
「Praise」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(12ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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However, Kageyoshi OBA also said that 'he might not deserve the praise,' and ' he is from the Kyushu district, so while he is on horseback, it would be difficult for him to draw a bow.' 例文帳に追加

ただし大庭景義は「然れども弓箭の寸法を案ずるに、その涯分に過ぎるか」とし、また「鎮西より出で給うの間、騎馬の時、弓聊か心に任せざるか」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Much as was the case with "Koyo gunkan" and "Unyogun jikki," in that period writing historical chronicles was one of the methods by which a person could praise the glory and bravery of his or her own ancestors, and hence they contain many overly dramatized sections as well as portions thought to be factual errors. 例文帳に追加

『甲陽軍鑑』や『雲陽軍実記』同様、この頃の歴史軍記自体が我が先祖の栄光や武勇を誇るための手段の一つであり、そのため多くの脚色があり、誤記と思われる箇所も多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the paeans and elegies, he expresses praise and his deeds loudly and clearly, using expressions that indicate the emperor is a deity such as 'as the emperor is a deity', 'as a deity, which he is, he behaves as a deity is supposed to do' and 'a prince of sun that shines high into the sky'. 例文帳に追加

賛歌・挽歌については、「大君は 神にしませば」「神ながら 神さびせすと」「高照らす 日の皇子」のような天皇即神の表現などをもって高らかに賛美、事績を表現する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The second period is to the transfer of the capital in 710, and contains both famous poems in praise of the Imperial Court composed for ceremonial occasions by court officials like KAKINOMOTO no Hitomaro, TAKECHI no Kurohito, and NAGA no Okimaro, and poems composed during travel. 例文帳に追加

第2期は、遷都(710年)までで、代表歌人は、柿本人麻呂・高市黒人(たけちのくろひと)・長意貴麻呂(ながのおきまろ)などの官人達の儀礼的な場での宮廷賛歌や旅の歌などが有名である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


FUJIWARA no Teika who visited the villa in 1225 wrote with warm praise in the Meigetsu-ki (the Diary of FUJIWARA no Teika) that there was a water fall approx. 13.6m and the water of the pond was like lapis lazuli and the spring and the rocks were clear and really incomparable. 例文帳に追加

1225年にこの地を訪れた藤原定家は明月記に、45尺の滝があり池水は瑠璃のようで泉石は清澄、まことに比類がない、と記し激賞している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


If a yokozuna (grand champion) loses to a lower ranked wrestler in a Grand Sumo tournament, the audience members sitting in the ringside seats throw their zabuton towards the ring to express disappointment with the yokozuna and praise the wrestler who won. 例文帳に追加

大相撲で横綱が格下の力士に負けたときに、横綱への落胆と勝った力士への称賛の意味を込めて、桟敷席の観客が座布団を土俵に向かって投げる行為。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For the origin of the name, there are theories including that it comes from 'Taiko (father of the Imperial adviser [Hideyoshi]) wo mochiageru' (to praise taiko), which changed to 'Taikomochi,' and that they are called so because they beat an musical instrument taiko (drum) and dance. 例文帳に追加

呼び名の語源は「太閤(秀吉)を持ち上げる」というところから転じて「太閤持ち→太鼓持ち」と呼ばれるようになったという説や、鳴り物である太鼓を叩いて踊ることからそう呼ばれるようになったとする説などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the first case, script writers began to put 'homekotoba' as a part of script and let a player speak them to praise the costar for his attractive visage, from before the Tenna era (1681-1683) or around Genroku era (1688-1703). 例文帳に追加

前者は、天和(日本)以前から、あるいは元禄ころから、作者は脚本の一部に「ほめことば」を挿入し、役者の口から、共演役者の容貌的な魅力をほめさせたものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

San' (also called '画賛 gasan') is a review comment or praise written mainly by a viewer into an oriental painting and constitutes part of the original work and is considered to be a calligraphy work or literary work itself. 例文帳に追加

