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For the Bank to serve the region with an even greater impact in the future, it is essential to implement a broad agenda.  - 財務省


As the announcement entitled "Development and Strengthening of a System of Support for Mid-sized to Large Companies' and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises' Entry into the Asian Region, etc. under a Partnership between Japanese Financial Institutions, the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), the Japanese External Trade Organization (JETRO) and Others" suggests, I am sure that all of you are also well aware of the importance of Asia's growth and of how to incorporate it into the Japanese economy against the backdrop of the current economic downturn.  - 金融庁


Following the "Joint Statement on East Asia Cooperation" issued by the ASEAN + 3 Leaders at their Informal Meeting in Manila last November, we, the Finance Ministers of ASEAN, China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (ASEAN + 3), convened our meeting in Chiang Mai to exchange views on economic and financial situations and discuss further cooperation in the East Asian region.  - 財務省


In East Asia, there are ongoing efforts among the ASEAN countries and Japan, China, and the Republic of Korea (ASEAN+3) under the Chiang Mai Initiative agreed in May of last year to prevent the recurrence of events like the Asian currency crisis and to quickly address such situations if they should occur.  - 財務省



As for the ADB's operations, he promoted assistance for fragile states such as Afghanistan and Pakistan. In addition, President Kuroda implemented ADB's swift and effective assistance in the aftermath of the recent global economic crisis by mobilizing excess liquidity in the Asia Development Fund (ADF), creating new facilities, and enhancing trade finance promotion program, thereby demonstrating his superb leadership in strengthening the ADB's support for growth and poverty reduction in the Asia-Pacific region.  - 財務省



Our enduring commitment will underwrite the peace, stability, and prosperity of the Asia Pacific. We therefore instruct our ministers and officials to pursue the work and to strengthen the economic foundation of our shared Asia-Pacific community and we look forward to reviewing further progress when we convene again during China’s hosting of APEC in 2014. - 経済産業省


In light of the fact that disparities remain in economic levels within the region and that, as we saw in Chapter 2, over the long-term the birthrate continues to fall and society continues to age in many of the countries and regions within East Asia, an important issue in this context is how to raise the level of quality and depth of human resources throughout the entire region. - 経済産業省


In addition to the development of human resources and schemes to attract people back to their home countries in the developing countries mentioned above, cooperation through tools such as ODA for the establishment of professional schools and vocational training schools in the countries and regions of East Asia that aim to teach skills tailored to the stage of development of the economy and industry in those areas also contributes to human resources development in East Asia. - 経済産業省


With the rapid changes enveloping the East Asian region, it will be necessary for Japanese companies to maximize the benefits of the merits of market growth in their local business activities, and construct an optimal management structure in response to business realities to ensure that their own competitiveness is further enhanced through maximum use of the outstanding cost competitiveness of East Asia. - 経済産業省



In the case of cultural-related exports from Japan to other Asian countries in 2004, for example (Table 2.1.39.), standard exports that reflect the economic sizes of Japan and other Asian countries, and their geographical distances were estimated at $760 million. Meanwhile, Japan’s actual exports of such content to Asia were given as $816 million, exceeding the estimated standard exports by 7.8%, which means that Japan’s cultural exports to Asia were relatively active in the year. - 経済産業省



Similarly, looking at the inflow of direct investment in terms of the number of establishments of foreign capital in the East Asia region, we see that since the 1997 Asian financial crisis the number of such establishments in Indonesia, Thailand, and Singapore has either decreased slightly or leveled off, but the number of companies entering China has increased by more than 10,000 over four years from 27,000 in 1999 to 39,000 in 2003 (Table 2.2.2). - 経済産業省


The deepening of economic relations in the East Asian region in this manner is further vitalizing the movement of people and goods. This in turn is invigorating exchanges in cultural aspects that surpass economic relations, further deepening mutual understanding between countries and regions as fashions are shared and knowledge and recognition of diverse values are promoted. It can be seen that these trends could form the beginnings of an incipient common foundation. - 経済産業省


Japanese anime has gained high regard around the world as original contents from Japan. Films by director Hayao Miyazaki such as Spirited Away, which won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, and Howl's Moving Castle which won the Osella Award for Technical Contribution at the Venice International Film Festival, are examples of anime that have also gained acclaim in East Asia. Japanese film, television programs, videos, and DVDs are also penetrating the markets of many East Asian countries and regions. - 経済産業省


