
「財政」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(53ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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In the Netherlands, the Wassenaar agreement among government, labor and management provided thatmanagement shall endeavor to absorb part-time employment and secure jobs, workers shall not seek major wage rises, and the government shall reduce taxes and the fiscal deficit, refraining in principle from interventions in wage negotiations”. - 経済産業省


The strict fiscal disciplines which monetary union requires participating nations to observe, mergers and restructuring among European companies and among European and US companies in response to economic globalization, and the introduction of IT are all factors forcing governments to move away from labor-protecting policies. - 経済産業省


In the United Kingdom, the privatization programs started in the 1980s by the Thatcher administration were continued and developed. With the goals of achieving fiscal soundness and improving service quality of public sector facilities, the government promoted the use of outsourcing, PFI, and PPP to facilitate private sector financing. - 経済産業省


We remain committed to reducing imbalances by strengthening deficit economiespublic finances with sound and sustainable policies that take into account evolving economic conditions and, in economies with large current account surpluses, by strengthening domestic demand and moving toward greater exchange rate flexibility. - 経済産業省


この点に関し,我々は,APEC 域内外での知識交換の価値を認め,G20 により取り組まれた作業を十分考慮し,自然災害への財政当局の対応への実務的に適用可能なガイドラインを構想するための世銀,OECD 及びアジア開発銀行やその他の機関の共同の取組を評価する。例文帳に追加

In this regard we recognize the value of knowledge exchange within APEC and beyond and appreciate the joint efforts of the World Bank, the OECD, the ADB and other bodiesjoint efforts to elaborate practically applicable guidelines for financial authoritiesresponses to natural disasters with due regard the work undertaken by the G20. - 経済産業省



We remain committed to combat illicit trade; attack the financial underpinnings of transnational criminal organizations and illicit networks; strip criminal entrepreneurs and corrupt officials of their illicit wealth; and sever their access to the global financial system. - 経済産業省

1. 2010年8月7、8日に別府において、直嶋正行経済産業大臣及び荒井聰国家戦略担当・内閣府特命担当大臣(経済財政政策)議長の下で、APEC成長戦略ハイレベル会合(以下、「ハイレベル会合」)が開催された。例文帳に追加

1. The High-Level Policy Round Table (hereinafter, the “Round Table”) was held in Beppu, Japan from 7 to 8 August, 2010 under the chairmanship of H.E. Masayuki Naoshima, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan and H.E. Satoshi Arai, Minister of State for National Policy and Minister of State for Economic and Fiscal Policy, Japan.  - 経済産業省


(Note 4) Subsidy rate for those establishing a site in the disaster afflicted zones applies to those establishing a site in the disaster afflicted zones (refer to P.4) stipulated in article 2,paragraph 3 of the Act No.40 of 2011 on Special Public Finance Support and Assistance.  - 経済産業省


(Note 4) Subsidy rate for those establishing a site in the disaster afflicted zones applies to those establishing a site in the disaster afflicted zones stipulated in article 2, paragraph 3 of the Act No.40 of 2011 on Special Public Finance Support and Assistance.  - 経済産業省



Land Restructuring Plans which can receive special treatment on reorganization of land use, and Reconstruction Grant Project Plans for businesses which can utilize reconstruction subsidies.  - 経済産業省


② 激甚災害に対処するための特別の財政援助等に関する法律(昭和37年法律第150号、以下「激甚災害法」という)に基づき、事業協同組合等が行う協同施設の災害復旧事業にかかる費用に対して、国が1/2、県が1/4を補助例文帳に追加

(2) Subsidization by central government (one half) and prefectural governments (one quarter) of the cost of post-disaster recovery project on joint facilities of business cooperatives, etc. under the 1Act on Special Financial Support to Deal with Designated Disaster of Extreme Severity (Act No. 150, 1962; referred to below as the Extreme Disaster Act)  - 経済産業省

その基本方針のもと、日本再生に向けた再始動に当たっての基本7 原則を示し、具体的な各主要政策の進め方として、「財政・社会保障の持続可能性を確保」と「新たな成長へ向けた国家戦略の再設計」を2 つの柱とした施策運営の方針を提示している。例文帳に追加

Under the basic policies, seven basic principles for restarting the effort for Japanese revitalization are presented, as are concrete procedures for promoting each major policy under the two pillars ofensuring the sustainability of public finances and social security”, and “redesigning national strategies towards new growth”. - 経済産業省

