意味 | 例文 (55件) |
該当件数 : 55件
(b) Increased financial institution losses and credit crunch concerns - 経済産業省
The Sharp Drop in Private Capital Inflow Caused by the Credit Crunch - 財務省
We prevented the credit crunch from causing a further economic downturn - 金融庁
Affected by the global credit crunch, financial conditions, including those of the corporate financing environment, are also severe. - 財務省
This was limited to being a secondary factor in regards to the global credit crunch and decrease in demand. - 経済産業省
In other words, there are concerns that worsening cash positions in the corporate and household sectors, where financial procurement is being impeded by the credit crunch, could slow global economic growth down, and this in turn could cause an even bigger credit crunch. - 経済産業省
It is necessary to pay close attention to whether credit crush will occur as a result of acceleration of capital enhancement. - 経済産業省
It is considered that the credit crunch was aggravated and they could not help but downsize the scale of investments. - 経済産業省
The exchange rate changed to the dollar’s depreciation in November, but crude oil prices did not rise because of the large effect of credit crunch. - 経済産業省
The financial crisis that erupted in the United States and Europe has had a negative impact on the real economy, including through credit crunch, and the global economy has fallen into a severe downturn. - 金融庁
Here in Africa as well, the frontier and emerging economies with market access such as Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa were first hit by the global credit crunch. - 財務省
The recent turmoil in the financial and capital markets has had a negative impact on the real economy, including through credit crunch, and the global economy has fallen into a severe downturn. - 金融庁
However, if external demand becomes sluggish in the real economy, or a credit contraction spreads on a global basis, it will likely deal a heavy blow to the Japanese economy. - 経済産業省
As monetary policies to deal with the crisis, various countries put into effect low interest rate policies and pumped an abundance of funds into the market (quantitative easing) to deal with the credit crunch. - 経済産業省
The financial crisis and credit crunch were aggravated by the failure of Lehman Brothers as a major investment bank on September 15, and all markets including crude oil markets were seriously affected. - 経済産業省
Financial institutions in the Asian region shrank their credit offerings because of the damage from the Asian currency and economic crises. However, recently they have recovered credit offerings thanks to the progress of reorganization of financial institutions and amortization of bad loans. - 経済産業省
Just at the time when we were engaged in the campaign for our party leadership election, Lehman Brothers failed. After that, concerns over the stability of the global financial system grew, as you know, and Japanese financial institutions also faced a credit crunch. - 金融庁
I would also like to remind you that the government is ready to resolutely tackle a general credit crunch — although I am not sure whether this is the right term — that may be caused by stock price drops. - 金融庁
More specifically, the credit crunch and rapid decrease in demand through interlocking trade investment had grave repercussions for the various countries and regions around the world. (Global economic crisis) - 経済産業省
European banks withdrew capital from emerging economies in an effort to have as much funds as possible on hand and be prepared for a possible credit crunch, while markets saw investors stepping up their risk-aversion stance. - 経済産業省
To prevent a credit contraction by use of positive information by making a good unlisted company having no obligation of information disclosure voluntarily disclose its own credit information on a network, thereby constructing a reliable information sharing foundation between companies capable of extending good transactions. - 特許庁
When this effect is manifested accompanied by asset price inflation or expectation of asset price inflation, a bias toward credit expansion will kick in at banks as long as these conditions persist, and they will further lift economic conditions.In contrast, when asset prices take a downturn, a bias to shrink credit is activated, and along with excessive corporate debt and decrease in corporate creditworthiness, banks will further constrict credit and push down economic conditions. - 経済産業省
We should also bear in mind that the global credit contraction arising from the present financial turmoil could increase the risk of squeezed private capital inflows to emerging economies. - 財務省
