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Usually, Butsumen is put atop the head, Bosatsumen (three faces) at the front side on the head, Shinnumen (three faces) on the left side (on the observers' right), Kugejoshutsumen (three faces) on the right side (on the observers' left) and Daishomen (one face) on the back which can not be seen from observers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Each of the segments 1 is constituted of at least two segment bodies 3 and 4 divided in the diametric direction of the core and different in the coefficient of thermal expansion and the ratio (high/low) of the coefficients of the thermal expansion of two segment bodies 3 and 4 is 3 or above. - 特許庁


The accounting book 1 is an accounting book that can be used as a cash receipt book, and it is provided with a debit (money received) entry column 2, an item entry column 3 and a credit (payment) entry column 4 in order from a left side in a row direction. - 特許庁


The method for producing a biphenylalanine compound (3) comprises hydrolyzing the biphenylmethylhydantoin compound (1). - 特許庁



He became Sahyoe no suke (Assistant Captain of the Left Division of the Middle Palace Guards) in 1120, Tango no kami (Governor of Tango Province) and Jugoinojo (Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade) in 1120, Jushiijo (Junior Fourth Rank, Upper Grade) in 1126, and Seihiinoge (Senior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade) in 1134, but he was prohibited from having access to the Imperial Court by Emperor Sutoku, who was angry about his half-sister FUJIWARA no Nariko being a favorite of the Retired Emperor Toba.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The two pull strings 3 and 3 extending in the lengthwise direction are arranged on the one surface side of the tape base material 2 installed in the upper edge part 20 of the curtain 19, and the frill can be formed in a parallel state in the lengthwise direction of the tape base material 2 by pull- squeezing the pull strings 3 and 3. - 特許庁


At a pachinko machine 1, a front frame 3 which is set on the upper part on left edge of machine stand with fitting a glass plate 6, is hinged with one way open, and the lower side of it, the inner door 4, which has a supply tray 38 with protruding, is hinged against its left edge as an axis with one way open. - 特許庁


An outer belt 5 is fixed to the outer surface of the passenger panel 3 so as to prevent the opening 6 from being widely expanded in an upward or downward direction and at the same time the bulged-out passenger panel 3 is bulged out at both sides of the outer belt 5 to form a right chamber 11 and a left chamber 12 restricting both right and left shoulders of the passenger. - 特許庁


Second pleats 6, 6 and so forth are similarly formed in a plurality in the vertical direction in an upper part 3A of an instep part G of the foot part 3 by projecting from the inner wall surface of the boot body 1A. - 特許庁



He was promoted successively since being conferred a peerage in 1489, and became Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) and was raised to Kugyo in 1502 after experience as jiju (chamberlain), Sakone no shosho (minor captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards) and Sakone no chujo (middle captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



A support case 5 provided with a mirror 3 for left side view and a mirror 4 for right side view is fitted to the upper end of a pole body 2 adjustably in the horizontal and vertical angles. - 特許庁


The shock absorbing member has a structure wherein a long slide member comprising a fiber with a specific strength of 200×103 m or more and a specific modulus of elasticity of 3×106 m or more is retained between a plurality of fixing plates so that the long slide member is longitudinally slidable. - 特許庁


This timepiece hand counterclockwise analog display timepiece includes a time display short hand 2, a minute display long hand 3, and a second hand 4 while forming a character display plate 6 which is a counterclockwise sequential display plate by modifying parts to turn a power movement rotating shaft of the timepiece counterclockwise. - 特許庁


The current "Gosannen Kassen Ekotoba" was written by Korehisa, Hida no kami (Provincial Governor of Hida), in 1347, 14 years after the fall of the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), and its three volumes are held at Tokyo National Museum.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Thie method for producing a 1-substituted hydantoin compound is characterized by comprising reacting a 3-(substituted aminomethyl)-hydantoin compound with a haloalkyl compound in an organic solvent in the presence of an alkali metal hydroxide followed by hydrolyzing the reaction product. - 特許庁


