
「Who could」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(14ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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Who couldの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 963


Subsequently, a system of Bekkaku Kanpeisha was introduced for Kansha which could not be classified as either Kanpeisha or Kokuheisha (e.g. shrines dedicated to people who rendered distinguished services to the state of the time), and Minatogawa-jinja Shrine was classified as the first Bekkaku Kanpeisha in 1872. 例文帳に追加

後に、官幣社にも国幣社にも分類できない官社(当時の国家に功績を挙げた人物を祀る神社など)として別格官幣社の制度が導入され、明治5年に湊川神社が初の別格官幣社に列格した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After first publishing sakukabu in 1657, the bakufu prohibited those who did not hold it from brewing sake and set a ceiling on the amount of rice that could be consumed in brewing sake by each brewer. 例文帳に追加

明暦3年(1657年)、幕府は初めて酒株を発行し、これを持っていない者には酒造りを禁じるとともに、それぞれの酒造人が酒造で消費できる米の量の上限を定めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Most advocates of the Prince Otomo enthronement theory criticized Emperor Tenmu as a criminal and blamed opponents who did not make such criticism by saying that such attitude could lead to acceptance of treason. 例文帳に追加

その後も大友天皇即位説をとる者の多くは、天武天皇を簒奪者として非難し、そのような非難をしないのは反逆の容認につながると論敵を非難した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

People who were once given jojaku shobun could not be appointed any official court rank unless the punishment was canceled/pardoned, so that they had to have their shoden granted again before appointment. 例文帳に追加

また、一度除籍を受けた者は処分が撤回・赦免されない限りは官位の補任を受けられなかったため、その前に再度昇殿が認められる必要があった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The envoy Tokujiro NISHI, who was under siege with SHIBA, stated, "The Qing government lacked its former decisiveness," and the Qing dynasty was also confused about the treatment of the group of envoys, and could not made a harsh decision within the two months of besiegement. 例文帳に追加

柴同様籠城していた西徳二郎公使が「清国政府としてはそれまでの決心がない」というように、清朝側も公使団の扱いに困惑し、非情な決断をしかねたという背景が二ヶ月の籠城戦にはあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This was an incident which could lead to the 'antiestablishment' movement against the Hongan-ji sect, which was what Rennyo feared most, and in fact Yoshihisa ASHIKAGA, Seii Taishogun (literally, "great general who subdued the barbarians") of the Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) is said to have considered subduing Hongan-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

これは蓮如が一番危惧していた本願寺宗門の「反体制」視につながりかねない出来事であり、事実室町幕府征夷大将軍である足利義尚は本願寺を討伐することも検討したとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

OKUMA, who became the vice governor of accounting, forced to circulate Dajokan-satsu with his edict to promise the Dajokan-satsu could be exchanged for the new currencies to be prepared, whereas he prohibited exchanging Dajokan-satsu for specie money. 例文帳に追加

会計官副知事となった大隈は、とりあえず太政官札と準備中の新貨幣との交換を約束するとの布告を出して強制的に太政官札を通用させる一方、正金との引き替えを禁じる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

But in November, Tsuyama Domain in Mimasaka Province, Kitsuki Domain in Bungo Province, and Tatsuno Domain in Harima Province saw the uprisings of peasant and others who could not bear heavy burdens such as military service, any more. 例文帳に追加

だが、11月に入ると、美作国津山藩や豊後国杵築藩、播磨国龍野藩でも軍役などの負担に耐え切れなくなった農民らによる一揆が発生した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The problem whether a bureaucracy who was an illuminator at the same time could continue to be an illuminator despite the governmental regulations against media showed clearly the difference among Dojin of Meirokusha and led to a conflict over the future of bulletin. 例文帳に追加

政府のメディア規制を前にして官僚兼啓蒙者は啓蒙者たり続けられるのかという問題は、明六社同人間の温度差を浮き彫りにし、雑誌の行く末をめぐって対立することになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, Iesada who succeeded Ieyoshi after his death became extremely ill and often almost disabled and could not administer government affairs satisfactorily. 例文帳に追加

