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該当件数 : 1040



Figures range widely depending on the timing/scope of the estimates and estimation method, etc.;nonetheless, as far as industry is concerned, the manufacturing sector incurred a much larger loss than originally projected. - 経済産業省

注目すべきは、中国が、EU・NAFTA をはるかにしのぐ経済成長スピードを背景に、巨大な極としての存在感を表してきていることである。例文帳に追加

It should be noted that China is demonstrating the sense of existence as a gigantic pole backed by a rapid economic growth a lot faster than those of the EU and NAFTA. - 経済産業省


By sparing no effort in promotion of such services, the shopping center has obtained a highly positive response from regional residents and expanded its customer base far beyond the area originally projected.  - 経済産業省


Whereas the manufacturing production index for enterprises of all sizes (including both large enterprises and SMEs) recovered almost to its previous peak (in December 2000), the manufacturing production index for SMEs remained far below its previous peak. - 経済産業省



A similar survey of investment trust holdings by households in Japan74, on the other hand, reveals a lower holding ratio than the U.S. but the same trend in that the holding ratio appears unrelated to income level (see Figure 2-2-58). - 経済産業省


インフラファンドの平均目標利回りは対新興国で最大25%、最小15%となっており、我が国国民年金・厚生年金保険の平均収益率である3.5% 77 をはるかに上回っている。例文帳に追加

The targeted average return for the Infra-fund for emerging economies is maximum 25% and minimum 15%, which far exceeds that of Japan's national pension plan and pension annuity, the average gain of which is 3.5%. - 経済産業省

WTO協定は、旧GATT 創設時よりもはるかに加盟国数が多く、かつ一括受諾方式が条件とされるなど、途上国の利益をより配慮する必要があったことがその背景にある。例文帳に追加

The WTO Agreements also provide more consideration to the interests of developing countries, because the number of its members is by far larger than when GATT was established and single undertaking was a condition of entry. - 経済産業省


All errors which he is likely to commit against advice and warning, are far outweighed by the evil of allowing others to constrain him to what they deem his good.4  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


Peter, however, had been carried by the wind of the shot far out to sea, while Wendy was blown upwards with no companion but Tinker Bell.  - James Matthew Barrie『ピーターパンとウェンディ』



However, due to the detailed analysis of the prices of rice and sake in 1686, it is certain that it was written after 1686 and also because the year was probably not particular for rice cropping, it is not logical that it was written long after the year.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Since aluminum has a much smaller absorption coefficient than lead, the aluminum layer 14 having the same length cannot shield γ rays, or the like completely even if the lead layer 12 has a sufficient width for shielding incident γ rays, or the like completely. - 特許庁

経済が長期停滞に陥ったこの期間を指して「失われた20 年」と言われているが、経済的なロスよりも、企業経営者が、そして国民個人もかつての自信を失い、将来への希望を持てなくなっていることの方がはるかに深刻である。例文帳に追加

This period of long-term economic slowdown has been dubbed “the lost two decades.” Far graver than the economic losses, however, were the losses of confidence and future hopes among company managers as well as individuals.  - 経済産業省


The Trojans had lost courage, and dared not go into the open plain, and they were waiting for the coming up of new armies of allies--the Amazons, who were girl warriors from far away, and an Eastern people called the Khita, whose king was Memnon, the son of the Bright Dawn.  - Andrew Lang『トロイア物語:都市の略奪者ユリシーズ』


However, as the contents of the law were surprising, people in Edo made fun of them, to which the Shogunate responded by issuing further detailed instructions in succession, entering a viscous circle which lead to future generations hearing of them as 'curious tales' which differed greatly from the reality.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a silencer further compact than a conventional silencer providing a silencing effect for an exhaust system, particularly a great silencing effect for internal combustion engine exhaust gas, substantially reducing rising of back pressure, and minimizing deterioration of engine combustion efficiency and engine output. - 特許庁


