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was carried outの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 688


Ochi-Kanze or the Ochi-Kanze group was founded by a son of Motomasa, 'Juro dayu,' and was a branch school of the Kanze group which carried out activities over the middle of the Muromachi period and the Sengoku period (period of warring states). 例文帳に追加

越智観世、または越智観世座とは、元雅の子「十郎大夫」を初代とし、室町時代中期から戦国時代(日本)にかけて活動した、観世座の分派。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shingen, who was also concerned that the forces of Nobunaga had expanded, carried out a large-scale invasion of the Provinces of Totomi and Mikawa to subjugate Ieyasu TOKUGAWA who was a sworn ally. 例文帳に追加

信玄も信長の勢力拡大を危惧したため、元亀2年(1571年)2月、信長の盟友である徳川家康を討つべく、大規模な遠江・三河侵攻を行う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The next oldest record on the fight is "Numatake-ki" (The Record of the Numata family) which was written in 1672 by a descendant of Nobumoto NUMATA who had been Jodai (keeper of castle) of Moji-jo Castle when the fight had been carried out; the book was recently re-discovered and is attracting historians' attention; the following is the fight scene written in "Numatake-ki." 例文帳に追加

『小倉碑文』の次に古い記録は試合当時に門司城代であった沼田延元の子孫が寛文12年(1672年)に編集し、近年再発見された『沼田家記』がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On his death, he left a will to inherit a total of 2000 koku of his retirement stipend to Tadatsune and Tadaharu, and a total of 1000 koku of his retirement stipend to Toku who was the wife of Saionji family and other daughters, which was later carried out. 例文帳に追加

死去にあたり、忠恒と忠春に計2000石分、徳(西園寺家御台所)やそのほかの娘達にも計1000石分の隠居料相続を遺言し、実行された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Even Kaiyo, which had been reputedly the sturdiest ship until then, was made of wood, so its inferiority in terms of defensibility was undeniable even with its superiority in weight and number of equipped cannons; thus ENOMOTO, much concerned about this situation, carried out an uncommon military operation to seize Kotetsu in a surprise attack. 例文帳に追加

当時最新最強と謳われた開陽でさえ木造艦であり、砲数・トン数では勝るものの防備性の劣勢は否めず、これを大いに憂慮した榎本は同艦奇襲・奪取の奇策を実行に移す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He had to fight against the strong Mori forces with outnumbered troops for the campaign for the restoration of the Amago clan, which was carried out when Korenori KAMEI was a boy, and he merely made temporary achievements. 例文帳に追加

亀井茲矩の少年期に展開された尼子再興運動は、常に強大な毛利軍と寡兵で戦わねばならず、一時的な成果しかあげられなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that although Mareyoshi tried to ask help to dogo (a local clan), Yukimune YASU, before he carried out it, he was detected by kenin (retainers) of TAIRA no Shigemori, Ietsuna HASUIKE and Toshio HIRATA, encountered a surprise attack, and was killed (The Twenty Fifth Day of the Ninth Month of the First Year of Juei in "Azuma Kagami" [The Mirror of the East]). 例文帳に追加

希義は土豪の夜須行宗を頼ろうとするが、平重盛の家人である蓮池家綱・平田俊遠に事前に察知され、奇襲を受けて討ち取られたという(『吾妻鏡』寿永元年9月25日条)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1177, a conflict arose between Morotaka and Hakusan Yusen-ji Temple which was a branch temple of Enryaku-ji Temple, which turned out to be a commotion which was known as by Hieizan Daishu (warrior monks residing in the zendo of Mt. Hiei) who marched en masse carrying the sacred mikoshi (portable shrine carried in festivals), resulting in Morotaka's banishment to Idota of Owari Province and Morotsune's imprisonment. 例文帳に追加

安元3年(1177年)、延暦寺の末寺白山涌泉寺と紛争を起こし、比叡山大衆が神輿を担いで強訴する騒ぎとなったため、師高は尾張国井戸田に流罪、師経は禁獄となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because his tenure in office was rather short, no remarkable policies could be seen, but he promoted and encouraged new industry with Nobuchika KURIHARA and others, and carried out the maintenances of roads, the improvements of rivers, the recommendations of Koshu grapes, and so on (his successor was Masutane NAKAJIMA.) 例文帳に追加

