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half a yearの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 346


In Ko 'headed by KOSHI NO KIMI' (no given name), as many as six members died in one year, because the first half of the ninth century was a rare time in ancient Japanese history when natural disasters occurred continuously. 例文帳に追加

「戸主高志公」(名を欠く)の戸では1年間に6名もの人が亡くなっているが、9世紀前半は日本古代史上でもまれにみる天変地異の続いた時代である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Events such as the enacting of the Konden einen shizai Law (a law allowing farmers who cleared new lands to own them permanently) in the year 743 made the private ownership of reclaimed farm land possible, and paddy fields were reclaimed in Tashibu Township by Amabiki-jinka Shrine and Usa-jingu Shrine before the formation of Tashibu Manor in the first half of the 11th century. 例文帳に追加

743年の墾田永年私財法などによって、開墾した田畑の私有が認められるようになると、田染郷でも雨引神社や宇佐神宮によって水田が開墾され、11世紀前半には田染荘が形成された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshiaki ASHIKAGA and Terumoto MORI had trumpeted the defeat of the Oda side in those days, and Saiga shu rose an army again and fought with Nobunaga within half a year. 例文帳に追加

足利義昭や毛利輝元は当時から織田方の敗北を喧伝していたし、雑賀衆も半年もたたないうちに再度挙兵して信長と戦うようになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Song Byung-joon founded Isshinkai along with and others related to the independence club on August 8, 1904, about half a year after the conclusion of Japan-Korea Protocol in the middle of Russo-Japanese War (the initial name was 'Ishinkai'). 例文帳に追加

宋秉畯は、日露戦争のさなか、日韓議定書が締結された約半年後の1904年8月8日に独立協会系の尹始炳らと共に、一進会を設立する(当初、名称は「維新会」。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Retired Emperor Takakura or the Taira family opposed this, but in spite of the opposition, he forced the capital relocation and until the relocation to Kyoto after a half year, Kiyomori's Fukuhara villa was the dairi (Imperial Palace) and it was called 'honkokyo.' 例文帳に追加

高倉上皇や平家一門の反対もあったが、それを押し切っての遷都であり、約半年後の京都還都まで、清盛の福原別邸が天皇の内裏となり、「本皇居」と称された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, one and half centuries later, in the year '413' of the early fifth century there was a transcribed record confirming Wakoku's (ancient Japan) presentation of articles of tribute to Emperor An of the Chinese Dynasty; this was written in the "Jin shu (History of the Jin Dynasty)" in the period of Emperor An. 例文帳に追加

が、約1世紀半もたって、5世紀の初めの413年(東晋・義熙9)に倭国が貢ぎ物を献じたことが『晋書』安帝紀に記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After obtaining official permission by Zongli Yamen, it was revised with cooperation by Qin CHEN, Changhua LI, Junshi FANG, and Hongtu MAO, who were officials of Zongli Yamen, and translation was completed after a half year. 例文帳に追加

総理衙門の公認を得てからは総理衙門章京の地位にあった陳欽・李常華・方濬師・毛鴻図らが協力して校訂に臨み半年がかりで翻訳を完成させている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshinaga retired in 1911, and his eldest son, Masanaga HIGASHIBOJO, succeeded to the title and the court rank, but in 1923 a year after Yoshinaga's death in 1922, the family's residence in Tokyo was half-destroyed in the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 and the Higashibojo family found itself in the unfortunate position of having to relinquish its estate. 例文帳に追加

徳長は1911年に引退し爵位を長子東坊城政長が継いだが、1922年徳長の没後、翌1923年の関東大震災によって東京の家屋敷は半壊、東坊城家はそれを手放す憂き目に遭った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Among the most frequent answers to a question asking about issues related to fund-raising, were that fund demand had declined due to weak sales following changes in business conditions and that the climate for borrowing is not favorable. At least in the first half of this year, reasons related to sales, or reasons on the side of companies, rather than reasons on the side of financial institutions, such as changes in the terms of loans, were apparently the major factors (behind the dwindling flow of funds to SMEs). 例文帳に追加