貸し手の9 割近くは欧州の金融機関であり、シェアではオーストリアが最も多い他、スウェーデンや、2009 年秋より財政問題で揺れているギリシャの金融機関も、一部中東欧諸国に向けた貸出シェアが高いとみられる。例文帳に追加

Nearly 90% of lenders are financial institutions in Europe, with institutions in Austria holding the largest share. Greece (whose financial institutions have been shaken with public finance issues of their own) and Sweden are also seen as major lenders to some Central and East European countries48. - 経済産業省

2010 年2 月26 日の財務相による予算演説では、複数年にわたる段階的な赤字削減、景気対策として実施された間接税率の部分的引き戻し等を進め、景気に配慮しつつも財政再建を進めて行く方針が示された。例文帳に追加

At the announcement of a budget on February 26, 2010, the Indian Ministry of Finance introduced the policy to restore its public finance by implementing measures including a phased deficit reduction plan that is executed over some years and the partial increase of indirect taxes that were eased as a part of economic measures while paying attention to the course of economy. - 経済産業省

世界経済危機後は各国とも落ち込んだものの、ADBによれば世界経済がやや持ち直し、財政・金融の景気刺激策の効果が続く見込みであることから2010 年のASEAN諸国を含むアジア途上国経済は上向くことが予想されている。例文帳に追加

Although each country experienced economic downturn after the world economic crisis, according to ADB, the economy of developing countries in Asia including ASEAN member countries is expected to grow in 2010 since the world economy will likely to improve for some extent and the effect of fiscal and financial economic stimulus measures is expected to last. - 経済産業省


While their revenue declines due to the slowdown of economy, many oil exporting countries are in the conditions that they can allocate a large amount of public spending as an economic stimulus measure. Even immediately after the financial crisis, they have been promoting large-scale development projects in the area of petrochemistry, housing construction, power supply, water supply (both clear water supply and sewage facilities), transportation and medical services. - 経済産業省

経済産業省は、2006 年7月に閣議決定された「経済財政運営と構造改革に関する基本方針(骨太の方針)2006」や経済成長戦略大綱で提起されている国際コンテンツカーニバル構想38を具体化した「JAPAN国際コンテンツフェスティバル」を新設する。例文帳に追加

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry established the Japan International Contents Festival to implement the Outline of Basic Policies for Economic and Fiscal Policy Management and Structural Reform 2006 approved by the cabinet in July 2006, and also based on the International Contents Carnival Initiative78 which was proposed in the Economic Growth Strategy Outline. - 経済産業省


The Japanese government established the Program for Acceleration of Foreign Direct Investment in Japanin June, 2006. In addition, the Economic and Fiscal Reform 2008 prepared in June, 2008 instructed relevant ministries and agencies to revise the Program for Acceleration of Foreign Direct Investment in Japan, with the objective of expansion of investment in Japan, and to make the following commitments. - 経済産業省


The issues concerning the Industrial Training and Technical Internship Program have been discussed by the Council of Regulatory Reform, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the labor market research group of the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy, Nippon Keidanren, Japanese Trade Union Confederation (Rengo), and other groups, and the future developments will draw further attention (see Table 2-4-57). - 経済産業省


In response, the “2007 Basic Policy for Economic and Financial Reformapproved by the Cabinet in June 2007 was added with the plan that, by the end of FY2007, the Financial Services Agency would develop the “Plan for Strengthening the Competitiveness of Japan's Financial and Capital Marketsas one of the reforms for globalization and that the entire government would unite in the implementation. - 経済産業省


2. The number of protectionistmeasures whichG20members have introduced remains at high levels albeit on a decreasing trend, while global economic recovery that has been continuing isslowing down due to the fiscal crisisin Europe etc.  - 経済産業省

なお、G20 カンヌ・サミットでは、G20 諸国の貿易・投資措置に関する報告書(第6版)が報告され、EU 諸国の財政危機の影響を受け、G20メンバー諸国の貿易制限的措置の全体数が高水準で推移していることが報告された。例文帳に追加

The report on trade and investment measures taken by G20 countries (6th edition) was submitted at the G20 Cannes Summit, informing that the total number of trade restrictive measures taken by the G20 member states remained at a high level, affected by the financial crises of EU nations. - 経済産業省


When working-age population declines and aging processes, along with the reduction of investment due to lowered labor input and domestic saving ratio, the increase of medical costs and burden of pension is assumed to add pressure to public finance and householdsbalance sheet. - 経済産業省

