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There is, however, a theory that the religious organizations and believers of other Mahayana Buddhist countries such as the Eurasian states of China, Nepal, Tibet, Butan, Mongolia, Buryat, Tuva, Kalmyks and Taiwan do not accept this result of philology, which doesn't represent a major problem, but the reason for that theory isn't known.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In Tibetan, Buddhist sutras were for a long time widely distributed as manuscripts in order to reveal religious devotion, but in 1410 Emperor Yongle of China's Ming dynasty ordered the carving of wooden blocks of the Tripitaka as souvenirs for Tibetan feudal lords and religious associations that sent messengers to China; this custom was incorporated into Tibet and subsequently led to the carving of various Buddhist sutras.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, a group headed by Nichigyo, who was in exile in Sanuki, and Nitsu at Hisashi-an of Kurashiki in Bizen referred to Nikko who was in exile in Sadohara and refuted by saying 'Although he is in exile, Nikko is spending a peaceful life without worrying about assassination and he cannot understand the feelings of naishin people who are keeping faith while constantly worrying about their lives' (Jokoki (writings about removing Nikko)).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the section 39, 'the story of Matarashin in Jogyo-do Hall' of the "Keiran shuyo shu" (a collection of oral transmissions in the Japanese Tendai Sect which contains four stories about Myoe), there is a description that Ennin, a priest of the Tendai Sect, learned Inzei Nenbutsu (Chanting of the Buddhist invocation with a prolonged voice) of the Mt. Wutai Shan in China (Tang), was inspired upon hearing Matarashin's voice from the air on a ship to go back to Japan, built the Jyogyo-do Hall on Mt. Hiei, performed kanjo (ceremonial transfer of a divided tutelary deity to a new location) and Jogyo-zanmai (absorption in walking around Amitabha, invocating his name and nenbutsu), and began believing in Amitabha.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property refers to intangible folk culture which people have created in their daily lives and passed on to subsequent generations, such as manners and customs, folk performing arts, occupations, religious faiths, folk techniques related to clothing, food and housing, and festivals, and which have been designated as especially important by the national government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



And there is a view that Nobunaga did not call him 'Saru' (another view says he was called Saru behind his back among ODA clan, hated to be called Saru and showed no mercy against people who called Saru'); Tatsuo FUJITA guesses that he made up the nickname of 'Saru' because he wanted to utilize Sanno Faith (a monkey is a messenger of Hiyoshi Taisha Shrine).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


During the Taisho period, Zenichiro OYABE, who after having studied in the United States became a priest and migrated to Hokkaido, and while he was working for the issues concerning the Ainu, he heard about Okikirmuy, that the Ainu people believed was Yoshitsune, and then, he went over to the continent to travel to Manchuria and the Mongolian plateau to find out the truth of the Yoshitsune north refuge legend.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, because of his strong belief as a Christian, he was viewed as a threat to the bakufu (Japanese feudal government), and since Shigekatsu himself did not conduct the domain duties, was indulged in debauchery, drove mad, murdered the father and son of the vassal, Shinzaemon OIKE who was remonstrating, and had many vassals commit suicide, the bakufu deprived his position, and he was handed down to Tadaharu HORIO.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the investigation by the Nara Prefectural Board of Education, the locals usually did not call the road 'Kohechi,' instead of it, particularly in Nosegawa Village, they called it 'Koya-michi' or 'Koya-kaido' after Mt. Koya (Temple), particularly in Totsukawa Village, they called it 'Kumano-michi' or 'Kumano-kaido' after Kumano (Shrines), presumably the road reflected local people's strong beliefs not only in Kumano Shrines but also in Mt. Koya Temple and in Daishi (higher priests).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In the medieval period, this custom was disappearing because belief was getting less important due to the industrial revolution and progress in means of information transmission, but the custom lasts in a cultural way like the cross as an essence of Christianity has been generally recognized as 'sacrament' and essences such as the moon (particularly, new moon and Islam) and Rokubosei (Hexagram) (Judaism) have been regarded as 'a symbol of existence beyond human wisdoms.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



