例文 (247件) |
該当件数 : 247件
(6) 庁は,(1)及び(3)にいう条件が遵守されていない場合,(5)に従って認めることが不可能な場合,又は請求人が(4)に基づいて自己の陳述を証明しなかった場合は,原状回復の請求を拒絶する。ただし,当該拒絶の前に,庁は,拒絶理由として確定した事由について応答する機会を請求人に与えなければならない。例文帳に追加
(6) The Office shall refuse the request for restitutio in integrum which fails to meet the requirements pursuant to Subsections (1) and (3), or to which the restriction pursuant to Subsection (5) applies or if the applicant who requests has not proven his statements pursuant to Subsection (4); before the refusal of the request the Office shall enable the person who requests it to respond to the ascertained reasons on the basis of which it is to be refused. - 特許庁
Concerning such operations of the government, Ieyasu aroused antipathy of Toshiie MAEDA, tairo (the person at the highest post of the government), and Mitsunari ISHIDA, one of Go-bugyo, and on January 19 (in the old calendar), 1599, Yoshiharu HORIO, San-churo (an arbitrator), was sent to Ieyasu as an envoy for checking the crime. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
A so-called 5FrJ-type sheath with a side hole is employed, wherein a tip of a sheath tube 1 is bent into a J-shape and a side hole 1b is formed in a predetermined position just before about 60 mm from a vertex of the bent portion. - 特許庁
In the manufacturing process of a compound dual wavelength laser including two laser structures, or red and infrared, within a single chip, a GaAs substrate 1 is cleaned, before a second epitaxial growth, in such cleaning liquid as containing sulphuric acid 97 wt%, hydrogen peroxide solution 30 wt%, and water at the ratio of 1:1:50-250, at 20-25°C for 20-50 seconds. - 特許庁
In the method, the optical polymer structure before the femtosecond laser light irradiation being characterized in satisfying properties of density of ≤1 g/cm^3, a refractive index of ≤1.47, and a coefficient of linear expansion of ≥1×10-4. - 特許庁
(5) 庁は,(1)及び(2)にいう条件に従わない,又は(4)により認めることができなかったか又は手続当事者が(3)にいう陳述の証明をしなかった原状回復請求を拒絶する。ただし,請求を拒絶する前に,庁は,請求を拒絶する根拠とされた理由に応答する機会を手続当事者に与えるものとする。例文帳に追加
(5) The Office shall refuse the request for restitutio in integrum which fails to comply with conditions under paragraphs (1) and (2), or it is not possible to be granted pursuant to paragraph (4), or the party to proceedings fails to prove its statements pursuant to paragraph (3); before the request is refused the Office shall allow the party to proceedings to respond to ascertained reasons on basis of which the request is to be refused. - 特許庁
(5) 庁は,原状回復の請求について,それが(1)及び(2)の条件を満たさず,(4)の条件を満たすことが不可能であり,又は請求人が(3)による自己の陳述を証明しなかった場合は,これを拒絶する。ただし庁は,請求を拒絶する前に,請求を拒絶する根拠として認定された理由について応答する機会を請求人に与えなければならない。例文帳に追加
(5) The Office shall refuse the request for restitutio in integrum, which fails to meet the requirements pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2, or to which the restriction pursuant to paragraph 4 applies, or the applicant has not proven his statements pursuant to paragraph 3; before the refusal of the request the Office shall enable the applicant to respond to the ascertained reasons on the basis of which the request is to be refused. - 特許庁
(4) 出願が第37条(1)及び(4)又は第38条(1)から(3)までにいう条件を満たしていない場合,又は出願の対象が明らかに第5条(1)にいう条件を満たしていないか,第5条(3)により発明とみなされないか,第6条により特許性からの除外対象であるか,又は(2)の仮定が該当する場合は,庁は出願を拒絶する。庁は,出願を拒絶する前に,出願人に対して,示された出願の拒絶理由について応答する機会を与える。例文帳に追加
(4) If the application fails to meet conditions pursuant to Section 37(1) and (4) or Section 38(1) to (3) or the subject-matter of the application clearly fails to meet conditions pursuant to Section 5(1), or is not considered an invention pursuant to Section 5(3), or is subject to exception to patentability pursuant to Section 6, or an assumption pursuant to Subsection (2) applies, the Office shall refuse the application. Before the refusal of the application the Office shall enable the applicant to react to the ascertained reasons on the basis of which it is to be refused. - 特許庁
The first recovery (during the 12th cycle from October 1993), was a comparatively long one lasting 43 months. - 経済産業省
第七十一条の二 裁判長又は開廷をした一人の裁判官は、法廷における秩序を維持するため必要があると認めるときは、警視総監又は道府県警察本部長に警察官の派出を要求することができる。法廷における秩序を維持するため特に必要があると認めるときは、開廷前においてもその要求をすることができる。例文帳に追加
