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該当件数 : 8812



In relation to our stance of welcoming investment from SWFs, the United States signed agreements with Abu Dhabi and Singapore concerning investment by SWFs.Do you think that it is necessary for Japan to sign similar agreements with foreign SWFs?  - 金融庁


Not only the GSEs (government-sponsored enterprises) but also major financial institutions have seen their stock prices drop sharply amid the continued market turmoil, which reflects the seriousness of the impact of the subprime mortgage problem, and I expect that it will take some more time before the impact subsides. Of course, I hope that the U.S. authorities will continue to take appropriate steps.  - 金融庁


Japan, for its part, should strengthen its cooperation with the United States and other countries. Although I believe that Japan's financial system has received relatively small damage and is stable, we will keep a close watch on future developments with an increased level of vigilance given the current state of the global markets.  - 金融庁


According to media reports - although there are some differences in detail between the reports - the United States will allow the use of international standards by 110 companies starting in 2009 and then gradually obligate the use of these standards in 2011 and later. As a final decision will be made in 2011, the basic concept is apparently not very different from Japan's concept.  - 金融庁



During your recent trip to the United States, although you did not meet Mr. Paulson (Treasury Secretary), you held talks with Mr. Bernanke (Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board) and Mr. Strauss-Kahn (Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund). In those talks, was any reference made to further measures beyond the bailout plan for the GSEs, such as the injection of public funds into private financial institutions?  - 金融庁



As for the injection of public funds into private financial institutions, the financial authorities of the two countries hold discussions with each other on the understanding that they should not disclose information, so I cannot mention details of our talks. In any case, U.S. financial institutions face a very severe situation due to the conditions of the real estate and housing market that you know well, so we had frank exchanges of opinions.  - 金融庁


It is difficult to predict the future course of the stock market, and from our standpoint as financial authorities, we have refrained from commenting on market movements. In any case, more than anything, it is important that the U.S.authorities continue to do their utmost to stabilize the markets.  - 金融庁


The United States has announced a plan to purchase troubled assets with public funds, and Mr. Paulson (Treasury Secretary) has urged Japan and Europe to take a similar step. For now, the FSA has indicated that there is no need for Japan to purchase troubled assets with public funds. What is your thinking in this regard?  - 金融庁


This problem centers on non-performing assets related to the financial sector, and I understand that Japan has received a very small impact compared with the United States and Europe. Therefore, I hope that market players in Japan will conduct risk analysis properly and act in a calm manner.  - 金融庁



In connection with this matter - although not directly related to the crisis that began in the United States - some cabinet ministers pointed out that regional economies are in a very severe condition and expressed hopes that financial institutions catering to regional small- and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) will act flexibly, by managing risks and taking risks in a balanced way so as to ensurerelationship banking.”  - 金融庁



I and my staff briefed him on an additional economic package. I suggested that rather than implementing several measures step by step, we should act boldly in light of the severe situation worldwide, and the Prime Minister agreed to the suggestion.  - 金融庁


Apparently prompted by the trouble of a major U.S. company, stock prices have recently plunged around the world again. As an agreement was reached on ensuring policy consistency and cooperation at the recent summit meeting in Washington, we will quickly figure out and implement what Japan can do.  - 金融庁


Audits have become strict following the enactment of the SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley) Act and the financial problems in the United States. However, speaking from the point of view of SMEs, which you asked about, I hope that financial institutions will take risks more actively with due consideration of regional economies.  - 金融庁


This weekend, a G-7 meeting is scheduled to be held in Rome. Could you explain the significance of this G-7 meeting that follows the financial summit that was held to discuss the financial crisis? Also, as this will be the first time for Treasury Secretary Geithner to attend a G-7 meeting after the inauguration of the Obama administration, what role would you like the United States to play?  - 金融庁


Of course, it is true that the terms of foreign trade, including foreign exchange rates, have become somewhat unfavorable. However, the greatest cause is the evaporation of export markets, including China, the United States and Europe. So I believe that while it is important to put the global economy on the path to recovery, we should quickly create a domestic economic engine in Japan.  - 金融庁


Consequently, although foreign exchange is of course an important issue, I do not know how much it will be discussed at the G-7 meeting nor do I intend to bring it up. As we have always communicated our basic stance to the United States and Europe of preventing rapid movements in foreign exchange rates, we will explain it if they ask us.  - 金融庁


Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group and Citigroup of the United States have reached a basic agreement on the sale of Nikko Cordial Securities, and they are expected to formally announce it soon. This will apparently be the first time that a securities company of such a large size comes under the wing of a bank. Could you tell us how you view this deal and the integration of the banking and securities industries?  - 金融庁


FRB Chairman Bernanke pointed out that the results are very reassuring for investors, and many market participants apparently gave the results a positive assessment, regarding them as better than expected. How do you view the results of the stress tests, and do you expect that concerns over the U.S. financial system will be dispelled?  - 金融庁


