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該当件数 : 1051


In 1161, Yorimori was promoted to the court rank of Shoshiinoge (Senior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade), surpassing Shigemori with respect to rank; however, Shigemori was promoted to the court rank of Shosiinoge in 1162, Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) in 1163 and to Shosanmi (Senior Third Rank) in 1164, rapidly pulling away from Munemori and, in 1165, he was appointed to the post of Sangi (councilor), at the age of 28 years old. 例文帳に追加

応保元年(1161年)に頼盛は正四位下となり位階では上回るが、重盛も応保2年(1162年)に正四位下、長寛元年(1163年)には従三位、長寛2年(1164年)には正三位と瞬く間に引き離し、永万元年(1165年)には28歳で早くも参議となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He learned under SUGAWARA no Koreyoshi, and served three generations of emperors, Emperors Yozei, Koko, and Uda; became Shoshiinoge (Junior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade) and Sangi (consultant) after serving as Omi no kuni no kami (Governor of Omi Province), Togu gakushi (Teacher of the Classics of the Crown Prince), Minbu shoyu (Junior Assistant Minister of Popular Affairs), Monjo hakase (professor of literature), Shikibu no taifu (Senior Assistant Minister of Ministry of Ceremonial), Kageyu no kami (chief investigator of the records of outgoing officials), and Sadaiben (major controller of the left). 例文帳に追加

菅原是善に学び、陽成天皇、光孝天皇、宇多天皇の3代に仕え、近江国守、東宮学士、民部少輔、文章博士、式部大輔、勘解由長官、左大弁を歴任したのち、正四位下、参議となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kaneie's sons were also promoted to higher ranks; among others, Michikane, who had contributed to the enthronement, was promoted to higher ranks successively, starting at promotion to sangi (Councilor) in August of the same year, further to Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) Gon Chunagon (a provisional vice-councilor of state) in November, to Shosanmi (Senior Third Rank) in December, to Junii (Junior Second Rank) in 987, and to Shonii (Senior Second Rank) Gon Dainagon (a provisional chief councilor of state) in 989. 例文帳に追加

兼家の息子たちも昇進させられ、功労者の道兼は同年7月参議となったのを皮切りに、10月には従三位権中納言。11月、正三位、永延元年(987年)従二位、永祚(日本)2年(989年)正二位権大納言と累進を重ねた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the same year, he was also appointed Konoe no chujo (Middle Captain of the Palace Guards) and Kurodo no to (Head Chamberlain); on February 18, 991, he became Sangi (councilor) and ranked among court nobles; on September 13, 991, he was conferred Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank); on October 22, 991, he was promoted to Chunagon; and on October 2, 992, he was promoted to Shosanmi Dainagon (Senior Third Rank, chief councilor of state.) 例文帳に追加

同年中に近衛中将・蔵人頭を経験し、正暦2年(991年)正月26日、参議となって公卿に列し、同7月27日従三位、9月7日には中納言に昇叙、更に翌3年8月28日、正三位大納言に進んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Offsprings of Masanobu left names as court nobles being divided into various families, namely the Niwata family, the Ayanokoji family, the Itsutsuji family, the Ohara family and the Jikoji family and, at the same time, offsprings of the fourth son, MINAMOTO no Sukenori, who was sangi and Omi no Kami (Governor of Omi Province) concurrently, put down roots in Omi Province and developed into the Sasaki clan as warriors, and they were deeply involved in Japan's history thereafter. 例文帳に追加

雅信の子孫は後世庭田家・綾小路家・五辻家・大原家・慈光寺家の諸家に分かれて公家として名を残す一方、参議兼近江守だった四男源扶義の子孫が近江に定着して、武士の佐々木氏へと展開し、その後の歴史に深く関るようになるのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As a result of the confinement of the Cloistered Emperor Goshirakawa and the exile of high officials by Kiyomori the following year, Michichika was promoted to Sangi (councillor), and, together with the Taira family, he expressed his approval of disposing Prince Mochihito and transfer of the capital to Fukuhara-kyo and confronted Kanezane KUJO of the Sekkan-ke (the families which produced regents) and his cronies (representative one is FUJIWARA no Teika). 例文帳に追加

翌年の清盛による後白河法皇幽閉とその後の高官追放の影響を受けて参議に昇進、以仁王の乱追討・福原京遷都ではいずれも平家とともに賛成を唱え、摂関家の九条兼実やその周辺(代表格が藤原定家)と対立している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This, Ariyo who had ascended the career ladder to an incredibly high rank; Junii (Junior Second Rank), Sangi (councilor) in Gyobusho (Ministry of Justice) for Onmyoji, made the world know his name; the word of 'Ariyo' was used as a slang term to refer to Onmyoji at that time. 例文帳に追加