Article 71-2 (1) The presiding judge or a single judge who has opened the session may, when the judge finds it necessary for maintaining order in the court, request the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Commissioner or the Chief of the Prefectural Police to dispatch police officers. The request may, if deemed specifically necessary for maintaining order in the court, be made prior to the opening of the session. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
Then, the stent 1 indicates the superelastic characteristics both before and after insertion into a living body, also each line width of the linear part of the stent 1 is 100 to 170 μm, and the thickness of the linear part is 180 to 230 μm. - 特許庁
第十六条 この法律の施行前にこの法律による改正前の法律の規定により土地調整委員会又は中央公害審査委員会がした処分その他の行為は、政令で別段の定めをするものを除き、この法律又はこの法律による改正後の法律の相当規定により、公害等調整委員会がした処分その他の行為とみなす。例文帳に追加
Article 16 (1) The disposition and other acts committed by the Land Coordination Committee and the Central Public Pollution Investigation Commission pursuant to the provisions of the acts before the revision by this Act prior to the enforcement thereof shall be deemed as the disposition and other acts committed by the Environmental Dispute Coordination Commission pursuant to reasonable provisions of this Act or other acts after the revision by this Act, except as otherwise provided by the Cabinet Order. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
The walking girdle is provided with band-state parts 2 lying at a stretchable main body part 1, disposed along the musculus sartorius running aslant upward from the inside of the knee, wrapping around the outside of the upper front iliac spine of the bony pelvis to the lumbar at the back face, and having stronger tightening force than that of the main body part. - 特許庁
As a matter of course, he was expected to become yokozuna and a three-piece keshomawashi (ornamental sumo apron) was prepared, but he suffered from bad stomach and intestines due to heavy drinking and it forced him to miss three consecutive tournaments from January 1888, and finally he was demoted to maegashira. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The stent 1 is the self expanding stent for indwelling in the living body can be deformed in the direction of an outer diameter reducing when applying load and can restores the shape before applying the load when the load is released. - 特許庁
(1) 政治的意味又は高度に象徴的な価値を有する語,図形若しくは標識を含む標章又は紋章学的要素を含む標章に関しては,イタリア特許商標庁は,次条の規定に従い,登録前に,関係のある若しくは責任のある公の機関に対しその意見を聞くために標章の写し及び必要とされるその他のものを送付する。例文帳に追加
1. In the case of a mark including words, designs or signs having a political significance or a highly symbolic value, or including heraldic elements, the Office shall forward, prior to registration, a copy of the mark and whatever else is appropriate, to the concerned or responsible public bodies to obtain their opinions, in accordance with the provisions of the following Article. - 特許庁
The gas barrier film is constituted by providing a layer 2 having absorbed a substance comprising a turmeric at least on the single surface of a substrate 1 comprising a nylon resin film, and the density of the layer 2 having absorbed the substance comprising the turmeric is made higher than that of the substrate before absorption by 0.1-1.0 g/cm^3. - 特許庁
This method successively performs the discrimination determination of (1) a prefix search with a family name dictionary recorded beforehand, (2) a suffix search with a name dictionary which is recorded beforehand, and (3) the applicability discrimination of feature information defined beforehand with respect to input name data. - 特許庁
The screen door 10 is formed with a door bulged part 10c curved on the width direction center side and projected outside from the entrance 2 of the toilet booth 1 to make the toilet interior invisible from the outside of the toilet booth 1 through the first clearance S1. - 特許庁
c.和解案又は特別調停案の受諾を拒絶する場合、業務規程(金商法第 156条の 44第1項)等を踏まえ、速やかにその理由を説明するとともに、訴訟提起等の必要な対応を行う態勢を整備しているか。例文帳に追加
c. Whether the Financial Instruments Business Operator has developed a control environment wherein, in cases where it rejects acceptance of a reconciliation plan or a special conciliation proposal, it promptly explains its reasoning and takes necessary action, such as instituting legal proceedings, in light of operational rules (Article 156-44(1) of the FIEA). - 金融庁
