
「to ki」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(12ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索









to kiの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 621


In this connection, "Okagami" (The Great Mirror) and "Teio Hennen ki" (the Chronicle of emperors) recorded one setsuwa (anecdote) that FUJIWARA no Yoshifusa, son of Fuyutsugu, was always talking with Munakata gods and arranged to promote their shini (deity) because they always apologized for being lower in rank than Yoshifusa. 例文帳に追加

ちなみに、『大鏡』や『帝王編年記』には、冬嗣の子である藤原良房は常に宗像神と会話をしていたが、良房より位が低いことを恐縮する宗像神の為に、神位を上げるように取りはからった、との説話を伝えている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since the different name of the fifty-fourth Emperor, Emperor Ninmyo was Fukakusa tei, his posthumous name has the character go, when the name is read in Onyomi (Kanji character read in the Chinese way), it is called 'Gofukausa' which means someone undutiful to his parents, therefore it is said that only this Emperor's name is called 'Nochi no - Fukausa' in ('Go' read by Kun yomi) (Kazunaga Kyo Ki ("The Diary of Kazunaga Higashibojo"). 例文帳に追加

第54代仁明天皇の別称が深草帝だったため、後の字が付くが、普通の天皇の加後号のように音読みすると「後深草(ごふかうさ)=御不孝者」に通じるのを憚り、この天皇に限って、「後」の字を訓読みして「のちの―ふかうさ」院と称したという(『和長卿記』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Besides, it is well known that he viciously criticized the Kenmu Restoration in "Jinno Shoto ki" (A Chronicle of Gods and Sovereigns) by Emperor Godaigo; Sadafusa was against the overthrow of the bakufu, and secretly informed the Kamakura bakufu of the Emperor's plan to rise in arms at the time of Genko Disturbance. 例文帳に追加

また、親房が『神皇正統記』で後醍醐天皇の建武の新政を痛烈に批判している事や、定房が武力討幕に反対して元弘の変における天皇の挙兵計画を鎌倉幕府に密告している事は良く知られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the kugyo (aristocracy), who were concerned with family status that was already in place, were opposed to the aggressive promotion made by Emperor Shirakawa, and Udaijin Nakamikado, FUJIWARA no Minetada wrote in his diary, "Chuyu-ki" (dated October 23, 1099), 'Minamoto Asomi is the Emperor's best and bravest bushi. 例文帳に追加

しかし、その白河法皇の強引な引き上げに、当時既に形成されつつあった家格に拘る公卿は反発し、中御門右大臣・藤原宗忠はその日記『中右記』承徳2年10月23日条の裏書きに「義家朝臣は天下第一武勇の士なり。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It took ten years to finalize the unpaid tax issue and although there is no written record of its settlement, Yoshiie's passing of the zuryo-kokka-sadame is mentioned in the January 23, 1098 entry of FUJIWARA no Minetada' diary "Chuyu-ki," 'things went the Emperor's way,' indicating it was the Emperor's will. 例文帳に追加

その官物未進の決着に10年がかかるが、それがやっと完済できたのかどうかは記録が無いが、その合格は内大臣藤原宗忠の日記である中右記・承徳2年正月23日条には「件事依有院御気色也」、つまり白河法皇の意向であったことが記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Having great affection for First Imperial Prince Koretaka (whose mother was a daughter of KI no Natora), and due to his concerns that Imperial Prince Korehito was too young, Emperor Montoku thought of enthroning Imperial Prince Koretaka first and then having Korehito take over when he was older but the Emperor passed away in 858 while he was procrastinating out of consideration for Yoshifusa. 例文帳に追加

文徳天皇は第一皇子惟喬親王(母は紀名虎の娘)を愛し、惟仁親王が幼すぎることを案じて、まず惟喬親王を立て、惟仁親王の成長の後に譲らせることを考えたが、良房を憚って決しないうちに天安(日本)2年(858年)に崩御してしまった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, she appeared in an entry on October 29, 1013 in "Mido Kanpaku-ki" (the Record of FUJIWARA no Michinaga) recorded about the event where daughters of Michinaga were given the Jo ranks (official court ranks) as Teishi (提子) and Teishi (媞) (she was given the Jo rank of Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank)) in "Shoyuki"that Kanshi () is believed to be what she named herself afterwards. 例文帳に追加