かくして、従二位非参議刑部省という陰陽師としてはかつてない高位に上り詰めた有世は、その死後も「ありよ(ありよう)」と言う言葉が当時の陰陽師を表わす俗語として用いられるほどに人々にその名を知られるようになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After being Benkan (Oversight Department: division of the daijokan responsible for controlling central and provincial governmental offices), Sadaiben (Major Controller of the Left), and Sangi (Royal Advisor), he climbed to the position of Shosanmi (Senior Third Rank) Chunagon (vice-councilor of state) under Emperor Kogon, but after the decline of the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), promotional job assignments were made invalid by the reinstated Emperor Godaigo and therefore he became a strong opponent of the Kenmu Restoration. 例文帳に追加

後に弁官・左大弁・参議を歴任後、光厳天皇のもとで正三位中納言にまで上るが、鎌倉幕府滅亡後、復位した後醍醐天皇によって昇進人事を無効とされると、建武の新政に激しく反発した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When his father died young in 1096 at the age of fifty-two, his rank was as low as goi kurodo (chamberlain with the fifth rank) and partly due to bad luck on his part, the Emperor Horikawa, to whom he served as a close aide and who was his friend through flute, died young, he was only able to join the Sangi (Royal Advisor) at the age of forty-six. 例文帳に追加

1096年に父が52歳の若さで死去した際には、まだ五位蔵人という低い官職であり、側近として仕えまた笛を通じた友人でもあった堀河天皇が早世するなどの不幸もあり、46歳でやっと参議に列するような有様であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1149, Saneyuki SANJO and MINAMOTO no Masasada, who were Dainagon (chief councilor of state) were promoted to Udaijin (minister of the right) and Naidaijin (mister of the center) respectively, vacancies occurred in positions of Dainagon and lower, and, due to a series of linked personnel changes as a result of such vacancies, Tsunemune finally became Sangi (Royal Advisor) at the age of thirty-one and took rank with court nobles. 例文帳に追加

久安5年(1149年)、大納言の三条実行と源雅定がそれぞれ右大臣・内大臣に昇進して、大納言以下に欠員が生じたことによる玉突き人事の結果、経宗は31歳でようやく参議となり公卿に列した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Governor of Hitachi Province (842); Togu no suke (Assistant Master in the Crown Prince's Quarters, 848); Sangi (councilor, 851); Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank, 859); Chunagon (Vice-Councilor of State, 861); Ukone no daisho (Major Captain of the Right Division of the Inner Palace Guards, 863); Sakone no daisho (Major Captain of the Left Division of the Inner Palace Guards, 866); Dainagon (Chief Councilor of State, 867); and Togu no fu (official in charge of the Crown Prince's education, 869). 例文帳に追加

承和_(日本)9年(842年)陸奥守、嘉祥元年(848年)春宮亮、仁寿元年(851年)参議、貞観元年(859年)従三位、同3年(861年)中納言、同5年(863年)右近衛大将、同8年(866年)左近衛大将、同9年(867年)大納言、同11年(869年)東宮傅 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

And of his daughters, Morozane's wife is known to have given birth to FUJIWARA no Ietada of Sadaijin (Great Minister of the Left) and Tamefusa's wife is known to have given birth both to FUJIWARA no Tametaka of Sangi and to FUJIWARA no Akitaka of Gon Chunagon (a provisional vice-councilor of state); another daughter left her name behind as a poet 'Rokujosaiin no senji.' 例文帳に追加

また娘達のうち、師実妻は左大臣藤原家忠、為房妻は参議藤原為隆、権中納言藤原顕隆らをそれぞれ生んだことで知られ、さらに別の娘の一人は歌人「六条斎院宣旨」として名を残している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1739, he came of age and was awarded the rank of Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) and post of Jiju (a chamberlain), in 1758 was promoted to Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) and Sangi (councilor), and in 1761 to Kebiishi no betto (Superintendent of the Imperial Police) and at the same time to Uhyoe no kami (Captain of the Right Division of Middle Palace Guards), and, in 1763, he became Shosanmi (Senior Third Rank) and Gon Chunagon (Provisional Middle Counselor). 例文帳に追加

元文4年(1739年)に元服して従五位下侍従に任じられ、宝暦8年(1758年)に従三位参議となり、宝暦11年(1761年)に検非違使別当兼右兵衛督、宝暦13年(1763年)に正三位権中納言となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As the Southern House of the Fujiwara clan where Tadamori was born already lost their former influence as a result of FUJIWARA no Nakamaro's War and so on while instead the Ceremonial House of the Fujiwara Clan became the mainstream, because the latter were maternal relatives of Emperor Kanmu, Tadamori's grandfather, FUJIWARA no Kosemaro's rank was Sangi (Councilor) and his father, FUJIWARA no Matanari was Goinojo (Fifth Rank, Upper Grade) and Awa no kami (Governor of Awa Province) at best. 例文帳に追加