This sheet-like display material 1 is formed by further sticking separation paper to a pressure sensitive adhesive in a state before use by applying the pressure sensitive adhesive 8 to another one surface of a metallic sheet by sticking a retroreflective sheet 3 superior in wide angle retroreflective performance to its one surface with the relatively soft quadrangular or rectangular metallic sheet 2 as a main base material. - 特許庁
The applicant may, before the application is open to public inspection under section 10 of the Act or on or before January 1, 1998, whichever is the later, file a notice with the Commissioner stating the applicant’s wish that, until either a patent has issued on the basis of the application or the application is refused, or is abandoned and no longer subject to reinstatement, or is withdrawn, the Commissioner only authorize the furnishing of a sample of the deposited biological material to an independent expert nominated by the Commissioner in accordance with section - 特許庁
In this first PC bridge closure method, a difference between temperatures of upper and lower floor slabs (21 and 22) of a girder section (2) already cantilevered is set small; deflection of an overhanging end (23) is adjusted; and a web (1) is erected and fixed on a closure section (6) before the construction of floor slab concrete. - 特許庁
It is thought to be a general noun for a long sword rather than a proper name for a particular sword, since the term is found in various situations and it literally refers to 'a sword with 10 tsuka long' (tsuka is a unit of length; one tsuka is equal to the length of a fist), therefore the Totsuka no Tsurugi in several myths are considered different from each other. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
加えて、中小企業者等に対する金融の円滑化を図るための臨時措置に関する法律(平成21 年度法律第96 号、以下「中小企業金融円滑化法」という)の期限が更に1 年延長されたことも踏まえ、引き続き、金融庁と連携し、民間金融機関等における中小企業金融の円滑化を促す。例文帳に追加
Following the extension of the Act concerning Temporary Measures to Facilitate Financing for SMEs (Act No. 96, 2009; referred to below as the SME Financing Facilitation Act) for a further year, support will also continue to be provided in collaboration with the Financial Services Agency (FSA) to facilitate financing of SMEs by private financial institutions and similar sources of lending. - 経済産業省
2 被審人が、審判手続開始決定書に記載された審判の期日前に、課徴金に係る第三十一条の二第一項又は第三十四条の二十一の二第一項に規定する事実及び納付すべき課徴金の額を認める旨の答弁書を提出したときは、審判の期日を開くことを要しない。例文帳に追加
(2) When the respondent has submitted, prior to the hearing date stated in a written ruling for the commencement of a hearing procedure, a written answer to the effect that he/she recognizes the fact prescribed in Article 31-2(1) or Article 34-21-2(1) pertaining to the surcharge and the amount of surcharge to be paid, a hearing is not required to be held. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第七十三条 この法律(附則第一条各号に掲げる規定については、当該各規定。以下同じ。)の施行前に法令の規定により社会保険庁長官、地方社会保険事務局長又は社会保険事務所長(以下「社会保険庁長官等」という。)がした裁定、承認、指定、認可その他の処分又は通知その他の行為は、法令に別段の定めがあるもののほか、この法律の施行後は、この法律の施行後の法令の相当規定に基づいて、厚生労働大臣、地方厚生局長若しくは地方厚生支局長又は機構(以下「厚生労働大臣等」という。)がした裁定、承認、指定、認可その他の処分又は通知その他の行為とみなす。例文帳に追加
Article 73 (1) A determination, approval, designation, authorization or other disposition, or notice or other act made by the Commissioner of the Social Insurance Agency, the Director-General of a Regional Social Insurance Bureau or the head of a social insurance office (hereinafter referred to as the "Commissioner of the Social Insurance Agency, etc.") pursuant to the provisions of laws and regulations prior to the enforcement of this Act (in the case of the provisions listed in the items of Article 1 of the Supplementary Provisions, the respective provisions; the same shall apply hereinafter), except those otherwise provided for by laws and regulations, shall respectively be deemed, after the enforcement of this Act, to be a determination, approval, designation, authorization or other disposition or notice or other act made by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Director-General of a Regional Bureau of Health and Welfare or the Director-General of a Regional Branch Bureau of Health and Welfare or the Japan Pension Organization (hereinafter referred to as the "Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, etc.") pursuant to the corresponding provisions of laws and regulations after the enforcement of this Act. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
