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The Warsの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 378


For these movements, no systematic resistance remained in the Takeda's forces, from which public mind had been alienated due to financial difficulties caused by wars continued for long years, and Oda forces, which invaded Takeda's territories through the route called Kisochiiki-guchi, made Ina-jo Castle and Matsuo-jo Castle surrendered quickly. 例文帳に追加

これに対して、すでに連年の戦争による財政難などで民心が離反していた武田軍には組織的な抵抗力がなく、木曽地域口から攻め込んだ織田軍はあっという間に伊那城、松尾城を落とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To threaten the soldiers in the castle and Yodo-dono in particular, who were unfamiliar with wars, he made his soldiers give a shout of victory at 8 PM, 0 AM, and 4 AM, and made cannons (ishibiya (guns with stones as bullets), and artillery) fire at 10 PM, 2 AM, and 6 AM. 例文帳に追加

午後8時、午前0時、午前4時に一斉に勝ち鬨をあげさせ、さらに午後10時、午前2時、午前6時に大砲(石火矢・大筒)を放たせて城兵、特に戦慣れしていない淀殿らを脅そうとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As he further believed in Christianity, he was said to suffer a mental conflict between Christianity's teaching 'Do not kill' and the reality of inevitable destruction of life in wars of the troubled Sengoku period. 例文帳に追加

また信仰を深めるほどに、キリスト教の「汝、殺すなかれ」という教えと、戦の上で殺生は避けられない戦国乱世の現実との間で煩悶していたと伝えている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Jinshin War which broke out in 672, NAGAO fought for Prince Oama (Emperor Tenmu) and participated in a series of wars to defend the enemy from Kawachi Province to Yamato (Yamato Province), but he was forced to retreat. 例文帳に追加

672年の壬申の乱のとき大海人皇子(天武天皇)側につき、河内国から倭(大和国)に来る敵を防いで連戦したが、およばず退いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the Jinshin War which broke out in 672, KURAKAKI fought for Prince Oama (Emperor Tenmu) and participated in a series of wars to defend the enemy from Kawachi Province to Yamato (Yamato Province), but he was forced to retreat. 例文帳に追加

672年の壬申の乱のとき大海人皇子(天武天皇)側につき、河内国から倭(大和国)に来る敵を防いで連戦したが、およばず退いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the Jinshin War which broke out in 672, TANI fought for Prince Oama (Emperor Tenmu) and participated in a series of wars to defend the enemy from Kawachi Province to Yamato (Yamato Province), but he was forced to retreat. 例文帳に追加

672年の壬申の乱のとき大海人皇子(天武天皇)側につき、河内国から倭(大和国)に来る敵を防いで連戦したが、およばず退いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Jinshin War which broke out in 672, TAMI fought for Prince Oama (Emperor Tenmu) and participated in a series of wars to defend the enemy from Kawachi Province to Yamato (Yamato Province), but he was forced to retreat. 例文帳に追加

672年の壬申の乱のとき大海人皇子(天武天皇)側につき、河内国から倭(大和国)に来る敵を防いで連戦したが、およばず退いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Meanwhile, in Catholic teaching, luxury is seen as a form of vanity, one of 'The Seven Deadly Sins,' and it has been thought that God's wrath against people's hedonistic lives has caused epidemics such as the black death and wars. 例文帳に追加

一方、キリスト教(カトリック)においては、贅沢は「七つの大罪」における傲慢の罪にあたり、享楽的な生活に対する神の怒りが黒死病などの疫病や戦乱を生み出していると考えられてきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There was an increase of people called 'akuto' and their participation in wars during the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan) at least from former powers, and Enshin AKAMATSU and Masashige KUSUNOKI were their representatives. 例文帳に追加

南北朝時代には少なくとも旧勢力からは「悪党」と呼ばれる者の増加と参戦があり、例えば赤松円心や、楠木正成は代表的な悪党とされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Since eighty thousand war casualties was large even when compared to past wars, the general on the losing side normally reported smaller numbers of casualties since there was a possibility of being executed. 例文帳に追加

