
「たえよし」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(35ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 1922



The influence of the object substance on the sugar chain synthesis can be detected by analyzing the amount, composition, and other properties of a sugar chain-extended compound extended by administering a sugar chain primer to a cultured cell in the presence of the object substance to be inspected, and culturing the resultant cultured cell. - 特許庁


In the MRI apparatus equipped the pulse sequency of a dynamic MRA, a pulse sequence substantially the same as a main imaging sequence is performed as a pulse sequence for monitoring the arrival of the contrast medium to a target blood vessel excepting no application of a phase encode or a slice encode. - 特許庁


Setting of the line reading time interval is performed by outputting a blanking clock pulse 71 (namely, by providing a blanking term that does not contribute to the line reading operation) continuously to a light reception output clock pulse 71 for giving timing to read an image in the line reading operation. - 特許庁


The clamping member 677 performs shearing and molding for a ferromagnetic material such as an iron plate by pressing, and presses a disk 509 interposed between the clamping member and a table by a magnetic attracting force with a permanent magnet piece 743 installed in the table 508. - 特許庁



A ferromagnetic free layer 722 has bias point magnetization oriented nominally in the flat surface of a film in a first direction of an angle θ_fb with respect to a longitudinal axis defined as an intersection of a deposition flat surface of the free layer and an ABS flat surface. - 特許庁



To provide a color filter substrate used for a transverse electric field system active matrix type liquid crystal display device having satisfactory viewing angle characteristics and free from an afterimage and gradation inversion, wherein crosstalk is hardly generated and an image of high display quality can be realized. - 特許庁


To provide a hard disk drive apparatus to increase convenience for locking and unlocking operations to improve handling operations of the flip and to provide mechanical strength to the flip such that the flip endures an external force exerted thereto to be prevented from being easily broken down. - 特許庁


To obtain an epoxy resin composition for sealing a semiconductor without generating weld mark and a semiconductor device sealed with the resin composition in a full mold type package, having different resin thickness regarding upper and lower sides (front and back sides) of the package, such as a full mold type power transistor (FM-PTRS). - 特許庁


To provide the battery cover of a portable telephone with a multipurpose function to be used for multipurpose so that the practicality is kept by using the attachable/detachable battery cover of the portable telephone, and applying various mechanisms to the battery cover, and exchanging the battery cover. - 特許庁



To provide an epoxy resin composition which can provide an epoxy resin cured product with remarkably low linear expansion coefficient, and is excellent in metal corrosion resistance as an insulating material for electronic part, a cured product thereof, a build-up film, a new epoxy resin to which such performances can be given, and a preparation method of the same. - 特許庁



To provide a film formation method for forming a film thinly while holding film quality by using a liquid raw material where an organic metal compound is dissolved to an organic solvent, to provide a film-forming apparatus for executing the film formation method, and to provide a method for manufacturing a semiconductor device having a ferroelectric film. - 特許庁


An arm member 61 turning with a supporting point 62 as a center is arranged at one end of the roller 6, the roller 6 is connected to the point of application of the member 61 and a load imparting means 63 imparting the specified load to the roller 6 is connected to the point of force. - 特許庁


An illusion giving means 14 for giving a driver such an optical illusion as the stopping device is forward inclined in the direction of a vehicle driving therein is applied to side walls 4 on both right and left sides as seen from the vehicle driving therein of a floor 2 leading to a vehicle storage section. - 特許庁


To prepare a skin lotion that can efficiently develop the effect of L-ascorobic acid and shows excellent skin-whitening and anti-aging actions by converting an ascorbic acid derivative having excellent stability and causing no direct reduction into activated L-ascorbic acid rapidly. - 特許庁


A roller constituted of a friction member rotatable in a paper conveyance direction is provided so as to contact a paper sheet in a paper path within an interval in which a tension is applied to the paper sheet placed to a portion from a paper tension applying means to a tractor. - 特許庁