賛(さん)はまた画賛(がさん)ともいい、東洋画において、主に鑑賞者によって作品に書き加えられ、書作品また文芸作品として、もとの作品の一部とみなされる鑑賞文、賛辞。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kangetsu Sanbutsu E (a gathering held to watch the moon and praise Buddha), 14 to 16 August depending on the lunar calendar; the Kon-do Hall is open to the public during the night and the silhouettes of the Sansonbutsu (three Buddhist deities) stand out sharply against the light. 例文帳に追加

観月讃仏会(かんげつさんぶつえ、旧暦8月14日-16日)-夜間に金堂を開扉し、堂内の三尊仏がシルエットとして浮かび上がる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Then it is understandable that a portrait of Rikyu (preserved in Masaki Art Museum) made in 1583, two years before Kinchu tea ceremony, has a word of praise: "Rikyu Soeki Zenjin." 例文帳に追加

こう考えれば宮中参内の2年前、1583年に描かれた肖像画(正木美術館蔵)の古渓宗陳による讃に「利休宗易禅人」とあることも理解できる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the ceremony held at the Kondo hall of Daigo-ji Temple in 1997 for commemorating the establishment of the Shinnyo Sanmayado Hall aiming to praise her father Shinjo and her mother Tomoji publicly for their distinguished service, she managed the ceremony as a doshi (officiating monk), who became the first not-tonsured priestess to serve as the doshi in the temple's 1,000 years history. 例文帳に追加

1997年醍醐寺境内に父・真乗・母・友司の功績を顕彰する「真如三昧耶堂」が建立され、醍醐寺金堂において、同寺一千年の歴史の中で、有髪の尼僧としては初めての導師を務めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He considered himself a literati and his free and bold style has established him in his own position, gaining high praise from critics such as Ryuzaburo UMEHARA and Hideo KOBAYASHI (critic). 例文帳に追加

生涯を文人として貫き、その自由で奔放な画風は近代日本画に独自の地位を築き、梅原龍三郎や小林秀雄(批評家)らが絶賛。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Among them are various productions including great works that left their mark on cinema history, highly talked about productions as well as productions that received little praise, but from the viewpoint that 'a highly talented artist produces many creations,' it can be said that he possesses an outstanding talent. 例文帳に追加

中には映画史に残る名作、話題作や評価の低い作品も色々あるが、「優れた芸術家は多作である」という観点からいくとこれも秀でた才能といえる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The year of its writing is not certain, and there is no established theory, but it was generally considered 'The document to praise tea drinking' presented to MINAMOTO no Sanetomo in 1214 to be Kanbon (complete edition). 例文帳に追加

書かれた年代ははっきりせず、一般には建保2年(1214年)に源実朝に献上したという「茶徳を誉むる所の書」を完本の成立とするが、定説はない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

An expert marksman with the bow, Yoriyoshi earned high praise for his bravery starting when he was still young, and in 1030 he and his father Yorinobu took up arms to suppress TAIRA no Tadatsune War (also called the Chogen War); thereafter, he took over the headship of the Kawachi-Genji from his father Yorinobu, and began planning to relocate the seat of his power in eastern lands. 例文帳に追加

弓の達人で若い頃から武勇の誉れ高く、長元3年(1030年)には父の頼信とともに平忠常の乱(長元の乱)を平定し、父頼信の後を継いで河内源氏の東国への進出を図る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Subsequently, however, he showed his excellent skill in politics, and in 739, he was granted thick silk fabric and linen by Emperor Shomu in praise of his good government as a kokushi (provincial governor) of Izumo Province. 例文帳に追加

しかし、その後は行政能力などで優れた手腕を発揮し、特に739年には出雲国国司としての善政を聖武天皇に讃えられ、あしぎぬや麻布等を与えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, some praise Nobutada for dying fighting as a busho rather than escaping, saying it was not clear whether he could escape at the moment he was in the battle and that he might have thought a busho of Mitsuhide AKECHI's calibre couldn't have overseen the escape. 例文帳に追加

