
「財政」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(58ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










該当件数 : 3035



In order to promote efforts in each region toward recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake, the Law on Special Great East Japan Earthquake Reconstruction Areas was implemented from December 26, 2011 as a one-stop, comprehensive framework providing special exemptions under regulations and procedures and special tax, fiscal and financing treatment in areas that suffered a certain level of damages due to the great earthquake.  - 経済産業省


With the Japanese population projected to fall in the future, it is argued that “compact town developmentso as to concentrate urban functions as far as possible in central areas and keep down the cost of use and maintenance of existing infrastructure will offer an effective means of maintaining the affluence of residentslifestyles by maintaining sustainable local government finances and communities, especially in provincial areas where population decline is projected to be particularly rapid. - 経済産業省


These fiscal deficits probably lead to restraints on public investment for infrastructure development, and because SLR curbs funding to the private sector, the necessary private sector investment most likely cannot be implemented. As a result, some have pointed out that improvements aimed at further growth of India’s economy are necessary. - 経済産業省


However, in recent years, water facilities have deteriorated and the demand for renovation and renewal is expected to grow significantly, whereas now municipalities suffer under strict financial conditions. There is an estimate that the demand for renewal will exceed the amount of investment in Japan as early as 2020 if investment continues to decrease by one percent on a year-to-year basis. - 経済産業省


地元報道によれば、ピメンテル開発商工大臣は、繊 維、履物、家具、ソフトウェアの4 分野における INSS (社会保障税)の減免措置について、「労働維持 のコストを削減することで、国内雇用を維持するもの だ」として、財政への影響を評価してから他の分野に も拡大するかを検討するとしている。例文帳に追加

According to local reports, Mr. Pimentel, Minister of Development, Industry and Trade stated about the suspension of employer social tax (INSS) in the clothing, footwear, furniture, and software sectors that "reduction in costs of maintaining the labor force would result in the maintenance of domestic employment" and he would examine whether the tax suspension should also be applied to other sectors after evaluating the effects on public finances. - 経済産業省



So in the coming months government spending will be forcibly cut, principally in the area of defense spending, concurrently with the expiration of the Bush-era tax cuts (at the end of 2012), the expiration of the temporary cut in the Social Security tax and of the extended duration of unemployment insurance benefits (at the end of 2012). Thus, it is feared that the U.S. economy may see its recovery trend turn down. - 経済産業省

また、中小企業も処罰の対象となることは大企業と変わらないが、中小企業が大企業と同 等のコンプライアンス体制を整備することは、現実的に困難であることから、前述のように、 自社の競争法違反リスク、競争法以外のリスク対策との優先度、人的・財政的資源の 制約等を見極めた上で、体制整備をする必要がある。例文帳に追加

Further, although small and medium size corporations are also subject to penalties as with large corporations, it is difficult for them to establish the same kind of compliance regimes as those of large corporations. Therefore, as mentioned above, they need to establish compliance regimes, based on their assessment of their anti-competition risks, the prioritization of such risks compared to other risks and the limitations of human and financial resources. - 経済産業省


The report maps the risks facing the world economy, based on each risk's anticipated loss and feasibility. Particularly dangerous risks include "2 Oil and gas price spike," "4 Slowing Chinese economy (GDP growth slowing to 6%)," "5 Fiscal crises," "6 Asset price collapse," "7 Retrenchment from globalization (developed)," "29 Pandemic (of avian influenza, etc.),"29 and "31 Chronic disease. - 経済産業省


The relative poverty of farmers compared with citizens who have family registers in urban areas stems from 1) the lack of sufficient public services being provided to the farm sector, including an insufficient infusion of fiscal funds to farm districts, 2) the existence of a family-register system and 3)various financial burden in farm business, including farming-related expenses (purchases of production material and equipment), and agricultural tax in addition to income tax. - 経済産業省



Indexes for economic targets are categorized into binding indexes and non-binding indexes. Non-binding indexes are ones in which numerical targets are to be achieved based on market mechanism, with the role of the Central Government confined to upgrading market-related environments. Such indexes include economic growth rates. Binding indexes are ones in which targets are to be achieved in a compulsory manner through the reinforcement of legal control and the allocation of fiscal funds. Such indexes are related to natural resources, environments and social security systems. - 経済産業省