なお、長和2年9月16日(1013年10月23日)に道長の娘たちが叙位された件について『御堂関白記』には、提子、『小右記』には媞子という名称で登場(従三位に叙任された)しており、寛子は後の改名であったと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tadahira's second son, Morosuke, was born on January 16, 909, and his fourth son, Morouji, was born around February 20, 913, and Moroyasu is believed to have been born on August 19, 910 since there is record of a birth of a child in Tadahira's diary ("Teishinko-ki") on that day. 例文帳に追加

忠平の二男師輔が延喜8年(908年)12月17日生まれで、四男師氏が延喜13年(913年)正月7日頃の生まれであり、忠平の日記(『貞信公記』)延喜10年(910年)7月7日条に忠平家で出産があったことが記されていることから、師保の生年月日は延喜10年7月7日と推測される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After serving Shirakawain as Kurodo and Emperor Horikawa as Rokui-Kurodo (kurodo with the Sixth Rank), he was appointed as kebiishi and Saemon no jo, and then was awarded the rank of jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) in November 1096, and in January 1098, he was appointed as Samurai-dokoro betto (the superior of the Board of Retainers (shikiji (another term for a royal secretary, kurodo, especially one who is concurrently posted as a controller)) for the family of FUJIWARA no Moromichi (according to "Gonijo Moromichi-ki" (The Diary of Fujiwara no Moromichi)). 例文帳に追加

白河院蔵人、堀河天皇の六位蔵人を務めた後、検非違使、左衛門尉を経て永長元年(1096年)11月に従五位下に叙され、翌12月には藤原師通家の侍所別当(職事)に任じられる(『後二条師通記』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In Shinchoko-ki (the biography of Nobunaga ODA), evaluated as a first class historical source, there is a description that they put the three heads of Yoshikage, Nagamasa and Hisamasa covered with hakudami (gold dust on a lacquered surface) on a platform made of plain wood as decorations and sang and played to enjoy the New Year feast in 1574. 例文帳に追加

一級史料と評される信長公記には天正2年(1574年)の正月の宴席において箔濃(はくだみ、漆塗りに金粉を施すこと)にした義景、久政・長政父子の三ツ首を御肴として白木の台に据え置き、皆で謡い遊び酒宴を楽しんだとある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Nishi Hoki warriors, including Narimori, who had first supported the Taira clan but changed their policy to support the Minamoto clan while the Ogamo clan supported the Taira clan; that reflected the nation-wide confrontation and fueled the long-lasting conflicts between the Ki (Murao) and Ogamo clans. 例文帳に追加

伯耆国でも当初平氏側であった成盛ら西伯耆の武士が源氏方につくことにより平氏の小鴨、源氏の紀(村尾)という中央の対立を反映した構図が出来上がり、以前から続いていた抗争に拍車をかけることになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Kenzo tenno ki (Records of Emperor Kenzo)" of Chapter 15 of "Nihon Shoki," a god of the moon who claimed Takamimusubi as his (or her) ancestor possessed a man and said, 'Worship my god of the moon, then you will have pleasures,' and the people, having heard the words, erected a shrine in Kadono no kori in Yamashiro Province and had Oshiminosukune (the ancestor of Agatanonushi of Iki) serve it. 例文帳に追加

書紀巻十五の顕宗天皇紀には、タカミムスビをわが祖と称する月の神が人に憑いて、「我が月神に奉れ、さすれば喜びがあろう」と宣ったので、その言葉通り山背国の葛野郡に社を建て、壱岐県主の祖・押見宿彌(オシミノスクネ)に祭らせたという記録がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Nihonshoki, Takamimusubi is a god who merely appears in the Arufumi (supplement volumes of explanatory notes in Nihonshoki) Vol. 4 which covers the beginning of heaven and earth, and in Chapter 15 "Kenzo-ki" (Records of Kenzo period), wherein its name appears in an episode of Abe no omi no kotoshiro (a representative of Abe clan in present-day Ueno, Iga City, Mie Prefecture) making a stopover at the islands of Iki and Tsushima when he was dispatched to Mimana (countries in the southern Korean Peninsula). 例文帳に追加

タカミムスビは、日本書紀では、天地初発条一書第四に「又曰く~」という形式で登場しているに過ぎない神であり、その他では巻十五の顕宗紀において阿閇臣事代が任那に派遣され壱岐及び対馬に立ち寄った際に名前が登場する程度ではある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, in "Dainihon Ichinomiya Ki (List of prominent shrines in Japan)" written by Kanetomo YOSHIDA during the Muromachi period, Kukurihimenokami was referred to as the enshrined deity of the Kamisha of Shirayamahime-jinja Shrine and in the books written in the Edo period, it is clearly stated that Shirayamahimenokami and Kukurihimenokami are the same deity. 例文帳に追加