Furthermore, as will be explained in Chapter 3, due to the vitalization of intra-regional trade in East Asia in recent years, international intra-industry production networks centered on components manufactured in the machinery industry are forming rapidly.As such, China’s status within these networks as an export and production base is rising, and the importance of its role as an export destination partner to the countries and regions of East Asia is increasing. - 経済産業省


At the same time, it has also been pointed out that medium-term economic cycle waves have emerged in the Chinese economy50 (Figs. 1.4.35, 1.4.36). As the interdependence between China and other countries and regions of East Asia has deepened, in the event that the Chinese economy enters an adjustment and downturn phase, this could then impact heavily throughout East Asia. - 経済産業省


Relationship with Central Asia that has the world's leading energy resource must be placed beyond mere resource trade, and recognizing the need of expanding mutually beneficial trade and investment relations to build a balanced relationship, for Small Businesses Development in Central Asia has to come with public and private sectors together helping to diversify the industry and advanced technology transfer. - 経済産業省


The second most frequent response was progress in a cross-border division of labor by processes, not only between Japan and East Asia but between the countries of East Asia not including Japan. This suggests that Japanese companies are expanding the division of labor across multiple countries and regions within East Asia, irrespective of whether the work is performed by a single company or divided among multiple companies. - 経済産業省

以上のように、東アジアにおける生産ネットワークは、三角貿易構造を中核としつつ、我が国企業の東アジア進出の進展や現地企業の生産・技術レベルの向上、EPA / FTA 等による関税障壁等の低下に伴い、複数の域内国・地域にまたがる中間財の域内相互供給を拡大することにより、多国間工程分業を高度化していると言える(第2-2-19 図)。例文帳に追加

As seen above, the production network in East Asia is forming the nucleus of the triangular trade structure. Thanks to growth in the intra-regional mutual supply of intermediate goods across multiple countries and regions accompanying the expansion of Japanese companies into East Asia, improvements in the production and technical level of local companies, and the lowering of tariff barriers through EPA/FTA, the multilateral division of labor is growing more complex and intertwined (Figure 2-2-19). - 経済産業省


Asian countries have actively committed to luring foreign capital to improve their industrial clusters as production and exporting hubs, but the global financial and economic crisis has given rise to the necessity to set a new strategy for targeting wide-range emerging markets, including Asia and other regions, in addition to the markets of developed countries such as Japan, the U.S. and Europe. - 経済産業省


As far as certain income classes living in urbanized Asia are concerned, on the assumption that improvement in infrastructures and development of industries accelerates urbanization in Asia, the income disparity among such classes will become small.A sharp growth in GDP per capita would give rise to an increase in the so-called urban middle-income class. - 経済産業省

我が国は、モノ、サービス、人、資本などがより自由に移動できる、自由で成熟した経済圏を東アジア全体に構築することを将来の目標として、まずASEAN 各国、韓国等との二国間EPA 及びASEAN 全体との地域EPA の取組を進めるとともに、将来の東アジア全体での広域の経済連携についても研究を行っている。例文帳に追加

Japan has set a future goal of establishing a free and mature economic sphere across East Asia, whereby goods, services, persons and capital can move more freely. To achieve this goal, Japan has advanced its efforts at bilateral EPAs with ASEAN member countries, the Republic of Korea and others and a regional EPA with the ASEAN as a whole, and has also conducted studies on the future possibility of a broad regional economic partnership with all of East Asia. - 経済産業省


Through an examination of the numbers of large enterprises' and SMEs' locally incorporated companies by region in 1995 and 2005, it is clear that the relative weight in the overseas expansion of both large enterprises and SMEs shifted from North America and Europe to Asia, especially China. However, compared to large enterprises, SMEs have developed less business in North America and Europe and relatively more in China and other parts of Asia - 経済産業省


The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan(MHLW) heldEast Asian Meeting of High-Level Officials on Caring Societiesannually from 1997 to 2002 in order to strengthen the regional cooperation among East Asian countries from the viewpoint of the idea ofWorld Welfare Plan” that Japan had advocated in the Lyons summit in 1996. Through these East Asian Meetings of High-Level Officials on Caring Societies, the MHLW contributed significantly to further strengthening cooperation in caring society fields in the East Asian region. - 厚生労働省