彼が生まれた時は南家は既に藤原仲麻呂の乱等でかつての勢いを失い、代わりに藤原式家が桓武天皇の外戚として主流に立っていたことなどから、祖父の藤原巨勢麻呂は参議・父の藤原真作は従五位上阿波守止まりであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He successively filled the posts of Echizen no kami (Governor of Echizen Province), Goi no kurodo (Kurodo with the fifth rank), Omi no suke (Assistant governor of Omi Province) and Deputy General of Imperial Guard of the Right and so on, and in October 1130, he was appointed to Kurodo no to (Head Chamberlain) and the next year in 1131, he became a Sangi (councilor) and after that the promotion continued to the post of Naidaijin (the Minister of the center) in 1161. 例文帳に追加

越前守、五位蔵人、近江介・右近中将などを歴任、大治5年(1130年)10月に崇徳天皇の蔵人頭に補任され、翌年の天承元年(1131年)参議となり、以後累進して永暦2年(1161年)に内大臣に至る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After this, Otsugu broke one after another the records of promotion in the past, for example, Otsugu was promoted to Shogoinoge (Senior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) at the age of 24 and, two days later, Otsugu was further promoted by virtually four ranks to Jushiinoge (Junior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade) to be Emonfu (details are separately described) and Otsugu at a young age of 29 was promoted to Sangi which was the same rank as his father's. 例文帳に追加

その後24歳で正五位下に昇進したわずか2日後には従四位下へと事実上4階級昇進して衛門府となるなど、これまでの出世の記録を次々と破る結果を残し(詳しくは別記)、延暦21年には29歳の若さで父・百川と同じ参議に昇進した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His father, Tamemitsu, placed high expectations on Sanenobu, and asked MINAMOTO no Tamenori, a renowned authority of literature at the time, to compile "Kuchizusami," a textbook for young aristocrats, and repeatedly implored his elder paternal half-brother FUJIWARA no Kaneie, who held the title of Sessho (regent), to make his son a Sangi. 例文帳に追加

父の為光も誠信の為に、当時の有名な文人源為憲に貴族の幼童用の教科書『口遊』の編纂を依頼したり、あるいはに異母兄の摂政藤原兼家に懇願を重ねて参議に就任させたりと、大いに将来を期待していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Four days later, on January 21, when Emperor Sanjo expressed to Michinaga his intention to appoint Akinobu Kurodo no to (Head Chamberlain) which became vacant due to FUJIWARA no Michito's promotion to Sangi (councilor), Michinaga declined to accept it, saying Akinobu is 'lack of knowledge' which would invite 'public censure' ("Gonki" (FUJIWARA no Yukinari's Diary). 例文帳に追加

その4日後の19日、三条天皇から道長に対して藤原通任の参議昇進で空席となった蔵人頭に顕信を就ける意志を告げたところ、道長が顕信は「不足職之者」で「衆人之謗」を招くとして辞退を申し出ている(『権記』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1012 when Seishi visited the Imperial Palace, Tameto, who was looking after Seishi in his own house, was still at the rank of Jushii (Junior Fourth Rank) in the Empress Consort's Household Agency (Kogogushiki), so Michito, who had become a Court noble the previous year by being promoted to Sangi (councilor) and Shuri no Daifu (Master of the Office of Palace Repairs) with the rank of Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank), took charge. 例文帳に追加

長和2年(1012年)に娍子が御所に参内した際には、自邸を里邸として娍子を庇護していた為任は未だ従四位皇后宮職であり、前年に従三位参議修理大夫に昇進して公卿となっていた通任が仕切った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In order to resolve 'chorei bokai' (issuing orders in the morning and revising them in the evening) and a state of 'let a hundred schools of thought contend' at the start of the Meiji government, Kido was asked by Saigo, Okubo, Iwakura, and Sanetomi SANJO to be the sole sangi just before the feudal domains were abolished to be replaced by new prefectures in July 1871. 例文帳に追加

明治政府草創期の朝令暮改や百家争鳴状態を解消するため、廃藩置県の断行を控えた明治4年(1871年)6月、西郷、大久保、岩倉、三条実美達から、木戸がただひとり参議となるように求められる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since then, he was steadily promoted together with his older brother FUJIWARA no Muchimaro, and in 717 he became Sangi (councilor) before the promotion of Muchimaro to the post when high-ranking officers (Imperial Prince Hozumi, OTOMO no Yasumaro, ISONOKAMI no Maro, and FUJIWARA no Kosemaro) died between the late period of Empress Genmei's rule and the early period of Empress Gensho's rule. 例文帳に追加

その後も兄藤原武智麻呂と同時に昇進していたが、元明天皇朝末期から元正天皇朝初期にかけての高官の死亡(穂積親王・大伴安麿・石上麻呂・巨勢麻呂)を受けて、霊亀3年(717年)に武智麻呂に先んじて参議となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After Akae was banished in the Jinshin Rebellion, Soga (Ishikawa) managed to succeed to nagon (councilor) and Sangi (councilor), his glory before did not return, and the Soga clan discontinued from the high court nobles at the beginning of Heian period and disappeared from history. 例文帳に追加

