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According to Takeuchi monjo, the present reigning line starting from Emperor Jinmu is called 'Kamuyamato-cho' and it is said that, before that, there were 'joko (ancient times) twenty-five eras' (or, 'koto - imperial line - twenty-five eras') followed by 'seventy-three eras of the Ugaya Fukiaezu Dynasty' (the seventy-third emperor was Emperor Jinmu) and even before these there were 'seven Tenjin eras.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is confirmed that he was in charge of business entertainment for Chosen tsushinshi (Korean emissary) (official business for Chosen [Korean] people) in Ushimado (present Setouchi City) from August 23 to 26 in 1682.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, in the early morning on June 13, Nobunaga led those 3,000 troops at the front-line and attacked the 15,000 strong Hongan-ji Temple army that had besieged the Tennoji Fort.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1770 when the Imperial Prince Hidehito grew up, he ascended the throne as the Emperor Gomomozono, succeeding the Empress Gosakuramachi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



He was selected as Myobo tokugyosho (a distinguished law student who won a scholarship) in 815 and became Myobo hakase (Professor of Law) in 830 and daihanji (a higher-rank judge) later.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Although Goshirakawa requested the return of the emperor and the sacred treasures without removing the Tosho family of the Taira clan including TAIRA no Tokitada from government posts, the negotiation was unsuccessful ("Gyokuyo," entry of September 7).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Seventh generations after Hiroyasu, Hirosumi HAYASHI was famous for his dance and was favored by Emperor Ninko, and in recognition, he was specially awarded the rank of Shoshiinojo (Senior Fourth Rank, Upper Grade).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to "Shoku Nihongi" (Chronicle of Japan Continued), ONO no Azumahito died on December 7, 742, and he was 'a son of Jikikoshi Hatayasu who had served as Kyushiki-daibu (internal inspector) in the Asuka Dynasty.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Accordingly, the variation of the tension of the belt 7 can be inhibited by increasing the tension of the belt and the damping force of the pulley holding part 29 as the auto tensioner in a low-speed rotating zone where the variation in the rotation of the engine is increased. - 特許庁



Enku (960-September 7, 1039) was a monk in the Heian period, who appears in "Shui Ojo-den" written by MIYOSHI no Tameyasu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In the same year, based on a complaint submitted by MINAMOTO no Mamoru, Masakado and TAIRA no Maki received a summons from the Imperial Court, and Masakado went to Heian-kyo (Kyoto), where he was interrogated at the Kebiishicho (Office of Police and Judicial Chief), but he was pardoned of all crimes because of an amnesty granted on May 24, 937, at the occasion of Emperor Suzaku's genpuku (celebrate one's coming of age). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the year 1110, the temple's seventh Chori (head administrator) Kanshin (1084-1153), who was the 8th generation descendant of FUJIWARA no Takafuji and the son of FUJIWARA no Tamefusa, held the positions of To-ji choja (the chief abbot of To-ji Temple) and Todai-ji betto (the head priest of Todai-ji Temple).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(7) 植物品種保護出願が(1)に基づき審査された要件を満たさない場合は,出願人は,問題点の内容に応じて,不備を更正し,意見を提出し又は出願を分割するよう求められる。この間,ハンガリー特許庁は,第76条(2)から(4)までの規定を準用して手続を進める。例文帳に追加

(7) If the application for plant variety protection does not meet the requirements examined under paragraph (1), the applicant shall be invited, according to the nature of the objection, to rectify the irregularities, to submit comments or to divide the application. In the course of this, the Hungarian Patent Office shall proceed by applying the provisions of Article 76(2) to (4) mutatis mutandis. - 特許庁


This valve timing adjusting device 1 includes a first rotating body 3 rotating with synchronizing with a crankshaft of an engine, a second rotating body 7 capable of rotating relatively to the first rotating body 3 by a predetermined angles and fixed on an end surface of an intake or an exhaust cam shaft 5, and a tension spring as the assist spring 9 adjusting relative position of both rotating body 3 and 7. - 特許庁