I presume that the U.S. government has conducted the stress tests in a conscientious manner. The fact that the capital shortfalls found as a result of the tests were no larger than that figure — which can be covered by the funds secured through existing budgetary measuresindicates that the condition of the entire financial system is far better than we thought, so the results were reassuring for us.  - 金融庁


Regarding Europe, which faces prolonged fiscal and financial problems, the turmoil has extended to Dexia, a private bank. Some people at Japanese and U.S. authorities say that European authorities have not been quick enough in taking action despite their efforts to do something. What is your view on that point?  - 金融庁


Consequently, the whole world has become dominated by liberalism, or I should say capitalism. Over the past 200 years, the European or U.S. brands of liberalism and parliamentary democracies have led the world since the industrial revolution. Therefore, I hope that Europe itself will decide how to deal with its own affairs.  - 金融庁


In the meantime, while uncertainty remains over the situation in the United States and other countries, the EU has recognized that Japanese standards are equivalent to IFRS, so we should emphasize that internationally. Japan has been applying IFRS voluntarily, earlier than the United States and other countries, on the premise of applying different standards to consolidated and non-consolidated financial results. The United States does not apply IFRS.  - 金融庁


We must gather correct information. It is important to take appropriate actions while maintaining necessary collaboration in light of the causes of concern in Europe, the slump in the U.S. labor market, and the various circumstances of emerging economies so that we can prevent those problems from spreading to Japan.  - 金融庁


Therefore, we should take account of those things. However, at the same time, it is true that liberal trade has increased wealth, so we must recognize the advantage of the liberal economic system and consider how to strike a balance between that and public welfare and national interests as a 21st-century challenge.  - 金融庁


Let me make brief references to the paper. IFRS was developed at the time of the EU integration, with the United Kingdom playing the central role, based on the recognition of the need for common accounting standards, as you know. A few years ago, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced that the United States would adopt IFRS.  - 金融庁


Regarding the double loan problem, the biggest issue of contention in negotiations between the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and New Komeito continues to be the idea of establishing a new organization to purchase existing loans. The government and the DPJ have argued that using the existing scheme would enable quicker actions. What do you think is the advantage of using the existing scheme and what is an obstacle to the establishment of a new organization.  - 金融庁


Compared with three years ago, the stance of the United States has also changed, as shown by a staff paper (released by SEC), so I do not think that it will become difficult for Japanese companies to raise funds in international markets or that Japan's say in the international community will weaken.  - 金融庁


Rather, I expect that our policy flexibility to adapt to the circumstances of the time will be appreciated. Like the United States, Japan should adapt to changing circumstances, rather than sticking with obsolete principles, as the economy is a living organism. That is how economic policy should be managed.  - 金融庁


Stock prices are plunging around the world, as you mentioned. Although Japanese stock prices also dropped temporarily, the drop was apparently less steep than in the United States. However this is a worldwide stock plunge. As the market is moved by various factors, I would like to refrain from commenting on specific market movements.  - 金融庁


Consequently, an interim report recommending the adoption of IFRS was issued.Since the Obama Administration was inaugurated in the United States, particularly since the Lehman shock, a Copernican change has occurred in the global economic conditions, so Japan is not thinking of introducing the mandatory application of IFRS in the fiscal year ending in March 2015, as I announced to you.  - 金融庁


A little before the Lehman shock, trading in J-REITs became active due to investment from U.S. funds, leading to a rise in real estate prices. I hope that the J-REIT market will play a part in further invigorating investment by enhancing the liquidity of real estate, and that it will develop into a prosperous market.  - 金融庁


As I mentioned previously, the economic and fiscal conditions of Europe and the downside risks for the U.S. economy were apparently major topics at the G-7 meeting. In particular, regarding the European debt problem, the status of Greek debts is deviating from a promise made one or two years ago, so it is not easy to resolve the debt problem.  - 金融庁


In this respect, the attitude of both the United States and the EU is like this: “We will not comment on what form Japan's postal businesses should take, as that would be an interference in internal affairs. What we want is that as a result, fair competition between Japan Post and foreign companies is maintained.” The U.S. ambassador to Japan expressed an attitude like that to me.  - 金融庁


Moreover, Europe is a very large economic area that can rival the United States, so the stability of the financial system and currency of this region would be beneficial for Japan. Japanese countries are now struggling hard with the yen's strength, which is partly related to global structural factors.  - 金融庁


It was issued yesterday or the day before yesterday, and I received a report on it. Although the SEC has said it will set forth a direction by the end of this year, it is not so easy. Of the world's 500 major companies, around 180 have adopted IFRS, and naturally, U.S. companies are not included among them. However, the SEC has conducted analysis and issued various reports.  - 金融庁


As you know, according to the U.S. jobs data, the number of non-farm jobs was much lower than expected by the market. Although an increase of 205,000 jobs from the previous month had been expected, the number actually increased by 120,000. I think that there may be some moves to avert risk in relation to the U.S. economy.  - 金融庁