一方で戦場に臨んだ時点では逃走可能かは不明であり、明智光秀ほどの武将が逃走を許すはずがないと判断したともいわれ、逃走するより武将らしく戦って散った信忠を評価する声もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The statue of Okuma in the Diet Building was put on display along with those of Taisuke ITAGAKI and Hirobumi ITO in the central hall on the first floor in praise of the establishment of the first political party Cabinet in Japan. 例文帳に追加

国会議事堂にある大隈像は、中央広間1階に日本初の政党内閣を樹立した功績を称え、板垣退助、伊藤博文とともに飾られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, at one time, when one vassal, who thought it would be okay to praise a pine tree in a garden, complimented beautiful foliage of the tree, Tsunehisa tried to dig it out for the vassal, for which other vassals scrambled to stop. 例文帳に追加

ある時、ある家臣が庭の松の木なら大丈夫だろう思い、松の枝ぶりをほめたところ、経久はその松を掘り起こして渡そうとしたため、周囲の者が慌てて止めたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the Minamoto clan pursued Moritsugu's whereabouts harshly and "The Tale of the Heike" mentions that MINAMOTO no Yoritomo presented to everyone that 'there will be praise and encouragement to those who capture Jiro Hyoe Moritsugu of Ecchu province, even if he needs to be tied or killed.' 例文帳に追加

しかし源氏側は盛嗣の行方を厳しく追及しており、源頼朝は「越中次郎兵衛盛嗣、搦めても誅してもまいらせたる者には勧賞あるべし」と皆に披露したとされる記述が『平家物語』(延慶本)にもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later he is supposed to have been forgiven, because according to a record, at the funeral of Emperor Tenmu of October 21, 686, ABENOKUNU no Maro (KUNU no Maro) was appointed to the role to praise the achievements of Utaenotsukasa, and by that time, his rank and post had been raised to Ason Jikikoshi. 例文帳に追加

その後、赦されたらしく、天武天皇の葬儀に際して、朱鳥元年9月29日(686年10月21日)に直広肆阿倍久努朝臣麻呂は、刑官のことを誄した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was also taken into account that there were those inside the government praising the capital transition theory, but a transition that had no basis in the mind of the emperor, was not going to be approved by having retainers praise it. 例文帳に追加

また、政府内でも遷都論を唱えるものがいるとし、天皇の考えによる遷鼎(遷都)の沙汰もなく、臣下の身でこれを唱えることは決して承知しないと遷都論に釘をさした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Kamidaigo-ji Temple in Kyoto is counted as the eleventh in the Saigoku Kannon Reijo, or the holy places of Kannon (Goddess of Mercy) in the Western Provinces, and its goeika (song in praise of the Buddha) reads, 'If there should be a prayer to save even all the gyaku-en, how dependable the Junteido (main sanctuary of the Kamidaigo-ji Temple) would be!" 例文帳に追加

京都の上醍醐寺は西国観音霊場の第十一番として数えられるが、そのご詠歌には「逆縁も 漏らさで救う 願あれば 准胝堂は たのもしきかな」とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, Yoritomo protested Yoshinaka's having been given praise and encouragement as 'totally irrational,' giving reasons that MINAMOTO no Yoshihiro (SHIDA Saburo Senjo) had gone to the capital and that Yoshinaka had disrupted the national administration, instead of searching for and killing the Taira clan ("Gyokuyo," entry of November 2). 例文帳に追加

その一方で頼朝は、源義広(志田三郎先生)が上洛したこと、義仲が平氏追討をせず国政を混乱させていることを理由に、義仲に勧賞を与えたことを「太だ謂はれなし」と抗議した(『玉葉』10月9日条)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is a comic tanka left to describe that the Hosokawa family and the other family received praise from commoners in Edo; 'although a narrow stream of water flowing into the Hosokawa and the Mizuno is clean, it becomes muddy when it flows down by the Mori and the Matsudaira.' 例文帳に追加