しかしながら、室町時代吉田兼倶によって書かれた『大日本一宮記』内には菊理媛が白山比咩神社の上社祭神として書かれており、江戸時代の書物において白山比咩神と菊理媛が同一神と明記されるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ise Shinto itself was based on the Shinponbutsujaku theory (Buddhist devas and types of Buddhas are other forms of Shinto deities), which criticized Honji-suijaku setsu (theory of original reality and manifested traces), but the theory of Shinto Gobusho, the fundamental book, is said to have been influenced by "Yamatokatsuragihozan-ki," the book of Shinto Thoughts established in the position of Buddhism, especially Shugendo (Japanese mountain asceticism/shamanism incorporating Shinto and Buddhist concepts). 例文帳に追加

また、伊勢神道自体は本地垂迹説に対する批判としての神本仏迹説に基づいていたが、その根本経典である本書の論理には、仏教特に修験道の立場からなされた神道説の書『大和葛城宝山記』などの影響が指摘されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, books such as "Heike Monogatari" (Tale of the Heike), "Genpei Seisui-ki" (Rise and Fall of the Minamoto and the Taira clans), "Kokin Wakashu Jomonsho Sanryu-sho," and "Shintoshu" (Buddhist Rendition of Shinto Myths) introduce the belief that "Hiruko can be identified with Ebisu (Japanese deity of prosperity) "from a wider perspective: "Hiruko was washed up on Settsu Province and became 'Ebisu-Saburo dono'."and "Nishimiya (shrine) was given to Hiruko by Amaterasu Omikami (the Sun Goddess)." 例文帳に追加

また、『平家物語』、『源平盛衰記』、『古今和歌集序聞書三流抄』、『神道集』などでは、摂津国に流れ寄り「夷三郎殿」となった、天照大神により西宮を与えられたなど、ヒルコ=えびす説が広がりを持って語られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Its descriptions of TAIRA no Shigemori's entry to the priesthood, the repair of Owada no tomari (Owada port) by TAIRA no Kiyomori, the uprising of Prince Mochihito, the Battle of Fujigawa and so on differ from those in other war chronicles such as Heike Monogatari (The Tale of the Heike) and Genpei Seisui ki (The Rise and Fall of the Minamoto and the Taira clans), and it displays differences in historical evidence. 例文帳に追加

平重盛の出家、平清盛による大輪田泊の改修、以仁王の挙兵、富士川の戦いなどにおいて、平家物語や源平盛衰記などの軍記物語とは異なる記述があり、史実の相違を示している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1004, the Emperor Kazan (also referred to as Emperor Hanayama) visited there for cherry blossom viewing ("Mido kanpaku ki" - the diary of FUJIWARA no Michinaga); in 1032, the Emperor Goichijo visited there for flower viewing ("Nihongi ryaku" - Abbreviated History of Japan); and in 1060, the Emperor Goreizei visited a partly for cherry blossom viewing and partly for inquiring after his grandmother Jotomon in's health ("Nihongi ryaku".) 例文帳に追加

寛弘元年(1004年)に花山天皇が花見のため(『御堂関白記』)に、長元5年(1032年)に後一条天皇が翫花のため(『日本紀略』)に、康平3年(1060年)に後冷泉天皇が祖母上東門院の見舞いを兼ねて観桜のため(『日本紀略』)に行幸が行なわれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shushigaku is a comprehensive system of philosophy covering political science, ontology (the theories of ri and ki), exegetics ("The Four Books", etc), ethics (theory of 'Sei soku ri'), methodology (theory of 'Kyokei Kyuri'), amongst others, and Zhu Xi was great enough to develop an extremely consistent logic in that system. 例文帳に追加

朱子学は政治学、存在論(理・気説)、注釈学(『四書集注』等)、倫理学(「性即理」説)、方法論(「居敬窮理」説)などを全て包括する総合的な哲学大系であって、朱子の偉大さはその体系内にはあっては極めて整合性の取れた論理を展開した点にある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the early Heian period, the Tomo clan, like the Ki clan, was considered to be the clan that carried the ancient practices of warriors, but as the samurai gained power, the Tomo clan's political influence faded, and after TOMO no Tadakuni became the first Shinto priest of Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu Shrine, the bloodline was inherited, as the job was passed on through generations. 例文帳に追加