As I said at my previous press conference and repeatedly stated in the Diet, the recent legal amendment requires that equal competitive terms be ensured for the two postal financial institutions and other financial institutions, as you know. Neither the United States nor the EU has made any suggestions regarding the organization of the two postal financial institutions, such as whether or not these institutions should be privatized. Their stance is neutral in that respect.  - 金融庁


The next question concerns an order issued by a New York district court for Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ to temporarily freeze assets related to the Iranian government. What do you think of this order and how do you expect it will affect Japan's import-export transactions with Iran?  - 金融庁


As for the global economic and financial situation, real GDP in the euro zone posted negative growth of 0.1% on a quarter-to-quarter basis. In the United States, the FRB issued a statement to the effect that economic activity is bottoming out and that the condition of the financial markets has been recovering further over the past several weeks.  - 金融庁


M&A attempts coming from other countries, not only China but also the U.S. or a European country, have taken place in a variety of forms throughout our past.  - 金融庁


As I have mentioned repeatedly in this conference, it is no longer possible, given the globalized nature of the economy, especially in the financial field, for a single country to handle the matter with its own laws and regulations alone, which is why the G8 or G20 is taking steps. With those circumstances in mind, I, as someone with 25 years of service (as a member of the Diet), am intent on proceeding with proper judgment, keeping a heedful watch on them in every direction.  - 金融庁


From August 16 to 21, I went on a business trip to the United States. As already reported in brief at the informal gathering with Cabinet ministers today, I visited Washington D.C. and New York, where I met with Federal Reserve Board (FRB) Chairman Ben Bernanke, Treasury Under Secretary Lael Brainard and the President’s economic advisor Paul Volcker, just to name a few. Paul Volcker, who served as FRB Chairman during the 1970s, is the economic advisor to President Barack Obama who created the so-called “Volcker Rulein the recent financial reform legislation. In the United States, financial deregulation and economic and financial globalization had been a massive trend over the past two or three decades, basically, since the Great Depression in 1929. It was against such a backdrop in the United States that the first radical financial reform legislation in 80 years was established very recently. I asked others during my stay in the United States as to whether it amounted to a change comparable to the Copernican Revolution, and some Americans responded that it was indeed that kind of change. The major global financial trend is changing in the United States, the leading country of finance. I gained firsthand knowledge of this, having met with leading figures of the United States as the Minister for Financial Services and listened to their various opinions.  - 金融庁


Since the Lehman shock, the global financial world has been marked with much instability. However, as I have constantly pointed out, the Great Depression in the U.S. that began in 1929 resulted in the world economy divided into blocks separated by national borders – a situation that, unfortunately, formed a remote cause of the Second World War, according to historians. Given the unfortunate fate that the world's financial, economic and political worlds suffered in the 20th century in the wake of the 1929 Great Depression, it has become my conviction that that history should never, ever repeat itself.  - 金融庁


Thanks to the monetary easing action of the U.S., the yen came to approximately 83 yen to the dollar. Japan's market capitalization also went over 300 trillion yen the other day. As I have seen the days of the economic bubble when the same figure amounted to 600 trillion yen, my personal feeling is that going over 300 trillion yen was long overdue. Well, I also feel some sense of relief in seeing the rate finally go over 300 trillion yen.  - 金融庁

これは3年前のリーマン・ショックのときに、AIGというアメリカの一番大きな民間保険会社がCDS(Credit default swap)を売っていたということがあって、結局、政府が介入せざるを得ないということになったということが、一つの大きな転機でございますが、そういったことも含めて、こういう統合的なリスク管理態勢ということを検証するということの原因の一つにもなったわけでございます。例文帳に追加

A major turning point was the governmental intervention that was eventually required at the time of the Lehman shock because AIG, the largest private insurance company in the United States, was selling CDS (credit default swap). That was one of the reasons for the introduction of the examination of the integrated risk management system.  - 金融庁


At an emergency press conference on July 13, U.S. Treasury Secretary Paulson announced a rescue package for the two government-sponsored mortgage financing institutions, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which included the provision of additional funds to them as necessary and the direct purchase of their shares by the government.  - 金融庁


The second question is - I understand that you have a strong sense of crisis about a U.S. economic recession, and you have repeatedly said that the Japanese authorities as well as Japanese financial institutions must remain highly alert, too - what message you would like to send to the top management of financial institutions, including with regard to risk management in a broad sense?  - 金融庁


American Life Insurance Company's Japanese branch, known as Alico Japan, announced at 3 p.m. today that information concerning some of its policyholders who have signed contracts via the Internet is highly likely to have leaked out  - 金融庁


They are doing business in Japan, where all things, from laws to customs and human relationships, are different from those in their own countries. The same is true when Japanese companies do business in the United States or Europe: we cannot do business there based on our values alone. The same principle applies  - 金融庁



When used in a geographical sense, the term includes the states thereof and the District of Columbia; such term also includes the territorial sea thereof and the seabed and subsoil of the submarine areas adjacent to that territorial sea, over which the United States exercises sovereign rights in accordance with international law; the term, however, does not include Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam or any other United States possession or territory;  - 財務省


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