
「to ki」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(13ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索









to kiの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 621


However, it seems to have been presented by 957, because a chronicle shows that the poetry bureau was established at Shoyosha (Nashitsubo, Ladies' Quarters) in the court in November 951 and that the five officers in Nashitsubo, MINAMOTO Shitago, ONAKATOMI no Yoshinobu, KIYOHARA no Motosuke, SAKANOUE no Mochiki, and KI no Tokibumi, carried out works deciphering the text of the "Manyoshu" (Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves) and compiling a new imperial collection of waka, and that, as the head of the poetry bureau, FUJIWARA no Koretada directed the compilation. 例文帳に追加

だが、天暦5年(951年)10月、宮中の昭陽舎(梨壺)に撰和歌所が置かれ、その寄人に任命された源順・大中臣能宣・清原元輔・坂上望城・紀時文(以上、梨壺の五人)が中心となって『万葉集』の訓詁と新たな勅撰集の編纂に当たり、藤原伊尹が別当となってそれを統括した旨、史書に見えるので、遅くとも天暦末年には奏覧されたと見られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

('Silla History' and 'Dakkai Nishikin-ki' [Chronicle of Dakkai Nishikin] in a Korean history book "Samguk Sagi"[History of the Three Kingdoms] indicates a certain relation with this theory, writing that Dakkai Nishikin is the forth King of Silla and the first generation of the Seki clan of the King's bloodline, who was from Tabana-koku Country situated in a distance of one thousand-ri [about 4,000 km] to the northeast of Wakoku [Japan]). 例文帳に追加

(朝鮮の歴史書『三国史記』新羅本紀・脱解尼師今紀では、「脱解本多婆那國所生也其國在倭國東北一千里」とあり新羅の4代目の王にして昔氏王統の初代である脱解尼師今は倭国の東北千里にある本多婆那國の出であるとされており、関連性が見られる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This string of actions taken by Masakado is described as frivolous in the "Masakado Ki," which states, "Thus, the New Emperor demonstrated that he was not a man of the world, but more like a big fish in a small pond," and in fact, considering the fate Masakado was later to meet, it can be said that the fact that he spent an undue amount of time and military power searching for Sadamori at a critical juncture when he should have been solidifying his own base, proved a fatal error. 例文帳に追加

『将門記』では「然ルニ新皇ハ、井ノ底ノ浅キ励ミヲ案ジテ、堺ノ外ノ広キ謀ヲ存ゼズ。」と、この将門の一連の行動を”浅はか”であると評しており、事実その足場を固めねばならない大事な時期に貞盛らの捜索のために無駄に時間と兵力を使ったことは、後々の運命を見ると致命的となったと言える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshiie, who had led the Mutsu soldiers into battle, reported in the Kokuge, 'stop the politics and organize the soldiers,' and refrained from paying Mutsu Province's tax to the Court, which repeatedly pressed him for several years ("Chuyu-ki," dated December 15, 1096 and February 25, 1097). 例文帳に追加

何よりも陸奥国の兵(つわもの)を動員しての戦闘であり、義家自身が国解の中で「政事をとどめてひとえにつわもの(兵)をととの」、と述べているように、その間の陸奥国に定められた官物の貢納は滞ったと思われ、その後何年もの間催促されていることが、当時の記録に残る(『中右記』1096年(永長1)12月15日条、1097年(永長2)2月25日条)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A vassal of the Kuroda family, Minehira TACHIBANA (Hokin TANJI) adapted the information of "Kuroda-han Bugencho" for a Musashi's biography "Heiho Taiso Bushu Genshin-ko Denrai" (Biography of Marvelous Patriarch of Art of Warfare, Esquire Musashi Harunobu) which is also known as "Tanji Hokin Hikki" and "Bushu Denrai-ki;" according to the book, at the Battle of Sekigahara, Musashi served Josui KURODA and fought in Ishigakibaru of Bungo Province (present Beppu City, Oita Prefecture, Kyushu region) against the squad led by Yoshimune OTOMO of the Western army; the book also describes Musashi's anecdotes at the departure and at the attack of Tomiku-jo Castle. 例文帳に追加

この説に従う黒田家臣・立花峯均による武蔵伝記『兵法大祖武州玄信公伝来』(『丹治峯均筆記』・『武州伝来記』とも呼ばれる)では、黒田如水の軍に属して九州豊後国の石垣原(今の別府市)で西軍大友義統軍との合戦に出陣し、出陣前の逸話や冨来城攻めでの奮戦振りの物語が語られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Cherry blossoms first appeared in KI no Tomonori's poem, 'When I saw Mt. Yoshino covered with cherry blossoms, I thought it must have snowed' (Spring Poems Part 1), in Kokin Wakashu (A Collection of Ancient and Modern Japanese Poetry), but around that time, snow poems remained more common, such as 'At dawn, when the sky began to lighten a little, I saw sparkling white snow that carpeted the country of Yoshino and I thought the moon might be lingering' (Winter Poems) by SAKANOUE no Korenori, which is selected for One Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets. 例文帳に追加

