
「財政」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(56ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










該当件数 : 3035



I do not think that this will directly lead to the integration of the administrative authorities over fiscal and financial affairs. In any case, I understand that he has appointed me for these posts precisely because we are in a very precarious situation that requires flexible response.  - 金融庁


Regarding the BOJ, as I always say, although the central bank is independent from the government, I believe that it is beneficial for Japan if the BOJ and the government work together in conducting monetary and fiscal policy management.  - 金融庁


The other is the monetary policy, including quantitative easing and low interest rates as well as unconventional measures such as purchases of CP (commercial paper) and corporate bonds, although the impact of these purchasing programs have been limited now.  - 金融庁


Regarding Europe, which faces prolonged fiscal and financial problems, the turmoil has extended to Dexia, a private bank. Some people at Japanese and U.S. authorities say that European authorities have not been quick enough in taking action despite their efforts to do something. What is your view on that point?  - 金融庁



They have power over fiscal policy. Over the past 200 to 300 years, particularly since the industrial revolution in the United Kingdom, which I mentioned earlier, Nazism collapsed, representing the end of totalitarianism, and the Soviet Union collapsed, marking the end of the central force of the planned economy, socialism and communism.  - 金融庁



In the market, the view is prevailing that there are moves to avert risks, as shown by stock price drops, the euro's decline, the yen's rise and a rise in government bonds issued by peripheral European countries, against the background of concerns over the Greek re-election scheduled for June 17, and fiscal and financial problems in Spain. As well as uncertainty over recovery in the U.S. employment situation.  - 金融庁

まず、我が国金融システムを巡る状況について申し上げます。 このところ、欧州の財政・金融問題を巡る不確実性が再び高まっているほか、世界経済の成長率が低下していること等を背景に、市場にリスク回避の動きが生じ、金融・資本市場では不安定な動きが見られております。例文帳に追加

First, I will explain the current situation surrounding Japan's financial system. Recently, there have been moves to avert risks, causing instability in the financial and capital markets, against the backdrop of the growing uncertainty over the European fiscal and financial problems, and the slowdown in the growth rate of the global economy.  - 金融庁

マーケットの動向に対する所見ですけれども、ギリシャの再選挙は間もなくまいります。 スペインの財政金融問題に対する懸念を背景に、市場では株価の下落やユーロ安、それから欧州周縁国債の利回り上昇など、リスク回避の動きが生じているとの見方が多いということです。例文帳に追加

As for my view on market developments, the Greek re-election will be held soon. The view is prevalent that against the backdrop of concerns over the Spanish fiscal and financial problems, there are moves to avert risks in the market, as shown by stock price declines, the euro’s drop and a rise in the yields on government bonds issued by peripheral European countries.  - 金融庁


The FSA will closely monitor European countriespolicies toward the European fiscal and financial problems, and their impact on the market with strong interest. I strongly hope that Europe’s self-help efforts will resolve the European problems and that Europe will appropriately take every conceivable measure.  - 金融庁



Stock prices (as measured by the Nikkei Average) temporarily dropped below 9,000 yen. Yesterday, Mr. Yosano, the Minister in charge of Economic and Fiscal Policy, said that the stock price fall was within expectations. In the morning, the stock average fell by around 600 yen to less than 9,000. What do you think of the steepness of this drop?  - 金融庁



At the first meeting of the Emergency Disaster Response Headquarters that was held recently, the Minister of Finance, the Minister for Financial Services, the Minister for Economic and Fiscal Policy, and the Chief Cabinet Secretary discussed rescue activity and daily-life support, as well as the economic situation in light of the fact that areas extending as much as 500 kilometers in three prefectures (Fukushima, Miyagi and Iwate Prefectures) north of Ibaraki Prefecture have sustained such great damage.  - 金融庁


I am Nomura from Sekai Nippo. Prime Minister Kan has mentioned the risk that the whole of East Japan could crumble in a worst-case scenario. As what will happen is unpredictable, the possibility of the underwriting of government bonds by the BOJ, which is allowed under a proviso of Article 5 of the Public Finance Act, should be considered as an option. What do you think?  - 金融庁