1つの会戦における戦死者が8万人というのは戦争一覧でもかなり多い数字であり、当時敗軍の将は責任をとって処刑される場合もあるため、戦果は過大に損害は過少に申告するのが普通であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Since then, the country passed through tumultuous times, including Democratic Kampuchea, Heng Samrin Government, and civil wars in Cambodia, until 1993 when the country adopted a constitutional monarchy by a general election for National Assembly. 例文帳に追加

以後、民主カンプチア、ヘン・サムリン政権、カンボジア内戦等の激動の歴史を経て、国民議会総選挙により1993年に立憲君主制を採択。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With its new president, the U.S. has started to deal with its difficult economic situation, end wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and restore its leadership position in the world. 例文帳に追加

新大統領とともに,米国は困難な経済状況に対処し,イラクとアフガニスタンでの戦争を終結させ,世界における同国のリーダーシップを回復することに着手する。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

Large scale disasters, just like armed conflicts and civil wars, instantly take away the achievements of past development efforts, inflict serious damages to the weak poor, and render countries fragile. 例文帳に追加

大規模な災害は、武力紛争や内戦と同じように、それまで積み上げてきた開発の努力や成果を一瞬にして奪い、弱者に甚大な被害を与え、国家を脆弱なものにします。 - 財務省

Thetis did this because Achilles was her only child, and there was a prophecy that, if he went to the wars, he would win the greatest glory, but die very young, and never see his mother again. 例文帳に追加

テティスがこのようなことをしたわけは、アキレウスはたった一人の子供であったし、もし戦争に行けば、すばらしい栄誉を勝ち得るであろうが、若くして死に、二度と母親に会えないだろうという予言があったからなのだ。 - Andrew Lang『トロイア物語:都市の略奪者ユリシーズ』

son of Louis VII whose reign as king of France saw wars with the English that regained control of Normandy and Anjou and most of Poitou (1165-1223) 例文帳に追加

ルイ7世の息子で、フランス王としての統治期間に、英国人との戦いを経験し、ノルマンディー、アンジュー、ポワトゥーの大部分を奪還した(1165年−1223年) - 日本語WordNet

This shrine was frequently damaged by wars; for instance, it became battlefields when KO no Moronao and his troops fought a battle with armed priests of Mt. Hiei in 1336, and when Nobunaga ODA attacked the Rokkaku clan. 例文帳に追加

建武(日本)3年、高師直と比叡山との合戦の際戦場となったり、織田信長による六角氏攻めでの戦場になるなど、度々の戦禍にさらされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI (TOYOTOMI no Hideyoshi)/Hideyoshi HASHIBA was a warrior and a warlord lived in the Age of Civil Wars (late Muromachi Period) through Azuchi-Momoyama Period. 例文帳に追加

豐臣秀吉(とよとみのひでよし/とよとみひでよし)/羽柴秀吉(はしばひでよし)は、戦国時代(日本)(室町時代後期)から安土桃山時代にかけての武将・戦国大名。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1491, joining his lord, Yoshihiro SHIBA, Owari no kuni shugo (provincial constable of Owari Province), Toshinobu went on an expedition to Sakamoto in Omi Province (Otsu City) to conquer Takayori ROKKAKU (Chokyo-Entoku Wars) together with Toshisada ODA of 'the Oda Yamato no kami family' who is said to be his father. 例文帳に追加

延徳3年(1491年)、六角高頼征伐のため、敏信は父とされる「織田大和守家」織田敏定と共に近江国坂本(大津市)へ主君・尾張国守護の斯波義寛へ従軍したという(長享・延徳の乱)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During his stay in Busan, he recognized Joseon's hardened attitude as 'fear' resulting from the Bunroku-Keicho Wars. 例文帳に追加

とはいえ釜山滞在中、吉岡は朝鮮側の心情がかつての文禄・慶長の役に由来する「恐怖の念」によるものであるのではないかという認識を示している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Oseifukko" refers to a country once ruled by a monarch before the monarchy was abolished by coups or civil wars, but then restored its monarchy for some reason. 例文帳に追加

王政復古(おうせいふっこ,restoration)は、かつて君主によって統治されていた国家において、一度はクーデターや内戦などによって廃止された君主制が、何等かの理由によって復活することである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During periods when the dignity of central authority declined, legal means to resolve territorial disputes were ineffective, and instead these wars were often waged as a form of self-preservation. 例文帳に追加