With his intelligence recognized while he was still young, he was smoothly promoted to Chunagon (vice-councilor of state) in 975 at the age of 25 and Sakone no daisho in 977 at the age of 27.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The elastic extendible composite sheet 1 is formed by intermittently connecting a second sheet 2 made of a non-elastically extendible fiber aggregate to at least one side surface of an elastically extendible first sheet 3. - 特許庁


He was transferred to Sadaiben (major controller of the left) in 1455, Gon Chunagon (a provisional vice-councilor of state), Uhyoe no kami (Captain of the Right Division of Middle Palace Guards) and Kebiishi no betto (Superintendent of the Imperial Police) in the following year, and after 1459 he had been in charge of buke tenso (liaison officers between the imperial court and the military government) which was his family's profession.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This method of producing a 1-position substituted hydantoin is characterized by reacting a 3-(substituted aminomethyl)-hydantoin with a dialkyl sulfuric ester in an organic solvent in the presence of a base and then hydrolyzing the reaction product. - 特許庁


Fig. 3(a) shows a rectangular display screen 41 divided by a long-side dividing line (one-dotted chain line) into two regions the left trimming range designation region of which shows one page of the image. - 特許庁


There is a person claiming to be a descendent of Jingoro HIDARI, asserting that Jingoro was in fact Toshikatsu ITAMI (1594 - June 16, 1651 (April 28, 1651 by the old calendar)), a carpenter specializing in shrines and temples from Harima Province, and that his grave is in Shikoku.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The fiber assemblies in sheet forms having nonelastic elongation properties 2 are intermittently bonded to at least one face of the stretchable elastic sheet 3. - 特許庁

(三) 合成電界は、航空機が当該ILSを利用して進入する方向から見て、コースライン(任意の水平面においてローカライザー装置が発射する電波の水平偏波によるDDM(二つの変調波の変調度の差の絶対値を一〇〇で除して得た値をいう。以下同じ。)が零となる点の軌跡のうち滑走路の中心線又はその延長線に最も近接したものを平均化し、直線とみなしたものをいう。以下同じ。)の右側では、一五〇ヘルツの変調波による変調度が九〇ヘルツの変調波による変調度より大きく、コースラインの左側では、九〇ヘルツの変調波による変調度が一五〇ヘルツの変調波による変調度より大きいものであること。例文帳に追加

3. The composite electric field shall be such that, on the right side of the course line (which refers to a virtual straight line obtained by taking the average of selected loci that are closest to the runway centerline or its extended line among the loci of points of which DDM (one-hundredth of absolute value of difference in the degree of modulation between two modulation waves; hereafter the same shall apply) based on the horizontal polarization wave on an arbitrary horizontal plane of a radio wave emitted by localizer; hereafter the same shall apply) as observed from an approaching direction of aircraft using said ILS, the degree of modulation of a modulated wave that is modulated with a modulation wave of 150 Hz is greater than that of 90 Hz, while on the left side of the course line, the degree of modulation of a modulated wave that is modulated with a modulation wave of 90 Hz is greater than that of 150 Hz.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


This sheet composite includes a thermoplastic resin layer having regular concavities and convexities each with a 0.1-100 mm width and a 0.1-3 mm height on the surface; and a fibrous layer comprising fibers with a specific modulus of20 GPa/g/cm^3, where the fibrous layer is partially impregnated with the thermoplastic resin. - 特許庁


The operation controller 5 determines from the viewing and listening setup made using the operation switch 2 whether the images are the output from a navigator 3 or a DVD recorder 4 when the user is viewing the display 1 from the right or left side, then reads the gamma values corresponding to the output on a gamma table and decides the right side and the left side gamma values. - 特許庁


The binoculars consist mainly of a binocular body, left lens barrels 14 and 15 which are supported at a supporting frame 16, right lens barrels 20 and 21 which are supported by the main body, a left armor 2 which is slidable in a eye width regulation direction and a right armor 3 which is fixed to the main body. - 特許庁