しかし、赤兄が壬申の乱で流罪になって以降は、蘇我氏(石川氏)は納言・参議まで出世するのがやっとというクラスにまで低下し、かつての栄光は戻らないまま、平安時代初期には公卿が出るのも途絶え、歴史から姿を消す事になる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Daijokan (Council of State) was the most important decision-making organization of the government and consisted of a legislative department composed of the Daijo Daijin (Grand Minister), Sadaijin (the Minister of the Left), Udaijin (the Minister of the Right), and Dainagon (the Major Counselorof the state) (later, Chinagon [vice-councilor of state] and Sangi [minister] were added), and the departments that assisted them in their work, Shonagon (lesser councilor of state), the Left and Right Benkan's (Controller) Offices, and the Gekikyoku's (Secretarie) Office. 例文帳に追加

太政官は、国政の意思決定を行う最も重要な機関であり、太政大臣・左大臣・右大臣・大納言(後に中納言・参議が加わる)による議政官組織とそれを実務面で補佐する少納言・左右弁官局・外記局から構成されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, as the Southern House of the Fujiwara clan entered a terminal decline after FUJIWARA no Nakamaro's Rebellion, the Ishikawa clan also failed to produce other kugyo (court noble) succeeding ISHIKAWA no Mamori (Toshitari's grandchild and the seventh generation of Umako's grandchildren), who was Shoshiinojo (Senior Fourth Rank, Upper Grade) and sangi (Councillor), died after the transfer of the capital to the Heian-kyo, and would vanish from history. 例文帳に追加

しかし、その藤原南家が藤原仲麻呂の乱で衰退してしまうと、石川氏も平安京遷都後亡くなった正四位上・参議、石川真守(年足の孫、馬子の7代孫)を最後に公卿は出なくなり、歴史から姿を消した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, even in spite of these incidents, the Otomo Clan did not entirely lose its power: OTOMO no Otomaro was appointed as the first Seii Taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") and sent to defeat the Emishi (natives of the North, also called the Ezo), along with SAKANOUE no Tamuramaro in the early Heian period and in late 803, Kunimichi returned to the capital with an imperial amnesty and was promoted to Sangi. 例文帳に追加

しかし、それでもまだ全く衰退したわけではなく、平安時代初期の桓武朝においても、大伴弟麻呂は初代征夷大将軍となって坂上田村麻呂と共に蝦夷を討ち、後期の803年には国道が赦されて帰京し、参議に昇進している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The reason is that Maro was the youngest of Fujiwara four brothers and had less number of children (and many of them suffered of premature death), as well as that FUJIWARA no Hamanari, the only person in Kyoke to be appointed to sangi (councilor), was exiled because of his implication in HIKAMI no Kawatsugu's War, which put an end to the political life of the Kyoke family. 例文帳に追加

麻呂が藤原四兄弟で一番年下だったこと、兄たちよりも子女の数が少なかった(しかも早世者も多かった)ことに加え、唯一参議に昇った藤原浜成が氷上川継の乱に連座して流罪になったことで、一族全体の政治生命が絶たれてしまったためである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Under the condition, the dispute regarding introduction of constitutional government system was led by Tomomi IWAKURA, Minister of the Right, who was in a passive attitude, Hirobumi ITO and Kaoru INOUE, who aimed gradual introduction (Choshu clique), and Shigenobu OKUMA (Sangi, Okura-kyo [Minister of the Treasury], from Hizen Domain), who aimed earlier introduction. 例文帳に追加

そのような状況下で、消極論者の右大臣岩倉具視を擁しながら、漸進的な伊藤博文・井上馨(長州閥)とやや急進的な大隈重信(参議・大蔵卿・肥前藩出身)を中心に運営されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Each and every year from the time of the Emperor Jinmu to 1868, it listed names of those who held the rank of Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) or higher which were the so-called Kugyo (the top court officials) including Daijo-daijin (Grand Minister), Sessho Kampaku (regent and chief adviser to the Emperor), Sadaijin (the Minister of the Left), Udaijin (the Minister of the Right), Naidaijin (the Minister of the Interior), Dainagon (Major Counselor), Chunagon (Middle Counselor), Sangi (advisor on the Council of State), and Hisangi (advisor at large). 例文帳に追加

神武天皇の時代から明治元年まで各年毎に、従三位以上で太政大臣・摂政・関白・左大臣・右大臣・内大臣・大納言・中納言・参議・非参議のいわゆる公卿に相当する者の名を官職順に列挙してある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Osaka Conference is a meeting which took place in Osaka Prefecture on February 11, 1875 and where the dignitaries of the Meiji government, Toshimichi OKUBO, Takayoshi KIDO and Taisuke ITAGAKI, got together to discuss the government's prospective policy (the establishment of constitutional government) and the appointment of Sangi (councillors). 例文帳に追加