The pretreatment liquid includes at least one kind of butane derivative selected from the group comprising of 3-methoxy-3-methyl-1-butanol, 1, 3-butylene glycol and isoprene glycol, water, a metal salt, and a fluorescent bleaching agent, and the ink composition includes a coloring material and water. - 特許庁
The calcium fluoride single crystal characterized in that the decreasing rate of transmittance based on 30 mm thickness at 140 and 190 nm wavelengths after irradiation with γ-rays at 1×10^6 R/h radiation dose for 1 h is ≤7% of the transmittance before being irradiated is provided. - 特許庁
第百二十二条 裁判所は、債権届出期間の経過後、一般調査期間の満了前又は一般調査期日の終了前に届出があり、又は届出事項の変更があった破産債権について、必要があると認めるときは、その調査をするための期日(以下「特別調査期日」という。)を定めることができる。ただし、当該破産債権について、破産管財人が第百十七条第三項の規定により提出された認否書に同条第一項各号に掲げる事項の全部若しくは一部についての認否を記載している場合又は一般調査期日において調査をすることについて破産管財人及び破産債権者の異議がない場合は、この限りでない。例文帳に追加
Article 122 (1) The court, with regard to a bankruptcy claim which is filed or for which a change is made to any filed matter after the period for filing proofs of claims has expired but before the ordinary period for investigation expires or the ordinary date of investigation ends, may specify a date for conducting an investigation of such claim (hereinafter referred to as a "special date of investigation"), when it finds it necessary; provided, however, that this shall not apply where, with regard to such bankruptcy claim, a bankruptcy trustee states, in the statement of approval or disapproval submitted pursuant to the provision of Article 117(3), his/her approval or disapproval of the whole or part of the matters listed in the items of paragraph (1) of said Article, or no objection is made by any bankruptcy trustee or bankruptcy creditors against conducting an investigation on the ordinary date of investigation. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
This battery powered forklift comprises first and second battery storage portions 1, 2, the first storage portion 1 being arranged at the upper side of an axle of rear wheels 14 and the second storage portion 2 being arranged at the front side of the axle of the rear wheels 14. - 特許庁
(a) 局長が知る限りにおいて,クレームされている範囲での発明が第18条(1)(a)に記載された基準を満たしているか否か,及び (b) 局長が知る限りにおいて,発明がクレームにおいてクレームされている範囲で,かつ,そのクレームの優先日前に存在していた先行技術基準に対して, (i) 新規性,及び (ii) 進歩性, を有しているか否か,及び (c) 他に所定の事項があるときは,その事項 (1A) (1)(b)の適用上,先行技術基準には,行為の実行(特許地域の内外を問わない)のみを通じて公衆が利用可能となった情報は含めないものとする。例文帳に追加
(1A) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(b), the prior art base is to be taken not to include information made publicly available only through the doing of an act (whether in or out of the patent area). - 特許庁
国内優先権の基礎とされた先の出願(第二の出願)が、その前になされた出願(第一の出願)に基づく国内優先権の主張又はパリ条約による優先権(パリ条約の例による優先権を含む。「第 1章 6.2パリ条約の例による優先権」を参照。)の主張を伴っている場合、第一の出願に記載された発明について再度(すなわち累積的に)優先権を認めるとすると、実質的に優先期間を延長することとなる。例文帳に追加
Where the earlier application that served as a basis of claim of internal priority (the second application) claims internal priority based on the earlier application (the first application) or priority under the Paris Convention (including priority declared by the Paris Convention. See “Chapter 1, 6.2 Priority declared as governed by the Paris Convention”), if the priority is recognized again for the invention disclosed in the first application (cumulatively), the period of priority will be substantively extended. - 特許庁
The intermediate order harmonic computing means 46a, 47a use the previous computed result for the regression discrete Fourier transformed used for the next computation when the discrete Fourier transform is computed repeatedly, and multiply the previous computed result by an attenuation coefficient very approximate to and smaller than 1 for weighing, when the regression discrete Fourier transform is performed. - 特許庁
Where the Controller proposes, or a request is made, to make a correction referred to in subsection (1), other than a request to correct an error or mistake in a withdrawal of an application for a patent referred to in subsection (2A), he shall before determining the matter give notice of the proposal or the request to the proprietor of or applicant for the patent, as the case may be, and to any person, other than the person by whom a request is made, who appears to him to be concerned. - 特許庁