在職期間が短いため目立った政策は見られないが、栗原信近らと殖産興業を推進し、道路整備や河川改修、甲州葡萄の普及などを行っている(後任は中島錫胤)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This negotiation was carried out to invite a child of the retired Emperor Gotoba as a Kamakura Shogun, but was rejected by Gotoba because he considered to overthrow the Hojo clan. 例文帳に追加

このときの交渉は、後鳥羽上皇の子を鎌倉の将軍に迎えたいというものであったが、既に北条氏打倒を考えていた後鳥羽上皇に拒絶される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The timetable revision was carried out, anticipating the inauguration of the Oto Line, and therefore the operation of the trains that terminated at Demachiyanagi Station were positioned as a test operation until the morning of October 5, when the line was inaugurated. 例文帳に追加

この時のダイヤ改正は鴨東線開業に向けたダイヤ改正であり、出町柳までの列車に関しては同線開業日の10月5日の午前中まで三条~出町柳間が試運転扱いだった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

April 24, 1963: The elevation work of the tracks of the Tokaido Shinkansen was completed, and the tenancy of the track between Kanmaki Station and Oyamazaki Station commenced for the Shinkansen to use as a provisional track during the elevation work, which was scheduled to be carried out on the site extended in parallel along the Keihan Kyoto Line. 例文帳に追加

1963年(昭和38年)4月24日東海道新幹線の高架線が完成し、並行する阪急京都線側も高架化するため仮線として上牧~大山崎間で新幹線線路の借用開始。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because the stairway leading to Platform 1 was closed in spring 2007, when the renovation of ticket gates located on the second floor of the station building was carried out, under normal conditions ordinary people aren't allowed to enter this platform. 例文帳に追加

2007年春に駅舎2階の改札口周辺の改修を行った際、1番線の階段が閉鎖されたため、通常時は一般の人が出入りする事はできない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to a survey on the ownership ratio of private cars per household carried out in fiscal year 1996 by the then Ministry of Transport, the ratio in all of Kyoto Prefecture was 75.3%, but, Fukuchiyama City was 94.2% at the time. 例文帳に追加

当時の運輸省が調査した平成8年度の一世帯あたりの京都府全体の自家用車保有率が75.3%だったのに対して当時の福知山市の保有率は94.2%であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nickel ore taken from Oeyama Mine was transported by truck or freight car to Nanao Cement in Nanao City, Ishikawa Prefecture where the industrial test for smelting was carried out repeatedly with the rotary kiln for manufacture of cement. 例文帳に追加

大江山鉱山から採掘されたニッケル鉱石はトラックと貨車輸送で石川県七尾市にあった七尾セメント(株)へ送られ、そこでセメント製造用のロータリーキルンで製錬のための工業試験を繰り返した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, as similar transference of the fief to enemy's territory was carried out for Hiromasa YANADA and Kazumasu TAKIGAWA and their former fiefs were guaranteed for a certain time period, there is a view that it was a custom at that time to guarantee the former fief until the new fief is in fact acquired. 例文帳に追加

しかし梁田広正や滝川一益でも同様の敵地への領地替えが行われて旧領はしばらく安堵されていたので、これは新領獲得まで旧領安堵するという当時の作法ではという説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In another account, it was thought until the Meiji period that the assassination had been carried out by the Shinsengumi and because of the Ikedaya Incident, the Shinsengumi was fully purged during the Boshin Civil War. 例文帳に追加

また、明治になるまで新撰組の仕業とされていたことや、池田屋の件などもあり、戊辰戦争においては新撰組に対して徹底した粛清が行われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kiyomori demanded to make the imperial prince as the crown prince to the cloistered emperor, and Shinno senji (a letter of the order of the emperor which demanded the inauguration of crown prince) was carried out to name the imperial prince as Emperor Antoku (Tokihito) on January 14 (December 9 in old lunar calendar), and he was formally installed as the Crown Prince on January 20 (December 15 in old lunar calendar). 例文帳に追加