この実態調査というのは、いつ頃くらいまでに取りまとめるお考えでらっしゃいますか。 - 金融庁


I listened to the opinions of officials of securities exchanges, which are particularly involved in this matter. I spent half a year on listening to the opinions of such people, reading books and studying this matter. 例文帳に追加

証券取引所の方とか、特にここは関係がございますから、そんな方々のご意見も、半年かけてしっかり書物も読みましたし、勉強もさせていただきました。 - 金融庁


The SME Financing Facilitation Act just mentioned is due to expire in half a year. What will your decision on the postponement of its expiration be based upon? 例文帳に追加

金融円滑化法のお話があったのですけれども、時限立法、残り半年になりました。その延長の可能性ですとか判断基準について、教えてください。 - 金融庁

As an example, nearly half of the people in the Sub-Saharan region are still living on less than US$1 per day, a situation which is largely unchanged from 1990, which is the benchmark year for the MDGs. 例文帳に追加

例えば、サブサハラ地域の半分近い人々が未だに1日1ドル以下で生活しており、この状況はMDGsの基準年である1990年からほとんど変わっていません。 - 財務省

One year and a half has passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011, and Japan is strongly advancing on its way to reconstruction. 例文帳に追加

最後になりましたが、昨年3月11日に発生した東日本大震災から1年半が経ち、我が国は現在復興に向けて力強く邁進しております。 - 財務省

The Japanese economy is expected to pick up in the latter half of this year as a new basis for growth is now being steadily built. 例文帳に追加

現在の日本経済の状況は、経済再生に向けての新しい基盤が着実に整いつつあるところであり、本年後半には回復基調に転ずることが期待されます。 - 財務省

Except for matters as referred to in Article 114 paragraph (3) and Article 115 paragraph (2), the payment of annual fees later than the time stipulated in this Law shall be subject to an additional fee of 2.5% (two and a half percents) for each month from the annual fee of relevant year. 例文帳に追加

第 114条 (3)及び第115条 (2)にいう場合を除き,本法に定める期限に対する年金納付の遅延は,遅れた年の年金に毎月2.5%の追徴金が課せられる。 - 特許庁

The correct answer image is significantly changed from the initial correct answer when logged in half a year later, as shown in the Fig.6 (D), by changing the image each week little by little.例文帳に追加

図6(D)に示されるように半年後の正解画像は、毎週少しずつ変化した結果、最初のログイン時に表示される正解画像とはかなり異なるものに変化している。 - 特許庁

Since the post-war record high prior to the current appreciation of the yen is 79.75 yen against the U.S. dollar on April 19, 1995, the dollar-yen rate remained at a record-high level from the latter half of 2011 to earlier this year.例文帳に追加

今般の円高局面以前の戦後最高値が1995 年4 月19 日に瞬間的に記録した1 ドル79 円75 銭であったことから、昨年後半から今年はじめにかけてのドル・円レートは過去最高の円高水準となった。 - 経済産業省

Although the real effective exchange rate of the yen appreciates 4.0% from one year ago and 8.4% from two years ago, it rises as much as 32.5% over a period of four and half years from 2007 when the yen depreciated most recently.例文帳に追加

円は1 年前と比べて4.0%上昇し、2 年前と比べると8.4%上昇しているが、2007 年の直近の円安水準と比較すると4 年半の間で実に32.5%も上昇している。 - 経済産業省

According to the Minister of Finance Trade Statistics, after the agreement came into force (first half of 2005), the trade volumes between the countries increased by approximately 30% compared to a year earlier, and in connection with investment, by automobile-related companies experienced an increase in production augmentation, establishment of sales bases, and the like.例文帳に追加