The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan held"East Asian Meeting of High-Level Officials on Caring Societies" annually from 1997 to 2002 in order to strengthen the regional cooperation among East Asian countries from the viewpoint of the idea of "World Welfare Plan" that Japan had advocated in the Lyons summit in 1996. Through these East Asian Meetings of High-Level Officials on Caring Societies, the MHLW contributed significantly to further strengthening cooperation in caring society fields in the East Asian region. - 厚生労働省


We should regard this not merely as a national issue of Japan but as a regional issue. We also need to consider what Japan can do not only for itself but also for the international community or Asia in terms of what medical knowledge, pharmaceutical products and vaccine we can provide.  - 金融庁


Despite Myanmar's high-level political commitment to work with the FATF and APG to address its strategic AML/CFT deficiencies, the FATF is not yet satisfied that Myanmar has made sufficient progress in implementing its action plan, and certain strategic AML/CFT deficiencies remain.  - 財務省

我々は、ASEAN+3 リサーチ・グループ(RG)の 2011/2012 年の研究トピックとして、(i) 東アジアにおけるコモディティ価格変動への対応、(ii) ASEAN+3 地域の金融システムにおける銀行セクターの役割と機能、及び(iii) グローバル・アーキテクチャーにおける地域金融セーフティネットの役割に関する研究への取組みを歓迎。例文帳に追加

We appreciated the efforts made by the Research Group on three studies for 2011/2012 regarding i) dealing with commodity price volatility in East Asia, ii) the roles & functions of the banking sector in the financial system of the ASEAN+3 region, and iii) the role of the regional financial safety net in global architecture.  - 財務省


Working with developing countries and regional agencies, deliver bankable growthsupporting regional connectivity projects, building on the momentum created by existing initiatives and facilities (e.g., Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility (IPPF), New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), African Water Facility (AWF) and Asian Infrastructure Financing Initiative (AIFI)). (November 2011)  - 財務省


Whether to make organizational and institutional improvements, to fight against poverty, or to increase institutional capacity for foreign exchange and fiscal management, the key lies in human resource development and institutional capacity building. For its part, Japan has continued to help develop human resources in the region via the Japan-IDB Scholarship Program. While our extremely severe fiscal situation forces us to reduce the ODA budget, we will remain committed to providing intellectual contribution, for example, via the Japan Program, which promotes the exchange of knowledge regarding development between Asia and the Latin American and Caribbean region.  - 財務省


Specifically, it was decided that in the first stage the central banks of each member country and region would jointly operate some foreign-currency assets through a fund composed of dollar-denominated bonds issued by sovereign and quasi-sovereign issuers in eight countries and regions in East Asia (China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand). The first stage is known as ABF1, and at the time of launch its size was approximately $1 billion. - 経済産業省


Next, looking at the local sales rate of Figure 2.2.14 as a distinction between market efforts of Japanese and US companies in each region, the local sales rate of US companies in China are high in comparison to those in other countries (in East Asia: 42.1 percent, in China: 63.8 percent (2000)), and,as mentioned before, US companies have high investment income ratios. - 経済産業省

日本の東アジア地域貿易における比較優位構造について、顕示比較優位指数1 )( Revealed Comparative Advantage)の推移(第2-3-1図)により概観すると、おおむねどの地域に対しても、製品・半製品の分野では、「テレビ受像機」、「VTR」といった最終製品は比較優位を低下させており、特に、中国における「テレビ受像機」の急低下が目立つ。例文帳に追加

Looking at the comparative advantage structure between Japan and each region in East Asia in terms of trade from the viewpoint of trends in revealed comparative advantage (RCA)1 (Fig. 2.3.1), there is a general downward tendency in relations with all regions in the sector of products and partially completed products, such as television equipment, VTRs and other end products. In particular, a sharp downward tendency for television equipment in relations with China is evident. - 経済産業省

以上を踏まえ、ここではASEAN 主要国(シンガポール、インドネシア、マレーシア、ベトナム、フィリピン)、アジア・大洋州の主要国・地域(日本、韓国、中国、香港、台湾、インド、豪州)及びその他主要地域(NAFTA、EU27、メルコスール)について、タイとの機械産業の中間財貿易の額と当該国の輸出入に占める割合*81 を業種ごとに確認した(第2-3-4-10 図~第2-3-4-14 図参照)。例文帳に追加

Based on the above, the trade amount of intermediate goods with Thailand and Thailand's share of exports and imports in each country and region*81 are examined by business type for major ASEAN member states (Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, and the Philippines), major countries and regions in the Asia and the Pacific region (Japan, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, and Australia), and other major regions (NAFTA, EU27, and Mercosur) (Figure 2-3-4-10?Figure2-3-4-14). - 経済産業省