To provide a filling artificial bone designing system capable of designing an artificial bone having an outside surface shape further excellent in compatibility with a defective part than when making a mechanical reflection copy, and a manufacturing method of a filling artificial bone using this system. - 特許庁


To provide a method for producing a filament nonwoven fabric being less in unit weight unevenness in the width direction, uniform, flexible and dense in a laminated long fiber nonwoven fabric, and exhibiting a far higher tensile strength than that of a staple nonwoven fabric, at a low cost, and a device for producing the same. - 特許庁


When she was 27 years old, although it was beyond the marriageable age at that time, she was able to get engaged to Nariaki TOKUGAWA; She went to Edo for Koka (marriage of an Imperial princess to a subject).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After celebrating his coming of age, he called himself Tsunemochi ICHIJO, started to call himself Harumochi OUCHI, after being granted and using one of the Chinese characters used in the name of Yoshiharu ASHIKAGA, when he was adopted by the Ouchi family.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


These unreasonable demands were sarcastically called "Yamashina dori" (Yamashina arguments), and this Yamashina came from Yamashina-dera Temple (the predecessor of Kofuku-ji Temple), which was located in today's Yamashina Ward of Kyoto long before the national capital was transferred to Heian-kyo (today's Kyoto).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is more logical to explain the battle assuming the location was the cliff of Tekkai-san Mountain, which is located on the rear side of Ichinotani, than assuming it was Hiyodorigoe, which is located a greater distance from the Ichinotani region.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition, he also changed his name from Takafusa to Harukata as the proof to declare his loyalty to new lord, Haruhide (Yoshinaga).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While many other kokushi stayed in Kyoto (so-called Yonin Kokushi), Takamochi left the capital and went into the province with his sons TAIRA no Kunika, TAIRA no Yoshikane and TAIRA no Yoshimasa.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Thus, it is possible to achieve much higher speed and efficient braille input than conventional braille input using a key or the like. - 特許庁


From the far north they heard a low wail of the wind, and Uncle Henry and Dorothy could see where the long grass bowed in waves before the coming storm.  - L. Frank Baum『オズの魔法使い』


After remarrying, Shunmoji did not have a biological child with Nagatsugu MURAI, but adopted Nagamitsu (who was in fact, the child of Nagataka ODA, and the grandchild of Urakusai ODA), and after the death of Nagatsugu in 1613, she took the tonsure and entered the priesthood, and had a peaceful life in the Murai family under the Buddhist name Shunmoji for the latter half of her life.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Particularly, the airport express 'Haruka,' which began operating with the inauguration of Kansai International Airport, started going through to Kyoto on a regular basis within one year, and the section between Shin-Osaka and Kyoto has become a limited express highway where, together with other trains such as the limited express 'Raicho' bound for the Hokuriku District, about four limited trains run every hour.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a method for producing a 2-oxo-1,3-dibenzyl-cis-5- imidazolidinedicarboxylic acid starting from meso-2,3-bis(benzylamino)-succinic acid in the form of a dialkali metal salt by using a reagent without defects in use of phosgene or merely having the defects to at least a far smaller extent. - 特許庁


To provide a net handling apparatus for putting a folded net on a net stand so as to be housed by pulling the net to distribute from the central part with varying traction forces at each site while applying various movement forces to the net coming down from the net handling apparatus, subsequently fold the net by disposing the net having a width far wider than that of the hull of a boat. - 特許庁


To provide a core for a tire which can be simply manufactured and is low in cost in which the relatively large variation of the rubber volume of a green tire can be sufficiently absorbed under the highly excellent elasticity as compared with a conventional tire without bringing about the unevenness of a thickness dimension. - 特許庁


The fine and small design of the sonar assembly is compatible with a hydrodynamically desirable bulbous bow design by far better than the typical bow dome sonar design, its size and weight are reduced at a low cost, and it achieves good performance. - 特許庁


To provide an electroluminescent light of high quality and low cost with brightness and luminous efficiency improved and capable of displaying characters and the whole figure so as to have a non-light emission part narrowed down by far as compared with a conventional one, without bringing forth dielectric breakdown between electrodes. - 特許庁