本協定発効後の両国の貿易量(2005年上半期)は前年同期比で約3割(財務省貿易統計)の増加となり、投資面では自動車関連企業による生産増強、販売拠点設立等がみられる。 - 経済産業省

Regarding the business sector, when the significant economic recession occurred in 2009, production and capital spending were contracted. It was supposed that, as a reaction, the stock buildup and increase of capital spending were implemented in 2010, especially in the first half of the year.例文帳に追加

企業部門については、2009年の大幅な景気後退時に生産、設備投資が縮小し、2010年は特に前半にその反動として在庫の積み増しや設備投資の拡大がみられたと考えられる。 - 経済産業省

With severer employment and economic situations, there is a concern that particularly employers of SMEs are likely to show lowering motivation of employment. Therefore, benefit of subsidy targeted employers of SMEs was extended from a year to one and half year, and from one and half year to two years in case of people with severe disabilities in the first supplementary budget in 2008, while the amount of subsidy benefit was increased from 0.9 million to 1.35 million and from 1.6 million yen to 2.4 million yen in case of people with severe disabilities, etc.例文帳に追加

雇用経済情勢が厳しくなる中、特に中小企業においては、事業主の雇用意欲の低下が懸念されることから、中小企業事業主を対象に、平成20年度第1次補正予算において支給期間が従来の1年から1年6か月に、重度障害者等については1年6か月が2年に延長されるとともに、第2次補正予算において支給額が90万円から135万円に、重度障害者等については160万円から240万円に増額された。 - 厚生労働省

The fiscal balance shifted to a surplus in the latter half of the 1990s and posted a record high surplus in FY2000. Between FY2000 and FY2001, however, the budget surplus decreased by half, and the fiscal balance again fell into a deficit in FY2002. The FY2004 fiscal balance was in a deficit of US$412 billion (3.6% of GDP), marking a record high for the second consecutive year, and the deficit is expected to reach US$427 billion (3.5% of GDP) in FY2005.例文帳に追加

1990年代後半に黒字に転じた財政収支は、2000年度に過去最大の黒字となったが、2000年度から2001年度にかけて財政黒字が半減し、2002年度には再び赤字に転じた。2004年度の財政赤字額は4,120億ドル(対GDP比3.6%)と2年連続で過去最大を更新し、2005年度も4,270億ドル(同3.5%)に達する見込みとされている。 - 経済産業省

The Brazilian economy, in particular, significantly slowed in the latter half of 2011 due to gradual increase in policy interest rates for inflation control as well as the worsening international financial situations after August 2011. The industrial production index of each country fell over the latter half of 2011, and that of Brazil has remained at a lower level compared to the previous year since early autumn (see Figure 1-6-1-2).例文帳に追加

特にブラジルは、インフレ抑制のための段階的な政策金利の引き上げに加え、2011 年8 月以降の国際金融情勢の悪化により、年後半は大きく減速した。鉱工業生産指数は、各国とも年後半にかけて低下が見られるが、ブラジルでは秋口以降前年比マイナスで推移している(第1-6-1-2 図)。 - 経済産業省

According to a survey by MHLW, the number of Hello Work’s placement of people with disabilities generally remains at the lower level from the same period last year. Additionally, the number of dismissed persons with disabilities largely increased to 1,987 in the latter half from 787 in the first half of FY 2008. There is concern for the deteriorating employment status of people with disabilities in the future (Figures 2-3-3 and 2-3-4).例文帳に追加

厚生労働省の調査によると、2008年度におけるハローワークにおける障害者の就職件数は、おおむね前年同期を下回って推移しているほか、障害者の解雇数も、2008年度上半期787人に対し下半期1,987人と大きく増加しており、今後の状況の悪化が懸念される(図表2−3−4)。 - 厚生労働省

It was also at Tekigaiso, at the end of September, 1941, that Commander in Chief of the Combined Fleet, Isoroku YAMAMOTO, who was asked by Konoe about the Navy's prospects in the fight against the U.S., worried Konoe with the famous words, 'If you say I must, I will show you how much damage we can inflict for the first half a year or a year. However, if it goes on for 2 to 3 years, I have absolutely no confidence.' 例文帳に追加