中央権力の威信が低下した時代には、所領紛争を法的手段で解決する方法が無力であったために、代わりに自力救済の一環としてこうした戦いがしばしば行われていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Subsequently, starting in 1346 such policies were frequently put in place by the Muromachi bakufu, and in 1352 even those who staged defensive wars were given criminal penalties regardless of their reasons. 例文帳に追加

続いて室町幕府も貞和2年(1346年)を皮切りに度々出され、観応3年(1352年)には、防戦を行った者も理由の如何を問わずに処罰の対象とされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

We also remind ourselves that there are a number of the countries that have emerged from futile civil wars in this continent. In offering assistance to these countries, I believe it is essential to combine three perspectives in a comprehensive manner, namely, politics, security, and development. 例文帳に追加

また、無益な内戦から抜け出してきたポスト・コンフリクト国に対する支援にあたっては、政治面、治安面及び開発面の3つの観点を総合的に組み合わせることが重要である、と考えます。 - 財務省

However, it was too difficult for Western European countries, which declined after the two World Wars, to deal with those issues alone, so they had to find a way towards reconstruction by joining forces.例文帳に追加

しかし、二度の世界大戦で衰退した西欧諸国にとって、独力での取組は困難だったため、各国は協力することによって復興への活路を見いだした。 - 経済産業省

Soaring food prices due to abnormal weather such as floods and droughts, natural disasters and civil wars is also a large factor in aggravating the problem of starvation.例文帳に追加

食料価格の高騰は、異常気象による洪水や干ばつ等自然災害や紛争などとともに、飢餓の問題を深刻化させる大きな要因となる。 - 経済産業省

The samurai authority remained in the form of the Tokugawa family; however, some civil wars, starting from the Battle of Toba-Fushimi, were held between forces mainly consisting of the Tokugawa family and the Sacchodohi yuhan (the domains of Satsuma, Choshu, Tosa and Higo), a force of the western Japan which was restored by the reform, as a result, the Sacchodohi yuhan, which became a government army formed by the Imperial Court, defeated the forces of the Tokugawa family. 例文帳に追加

ただし徳川家としての武家権力は残るが、やがて鳥羽・伏見の戦いに始まる徳川家を中心とする勢力と改革により復興した西日本の薩長土肥雄藩との内戦は朝廷による官軍となった薩長土肥側の勝利となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) controlled the Imperial Court, which had been weakened in the domestic wars, by means of the Kinchu narabini kuge shohatto, a set of regulations that applied to the emperor and the Kyoto nobles, a weak Imperial Court was not in the interests of the bakufu because it was the Imperial court which appointed the seii taishogun (great general who subdues the barbarians). 例文帳に追加

江戸幕府は戦国時代_(日本)の戦乱で衰退した朝廷に対しては、禁中並公家諸法度などで統制する一方、朝廷自体の衰亡は征夷大将軍があくまでも朝廷に任命されている以上、望ましい状況ではなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Alarmed by the increasing influence of Russia, Otto von Bismarck, Chancellor of the German Empire hosted the Congress of Berlin (1878) and succeeded in gathering the representatives of the great powers to denounce the Treaty of San Stefano, the peace treaty of the Russo-Turkish Wars and conclude the Treaty of Berlin (1878). 例文帳に追加

ロシアの影響力の増大を警戒するドイツ帝国の宰相オットー・フォン・ビスマルクは列強の代表を集めてベルリン会議(1878年)を主催し、露土戦争の講和条約であるサン・ステファノ条約の破棄とベルリン条約(1878年)の締結に成功した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The riots that were also linked to the widening divide in wealth caused by wars and suppression of free speech against newspapers subsided to some extent with the mass resignation of the TERAUCHI cabinet on September 21, paving the way for the inauguration of the first full-fledged party cabinet under Takashi HARA, who was called "the commoner Prime Minister," on September 27 of the same year. 例文帳に追加