平安時代前期には、紀氏と並んで武人の故実を伝える家とされたが、武士の台頭とともに伴氏は歴史の表舞台から姿を消していく事となり、その後は伴忠国が鶴岡八幡宮初代神主となって以降、その社職を継承しながら血筋を伝えていく事となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, if the absolute value of the difference is continuously smaller than the criterion S/L longer than specified time (S5), the proportional gain KP and the integrated gain KI are determined referring to the map for convergence, in which a relatively lower pain is memorized (S6).例文帳に追加

一方、前記偏差の絶対値が判定値S/Lよりも小さい状態が所定時間以上継続すると(S5)、比較的低いゲインが記憶された収束時用マップを参照して、比例ゲインKP及び積分ゲインKIを決定する(S6)。 - 特許庁

The path calculation part 26 of a route calculator 12 read the link length of a calculation object from a map information memory 20, selects and average velocity at running the link according to the continuation of the link length, number of lane and short link length and determines a vehicle speed coefficient Ki.例文帳に追加

経路計算装置12の経路計算部26は、計算対象のリンク長さを地図情報記憶部20から読み出し、リンク長さ、車線数及び短リンク長の連続性に応じて、そのリンクを走行するときの平均速度を選択し、車速係数Kiを決定する。 - 特許庁

A proportional control part 6 and an integral control part 7 respectively output a proportional current signal Ip and an integral current signal Ii to a control signal generating part 9 based on the determined proportional gain Kp and the integral gain Ki, and a deviation current signal ΔI.例文帳に追加

この決定された比例ゲインKp及び積分ゲインKiと偏差電流信号ΔIとに基づき、比例制御部6及び積分制御部7はそれぞれ比例電流信号Ip及び積分電流信号Iiを制御信号発生部9に出力する。 - 特許庁

The light transmission plate 30 of the surface light source device to illuminate a liquid crystal panel is provided with a number of micro-reflectors 20, which are arranged on virtual lines Ki almost perpendicularly intersecting a virtual reference line S and making lengthwise intervals narrower, as further receding from a plane of incidence 33, keeping lateral intervals, on a rear surface 32.例文帳に追加

液晶パネルを照明する面光源装置の導光板30は、背面32に多数のマイクロレフレクタ20を持ち、それらは仮想基準線Sに対してほぼ直交し、入射面33から遠ざかるに従って縦間隔が狭まる仮想線Ki 上に横間隔をとって配置される。 - 特許庁

In the authentication request apparatus 30a, a cryptogram receiving part 33 receives the cryptogram C, a cryptogram decryption part 34 decrypts the cryptogram C on the basis of a broadcast type cryptogram decryption key Ki stored in a decryption key storage part 31 and a transmission part 35 transmits the decrypted result to the authentication verification apparatus 10a.例文帳に追加

認証要求装置では、暗号文受信部33が暗号文Cを受信し、暗号文復号部34が、復号鍵記憶部31内の放送型暗号復号鍵Kiに基づいて暗号文Cを復号し、送信部35が復号結果を認証検証装置10aに送信する。 - 特許庁

To provide a malt steeping method for producing beer which is characterized in that Calcofluor modification values indicating KI values with the proteolysis of malt after malt steeping as indices are set within prescribed ranges, respectively, while maintaining a water content (malt steeping degree) of the malt after malt steeping within a prescribed range.例文帳に追加

浸麦後の麦芽の水分含量(浸麦度)を所定範囲に維持しながら、浸麦後の麦芽の蛋白質分解を指標するKI値と細胞壁分解を指標するCalcofluor modification値をそれぞれ所定範囲にすることを特徴とするビール製造における新規浸麦方法の提供。 - 特許庁

When carry-out of the program is indicated, the MAC address of the communication board 415 is read, and repeatedly coded, and a discrimination whether a result of the n-th time coding coincides with the discrimination key Ki or not is done to discriminate whether carry-out of the program is recognized or not.例文帳に追加

プログラムの実行が指定されると、通信ボード415のMACアドレスを読み込み、これを繰り返して暗号化し、何回目の暗号化の結果が判別キーKiに一致するかを判別し、そのプログラムの実行が認められているか否かを判別する。 - 特許庁

As a result, women in the Imperial Palace who ranked lower than the Empress were allowed to wear western clothes on June 23, 1886, and the Emperor agreed to the contract of 'Kimu Rokujo' on September 7, by promising not to attend the Cabinet meeting unless asked to join in by the Cabinet (Meiji Tenno ki), the Emperor had to give up the possibility to rule the government directly. 例文帳に追加