2009 年の世界金融危機を受けて赤字に転じた財政 収支は、エネルギー価格の高止まりにより歳入の半分 近くを占める206 エネルギー関連の税収が好調なこと から改善傾向にあり(第1-6-2-8 図)、2011 年は2008 年以来3 年ぶりの黒字を計上した。例文帳に追加

Fiscal balance, which had fallen into negative territory due to the global financial crisis in 2009, was back on the recovery track because high energy prices caused an increase in tax revenue from energy which accounted for about a half of annual government revenue206 (see Figure 1-6-2-8), and in 2011, a fiscal surplus was recorded for the first time in the three years since 2008. - 経済産業省

一方で、ロシア政 府の作成した2012-2014 年度の連邦予算では国防予算 の大幅増 などから歳出が2012 年の11.8 兆ルーブ ルから2014 年には14.1 兆ルーブルに拡大される計画 となっており、2012 年には再び財政赤字に転じる見 通しである208。例文帳に追加

On the other hand, in the federal budget for 2012 to 2014 prepared by the government of the Russian Federation, expenditure is scheduled to increase to 14.1 trillion rubles in 2014 from 11.8 trillion rubles in 2012 due to a large increase in the defence budget, and it is expected that the fiscal balance will fall into negative territory again in 2012. - 経済産業省


To secure the fund of nuclear operator and to facilitate the compensation, the nuclear operator is required to make the Financial Arrangement for Liability for Nuclear Damage.The amount of the Arrangement is 120 billion yen for each site in principle. - 経済産業省


On April 23, 2010, the Greek government formally requested financial aid from the IMF, the EU and other international organizations. In May, the IMF and the eurozone created a financial aid package for Greece; however, rising concerns about fiscal conditions prevalent in Ireland, Portugal and some other countries dampened the mind of markets, principally in Europe and the United States. - 経済産業省


In May 2010, the IMF, the EU and some other international organizations agreed on extending financial aid to Greece. However, even after the agreement was reached, concerns rose in financial markets about the fiscal conditions of PIIGS, and financial aid was extended also to Ireland at the end of 2010, and Portugal in April 2011. - 経済産業省


It caused fears of the deepening European debt crisis to spread to financial markets worldwide. Market fears that initially were related to the fiscal conditions of some of eurozone countries grew into concerns about the stability of the global financial system, which resulted, among others, in the global stock market downturns of August 2011 and capital flight from emerging economies in the early autumn of the same year. - 経済産業省


Following the start of 2012, market fears of the European economy receded, but in March of the same year concerns grew about Spain’s fiscal condition. The sense of uncertainty about potential fiscal crisis in Spain and Italy has not been dispelled yet in the markets, given a sharp increase in the yield on their government bonds. - 経済産業省

我が国企業及び事業者団体のそれぞれにおいて、自身が関わる各国の競争法違反の リスク、競争法以外のリスク対策との優先度、人的・財政的資源の制約等を見極め た上で、それらに見合った競争法コンプライアンス体制を整備することが重要。例文帳に追加

It is vital for each Japanese corporation and trade association to establish a competition law compliance regime, having examined the risks associated with anti-competition violations in any particular country it is involved in, the priority of such risks against other risks and the limitations of human and financial resources. - 経済産業省


5. We considered the Trade Review report compiled by the APEC Secretariat with inputs from the WTO, ABAC and other relevant bodies, and reviewed the trade, fiscal and monetary measures undertaken by APEC economies since the June 2010 MRT. - 経済産業省

さらに、2006 年7 月の日中経済パートナーシップ協議や同年10 月のWTO 市場アクセス委員会において改めて協議・指摘を行うとともに、同年11 月には在北京日本大使館から財政部及び商務部に対して本問題の是正を文書で申し入れた。例文帳に追加

Furthermore, Japan discussed and pointed out this problem at the Japan-China Economic Partnership meeting in July 2006 and the WTO Market Access Committee in October 2006. In November 2006, the Japanese Embassy in Beijing submitted written requests to the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Commerce, requesting that China correct this problem. - 経済産業省

「該当する議会の委員会」は、下記のものを意味する。(A) 下院の歳出委員会、外交委員会、歳入委員会、および金融サービス委員会、ならびに、(B) 上院の歳出委員会、外交委員会、財政委員会、および銀行住宅都市委員会例文帳に追加

The term ''appropriate congressional committees'' means (A) the Committee on Appropriations, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Committee on Ways and Means, and the Committee on Financial Services of the House of Representatives; and (B) the Committee on Appropriations, the Committee on Foreign Relations, the Committee on Finance, and the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate. - 経済産業省