大阪会議(おおさかかいぎ)は、明治8年(1875年)2月11日に明治政府の要人である大久保利通・木戸孝允・板垣退助らが大阪府に集い、今後の政府の方針(立憲政治の樹立)および参議就任等の案件について協議した会議。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The resignation of Seikan-ha (supporters of sending army to Korea) Sangi (councilors), including Takamori SAIGO, Shinpei ETO and Taisuke ITAGAI, who were defeated at the Seikan Ronsou (debate on subjugation of Korea) occurred in October 1873, made fuhei shizoku (former samurai with gripes) even more frustrated since they looked forward to conquer Korea.例文帳に追加

前年明治6年(1873年)10月に政府内で起きたいわゆる征韓論争に敗れた征韓派参議の西郷隆盛・江藤新平・板垣退助らが下野したことは、征韓論に期するところのあった不平士族らにとって、いっそうの不満を高めることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nakamaro, in particular, backed Emperor Junnin and made his three sons (FUJIWARA no Masaki, FUJIWARA no Kusumaro and FUJIWARA no Asakari) sangi (councilors of state), whereby four people of Nakamaro and his sons became nobles and seized the dominant power; however, they fell from power as a result of FUJIWARA no Nakamaro's war in 764. 例文帳に追加

特に仲麻呂は淳仁天皇を擁立すると、息子3人(藤原真先・藤原訓儒麻呂・藤原朝狩)を参議とし前代未聞の親子4人を公卿とするなど権力を独占したが、天平宝字8年(764年)藤原仲麻呂の乱により失脚した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that the family was established in the Edo period by Michiyasu KOGA, the Sangi (Director of palace affaires) and the third son of Michikata KOGA who was Dainagon (chief councilor of state), but there are several views on the origin of the Higashikuze family: some say that Michiyasu was the child of Boan SHIMOZU who was the child of Michikata and others say that Motohide was the grandchild of Harumichi KOGA and that the grandchild of Motohide was Michiyasu. 例文帳に追加

大納言久我通堅の三男・参議久我通廉によって江戸時代当初に創設されたとされるが、その他、東久世家の起源には諸説あり、通廉を通堅の子下津俸庵(下津俸庵)の子とする説や、または、祖秀は久我晴通の孫で、祖秀の孫が通廉とする説などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Moroe, who had already began serving as Giseikan (Legislature) (Kugyo) in the position of Sangi (councilor) in 731, ascended to Dainagon (major councilor) in 737, and Udaijin (Minister of the Right) in 738, and in 743 he finally reached Sadaijin (Minister of the Left) and dedicated himself to national politics as the head of Daijokan (Grand Council of State) during the eras of the Emperor Shomu and the Emperor Koken. 例文帳に追加

諸兄は既に天平3年から参議に就いて議政官(公卿)を勤めていたが、天平9年には大納言へのぼると、翌10年には右大臣へ、同15年には左大臣へ昇進し、聖武天皇・孝謙天皇両天皇の治世期に太政官首班として政治に当たった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the beginning of his political career in 898, he only achieved the low-ranking position of a junior third rank official in Sanuki Province, but after Emperor Daigo--to whom he was related by marriage--ascended to the throne he gained appointments of greater importance; in 903 he was appointed Uchikuranosuke (assistant chief of the inner palace warehouses), promoted to Kuroudo (Imperial Secretary Officer) in 909, further promoted to Kurudo gashira (Chief of the Imperial Secretariat) in 917, followed by Sangi (Royal Advisor) in 921, Chunagon (vice-councilor of state), Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank), in 927, and finally in 930 held the posts of both Chunagon and Uemon no kami (Chief of the Right Gate Guard). 例文帳に追加

政治家としては最初は昌泰元年(898年)の讃岐国権掾という下級官人に過ぎなかったが、醍醐天皇即位後はその外戚として重用され、延喜3年(903年)内蔵助に抜擢され、延喜9年(909年)に蔵人、延喜17年(917年)に蔵人頭、延喜21年(921年)に参議、延長_(元号)5年(927年)に従三位権中納言、延長8年(930年)に中納言兼右衛門督に累進した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As the title of the book suggests, the book mentions each Emperor's posthumous name or the name bestowed after death which is followed by a brief biography, and the incidents that took place during his reign were written briefly in chronological order, and moreover there are categories of abdicated Emperor, Crown Prince, consorts of Emperor, the high priestess of Ise, Sekkan (Regent and Chancellor), Otodo (Minister), Dainagon (chief councilor of state), Sangi (Councillor), Kuroudono kami, Prince and Princess, in which the name of the person in question is mentioned. 例文帳に追加

内容は書名のとおり、各天皇ごとに諡号あるいは追号を掲げて、略歴や在位中の出来事の摘要を編年体で記し、さらに太上天皇・皇太子・後宮・斎宮・摂関・大臣・大納言・参議・蔵人頭・皇子女などの各項を設けて、該当者の人名を記している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(Jugoinojo (Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade), Shikibu shoyu (Junior Assitant of the Ministry of Ceremonial) and Monjo hakase (professor of literature), SUGAWARA no Michizane felt that it was a problem that kani soto was not specified for Sangi, and reported to the Emperor on the need to specify kani soto, koroku, etc. in the provision of July 1, 882 'Kankebunso, Volume 9.' There is no record on whether or not there was a response to this, and therefore it is uncertain.) 例文帳に追加