A fixing shaft 6 is pushed out in the direction left forward with the inclined surface of a fixing part 4 by fastening the fixing part 4 having an inclined surface with a fixing screw 5 after a base 3 is vertically moved along shafts 1, 2 to adjust the height. - 特許庁


Both side surface molds 2 and 3 corresponding to the left and right side surfaces of the front part H1 of the headrest H are formed to a lower mold 1, which corresponds to the base of the front part H1 of the headrest H and has a passing hole in which a stay S is inserted, in a divided state. - 特許庁


Yasutoki continuously met with misfortunes after that, as three years later, on August 5, 1230, his first son Tokiuji HOJO died of a disease at the age of 28 and, one month later his 25-year-old daughter, who had married Yasumura MIURA, gave birth; the child died about ten days later and the daughter, whose own post-delivery recovery was slow, died on September 19 at the age of 25.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The built-up pet grave 1 comprises a placing base 2 for placing a cinerary urn 13; a body 3 comprising a front plate 4, a back face plate 5, a left side face plate 6 and a right side face plate 7 vertically fitted into fitting grooves 2a of the placing base 2; and a cover 9 fitted to the upper part of the body 3. - 特許庁


A triangular rice ball is covered with a rectangular sheet film 2 from the bottom side of the rice ball vertically upward as the rectangular film is turned in half and the wall 4 formed on the top 3 along the upper face to both side faces is regularly folded and the outer-covering piece 5 opposing to the top 3 is fused from the lower face to both side faces. - 特許庁


The catalyst for purifying the exhaust gas comprises a noble metal particle 3, a fine particle 5 supporting the noble metal particle 3 on its surface, and a substrate 7 on which the fine particle 5 is provided wherein at least a part of the outer surface of the noble metal particle is covered with a material 9 preventing the noble metal particles from enlarging by agglomeration. - 特許庁


This adsorbing element 1 is provided with a plurality of the rectangular adsorbing sheets 2 in which particulate activated carbon is packed between both faces of nonwoven fabrics or paper sheets, and holding members 3 constituted of pairs of paper sheets 3A, 3B formed by folding back a plurality of pleats. - 特許庁


A reception circuit 3 receives a first 3D image signal corresponding to a referential viewing situation, an image separation circuit 5 separates the first 3D image signal into a left-eye image and a right-eye image, and an image signal composition circuit 7 overlaps the left-eye image and the right-eye image to generate a second 3D signal to display the second 3D image on a 3D image display 1. - 特許庁


The composite rubber particles 3 are enlarged particles yielded by allowing rubbery polymer particles (a) and resinous polymer particles (b) in a mixture containing rubbery polymer particles (a)1 and resinous polymer particles (b)2 to aggregate. - 特許庁


This medium handling device comprises a laterally movable feed roller 14 carrying a medium set on a passbook stage 3 in the direction of a right side reference plane 30 or a left side reference plane 31 and a laterally movable pressure roller 15 pressing the medium against the laterally movable roller 14. - 特許庁


The 3D digital camera displays on a small display (4) two images photographed by a main body (1) of the motion picture camera having a left condenser lens (2) and a right condenser lens (3), and enables stereoscopic viewing by a magnifying lens (6). - 特許庁


This support 1 for supporting a Pachinko stand 2 is made into rectangular frame longitudinally long as a whole in the view from the front direction and constituted by coupling the respective terminal parts of an upper frame 3, a lower frame 4, a left side frame 5 and a right side frame 6 of the long form in the state of abutting them. - 特許庁


All documents and copies of documents, except affidavits and drawings, sent to or left at the patent office or otherwise furnished to the Controller shall be written or typewritten or printed either in Hindi or in English language (unless otherwise directed or allowed by the Controller) in large and legible characters with deep indelible ink with lines widely spaced upon one side only of strong white paper of a size A4 of approximately 29.7 centimeters by 21 centimeters with a margin of at least 4 centimeters on the top and left hand part and 3 centimeters on the bottom and right hand part thereof.  - 特許庁