The Japan’s 21st century Vision11 reported at the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy on April 19, 2005, pointed out that a decline of current account surplus to GDP is envisioned due to the aggravated IS balance through the reduction in the savings rate in Japan along with the falling birthrate and aging population. - 経済産業省


The U.S. economy is demonstrating its resilience, posting a real GDP growth rate of 4.4% year-on-year in 2004, the strongest growth since 1999 (4.5%). In the process of domestic demand-led growth, however, the twin deficits—the budget deficit and current account deficit—are continuing to expand in the U.S. - 経済産業省


In addition, the current account balance played a large role: in June 2001, the U.S. established an enormous 11-year, US$1.35 trillion income tax cut. Furthermore, household consumption, which accounts for 70% of the GDP, continued its steady performance in part due to mortgage refinancing against the background of a low interest rate. - 経済産業省


First of all, in FY19922, the budget deficit reached a record high due to large-scale tax cuts and expanded military spending in the 1980s (US$290.3 billion, 4.7% of GDP). From then on, the budget deficit began to decrease and continued to improve. In FY1998, a budget surplus was recorded, and in FY2000, there was a budget surplus of US$236.2 billion (2.4% of GDP). - 経済産業省


As for the current account balance, the fact that the short period of time that was required for the fiscal balance to post a deficit, coupled with personal consumption which has remained relatively strong, worsened the savings and investment balance on the macroeconomics side and further widened the current account balance deficit. - 経済産業省


In order to cope with this issue, the Bush administration is also proposing to reform the social security system. However, introducing individual accounts as has been proposed is expected to generate substantial costs (system transition costs). Therefore, it is pointed out that a reform of the social security system will cause the budget deficit to expand in the short term. - 経済産業省


Meanwhile, the pace of recovery is expected to be moderate because of growth inhibiting factors including the banks' reluctance to lend, reflecting the escalation of the European economic crisis, the fiscal restraint of each country, and, moreover, the continuing balance sheet adjustments in the private sector. - 経済産業省


These three countries lack the capacity to restore their finances. For example, they are, due to their deteriorating export competitiveness, without a good prospect for the increase of external demand that can make up for the sagging domestic demand as a result of the world economic crisis, and have also been slower compared to Germany in recovering their production activities. - 経済産業省


The European Semester is intended to improve policy coordination on and fiscal discipline, macro-economic stability, etc. by having the Economic and Financial Affairs Council preliminarily review economic policies and budget bills, which were previously reported byte respective EU member countries after they submitted them to their parliaments, and make necessary recommendations. - 経済産業省


Since the European debt crisis was not simply a fiscal problem, but was also the financial sector's problem in which financial institutions as lenders incurred latent losses, leading to a deterioration of the euro zone's financial status. Therefore, it became urgent also to take measures to stabilize the financial sector and restore market confidence in addition to responding to the worsening of the debt problem. - 経済産業省


The prospect for the fund raising of Greece looks bright for the time being. However, in the second support plan, the country is required to achieve strict fiscal reconstruction targets such as turning its primary balance into the black from 2013, and reducing is debt balance from 165% of GDP in 2011 to120.5% of GDP by 2020. - 経済産業省


The Obama administration that cites employment creation as the most crucial task places importance on trade policy under the circumstances where the room for fiscal measures is limited. Thus, the administration has taken actions to promote imports that lead to increase in employment and domestic direct investment. - 経済産業省


Examining financial situations, after the world economic crisis, each country supported the economy by taking various economic measures such as tax reduction (purchasing automobile, housing acquisition, etc.), initiating public works (transportation infrastructure, energy/environmental concerns, etc.) and making benefit payments (unemployment/ suspension of employment, etc.). - 経済産業省


In this Message, the worst-ever budget deficit of US$1,645 billion was estimated for fiscal 2011(started from October, 2010). Obama government aims to control the accumulated budget deficit from fiscal 2012 to 2021 within US$7,200 billion by measures such as, changes in the revenue structure, reduction of obligatory expenditure and freezing discretionary spending for 5 years. - 経済産業省


The government Expenditure (second estimate) of the first-quarter in 2011 accounts at an annual rate of -5.1% reduction from the prior quarter and record-low size of decrease since the fourth-quarter in 1983, and this becomes a factor to push down the growth rate. - 経済産業省



However, the reduction of the size of increase in the number of private sector employees, continued declining tendency of the core consumer prices index and decline in expected inflation rate were seen after May 2010 due to slowdown of the economic recovery by the exfoliation of the policy effect after spring of 2010, and decline of the market sentiment beginning with Greek financial crisis. - 経済産業省


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