"Nihon bijutsu-shi" refers to the chronological explanation - or the academic field - of Japanese art history, such as the trend of Japanese art, the transition of its style, the research of the representative works and artists in each period, their mutual influence, and the historical background of the works and artists - that is, the works' and artists' relation with Japanese politics, economy, religion, customs, society, literature and others.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition, Todai-ji Temple was regarded as a place for learning about the six sects in Nanto, and then as the center of the Kegon sect or study on the Kegon sect, on which emphasis was put in the Heian period and thereafter, when the temple was called a place for 'interdisciplinary study on the eight sects' including the Tendai and the Shingon sects, by attracting attention from people in power of the times and the common people with its principal image representing the philosophy, the statue of Birushana Buddha.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Since a religious faith (one could argue) is a great asset in the struggle for life (giving hope in hard times, enabling a person to survive where another might fail), then the refusal to accept the atheistic implications of Darwinian theory is perfectly understandable in terms of that theory (especially if we accept that something like a predisposition to religious belief is a heritable trait).  - Ian Johnston『科学のカリキュラムで創造説?』


It can do truth no service to blink the fact, known to all who have the most ordinary acquaintance with literary history, that a large portion of the noblest and most valuable moral teaching has been the work, not only of men who did not know, but of men who knew and rejected, the Christian faith.38  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


This happened before the parallel mode of expression, "Kongokai (Diamond Realm) or Taizokai (Womb Realm)," became remarkable after Kakuban Kokyo Daishi in the latter Heian period, and should be understood as an epoch, regarding the religious beliefs particular to the Japanese, in conducting and discussing each master's standpoint or background related with Nini-Funi (also known as Funi-Nini (two sides of the same coin)) in which Oei no Taisei (Perfection in Oei era) reached the summit, more over in the Japanese intellectual history of Esoteric Buddhism, especially practicing or considering Jikyo niso (Jiso (method to practice the doctrine) and Kyoso (logical study of doctrines)).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


From psychological viewpoints, one assumes that Kenshin was influenced by his mother, Seiganin, and his older sister, Sentoin (Kagekatsu's mother), who were religious and splendid women (a theory that men who are deeply loved by noble women in childhood, unconsciously seek the same nobleness from other women when growing up, and they are gradually disillusioned with and show less interest in surrounding women), Kenshin may have been one such person, there are other theories including a kind of vulgar belief that Kenshin UESUGI was intersexual or female, also that he strictly observed a ban of marriage based on the belief of Bishamonten or Izuna-gongen.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In small or medium scaled powerful families in the Kinai area and among local powerful families, ujigami was believed to be an extension of the conventional belief, however, in the late Heian period when the shoen-koryo system (a manor and public territory system) was established and the handing down of territories and properties between fathers and children became common, the conventional manner of ujigami worship in each clan collapsed and, when territory management by 'family' as a unit gradually became common, chien-gami god (the locally connected god) of each territory or ubutsuchi-gami god (soil producing god) of one's home town was worshipped as ujigami and, as this confusion advanced, new ujigami were established in various places.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The final battle, that is, the decisive war between righteous monarchy and military rule, is the final battle between those who worship the Emperor and those who do not; specifically, it will be the most important incident in the history of mankind, determining whether the Emperor will be the Emperor of the world or whether Western presidents will lead the world" and with the rise of militarism after the Showa Restoration movement, the military appropriated the authority of the Emperor to intervene in politics.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Imperial Court, including Emperor Ichijo and nairan sadaijin (minister of the left who has a right to read and deal with documents before reporting to the Emperor from Daijokan, the Great Council of State) FUJIWARA no Michinaga, was so concerned about growing social unrest and a series of disasters that it decided to rebuild the dairi on July 11 and discussed unconventionality in the Buddhist and the Shinto rituals as well as a ban on luxurious dressing, in order to subdue social unrest through a belief in God and to restore order by reinforcing control. ("Shoyuki" (the diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke), "Gonki" (FUJIWARA no Yukinari's diary))  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


But if it be any part of religion to believe that man was made by a good Being, it is more consistent with that faith to believe, that this Being gave all human faculties that they might be cultivated and unfolded, not rooted out and consumed, and that he takes delight in every nearer approach made by his creatures to the ideal conception embodied in them, every increase in any of their capabilities of comprehension, of action, or of enjoyment.  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