Nevertheless, Kazushi ISHIZUKA advanced the view that the "Konin Gishiki" did not exist from the beginning, by pointing out that although the table of contents of the Konin Gishiki in the "Honcho shoseki mokuroku" included 'Sumai no gi (the Rite of Sumo Wrestling) on July 25 (old calendar),' Sumai no Sechie (Festival of Wrestling) was fixed on July 25 (old calendar) in the Ninna era (885 - 889), about seventy years after the Konin era (810 - 824), and that the Sumai no gi was fixed on July 7 (old calendar) during the Konin era (since ex-emperor Heizei died on July 7 in the first year of the Tencho era (the fifteenth year of the Konin era, 824) and the date became the death day of emperor, the ceremonial functions at the imperial court which had been fixed, had to be fixed on another day), and by further pointing out that the table of contents includes the ceremonial functions, the dates of which did not match those described in a surviving fragment of the Konin shiki (Palace regulations of the Konin era).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The pavement body 1 has a base course 6 formed by filling sand 62 for the base course into a fibrous synthetic resin layer (artificial lawn 61) and allowing it to be compacted and the surface layer 7 formed on the base course 6. - 特許庁


Saicho and Kukai decided to break away from each other in 816, owing to their ideological difference in terms of deciding which school, Hoke-kyo ichijo Sutra (the Lotus Sutra) of the Tendai sect or Shingon ichijo, was superior.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, he was taken into confidence as a close aide of Emperor Saga, and in 816, he was appointed to Sangi at the age of only 32 and in 821, appointed to Gonchunagon (,provisional vice-councilor of state) and even after Emperor Saga abdicated the throne and Emperor Junna acceded, he was promoted to Chunagon (vice-councilor of state) in 823 and advanced his career, and although he resigned the post temporally to serve closely the Retired Emperor Saga, he was promoted to Dainagon (chief councilor of state) in 828.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


For about three years while Hisamitsu stayed in the Satsuma Domain, central political situations underwent a lot of changes in such ways as the Kinmon Incident (August 27, 1865), First Conquest of Choshu, Shogun's departure to the front, an Imperial consent to the treaty with five countries during the Ansei era (March 7, 1866), Second Conquest of Choshu, the death of Shogun Iemochi (August 28), Acquisition of Shogun by Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA (January 13, 1867), the death of Emperor Komei (February 4, 1867), and the Imperial Prince Sachinomiya Mutsuhito (the Emperor Meiji) ascending to the throne (February 8, 1867).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the entry desk that has a pair of right and left sleeve parts 2 and 3 and top plate parts 7 and 8 provided between the sleeve parts 2 and 3, the entry desk combinedly used for the stretcher includes a structure to reverse the top plate parts 7 and 8 to be used for the stretcher at emergencies such as the earthquake, the fire, and the life rescue, etc. - 特許庁


The valve timing adjusting device 1 comprises: a first rotator 3 synchronously rotating with a crankshaft of an engine; a second rotator 7 which is relatively turnable by a predetermined angle in the first rotator 3, and fixed in an end surface of an exhaust camshaft 5; and a locking mechanism 9 regulating a relative turning between the first rotator 3 and the second rotator 7. - 特許庁


In the case when a room temperature lowers to a prescribed value or below in a prescribed time before or after a time point of operation of an operation extension switch 7, this is judged to have been caused by excessive ventilation, and a fast heating operation is made executable so that the room temperature be recovered as quickly as possible. - 特許庁


The rotation prevention mechanism 7 is embedded in a wall surface in a housing side or a wall surface in a turning scroll side and includes a fixing member 74 having material hardness higher than the wall surface and the rotation prevention pin 72 fitted in a fitting part formed in the fixed member 74. - 特許庁


In DSC, a JPEG file is transferred from the JPEG engine 37 of a camera ASIC part 7 to SDRAM 3 in compressing operation, and an image compression code is transferred from the JPEG file 11 of the SDRAM 3 to the JPEG engine 37 in extending operation. - 特許庁

歯髄細胞を象牙芽細胞に分化するのを抑制する転写調節因子Gli5は、Gli1のプロモーターに結合し、骨形成因子(Bone Morphogenetic Protein;BMP)のmRNA発現を優位に減少させ、Gli1とともにBMP遺伝子の上流で転写調節に関与する、特定の遺伝子塩基配列を有するジンクフィンガー型転写調節因子である。例文帳に追加

This transcriptional control element Gli5 which is a zinc finger type transcriptional control element having a specific base sequence of the gene, suppresses differentiation of the pulp cell to the odontoblast, bonds to a promoter of Gli1, dominantly reduces expression of the mRNA of a Bone Morphogenetic Protein(BMP) 7 and participates to go the with the Gli1 in the upper stream transcriptional control of the BMP gene. - 特許庁