その結果、明治19年(1886年)6月23日に宮中で皇后以下の婦人が洋装することを許可し、9月7日には天皇と内閣の間で「機務六条」という契約を交わされて天皇は内閣の要請がない限り閣議に出席しないことなどを約束(「明治天皇紀」)して天皇自らが親政の可能性を放棄したのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the "Chousyu-ki" (an article of June 7, 1135) written during the Hoei period, when the retired Emperor Yozei had tried to enter the palace, Emperor Uda forbade the retired Emperor Yozei from entering the palace without his permission; however, later on Emperor Uda tried to enter the palace when the Shotai-no-Hen/Shotai Incident happened, and he tried to ask Emperor Daigo to stop SUGAWARA no Michizane's degradation, but could not do so because of the regulation that he himself had made. 例文帳に追加

保延年間に書かれた『長秋記』(保延元年6月7日条)によれば、陽成上皇が宇多天皇の内裏に勝手に押し入ろうとしたために、上皇といえども天皇の許しなく内裏に入る事が禁じられたが、後に昌泰の変が起きた時に醍醐天皇に菅原道真の左遷を止めさせようとして内裏に入ろうとした宇多上皇がこの決まりを盾に阻まれたと記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Originally 'genkan' was a Chinese term used in Taoism (in the Neidan, or spiritual alchemy method of Chinese alchemy, the genkan is the place where the ki [vital force that operates the body] first enters the body in order to circulate), and also a term used in Zen Buddhism (it is thought that when Daruma [Bodhidharma] brought Zen to Japan he directed that the word dhyana, meaning meditation, should be translated as "gen", which later became "zen"), and from these concepts 'genpinnokan' (gate leading to the road of genmyo [something black and not recognizable as to what it is but potentially spiritually deep]). 例文帳に追加

本来、中国の道教(錬丹術の内丹の法では体内にある気を巡らすための最初に気を通す場所のことである)、禅(達磨による禅の伝来の際、達磨の指示でディヤーナを玄(後に禪(禅)と訳す)と訳したともされる)などの用語で「玄関」とは「玄妙の道に入る關門」(「玄牝の関」)ことである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Fuke sect originated from Fuke of China (Tung), in Japan it started when monk of Rinzai Sect of Buddhism, Kakushin SHINCHI went to China and received favor from San CHO, Buddhist law of the Fuke sect of , he took four Kyoshi (Buddhist layman) San CHO disciples such as 'Hofuku,' and then returned to Japan in 1254 and established Fukean of Kokoku-ji Temple which belonged to Yura KI, and let them live in the temple. 例文帳に追加

普化宗は中国(唐)の普化を祖とし、日本には臨済宗の僧・心地覚心が中国に渡り、普化の法系の張参に竹管吹簫の奥義を受け、張参の弟子「宝伏」ら4人の居士を伴い、1254年(建長6年)に帰国し紀伊由良の興国寺に普化庵を設けて住まわせたことに始まる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nichiren cited this "Mappo Tomyo Ki" and persuaded that Goharamitsu of Mappo is useless, describing in "Shishin gohon sho" (On the Four Stages of Faith and the Five Stages of Practice) that 'For the question what the beginner of practices should pay attention, the answer is that it is important to stop Goharamitsu and continue to chant Nam Myoho Renge-kyo Sutra (Devotion to the Law of Hoke-kyo (the Lotus Sutra)) as well as the title, by which Ichinenshingesyozuiki can be felt.' 例文帳に追加

日蓮はこの『末法燈明記』を引用し、『四信五品抄』で「問うて曰く末代初心の行者何物をか制止するや、答えて曰く檀戒等の五度(五波羅蜜)を制止して一向に南無妙法蓮華経と称せしむるを一念信解初随喜(いちねんしんげしょずいき)の気分(けぶん)と為すなり」と述べて、末法の五度は無用であることを説得した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore, it seems to be reasonable to see that Yoshiie was influential to some extent on the samurai in Kamakura and neighboring local places such as KAMAKURA Gongoro Kagemasa and MIURA no Heitaro Tametsugu and a part of armed group (which did not appear clearly in "Oshu Gosannen Ki") in the Shimotsuke Province where he had been in charge of Zuryo. 例文帳に追加

そこから、鎌倉、及びそれに隣接する土地の武士である、鎌倉権五郎景政、三浦の平太郎為次などに、また同様に、かつて受領を務めた下野国の武士団の一部(『奥州後三年記』には明確には登場しないが)、などに対しては、それほど強力ではないにしても、ある程度の影響力を持っていたと見ることは妥当かと思う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The popular Kamon, Gosan no kiri and circled Gosan no kiri, was 'the Kamon used when a common person with no Kamon required one (e.g., wearing hakama (a divided skirt) with Kamon)),' an example of this is Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, who was regarded to have peasant roots in Taiko-ki and according to tradition, and this spread generally by reverse reasoning to that of the higher class. 例文帳に追加