昭和16年9月末に近衛から対米戦に対する海軍の見通しを訊かれた連合艦隊司令長官の山本五十六が、「是非やれと言われれば初めの半年や一年は随分と暴れてご覧に入れます。しかし、二年、三年となれば、全く確信は持てません」という有名な回答で近衛を悩ませたのも、この荻外荘においてであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As the market volatility has increased very much amid the severe conditions of the real economy and the global market turmoil, I hope the managers will conduct management with a forward-looking vision as to what kind of risks their financial institutions will be exposed to and how their institutions can develop their businesses half a year, one year and two years from now. 例文帳に追加

実体経済の状況が厳しい中で、またグローバルな市場の混乱によってマーケットのボラティリティ(変動)が非常に高くなっている中で、半年後、1年後、2年後に自分のところの金融機関の実態というのはどういうリスクにさらされて、どういう姿に成り得るのかというフォワードルッキングな発想で経営に取り組んでいただきたいと思っております。 - 金融庁

To provide a method of testing whiskers in a tinning film where the testing of whiskers is performed for a short period through, regarding the testing of the growing conditions of whiskers for securing the reliability of a tinned electronic component or the like, an extremely long period in the range from a half year to two years (in the case it is long) has been taken heretofore.例文帳に追加

錫めっきを施した電子部品などの信頼性を確保するためにウイスカの成長状態を検査するには、従来は半年から長い場合は2年間の非常に長い時間がかかっていたが、錫ウイスカを短期間で行う錫めっき皮膜のウイスカ検査方法を提供する。 - 特許庁

Article 82 A person who is a probationary attorney (Bengoshi-shiho), at the time this Act becomes effective, and has completed practical training for more than one year and a half and passed the examination in accordance with the prior Attorney Act, shall be deemed to have completed the course for a legal apprentice at the time such person passed said examination. 例文帳に追加

第八十二条 この法律施行の際現に弁護士試補である者が、従前の弁護士法の規定により一年六箇月以上の実務修習を終え考試を経たときは、その考試を経たときに司法修習生の修習を終えたものとみなす。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

As a result, Tatsusaburo HAYASHIYA and others even insisted a theory that Shoki modified the year in order to hide the fact that the Imperial Court was split into a group which supported the Emperor Ankan and the Emperor Senka and another which supported their younger half brother Emperor Kinmei (a theory of collateral two Imperial Courts) (For details, refer to the article on the Emperor Kinmei). 例文帳に追加

そのため、安閑天皇・宣化天皇を擁立する勢力と、異母弟の欽明天皇を奉ずる勢力の間で朝廷が分裂しており、書紀がその事実を隠蔽するために年代をずらしたとの林屋辰三郎らによる説(二朝並立説)まで登場した(→詳細は欽明天皇の項を参照)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A driving dormant period which is time from off to on of an ignition key of a vehicle is computed as elapsed time (S100), and when this elapsed time largely exceeds specified time, e.g. half a year, a large learning speed coefficient P (>1) in accordance with the elapsed time is decided (S110).例文帳に追加

車両のイグニッションキーのオフからオンまでの時間である運転休止期間を経過時間として算出し(S100)、この経過時間が例えば半年というような所定時間を越えて大きくなると、その経過時間に応じた大きな学習速度係数P(>1)を決定する(S110)。 - 特許庁

Although the economy was on a recovery trend at the beginning of the year in 2002, in the latter half of the year, the economy slowed due to pessimistic business and consumer sentiment arising from uncertainties in the future economy brought about by low stock prices and the war in Iraq. Looking at 2002 overall, the economic growth rate was almost zero due to the significant drops in fixed investment as well as in personal consumption (Fig.1.1.8).例文帳に追加