It is true that Article 5 of the Public Finance Act has such a proviso. However, I would presume that you have heard from your parents about the devastating postwar inflation caused by the BOJ's underwriting of government bonds to finance war expenditures that came against the background of the strong influence of the Army and Navy Ministries.  - 金融庁


Specifically, it is important to ensure the stability of the financial system and the exercise of financial intermediary functions. As you know, the markets have remained in an unstable condition, and there are growing moves to avert risks around the world because of the fiscal and financial problems in Europe and the economic slowdown in the United States.  - 金融庁


As I said in replying to the previous question, our urgent, critical challenges include unstable global market movements due to the fiscal and financial problems in Europe and the economic slowdown in the United States, as well as the restoration and reconstruction work after the Great East Japan Earthquake.  - 金融庁


As you know, the impacts of the fiscal and financial problems in Europe and the economic downturn in the United States have naturally reached Asia, and the dollar is the key reserve currency. We held the meeting not because there is are particular problems pending between Japan and China or South Korea, but we exchanged general information with each other.  - 金融庁


As I mentioned previously, the economic and fiscal conditions of Europe and the downside risks for the U.S. economy were apparently major topics at the G-7 meeting. In particular, regarding the European debt problem, the status of Greek debts is deviating from a promise made one or two years ago, so it is not easy to resolve the debt problem.  - 金融庁


There is a global trend of risk aversion because of concerns over the fiscal and financial problems in Europe.In October last year, I visited Germany, France and the United Kingdom, and exchanged opinions with various policymakers, such as Governor King of the Bank of England, the Chairman of the U.K. Financial Services Authority and the vice president of Deutsche Bundesbank.  - 金融庁


In any case, there were three conditions for approval of the additional aid, if I remember correctly. One is parliamentary approval of the fiscal austerity plan, the second is the identification of concrete measures for spending cuts totaling 325 million euros, and the third is a promise in writing by the Greek ruling party's leader to implement the austerity plan, as I understand it.  - 金融庁


This is a European problem, so first of all, the 27 EU countries and the 17 euro-zone countries should think and act for themselves. As you know, the European leaders have apparently reached an agreement on fiscal discipline after working out various ideas, so I think that it is very important to take necessary steps and procedures one by one.  - 金融庁

今日、閣議の方で、公務員の新卒の削減の関係が決まったのではないかと思うのですが、全体の中での財政難という一方で、金融庁につきましてはAIJの問題でもあるように、十分な監督体制、検査体制が取れるのかといった問題もあると思います。 今回の政府の決定について、大臣はどのようにお考えでしょうか。例文帳に追加

At today's cabinet meeting, I understand that a decision was made on the reduction of the hiring of new graduates as civil servants.  While the government as a whole faces a severe fiscal situation, I presume that regarding the FSA, there is the issue of whether it can maintain adequate supervisory and inspection systems, as indicated by the AIJ problem. How do you view the cabinet decision?  - 金融庁


That is a very important point. While we cannot say that concerns over the European fiscal problem have been dispelled, the financial and capital markets in individual countries have generally been recovering for the past several months compared to before as a result of efforts made by the EU, euro-zone countries and the ECB (European Central Bank).  - 金融庁


Recently, the Diet passed and enacted an amendment bill to extend the period of the SME Financing Facilitation Act for one year for the last time and an amendment bill to extend the deadline for the determination of support by the Enterprise Turnaround Initiative Corporation of Japan, over which Minister of Economic and Fiscal Policy Furukawa has jurisdiction, for one year, and the new laws were promulgated and put into force.  - 金融庁


However, as was mentioned just now, there are somewhat unstable movements in the markets due to concerns over Spain's financial position. While I would like to refrain from commenting on market developments, I, as the Minister for Financial Services, will continue to carefully monitor market developments with strong interest while maintaining cooperation with relevant ministers and the Bank of Japan (BOJ).  - 金融庁


Mr. Taku Yamasaki, a senior colleague of mine, was chairman of the council, and Mr. Yoshio Kimura and Tsutomu Takebe, who is one term my junior, and I were members of the LDP's investigation commission on financial issues. After one hour of heated discussion, we wrapped up a bill by the deadline.  - 金融庁