The credit contraction related to the holding of a large amount of non-performing assets by financial institutions (worsening balance sheet) has had an adverse affect on the real economy and will invite further crisis if new problems occur in the future. - 経済産業省
ASEAN economies maintained a high level of economic growth throughout the 1990s. However, because long-term domestic credit had been financed by short-term foreign funds under the de facto dollar peg system, the Asian currency crisis3 that began in 1997 resulted in a credit crunch caused by the fleeing of short-term funds, and economic growth was negative (Figs.1.1.23, 1.1.24, 1.1.25, 1.1.26). - 経済産業省
Let me cite some main lessons. First, in order to break the negative cycle of an increase in non-performing assets and a credit crunch leading to a deterioration of the real economy, it is essential to quickly and accurately recognize losses. - 金融庁
As international intermediation falters as a result of the global credit crunch, such a situation may arise as thinner private capital inflows to emerging and developing economies leads some countries to face balance of payment difficulties. - 財務省
In the United Kingdom, households have been pressured to adjust their balance sheets by the credit crunch which followed the financial crisis and the collapse of the housing bubble, and this move has given rise to sluggish personal consumption and housing investment, which have made a major negative contribution to economic growth. - 経済産業省
The financial crisis caused by the meltdown of the subprime loan market has triggered a storm of credit crunch all over the world through the globalized financial system. This has quickly spilled over to the real economy, with a dramatic decline seen in production and investments. - 財務省
The other is dealing with various secondary problems caused by stock price drops, such as an impact on banks and life insurance companies and a general credit crunch. - 金融庁
A global tightening of credit triggered by the subprime mortgage crisis could lead to shrinking private capital flows to developing countries, thus putting at risk the mobilization of resources necessary for infrastructure investments that support economic growth, indispensable for poverty reduction as well as for the provision of social safety nets. - 財務省
It is necessary to pay close attention to future trends amidst concern that the expansion of the “twin deficits,” if that were to raise U.S. interest rates in the future, would have a negative impact on the global economy via increased interest payment burden, credit crunch due to worsening financial position, plunging dollar exchange rate, among other factors. - 経済産業省
It is necessary to pay close attention to future trends amidst concern that the expansion of the twin deficits in the future, if that were to raise domestic interest rates, would have a negative impact on the global economy as well via greater interest payment burden, credit crunch due to worsening financial position, plunging dollar exchange rate, among other factors. - 経済産業省
Japan accepts that much time should be devoted to discussions on the capital adequacy ratio at Basel (Committee on Banking Supervision). However, we have expressed concern that abruptly raising the capital adequacy ratio at this stage will lead to a credit crunch in Japan, and our position has probably been understood. - 金融庁
The financial crisis caused by the meltdown of the subprime loan market has triggered a credit crunch all over the world through the globalised financial system. It has further spilled over to the real economy, through a stagnation of trade, a reduction in consumption and a decline in employment, rapidly casting a shadow over the global economy. - 財務省
This trend, however, may reverse, as global tightening of credit leads to contraction in private capital flows to developing countries. - 財務省
The financial crisis caused by the meltdown of the subprime loan market in the U.S. which has triggered a credit crunch all over the world spread by the globalized financial system. It has further spilled over to the real economy in other countries through a stagnation of trade, a reduction in consumption and a decline in employment, rapidly casting a shadow over the global economy. - 財務省
As long as this is kept to a problem of individual banks, the impact on the real economy is minor. But if there is a shortage of equity capital across the whole banking sector, then financial institutions will frequently tighten their lending standards, be reluctant to lend, and recover loans; and concerns of a credit crunch will grow. - 経済産業省
One particular initiative designed to assist the stable supply of funds to SMEs was the Special Guarantee System for the Financial Stabilization of SMEs, which was established under the “Outline of Measures against Reluctance to Lend to SMEs” (August 1998) in the wake of the financial system uneasiness in autumn 1997 and the subsequent sudden credit crunch, to assist the SMEs that were the main victims. - 経済産業省