家紋としてよく見られる五三桐やそれにまるで囲ったものは、太閤記や伝承などで農民出身とされている豊臣秀吉が用いたことから「家紋のないほどの一般庶民がなんらかの事情で家紋を必要とする場合(紋付袴の着用等)に用いる家紋」としても使用され、上流階級とは逆の理由で庶民の間で一般的に流布した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On December 25, he promoted to Daijodaijin and established his government (TOYOTOMI administration); "Kugyo honin" describes that it was on December 19 (lunar date) but "Kanemi-kyo ki" describes that the assignment was held before coronation ceremony of Emperor Goyouzei on the same day so that the writer of 'Kugyo honin' seemed to hesitate to show the truth (Masanobu HASHIMOTO "A research of modern aristocratic society"). 例文帳に追加

、12月25日、太政大臣に就任し『公卿補任』には12月19日_(旧暦)と記載されているが、『兼見卿記』に後陽成天皇即位式当日に式に先立って任命が行われたとされており、『公卿補任』はその事実を憚ったとされている(橋本政宣『近世公家社会の研究』)、政権を確立した(豊臣政権)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When FUJIWARA no Koretada (the first son of Morosuke and the maternal uncle of the Emperor Enyu), who became the sessho succeeding his father Saneyori, suddenly died in 972, he was named as candidate for kanpaku (In "Chikanobu-kyo ki," it is recorded that the Emperor Enyu intended not to appoint any sessho or kanpaku and appoint Yoritada to the nairan (a position similar to the sessho and kanpaku) and notified Yoritada in private). 例文帳に追加

父実頼の後を受けて摂政になっていた藤原伊尹(師輔の長男で円融天皇の外伯父)が天禄3年(972年)に急死した際には関白候補の1人に挙げられた(『親信卿記』には、当初円融天皇は摂関を置かずに頼忠を内覧とする考えがあり、頼忠に内示していたとを記している)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The "Taiheiki" and "Baishoron" describe Yoshisada, who was then residing at Nitta-no-sho on the pretext of being ill, as having made up his mind to raise an army after he captured chozeishi (person in charge of tax collection) Chikatsura KANAZAWA (Kanazawa line) (bakufu hikitsuke bugyo (the chief of shogunate office of high court), a member of tokuso family of the Hojo clan, another view is the Ki clan), and Hikoshiro KURONUMA (miuchibito) who came to Nitta-no-sho in order to collect military expenses, and imprisoning Chikatsura and killing Hikoshiro. 例文帳に追加

『太平記』と『梅松論』では、病気と称して新田荘に逼塞していた義貞が、軍費の取立てのため新田荘の検分に来た幕府の徴税使・金沢親連(金沢流)(幕府引付奉行、北条氏得宗の一族、紀氏とする説もある)と黒沼彦四郎(御内人)を捕えて、親連を幽閉し、彦四郎を斬ったことで、挙兵を決意したと記してある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, it is believed that the 'Gourei' (words of command) of those times have lived on to the present day in schools and the self-defense forces; however, 'ki o tsuke' (stand at attention!) (it was written to mean "wear or put on attention"), 'yasume' (at ease!), 'mae e susume' (get up!), 'tatetsutsu' (order arms!), 'ninaetsutsu' (shoulder arms!) and so on were made in 1858 by a man named , and to consider that Shuhan made them is incorrect. 例文帳に追加

尚、そのときの「号令」が今日、学校や自衛隊にも受け継がれていると思われているが、「気をつけ」(当時は「気を着け」と表記された)、「休め」、「前へ進め」、「立て銃(たてつつ)」、「担え銃(になえつつ)」等は安政五年に元岡舎圭人なる人物が作った言葉であり高島秋帆が作ったというのは間違いである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is recorded in Shinchoko-ki that Toshiie who had run away because of Kogai-giri (Japanese hairpin murder), when he took part in the Battle of Okehazama without Nobunaga's permission in order to get a chance to return to the Oda family, gained one severed head in the morning battle and two in the final battle, and when he then took part in the Battle of Moribe, made a great achievement of killing a stouthearted samurai who had another name "Kubitori Adachi". 例文帳に追加