This act expands the scope of items that may be purchased by Banks' Shareholdings Purchase Corporation, which resumed the purchase of stocks in March 2009, to include preferred stocks and securities, ETF (exchange-traded funds) and J-REIT so as to further strengthen the functions of the corporation in line with a supplementary resolution adopted by the House of Councillors' Committee on Financial Affairs.  - 金融庁


Lastly, just as I also did in my blog today, let me talk about Mr. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who is Managing Director of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the former Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry of France and also used to be a professor at the famous ENA (Ecole national d'administration) of France. He is the incumbent Managing Director of the IMF, as he was when the Lehman shock hit.  - 金融庁


If I remember correctly, the amount of the transferred funds was 2 trillion yen, of which 600 billion yen still remains unreturned. As the government’s fiscal condition is generally difficult, I would like to deal with this matter while taking into consideration the need to ensure safety for the people as much as possible and the compulsory nature of the automobile liability insurance. However, I am not thinking of resolving this matter immediately.  - 金融庁


What do you think is the significance of expanding the amount of public funds available for capital injection under the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions, and what is your view on a proposal by Mr. Yosano (Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry) to increase that amount to 10 trillion yen?  - 金融庁


I believe that restoring the Spanish financial sector to a sound condition is an important first step toward stabilizing the market. In any case, the FSA will monitor European governments' policies toward the European fiscal and financial problems with strong interest.  - 金融庁


As for the European situation, as a result of the Greek re-election held on June 17, a group of parties willing to continue the fiscal austerity policy achieved a victory, as you know, so I feel greatly relieved.Even so, I must keep a careful watch on the situation.  - 金融庁


It is nearly one year since the Lehman shock that triggered the financial crisis. As a minister who has been responsible for economic and fiscal policies over the past year, how do you assess the measures taken by the Aso cabinet to deal with the financial crisis? Also, do you think that those measures will stand the test of history as you said they should  - 金融庁


The scale of the global credit crunch and economic crisis was such that at one time I was not sure what could happen. Although the financial system and the economy did not completely escape damage, we managed to limit the damage. Therefore, I assume that in the future, our economic and fiscal policy measures will be judged as having been successful, rather than as a failure  - 金融庁

IMFのサーベイランス(一般的な経済政策協議)及びプログラム(資金供与にあたっての政策協議)をより的確なものとするため、財政・金融のマクロ経済政策に加え、 国際的な資本移動への対応、 為替政策、 実体経済の把握の強化、の3点に重点的に取り組むべきである。他方、構造政策に対するIMFの関与を限定することも必要である。例文帳に追加

In order to ensure more accurate Fund surveillance (general review of economic policies) and programs (policy discussions for lending), the following three points should be focused on: (1) safeguards against international capital movements, (2) exchange rate policies, and (3) better grasp of the real economy, in addition to the macroeconomic fiscal and monetary policies. On the other hand, it is also necessary to limit the IMF's involvement in structural issues. - 財務省


In contrast with previous crises, especially those in Latin America, where the main problems were ones of large fiscal deficits and over-consumption, the most significant aspects of the Asian crises were that they basically stemmed from heavy borrowing by private sector borrowers from private overseas creditors, and from excessive and/or inefficient investments made possible by such borrowing. - 財務省


Our priorities are to address remaining financial sector fragilities; ensure strong growth in private sector demand and job creation; secure sound public finances and debt sustainability; work toward a more balanced pattern of global growth, recognizing the responsibilities of surplus and deficit countries; and address the challenges of large and volatile capital movements, which can be disruptive. - 財務省


Under these circumstances, a sustained effort is required to continue building a stronger economic and monetary union in the euro area and to resolve uncertainties related to the fiscal situation in the United States and Japan, as well as to boost domestic sources of growth in surplus economies, taking into account special circumstances of large commodity producers. - 財務省


In their regional surveillance discussions, the Group noted that progress toward economic recovery in the crisis-affected economies of Asia had been helped by stabilisation in financial markets and by supportive fiscal policies, and that activity has begun to strengthen in some economies and stabilise in others.  - 財務省

一部の国は IMFからの支援を受けつつ、金融安定化措置や財政金融政策により積極的な対応を行い、また、「ウィーン・イニシアティブ( Vienna Initiative)」の下、欧州域内の金融機関が影響を受けた国々への融資のロールオーバーを確保するなど、これらの国々の努力を補完する取組みも行われています。例文帳に追加