(従五位上行式部少輔兼文章博士菅原道真は、参議に官位相当の規定が無いことは問題であるとし、元慶6年(882年)7月1日条「菅家文草・巻第九」で官位相当、考禄等を定めるべきと奏上している。それに対しての回答の有無は伝わらず、定かではない。) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He set up his official residence as Shinno in Teinami, Shimosa Province (an alternative version holds that it was in Ishii, Sashima-gun county), fashioning Bunahashi after Yamazaki in Kyoto, and Tsu in Oi, Soma-gun county after Otsu, appointing Monbunhyakkan officials such as Sayu-daijin, Nagon, Sangi, and commissioned the creation of a Naiin (inner seal) and Gein (outer seal); it is said that he tried to establish a capital of a new nation in Bando modeled after the imperial capital in Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

皇居を下総国の亭南(猿島郡石井という説がある)と定め、檥橋を京の山崎、相馬郡の大井の津を大津になぞらえて、左右大臣・納言・参議など文武百官を任命し、内印・外印を鋳造し、坂東に京に模した国家を樹立しようとしたされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, Takasue was treated in the same manner as a family member, such as being selected to become a Chugu daibu (Master of the Consort's Household) when Kiyomori's daughter, TAIRA no Tokuko, became an empress through marriage to the Emperor, and after he became a Sangi (Councilor) in 1161 he quickly rose through the ranks of Kebiishi no betto (Superintendent of the Imperial Police), Gon Chunagon (a provisional vice-councilor of state) and Chunagon (a vice-councilor of state), and in 1168, he finally surpassed his father's kyokkan (the highest rank to which his father was appointed) and became Gon Dainagon (a provisional chief-councilor of state). 例文帳に追加

さらに、清盛の娘・平徳子の立后に際して中宮大夫に抜擢されるなど親族同様の待遇を受けた隆季は、応保元年(1161年)に参議となってから、検非違使別当・権中納言・中納言と急速に昇進、仁安(日本)3年(1168年)にはついに父の極官を越えて権大納言となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the retired Emperor Gouda of Daikakuji-to (imperial lineage starting with Emperor Kameyama) started the cloister government, gaining the appointment as a In no Kinshin (the retired Emperor's courtier), Arifusa began to advance rapidly whereby after gaining the double assignments of Sadaiben (major controller of the left) and Sangi (councilor) in 1301, was promoted to Gon Chunagon (provisional vice-councilor of state) in 1303 which was followed by an additional post of the indenso (a job title to relay messages of court people to the retired emperor) climbing to the post of Gon Dainagon (provisional chief councilor of state) in 1308. 例文帳に追加

ところが、大覚寺統の後宇多上皇が院政を開始すると院近臣として登用されて急速に昇進し、正安3年(1301年)に左大弁兼参議となると、嘉元元年(1303年)には権中納言に昇進して後に院伝奏を兼ね、延慶(日本)元年(1308年)には権大納言に達した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, he was taken into confidence as a close aide of Emperor Saga, and in 816, he was appointed to Sangi at the age of only 32 and in 821, appointed to Gonchunagon (,provisional vice-councilor of state) and even after Emperor Saga abdicated the throne and Emperor Junna acceded, he was promoted to Chunagon (vice-councilor of state) in 823 and advanced his career, and although he resigned the post temporally to serve closely the Retired Emperor Saga, he was promoted to Dainagon (chief councilor of state) in 828. 例文帳に追加

しかし、彼自身は嵯峨天皇の側近として重用され、弘仁7年(816)、32才の若さで参議に、同12年権中納言となり、嵯峨天皇が譲位して淳和天皇が即位した後も、同14年中納言へと順調な出世を遂げ、同年11月、嵯峨上皇に近侍するため中納言を辞すものの、天長5年(828年)には大納言に昇進している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He became Ecchu no kuni kokushi (Provincial Governor of Ecchu Province) in 1099, Uhyoe no Suke (Assistant Captain of the Right Division of Middle Palace Guards) in 1100, Jugoi (Junior Fifth Rank) in 1102, Shogoi (Senior Fifth Rank) in 1103, Sashosho (Minor Captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards) and Mimasaka no kami (Governor of Mimasaka Province) in 1104, Jushii (Junior Fourth Rank) in 1105, Jushiijo (Junior Fourth Rank, Upper Grade) in 1107, Shoshii (Senior Fourth Rank) in 1108, Sachujo (Middle Captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards) and Kurodo no to (Head Chamberlain) in 1111, Bizen gon no kami (Provisional Governor of Bizen Province) in 1112, and Sangi (Councilor) in 1115. 例文帳に追加