A pair of left and right end surfaces viewed from an observation side of display of a liquid crystal display panel 4 which is stored and held in a front chamber 3a of a frame case 3 and whose outer shape is rectangular are each pressed against and supported by three projecting depression pieces 33 and 33 molded in the same shape integrally with a primary body part of the frame case 3. - 特許庁


Without impairing a folding mechanism which the wheelchair 1 has, metallic fixtures 8, 9 are attached to a part where a structural material part (hereafter, side frame) extending from the left of an armrest part of the wheelchair 1 and going downward is at right angles or near with respect to the ground and a multi-purpose prop 3 adjustable to arbitrary angles is attached. - 特許庁


A device for transferring fitting data 4 includes: the face measuring instrument 2; a head model 1 for fitting which results from mounting replicas of shapes of user's personal nose root edge and right and left concha upper roots on a face dimension reproducing device 3; and a joining device 300 capable of adjustably joining both of them. - 特許庁


His writings included six volumes of "Treasury of Tathagata," three volumes of "Small Writings about Meditation," three volumes of "Commentary on the Legend of Ryuge Tree under which Bodhisattva Attains Nirvana," three volumes of "Commentary on Japanese Nichiren Sect," three volumes of "Writings about Japanese Hermits," two volumes of "Poetries exchanged between Nissei and Chen Yuan-Ping, " Hoju sho," "Twenty-four Dutiful Children among Buddhists," "Writings about Dutiful Children among Buddhists," "Traditions of Generations of Teachings from Teachers to Disciples about Attaining Nirvana," "The Record of Shichimen, Mt. Minobu," "Travelogue of Mt. Minobu," "Onsen Yuso," "Sickly Life at Shoshin," "Important Teachings at Sozan," "Sozan Poetry," "Important Collections on Food and Medicine," "Annotations about Hojo ki by St. Iku," "Incantation in Unison by Priest and Believers," "Souvenir from Kyoto," "Teachings of Kakoku," "Teachings by Kosa," "得意 Incantation of the Name of the Lotus Sutra," and "Small Writings about Poetries sung as Teachings of the Nichiren Sect."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The three very important missions of the Financial Services Agency (FSA) are to prevent the financial sector from being struck by systemic risks-Japan was nearly hit by a systemic risk more than 10 years ago-both in Japan and abroad, to facilitate financing, and to protect users. As you know, the global financial system has destabilized significantly since the Lehman shock, which occurred three years ago. Therefore, with such things in mind, we will perform our duties properly. In particular, Japan announced last year that it would extend the SME Financing Facilitation Act (Act concerning Temporary Measures to Facilitate Financing for SMEs, etc.) for one year and we believe that we must facilitate financing for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) under the present circumstances.  - 金融庁


The hot dipped galvanized steel sheet or the alloyed hot-dip galvanized steel sheet is also characterized in that the metallic structure thereof contains bainite as a matrix structure, and the area ratio of ferrite is 3 to 20% and the area ratio of martensite is 10 to 35% relative the entire structure. - 特許庁