In effect loans made by financial institutions have been on a recovering trend since 2000. Although the growth in the balance of loans to small and medium-sized enterprises is greater than the growth in the balance of loans to large enterprises, loans to the manufacturing sector to be used as equipment capital have been slow to recover. It can be said that Indonesia is still in the process of trying to recover from the credit crunch that resulted from the Asian crisis. - 経済産業省
Furthermore, we see the continuous slump in U.S. consumption continuing due to the drop in household assets, increasing uncertainty in the macroeconomic picture and financial system, downward revisions in the long-term economic growth projections and effects of shrinking credit (estimate show a 2.00 to 3.75% drop in demand is projected compared to GDP in the United States). - 経済産業省
If I am to talk about this matter in general terms for fact-checking, the Banks’ Shareholdings Purchase Corporation was established with banks as its members in order to prevent a situation in which fluctuations in the prices of shares held by banks affect their financial soundness and cause an excessive credit crunch by reducing confidence in them through a drop in their share prices. - 金融庁
We still face a global recession as, generally speaking, the turmoil in the global financial markets and the credit crunch are continuing and the real economy is deteriorating. It is important that in light of this situation, Japanese individual financial institutions strive to manage risk properly. - 金融庁
While it will continue to be important for financial regulators and supervisors to take into consideration the interaction between the real economy and the financial system, there is a risk that, if a crisis occurs, fueling fears of significant financial and economic damage, it could damage the real economy by causing a credit crunch - 金融庁
The ECB intends to control the credit crunch by substantially expanding the liquidity supply to banks. According to a report on a survey on bank finances in the first quarter of 2012 prepared by the ECB, the number of banks replying that they made their finance standards stricter in that period significantly decreased. Thus, the measure seems to have proved effective to a certain extent. - 経済産業省
What lay behind such capital withdrawals are, among others: Private banks of Europe withdrew from emerging economies loans that had been made to businesses, sold their stocks, government bonds, commodities and other items to get cash, and thereby secured dollar funds on hand and prepared themselves for a possible credit crunch due to arrive upon a further deepening of the debt crisis; and investors strengthened their risk-off stance and sold volatile stocks issued in emerging economies. - 経済産業省
In relation to this, with respect to the shareholdings by banks and cross-shareholdings between banks and business corporations, so as to ensure sound management of banks and to prevent excessive contraction of credit, acquisition of shares and other securities by Banks' Shareholdings Purchase Corporation has resumed as a time limited measure until 31 March, 2012.From the perspective of reducing cross-shareholdings and strengthening the governance function performed by shareholders, it is hoped that this measure will be used actively. Furthermore, in order to facilitate the shift in the ownership structure of shares through this and other means, it is also important to promote investment by individuals and by institutional investors whose ultimate beneficiaries are individuals. - 金融庁
しかし同時にそのことが、日本国でも当時、貸し渋り貸しはがしということで信用収縮に繋がって、非常に経済が縮まってきたということ、あるいは、きちんと資金さえ供給されれば生き延びていた企業がたくさんある時代に(金融機関が)破綻したわけでございまして、私などは特に1997年から1998年に閣僚をしておりましたので、北海道拓殖銀行の破綻、それから山一證券の破綻を経験した閣僚でもございましたから、そういったことで、やはりバーゼル III というのは、非常に世界史的なことだと思っております。例文帳に追加
It is also true, though, that a higher ratio does provide peace of mind. At the same time, however, going in that direction resulted in a credit crunch and oppressive debt collection practices in Japan in the past, leading to tight credit conditions and hence an extreme economic contraction. Back in those days, we witnessed failures of financial institutions when there were a large number of companies that could have survived if only they had had a good supply of funds. I felt the impact particularly keenly because I was in a ministerial post from 1997 to 1998 when the Hokkaido Takushoku Bank failed and Yamaichi Securities followed suit. All those things considered, Basel III strikes me as a very significant feat in the context of world history. - 金融庁
意味 | 例文 (55件) |
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