古今和歌集において、紀友則の「み吉野の山べにさける桜花雪かとのみぞあやまたれける」(春歌上)と詠まれているのが桜についての初見ではあるが、この頃はまだ、百人一首にも選出されている、坂上是則の「あさぼらけ有明の月とみるまでに吉野の里にふれる白雪」(冬歌)に代表される雪の歌が優勢であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Other grounds that support the views that the mastermind of the plot was the Imperial Court are that, after the Battle of Yamazaki, Nobutaka ODA tenaciously searched for Sakihisa KONOE by issuing an order to track down and dispose of him, that Kanemi YOSHIDA was interrogated for information, and that the original contents of "Kanemikyo-ki" (diary of Kanemi), which is the first class historical material for that time, were missing for approximately one month around Honnoji Incident and the section for 1582 was rewritten. 例文帳に追加

また、山崎の戦いの後、織田信孝が近衛前久に対し追討令を出して執拗に行方を捜したこと、吉田兼見が事情の聴取を受けていること、更に当時の一級史料である『兼見卿記』(兼見の日記)の原本内容が本能寺の変の前後1か月について欠けており、天正10年の項目は新たに書き直していた、という点も、朝廷黒幕説を支える根拠とされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shosai-Ki' (essays of SUGAWARA no Michizane) in "Kanke bunso" (an anthology of Chinese-style poetry by SUGAWARA no Michizane) described: There was a study of about nine square meters in the southwest corner of the private residence of the Sugawara clan (the residence was called Kobai-Den (red plum blossom residence) in later ages. The residence was likened to Kita kandaijin-jinja Shrine in the present Shimogyo Ward of Kyoto City); The study had produced many monjosho (student of literary studies in the Japanese Imperial University) and Monjo tokugosho (Distinguished Scholars of Letters); and The name of the residence was Sanin-tei. 例文帳に追加

『菅家文章』の「書斎記」によれば、菅原氏の私邸(後世にて「紅梅殿」と称された。現在の京都市下京区の北菅大臣神社に比定される)の西南に一丈四方の書斎があり、そこから多くの文章生・文章得業生を輩出したこと、その名称が山陰亭であったことを伝えている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the document in 1572, Shingen confirmed that Nobutoyo would exclusively use Shu-iro (Empire red) for his troop's all equipment, and in the document in 1574, Katsuyori TAKEDA permitted that Nobutoyo's Hitoteshu (a troop consisted of high ranking warriors) would wear a black outfit (this matches with the description on the Battle of Nagashino in "Gunkan" and "Shinchoko-ki (Biography of Nobunaga ODA)"), therefore, it is considered that Takeda Army gave a standard of military outfit including color to each Hitoteshu. 例文帳に追加

元亀3年文書では信玄が信豊に対し装備を朱色で統一することを独占的に認められており、天正2年文書では武田勝頼により信豊の一手衆が黒出立を使用することを許可されており(これは『軍鑑』や『信長公記』長篠合戦時における記述と符号している)、武田軍では一手衆ごとに色彩を含めて兵装の規格化が整えられていたと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


"Sonpibunmyaku", a classic genealogy, was reedited according to "Shoka keizusan" (the genealogies of the various families), existing family trees, literature, local reports and records, such as "Kansei Choshu Shokafu" (genealogies of vassals in Edo Bakufu), "Hankanpu" (Genealogy of the Protectors of the Shogunate), "Record of family trees", "Jigekaden" (a record of family trees of Jige, lower rank court officials, written by Kagefumi MIKAMI), were studied and referenced, and pedigree charts were compiled by family and clan, such as Miyake (house of an imperial prince), Fujiwara clan, Sugawara clan, Ki clan, Taira clan, and various Minamoto clans. 例文帳に追加

系図の古典たる『尊卑分脈』を『諸家系図纂』に結びつけて再編纂しただけでなく、『寛政重修諸家譜』『藩翰譜』『諸家伝』『地下家伝』など先行の系図集や文献・地誌・記録類を広く渉猟し参考にして、宮家、藤原氏・菅原氏・紀氏・平氏・諸源氏などの諸氏・諸家ごとに集大成している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The pulse position modulation device 1 has: an input part 2 to which information is inputted; a random code generator 3 for generating random codes E; a random encoding signal acquisition part 4; a multi-value running key acquisition part 5 for obtaining a multi-value running key R by using key information Ki; a multi-value signal acquisition part 6 for obtaining a multi-value signal S; and a pulse position modulator 7.例文帳に追加