戦争による格差の拡大、新聞社に対する言論の弾圧などの問題を孕んだこの騒動は9月21日、寺内内閣の総辞職をもって一応の収まりを見せ「平民宰相」と呼ばれた原敬による日本で初めての本格的な政党内閣が9月27日組織されるに至った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because there are traces of attempts to record setsuwa related to the Earlier Nine Years' War and the Later Three Years' War, large-scale wars that occurred in the late eleventh century (the titles of the setsuwa remain but the text has not survived), it is thought to have been compiled after the 1120s. 例文帳に追加

11世紀後半に起こった大規模な戦乱である前九年の役、後三年の役に関する説話を収録しようとした形跡が見られる(説話名のみ残されており、本文は伝わっていない)事から、1120年代以降の成立である事が推測されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In his paper "Ochokokka o megutte" (About the Monarchic State) (collected in "Togoku no heiran to mononofutachi" (Wars And Warriors in Eastern Japan)) written in 1974, Toyohiko FUKUDA stated, 'I believe there is a need to think not from the perspective of the honke (the highest shoen class) or ryoke (who was given shoen by the Imperial Court) but aristocrats (such as the Azukaridokoro) who acted as the mediators of donation of estates.' 例文帳に追加

福田豊彦は、1974年の「王朝国家をめぐって」(『東国の兵乱ともののふたち』に収録)と言う論文で、「荘園寄進の対象(本家領家)ではなくて、寄進に当たっての媒介の役割を果たした貴族層(預所など)との接点で考える必要がありそうに思います。」と述べている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Afterwards, during such wars against foreign countries as Sino-Japanese War, Russo-Japanese War and the First World War (the war for captureing Tsingtao), Japanese government issued its military currency in the occupied areas and during the Pacific War (The Greater East Asian War), Japanese military currency was issued in the occupying areas, including China and Southeast Asia, based on the local currency. 例文帳に追加

その後日清戦争や日露戦争、第一次世界大戦(青島攻略戦)などの対外戦争で日本政府が占領地で発行しており、太平洋戦争(大東亜戦争)では中国および東南アジアの占領地各地で現地通貨建てのものが使用された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the Onin-Bunmei Wars, Kazuhide MATSUDA, Nagahide MATSUDA, Kiyohide MATSUDA and Haruhide MATSUDA were appointed as Mandokoro shitsujidai, the head of Mandokoro yoriudo (officers of the administration office), and they were active as bugyonin of the shogunate along with the Inoo clan and the Sei clan until the Eiroku era (1558-1570). 例文帳に追加

応仁・文明の乱以後、松田数秀・松田長秀・松田清秀・松田晴秀らが政所寄人の筆頭である政所執事代に任じられ、飯尾氏・清氏らとともに幕府奉行人として永禄年間(1558~1570)に至るまで活動していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also in the Italian Wars that followed, similarly in 1522, the commander of the mercenaries in the Spanish army, Colonna broke up the advancing Swiss concentration of spearmen with tactics of repeated shooting of the arquebus, using land features and hastily built ramparts. 例文帳に追加

続いてイタリア戦争においても、1522年同じくスペイン軍の傭兵隊長コロンナがミラノ郊外ビコッカにおいて、地形と急造塁壁を利用したアルケブスの反復射撃戦法で、押し寄せたスイス槍兵集団を粉砕している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As for the reasons, in the long Edo period, there weren't many bloody wars, and the bushi class was required more political ability than the ability for the military arts, what's more, there weren't many equestrians nor rich bushi who could afford to learn the equestrianism. 例文帳に追加

その要因として、長きに渡った平安な世の中であったこと、武芸より政治的手腕を重視されるようになったこと、乗馬できる人がごく限られていたこと、馬術を教われるほどの財産を所持していない者が多かったことなど様々である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Former Han Dynasty, the post was initially used to fill emergency needs, with important government officials very often named as the ad hoc chief of the army to quell riots and wars such as the Xiongno invasion, starting with Han Xin in the Chu-Han Contention period. 例文帳に追加