細川家などは江戸の庶民から称賛を受けたようで「細川の 水の(水野)流れは清けれど ただ大海(毛利甲斐守)の沖(松平隠岐守)ぞ濁れる」との狂歌が残っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, in 1692 in praise of the achievements by Yoshitaka ENDO the original forefather of the domain, Tanechika ENDO was granted 10,000 koku crop yields in Hitachi Province and Shimotsuke Province; thus, the restoration of the Endo clan was accepted. 例文帳に追加

しかし、藩祖である遠藤慶隆の功績を賞されて、元禄5年(1692年)に遠藤胤親が常陸国・下野国で1万石を与えられて、遠藤氏の再興が認められたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Masamune Date returned to the headquarters in Mt. Kunimi from Fukushima Omote, he called generals to the riverside of the Surikami River to praise Kageyori YASHIRO for his military service and give a Japanese sake cup. 例文帳に追加

伊達政宗は、福島表から国見山へ帰陣した際、摺上河原に諸将を召集し、屋代景頼に対してその武功を讃え酒杯を与えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is thought that the entries that referred to Yoshitoki's protection of Shigetada and excessive praise of Shigetada in the "Azuma Kagami" were made up to defend the Hojo clan, which had destroyed the hero of the Musashi Province. 例文帳に追加

『吾妻鏡』における義時の重忠擁護、重忠の過剰な賛美記事は武蔵の英雄を滅ぼした北条氏弁護のための作為と考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The FSA will motivate regional financial institutions to make extensive efforts by introducing examples and giving praise to progressive efforts and efforts that should be practiced broadly. 例文帳に追加

先進的な取組みや広く実践されることが望ましい地域密着型金融に関する取組みについての事例紹介や顕彰等を実施することにより、地域金融機関の深度ある取組みに対する動機付け等を行っていく。 - 金融庁

I hope that in this new chapter, my successor will make achievements that prompt words of praise from people across Japan for improving the postal businesses. 例文帳に追加

後任の方におかれましては、国民、利用者の視点に立って、全国の国民から郵政事業は良くなったと言っていただける郵政事業をこの新しいページに書き込んでいただきたいと期待をいたしております。 - 金融庁

Moreover, as for the global countermeasure against the crises, Japan has concluded an agreement with the IMF to lend up to 100 billion dollars to the institution. This proactive commitment has received high international praise. 例文帳に追加

さらに、国際面でも、我が国は、グローバルな危機対応策として、IMFに対し最大一千億ドル相当の融資枠を設定する等積極的な貢献を行っており、各国から高い評価を受けております。 - 金融庁

I praise the membership as a whole for displaying the IMF's ability to reform itself. I pay high respect to Mr. de Rato, IMF Managing Director, the staff, fellow Governors and the Executive Directors for their efforts leading to this historic decision.例文帳に追加

IMFが自らを改革する能力を示したことを賞賛し、この歴史的決定に至るまでの、デ・ラトIMF専務理事、職員、総務各位及び理事の努力に深甚の敬意を表する。 - 財務省

To provide an operation managing method for an analysis system capable of grasping the operation state of an analysis of a user destination without manual aid and proposing correction and praise to a user.例文帳に追加

ユーザ先の分析システムの運用状況を人手を介することなく把握でき、ユーザに対して是正や褒賞を提案できる分析システムの運用管理方法を提供する。 - 特許庁

(2) Improved company image: By paying in cash, the company not only obtained the gratitude of procurement sources, it also won praise from its distributors, who "feel relieved, since the fact that the company can pay in cash is proof that it has ample cash flow."例文帳に追加

〔2〕自社のイメージアップ:現金払いとすることで、調達先から感謝されるだけでなく、販売代理店からも「現金払いが可能であるのは、資金繰りに余裕がある証拠であり、安心できる」という評価を受けることができた。 - 経済産業省

It has drawn considerable praise and interest from other countries, not only underpinning Germany’s high technological capability, but also keeping Germany’s youth unemployment rate lower compared to other European Union members.例文帳に追加

