop a brand strategy for exposing their products through exhibitions, seminars, and mass media, arrange an alliance with a large enterprise for achieving more confidence, form a partnership with other ventures and SMEs for offering more diverse and/or sophisticated products, and use technology assessment services for demonstrating the level of their technologies.  - 経済産業省


Since 2000, more than 1,000 stocks have been listed on the seven exchanges, with 100 to 150 new listings each year after 2000. The number of companies listed has come quite close to those on similar exchanges in the United States and Europe. They deserve credit for, over the decade, having rapidly improved the environment for start-ups in financing in the stock market.  - 経済産業省


Emerging equity exchanges should decide whether a company should be listed not on the basis of its performance at the time of listing but rather in view of its potential and prospects, and indeed they have been conducting examinations in such a manner. It would make sense, accordingly, if reviews are conducted in a certain period of time after a company is listed to see how fast it grows after the listing and to compare its outlook given when listed with its actual performance.  - 経済産業省

3. 無限責任組合員は、第29 条に従い組合財産の分配を行うに際し、成功報酬(もしあれば)として、同条第4 項に従い算定される金額又は投資証券等を受領するものとする。なお、同条第3 項に基づき投資証券等を現物により分配する場合には、当該成功報酬の金額は、当該分配に係る投資証券等の分配時評価額により計算されるものとする。例文帳に追加

(3) In making a distribution of the Partnership Assets pursuant to Article 29, the General Partner shall receive, as an incentive fee, if any, the amount or a Portfolio Security calculated pursuant to Article 29(4). If a Portfolio Security is distributed in kind pursuant to Article 29(3), the amount of the incentive fee shall be calculated based on the Value at the Time of the Distribution of the Portfolio Security so distributed.  - 経済産業省

1. 清算人は就任後遅滞なく組合財産の現況を調査し、財産目録及び貸借対照表を作成し、財産処分の具体案を定め、これらの書類を組合員に送付するものとする。当該組合財産の現況調査及び評価額の算定に関し、清算人は、弁護士、公認会計士、税理士、鑑定人、アドバイザーその他の専門家を本組合の費用で選任することができる。例文帳に追加

(1) The liquidator shall, without delay after assuming office, investigate the current conditions of the Partnership Assets, prepare a list of assets and a balance sheet, develop a specific plan for the disposition of assets and send these documents to the Partners. The liquidator may appoint, at the expenses of the Partnership, lawyers, certified public accountants, tax accountants, appraisers, advisors or other professionals for the investigation of the current conditions and calculation of values of the Partnership Assets.  - 経済産業省


However, they are considered today to have been wise, long-term investments: because as a result of the concerted efforts of the public and private sectors in response to the strict environmental and energy restrictions, Japan's energy efficiency has improved by 37 percent over the past 30 years and oil consumption has decreased by 8 percent even though the GDP has doubled.  - 経済産業省


Bases for negotiations should be in principle bound rates based on the HS 2002 version. It is important to rectify great differences between bound tariff rates and applied tariff rates and therefore due attention should be paid to the current situation of applied tariff rates of Members in order to make meaningful improvements in market access. As to voluntary liberalizations, since assessment methods for credits are difficult and are likely to be arbitrary, careful handling is required.  - 経済産業省


5. Since this round is a development round, we will continue to steadily implement all our measures for the developing countries, including the “One Village One Productactivities regardless of the status of the negotiations. WTO Director General Pascal Lamy and OECD Secretary General Angel Gurría have visited the “One Village One ProductMarket at the Narita airport, and highly commended those activities.  - 経済産業省


In comparison with business innovation, which an enterprise can embark upon independently and immediately if an entrepreneur so wishes, business collaboration is more difficult. A partner with the technologies and know-how required to commercialize an enterprise's own technologies or ideas needs to be found, time and money must be spend on nurturing trust, and even if a suitable can be found, technical evaluation in the "fusion" process is tricky and adjustments must be made between the two sides. - 経済産業省


Although overall there is a tendency to choose large stores over small and medium retailers, a high proportion of consumers, especially among younger age groups, choose to shop for shopping durable consumer goods, whose importance tends to increase at the time of product selection, at "other small and medium retailers," indicating that stores that are more attractive than large stores are rated highly. - 経済産業省


We agreed on specific actions we will take to develop, use, and strengthen implementation of good regulatory practices, including by ensuring internal coordination of rule-making, assessing the impact of regulations, and conducting public consultations, as a critical contribution to our work to advance regulatory convergence and cooperation in the region, and submitted it to Leaders for their consideration.  - 経済産業省

