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The existence of very complex organs like the eye and the fact that many organic structures are a complex interlocking of different systems of nerves, bones, muscles, blood vessels, and so on (in which a significant random change in any one element would affect the entire organism for the worse) have led people (including many biologists) to infer the existence of a divine designer, a supreme intelligence, God, who created such marvelous organs.  - Ian Johnston『科学のカリキュラムで創造説?』


Psychiatrists regard it an ideal subject the way in which nervous breakdown and depression influenced the life and works of Soseki, who was among the best and brightest in those days and one of the most intellectual persons in Japan; in fact, several treatises on the subject have been presented.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is generally known that, for years, Mabuchi intended to promote his research on ancient words through works such as Kaiko (Commentary on Poetry), Buniko (Commentary on Literature), and Goiko (Commentary on Language), and to set up the philosophy of ancient Shinto after perfecting the fundamentals; however, in consideration of his old age, he passed on his attempt to advocate Fukko Shinto (reform Shinto [prominent 18th century form of Shinto, based on the classics, and free from Confucian and Buddhist influences]) to his successor, Norinaga MOTOORI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

条 保護司は、社会奉仕の精をもつて、犯罪をした者の改善及び更生を助けるとともに、犯罪の予防のため世の啓発に努め、もつて地域社会の浄化をはかり、個人及び公共の福祉に寄与することを、その使命とする。例文帳に追加

Article 1 The mission of the volunteer probation officers shall be to contribute to the welfare of the individuals and to the public by helping persons who have committed offenses to improve and rehabilitate themselves and at the same time, to enlighten the public on crime prevention and enhance the local community, in the spirit of volunteer social service.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


条 保護司は、社会奉仕の精をもつて、犯罪をした者及び非行のある少年の改善更生を助けるとともに、犯罪の予防のため世の啓発に努め、もつて地域社会の浄化をはかり、個人及び公共の福祉に寄与することを、その使命とする。例文帳に追加

Article 1 The mission of all volunteer probation officers shall be, in the spirit of volunteer social service, to assist persons who have committed crimes and juvenile delinquents to improve and rehabilitate themselves, and to enlighten the public on crime prevention, thereby enhancing the local community and contributing to the welfare of both individuals and the public.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



Although the Meiji government insisted upon the unity of Japanese Temples, Shrines, and the state, the policy was changed to respect the freedom to study as they were pushing for the separation of religion and politics, and the freedom of religion to achieve a modern nation, during the last half of 1870s and the first half of 1880s, there were a free discussion held about criticizing the Kojiki (The Records of Ancient Matters), Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan) and mythology.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After a prescribed number of years in a ceremony called 'Shikinen Sengu', at night, a shintai is covered with a white cloth to keep it from being seen and transferred to a new Honden (main shrine) by forming a procession.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While history advanced in this way, collisions between history and nationalistic views of history occurred (for example, the incident of "Shinto is a remnant of the ancient custom of worshiping heaven," Nanbokucho-Seijunron (an argument on legitimacy of either Northern or Southern Dynasty) in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (in Japan), and the incident of the emperor-as-organ theory).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While such a stance would hardly (one would think) encourage the scientist to a religious frame of mind, it might well make him more tolerant of religious belief and less inclined to the sort of frustrated irritation and ridicule which hard-core Darwinists sometimes manifest in the face of Creationism.  - Ian Johnston『科学のカリキュラムで創造説?』



Where there is a tacit convention that principles are not to be disputed; where the discussion of the greatest questions which can occupy humanity is considered to be closed, we cannot hope to find that generally high scale of mental activity which has made some periods of history so remarkable.  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』