Generally speaking, it is known that the preaching of Dainichi Nyorai should be developed and grasped through both the vajra (the Diamond Realm) and garbha (the Womb Realm) mandalas, whether in so-called "dai (Great Mandala) (hoshin (Buddhism's highest form of existence) Dainichi), san (sanmaya mandala) (imitsu (mystery of mind)), ho (Buddhist Law Mandala) (kumitsu (esoteric speech)), katsu (katsuma mandala (action mandala)) (shinmitsu (bodily mystery))" panorama, which are related with Ri and Chi of Esoteric Buddhism world, or in both a pluralistic perspective including rokudai (six great elements; that is Dainichi Nyorai) (tai (body)), shiman (four mandala) (so (match)), sanmitsu (three mysteries) (yu (function)), and a general perspective of Juju taimo (unobstructed) (Sokushin Jobutsu gi), but in the viewpoint of mountaineering asceticism, the Japanese animistic belief in holy spirit, it should be noted that Shobo, at this time, exhibited the Ri and the Chi in a monastic way.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He lived his days in faith and never took part in the family dispute in the Kamakura bakufu, which had been continuing from Tokiuji HOJO to Tokiyori HOJO; but when Yasumura MIURA, who was a son of Yoshimura MIURA the old friend of Tomomitsu, and all his clans were ruined at the Battle of Hoji in 1247, Tomomitsu came up all the way to Kamakura despite his old age from Shimofusa (his land), met Regent Tokiyori and spoke out his mind in tears as, 'If I had been in Kamakura as a council, I would never have let Yasumura meet the shame of a punitive death,' and for the sobbing old man Tokiyori was said to have showed deep sympathy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Rather, in the sense that, by taking Nao DEGUCHI as movement of Yin (passive) in the Principles of Yin and Yang, and Onizaburo DEGUCHI as movement of Yang (active), their cooperation complete Yin and Yang, and the will of the high-ranking deity nears completion, it is close to a belief of Oriental Philosophy, so even if the will of Onizaburo DEGUCHI is partly seen in Omoto Shinyu, it is natural to say that this doesn't directly make the credibility of Omoto Shinyu doubtful.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The problem of embezzling of jisharyo (holdings of temples and shrines) by kokuga (imperial household officials or an estate manager) or bushi (samurai) was the background of the tendo -- But in some cases, as Buddhist monks and Shinto priests inherited the shoryo, which was necessary for maintenance of the facilities and support of the rituals, accompanying their religious belief (Buddhist monks inherited the shoryo from the master to the disciple, correspondingly to the case of the Shinto priests where they inherited the shoryo from father to children), they began to privatize the shoryo such that they could use the shoryo for private purposes, which had nothing to do with their religious activities, or that they sold the shoryo to the other person at their own discretion in the worst cases.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the present age—which has been described as "destitute of faith, but terrified at scepticism"—in which people feel sure, not so much that their opinions are true, as that they should not know what to do without them—the claims of an opinion to be protected from public attack are rested not so much on its truth, as on its importance to society.  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』



Since entering the school, Kanetane knew that his teacher Atsutane studied mysterious things and the underworld to restore the ancient belief which had been lost or sealed up, besides Kanetane understood that Atsutane tried to prove the existence of mysterious things by Kodo; about 1820, by Yoshinari YAMAZAKI, a learned amateur living in Shitayachoja-machi and an acquaintance of Kanetane's friend Hirokata YASHIRO, Kanetane was introduced to Sendo Torakichi, who could come and go freely to the underworld, then Kanetane became convinced of the existence of the underworld, and began to put in serious efforts to collect information of mysterious stories and materials of such things.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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原題:”Creationism in the Science Curriculum?”

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本翻訳は Ian Johnston : Creationism in the Science Curriculum? を日本語訳したものです。
翻訳は http://www.mala.bc.ca/~johnstoi/essays/creationism.htm に基づいています。
Copyright on Japanese Translation (C) 2004 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
原題:”On Liberty”

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Copyright on Japanese Translation (C) 2004 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
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