FTAAP は、アジア太平洋地域の貿易自由化を目指す構想であるが、2010 年11 月の横浜APEC において、「FTAAP については、ASEAN + 3、ASEAN + 6、TPP 協定といった現在進行している地域的な取組を基礎として更に発展させることにより、包括的な自由貿易協定として追求されるべきである。」ことが確認され、その実現に向けた具体的な措置をとっていくことが宣言された。例文帳に追加

The FTAAP is an initiative which aims at free trade in the Asia Pacific, and at the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting held in Yokohama in November 2010, it was confirmed that anFTAAP should be pursued as a comprehensive free trade agreement by developing and building on ongoing regional undertakings, such as ASEAN+3, ASEAN+6, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, among others”, and it was declared that concrete steps would be taken toward its realization. - 経済産業省


Many companies responded that their sales strategies aimed at developing and selling products and services that were acceptable in any country or region or that were successful in other countries such as Japan. Thus, with the expansion of the middle class in East Asia, Japanese companies are moving to sell products with the same quality as those they sell in Japan and major Western countries. - 経済産業省


From now on, based on the discussions for the formation of coastal area logistics bases, reconsidering the value ofports as an industry” and viewing them as one unit encompassing the local communities while seeking new business models for Japan will lead initially to the country’s recovery in port and logistics businesses that have been outperformed by Japan’s Asian counterparts and ultimately to the revitalization of local communities. - 経済産業省


In the aforementioned survey conducted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, 63.0% of the respondents answered “yes” to the question asking whether the overseas expansion of Japanese financial institutions was expected to bring benefits. The countries and regions in which their expansion is desired included China (47.3%), India (14.1%) and the ASEAN 4 countries (10.0%), suggesting a great need for their services in Asian countries and regions (see Figure 2-4-80). - 経済産業省

FTAAP は、アジア太平洋地域の貿易自由化を目指す構想であるが、2010 年 11 月の横浜APECにおいて、「FTAAPについては、ASEAN+3、ASEAN+6、TPP 協定といった現在進行している地域的な取組を基礎としてさらに発展させることにより、包括的な自由貿易協定として追求されるべきである」ことが確認され、その実現に向けた具体的な措置をとっていくことが宣言された。例文帳に追加

The FTAAP is a framework aiming for liberalization of trade in the Asia-Pacific region; at the Yokohama APEC in November 2010, it was affirmed that a “FTAAP should be pursued as a comprehensive free trade agreement by developing and building on ongoing regional undertakings, such as ASEAN+3 ASEAN+6 and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, among others,” and declared that specific measures would be taken to realize this objective. - 経済産業省


The number of cases of industrial linkage effects will be used as an index in order to chronologically evaluate the degree of the spread of industrial linkage effects between Japan and other East Asian countries.(If the Malaysian electrical machinery industry has industrial linkage effects on Japan's electrical machinery industry, for example, the number of cases of industrial linkage effects is counted as one) As shown in Figure 2.2.6, the number of cases of industrial linkage effects has been decreasing between Japan and other East Asian countries. - 経済産業省


Plant factories that fully depend on artificial lighting feature very efficient use of water resources and can be used for agricultural production in regions that are not suitable for farming. Therefore, demand for such plant factories is expected to grow in the Middle East and Southeast Asia where demand for fresh vegetables has increased along with the improvement of living standards. - 経済産業省

さらに、2005 年にアジア・大洋州地域において、生産拠点の自立化を早急に進める必要があることから、同地域の生産の中核的な機能を果たしていたタイに人材育成拠点を設立し、2006 年からは、タイ国内の従業者のみならず、域内の生産拠点の従業者も対象とした人材育成を実施している。例文帳に追加

Furthermore, since it was urgently necessary to make its independent production bases in Asia and Oceania, the company established in 2005 a human resources development base in Thailand, which had been playing the key role in production in this region. Since 2006, the company has implemented human resources development aimed not only at employees in Thailand but also employees of its production bases in the region. - 経済産業省


Backdrop factors include: a) a favorable cycle of export and investment was made on the success of developing countriesindustrialization policies; b) the region was able to make good utilization of the two driving forces of the world economyUnited States in the first half and Japan in the second half of the 1980s; c) many developing countries adopted the adjusting policy of reducing their deficit; and d) East Asia was politically more stable than other regions. - 経済産業省