In March 2003, the Japan Investment Council, consisting of the Prime Minister as the chairperson, the Minister of State for Economic and Fiscal Policy as the vice-chairperson, and other ministers including the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, put together a promotion program for foreign direct investment into Japan (‘Promotion of Foreign Direct Investment into Japan’). The program consists of the following five categories: the dissemination of information on investment opportunities in Japan both domestically and internationally, the improvement of the business environment, the reexamination of administrative process, the creation of favorable employment and living environments and the improvement of local and national structures and systems. - 経済産業省

同社が現在まで順調に業績を伸ばせた要因は、JCDecaux S.A.が世界におけるストリートファニチャー事業で、売上高1位という実績がありノウハウを有しているほかに、規制により我が国に競合他社が存在していなかったこと、規制緩和により同社が参入したタイミングと地方自治体の財政削減の需給ニーズが一致したことなどが考えられる。例文帳に追加

The steady improvement in business performance of MCDecaus in Japan can be attributed not only to the know-how of its parent company JCDecaux that is justly proud of its position as global the number one street furniture seller, but also because it was first-to-market and timely, in that it could meet the needs of Japanese local governments that were seeking further spending cuts - 経済産業省


As was illustrated so far, the rise in social security costs stemming from the progressively aging population is pointed out as a cause of concern in the government sector, and an increase in liabilities, a decline in savings rates, a decline in housing prices and other factors are pointed out as causes of concern in the U.S., where the so-called twin deficits composed of the budget deficit and current account deficit have been expanding. - 経済産業省


In the past, government played the key role in providing social services such as support for the elderly, child care, community development, and urban development. However, the restrictions on providing such services are tightening, due to the severe fiscal circumstances under which both regional governments and the central government operate. - 経済産業省


Although it was also expected that the introduction of common rules such as fiscal discipline would encourage the convergence of economic fundamentals among participating members, because the introduction of the euro enabled current account deficit countries to be easily financed from abroad when needed. The incentives for structural reform, on the contrary, were greatly weakened. - 経済産業省


Due to the onset of the world economic crisis in 2008, Germany's real GDP growth rate sharply declined to -3.5% year-on-year, but Germany escaped from an extremely deteriorating fiscal condition because of several factors including the successful control of unemployment thanks to the abovementioned working hour account system, etc., and the quick achievement of economic recovery based around exports to emerging economies and others leveraged by a high degree of international competitiveness. - 経済産業省


Furthermore, since 2010 when the European debt crisis was emerging, these three countries have been forced to implement austerity measures under the increasing market pressure toward sound public finance, which increases the risk of further depressing the economy. For instance, Italy had already fallen into negative real growth rates to GDP since the 3rd quarter of 2011 and Spain fell into negative growth in the 4th quarter of 2011. - 経済産業省


Although it was expected that the economic disparities among the member counties would be mitigated through promotion of economic growth thanks to vitalization of trade and investments within the zone and of competition between companies resulting from elimination of exchange risks with the introduction of the euro, and through the advance of mutual surveillance of financial aspects based on common rules, the economic imbalance has in fact continuously expanded since the euro was introduced, as described above. - 経済産業省


Households and companies are still in the midst of painful balance sheet adjustments, and domestic demand remains sluggish due partly to fiscal restraint and wage cuts. Having said that, Ireland is the only country among those supported in the euro zone whose structural reform is favorably evaluated, and its long-term government bond yield has recovered to the level of before it requested support from the EU and IMF - 経済産業省


The fiscal 2012 budget, which the Rajoy administration announced in March 2012, contained a revenue increase and expenditure reduction of 27 billion, which accounts for 2.5% of GDP. However, due to a possible vicious cycle of fiscal reconstruction and economic slowdown, its economy may stay sluggish for the long term, and the concern over the medium- to long-term debt-paying ability may further grow in the future as a result of further decreases in tax revenues. - 経済産業省


The Monti administration, inaugurated in November 2001, announced a comprehensive package consisting of a fiscal soundness policy amounting to a total of 63 billion in three years from2012 to 2014, and a policy for promoting economic growth by spending ?40 billion. In addition, in March 2012, at a cabinet meeting, the administration approved a labor market reform plan consisting mainly of the creation of an employment insurance system to substitute the existing unemployment benefit scheme, and submitted the bill to the parliament. - 経済産業省