2002年は、年初は回復傾向を示したものの、後半は株安、イラク戦争への先行き不安による企業・消費者のマインドの停滞から景気は減速し、2002年全体としては、固定投資の大幅減に加えて、個人消費も減少に転じ、経済はゼロ成長に近いものとなった(第1-1-8図)。 - 経済産業省

A half year after Takauji passed away, in 1358, Yoshitoki and his 13 servants were murdered premeditatedly at Yaguchi no Watashi (Yaguchi Ferry) of Tama-gawa River by Takesawa, who was the Ukyo no Suke (Assistant Master of the Western Capital Offices), and Edo clan members sent by Motouji ASHIKAGA, who was a child of Takauji and was the Kamakura kubo (Governor general of the Kanto region), and Kunikiyo HATAKEYAMA, who was the Kanto Kanrei (a shogunal deputy for the Kanto region). 例文帳に追加

尊氏が没した半年後の1358年(正平(日本)13年/延文3年)、尊氏の子で鎌倉公方の足利基氏と関東管領の畠山国清によって送りこまれた竹沢右京亮と江戸氏により、義興と主従13人は、多摩川の矢口渡で謀殺される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The environmental correction coefficients can be obtained with a high degree of accuracy, by calculating the environmental correction coefficients, based on the measured result of the environmental conditions and the prescribed imaging property of the projection optical system for a long-standing (for example, a half year).例文帳に追加

ここでは、ある程度、長期間(例えば、半年間)に亘る環境条件と投影光学系の所定の結像特性との計測結果に基づいて環境補正係数を算出することにより、精度良く環境補正係数を得ることができる。 - 特許庁

This enzyme activity inhibitor is characterized by symbiotically culturing a plurality of lactic acid bacteria to ferment soybean milk, sterilizing the obtained soybean milk fermentation solution, adding alcohol to the sterilized solution, leaving the mixture for a half year or more to extract with the alcohol, and using the obtained extract containing a specific ingredient in an increased amount as the active ingredient of the enzyme activity inhibitor.例文帳に追加

複数の乳酸菌の共棲培養によって、豆乳を発酵させて得た豆乳醗酵液を殺菌したのちアルコールを加え、半年以上の期間をかけてアルコール抽出して得た特定の成分の増加したエキスを酵素活性抑制剤の有効成分とする。 - 特許庁

Over the course of half a year the president participated in lectures and training at the Sapporo Agricultural Support Center. In addition to gaining a greater understanding of the producers of raw ingredients, the president also gained a degree of knowledge that made it possible to fully explain the production process of raw ingredients to consumers.例文帳に追加

半年間に渡り札幌市農業支援センターにおいて座学と実習を行い、原材料の生産者についての理解を深めるとともに、原材料の生産過程を消費者に十分説明できるまでの知識を習得した。 - 経済産業省

Since a toji person should supervise his or her team for around a half year, he or she must have strong leadership and great tolerance so that he or she can lead his or her people and occasionally even their families who stay in their hometown, as well as excellent skills of brewing. 例文帳に追加

半年ものあいだ、杜氏集団を指揮しつづけるだけあって、杜氏は酒造りの技能に優れているだけではなく、部下の蔵人たち、ときには故郷に残してきたその家族たちまでも人間的にたばねていく統率力と包容力が要求される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In February of 1932, Masatsugu TAKAMURA of Taishu Bungei Eiga-sha and Ryosuke TACHIBANA, who had been the senior managing director of Teikoku Kinema half a year prior, established 'Shoei Makino Kinema' at 'Omuro Studio' by making a joint business with the 'Makino family.' 例文帳に追加

1932年(昭和7年)2月、大衆文芸映画社の高村正次と、半年前まで帝国キネマの専務取締役であった立花良介が、「マキノ本家」と提携し、旧マキノ・プロダクションの「御室撮影所」に設立したのが、この「正映マキノキネマ」である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With the length of the duty being three years during the Heian period, it was a large burden on samurai in non-capital regions, and MINAMOTO no Yoritomo reduced it to half a year, being further reduced to three months in the middle of the Kamakura period when the samurai side became more influential than the kuge (court noble) side. 例文帳に追加