前漢では当初非常置の職であったようで、楚漢戦争期の韓信以降は、匈奴が侵攻して来た際や反乱鎮圧に際してといった非常時に、臨時に政府要人が軍の総帥として任命されることが多かったようである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to many stories, these feudal lords grew so arrogant and tormented the people of the territory or invaded surrounding areas occasionally; during the Sengoku period (the Age of Civil Wars in Japan), feudal lords devoted all of their time to fighting, imposing a heavy toll on the people of the territory. 例文帳に追加

ただ多くの伝承が伝えるように、こういった領主が増長して領民を苦しめたり、或いは周辺地域を侵略したりといった時代もあり、戦国時代(日本)のような形態の時代には戦争に明け暮れ、その負担は領民を苦しめることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Muromachi bakufu managed to finance its budgets by the income from goryosho (the Imperial or shogunate's estate), whose areas were dwindling because the transportation of nengu (land tax such as rice) was disturbed by civil wars across the country, and some goryosho were occupied by the Southern Court's army which were used to reward their soldiers. 例文帳に追加

室町幕府は主に御料所などからの収入で財政を維持してきたが、全国的な内乱のために年貢輸送が途絶えたり、あるいは南朝_(日本)軍に占領されたり、自軍への恩賞に回されたりしてその範囲は小さくなる一方であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In response to the defeat of Qing Dynasty in the Opium Wars, Tadakuni shifted his foreign policy to more flexible one by amending the conventional edict to repel foreign vessels to the law to provide water and fuel for foreign ships, while he ordered Hidetatsu EGAWA and Shuhan TAKASHIMA to introduce the western style gunnery and the modern military buildup. 例文帳に追加

忠邦はまた、阿片戦争における清の敗北により、従来の外国船に対する異国船打払令を改めて薪水給与令を発令して柔軟路線に転換する一方、江川英龍や高島秋帆に西洋流砲術を導入させて、近代軍備を整えさせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the Sino-Japanese War, the Russo-Japanese War, and two world wars, foreign people took growing interests in Japanese strategies and tactics, a moral sense, and what was behind loyalty and patriotism, so a Japan study was pursued such as "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword" by Ruth Benedict and "Zen in the Art of Archery" by Eugen Herrigel. 例文帳に追加

日清戦争・日露戦争、そして二度の世界大戦を経て、海外で日本人の戦略や戦術、道義心、忠君愛国の背景にあるものへの関心が深まると、ルース・ベネディクトの『菊と刀』やオイゲン・ヘリゲルの『弓と禅』といった日本研究が進んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Due to the end of the wars and those from the younger generation who were good at civil administration (civilian party), such as Masazumi HONDA, gaining power as close advisors to Ieyasu and Hidetada TOKUGAWA, military exploit party members such as Tadakatsu were distanced from the center of the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) and it is said that he was unhappy in his later years. 例文帳に追加

晩年は、戦乱の収束により本多正純などの若く文治に優れた者(吏僚派)が家康・徳川秀忠の側近として台頭してきたため、忠勝のような武功派は次第に江戸幕府の中枢から遠ざけられ、不遇であったと言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From the early Kamakura period onward, social disturbances including natural disasters and civil wars came to affect the nobility as well, culminating in the Jokyu Disturbance in which the Imperial forces were defeated and even Emperor Daijo was condemned to exile; this resulted in clear recognition that the nobility was in a crisis of life or death. 例文帳に追加

鎌倉時代に入ると災害や戦乱などの社会的混乱が貴族社会にも及び始め、遂に承久の乱では朝廷軍が敗北して太上天皇の流罪が行われるなど、貴族社会が存続の危機に差し掛かっていることが明白となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Shomon-ki" (Tale of Masakado) that depicted the rebellion in Togoku (the eastern part of Japan, particularly Kanto region) in the Johei and Tengyo War by TAIRA no Masakado and "Mutsuwa-ki" (A Record of Mutsu, or A Chronicle of the Earlier Nine Years' War) that depicted Zen Kunen Kassen (Former Nine Years War) in Mutsu Province were based on the wars in local regions, therefore, they depicted local samurai well. 例文帳に追加

承平・天慶の乱における平将門の東国での反乱を描いた『将門記』、陸奥における前九年合戦の経過を記した『陸奥話記』はともに地方の合戦に取材したもので、地方武士の様相がよく描かれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nichiren's pure worship of Hoke-kyo (Lotus Sutra) gradually changed as the wars continued during the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan) and other sects expanded their influence during the Muromachi period; he compromised with other sects and did not hesitate to receive charity from believers of other sects. 例文帳に追加