なお、2011 年予算管理法の第 2 段階として超党派特別委員会が検討した「今後 10 年間で 1.5 兆ドル以上」の財政赤字削減策については、期限の 11 月 23 日までにとりまとめが不成立となったため、2013 年からはあらかじめ決められた歳出削減案 1.2 兆ドルが自動的に実施されることとなっている。例文帳に追加

Immediately after that, however, Incidentally, in regard to the fiscal deficit reduction measure ofUS$ 1.5 trillion cut over the next ten years” that the special bipartisan committee examined as the second installment of the Budget Control Act of 2011, the committee was unable to agree on how to reduce the deficit. Thus, predetermined expenditure cut in US$ 1.2 trillion is going to be automatically implemented in 2013. - 経済産業省


In addition to the immediate tasks of fiscal reconstruction and recapitalization of banks, Europe has a structural problem of widening difference in competitiveness between countries, and a possible recurrence of the European debt crisis is still a large risk factor. Also, there is a need to keep a vigilant watch on the trends of the U.S. economy, which lacks strength in terms of housing markets and employment. - 経済産業省


The world economy involves structural factors such as disinflationary (a situation where the rate of price increase falls) / deflationary (a situation where prices continuously fall) trend and increases in financial deficit in the advanced economies and economic overheating in some of emerging economies, which act to raise the prices of resources, further widening the global imbalance, and implying that the economic recovery is still unstable. - 経済産業省

また、IMF の見通しにおいても、グローバル・インバランスの中期的な縮小は見込めないとされ、それによる持続不可能な財政赤字によるデフォルト、金融機関の不安定化、新興国への資金流入の増加による一層のインフレ等が世界経済を下押しする懸念材料になっていると考えられる。例文帳に追加

In addition, according to the viewpoint of IMF, as medium-term reduction of global imbalance cannot be anticipated, it is thought that factors such as, default by the unsustainable budget deficit, destabilization of financial institutions, higher inflation by increased capital inflow into emerging economies will create insurmountable problems exerting downward pressure to the world economy. - 経済産業省


Moreover, the leaders stressed that economies still relied largely on policy support measures and for a sustainable fiscal government and coherent country commented, “policy support measures should be maintained until the recovery is without a doubt being led by the private sector and until it is stronger,” and “a reliable exit strategy should be formulated from exceptional macro economic support policies and monetary support policies that meet the conditions of each individual country while taking into consideration all conceivable repercussions.” - 経済産業省


In Greece social concerns within the country regarding salary cuts and reductions in pensions are spreading and while this situation must be continually watched, there is also the need to be concerned about the same huge fiscal deficit problems in the so-called “PIIGS” countries, Portugal, Ireland, Italy and Spain. - 経済産業省


The expenditure for financial transfers from the central government can be divided into mainly (ⅰ) financial strength transfer expenditure, () special item transfer expenditure, (ⅲ) tax reimbursement, and (iv) structural subsidies. Initially after the introduction of the system, the effect on correcting disparities was not significant because of the high ratio of tax reimbursement with a structure of a greater distribution in wealthy regions (Table 1-3-51). - 経済産業省


Nonetheless, the ratio of local revenue (amount adding the amount of expenditure for financial transfers from the central government to local independent financial resources) accounted for by general transfer expenditures is approximately 5% (2005). Comparing this to the ratio of local revenue accounted for by tax revenues distributed to local governments in Japan, which has remained around 20% from the high-growth period up to now, it can be seen that this is extremely small (Figure 1-3-55). - 経済産業省


Nevertheless, developing an environment in which it is easy to find employment through not only financial support measures, but efforts such as employment create and strengthening the matching of employment, in addition to the effects of the expansion of income of the low-income group as a result of this, also appears to be important in terms of leading to sustainable development through the enhancement of human capital. - 経済産業省

なお、2006 年 5月18日に経済財政諮問会議で決定された「グローバル戦略」では、貿易量が大きく、我が国企業の生産ネットワークが構築されている東アジアとのEPA 締結を加速化するとともに、経済安全保障上重要な資源産出国や、潜在的な貿易量の拡大余地の大きい人口大国との交渉に積極的に取り組むことが重要であるとされている。例文帳に追加