By such an arrangement, the rotational phase of the black photoreceptor drum 7 and the non-black photoreceptor drum 6 can be acquired in accordance with the time interval between the plurality of protrusion members 14A to 14D or the detection time length of the plurality of protrusion members 14A to 14D, accordingly, the rotational phase can be more quickly acquired. - 特許庁


The plant waste fluid may be added to an exhaust gas from a pre-heater 2 in a humidity conditioning device 7 placed between the pre-heater 2 of the cement clinker firing system 1 and an electric dust collector 10 or may be added to a raw material in a raw material-crushing machine 8 or in the just before the machine 8. - 特許庁

(7) 名宛人の宛先を知ることができない場合,又はOSIM が行った第2 回目の試行によっても通告の配達ができない場合は,通告は公示送達によって行うことができる。OSIM 長官は,(2)に記載したものと同一の命令により,公示送達の実行方法,並びにその到来によって書類が通告されたとみなす1 月期限に係る開始時点を決めることができる。例文帳に追加

(7) Where the addressee's address cannot be known or the notification annot be delivered to the addressee after the second attempt made by OSIM, the notification may be effected by public notice. The Director General of OSIM, by the same order as in paragraph (4), may decide the manners of giving public notice as well as the moment from which there runs the one-month time limit from the expiry of which the document is deemed being notified. - 特許庁

4 市町村の長は、第五条第一項、第六条第四項、第六条の二第五項、第七条第四項又は第十一条第四項の規定により外国人に交付する登録証明書に、当該登録証明書の交付に係る申請の時に当該外国人が第一項の規定により登録原票又は署名原紙にした署名を転写するものとする。例文帳に追加

(4) The mayor of the city or the head of the town or village shall transfer and reprint the signature affixed to the registration card or signature card at the time of the application for issuance of the registration certificate in accordance with paragraph (1) to the registration certificate to be delivered pursuant to the provisions of Article 5, paragraph (1), Article 6, paragraph (4), Article 6-2, paragraph (5), Article 7, paragraph (4) or Article 11, paragraph (4).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


This is a staff arrangement system which generates the work schedule of members of the staff according to circumstances of the members so as to determine the members to be arranged at a store 5 and is equipped with a web server 9 which changes the generated work schedule according to weather forecast data supplied from a weather information service provider 11 through the Internet 7. - 特許庁


The blower is composed of the engine 7 installed in a shouldering member, the blower main machine 4 having a gripping part, and a flexible shaft having one end connected to an output shaft of the engine and having the other end connected to a fan rotary shaft of the blower main machine. - 特許庁


The pulp is fed from the inlet over the whole length of the distributing apparatus housing by a means for rotating feed screws 14 and 15 to form an initial web through outlets 7 arranged along a straight-line generator of jacket surfaces 3a/3b of the distributing apparatus. - 特許庁


The ignitor for the internal combustion engine of this invention has: a housing 3 comprising ceramics dividing a cavity 7 communicated with the outside by one or more orifices 310, 310; an center electrode 1 projectingly arranged in the cavity 3; and a ground electrode 2 projectingly arranged in the cavity 7. - 特許庁


As you know, we called for public comments from June 22 to July 12 with the view to finalize our requests for the Fiscal Year 2011 Tax System Revision. The results of this comment collection effort were announced on July 29. For securities taxation, a summary of issues was drawn up by the Financial Tax System Analysis Meeting of the Parliamentary Secretary, or under the FSA, and was announced on July 29, as you know. I understand that the venue of discussion will now be shifted from the Financial Tax System Analysis Meeting chaired by the Parliamentary Secretary to the Financial Tax System Study Group chaired by Senior Vice Minister Otsuka for further deliberations.  - 金融庁

[1] 博覧会で展示された商品又はサービスに関する資料に貼付された新規な商標の仮保護を認める省令が施行されており,当該仮保護についての優先権を商標法第6 条及び第7 条に従い主張しているときには,出願人は,所定の印紙付用紙でその証明書を作成し,その博覧会の執行委員会又は管理委員会,若しくは代表事務所が認証しかつ発行したものを,登録願書に添付しなければならない。例文帳に追加

[1] If the ministerial decree granting temporary protection to new trademarks affixed to goods or materials relating to the provision of services displayed at an exhibition has been issued and priority rights for such temporary protection have been claimed in accordance with Articles 6 and 7 of Royal Decree No.929 of June 21, 1942, the applicant must enclose with the application for registration, a certificate drawn up on the prescribed stamped paper, duly legalized and issued by the executive or managing committee or by the Presidential Office of the exhibition. - 特許庁