The transition of sales volume of overseas affiliated companies shows a decline in the latter half of 2008 due to the effect of the world economic crisis; however, it also shows that sales volume in Asia, which demonstrates a high economic growth rate, has been expanding more rapidly than in the case of any other region. Such sales volume in Asia exceeded that in North America in the third quarter of 2006, making Asia the region generating the largest sales volume (Figure 2-1-3-3). - 経済産業省


Japan has been actively promoting regional financial cooperation, mainly through the ASEAN+3 Finance Ministersprocess, including efforts to strengthen regional economic surveillance and policy dialogue, to promote the Chiang Mai Initiative (CMI), and to make progress in the Asian Bond Markets Initiative (ABMI).These initiatives aim at preventing and resolving financial crises, and are expected to serve as a regional self-help and support mechanism against crises and to supplement the existing global insurance provided by the IMF, along with the accumulation of foreign reserves that serves as self insurance.  - 財務省


Also, a comparison between the R&D activities that US and Japanese companies carried out in China and ASEAN 4 on the basis of the growth in total R&D costs in the manufacturing industry (Fig.2.3.22)indicates that US companies, though expanding their R&D activities in the entire East Asian region,have concentrated their efforts on China, while Japanese companies have focused the development of R&D activities in ASEAN 4, and R&D activities in China have remained sluggish. - 経済産業省


Considering the rapid development of China and other Asian countries and regions, as well as systematic changes including financial restrictions in Japan, we should advance comprehensive cooperation according to the characteristics, issues and changing needs of partner countries, in terms of both hardware infrastructures and software infrastructures (e.g. establishment of systems and business practices). Such cooperation utilizing Japanese strength leads to the win-win relationship between Japan and Asian countries. - 経済産業省

産業界交流・ビジネス展開の場としてアジア8か国・地域(日本、中国、香港、韓国、マレーシア、フィリピン、シンガポール、タイ)のコンテンツ産業に係る政府、産業界、学識経験者等が参加しており、2009 年10 月の第1 回会合において、アジア全体の競争力向上のための各国・地域における国際共同製作の促進や人材育成・交流の促進等を盛り込んだ共同宣言文が策定された。例文帳に追加

It offers opportunities for industry exchanges and business development, and the participants include the governments, industrial communities, academic experts and others related to the contents industry of eight countries/region (Japan, China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand). The first meeting held in October 2009adopted a joint declaration, which incorporated the promotion of international joint production in the countries and regions for the improvement of competitiveness of Asia as a whole, and the promotion of human resources development and personnel exchanges. - 経済産業省


This reflects the fact that East Asian countries and regions have increased export and import of parts, etc. as "the factory of the world" playing an important role in the international division of labor, while increasing export of finished products to advanced countries including Japan, the U.S. and European countries which are end user countries. In addition, they have become more attractive as user countries of finished products as a result of the improvement of their income standards, and have increased import from countries in and outside the region. - 経済産業省


In recent years, Asian countries and other countries worldwide have tried to strengthen taxation measures and other various support measures for attracting so-called global enterprisesmultinational enterprises engaged in business activities on a global scale—, and international competition over global enterprises has become intensified. Under such circumstances, Japan faces a decrease in establishments of new business facilities of global enterprises and a series of withdrawals of global enterprises. If this situation is left as it is, Japan will lose its status as the center for global economic activities in Asia.  - 経済産業省


こうした東アジア地域の広域経済連携の進展により、①拡大する生産ネットワークに対して FTA を活用することで、最適な生産配分・立地戦略を実現することが可能となり、東アジア地域における産業の国際競争力の強化につながることが期待される。また、②ルールの統一化や手続の簡素化による負担の軽減、③第 3 国間との競争が激化する中での関税削減や貿易救済の規律強化により、日本を拠点とした高付加価値な部材の生産を促進し、技術、ノウハウ、技術者の流出を防ぐことにつながる。例文帳に追加

If an extensive economic partnership in the East Asia region is developed, the followings can be expected: (A) through effective use of FTAs on behalf of production networks that are expanding, optimum production allocation and locational strategy will be realized, leading to strengthening of international competitiveness of East Asian industries; (B) burdens will be reduced by standardization of rules and simplification of procedures; (C) under the circumstances where competition with third countries is intensified, Japan-based production of high-value added materials will be promoted through reduction of custom duties and regulatory improvement of trade remedies, preventing outflows of technologies, know-how and technical experts. - 経済産業省


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