しかし、家慶の死後に後を継いだ家定は将軍就任後、更に病状を悪化させて時には廃人に近い状態となり政務が満足に行えなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


One goal of the policy was to rehabilitate criminals (they earned small salaries from their labor, and those who repented of their crimes would be released. Convicts on Sadoga-shima Island, much like those at the work-houses of Tsukudajima Island, were given one type of labor to perform, and so if they showed contrition they would receive a tiny sum as savings and, after many years, would be allowed to return to their hometowns), but drainage work was extremely heavy labor, and drainage laborers were so cruelly exploited that it was said they could not survive for more than three years. 例文帳に追加

犯罪者の更生という目的もあった(作業に応じて小遣銭が支給され、改悛した者は釈放された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, for controlling daimyos there were a list of daimyos containing nami-daimyo (low-class daimyos) appointed to Shodaifu (Jugoinoge [Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade]) and another list of those who could be promoted to Shihon (the fourth-rank) or higher; and they were distinguished by the rooms where they were assigned to wait before being received in audience. 例文帳に追加

その他、大名統制には、並大名が諸大夫(従五位下)である官位が四品以上に昇進する大名家一覧であったり、伺候席によって区別されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In fact, Takayoshi KIDO, who had not demonstrated a strong opinion regarding the severe punishment of Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA, told Toshimichi OKUBO that the new government could not be established without defeating the Aizu Domain. 例文帳に追加

実際、徳川慶喜に対する処分にはそれほど強硬ではなかった木戸孝允も、大久保利通に対して会津藩を討伐しなくては新政府は成り立たないと述べている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although the Imperial Court issued the prohibition against these kinds of acts that violate the nation's right of preemption, it did not have much effect on it since many of the aristocrats who enacted the prohibition could not curb the desire for karamono, and violated the prohibition by themselves. 例文帳に追加

朝廷はこうした振る舞いを国家の先買権を犯すものとして禁令を出したが、禁令を制定する貴族が唐物に対する欲求からこうした違反行為を行った例が多かったために効果は乏しかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kuji could broadly be classified into three categories such as honkuji, kanekuji and nakamagoto, and after receipt of petition, bugyo or daikan (local governor) who were supposed to handle the trial determined which category it corresponded to. 例文帳に追加

公事には大きく分けて本公事(ほんくじ)と金公事(かねくじ)、仲間事の3つに分けることが出来、訴状が受理された後に審理にあたる奉行・代官がそのいずれにあたるかを判断した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With war looming, Tateno asked Benci BENI, an Italian studying architecture at Kyoto University who was a friend of his, to remodel the private house in order to provide a place where people could talk about ideas and art freely. 例文帳に追加

戦争への足跡が聞こえる中、思想や芸術について自由に語り合える場を作ろうと、創業者の立野正一が友人のイタリア人(京大建築科の留学生ベンチ・ベニ)に改築を依頼した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the palace burned in 874 and was rebuilt, Imperial Princess Masako made this palace a temple for nuns who could not officially become priests due to the Court's Buddhism policy. 例文帳に追加

貞観(日本)16年(874年)の火災で一度は焼失するが、再建後に正子内親王はここを当時朝廷の仏教政策で正式な僧侶になることが出来なかった尼のために尼寺とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Most of the noblemen who were involved in the plot to strike down the shogunate were executed, and by all rights Tadanobu could hardly have hoped to escape execution either, but because he was the brother-in-law of the slain Shogun Sanetomo, his crime was reduced from the highest and worst degree and his punishment downgraded to banishment. 例文帳に追加

討幕計画に関与した公家の多くが処刑されており、本来であれば忠信も死罪は免れない状況ではあったが、亡き将軍実朝の義兄にあたることから罪一等を減じて流罪とされたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later, however, Mitsuyuki also appears in "Azuma Kagami,"the historical record of kamakura bakufu, therefore, Mitsutoki Toki, the younger brother of Mitsuyuki could be the person who sided with the Imperial court as Toki hogandai (according to the theory by Kengo Taniguchi, a part-time lecturer of Hosei university). 例文帳に追加