To generate a very strong magnetic field by switching of memory elements, without being affected by the shape and size of memory elements, thereby satisfying the requirement of an MRAM structure, which enables to produce a small magnetic element having sufficient magnetic stability, to cope with the temperature fluctuations. - 特許庁


Jesus Christ with His divine understanding of every cranny of our human nature, understood that all men were not called to the religious life, that by far the vast majority were forced to live in the world, and, to a certain extent, for the world:  - James Joyce『恩寵』


This revelation was that the people have already been saved a long time ago by pledge of Hozobiku (Dharmakara) so he went around to tell the people that they have already been saved by giving out tablets that have the inscription 'Namu Amidabutsu' (which referred as Fusan).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Leaving their inn, Tomonaga nervously asked 'which way is Kai and Shinano Provinces?' Yoshihira fled away like the wind as soon as he responded 'go that way!' pointing at a cloud far away.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He said, “Space was far more awesome than I expected. I hope someday children will go to the space station and experience outer space for themselves.”  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


To provide an ultrafine metallic powder of nano-size of indium etc., obtained by a method which is much simpler than a conventional method and restrains a steep rise in the production cost. - 特許庁


To provide a titanium sintered filter with a small pressure loss and an excellent filter performance by sintering a titanium material of spherical granules at a lower temperature area than its melting point under no pressure. - 特許庁


To manufacture a focusing nut having one thread efficiently and at far lower cost as compared with a conventional tap system manufacturing method. - 特許庁


By generating elastic waves by a shock caused by the discharge, the sum of the weight of the fluid medium 20, the electrode 30, and the power supply source 40 can be made far lighter than the weight of a truck for mounting the vibrator. - 特許庁


Since the base material 1, antenna coil 4, bare IC and sheet capacitor 3 are respectively thinned so that a thickness of a whole of the device is100 μm, the device can be thinned much more than a conventional one, and it can be used in a variety of areas. - 特許庁


Thus, compression distance is secured for a long distance by using the belt 36, and that, the device is structured compact in size as compared with the roll made larger in caliber. - 特許庁


To provide a method for connecting conductive terminals for obtaining much higher reliability than a conventional manner by securely, stably and easily connecting the conductive terminals, and for sharply reducing costs by improving yield. - 特許庁


The use of the wires 16a to 16f and 19 is more flexible than that of signal terminals, so they can absorb or reduce distortion that arises in the conductive junction for vibration and temperature change. - 特許庁


The means 5 includes an RC integral circuit with the cut-off frequency far higher than the frequency of a phase comparison clock and charges electric charges to a capacitor only for a phase difference time to convert the phase comparison output into the DC voltage. - 特許庁


To provide a titanium-sintered filter which is obtained by using a titanium raw material being a spherical granular body and sintering the titanium raw material at the temperature far lower than the melting point of titanium without pressurizing it and has excellent performance as a filter having a small pressure loss. - 特許庁


When the terminal device 20 is in a rocking state accompanying walking of the user, a reference period time 29a wherein a user's arm is rocked is calculated, based on an output signal from an acceleration sensor 26a detecting the rocking state. - 特許庁


The demolition timbering 2 can be removed to the outside from a space S equivalent to 1 to 2 bodies of the separated bodies 1 far bigger than a venting hole and an inspection hole or the like, and the demolition work of the timbering 2 can be efficiently carried out. - 特許庁



To provide a personally exposed dose controlling device for work in a controlled area capable of executing personal exposed dose control easily compared with a system by a coming-in and -out zone control device and a central computer. - 特許庁


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浜島書店 Catch a Wave
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(C) 2000 katokt
原題:”On Liberty”

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Copyright on Japanese Translation (C) 2004 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
原題:”Tales of Troy: Ulysses, the sacker of cities by Andrew Lang”

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Copyright on Japanese Translation (C) 2001 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一

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