日蓮の法華経に対する純粋な姿勢も、南北朝時代(日本)の戦乱や室町時代に入ると宗派が勢力を拡大していく過程の中で、他宗派との妥協や他宗派の信者からの施しを平気で受けるなど、次第に変質していった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the cases of battles like the Battle of Ichijodani-jo Castle in October of 1573, Nagashima Ikko Ikki (an uprising of Ikko sect followers in Nagashima) in August of 1574, and the Battle of Nagashino in June of 1575, it has been verified that Toshiie took part in these wars as a teppo bugyo (commander of the firearms troop) along with Narimasa SASSA, Masanari NONOMURA, HIdekatsu FUKUTOMI, Naomasa BAN and others. 例文帳に追加

天正元年(1573年)9月の一乗谷城の戦い、天正2年(1574年)7月の長島一向一揆、天正3年(1575年)5月の長篠の戦いなどでは佐々成政、野々村正成、福富秀勝、塙直政らと共に鉄砲奉行としての参戦が確認されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Chokyo-Entoku Wars were campaigns conducted by the Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) twice in 1487 and in 1491 in the late Muromachi period against Omi no kuni shugo (the provincial constable of Omi Province) Takayori ROKKAKU, and it is also referred to as Rokkaku Seibatsu (suppression). 例文帳に追加

長享・延徳の乱(ちょうきょう・えんとくのらん)とは、室町時代後期の長享元年(1487年)と延徳3年(1491年)の2度に亘って室町幕府が行った近江国守護・六角高頼に対する親征で、六角征伐とも言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Historically, there were just a few wars among three countries that Japan was involved in, except for a defeat in Hakusonko (Battle of Baekgang) in the battle with Silla-Tang allied forces over the revival of Baekje during the three Kingdoms period (of Korean history) of ancient Korea, Genko (Mongol Invasions of Japan) by Yuan (Dynasty) and Goryeo under its control, and Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI's invasion of Korea. 例文帳に追加

古代朝鮮三国時代(朝鮮半島)の百済復興のための新羅・唐連合軍との白村江における敗戦、元(王朝)朝およびそれに服属する高麗による元冦と豊臣秀吉の朝鮮出兵を除けば、これらの三国間で日本が関係した戦争は歴史上きわめて少ない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Seen from a viewpoint of political history, Todai-ji Temple was founded expecting protection of the nation by belief, and even in crises of decline due to two wars and natural disasters, Todai-ji Temple tried to maintain its large temple complex by soliciting contributions with support from the dynasty and the bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun). 例文帳に追加

政治史的立場から見ると、東大寺は、鎮護国家の思いをこめられて創建され、二度の戦乱や羅災などで衰退の危機にあっては、王朝や幕府の力を借りつつも、勧進をするとこによって、その大伽藍を保ってきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He subsequently held control of the economic power in Sakai City, entrusting his armies with his competent younger brothers to fight wars in Kawachi Province, Yamato Province and Tanba Province one after another; though he built a large administration, this resulted only in his only influence stopping at the local level. 例文帳に追加

これ以降は堺市の経済力を握り、有能な弟たちに軍を預けて、河内国や大和国、丹波国に転戦して、畿内に一大政権を築き上げたと言ってもそれは幕府隷下の地方権力に留まる結果を齎したのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1518, Rene of Hongaku-ji Temple, who had been banished from Echizen by the Asakura clan and sheltered in Kaga appealed to Rengo of Honsen-ji Temple that he would have difficulty in coming back to Echizen due to the prohibition of wars stipulated in 'Sanhourei' and disputed with him, as a result of which Rengo reported it to hoshu and Rene was excommunicated. 例文帳に追加

永正15年、朝倉氏によって越前を追放されて加賀に逃れていた本覚寺蓮恵が「三法令」の戦争の禁止によって越前への帰還が困難になると本泉寺蓮悟に苦情を申し立てて相論となったところ、蓮悟の上申で破門処分となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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