Separately, in the Global Strategy it approved on May 18, 2006, the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy (CEFP) called for speeding up the conclusions of EPAs with East Asian countries, our major trade partners in which Japanese companies have established production networks. CEFP also stressed the importance for Japan to actively negotiate with resource producing countries which play key roles in its economic security, as well as with hugely populated countries which have sizable potential to expand trade with Japan. - 経済産業省


Backdrop factors include: a) a favorable cycle of export and investment was made on the success of developing countriesindustrialization policies; b) the region was able to make good utilization of the two driving forces of the world economyUnited States in the first half and Japan in the second half of the 1980s; c) many developing countries adopted the adjusting policy of reducing their deficit; and d) East Asia was politically more stable than other regions. - 経済産業省


If the current account imbalance were not sustainable and adjustments were to be made, the possible process for adjustments would include (1) the depreciation of the dollar, (2) a decline in consumption as a result of deflation or collapse of thehousing bubblein the US, and (3) improvement in the fiscal deficit of the US. Any of them could have negative impacts upon the international economy. - 経済産業省


According to the estimate, a decrease in the fiscal deficit of the US will have smaller impacts on commodity prices(a 1.5% rise for 6 years) than those by the dollar depreciation, but will lower the GDP growth rate significantly (-4.5%) as well as the short-term interest rate (-5.4%) through the reduction of government expenditures. The estimate also shows that a lower GDP growth rate of the US will result in a lower GDP growth rate of Japan (-2.0%). - 経済産業省


Also, the following were presented in the fiscal reconstruction plan that the government submitted to European Commission in 2010: while maintaining the enhancement of social security, increasing the numbers of young people and women who are entrepreneurs by reducing establishment costs, promoting innovation, and working on environmental problems by raising energy efficiency. - 経済産業省


Although some countries select negotiating ahead forpolitical reasons, South Korea is positive in it‟s negotiation with the main export countries from aneconomic point of view. The entire country feels the benefit of the economic effect as a result of themarket opening by the FTA. Fiscal expenditure is planned for 10 years aiming at competitive edgestrengthening support for the agriculture sector. A strategy that is actually suitable is executed (seeFigure 3-1-3-39). - 経済産業省

2010 年末まで新たな貿易・投資制限措置を採らないこと、そのような措置は速やかに是正すること、財政政策や金融セクター支援措置等の国内政策措置が貿易・投資に与える悪影響を最小化すること、あらゆる措置をWTOに迅速に報告し各国の遵守状況を監視すること等が盛り込まれるとともに、ドーハ・ラウンドの妥結に向けた強い意志が表明されている。例文帳に追加

The statement included undertakings not to impose new trade or investment restrictions before the end of 2010, to rectify promptly any such measures, to minimize any negative impact on trade and investment caused by domestic policy actions including fiscal policy and action in support of the financial sector, to promptly notify the WTO of any measures, and to monitor members' adherence to these undertakings, as well as a strong commitment to concluding the Doha Development Round. - 経済産業省

こうしたコンテンツ産業については、政府としても「経済成長戦略大綱」(2006 年7 月財政・経済一体改革会議決定)及び「新経済成長戦略のフォローアップと改訂」(2008 年9 月閣議決定)において、我が国のリーディング産業として位置付け、2015 年までにコンテンツ市場を20兆円まで拡大するとの目標を設定した。例文帳に追加

The government recognizes the contents business as Japan's leading industry in the Outline of Economic Growth Strategy (decision made by the Council on Integrated Reform of Finance and Economy, July 2006) and the Follow-ups and Revision of the new Economic Growth Strategy(Cabinet decision, September 2008), and set forth the goal of expanding the contents market to \\20trillion by 2015. - 経済産業省


The "Economic and Fiscal Reform 2008," decided at a cabinet meeting in June 2008, sets the "target of signing EPAs with over 12 countries and regions by the beginning of 2009 and increasing the percentage of trade with such signatories to over 25% in value by 2010." Japan should proceed with the timetable for 2010 (see Table 4-3-11). - 経済産業省

そこで、政府全体の取り組みとしまして、これは文部科学大臣、厚生労働大臣、経済産業大臣、経済財政政策担当大臣、内閣官房長官といった関係5大臣により、今年の9月に「若者自立・挑戦プラン」の具体化ということで資料の8頁にあるような対策を策定いたしまして、総額 810 億円の来年度の予算要求を行ったところでございます。例文帳に追加