A fulcrum shaft 6 is fixed by fastening a bolt 7 screwed into an engine block 8, the tension pulley is rotatably supported by the pulley arm 2 supported to freely rock around the fulcrum shaft 6, and the adjusting force of a hydraulic auto tensioner is applied to the pulley arm 2 to press the tension pulley to a belt B. - 特許庁


The Federal Minister for Justice shall regulate the establishment and the business procedure of the Patent Office as the designs registration authority and shall determine by statutory order, insofar as provision therefor has not been made by law, the requirements for applications for designs, the form and other requirements for the representation of the design, the admissible dimensions of the product used to represent the surface design or the product itself, the content and scope of any description accompanying the representation, the classification of goods, the keeping and form of the Designs Register, the particulars to be entered in the Designs Register and the details of publication, including production by the Patent Office of the representation of the design in the cases covered by Section 7(4) to (6), the expenses to be charged to cover the cost of publication and the treatment of products accompanying an application for its representation following cancellation of the entry in the Designs Register (Section 10c). He may delegate these powers to the President of the Patent Office by statutory order.  - 特許庁


An individual model generation means 7 takes the data of the surface shape of a human body face part F obtained in a surface shape measuring apparatus 1 and the data of a feature point position on an internal tissue boundary surface obtained in an internal tissue measuring apparatus 2 into consideration, applies an FFD method, and prepares an individual personal model for the human body face part F. - 特許庁


The compressor is characterized in that the matching surfaces of compressor housing members 9a, 9b divided in the direction of the rotation axis 7 of an impeller 5 are formed in the compressor housing 9, in the vicinity of the entrance section of the impeller 5, and the space serving as the recirculation path 29, the entrance slit 25, and the exit slit 27 are formed between the compressor housing members 9a, 9b to be combined. - 特許庁


The buffer member 12 is set to a hollow structure, a curing filler 14 having flow behavior is infected inside for sealing and inflating, thus compressing the buffer member 12 to the front cover 7 and the wall surface, to easily and rapidly achieve waterproof, drip- proof, and dust-proof effects and hence easily and rapidly conducting its mounting and removal. - 特許庁


An applicant who has, under the trademark, exhibited goods or services, for which the registration of this trademark has been applied, at an official or officially recognized international exhibition in Latvia or in any country which is a country of the Paris Union, is entitled to claim a right of priority, within the meaning of Paragraph 7 of this Article, from the date of the first display of these goods or services on the said exhibition, if the application for the respective trademark is filed within six months from that date. - 特許庁


(7) The relevant official of the National Tax Agency, the relevant official of the Tax Office or Regional Taxation Bureau having jurisdiction over a consolidated parent corporation's place for tax payment or the relevant official of the Tax Office or Regional Taxation Bureau having jurisdiction over the location of the head office or principal office of a consolidated subsidiary corporation may, when it is necessary in the examination concerning the transaction between the consolidated corporation and a foreign affiliated person related to the said consolidated corporation, request the said consolidated corporation to present or submit the books and documents preserved by the said foreign affiliated person or copies thereof. In this case, the said consolidated corporation shall endeavor to obtain the said books and documents or copies thereof when requested to present or submit them.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


An abutting member is provided, which is provided at the predetermined distance from a fore end of a rotary shaft of a motor in a housing 3 when a lock member 15 is at the lock position, and abutted on a fore end 21 of a rotary shaft 19 of a motor 7 when the lock member 15 is displaced from the lock position to the unlock position. - 特許庁


According to "Hososhiyo-sho", when the Myobo-ke (judicial officials) interpreted Yororitsuryo Sagi-ritsu (punitive clause regarding fabrication of official documents and government properties under the Yororitsuryo code) earlier, it was described that the fabrication of the Daijo Tenno Zen (a decree by the Retired Emperor) is a crime comparable to the fabrication of the Shosho (an imperial decree), which shows that the concept of inzen could have been in use early in the history. Nonetheless, the first record which mentions the term inzen is "Encho Shichi-nen Daijingu Kanchu", taken from "Dai Nihon Shiryo" (the Historical Materials of Japan) Vol.1, no.6, which was a document that, upon receipt of an imperial decree from Emperor Uda in 927, Ise-jingu Shrine issued as the Emperor Uda's instructions to Shingun (a district designated as a sanctuary which enjoyed certain privileges under an Imperial charter).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