笄斬りで出奔した利家が織田家復帰を賭けて信長に無断で参戦した桶狭間の戦いでも朝の合戦で首級一つ、本戦でも首級二つを挙げ、またその後の森部の戦いでは「頸取り足立」なる異名を持つ豪の者を討ち取る功を立てた、と信長公記に記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even if "Gosannene" (the picture scroll depicting the Gosannen War - the Later Three Years' War) of Cloistered Emperor Goshirakawa, which was the Joan version of "Oshu-gosannen-ki" (A Chronicle of Later Three Year's War in Oshu), was written around same period of year 1171, it was close to ten years after 'Hogen Disturbance' and 'Heiji Disturbance' written in "Shigisan engi emaki" to "Gukansho" by Jien as 'revolutions in Japan that led to the world of musa (samurai).' 例文帳に追加

仮に後白河法皇の奥州後三年記後白河法皇の承安版『後三年絵』と同時期の1171年(承安(日本)1)前後としても、『信貴山縁起絵巻』から、『愚菅抄』において慈円が「日本国の乱逆と云ふことはをこりて後、むさ(武者)の世になりける也」と書いた「保元の乱」、「平治の乱」を挿んで、更にその10年近く後ということになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the late Medieval period, with the mandokoro (Administrative Office) and Ie no tsukasa (house steward) system that constituted mandokoro being broken up by the court, those of the court nobles at the level of vassals were to be reassigned to retainers, mainly including shodaibu and Aozamurai; however, the court nobles at the lower and middle levels who could not have vassals at shodaibu rank had only Aozamurai constituting their vassals and managing their households, whereas Aozamurai and vassals were treated as synonyms in some cases (according to "Noritoki Kyo ki" [The Diary of Noritoki YAMASHINA]). 例文帳に追加

ただし、公家社会において政所及びこれを構成する家司の制度が解体された中世後期に入ると、公家の家臣層も諸大夫と青侍を中心とする家僕に再編成されることになるが、諸大夫を持てない中下層公家では青侍のみで家僕が構成されて公家家政を運営するようになり、青侍と家僕が同義語として扱われる場合もあった(『教言卿記』など)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The records of court nobles including "Kugyo bunin" (directory of court nobles), "kokushi bunin" (directory of Kokushi [provincial governor]),"Kurodo bunin" (directory of chamberlain), "Benkan bunin" (directory of benkan [controller of the Oversight Department]), and "Ryakumyo dodai," the records of samurai families including "Shogun shikken (regent) sidai," "Kanto hyojoshu (a member of the Council of State) den," "Ryuei bunin (appointment)," and the records of temples including "Todaiji-bettoshidai (History of Todai-ji Temple betto),""Kofukuji Betto Shidai,""Tendai-zasu-ki" (Archives of Tendai-zasu), and "To-ji Choja Bunin" (records of the To-ji choja [the chief abbot of To-ji temple]) are well known. 例文帳に追加

公家では『公卿補任』・『国司補任』・『蔵人補任』・『弁官補任』・『歴名土代』など、武家では『将軍執権次第』・『関東評定衆伝』・『柳営補任』、寺院では『東大寺別当次第』・『興福寺別当次第』・『天台座主記』・『東寺長者補任』などが知られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is devised to confirm and discriminate a location (i) of the storage S corresponding to the aforementioned keys Ki by output from the key detector detector 8i and to record a relative operator, time and date of operation and information concerning names of the measured articles and a measured value when the measured articles at the relative location (i) are designated and measured.例文帳に追加

前記キー検出器8iからの出力により前記鍵Kiに対応する保管庫Sのロケーションiを確認ないし判別できるようにすると共に、該ロケーションiの被計量物を指定して計量すると、当該取扱者、取り扱った日時、ならびに、被計量物の品名および計量値に関する情報を記録できるようにする。 - 特許庁

On the other hand, according to "Taima-dera Temple Engi" (The History of Taima-dera Temple) in "Jogu-taishi Shui-ki" (a collection of the stories about Prince Shotoku) (1237), the Taima-dera Temple was founded by the Prince Maroko as the Manhozo-in Temple which honzon was Kuze Kannon in 612 and it was originally located in the place named Misoji () in the south of present Taima-dera Temple and moved to the present place in 692. 例文帳に追加

一方、『上宮太子拾遺記』(嘉禎3年・1237年)所引の『当麻寺縁起』によれば、當麻寺は推古天皇20年(612年)、麻呂古王が救世観音を本尊とする万宝蔵院として創建したもので、当初は今の當麻寺の南方の味曽路という場所にあり、692年に現在地に移築されたとする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ten years after the Later Three Years' War, in 1098, he passed the Zuryo-kokka-sadame with the support of Emperor Shirakawa ("Chuyu-ki," dated January 23) and promoted to Shoshiinoge (Senior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade) in a Kojimoku (extraordinary inauguration ceremony done outside of the biannual jimoku) in April, and was granted permission to visit the imperial residence in October. 例文帳に追加