However, judging from the policies for Ikko Ikki and the Enryaku-ji Temple, the usage of stone statue of Jizo and gravestones for the stone wall of the Azuchi-jo Castle, and descriptions by Luis FROIS, he seemed to be a materialist, criticize the autocratic manners of priests at the time, praise the Christian missionaries and doubted the existence of Shinto and Buddhist deities and the immortality of the soul.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Consequently, Chikafusa is critical of Emperor Gotoba, who instigated the Jokyu War, and by contrast highly esteems the era of stability ushered in by the good government that began after the time of Yoshitoki HOJO and his son Yasutoki, who fought the loyalist forces into submission; the book also includes the seemingly contradictory assertion that 'the one that was truly faithful to the intentions of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu was Yasutoki,' but to Chikafusa, who placed such emphasis on virtuous rule, it must have seemed consistent and logical.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The above four points: "Reverence to God and Buddha," "Relationship between leaders and followers in private and public settings," "Education focusing on the military and cultural arts," and "Courtesy on a daily basis" are fundamental in the education of samurai families in general, not only the Ise clan, and the book greatly influenced later generations, along with "Hojo Shigetoki Kakun" ("A family precept by Shigetoki HOJO").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The interpretation of this article and the interpretation and operation of the overall Constitution were divided and discussed by two large schools; one is the monarchism school, (also called the theocracy sect) led by Yatsuka HOZUMI, Shinkichi UESUGI, etc., who valued imperial sovereignty (monarchism) and the other was the constitutional school, led by Tatsukichi MINOBE, Soichi SASAKI, etc., who valued constitutionalism, with a focus on the parliament system.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Developing the Yamatai-koku Kingdom in Kyushu, by the Kyushu Dynasty Theory advocated by Takehiko FURUTA that the Kyushu Dynasty was established with the capital Dazaifu but was destroyed by the Yamato Administration triggered by the lost in 'Battle of Hakusukinoe' (Battle of Baekgang) in 663, most of the immemorial myth, the genealogy and the achievements of the Imperial Family in Kojiki and Nihon Shoki before later Emperor Tenchi and Emperor Tenmu seized the political power through the incident called Taika Reforms were fiction by plagiarism from the Kyushu Dynasty and until then, the Yamato Administration was not a unified dynasty.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Generally speaking, it is known that the preaching of Dainichi Nyorai should be developed and grasped through both the vajra (the Diamond Realm) and garbha (the Womb Realm) mandalas, whether in so-called "dai (Great Mandala) (hoshin (Buddhism's highest form of existence) Dainichi), san (sanmaya mandala) (imitsu (mystery of mind)), ho (Buddhist Law Mandala) (kumitsu (esoteric speech)), katsu (katsuma mandala (action mandala)) (shinmitsu (bodily mystery))" panorama, which are related with Ri and Chi of Esoteric Buddhism world, or in both a pluralistic perspective including rokudai (six great elements; that is Dainichi Nyorai) (tai (body)), shiman (four mandala) (so (match)), sanmitsu (three mysteries) (yu (function)), and a general perspective of Juju taimo (unobstructed) (Sokushin Jobutsu gi), but in the viewpoint of mountaineering asceticism, the Japanese animistic belief in holy spirit, it should be noted that Shobo, at this time, exhibited the Ri and the Chi in a monastic way.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


For Fukuzawa, the government of the Korean Dynasties appeared to be totally against 'Equality' by discrimination by putting too much value on lineage and Keibatsu blood connection, Sinocentrism or petit Sinocentrism and disrespect for Japan as well as families repeating bloody strife over authority, no intention to be independent with their Sadaejuui policy and no consistency in their diplomacy; these things led him to write 'Datsu-A Ron' with his standpoint of 'ten wa hito no ue ni hito o tsukurazu...' (The heavens do not create Man above his station...) ("Gakumon no Susume" [An Encouragement of Learning]).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


By an extension of the same form of thinking, I could accept the randomness at the heart of Darwinian theory (the source of so much difficulty for anyone who wants life driven and shaped by a sense of creative purpose) as either an interesting hypothesis or as a temporary appearance, something which does not correspond with the truth of things, but which is something the human mind in its limited condition must accept in order to construct a useful historical understanding of nature.  - Ian Johnston『科学のカリキュラムで創造説?』

『播磨国風土記』(713年-717年頃の成立とされる)印南郡大國里条にある生石社(おうしこじんじゃ)の「石の宝殿(石宝殿)」についての記述に、「原の南に作石あり。形、屋の如し。長さ二丈(つえ)、廣さ丈五尺(さか、尺または咫)、高さもかくの如し。名號を大石といふ。傳へていへらく、聖徳の王の御世、弓削の大連の造れる石なり」とあり、「弓削の大連」は物部守屋、「聖徳の王(聖徳王)」は厩戸皇子『日本古典文学大系 風土記』(岩波書店 1977年)、間壁忠彦間壁葭子『石宝殿―古代史の謎を解く』(戸新聞総合出版センター 1996年)と考えられることから、『日本書紀』(養老4年、720年)が成立する以前に厩戸皇子が「聖徳王」と呼称されていたとするがある。例文帳に追加