本発明のパルスポジション変調装置1は,情報が入力される入力部2と,ランダム符号Eを発生するためのランダム符号発生器3と,ランダム符号化信号取得部4と,鍵情報Kiを用いて多値ランニング鍵Rを得るための多値ランニング鍵取得部5と,多値信号Sを得るための多値信号取得部6と,パルス位置変調器7とを有する。 - 特許庁

Hanreki was originally a calendar to be distributed to government offices, nobles and monks made it a practice to ask rekihakase or rekisei to make or transcribe guchureki in order to write their own diary (on this point, it is known that FUJIWARA no Sanesuke ordered calendars to an onmyoji (practionner in the Onmyoryo) by paying for paper and paid one hiki of silk when the calendar was completed (according to the article of "Chuyuki" (diary written by FUJIWARA no Munetada) dated on October 2nd, 1014) and the line of regents and advisers made it rule that rekihakase presented guchureki to them (according to "Gonijo Moromichi ki" (The Diary of FUJIWARA no Moromichi), "Denryaku" (The Diary of FUJIWARA no Tadazane) and ''Gyokuyo" (The Diary of Kanezane KUJO)). 例文帳に追加

また、元々頒暦が官庁に備え付ける暦であり、貴族や僧侶は自らの日記を執筆するために用いる具注暦をそれぞれが暦博士や暦生に依頼して制作もしくや書写の便宜を受けるのが慣例となっていた(藤原実資は予め(陰陽寮職員である)陰陽師に料紙を支給して暦を注文を行い、完成後に代金として絹1疋を支払っていたことが知られ(『中右記』長和3年10月2日条)、摂関家に至っては暦博士側から具注暦を献上してくることが慣例化していた(『後二条師通記』・『殿暦』・『玉葉』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because the original diary has been lost, we can learn what was written in it from an abridgement of entries from 947 to 949 and from 957 to 960 ("Kyureki sho"), classified records of grand banquets, the Sweet-Flag Festivals and Josen Tanzaku (special strips of paper announcing official promotions) from 932 to 960 ("Kujo-dono ki"), records of the ordinances of his father Tadahira from 936 to 946 ("Kyurekiki" (The Ordinances of Teishinko)), a fragmentary text of this diary describing things in 941 ("Kyureki dankan"), and fragments seen in "Saikyuki" and "Shoyuki" (from 930) to 960). 例文帳に追加

本書は、原形のままでは伝わっておらず、天暦元年(947年)・2年・3年、天徳(日本)元年(957年)・2年・3年・4年(960年)の記事の抄録本(『九暦抄』)、承平(日本)2年(932年)-天徳4年迄の大饗・五月節・成選短冊の部類記(『九条殿記』)、承平6年(936年)-天慶9年(946年)迄の父忠平の教命の筆録(『九暦記』〈貞信公教命〉)、天慶4年(941年)の本記の断簡(『九暦断簡』)、『西宮記』『小右記』等からみられる逸文(延長(日本)8年〈930年〉-天徳4年)によって内容を知ることができる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the legend written in "Tomomitsu Ko Ki" (biography of Tomomitsu Ko [Ko means His Serene Highness]), he was born, during Yoritomo's exile in Izu Province, to Yoritomo and the daughter of Samukawa no Ama who had been performing his mother's roll; after birth he was sent to the Hatta family, Samukawa no Ama's parents home, to be taken care of, then raised as the third son (some say the fourth son) of Masamitsu OYAMA and Samukawa no Ama; but there can be found utterly no mentioning to this story in the first rated history books of that timesuch as the "Azuma Kagami" (The Mirror of the East) which was the official record of bakufutherefore it is widely believed that this story is nothing but a mere supposition. 例文帳に追加

『朝光公記』によれば、伊豆配流中の頼朝の世話をしていた寒河尼の娘との間に生まれ、寒河尼の実家・八田氏へ預けられた後、小山政光と寒河尼の三男(四男説もある)として育てられたというのが、その伝説の筋であるが、幕府の公式記録『吾妻鏡』をはじめとする当時の一級資料には、一切、このことには触れられていないことから、推測の域を出ないというのが大方の見方である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, it seems that a draft did exist and was owned to some extent in various manuscript forms, and it is known that around 1010, during the reign of Emperor Ichijo, the emperor and FUJIWARA no Michinaga appear to have considered the resumption of compiling the Shinkokushi, although this was never realized due to the emperor's death (entries in "Gonki" (FUJIWARA no Yukinari's diary) on eighth month eighth day in the same year, and in the "Mido Kanpaku ki" on fourth month twenty-ninth day in the same year),and that, according to a catalogue made by FUJIWARA no Michinori, there existed versions both in 40 and 50 parts. 例文帳に追加