第七条 海洋が人類共通の財産であり、かつ、我が国の経済社会が国際的な密接な相互依存関係の中で営まれていることにかんがみ、海洋に関する施策の推進は、海洋に関する国際的な秩序の形成及び発展のために先導的な役割を担うことを旨として、国際的協調の下に行われなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 7 In consideration of the fact that the oceans are the common heritage of mankind, and that the economy and society of our State have been conducted in close international interdependent relationship, promotion of measures with regard to the oceans shall be executed under the international partnership, aiming at bearing the leading role for the formation and development of the international order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(7) 発明者が自己の身元の開示に反対の場合は,その者は,特許出願人又はその者の代理人を仲介者として,特許出願のファイルが公衆の閲覧に供せられる前に,その旨記述した意思表示書を庁宛に送達しなければならない。この不記載を求める書類には,日付入りで発明者によって署名の上,次の書類を添付しなければならない。 (a) 庁がこの指定書を既に所持している場合を除いて,日付入りで特許出願人又はその者の代理人によって署名された,発明者に対応する指定書,又は該当する場合は指定に関する判決書 (b) 不記載を求める書類及び対応する指定書が特許出願と共に提出された原書類に添付されている場合を除いて,補正手数料の納付証例文帳に追加

7. When the inventor opposes the disclosure of his identity, he must have the patent applicant or his representative as an intermediary, and before the date on which the file of the patent application is made available to the public, send to the Service a demonstration of will, expressed and written to that effect. This document of non-mention, dated and signed by the inventor, must be accompanied with the following documents: (a) the corresponding designation of the inventor, dated and signed by the owner of the patent application or by his representative, except when this designation is already in the possession of the Service, or, if need be, the judicial decision concerning the designation; (b) the proof of payment of the regularization fee, except when the document of non-mention and the corresponding designation are attached to the original documents filed with the patent application. - 特許庁

平成22 年6 月18 日に閣議決定された「新成長戦略~「元気な日本」復活のシナリオ~」において、アジア拠点化政策が「7. 法人実効税率引下げとアジア拠点化の推進等」として≪ 21 世紀日本の復活に向けた21 の国家戦略プロジェクト≫に位置づけられ、「日本を「アジア拠点」として復活させるため、横断的な事業環境整備と合わせて、高度人材等雇用への貢献度等と連動したアジア本社・研究開発拠点等の誘致・集積を促す税制措置を含むインセンティブ制度について、2011 年度からの実施を目指して検討する」こととした。例文帳に追加

The “New Growth Strategy: Blueprint for Revitalizing Japan”, approved by the Cabinet on June 18, 2010, refers toReducing the Effective Corporate Tax Rate and Promotion of Japan as an Asian Industrial Centeras one of the21 National Strategic Projects for Revitalization of Japan for the 21st Century”. It states: “With the aim of reviving Japan as an Asian industrial center, we will consider an incentive system containing taxation measures to invite foreign firms to set up their Asian head offices and R&D bases in Japan, which are linked to the degree of contribution to employment of highly-skilled personnel. - 経済産業省


Regarding this point, a survey undertaken by a workshop consisting of officials selected from applicants from the city office of City J, which has a population of 300,000, found that as the city's DID area had approximately doubled over the past 30 years and the population density had dropped to approximately 70%, a decline in population density on account of the spread of the central urban area should be avoided if the level of services for maintaining urban facilities is to be maintained while keeping the burden on residents in check and taking into consideration effective use of existing urban facilities. This makes it important to encourage the return of populations to districts that form the core of cities, and to pursue "compact town development" bringing together residential functions and urban functions. - 経済産業省


Against the opposition of the Toyotomi administration, Ieyasu then reinstated Kanetaka KUJO for the first time in twenty years, who had resigned from Kanpaku and Sadaijin in 1581 during the Oda administration, when he won in the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600; afterwards, however, it was often rumored that Hideyori would assume the position of Naidaijin and then automatically Kanpaku when Ieyasu took over the position of Udaijin from Harusue KIKUTEI (from Motouji SHIGESAWA's letter to Terumoto MORI in 1602).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



When an operator's demand torque becomes larger than a predetermined torque during cruise only with the drive force of the first motor generator (2) or the second motor generator (7), an engine (1) cranking is performed while the gear ratio of the motor change gear (19) is altered into smaller gear ratio of the change gear ratio. - 特許庁


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