第十一条 外国人は、第四条第一項の登録を受けた日(第六条第三項、第六条の二第四項若しくは第七条第三項の確認又はこの項若しくは次項の申請に基づく確認(第三項において「登録後の確認」という。)を受けた場合には、最後に確認を受けた日。この項において「登録等を受けた日」という。)の後の当該外国人の五回目(登録等を受けた日に当該外国人が永住者又は特別永住者であるときは、七回目)の誕生日(当該外国人の誕生日が二月二十九日であるときは、当該外国人の誕生日は二月二十八日であるものとみなす。)から三十日以内に、その居住地の市町村の長に対し、次に掲げる書類及び写真を提出して、登録原票の記載が事実に合つているかどうかの確認を申請しなければならない。ただし、第三条第一項の申請をした日(第六条第一項、第六条の二第一項若しくは第二項又は第七条第一項の申請をしたことがある者であるときは、その申請をした日)において十六歳未満であつた者については、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 11 (1) The alien shall apply to the mayor or the head of the city, town or village where he/she resides, within 30 days of the fifth anniversary (in the case of the alien being a permanent resident or a special permanent resident on the day on which the initial or other registration was made, it shall be the seventh anniversary) of the alien's birthday (where his/her birthday falls on February 29, it shall be deemed as February 28) commencing from the year in which the registration under Article 4, paragraph (1) (in cases where the confirmation was made under Article 6, paragraph (3), Article 6-2, paragraph (4), or Article 7, paragraph (3), based on the application under this paragraph or the next paragraph, (in paragraph (3), this confirmation is referred to as "the latest confirmation") is to mean the day on which the latest confirmation was made. In this paragraph, this day is referred to as "the day on which the initial or other registration was made), by submitting the documents and photographs specified in the following items, for confirmation of whether the entries in the registration card correspond to the actual facts. However, this shall not apply to any alien who was less than sixteen years of age on the day when the application under Article 3, paragraph (1) was made (in cases where the alien ever made an application under Article 6, paragraph (1), Article 6-2, paragraph (1) or (2), or Article 7, paragraph (1), on the day on which such application was made):  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第十条 意匠登録出願人は、自己の意匠登録出願に係る意匠又は自己の登録意匠のうちから選択した一の意匠(以下「本意匠」という。)に類似する意匠(以下「関連意匠」という。)については、当該関連意匠の意匠登録出願の日(第十五条において準用する特許法(昭和三十四年法律第百二十一号)第四十三条第一項又は第四十三条の二第一項若しくは第二項の規定による優先権の主張を伴う意匠登録出願にあつては、最初の出願若しくは千九百年十二月十四日にブラッセルで、千九百十一年六月二日にワシントンで、千九百二十五年十一月六日にヘーグで、千九百三十四年六月二日にロンドンで、千九百五十八年十月三十一日にリスボンで及び千九百六十七年七月十四日にストックホルムで改正された工業所有権の保護に関する千八百八十三年三月二十日のパリ条約第四条C(4)の規定により最初の出願とみなされた出願又は同条A(2)の規定により最初の出願と認められた出願の日。以下この項において同じ。)がその本意匠の意匠登録出願の日以後であつて、第二十条第三項の規定によりその本意匠の意匠登録出願が掲載された意匠公報(同条第四項の規定により同条第三項第四号に掲げる事項が掲載されたものを除く。)の発行の日前である場合に限り、第九条第一項又は第二項の規定にかかわらず、意匠登録を受けることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 10 (1) Notwithstanding Article 9(1) or (2), an applicant for design registration may obtain design registration of a design that is similar to another design selected from the applicant's own designs either for which an application for design registration has been filed or for which design registration has been granted (hereinafter the selected design is referred to as the "Principal Design" and a design similar to it is referred to as a "Related Design"), if the filing date of the application for design registration of the Related Design (or when the application for design registration of the Related Design contains a priority claim under Article 43(1), 43-2(1) or 43-2(2) of the Patent Act (Act No. 121 of 1959) as applied mutatis mutandis under Article 15 of this Act, the filing date of the earliest application, the filing date of an application that is deemed to be the earliest application under Article 4.C(4) of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of March 20, 1883, as revised at Brussels on December 14, 1900, at Washington on June 2, 1911, at Hague on November 6, 1925, at London on June 2, 1934, at Lisbon on October 31, 1958, and at Stockholm on July 14, 1967, or the filing date of an application that is recognized as the earliest application under Article 4.(A)2 of the Paris Convention, hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) is on or after the filing date of the application for design registration of the Principal Design and before the date when the design bulletin in which the application for design registration of the Principal Design is published under Article 20(3) (except for a design bulletin in which the matters listed in Article 20(3)(iv) were published under Article 20(4)) is issued.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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