ただし、草稿は存在してある程度写本などの形で所有されていたらしく、一条天皇の時代の寛弘7年(1010年)頃に天皇や藤原道長が新国史の編纂再開を検討したものの天皇崩御によって実現しなかったとされること(『権記』同年8月8日条・『御堂関白記』同8月29日条など)、藤原通憲作成の図書目録などによると40巻本と50巻本があることが分かる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Fusatsune ICHIJO argued against Tsunenori, stating that just because an ancestor of the Kujo Family was the firstborn child it did not mean the Kujo Family was the legitimate blood of Kujo-ryu, and that because Michiie KUJO gave the family estate to Sanetsune ICHIJO, the Tokado-bunko (Gonnjo-moromichi-ki) (Gonijo-moromichi record), Gyokuyo (Kanezane KUJO's diary) and Gyokuzui (Michiie KUJO's diary)) and the document endorsing the political authority of Kujo-ryu Sekkan-ke, a regent family, were inherited by the ICHIJO Family; whereas Tsunenori KUJO asserted that measures to give inheritance to Sanetsune were taken just because Tadaie KUJO was in infancy, and that if Norizane KUJO had lived longer it would not have happened. 例文帳に追加

これに対して一条房経は、九条家の家祖が長子だからといって、その流派の嫡流であるとは限らない、一条実経が九条道家から家督を譲られたからこそ、九条流摂関家の政治的権威を裏付ける文書類である桃華堂文庫(後二条帥通記、玉葉、玉蘂)が一条家に伝わっているのだと反論し、これに対して九条経教は、実経への継承は九条忠家が幼少であったがゆえの措置であり、九条教実が長命であればこのような事は起こりえなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because Jien asserted that Emperor Gosanjo at that time was intent upon initiating insei ("Gukansho"), Chikafusa KITABATAKE ("Jinno-Shoto-ki"), Hakuseki ARAI ("Tokushiyoron"), Katsumi KUROITA, Hiroyuki MIURA, etc., also supported such an assumption; however, there were different views, such as that of Hidematsu WADA, who asserted that the initiation of insei was not intended due to three reasons--disasters/accidents, Gosanjo's illness and Imperial Prince Sanehito's assumption of the position as the Crown Prince--which reasons were limited only to illness by Kiyoshi HIRAIZUMI. 例文帳に追加

このとき、後三条天皇は院政を開始する意図を持っていたとする見解が慈円により主張されて(『愚管抄』)以来、北畠親房(『神皇正統記』)、新井白石(『読史余論』)、黒板勝美、三浦周行などにより主張されていたが、和田英松が、災害異変、後三条の病気、実仁親王(平安時代)の立東宮の3点が譲位の理由であり院政開始は企図されていなかったと主張し、平泉澄が病気のみに限定するなど異論が出された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His writings included six volumes of "Treasury of Tathagata," three volumes of "Small Writings about Meditation," three volumes of "Commentary on the Legend of Ryuge Tree under which Bodhisattva Attains Nirvana," three volumes of "Commentary on Japanese Nichiren Sect," three volumes of "Writings about Japanese Hermits," two volumes of "Poetries exchanged between Nissei and Chen Yuan-Ping, " Hoju sho," "Twenty-four Dutiful Children among Buddhists," "Writings about Dutiful Children among Buddhists," "Traditions of Generations of Teachings from Teachers to Disciples about Attaining Nirvana," "The Record of Shichimen, Mt. Minobu," "Travelogue of Mt. Minobu," "Onsen Yuso," "Sickly Life at Shoshin," "Important Teachings at Sozan," "Sozan Poetry," "Important Collections on Food and Medicine," "Annotations about Hojo ki by St. Iku," "Incantation in Unison by Priest and Believers," "Souvenir from Kyoto," "Teachings of Kakoku," "Teachings by Kosa," "得意 Incantation of the Name of the Lotus Sutra," and "Small Writings about Poetries sung as Teachings of the Nichiren Sect." 例文帳に追加