清盛は皇子を皇太子にすることを法皇に迫り12月9日、親王宣旨が下されて安徳天皇(ときひと)と命名され、15日、立太子した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is also said that the words were selected using the British National Anthem as a model because almost all modernization of Japan at that time was carried out after the model of Great Britain, which was the biggest imperial monarchy in the world at that time. 例文帳に追加

当時日本の近代化のほとんどは当時世界一の大帝国だったイギリスを模範に行っていたため、歌詞もイギリスの国歌を手本に選んだとも言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After that, Pusanpo was also opened again because the capacity of the port of Seiho was not large enough to deal with all transactions; however, an incident called Saryang Incident (the raid carried out by Japanese pirates on Saryang Islands) occurred in 1544, and this brought a diplomatic break between these parties again. 例文帳に追加

その後、薺浦一港での入港受入れは難しいとの理由から釜山浦も再び開かれるが、1544年に蛇梁倭変が起こり再び国交は断絶する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The banishment and forfeiture of property were sometimes extinguished when a certain period of time passed; however, kendan (ruling and judgment) for theft or injury was carried out very strictly, and the death sentence was often handed down. 例文帳に追加

追放刑や財産没収は、一定年限が経過した後に解除されることもあったが、窃盗や傷害に対する検断は非常に厳しく、死刑となることも少なくなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although the law to strip the court ranks of those who carried out the act of shichusen and to give them a flogging was also laid down at the same time the ban the issued, production of shichusen did not stop, and in later years, the punishment given to the ringleader of the crime became more and more severe to the point where the death penalty was given to the criminals under the Ritsuryo code of law. 例文帳に追加

同時に、私鋳を行った者に対して官位剥奪、杖罪などを適用されることが規定されたが私鋳は止まず、後に首謀者に対する刑は死罪(律令法)に引き上げられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, when ikkoku heikinyaku (taxes and labor uniformly imposed on manors and provincial land in a province) were imposed regardless of shiishiboji (notices on every corner of the territory in order to clarify the boundaries) of manors or whether the land is public (koryo) or private manors, kenchu by kokushi (an officer of local government) was carried out, and kenchujo (the report of the kenchu) was issued. 例文帳に追加

なお、荘園の四至牓示や公領・荘園を問わず一国平均役などを徴収する場合などは国司による検注も行われ、検注状が作成された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Thereafter, the shogunate government was forced to conclude similar treaties with other western countries following in the high-handed manner of the United States, and 'the opening Japan to the West' was carried out without intention. 例文帳に追加

その後米国の例にならって高圧的に接触してきた西欧諸国ともなし崩し的に同様の条約を締結、事実上「開国日本の開国」してしまった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The 15th shogun, Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA carried out Taisei Hokan (the policy of returning power to the emperor) in 1867, and Bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) was overthrown, and then the Meiji government was established in compliance with the Restoration of Imperial Rule. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代後期の1867年に15代将軍の徳川慶喜が大政奉還を行い幕府が解体され、王政復古(日本)により明治政府が成立する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

First, townspeople and farmers have to investigate if there is anyone who was in military service (from hokonin [those who served Hideyoshi], samurai, chugen and komono to arashigo [servants for miscellaneous chores]) and changed his status to townsman or farmer after the Oshu expedition that was carried out in the seventh month of last year, and if such people are founded, they must be deported. 例文帳に追加

一 奉公人侍中間小者あらし子に至迄去七月奥州へ御出勢より以来新儀に町人百姓に成者於在之者其町中地下人として相改一切置へからす - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After this petition was accepted, Ihai was no longer carried out on a large scale; instead, the barbarians who had already been sent to other places were sent again to new places in small groups. 例文帳に追加

以後、大規模な移配は行われなくなり、代わって既に移配された俘囚・夷俘を小規模集団単位で二次移配する事例が増加する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When there is room for pity on the part of a criminal, a kind of disciplinary action called 'nobori-azuke'' was carried out based on an unwritten law of the time, whereby 'nobori' (banner) used in the criminal's hikimawashi was given to the criminal's employer. 例文帳に追加