地方の武士にとっては負担が大きく、その期間は平安時代には3年勤務であったが、源頼朝が半年勤務に短縮し、公家に対して武家の優位が確定する鎌倉時代中期になると3ヶ月勤務と大幅に短縮された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the fire of 1962, temple treasures including the former principal image statue of Ksitigarbha seated in the half-lotus position (Kamakura period), a standing statue of the four heavenly kings (Kamakura Period), a metal gong ('waniguchi', which hangs at the front temple halls) inscription of the year of 1257 (the Ksitigarbha statue, four heavenly kings statue and metal gong were all Important Cultural Properties), were destroyed. 例文帳に追加

1962年の火災で旧本尊・地蔵菩薩半跏像(鎌倉時代)、四天王立像(鎌倉時代)、正嘉元年(1257年)銘の金鼓(お堂の前に吊るす「鰐口」のこと)などの寺宝を焼失した(地蔵像、四天王像、金鼓はいずれも当時重要文化財)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During my visit, Mr. Nakasone, a man of far more experience than I, said to me: "Mr. Jimi, finance is an excellent tool to learn about the economy." In the course of the half year that I have been the Minister, I indeed learned a lot about the economy. 例文帳に追加

そうしたら、中曽根大勲位閣下から、「自見君、金融というのは経済のいい勉強になるよ」という言葉を大先輩からいただきまして、確かに私も半年経験させていただきましたが、本当に良い生きた経済の勉強になりました。 - 金融庁

Note: Cases in which adequate assessment procedures could not be performed due to unavoidable circumstances include, for example, a case when, due to a company acquiring another company in the second half of the fiscal year end date, the management could not perform sufficient assessment procedures for the effectiveness of the acquired company's internal controls. 例文帳に追加

(注) やむを得ない事情により十分な評価手続が実施できなかった場合としては、例えば、下期における他企業の買収等により、当該企業に係る内部統制の有効性について十分な評価手続を実施できなかった場合等が考えられる。 - 金融庁

Looking at the international economic circumstances surrounding Japan, it is clear that the world economy has been witnessing a slowdown. One of the reasons is that the US economy, which had been the locomotive behind the world economy, has been decelerating since the second half of last year because of a slump in IT and IT-related industries.例文帳に追加

我が国経済を取り巻く国際経済情勢をみますと、これまで世界経済を牽引してきた米国経済が、IT関連産業の業況悪化を契機として昨年後半以降減速したこともあり、世界経済の成長には減速がみられます。 - 財務省

Particularly noteworthy is the fact that while there has been a perceived shift of employment from full-time to parttime workers in recent years, the rise in part-time workersshare of regular employment at last entered a lull in the latter half of last year, creating the conditions for an improvement in employment feeding through into growth in incomes (Fig. 1-1-5). 例文帳に追加

特に、近年一般労働者からパート労働者への移行が進んでいるとされるが、昨年後半になり、ようやく常用雇用に占めるパート比率の上昇にも一服感が出ており、雇用の改善が所得の伸びにつながりやすい環境となっている(第1-1-5図)。 - 経済産業省

Although Yanagi was given the statue of Jizo Bosatsu by Komiyama, he was obliged to work on pending tasks for half a year such as opening the Korean Folklore Art Museum etc., but after he opened the museum, he started researching mokujiki-butsu and was throughly engaged in visiting many places in the country such as Mokujiki's birthplace, Maruhata, with the cooperation of Komiyama. 例文帳に追加