To provide a conditional order management system for properly and efficiently using a credit limit for a transaction client for complying with various needs of the transaction client when a financial institution receives a conditional order such as a leave order in a financial transaction such as an exchange contract. - 特許庁


Frequency offset imparting means 14-1 to 14-M impart frequency offsets to M symbol series differentiated by the differentiating means 13 so that differences between all the frequency offsets to be imparted are integral multiples f_s/T except integral multiples of f_s. - 特許庁


In the process for purifying the gallium solution, the liquid which was used for electrolysis is cooled and stirred to achieve a high flow rate of the liquid inside a tank to inhibit crystal growth and deposit a crystal containing the impurities for obtaining the desired metal (e.g. gallium) in the residual liquid. - 特許庁


This portable liquid crystal projector 100 is equipped with a liquid crystal panel 5 for clamping the ferroelectric liquid crystal between a pair of substrates; and a capacitor for accumulating the charge when each active element provided on each pixel is ON, and supplying the charge to a pixel electrode in an OFF state. - 特許庁


To provide a deposit removal implement for contact pins for providing appropriate flexibility and durability for an adhesive layer of the deposit removal implement for contact pins, satisfactorily removing deposits from contact pins, and being repetitively used. - 特許庁


The application of the two-dimensional code, the clarification of its provision origin, and the multiple notation of a safety mark showing that the two-dimensional code is not relevant to any harmful information makes it possible to increase safety, and to give a user a feeling of easiness to handle and a sense of security. - 特許庁


The ink jet recorder is arranged to execute flushing operation for ejecting an ink drop in blank by providing a recording head 5 with a drive signal having no relation to printing under a state where the nozzle forming face of the recording head is sealed by a capping means 6. - 特許庁


To provide a mold for molding a patterned panel, and a method for manufacturing the patterned panel using the mold by adding an irregularity to a curing inorganic material wherein inferiority in a transfer property of a decorating mold and a molded body of a required appearance are given though a molding cycle is repeated. - 特許庁


The shaft body 8 is tilted about any position in a longitudinal direction, and the creases on the upper and lower margin sides of the sheet 5 are stretched by carrying out tilting operation while imparting take-up and tensile force to the sheet 5 through rotation of the shaft body 8. - 特許庁


Also, of a p-n junction formed of the p-type base layer 24 and an n-type emitter layer 25 in a contact region equipped with a base electrode is removed so that ineffective currents, without contribution to a bipolar transistor operation can be prevented from running between the emitter and base. - 特許庁


The resistance applying means 17 has a coil spring 19 made of steel wire, and a pressing member 20, and presses the pressing member 20 to a recessed surface part 16 of the turning resistance receiving part 15 by the spring force of the coil spring 19 to give moderation when the electromagnet 14x is energized. - 特許庁


In the formula, the substitution position of R and Br may be any one of 1-10; R is a hydrogen atom or a group not participating in the reaction, and may be bonded together to form a ring; m is an integer of 1-7; and n is an integer of 0-9. - 特許庁


The sensor 23 is installed at the middle of a loop-like movement track K of a permanent magnet 8 mounted on a small toggle. - 特許庁


To provide a raw material rod for growing magnetic single crystals, which can obtain a YIG single crystal without deteriorating its magnetic properties since the controllability of the orientation of the single crystal is kept even when a growing rate is increase to prevent the increase of a magnetic resonance half-value width (ΔH), and to provide the magnetic single crystal. - 特許庁


According to this reducing method, the volume of sludge can be reduced economically while hardly imposing the load on the environment. - 特許庁


It has been clarified that fluctuation of the balance between Th1 and Th2 and infiltration of a neutrophil into a liver induced by MIP-2 via IL-17 involve in the onset of halothane-induced hepatopathy, and that the fluctuation is inhibited by administration of PGE1. - 特許庁