しかしながら光行はこれ以後も幕府の記録の『吾妻鏡』に登場しており、京方の「土岐判官代」は弟の土岐光時と考えられる(谷口研語法政大学兼任講師の説による)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Endo Misaki, 16, a choir member who lives in temporary housing in Soma, Fukushima Prefecture, said, "I was deeply moved that we could sing in such a wonderful place."例文帳に追加

福島県相(そう)馬(ま)市(し)の仮設住宅に住む合唱団員の遠藤美(み)咲(さき)さん(16)は「こんなすばらしい場所で歌えてすごく感動しました。」と語った。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

Kennedy said to Okuyama that she had brought John with her so that he could learn from the spirit and determination of the people in Sendai who are recovering from the Great East Japan Earthquake.例文帳に追加

ケネディ大使は,東日本大震災から立ち直る仙台の人々の精神や決意から息子が学べるように彼を連れて来たのだと奥山市長に話した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

After the race, Kiryu said, "The record was not official because of the wind, but I'm very glad I could go under 10 seconds. It was a great experience for me to win against sprinters who have run under 10 seconds."例文帳に追加

レース後,桐生選手は「風のせいで公式記録にはならなかったが,10秒を切ることができてとてもうれしい。10秒を切ったことのある選手に勝ったことは自分にとって素晴らしい経験になった。」と話した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

I expect that this strategy will be translated into day-to-day operations of the Bank to support those who could not fully benefit from economic growth in the past. 例文帳に追加

この考え方がADBの実際の業務に具体的に反映され、これまで経済成長の恩恵に十分に与れなかった層にも貧困削減の成果が裨益されていくことが期待されます。 - 財務省

The cells obtained from a donor who is a relative of the patient could be used. However, it is the most preferable to use the cells from the patient himself or herself in view of compatibility. 例文帳に追加

細胞は、血縁に当たる提供者に由来するものも用いうるが、患者本人の細胞を使用することが適合性の観点から最も望ましい。 - 特許庁

The thickness of saw blades usually varies according to the length, and a person skilled in the art who read the cited invention 1 could easily predict the problem to be solved itself by exchanging blades with different levels of thickness on saws with changeable blades. 例文帳に追加

鋸刃の厚みは鋸刃の刃長さによって種々異なることは普通であり、替え刃式鋸において厚みの異なる鋸刃を交換して使用する技術的課題自体は、引用発明1に接した当業者であれば容易に予測できる。 - 特許庁

The invention shall be regarded as involving an inventive step where it would not have been obvious, or could not have been readily deduced from the state of the art by a person working in the field concerned who possesses normal skills in the corresponding area of technology.例文帳に追加

発明は,それが自明でなくかつ関係分野で働いており該当技術分野における通常の技術を有する者が技術水準から容易に引き出すことのできるものでない場合は,進歩性を有するものとみなされる。 - 特許庁

By performing special determination regarding each user, who could be a valid end user requesting a particular data flow, it is possible to taking different subscriber profiles into account.例文帳に追加

特定のデータフローを要求する正当なエンドユーザである可能性がある各ユーザに関して特定の判定を行うことにより、異なる加入者プロファイルを考慮に入れることができる。 - 特許庁

To provide a method and a program for providing article information that can efficiently provide other articles for a bidder who could hardly make a successful bid at an auction through a network.例文帳に追加

ネットワークを介したオークションにおいて落札できなかった入札者に対して、他の商品を効率的に提供することができる商品情報提供方法及び商品情報提供プログラムを提供する。 - 特許庁

Thus, by using the bleaching agent, even a person who could sufficiently actually not have felt a bleaching effect with conventional bleaching agents can obtain an excellent bleaching effect.例文帳に追加

したがって、本発明の美白剤を用いることにより、従来の美白剤では美白効果を十分に実感できなかった人であっても、美白効果を得ることができる。 - 特許庁

By enabling the customer of the owner of the right of receiving the article or the like to sell or assign the right of receiving the article or the like to an unrelated customer, whereby the probability of acquiring the article is provided to a customer who could not acquire it.例文帳に追加