柳は小宮山から地蔵菩薩像を贈られるとそれから半年の間に懸案であった朝鮮民族美術館の開館などを済ませると、小宮山らの協力を得て木喰仏の調査研究のため木喰の故郷である丸畑をはじめ日本各地を奔走することになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Half a year later, Masatsugu TAKAMURA took over Toa Kinema that had given up film production, established Takarazuka Kinema Kogyo at Omuro in partnership with Kisaburo MINAMI, who had resigned as the president of Toa, changed 'Omuro Studio' to 'Takarazuka Kinema Studio' and put it into operation. 例文帳に追加

さらに半年後には、高村正次が映画製作を断念した東亜キネマを買収、同社の社長を辞任した南喜三郎とともに、宝塚キネマ興行を御室に設立、「御室撮影所」を「宝塚キネマ撮影所」と改称して稼動させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Nihon Shoki" states that in the year 623 (622 according to other sources), Silla Kingdom and Imna Confederacy messengers came to Japan where they enshrined Buddhist statues in Kadonohata-dera Temple and there is a theory that these correspond to the two wooden statues of the Bodhisattva Maitreya sitting in the half-lotus position which remain in Koryu-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

『日本書紀』には、推古天皇31年(623年、伝本によっては推古天皇30年とも)、新羅と任那の使いが来日し、将来した仏像を葛野秦寺(かどのはたでら)に安置したという記事があり、この仏像が、今も広隆寺に残る、2体の木造弥勒菩薩半跏像のいずれかに該当するとする説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The diary written during Ennin's nine-and-a-half-year journey to seek Buddhism, "Nitto Guho Junrei Koki," is the first genuine Japanese travelogue and is highly valued as an historical document that vividly depicts the anti-Buddhist activities of the Tang Emperor, Wuzong, during the Great Anti-Buddhist Persecution. 例文帳に追加

この9年6ヶ月に及ぶ求法の旅の間、書き綴った日記が『入唐求法巡礼行記』で、これは日本人による最初の本格的旅行記であり、時の皇帝、武宗(唐)による仏教弾圧である会昌の廃仏の様子を生々しく伝えるものとして歴史資料としても高く評価されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On May 19 of the following year, 996, he was demoted to Izumo no kuni Gon no kami (Provisional Governor of Izumo Province) over three charges that he had criticized Emperor Kazan, had placed a curse on Higashi-sanjoin, and had participated in Daigensuiho (magic rituals of Shingon esoteric Buddhism) (His older half brother Korechika, Naidaijin (Minister of the Interior), was also demoted to Dazai gon no sochi (Provisional Governor-General of the Dazai-fu offices). 例文帳に追加

翌2年4月24日、花山天皇奉射・東三条院呪詛・大元帥法を行った罪状三ヶ条を以って出雲国権守に左遷された(内大臣だった同母兄伊周は大宰権帥に左遷)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

She later lived in Biwadono of the estate she inherited from Emperor Sanjo with her only daughter, in April 1027, Imperial Princess Teishi and observed Imperial Princess Teishi to go under Judai (imperial marriage) to Togu Imperial Prince Atsunaga (later became Emperor Gosuzaku) and died of illness within half a year. 例文帳に追加

その後妍子は一人娘禎子内親王と共に三条天皇から伝領した枇杷殿に住み、万寿4年(1027年)3月に禎子内親王が東宮敦良親王(のちの後朱雀天皇)に入内するのを見届けて、その半年後に病で崩じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


That same year, the Ashikaga army once again marched east towards the capital from Kyushu, and having obtained an Imperial edict from retired Emperor Kogon of the Jimyoin lineage, in the fifth month they crushed Emperor Godaigo's loyalist forces at the battle of the Minato river; in obedience to retired Emperor Kogon, they entered the capital and thus marked the downfall of the new government, after just two and a half years. 例文帳に追加

同年、九州から再び東上した足利軍は、持明院統の光厳上皇の院宣を得て、5月に湊川の戦いにおいて宮方を撃破し、光厳上皇を奉じて入京、ここに新政は2年半で瓦解する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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