国外からの評価や関心も高く、このシステムがドイツの高い技術力を支えていると同時に、EU諸国の中で若年失業率が比較的低かったことの理由であったと考えられている。 - 経済産業省

The “Asia Overall Development Plan”, which had been prepared by ERIA under cooperation with the Asian Development Bank and ASEAN Secretariat, was also given high praise. Additionally, the Chairman‟s Statement at the 17th ASEAN Summit meeting on October 28 2010 highly praised the ERIA‟s contribution to completion of theAsian Connectivity Master Plan”.例文帳に追加

また、2010 年10 月28 日の第17 回ASEA 首脳会合の議長声明において、「ASEAN コネクティビティマスタープラン」の完成に向けたERIA の貢献が高く評価された。 - 経済産業省

Godak’s products attract high praise from standard and special restaurants alike. Marine products including the “Cat’s-eye Oyster” and the spiny lobster known as “Murasaki-Shikibu,” are establishing themselves as high-grade brands.例文帳に追加

同社の商品は、レストランや料亭から高い評価を得て、「キャッツアイ・オイスター」というカキや、「紫式部」という伊勢エビなど、水産物の高級ブランドとして定着している。 - 経済産業省

Orlando little thought that Ganymede was the fair Princess Rosalind who, by her noble condescension and favor, had so won his heart that he passed his whole time in carving her name upon the trees and writing sonnets in praise of her beauty; 例文帳に追加

オーランドゥは、ゲニミードが、謙譲の美徳と好意とでもって彼の心をとらえた美しいロザリンド姫であり、その名前を終日彫り続け、その美しさをほめたたえるソネットを書いた相手だとは夢にも思わなかった。 - Mary Lamb『お気に召すまま』

against the unprevailing they may not only be used without general disapproval, but will be likely to obtain for him who uses them the praise of honest zeal and righteous indignation. 例文帳に追加

有力ではない意見にたいしては、一般的な非難も受けずに使用されるばかりか、この武器を使う人が頼もしい熱意と正当な義憤を賞賛されることだってありうるのです。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

that the proof of your faith, which is more precious than gold that perishes even though it is tested by fire, may be found to result in praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ 例文帳に追加

それは,火によって試されていながらも滅びてしまう金よりはるかに貴重な,あなた方の信仰の証拠が,イエス・キリストの現われのときに,賞賛と栄光と栄誉という結果になるためなのです。 - 電網聖書『ペトロの第一の手紙 1:7』

As he was now getting near, at the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works which they had seen, 例文帳に追加

彼が今やオリーブ山の下り坂に近づくと,弟子たちから成る群衆はみな,自分たちが見たすべての強力な業のことで喜び,大声で神を賛美し始めて - 電網聖書『ルカによる福音書 19:37』

In recent years, Fumihiko GOMI pointed out that as to Yasunobu MIYOSHI's arrival at Kamakura in April 1184, there seems to be intentional praise for him in the entries dated April 14 and 15, 1184, saying that 'he was determined to head for Kanto region from the beginning' and 'he should support the political affairs' respectively, and how he was 'quite dubious' about the entries. 例文帳に追加

近年では五味文彦も、1184年(寿永3年)4月に三善康信が鎌倉に参着したときの記述、1184年(寿永3年)4月14日条の「本よりその志関東に在り」、翌4月15日条の「武家の政務を補佐すべきの由」などに顕彰の意図を感じており、「相当に疑わしい」と指摘する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the medieval period and into more recent times, no one rated the poetry of the Kyogoku school very highly and it consequently fell into a long period of obscurity, but closer to the present day, the Kyogoku school experienced a more positive reappraisal, with Shinobu ORIGUCHI and Zenmaro TOKI, in particular, offering strong praise of the Kyogoku poetic style. 例文帳に追加