著作としては、『如来秘蔵集』6巻・『小止観鈔』3巻・『龍華傳鈔』3巻・『本朝法華傳』3巻・『扶桑隠逸傳』3巻・『元々唱和集』2巻・『衣裏宝珠鈔』・『釈氏二十四孝』・『釈門孝傳』・『龍華歴代師承傳』・『身延山七面記』・『身延山紀行』・『溫泉遊草』・『称心病課』・『草山要路』・『草山和歌集』・『食医要編』・『以空上人方丈記首書』・『聖凡唱和』・『都土産』・『霞谷法語』・『江左垂示』・『唱題得意』・『題目和歌鈔』がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The story of the duel was developed by added Ganryu's origin and detailed descriptions of the fight in "Honcho Bugei Shoden" (1716), "Heiho Taiso Bushu Genshin-ko Denrai" (1727), "Buko-den" (finished in 1755) and so on; and at last, Kagehide TOYOTA based on his father's book "Buko-den" to write "Niten-ki" and added many unreliable description including about Ganryu's origin, Ganryu's original name Kojiro SASAKI, Musashi's letter, the date of the duel April 13, 1612, the permission from lords, and the details of the duel. 例文帳に追加

『本朝武芸小伝』(1716年)、『兵法大祖武州玄信公伝来』(1727年)、『武公伝』(1755年に完成)等によって成長していった岩流の出自や試合の内容は、『武公伝』を再編集した『二天記』(1776年)によって、岩流の詳しい出自や氏名を佐々木小次郎としたこと、武蔵の手紙、慶長17年4月13日に試合が行われたこと、御前試合としての詳細な試合内容など、多くの史的価値が疑わしい内容によって詳述された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A Musashi's biography "Niten-ki," written by Kagehide TOYOTA, an instructor of Niten Ichi-ryu Heiho in the Matsui family, describes many fights including a fight with Nichiei OKUZOIN, a master of Hozoin-ryu School of So-jutsu (art of spear) from Nara of Yamato Province, a fight with Shishido, a master of kusarigama (chained scythes) from Iga Province, fights with Hayato OSETO and Samanosuke TSUJIKAZE, masters of Yagyu Shinkage-ryu School from Edo; however, the information on those fights is not found in "Buko-den" on which Kagehide based, and there is no material to support the tales as well, therefore, presumably, those fights are not historical facts. 例文帳に追加

松井家の二天一流師範である豊田景英が著した武蔵の伝記『二天記』には、大和国・奈良の宝蔵院流槍術の使い手奥蔵院日栄、伊賀国の鎖鎌の使い手宍戸某、江戸の柳生新陰流の大瀬戸隼人と辻風左馬助等との試合を記しているが、『二天記』の原史料である『武公伝』に記載が無く、また、他にそれを裏付ける史料が無いことから史的事実ではないと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


None of these were particularly suitable as a Baron under the bylaw, however, the following were raised to the peerage: Shinto priests of local areas, especially from the old families (the Arakita family of Ise Jingu Shrine, Kawabe family, Matsumoto family of Ise Jingu Shrine, Aso family of Aso-jinja Shrine, Itouzu family and Miyanari family of Usa-jingu Shrine, Ono family of Hinomisaki-jinja Shrine, Kaneko family of Mononobe-jinja Shrine (in Ota city), the Ki family of Hinokuma-jingu Shrine and Kunikakasu-jingu Shrine, Kitajima family and Sen family of Izumo-taisha Shrine, Senshu family of Atsuta-jingu Shrine, the Tsumori family of Sumiyoshitaisha Shrine, Takachiho family of Tendai Shugen zasu (head priest of the temple) of Hikosan; Family names in bold letters indicate that they were kuninomiyatsuko (the heads of local governments), and Buddhist priests' families which inherited positions (the Kibe family, the chief abbot of the Kibe school of Jodo Shinshu - the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism, the Shibuya family, the chief abbot of the Shibuya school of Jodo Shinshu, and the Hanazono family, the chief abbot of the Kosho-ji Temple of Jodo Shinshu). 例文帳に追加

特に内規としてあてはまるものはなかったが、各地の神職のうち特に古い家柄のもの(伊勢神宮荒木田家・河辺家、伊勢神宮松木家、阿蘇神社阿蘇家、宇佐神宮到津家・宮成家、日御碕神社小野家、物部神社(大田市)金子家、日前神宮・國懸神宮紀家、出雲大社北島家・千家家、熱田神宮千秋家、住吉大社津守家、英彦山天台修験座主高千穂家。太字は国造家)、及び僧職のうち血縁によって職を世襲している家(浄土真宗木辺派管長木辺家、同渋谷派管長渋谷家、同高田派管長常盤井家、同興正寺派管長華園家)は華族に列せられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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