第二百十七条の十七 公判前整理手続調書については、法第五十一条第一項及び第二項本文並びに第五十二条並びにこの規則第四十八条の規定を準用する。この場合において、法第五十二条中「公判期日における訴訟手続」とあるのは「公判前整理手続期日における手続」と、第四十八条中「裁判長」とあるのは「裁判長又は受命裁判官」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加
Article 217-17 The provisions of Article 51, paragraph (1) of the Code, the main clause of Article 51, paragraph (2) of the Code, Article 52 of the Code, and Article 48 of these Rules shall apply mutatis mutandis to the record of a pretrial conference procedure. In this case, the phrase "court proceedings on the trial dates" in Article 52 of the Code shall be deemed to be replaced with "proceedings on the dates of the pretrial conference procedure" and the term "presiding judge" in Article 48 shall be deemed to be replaced with "presiding judge or an associate judge." - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
The device for sealing a gap (11) between a car door (3) and a car wall (2) of an elevator car (1) while the car (1) is running, includes a sealing strip (4) having at least one wall (41, 42), the wall (41, 42) being capable of being extended reversibly stretched in front of the gap (11). - 特許庁
(1) カザフスタン共和国内で創作された工業所有権の主題の外国での出願は、所定期限の満了前、対応する出願の特許庁への提出後又はカザフスタン共和国の制定法に定める手続に従って実施された国家機密に該当する情報の存否確認後3 月より前には提出しないものとする。例文帳に追加
(1) The filing abroad of applications for industrial property subject matter created in the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be effected no earlier than three months after the filing of the corresponding application with Kazpatent or, after verification of the presence of information constituting a State secret carried out in accordance with the procedure 36 prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, before the expiration of the prescribed time limit. - 特許庁
第6条(1)に従うことを条件として,附則IIに掲げる手数料の納付期限満了前に,手数料納付のための明白であるが不成功な試みがなされている通信を長官が受領する場合は,その手数料は,次の通りであるときは期限満了前に納付されたものとみなされる: (a) 未納であった手数料の金額が期限満了前に納付される。 (b) (2)に従って通知が送付される場合に,未納であった手数料の金額が,附則II項目22.1に示された追納手数料と共に,通知の日後2月の満了前に納付される。又は (c) 通知が送付されない場合に,未納であった手数料の金額が,通信が長官により受領された日後2月の満了前に,附則II項目22.1に示された追納手数料と共に納付される。例文帳に追加
Subject to subsection 6(1), if, before the expiry of a time limit or paying a fee set out in Schedule II, the Commissioner receives a communication in accordance with which a clear but unsuccessful attempt is made to pay the fee, the fee shall be considered to have been paid before the expiry of the time limit if (a) the amount of the fee that was missing is paid before the expiry of the time limit; (b) if a notice is sent in accordance with subsection (2), the amount of the fee that was missing, together with the late payment fee set out in item 22.1 of Schedule II, are paid before the expiry of the two-month period after the date of the notice; or (c) if a notice is not sent, the amount of the fee that was missing, together with the late payment fee set out in item 22.1 of Schedule II, are paid before the expiry of the two-month period after the day on which the communication was received by the Commissioner. - 特許庁
Since the driver always adjusts the direction of the inside rear view mirror 1 so as to certainly monitor the rear side, the eyes and its periphery can be certainly illuminated even by the driver of any physique without changing the direction of the LED by installing the LED 2 in a rear visual field by the inside rear view mirror 1. - 特許庁
(1) 特許が国家機密(刑法第 93条)である発明について求められる場合は,審査課は,公表を行ってはならない旨を職権によって命令する。命令を出す前に,最上級の所轄連邦当局の意見が聴取されるものとする。最上級の所轄連邦当局は,命令を出すよう要求することができる。例文帳に追加
(1) When a patent is sought for an invention which is a state secret (Section 93 of the Criminal Code), the Examining Section shall order ex officio that no publication shall take place. The competent highest federal authority shall be heard before the order is issued. This federal authority may request that an order be issued. - 特許庁
Sunlight and light from fixed stars, etc., with their wavelength different from the laser beam L are cut by an optical filter 5 arranged in front of a lens 1a of the CCD camera 1, only reflected laser beam from the space debris D irradiated with the laser beam L is made to permeate, and only the space debris D in the photographing range is shot by the CCD camera 1. - 特許庁
第二百九条 破産管財人は、一般調査期間の経過後又は一般調査期日の終了後であって破産財団に属する財産の換価の終了前において、配当をするのに適当な破産財団に属する金銭があると認めるときは、最後配当に先立って、届出をした破産債権者に対し、この節の規定による配当(以下この節において「中間配当」という。)をすることができる。例文帳に追加