罪人にも同情すべき点がある場合「幟あずけ」と呼ばれる、引き回しの時に使われた幟を主人に下げ渡す不文律の懲戒処分が行われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When later Yoritomo established the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) and the right to judge criminal cases was taken on by the bakufu, Mokkan was widely carried out using the authority as bakufu, gokenin were appointed as jito (manager and lord of manor) of the confiscated territories. 例文帳に追加

後に頼朝が鎌倉幕府を開き、検断権が幕府に移行するようになると幕府の権限で没官を行って御家人などを地頭にすることが広く行われるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As seen from the above, the political reform in the Keiun era was carried out in order to adjust the flaws experienced when administering Taiho code, and its fundamental characteristic was to strengthen the national polity. 例文帳に追加

このように慶雲の改革は、大宝律令の施行に伴う不具合を調整することを意識して行われたものであり、さらなる国家体制強化を図ろうとする性質のものであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The method for creating the mutant of the cyclamen plant comprises irradiating a tuber of the cyclamen plant with heavy ion beam, raising the tuber in which irradiation treatment was carried out and selecting a cyclamen plant in which mutation was induced.例文帳に追加

シクラメン植物の塊茎に重イオンビームを照射し、当該照射処理をした塊茎を育成し、変異の生じたシクラメン植物を選抜することを特徴とする、シクラメン植物の突然変異株の作出方法。 - 特許庁

A flexible substrate has such an arrangement wherein through holes are provided to a surface other than a first pattern surface, and for the continuity of the through holes, metal plating was carried out or a conductive paste was formed, from the side of a second pattern on the reverse.例文帳に追加

第一のパターン面以外にスルーホール穴を設け、その裏面の第二のパターン面側より、スルーホールの導通をメッキまたは、導電ペーストで形成したフレキシブル基板。 - 特許庁

Looking at the declarations, inspections and violations for FY2006 (Table 1), the number of import declarations was about 1.85 million, and the weight of declared items, based on preliminary figures, was about 31.56 million tons. Inspections were carried out on about 200,000 declarations (11.0%)例文帳に追加

平成 18 年度の届出・検査・違反状況(表 1)をみると、届出件数は約 185 万件であり、届出重量は速報値で約 3,156 万トンであった。 - 厚生労働省

With the presence of the family head, relatives of the son who was to be adopted, and one who was able to function as the family head, Ometsuke (chief inspector of the Edo shogunate) made the confirmation for daimyo families, and for Hatamoto (a direct retainer of the shogun family) or Gokennin (also a direct retainer of the shogun family but ranked lower than Hatamoto), kashira (head) or shihai of the Hatamoto or Gokenin group (when no kashira or shihai was available, it was carried out by Metsuke [inspector of foot soldiers] officer) made the confirmation. 例文帳に追加

大名家の場合には大目付が、旗本・御家人の場合には所属する頭・支配(不在の場合には目付が代行)が、当主及び養子予定者の親族遠類及び当主の同役などが立ち会った上で確認が行われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When at Mt. Hiei was burnt out in the fire attack waged by Nobunaga ODA against Enryaku-ji Temple on Mt. Hiei in 1571, was supposedly carried from the Yokooji family house to Mt. Hiei, and is still burning in the kamado (kitchen range) of the house, having been protected for more than a thousand years so that the original flame would not go out. 例文帳に追加

織田信長の延暦寺比叡山焼き討ち(1571年)の際には、比叡山の法火が消えたため、ここから火を比叡山へ運んだといい、現在でも、火は家の竈にあり、種火が消えないように千年以上も守り続けているという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As Emperor Daigo had no Sekkan (regents and advisers) and compiled "Engi no kyakushiki" (regulations and laws of the Engi era), his reign was considered by succeeding generations as the reign when an ideal politics were carried out by direct rule of the Emperor and his reign was called as Engi and Tenryaku no chi (reign of Emperor Daigo and Murakami) together with the reign of Emperor Murakami (Tenryaku no chi - glorious Tenryaku rule) who also carried out direct rule in the middle of the 10th century. 例文帳に追加