・ APECフォーラムが,APECエコノミーにおけるスマート・グリッドの展開に関する最近の傾向,政策及び規制の作成のためだけでなく,相互運用標準の作成並びにこの地域の貿易及び投資の流れに関する装備,手段及び体制の適合性評価計画における協調的な取組についての現在進行中の情報交換のための伝達手段を提供できる方法を検討する。例文帳に追加

. Consider ways in which APEC fora can provide vehicles for ongoing information exchange on the development of interoperability standards and on collaborative efforts on conformity assessment programs related to equipment, devices and systems relevant to trade and investment flows in the region, as well as on the latest trends, policies, and regulatory developments related to Smart Grid deployment among APEC economies.  - 経済産業省


This year, we have advanced these objectives by committing to take specific steps by 2013 to implement good regulatory practices in our economies, including by ensuring internal coordination of regulatory work; assessing regulatory impacts; and conducting public consultation (see Annex D).  - 経済産業省

(1) 信託財産の元本の評価額が信託必要額(当該商品取引員の保全対象財産の 額から他の委託者資産保全措置を講じている額を控除した額をいう。)を超過す る場合に、当該超過額に相当する金額の範囲内で信託契約の解除又は一部の解 除を行おうとする場合例文帳に追加

1. when the appraised amount of the trust fund’s principal exceeds the necessary amount for the trust (the amount calculated by deducting the amount for other Measures for Customer Assets Preservation from the amount of the Property Subject to Preservation of said Futures Commission Merchant), in the case where there is an intention to cancel the whole or a portion of the Trust Contract within the scope of the amount equivalent to such excess portion;  - 経済産業省


In fostering core human resources at manufacturing sites, it is necessary to use certified skilled workers, who are well-versed in manufacturing sites, and to further promote the use of national trade skill tests and vocational ability evaluation standards as tools for objectively identifying employeesskill levels and for setting achievement targets.  - 経済産業省


According to the Survey of the Financial Environment of Small and Medium Enterprises, the commonest reason for use of quick loans by SMEs isease of borrowing process,” given by 53.5% of respondents, followed byshort screening period,” given by 33.5%. Overall, then, the results give some indication of the value attached to ease of use.  - 経済産業省


Government-affiliated financial institutions also served as a comparatively stable source of funds in the period after the financial crisis in 1997, when domestic private-sector financial institutions drastically reduced lending to SMEs, creating a credit crunch (Fig. 1-3-11), and these findings confirm that SMEs, given their strong desire for stable sources of funds in their dealings with financial institutions, rate their presence quite highly. 12)  - 経済産業省


As the above analysis showed, some large Japanese enterprises, particularly in the electrical and information/communications equipment sector, have recently begun to invest once again in Japan and reassess the country’s attractiveness as a location for business.  If the SMEs that underpin this environment are to survive and demonstrate their capabilities in this changing environment, however, the necessary future course of action needs to be mapped out.  - 経済産業省


Recently, there has been a revaluation of the significant technological capabilities of the manufacturing SMEs that, by providing a wide core technological base, act as the source of Japan’s manufacturing strength, prompting large enterprises to start investing once again in Japan, and it is important that individual SMEs ascertain trends in the transaction environment and their own position in it, and take action so as to take advantage of these trends.  - 経済産業省


If we then compare the inclusion of revitalization in these plans and their formulation with the state of revitalization, we find that although a slightly higher proportion of local governments with plans incorporating town center revitalization are “revitalizing,” overall almost 90% of local governments that have positioned or formulated plans are not revitalizing, suggesting, as noted in the aforementioned evaluation report, that simply positioning and formulating plans is unlikely in itself to have an impact on revitalization. - 経済産業省


Regarding action to revitalize city centers, the above evaluation report suggests that “it appears that city center improvement programs and commercial revitalization programs are not being pursued in an integrated fashion,” and this may be an outcome of insufficient cooperation between the relevant departments within local governments. - 経済産業省


As in the case of Toyama City described in Case 3-4-7, positive leadership by the head of the local government can ensure that each department and the municipality’s head are all moving in the same direction, showing how important leadership by heads of local governments is to effectively forming a consensus within local governments. - 経済産業省