物品等を受取る権利を所有する顧客が無関係の顧客に物品等を受取る権利を売却又は譲渡を可能とすることで入手が出来なかった顧客に対しても入手する可能性を提供する。 - 特許庁

This toilet is extremely valuable to a person who suffers chronic anal diseases, and extremely useful for detecting bleeding from the anus, which is a symptom of a colon canser that could be found fatally late.例文帳に追加

この様にして、それらの病気を持病として持つ人には福音であり、又、手遅れになることもある大腸癌の肛門よりの出血等を検知出来る。 - 特許庁

A limit is placed on the service to the floor when an available space becomes the space of users leaving out of the users who could not get in plus one or more (S18) and, when the available space runs short, the priority service is performed on the re-registered floor (S19).例文帳に追加

途中階へのサービスは有効スペースが積み残し客+1名以上で制限をかけ(S18)、有効スペースが無くなれば再登録した階へ優先サービスする(S19)。 - 特許庁

To provide a preparation for a helicobacter pylori-eradicating agent effective for patients who could not be eradicated by a conventional therapy of using 3 administering agents as combined, and a method of eradication.例文帳に追加

従来の三投与剤併用療法によるピロリ菌の除菌ができなかった患者に対し、有効であるヘリコバクター・ピロリ除菌投与剤および除菌方法を提供する。 - 特許庁

To select a visual design of each push button which could be the face of a portable telephone in response to preference and requirements of a person who has acquired it (user) after completing and shipping the portable telephone.例文帳に追加

携帯電話機の顔ともいえる個々の押し釦の視覚的デザインを、携帯電話機の完成・出荷後に取得者(使用者)の好みや必要に応じて選択できるようにすること。 - 特許庁

This enterprise was established so that the 16people, including investors from Kurokabe, Inc., who support Nagahama City's "museum-city concept" to make the entire cityscape into a museum city, could harmoniously achieve store accumulation.例文帳に追加

長浜市が掲げたまちなみ全体を博物館都市にしていく「博物館都市構想」に賛同する(株)黒壁の出資者を含む16人が、調和のとれた店舗集積を実現するために設立した。 - 経済産業省

Additionally, it is also important when nurturing key persons to expand the horizons for and nurture regular employees-for whom long-term employment is assumed-with a view to securing candidates who could become key persons.例文帳に追加

また、キーパーソン人材の育成に際しては、その候補者を確保していくという視点から、長期的な雇用が前提とされる正規雇用者の裾野を広げ育成していくことも重要である。 - 経済産業省

Young people are those who will support the future of Japan. If these precious young human resources remain underutilized for long, it could threaten to undermine the foundation for growth of the Japanese economy.例文帳に追加

若者は我が国の将来を支える人たちであり、このまま貴重な若者の人的資源が有効活用されない状況が続けば、我が国経済の成長基盤が崩壊しかねない。 - 経済産業省

On the other hand, among Japanese companies that do not operate overseas, there are some companies who stated they could not hire enough labor from the Japanese labor market: specifically, 8.8% of the responding companies for the middle managers and 14.4% for the specialist workers (see Table 2-3-17).例文帳に追加

一方、海外に進出拠点を持たない企業であっても、今後日本人の人材だけでは業務をまかないきれないとする企業が、中間管理層において8.8%、専門人材において14.4%(第2-3-17表)存在しており、 - 経済産業省

If a purchase agreement is considered to have been concluded at the closing of the internet auction, the issue is whether the seller, who erroneously indicated a lower opening price than he had initially intended, could claim the invalidity of his/her declaration of intent on the basis of his/her miscomprehension. 例文帳に追加

このようにインターネット・オークション終了時点で売買契約が成立していると考えられる場合に、開始価格を誤って低く表示した売主は、錯誤無効を主張できるか。 - 経済産業省

With the goal of early resumption of product sales, the employees who could not hide their surprise did their best while savoring the joy of work, and achieved their first step in resuming sales at a local department store on April 11, 2011. 例文帳に追加

早期の販売再開目標に、当初は驚きを隠せなかった従業員達も、働く喜びを噛み締めながら力を尽くし、2011年4月11日には、地元百貨店で販売再開の第一歩を踏み出した。 - 経済産業省