Countries in the region took proactive responses, such as financial stabilization measures along with appropriate monetary and fiscal policies, with IMF assistance extended for some countries. In addition, financial institutions in Europe have agreed to roll over their financing to affected countries under the Vienna Initiative, which complements such country-level efforts.  - 財務省


Global growth remains modest and downside risks are still elevated, including due to possible delays in the complex implementation of recent policy announcements in Europe, a potential sharp fiscal tightening in the United States, securing funding for this year's budget in Japan, weaker growth in some emerging markets and additional supply shocks in some commodity markets.  - 財務省


We will consider a range of indicators and approaches to assess spillover effects, progress towards commitments on structural reforms, and our collective achievement of strong, sustainable and balanced growth.  - 財務省


To realize the people’s security amid declining birthrates and an aging population, the Cabinet reached a decision on Basic Principles of Social Security Reform in December last year. In the Principles, the government and ruling parties set out to formulate a reform plan to strengthen the social security system and to identify the financial resources needed for the reform, and also put forward a tax reform agenda which aims to secure the financial resources needed as well as to achieve fiscal consolidation simultaneously.  - 財務省


Japan faces very severe economic and financial difficulties at this time. As a result, we will reduce the amount of the overall budget with regard to ODA as well as other items. However, setting regional and sectoral priorities for aid and enhancing effectiveness of ODA implementation, we shall allocate sufficient budget to ensure contribution towards sustainable growth of the world economy including such matters as support for Afghanistan and its surrounding countries.  - 財務省


With the prospects for the region this year likely to be more subdued, given the weak outlook for the major industrial economies, we noted that some member countries are pursuing accommodative monetary policies and expansionary fiscal policies to sustain growth, while persevering with reforms cin the financial and corporate sectors.  - 財務省


Japan's Minister of Finance, Mr. Sadakazu Tanigaki and Korea's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and Economy, Dr. Han Duck-soo (hereinafter referred to as "the two Ministers") agreed to establish the Finance Dialogue between them in order to further promote bilateral cooperation on financial issues with recognizing that their cooperation would lead to greater prosperity in two countries as well as in Asia and the world.  - 財務省

また、AMRO とシンガポールとの間で、ホスト国の責任を明確化するホスト国の覚書(MOU)を締結することの重要性を確認。財政及び流動性支援の提供、メンバー国の情報の保護、就労パス支給プロセスの促進等、AMRO が独立したサーベイランス・ユニットとして、その使命を果たすために重要となるホスト国支援を行うとのシンガポールのコミットを歓迎。例文帳に追加

We welcomed Singapore's commitment to provide the necessary host country support which AMRO deems critical to pursue its mission as an independent surveillance unit, for example to provide budget and liquidity support, protect the member countries' data and information, and facilitate employment pass process.  - 財務省


In order to effectively bridge the gap between short-term priorities and medium-term goals, and help reduce global imbalances, Ministers stressed the role of emerging economies in the global effort by further strengthening private consumption for those countries with fiscal space and implementing structural reforms in order to boost domestic demand and growth.  - 財務省


Investors did not pay sufficient attention to the disparities in the competitiveness and soundness of public finance among euro-zone countries, because to the euro-zone investors there was no exchange rate risk in the intra-regional transactions due to the euro being ubiquitously used in the euro zone, and governance in the public sector was also considered to be equally stable among the member countries under the Stability and Growth Pact.  - 財務省


Regarding the relationship between the government (fiscal authorities) and the central bank, the independence of the central bank and a credible monetary policy underpinned by this notion are considered essential for any country today, in terms of maintaining price stability without being influenced by political factors. But at the same time, we should note that the government and the central bank complement each other.  - 財務省



In the draft budget for FY2007, the government bond dependency ratio dropped for the third straight year to 30.7%, down from 44.6% in FY2004, and the general-account primary balance improved for the fourth straight year, with the primary budget deficit shrinking to some 4,400 billion yen from some 19,600 billion yen in FY2003. This represents a steady step toward fiscal consolidation. - 財務省


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