承徳3年(1099年)に越中国国司、康和2年(1100年)に右兵衛佐、康和4年(1102年)に従五位、康和5年(1103年)に正五位、康和6年(1104年)に左少将、美作守、長治2年(1105年)に従四位、嘉承2年(1107年)に従四位上、天仁元年(1108年)に正四位、天永2年(1111年)に左中将、蔵人頭、天永3年(1112年)に備前権守、永久(元号)3年(1115年)に参議となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, at the time, the principal figures of Saccho (Satsuma, Choshu, Tosa Domains) (Koin KIDO, Toshimichi OKUBO, Takamori SAIGO, Taisuke ITAGAKI, Aritomo YAMAGATA, and others) had left Tokyo leaving their complete trust in Sangi (councilor) Saneomi HIROSAWA and others, to recruit the members Goshimpei (army to convoy the emperor) and gather them in Tokyo as a preparatory measure prior to the Haihan-chiken (abolition of feudal domains and establishment of prefectures), and to promote further reform of domain duties of their respective provinces. 例文帳に追加

しかし、この当時、薩長土の枢要(木戸孝允・大久保利通・西郷隆盛・板垣退助・山縣有朋たち)は、廃藩置県の準備として御親兵を東京に集めるため、また自藩の藩政改革を更に推し進めるため、参議広沢真臣らに全幅の信頼を置いて東京を留守にしていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, Kakukai, who was the head priest of the Tendai sect of Buddhism was dismissed from his post on 23rd (16th in old lunar calendar) and Myoun of the pro-Taira clan party was reassigned, and FUJIWARA no Moronaga, Daijo-daijin (Grand minister of state), MINAMOTO no Suketaka, Dainagon (chief councilor of state), FUJIWARA no Mitsuyoshi, Sangi (councillor), FUJIWARA no Chikanobu, Dazai no daini (Senior Assistant Governor-General of the Dazai-fu offices), FUJIWARA no Sueyoshi, Governor of Echizen Province, TAKASHINA no Yasutsune, Okurakyo (Minister of the Treasury), FUJIWARA no Norisue, Governor of Mutsu Province were dismissed from their court official posts on 24th (17th in old lunar calendar). 例文帳に追加

しかし、16日、天台座主・覚快が罷免となり親平氏派の明雲が復帰、17日、太政大臣・藤原師長、大納言・源資賢、参議・藤原光能、大宰大弐・藤原親信、越前国守・藤原季能、大蔵卿・高階泰経、陸奥国守・藤原範季らが解官。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Rusu-seifu had been said to carry out reforms in an arbitrary, disorderly and self-serving manner against Article 6 of the 'Treaty of ministers, sangi and taifu,' ignoring members of Iwakura Mission, and as a result to cause various contradictions, the political change in 1873 within the government, and Shizoku no hanran (revolt by family or person with samurai ancestors) and peasant uprisings outside the government. 例文帳に追加

従来、留守政府の改革については、「大臣・参議・大輔盟約書」第6条に違反して岩倉使節団の面々を無視する形で留守政府が功に逸って無秩序勝手に行い、その結果様々な矛盾を引き起こして政府内では明治6年の政変を、政府外では士族反乱や農民一揆を引き起こす原因となったとする見方があった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Of the lineage of the Funya clan were FUNYA no Ohara who was involved with the conquest of Emishi (a group of people who lived in the northeastern region of Japan) before SAKANOUE no Tamuramaro, FUNYA no Watamaro who was engaged in the administration of the Tohoku region (the northeast region of Japan) from his base in Isawa-jo and Shiwa-jo Castles and later appointed Chunagon (Middle Councilor), Sangi (Councilor) FUNYA no Akitsu who was involved with the Jowa Incident, and FUNYA no Yasuhide, one of Rokkasen (the six selected great poets of the Waka [Japanese poem] in the Heian period). 例文帳に追加

坂上田村麻呂以前の蝦夷などの征討事業にかかわった文室大原、胆沢城・志波城に拠って東北地域の経営に携わり中納言に至った文室綿麻呂、承和の変に連座した参議文室秋津、そして、六歌仙の一人文屋康秀などがいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He joined the palace staff in 1076, became Jugoinojo (Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade) and Tango no kami (Governor of Tango Province) in 1078, Jushiinoge (Junior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade) in 1081, Bicchu no kami (Governer of Bicchu Province) and Uchujo (Middle Captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards) before 1081, Shoshiinoge (Senior Fourth Rank) in 1084, took the title Chugu Gon no suke (Provisional Assistant Master of the Consort's Household) and Kurodo no to (Head Chamberlain) in 1091, Sangi (councillor) in 1092, Sachujo (Middle Captain of the Left Division of the Inner Palace Guards) and Harima gon no kami (Provisional Governor of Harima Province) in 1093, rose to Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) in 1096, Shosanmi (Senior Third Rank) in 1097, became Bicchu gon no kami (Provisional Governor of Bicchu Province) in 1098, Gon Chunagon (Provisional vice-counselor of state) in 1102, Shonii (Senior Second Rank) in 1103, and Gon Dainagon (Provisional chief counselor of state) in 1115. 例文帳に追加