If cut-offs are applied, they should be based on contributi ons to each environmental impact category. The threshold shall be 90% inclusiveness. Any cut-offs must be justified and their potential influence on final results assessed.  - 経済産業省


Beijing has a mutton hot pot dish known as 'shuan yang rou,' and this is said to have developed into modern shabu-shabu after being introduced to Japan following the World War II by Tottori City native Shoya YOSHIDA, leader of the mingei (folk art) movement, who was stationed in Beijing as an army medic during the war and introduced it at his Nijudanya restaurant in Kyoto, changing the main ingredient from mutton to beef, and receiving the input of individuals such as; Sosetsu YANAGI and Kanjiro KAWAI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to temple legend, it was built by Eshin Sozu Genshin's (priest) (942-1017) younger sister Anyoni in the year 985, but in actual fact was built slightly later during the end of the 12th century by Takamatsu Chunagon (vice-councilor of state) FUJIWARA no Sanehira's wife Shinnyobo-ni to pray for the soul of her late husband (this fact is known from the description in the diary, 'Kikki', kept by her nephew, Tsunefusa YOSHIDA).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to "Taiheiki," he deeply opposed the Onsho (reward grants) Emperor Gomurakami granted to Yoshisuke WAKIYA who had returned to Yoshino after being defeated by the army of bakufu in Hokuriku region, referring to the historical event of TAIRA no Kiyomori who promoted TAIRA no Koremori having been defeated and routed in the Battle of Fujigawa, but, when Takasuke SHIJO pointed out the awkwardness of his remarks, he left the room without a word of refutation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After retruning to secular life, Yoshiaki became the 15th Shogun in cooperation with Yoshikage ASAKURA in Echizen Province (present-day Fukui Prefecture) and Nobunaga ODA in Owari Province (present-day Aichi Prefecture), then Koremasa was awarded Akutagawa-yama-jo Castle in Settsu Province and later Takatsuki-jo Castle, he became one of three military governors of Settsu Province with Katsumasa IKEDA and Chikaoki ITAMI (However it seems he was not appointed shugo [military governor] by Nobunaga).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Furthermore, he became a Buke Tenso (or Denso) (Imperial official in charge of communication between the shogunate and the court), getting involved in grant of an imperial secret edict ('micchoku' in Japanese) to the Mito Domain, and retired as Gon Dainagon (Provisional Major Counselor) for his involvement in an incident related to the friction between the two potential successors to the 14th Shogun's post, in which Hisatada KUJO conveyed an imperial edict declaring eligibility for successor to the Shogun as having intelligence and courage ('eiketsu' in Japanese), popularity ('jinbo') and seniority ('nencho'), thereby inferring the name of Yoshinobu HITOTSUBASHI, from which edict, however, Hisatada KUJO arbitrarily deleted a passage showing the eligibility before granting it to the shogunate.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1376, Yoriyuki made his younger brother Yorimoto HOSOKAWA supreme military commander and dispatched him to counter the Southern Court's military maneuvers in the Kii peninsula, but Yorimoto failed to subjugate the area, and the third Shogun Yoshimitsu, who had now reached adulthood, had the leader of the Yamana clan, a member of the anti-Yoriyuki faction, to sent as a replacement; moreover, he granted appointments to others of the anti-Yoriyuki faction, including Yoriyasu TOKI and the rehabilitated Yoshimasa SHIBA, to command military activities in Yamato.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

秀吉は、1月17日、寺沢志摩守を通じて玄雅に、「今度大明人蔚山取還之由注進付 而為後巻雖押出候敵引退之由 既に自此方も安芸中納言 増田右衛門 因幡但馬大和紀伊九鬼父子等可取立旨雖被仰付候右之分候間不及是非候 云々」の朱印状とともに、小袖一服、道服一服を与えた。例文帳に追加