"Harima no Kuni Fudoki" (considered to have been completed between 713 and 717) has the description of 'Holy stone shrine' (Ishi hoden) in the Oushiko-jinja Shrine in Innami County, Okuni no sato no jo '南にあり。如し長さ二丈(つえ)、廣さ五尺(さか、または)、高さもかくの如し名號大石といふ。へていへらく、聖徳王の弓削大連れるなり,' in which '弓削大連' is considered to indicate MONONOBE no Moriya and '聖徳' (聖徳)is considered to indicate Umayado no Miko "Nihonkotenbungaku Taikei Fudoki" (Iwanami shoten 1977), "Ishi Hoden - Kodaishi no Nazo wo Toku" by Tadahiko MAKABE and Yoshiko MAKABE (Kobeshinbunsogoshuppan center 1996); accordingly, someone insisted that Umayado no Miko was called '聖徳 (Shotokuo)' before "Nihonshoki" was completed (720).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is regrettable that, before this Annual Meetings, we could not agree on a concrete package for the second round quota reform, but it is important to overcome our existing differences to advance the discussions in a constructive manner. Based on last year’s Resolution of the Board of Governors, Japan continues to participate pro-actively in the ongoing discussions to complete the quota and voice reform by the Spring Meetings of 2008, and no later than the next Annual Meetings.New ways of thinking give rise to the redefinition of core competencies and priorities.The income of the IMF, which relies on interest generated by lending, is decreasing against the background of the stabilization of the global financial markets and the reduction in the number of countries borrowing from the IMF.As a consequence, the IMF has been in the red since FY 2007, and its deficits are forecast to expand rapidly.In this critical situation, the Fund’s measures to increase income are currently being examined, based on the recommendations by the Crockett committee.  - 財務省


It argues that 'Our traditional calendar divides a year into 12 months according to the cycle of new moon and full moon and fits it into the position of the sun in the sky. Thus, we have to put a leap month every two or three years and there happens a climate lag before and after the intercalation, which finally causes errors in calculating the travel of celestial body. Especially, most of the annotations (rekichu) on middle and lower part of calendars are absurd and largely prevent the development of human intelligence,' and, on November 24 in the same year, the Dajokan fukoku was again issued and said, 'Now on issuing the solar calendar, the absurd annotations on middle and lower part of calendars will be totally forbidden including the lucky direction, unlucky direction, and the good or bad of the day, from 1873,' which, some insist, banned rokuyo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This would be established on the basis of investment from SME Support, Japan, prefectural governments and financial institutions under the plan. I think that the LDP's plan, with which I am not very familiar, is similar in basic concept to the DPJ's plan in that it is a scheme that concerns the double loan problem and aims to revive SMEs. The difference between these two plans is the scope of support. If the plans are presented, basically, they will be deliberated in the Diet, or will be discussed by the executive team and policymakers of each party. As both plans call for such a scheme, my general impression is that there is room for negotiation.  - 金融庁


本類には,特に,次が含まれる。 -宿泊設備,部屋及び食事についてホテル,下宿屋,旅行者キャンプ,民宿,観光牧場,サナトリウム,療養所,予後保養所が提供するサービス -基本的に摂取のために準備された食べ物又は飲み物の提供に従事する事業所が提供するサービス。このようなサービスは,レストラン,セルフサービス・レストラン,軽食店等が提供する。 -個人のニーズを満たす事業所が提供するサービス。このようなサービスには,社交エスコート,美容院,理髪店,葬儀場及び火葬場などが含まれる。 -組織の員としての人が個別的に又は集団的に提供する高度の精活動を要し,かつ,人の活動の複雑な分野の理的又は実際的な側面に関連するサービス。奥深く幅広い大学教育又は同等の経験を有する人が提供するサービス。技師,化学者,物理学者等の職業に従事する者が提供するサービスは本類に含まれる。 -旅行者のためにホテルを確保する旅行エージェント又はブローカーのサービス -評価,見積り,研究及び報告に従事する技師のサービス -組合がその構成員に提供する(他類に属さない。)サービス例文帳に追加

This Class includes, in particular: services rendered in procuring lodgings, rooms and meals, by hotels, boarding houses, tourist camps, tourist houses, dude ranches, sanatoria, rest homes and convalescence homes; services rendered by establishments essentially engaged in procuring food or drink prepared for consumption; such services can be rendered by restaurants, self service restaurants, canteens, etc.; personal services rendered by establishments to meet individual needs; such services may include social escorts, beauty salons, hairdressing salons, funeral establishments or crematoria; services rendered by persons, individually or collectively, as a member of an organization, requiring a high degree of mental activity and relating to theoretical or practical aspects of complex branches of human effort; the services rendered by these persons having a deep and extensive university education or equivalent experience; such services rendered by representatives of professions such as engineers, chemists, physicists, etc., are included in this class; services of travel agents or brokers ensuring hotel accommodation for travellers; services of engineers engaged in valuing, estimates, research and reports; services (not included in other classes) rendered by associations to their own members.  - 特許庁


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原題:”Creationism in the Science Curriculum?”

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本翻訳は Ian Johnston : Creationism in the Science Curriculum? を日本語訳したものです。
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Copyright on Japanese Translation (C) 2004 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
原題:”On Liberty”

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