承保3年(1076年)侍従、承暦2年(1078年)従五位上兼丹後守、永保元年(1081年)従四位下、備中守(これ以前に少将)、右中将、同4年(1084年)正四位下、寛治5年(1091年)兼中宮権亮、蔵人頭、同6年(1092年)参議、同7年(1093年)左中将兼播磨権守、嘉保3年(1096年)従三位、永長2年(1097年)正三位、承徳2年(1098年)兼備中権守、康和4年(1102年)権中納言、同5年(1103年)正二位、永久(元号)3年(1115年)権大納言。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Rather than wait until the year after the preceding Emperor died to change the name of the era which was the custom, the new Emperor changed the era name into Dodai and tightened the budget that had loosened while Kanmu had conducted frequent military activity against the Siberian invasion and moved the capital, and actively worked on organizing redundant court positions, placing of a Kansatsushi, where Daijokan directly watches over regional government and abolishing Sangi, but he was sickly from a young age and abdicated the throne to the Crown Prince Kamino (Emperor Saga) in 809. 例文帳に追加

新天皇が先帝死去の翌年になるのを待って改元する先例に反して即位後ただちに大同(日本)と改元し、桓武がさかんに行った蝦夷侵略の軍事行動や遷都にともなう土木工事のために弛緩した財政の引き締め、機能していない官司の整理、参議を廃止して太政官が地方政治を直接監督する観察使を置くなど積極的に政治改革に取り組んだが、若いころから病身だった彼はやがて体調を崩し、早くも大同4年(809年)には皇太子神野(嵯峨天皇)に譲位することになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Regarding the punishment of Okuma, who was against the sale in government, and cooling down the movement against the government, Tomomi IWAKURA (However, because Iwakura was on vacation in Arima-onsen (hot spring) from July to October, today there is doubt about involvement of Iwakura, and Ito is considered as a main plotter), Hirobumi ITO, a Sangi, and Kowashi INOUE discussed about dismissal of Okuma, stop of the sales of government owned facilities and equipment and establishment of the National Diet after 10 years while Okuma was away for a trip with Emperor Meiji. 例文帳に追加

政府内で払下げに反対していた大隈の処分と反政府運動の鉾先を収めるため、岩倉具視(ただし岩倉は7月から10月まで休養を取って有馬温泉に行っていたので現在では岩倉の関与を否定し、伊藤が主な計画者とする説が有力。)、参議伊藤博文、井上毅らは協議を行い、明治天皇の行幸に大隈が同行している間に大隈の罷免、払下げ中止、10年後の国会開設などの方針を決めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Of the New Meiji Government, there were three virtual saisho (prime minister), Takayoshi KIDO proposed the Constitution of 1868 as a full-time advisor to the General Bureau in 1868 and contributed to structuring the frame of the new government and state system through "kanri kosen (public election of government officials)", sangi naikaku sei (councilor cabinet system), Takamori SAIGO led the government and carried out remaining various policies such as shimin byodo (equality of all people) while some of highest ranks of governments were away on inspection trip to America and Europe (Iwakura Mission), Toshimichi OKUBO began to reign as if Otto von Bismarck after the Meiji roku-nen no Seihen (the political change in 1873, starting from disputes over Seikanron (debate on subjugation of Korea)). 例文帳に追加

明治新政府内では、明治元年(1868年)、総裁局顧問専任として政体書を建言し「官吏公選」や参議内閣制など新政府と新国家の骨格作りに尽力し続けた木戸孝允が実質的な初代宰相に相当し、留守政府を預かって四民平等など残されていた諸施策を断行した西郷隆盛が第二代宰相に相当し、明治六年政変以後ビスマルク然と君臨し始めた大久保利通が実質的な第三代宰相に相当する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On December 21, 1196, chugu (Palace of the Empress) Ninshi KUJO was expelled from kokyu (empress's residence) and on the 23rd of the same month, kanpaku Kanezane KUJO was dismissed and was replaced by Motomichi KONOE; Takayosho ICHIJO, whose mother was the sister of Yoritomo, Bomon hime, was appointed as sangi, Kintsune SAIONJI, the husband of Bomon hime's daughter, was appointed as Kurodo no to (Head Chamberlain), and on the 24th of the same month, Jien, the head priest of the Tendai sect of Buddhism, was ordered to stay inside the residence, and FUJIWARA no Kanefusa, the Grand Minister, was reshuffled (both Jien and Kanefusa were both Kanezane's younger brother-uterine). 例文帳に追加

翌建久7年(1196年)の11月23日に中宮九条任子が後宮から退去させられ、同月25日関白九条兼実が罷免され、近衛基通が関白に、頼朝の妹・坊門姫を母とする一条高能が参議に、坊門姫の娘を妻とする西園寺公経が蔵人頭にそれぞれ任じられ、同月26日に天台座主慈円が籠居を命じられ、太政大臣藤原兼房(太政大臣)も更迭された(慈円・兼房はともに兼実の同母弟)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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