中世・近世においてはたかく評価されることがなく、長らく埋もれたままになっていた京極派ではあるが、近代に入ってから再評価が行われ、特に折口信夫や土岐善麿がその歌風をつよく称揚した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the last chapter on women, stars in the Imperial court such as Sei Shonagon, Murasaki Shikibu, Izumi Shikibu, Koshikibu no Naishi, Yamato no Senji, and Kojiju are the topics of discussion, but the author seems to give the highest praise to Ise, who was a poet, Imperial Princess Senshi, FUJIWARA no Teishi, and FUJIWARA no Kanshi. 例文帳に追加

最後の「女性論」では、清少納言・紫式部・和泉式部・小式部内侍・大和宣旨・小侍従ら宮廷の花を語るが、中でも作者が賛美したかったのは、伊勢(歌人)・選子内親王・藤原定子・藤原歓子の四人であったらしい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1827, Hozen EIRAKU the 11th was invited to the opening ceremony of oniwa-yaki (which literally means "ware of honorable park", representing a lord's private kiln or ware made at a lord's private factory) held at the Nishihama Goten Palace, which was the second house of Harutomi TOKUGAWA, who was the 10th lord of the Kishu Domain, and he was presented with a gold seal of '支流' (pronounced as kahinshiryu, which literally means "a riverside of the Yellow River and a tributary of the river", and this term was derived from the old Chinese tale that the ancient Chinese leader named Shun made durable ware at a riverside of the Yellow River) and a silver seal of '' (Eiraku) in praise of his great works. 例文帳に追加

十一代永樂保全は1827年に、紀州藩十代藩主徳川治寶の別邸西浜御殿の御庭焼開窯に招かれ、作品を賞して「河濱支流(かひんしりゅう)」の金印「永樂」の銀印を拝領した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, when Westerners compare eating style in Japan with that in Korea, they consider that Japanese style eating manners such as holding bowl and bringing mouth closer to them is displeasing, while they praise that eating style in Korea such as bringing food to their mouths with spoon is decent. 例文帳に追加

しかし、西欧人が日本の食事風景と朝鮮の食事風景の双方を見比べた場合に、日本式食事マナーの椀を手に持って口に近づけるほうが見苦しいとし、匙で口に運ぶ朝鮮式の食事マナーを気品あるものと賛美している例もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Until recently Jakuchu was known only to few, but with the publication of "Kiso no Keifu" by Nobuo TSUJI in 1970, his work entered the limelight with particularly praise coming in the latter half of the 1990s for his unique technology and construction, which dramatically increased his name recognition and popularity. 例文帳に追加

若冲はつい最近まで知る人ぞ知る画家であったが、1970年に辻惟雄の『奇想の系譜』が出版されて以来注目を浴び、特に1990年代後半以降その超絶した技巧や奇抜な構成が再評価され、飛躍的にその知名度と人気を上げている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1952, he won the highest praise from critics for his brisk and cheerful performance in the movies "Ketto Kagiya no Tsuji" (The Duel at the Key-Maker's Corner) scripted by Kurosawa and "Okasan" (Mother) directed by Mikio NARUSE, and in 1952, he was awarded the best supporting actor prize of Mainichi Film Contest as well as that of Blue Ribbon Prize (movie). 例文帳に追加

1952年に黒澤脚本の『決闘鍵屋の辻』、成瀬巳喜男監督の『おかあさん』での明朗できびきびとした演技が批評家から絶賛され、1952年度の毎日映画コンクール、ブルーリボン賞(映画)の男優助演賞を受賞する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As one anecdote to tell how kind Tsunehisa was, "Chirizuka Monogatari" (Tales of Chirizuka) describes that whenever his vassals praised his valuable belongings, Tsunehisa was so pleased that he give it to them, and therefore, his vassals stopped giving praise but just enjoyed viewing them. 例文帳に追加

経久の人柄を偲ばせる逸話として、『塵塚物語』は、経久は家臣が経久の持ち物を褒めると、たいそう喜んでどんな高価なものでも、すぐにその家臣に与えてしまうため、家臣たちは気を使って、経久の持ち物を褒めず眺めているだけにしたと伝えている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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