醍醐天皇は摂関を置かず、また延喜格式が編纂されるなど、後世の人々から天皇親政による理想の政治が行われた治世と評価され、同じく10世紀中期に天皇親政が行われたとする村上天皇の治世(天暦の治)と併せて延喜・天暦の治と呼ばれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Japan, from the ancient times (the Nara Period, the Heian Period) to the early Middle Ages (the Kamakura Period), the political system centered on an emperor was kept, and the Imperial court often means the government (gosho, or the Imperial Palace) in which an emperor carried out politics (however, the Imperial court was similar to Cloister government in wich Daijo Tenno, a retired Emperor, carried out politics). 例文帳に追加

古代(奈良時代、平安時代)から中世前期(鎌倉時代)における日本では、天皇を中心とした政治体制が維持されており、国家における天皇が政治を行っていた政府(御所)のことを意味することが多い(ただし、皇位から離れた天皇(太上天皇)が実質の政務を行う院政も「天皇家の当主」を中心としていることでは差異はほとんどない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is an episode when Satsuma domain attacked the Aizu-jo Castle during the Boshin War, communication with a Shinto priest who was called as a guide impossible., after much consideration, yokyoku was thought of and conversation was carried out in the same way as the dialogue between shite (main actor) and waki (supporting actor) and finally done well. 例文帳に追加

戊辰の役に、薩摩人が会津城を攻めた時、道案内にと呼び出した神官との間に、どうしても話が通じない。思案の末、謡曲のことを思い出し、シテとワキとの掛け合いよろしく問答を進め、やっとうまく行ったという逸話がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

If no ichi no kami was specified, the court noble with the top rank other than the sessho and kanpaku, at that time, MINAMOTO no Kaneakira, sadaijin customarily carried out jobs of the ichi no kami, but because of appointment by Kanemichi, political powers of Kaneakira, who was very popular as a sisei kozoku (a member of the Imperial Family conferred with a family name) was divested. 例文帳に追加

一上が特に定められていない場合には、摂関を除く最上位の公卿、当時の場合には左大臣源兼明が一上の職務を行う慣例となっていたが、兼通による指名によって賜姓皇族として人望の厚かった兼明の政治的権限が剥奪されてしまった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As a result, Yoritada came to hate taking part in affairs of state and, therefore, the dajokan (great council of the state) in the era of the Emperor Kazan was led by FUJIWARA no Yoshichika, Gon Chunagon (a provisional vice-councilor of state) who was a maternal relative and MINAMOTO no Masanobu, who was the sadaijin, carried out kanso (to make a comment to the Emperor at the morning meeting) and executed senji (message of the Emperor) and kanpu (official documents from Dajokan, or Great Council of State). 例文帳に追加

この結果、頼忠は政務への参加を厭うようになり、その結果、花山天皇時代の太政官は外戚である権中納言藤原義懐が主導し、左大臣源雅信が一上として官奏(官奏候侍者)を行い、あるいは宣旨・官符を実施するようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The toilet facility, located on Platform 2, is equipped with a flush toilet (the installation of a new toilet was carried out in February 2008 next to the vault toilet that existed at the time, and after about a month of work the newly completed toilet was made available; consequently, the vault toilet was closed and removed). 例文帳に追加

便所は2番ホームにあり、男女別の水洗式便所(2008年2月よりかつて存在した汲み取り式便所の隣に新たなトイレの建設工事を施行し、約1ヶ月の工事期間を経て完成し使用可能となり、汲み取り式便所は閉鎖・撤去された)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the modern times when western modern history was introduced, analysis of Japanese history based on the idea of the evolution phase concept of history, exemplified by Marxist history, was carried out, and it became a common theory that the historical hyakusho rank was defined as a serfdom in the feudalism phase. 例文帳に追加