Factors that hinder activities of female skilled workers could be theneed to consider the burdens of housework and childcare” and “fewer female workers who wish success at workat large companies, together withfewer duties suitable for the female skilled workersat SMEs. 例文帳に追加

女性技能者の活躍を妨げる要因は、大企業では「家事や育児の負担を考慮する必要がある」、「活躍を望む女性が少ない」が多く、中小企業では「女性技能者に向いている仕事が少ない」が多い。 - 経済産業省

About 60 % of men do not even have friends of the opposite sex, and about 50 % of women the same. There are only a certain number of young people that have a relationship with others who could be a potential marriage partner例文帳に追加

異性の友人もいない割合は男性で約6割、女性で約5割に上っており、結婚相手の候補となりうる交際相手がいる若者は限定的。 - 厚生労働省

If stabilized employment could not be realized as soon as possible, it would be feared that the independence of these young people would be more difficult in the future, and there would be the possibility that the people who are expected to support the social security would be on the supported side例文帳に追加

こうした若者が、できる限り早期に安定雇用が実現できないと、将来の自立が一層困難になる懸念があり、本来社会保障の支え手となることが期待される者が支えられる側に回るおそれがある。 - 厚生労働省

All Prefectural Governments were requested that they accept people in need of care in the affected areas at social welfare facilities in their prefectures (March 15, 2011). Information on the number of people who could be accepted by the prefectures was obtained and communicated to the affected prefectures. (from March 18, 2011 to present)例文帳に追加

被災地の要援護者の社会福祉施設等への受入れを各都道府県に依頼(平成23年3月15日)、受入可能人数等を把握して被災県に連絡(平成23年3月18日~) - 厚生労働省

Provide intensive employment support mainly for youth who could not find regular jobs during the employment ice age (older freeters & unstable workers in their late 30s).例文帳に追加

就職氷河期に正社員になれなかった若者(年長フリーター、30代後半の不安定就労者)を重点に就職支援を集中的に実施。 - 厚生労働省

But Romeo replying that he himself had often chidden him for doting on Rosaline, who could not love him again, whereas Juliet both loved and was beloved by him, 例文帳に追加

これに対してロミオは、あなたはよく、私を愛してくれないロザラインに夢中になりすぎると言って私を叱りましたね、でも、ジュリエットとはともに愛しあっているのです、と言い返した。 - Charles and Mary Lamb『ロミオとジュリエット』

But when the contrary to this flattering vision appeared, and that it was his lady who was dead in truth, whom he could not revive by any kisses, 例文帳に追加

ところが、ロミオを喜ばせた夢は逆夢となってしまい、恋人が本当に死んでしまって、どんな接吻をもってしてもよみがえらせることはできないのだと告げられたのだ。 - Charles and Mary Lamb『ロミオとジュリエット』

His mother, Thetis, arose from the sea to comfort him, but he said that he desired to die if he could not slay Hector, who had slain his friend. 例文帳に追加

アキレウスの母テティスが彼を慰めるため海から現れたが、アキレウスは、自分の友達を殺したヘクトールを殺すことができないのなら死んでいまいたいと言った。 - Andrew Lang『トロイア物語:都市の略奪者ユリシーズ』

The healthy, strong-made man, who could have borne almost any fatigue of active exertion, was wasting beneath the close confinement and unhealthy atmosphere of a crowded prison. 例文帳に追加

健康で屈強だったその男はたいがいの肉体的な疲れには耐えることができたものの、人いきれした監獄の狭苦しく不健康な環境に屈しようとしていた。 - Charles Dickens『奇妙な依頼人』


Here they dropped the poor Woodman, who fell a great distance to the rocks, where he lay so battered and dented that he could neither move nor groan. 例文帳に追加

そしてかわいそうな木こりをそこに落とすと、遙か上から岩に落ちた木こりはボコボコになってへこんでしまい、動くどころかうめくこともできなくなりました。 - L. Frank Baum『オズの魔法使い』


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原題:”Tales of Troy: Ulysses, the sacker of cities by Andrew Lang”

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