Article 209 (1) A bankruptcy trustee, when he/she finds, after the ordinary period for investigation has expired or the ordinary date of investigation has ended and before realization is completed for property that belongs to the bankruptcy estate, that there exists any money suitable for a liquidating distribution that belongs to the bankruptcy estate, shall make a liquidating distribution under the provisions of this Section (hereinafter referred to as an "interim distribution" in this Section) to holders of filed bankruptcy claims, prior to a final distribution. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
(1)又は(5)に従って通知書が送付された後で特許が発行される前に,長官が当該出願が法律及び本規則を遵守していないと信じるに足る適切な理由を認める場合は,長官は,次の通りにしなければならない: (a) 当該事実を出願人に通知し, (b) 当該通知が取り下げられる旨出願人に通知し, (c) 出願を追加審査のため審査官に差し戻し,かつ (d) 最終手数料が納付済みの場合は,それを還付する。例文帳に追加
If after a notice is sent in accordance with subsection (1) or (5) but before a patent is issued the Commissioner has reasonable grounds to believe that the application does not comply with the Act or these Rules, the Commissioner shall (a) notify the applicant of that fact; (b) notify the applicant that the notice is withdrawn; (c) return the application to the examiner for further examination; and (d) if the final fee has been paid, refund it. - 特許庁
The phase sampling data of π/4 shift QPSK modulated wave which is sampled by a semi-synchronous detector 1 is delayed by the time period required for n-times sampling by a delay unit 3 to obtain the phase difference between the sampling data before and after the delay. - 特許庁
Regarding also the "quality" of enterprises, an examination of changes in the content of core business14) over the period of a decade according to the Japan Finance Corporation for Small and Medium Enterprise's (JASME) Survey of the Management Environment reveals that, regardless of size, around 10% of enterprises were in a different field or type of business compared with 10 years ago, and around 40% were in the same field or type of business as 10 years ago but provided different products (Fig. 2-1-23). - 経済産業省
5 第二項に規定する書類に記載されている事項を出願番号により特定して電磁的方法(電子的方法、磁気的方法その他の人の知覚によつて認識することができない方法をいう。)により交換することができる経済産業省令で定める国においてした出願に基づき第一項の規定による優先権の主張をした者が、第二項に規定する期間内に当該出願の番号を記載した書面を特許庁長官に提出したときは、前二項の規定の適用については、第二項に規定する書類を提出したものとみなす。例文帳に追加
(5) In relation to the application of the preceding two paragraphs, where a person, having made a declaration of priority under paragraph (1) based on an application filed in a country designated in Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in which a conversion of matters stated in the documents as provided in paragraph (2) through an electromagnetic devices (devices that are not perceivable by senses including electronic and magnetic devices) by identifying such matters by its filing number is allowed, submits to the Commissioner of the Patent Office the document stating the said filing number of the application within the designated time limit under paragraph (2), the documents as provided in paragraph (2) shall be deemed to have been submitted. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
When performing spread spectrum for reducing EMI, a clock 1 after spread spectrum is synchronized with a clock before the spread spectrum in a sufficiently shorter period than one horizontal period, and also read-out address of the FIFO memory is advanced more than write-in address by the amount quantity of modulation of clock frequency or more. - 特許庁
The steel sheets 1 to be treated are flatly straightened before the cooling by the application of the controlled facial pressure from the surface plates, the steel sheets 1 to be treated are uniformly cooled with a cooling medium filled into the metallic square pipes 3 for uniform cooling, and the whole is simultaneously transformed into martensite, thus the flat sub-zero-treated steel sheets can be obtained without the strain remaining. - 特許庁
The contour of the handle ring 3 having a finger resting portion 31 for rotating the handle, on the circumferential periphery, is molded such that a lower portion of the handle 1 is elevated frontward and that the handle front surface is gently inclined downward from the elevated top in an upper direction. - 特許庁
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