年次報告書が発表された直後に開催された第7 回WTO 定期閣僚会議では、WTO による各国の貿易措置の監視活動は、出席閣僚から概ね高い評価を得て、議長総括において「WTO の機能強化について活発な議論が行われ、監視及び分析は保護主義防遏のために重要との指摘が多くなされた」として、その重要性が確認された。例文帳に追加

In the 7th WTO regular ministerial meeting held right after the release of the yearly report, the monitoring activity in trade measures in each country by WTO got an generally high evaluation from the attending ministers, and its importance was confirmed in the chairman's summary statement, sayingactive arguments were carried out about a functional enhancement of WTO, and there are many indications that monitoring and analysis are important for protectionism prevention”. - 経済産業省

最近の経緯として、2007 年11 月末に、交渉会合での議論を経てルール議長テキスト(2007 年議長テキスト)が公表されたが、AD 措置の自動失効(サンセット)規定など方向性を評価できる条文案もあったものの、大多数の国が禁止を主張してきた「ゼロイング」が容認されるなど、全体としてバランスを逸したものであった。例文帳に追加

At the end of November 2007, the Chairman of the Negotiating Group on Rules issued a draft text (“the 2007 draft rules”). However, although the draft contained some commendable provisions on sunset clauses, the draft as a whole did not reflect membersinterests in a balanced manner, as it permitted the controversial practice ofzeroingopposed by the great majority of members. - 経済産業省


Most of creditors who had been skeptical before the restructuring plans were issued seemed to evaluate the fact that the companies presented their direction for now. However, since it is not still certain if the companies can clear the issues mentioned above, rating agencies that need to have strict views on markets and banks that will have severe negotiations are not still convinced with the restructuring plans. - 経済産業省

我が国企業も、こうした中国の物流インフラの改善について一定の評価をしているが(第2-2-54 図)、未整備の地域や、既整備の場所においても鉄道などによる輸送中の振動、道路の交通渋滞など質的課題は多く、また、物流にかかる時間が安定していないなどの問題もあり、今後一層の改善が期待される。例文帳に追加

Japanese companies look favorably on these improvements in China’s distribution infrastructure (Figure 2-2-54). However, there are many quality issues remaining such as undeveloped areas, vibration during travel due to trains in developed locations, and road congestion. In addition, the time required for distribution is unstable. It is hoped that these and other problems are resolved through further improvements. - 経済産業省


In order to enable overseas business bases to exercise their performance to a maximum and achieve good business results, it is important to increase the motivation of local personnel by introducing and raising awareness about the personnel evaluation and promotion systems, appointing local personnel for top local management positions and other senior posts, and delegating authority to local subsidiaries. - 経済産業省


In this project, model areas are selected for the creation of initial demand. It aims to disseminate EVs and PHVs nationwide by establishing a dissemination model through the introduction of an incentive for the development of battery-charging infrastructure and the use of such vehicles in cooperation with localgovernments and local companies so as to create initial demand (introduction of EVs and PHVs), and through intensive implementation of awareness-raising activity and impact evaluation. - 経済産業省


Among the factors most frequently cited as a strength compared with other companies of a similar size in the same industry are those related to the improvement and the exercise of the capabilities of skilled workers, such as: flexibility to meet detailed requirements imposed by the order-placing company, which was cited by slightly over 70%; product quality, cited by about 65%; and short delivery time and the quality of skilled workers, both of which were cited by some 50%. - 経済産業省


During the three months of the internship, students tackle practical tasks, such as learning production technology, collecting test data, developing software programs and integrating work. In some cases, students contributed to practical work, for example by conducting a functional evaluation of carbide alloy and even publishing the results at an academic convention and by developing an image recognition software program. - 経済産業省


また、2009年度の行政刷新会議「事業仕分け」の評価結果を踏まえ、2010 年度より「産学官連携戦略展開事業」を含む4事業を「イノベーションシステム整備事業」に一本化し、2013年度までに段階的に廃止するとともに、委託費を補助金に変更し、地域・大学等の主体的な取組を活性化することとしている。例文帳に追加

In addition, in light of the results of the review of projects by the Government Revitalization Unit in fiscal 2009, four projects, including the project for strategic development of industry-university-government collaboration, were integrated in fiscal 2010 into the "project for developing innovation systems," which is scheduled to be phased out by fiscal 2013. In addition, the project expenses have been reclassified from "commission expense" to "subsidy" so as to invigorate proactive initiatives by local communities and universities. - 経済産業省


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