後三年の役から10年後の1098年(承徳2)に「今日左府候官奏給云々、是前陸奥守義家朝臣依済舊國公事、除目以前被忩(そう)行也(件事依有院御気色也)、左大史廣親候奏」(『中右記』正月23日条)と白河天皇の意向もあり、やっと受領功過定を通って、4月の小除目で正四位下に昇進し、10月には院昇殿を許された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Honcho Bugei Shoden" (Short Stories of Japanese Masters of Martial Arts), written in 1716, lists many anecdotes of swordsmen including a tale about the duel on Ganryu-jima Island; the tale in question was told by Morikazu Juroemon NAKAMURA, a vassal of Tadahide MATSUDAIRA of the Amagasaki clan; according to that, like the description of "Numatake-ki," Musashi went to Funa-shima Island with many followers while Ganryu went by himself. 例文帳に追加

様々な武芸者の逸話を収集した『本朝武芸小伝』(1716年)にも巌流島決闘の伝説が記されており、松平忠栄の家臣中村守和(十郎右衛門)曰くと称して、『沼田家記』の記述と同様、単独渡島の巌流に対し武蔵側が多くの仲間と共に舟島に渡っている様子が語られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The inside of each resident area remains uninvestigated, but these regions are presumed to have been living spaces for various craftworkers from the fact that in the southwest of the village there is a market-like place where earthen vessels carried in from Kawach, Omi, Ki and so on were found, in the south a place where unfinished wooden cups, remains related to bronze ware casting and remains of furnaces were found and in the north a place where raw stones of sanukite and their fragments were found in clusters. 例文帳に追加

各居住区の内部は未調査であるが、村の西南部に河内や近江、紀伊など各地の搬入土器が多く出土する市的な場所、また、南部では木器の未成品や青銅器鋳造関連遺物や炉跡、北部ではサヌカイトの原石や剥片が纏まって出土する所などがあり、各種工人の居住の場所と推定される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When an overshoot value of the measured PIM in regard to a target PIM exceeds a specified value (for example, -20kPa), feedback gain (P, I, D gains kp, ki, kd) calculated by each gain table 3, 3, 5 is multiplied by a correction coefficient (for example, 0.95) smaller than 1 from next calculation, and changed to a small value.例文帳に追加

目標PIMに対する実測PIMのオーバーシュート値が所定値(例えば、−20kPa)を越えた場合は、各ゲインテーブル3、4、5で演算されるフィードバックゲイン(P、I、Dゲインkp、ki、kd)に、次回の演算から1より小さい値の補正係数(例えば、0.95)を乗算して小さい値に変更する。 - 特許庁

However, the messenger from Kamakura who brought the news that Yoriie had died of disease on September 1 arrived at the Imperial court in Kyo in the early morning of September 7, 1203, and the emperor demanded to appoint Sanetomo as Seii Taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians"), which was recorded in Iezane KONOE's diary, "Inokuma Kanpaku-ki," "Meigetsuki" by FUJIWARA no Teika, and "Prince Narisuke's Diary" by Prince Narisuke SHIRAKAWAHAKUOKE. 例文帳に追加

しかし京の朝廷には、9月1日に頼家が病死したという鎌倉からの使者が1203年(建仁3年)9月7日早朝に到着し、実朝を征夷大将軍に任命するよう要請していることが近衛家実の『猪隅関白記』、藤原定家の『明月記』、白川伯王家業資王の『業資王記』などによって知られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The name 'Shui' means to glean excellent poems that had not been selected in the previous imperial collections, and by definition, while many poets from Kokin wakashu including KI no Tsurayuki (107) were selected again, poets from Manyo shu (Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves) such as KAKINOMOTO Hitomaro (104) were re-evaluated, and poems by ONAKATOMI no Yoshinobu (59), KIYOHARA no Motosuke (48) and TAIRA no Kanemori (39) from Gosen wakashu era were added. 例文帳に追加

「拾遺」の名義は前代の勅撰集に漏れた秀歌を拾い集める意で、その名の通り、この集では紀貫之(107首)をはじめとする古今歌人が引き続き多数入集する一方、柿本人麻呂(104首)ら万葉集歌人が再評価され、大中臣能宣(59首)・清原元輔(48首)・平兼盛(39首)ら後撰集時代の歌人の作が新たに補われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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