近代になり西洋近代歴史学が導入されるとマルクス主義史観に代表される発展段階史観の概念に基づいた過去の日本の歴史の分析が行われるようになり、歴史的百姓身分を封建制段階における農奴身分と規定することが通説となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Meiji period, the age of samurai ended in effect, but the Bushido way of thought was used unnecessarily during its mature period, therefore mainly ex-samurais carried out subject education policy and the catch-phrase was made when the historical view was changed. 例文帳に追加

明治時代、事実上武士が滅び、その思想のみがいたずらに活用されだした武士道爛熟期にあって、元武士階層出身者が中心となって臣民教育政策が施されたが、これはそこで歴史観が改められるのと同時に造られた標語である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The march was carried out on the day of the lowest temperature ever recorded in the country (on January 25, -41.1 degrees Celsius, the lowest temperature ever observed in Japan, was recorded in Asahikawa) when Typical winter pressure patterns such as, the high-pressure area to the west, and the low-pressure area to the east, and an unprecedented cold air mass was covering the Japanese archipelago. 例文帳に追加

雪中行軍が行われたのは、冬季によく見られる典型的な西高東低の気圧配置で、未曾有の寒気団が日本列島を襲っていた時で、日本各地で観測史上における最低気温を更新した日でもある(旭川で1月25日、日本最低記録である-41.0℃を記録した)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The structural reform carried out by Mr. Koizumi (former Prime Minister) was a neo-conservative reform considerably influenced by (former U.S. President) Bush, and its centerpiece was the postal privatization. With that as the main issue, a general election was held five years ago. 例文帳に追加

小泉さんの構造改革、これは言うなればブッシュ(アメリカ元大統領)の影響を非常に受けた新保守的な改革で、その一丁目一番地が郵政民営化と言った訳でございますが、それに対して、5年前、選挙が行われたわけです。 - 金融庁

The results of the analysis showed that there was a positive mutual relationship between cultural and economic exchange in the countries and regions in which the survey was carried out. In addition, it was demonstrated that "diplomatic and political exchange" also had a mutual influence with "cultural exchange" and "economic exchange."例文帳に追加

この分析の結果、すべての調査実施国・地域間において、「文化交流」と「経済交流」の間には相互に有意に正の関係があることが示され、さらに、「外交・政治交流」についても同様に、「文化交流」、「経済交流」、「外交・政治交流」は相互に影響しあっていることが明らかになっている。 - 経済産業省

A series of batch tests was carried out to test the hypothesis that the same enzymes are used to attack chlorophenols with the same position-specific dechlorination reactions, resulting in competition between these compounds.例文帳に追加

位置特異的な同じ脱塩反応によって,同じ酵素が700フェノールを攻撃し,これらの化合物の間の競合反応をもたらす,という仮説をテストするために一連のバッチ試験が行われた。 - 英語論文検索例文集

A series of batch tests was carried out to test the hypothesis that the same enzymes are used to attack chlorophenols with the same position-specific dechlorination reactions, resulting in competition between these compounds.例文帳に追加

位置特定の同じ脱塩反応において,同じ酵素が塩化フェノールを攻撃するために使われ,これらの化合物の間に競合反応をもたらす,という仮説をテストするために一連のバッチ試験が行われた。 - 英語論文検索例文集

A series of batch tests was carried out to test the hypothesis that the same enzymes are used to attack chlorophenols with the same position-specific dechlorination reactions, resulting in competition between these compounds.例文帳に追加

位置特定の同じ脱塩反応において同じ酵素が塩化フェノールを攻撃するために使われ,これらの化合物の間に競合反応をもたらす,という仮説をテストするために一連のバッチ試験が行われた。 - 英語論文検索例文集


A series of batch tests was carried out to test the hypothesis that the same enzymes are used to attack chlorophenols with the same position-specific dechlorination reactions, resulting in competition between these compounds.例文帳に追加

位置特定の同じ脱塩素化反応において,同じ酵素が塩化フェノールを攻撃するために使われ,これらの化合物の間に競合反応をもたらす,という仮説をテストするために一連のバッチ試験が行われた。 - 英語論文検索例文集


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