On February 22, Hideyoshi sent Terasawa Shima-no-Kami to award Harumasa a letter bearing his seal, along with a kimoto with short sleeves and a set of formal clothes; the letter told Harumasa that 今度蔚山注進押出引退 既に此方安芸中納言 増田 因幡但馬大和紀伊九鬼父子取立是非 云々  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When involvement in situations in the continent became inevitable as a result of the establishment of diplomatic relationships by opening Japan in the last days of the Edo and the Meiji periods, same as commanders at the time of war were reminded of sankan-seibatsu (the conquest of three countries in old Korea), dispatch of troops by Hideyoshi came to be closed up and many came to consider advancing into the continent was conduct following Hideyoshi's wishes.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This ultraviolet light-curing type inkjet composition ejected by an inkjet method is characterized by including a polymerizable compound and scale-formed powder, wherein the powder includes an Al layer constituted with Al and a ferromagnetic layer having ferromagnetism. - 特許庁


When a local document management device 2a in decentralized environment receives an operation instruction for an electronic document, an access control means 4 judges whether or not an operator participates directly in the electronic document by retrieving communication information records (participant information 7, electronic document information 8, and communication link information 9) and gives permission when the operator participates. - 特許庁


The patterned magnetic recording medium has a substrate, a ferromagnetic recording layer formed on the substrate and formed in projecting patterns and the non-magnetic embedding layer embedded in recessed parts between the projecting patterns of the ferromagnetic recording layer and composed of an SiOC film containing Si, O and C and having ≤0.05at% C content. - 特許庁


To find out a substance having an endothelin-1 mRNA expression inhibiting action, an endothelin-1 production inhibiting action, a melamine production inhibiting action, and a bleaching action to provide the endothelin-1 mRNA expression inhibitor, the endothelin-1 production inhibitor, the melamine production inhibitor, and the bleaching agent. - 特許庁


A display element 1 is comprised of a ferroelectric thin film 3, a lower electrode 2 formed on the rear face of the thin film 3, an upper electrode 5 which is formed on the front face of the thin film 3 in an array and is a movable electrode which reflects light, and a driving means which gives electric charge to the lower electrode 2 and the upper electrode 5. - 特許庁


The method for manufacturing the ferroelectric film comprises the steps of forming a solution including a sol/gel raw material with a particulate gel dispersed by hydrolytic polymerizing/condensing the sol/gel raw material, and forming the ferroelectric film 50 by electrodepositing the particulate gel on an electrode 40 by the migration electrodepositing method with the use of a liquid 30 including the particulate gel. - 特許庁


A power source circuit for supplying the electric signal for rewriting the display of the ferroelectric liquid crystal panel is not incorporated into the main body of the module into which the liquid crystal panel is installed, but the electric signal for display rewriting is transmitted from a signal generating device separated from the main body. - 特許庁


In this method, the correlation between physical quantities (for example, Hc* and 1/x_H*) is obtained from a reference hysteresis minor loop, obtained by giving a load stress σ to the same type of material as that of the ferromagnetic structural material to be measured, according to the results of tensile tests performed on the material in an evaluation information acquiring step. - 特許庁


A BTO ferroelectric thin film 36 is grown epitaxially on an Si substrate 31 through the intermediary of a lower electrode, and an SRO upper electrode 37 is formed on the ferroelectric thin film 36 for the formation of a ferroelectric capacitor, where the lower electrode is formed of a three- layered epitaxial film composed of a (Ti, Al) N film layer 33, an Ir layer 38, and an SOR layer 365. - 特許庁



For Sakihisa, who had a poor relationship with Hideyoshi due to the false accusation that Sakihisa had been involved in the Honno-ji Incident in which Mitsuhide AKECHI was rumored to occupy the Hideyoshi's former residence confiscated and given to Sakihisa by Nobunaga and, based in the residence, to attack Nijo Gosho (Nijo Imperial Palace), it was humiliating to let anybody outside the Fujiwara clan assume the position of Kanpaku; from the viewpoint of the Konoe family, however,  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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