Thus, 5 minister concerned, that is to say, the minister of education, the minister of health, labour and welfare, the minister of economy and industry, the minister of finance and the chief cabinet secretary gathered together in September to make the “youth independence and challenge plantake form, as you can see at page 8. We demand a budget of 81 billion yen. - 厚生労働省


On the contrary, in the situation that severe healthcare financing will continue in the future, as the volume of production in the whole pharmaceutical industry largely depends on drug benefit cost by medical insurance, in the domestic market, strict rationalization of the whole pharmaceutical industry and change of the industrial structure will be demanded. - 厚生労働省


While innovative new drugs promote the quality of healthcare, the use of high quality and reasonably priced generic drugs reduces the financial burden and rationalizes health insurance finances. It follows that a balanced distribution of original and generic drugs is vital. The current status of the drug market does not allow generic drugs to fulfil their potential role. - 厚生労働省

待機児童解消のために認可保育所などを大都市部での需要に応じて機動的に整備し、小規模保育等の多様な保育に対し財政支援 するなど、地域の実情に応じた保育等の質的・量的拡充等の機能強化を行い、子育てに伴う喜びを実感できる社会を実現する。例文帳に追加

Enhancements of function, such as qualitative and quantitative expansion of childcare, etc. according to local circumstances shall be exercised to realize a society that can enjoy child-rearing. For example, restructuring of authorized nurseries with flexibility in metropolitan areas depending on demand, and providing financial support to small-scale nurseries to meet diversified care in order to eliminate the waiting list for children. - 厚生労働省


* ‘A note of confirmationof 3 parties: 3 parties will meet to discuss an agreement about the details of the public pension system reform of the future. The Social Security System reform bill is taking into account the prospects and current financial condition, etc., and the Public Pension System in the future will be discussed in the National Council Reform of Social Security System, and come to a conclusion. - 厚生労働省


The Government shall promptly consider financial and tax measures related to the child support, by taking into consideration the impacts of the child allowance payment as provided for in the Child Allowance Act revised by this Law, income taxes, and the abolition of prefectural and municipal inhabitants tax deductions for dependents. Based on the results of such deliberations, the Government shall take necessary relevant measures. - 厚生労働省


Under a special law, the amount of pension benefits has been kept unchanged, resulting in paying the benefits at a level 2.5% higher than the level adjusted through indexation. However, in order to reduce the burden on pension funds and secure the pensions for the working generation (future pension recipients) in the future, the pension benefits paid to the current pension recipients are reduced according to price-indexation in a planned manner. - 厚生労働省


Financial support towards measures to reduce or exempt users' copayments and insurance premiums shall be extended until February 28, 2013 for people under the long-term care insurance in the Caution Zone, etc., and until September 30, 2012 for those covered by the long-term care insurance in other areas. The application of subsidies to pay for food and living expenses, etc. shall be effective until February 29, 2012. (February 9, 2011) - 厚生労働省


MHLW notified Prefectural Labour Bureas that, with the enforcement of the "Cabinet Order partially revising the Cabinet Order prescribing municipalities stipulated in Article 2, Paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Act for Extraordinary Expenditures and Assistance to Cope with the Great East Japan Earthquake," special disaster-hit areas had been additionally designated and that special measures on the exemption of labour insurance premiums in the additionally designated areas shall be retrospectively applied as of March 1, 2011. (February 22, 2012) - 厚生労働省


a) As a measure for securing doctors, we will provide financial support for strengthening of consultation and support functions toward securement of doctors in prefectures (including the program for regional lending of student loans), for the program to secure human resources required for community health care and programs to secure doctors for departments with doctor numbers (such as obstetrics), and for the support of reinstatement of female doctors. - 厚生労働省



"The application of designation of dates set by the Minister for Health, Labour and Welfare in accordance with Article 50 of the Act concerning Special Financial Assistance and Subsidies in Response to the Great East Japan Earthquake" (Health Insurance Bureau, February 24, 2012)To inform respective insured persons and relevant organizations that the period, during which the standard copays, etc. of dietary treatment costs charged at the time of hospital admission are exempted, has been designated. - 厚生労働省


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