
「第八」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(271ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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イ 当該有価証券(当該有価証券の発行される日以前六月以内に発行された令一条のの三に規定する同種の既発行証券(当該同種の既発行証券の売付け勧誘等を行った相手方が適格機関投資家であって、当該同種の既発行証券が令一条の七の四に定める場合に該当するときにおける当該適格機関投資家が取得したもの(当該適格機関投資家が他の適格機関投資家に譲渡したものを含む。)を除く。)を含む。)の枚数又は単位の総数が五十未満であること。例文帳に追加

(a) the total number or units of the relevant Securities (including the Newly Issued Securities of the Same Class as provided in Article 1-8-3 of the Cabinet Order which have been issued within six months prior to the day on which the relevant Securities are to be issued (excluding, in cases where the other party to the Offer to Sell, etc. the relevant Newly Issued Securities of the Same Class is a Qualified Institutional Investor and where said Newly Issued Securities of the Same Class fall under the cases specified in the items of Article 1-7-4 of the Cabinet Order, said Newly Issued Securities of the Same Class acquired by the relevant Qualified Institutional Investor) (including the Newly Issued Securities of the Same Class acquired by the relevant Qualified Institutional Investor and transferred to another Qualified Institutional Investor from said Qualified Institutional Investor)) is less than 50; and  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

6 会社法四十七条(設立時代表取締役の選定等)の規定は相互会社(委員会設置会社を除く。)の設立時代表取締役(相互会社の設立に際して代表取締役となる者をいう。以下同じ。)の選定及び解職について、同法四十条(設立時委員の選定等)の規定は相互会社(委員会設置会社に限る。)の設立時委員(相互会社の設立に際して委員会の委員となる者をいう。以下同じ。)の選定、設立時執行役(相互会社の設立に際して執行役となる者をいう。以下同じ。)の選任及び設立時代表執行役(相互会社の設立に際して代表執行役となる者をいう。以下同じ。)の選定並びにこれらの者の解職及び解任について、それぞれ準用する。この場合において、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

(6) The provision of Article 47 (Appointment, etc. of Representative Directors at Incorporation) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the appointment and removal of the representative director at incorporation (referring to the person who becomes representative director at the incorporation of a Mutual Company; the same shall apply hereinafter) of a Mutual Company (other than a company with Committees); and the provision of Article 48 (Appointment of Committee Members at Incorporation) of that Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the appointment of committee members at incorporation (referring to the persons who become committee members at the incorporation of a Mutual Company; the same shall apply hereinafter) of a Mutual Company (limited to a company with Committees), the election of its executive officers at incorporation (referring to the persons who become executive officers at the incorporation of a Mutual Company; the same shall apply hereinafter) and the appointment of its representative executive officer at incorporation (referring to the person who becomes representative executive officer at the incorporation of a Mutual Company; the same shall apply hereinafter), and the removal and dismissal of those persons, respectively. In this case, any other necessary technical change in interpretation shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 重要な事由があるときは、裁判所は、社員総数の千分の三(これを下回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その割合)以上又は三千名(これを下回る数を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その数)以上の社員(特定相互会社にあっては、三十一項に規定する政令で定める数以上の社員)であって六月(これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間)前から引き続き社員である者(総代会を設けているときは、これらの者又は九名(これを下回る数を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その数)以上の総代)の申立てにより、前項の清算人を解任することができる。例文帳に追加

(2) The court may, when it finds any material grounds, dismiss a liquidator under the preceding paragraph in response to a petition filed by members representing at least three thousandths (or any smaller proportion prescribed by the articles of incorporation) of the total membership, or three thousand (or any smaller number prescribed by the articles of incorporation) or more members of the Mutual Company (or, in a Specified Mutual Company, members equal to or exceeding the number specified by the Cabinet Order set forth in Article 38, paragraph (1)), who have been members of the Mutual Company without interruption for the preceding six months (or any shorter period prescribed by the articles of incorporation) (or, in a company with a General Meeting, those members or nine (or any smaller number prescribed by the articles of incorporation) or more general representatives).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

二 損害保険会社(外国損害保険会社等を含む。以下この編において同じ。)の役員(代表権を有する役員並びに監査役及び監査委員を除く。以下この条、二百十三条及び三百二条において同じ。)若しくは使用人又は次条の登録を受けた損害保険代理店若しくはその役員若しくは使用人 その所属保険会社等のために行う保険契約の締結の代理又は媒介(損害保険代理店である銀行等又はその役員若しくは使用人にあっては、保険契約者等の保護に欠けるおそれが少ない場合として内閣府令で定める場合に限る。)例文帳に追加

ii) An officer (other than an officer with authority of representation, or an auditor or audit committee member; the same shall apply hereinafter in this Article, as well as in Articles 283 and 302.) or an employee of a Non-Life Insurance Company (including a Foreign Non-Life Insurance Company, etc.; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Part.), or a Non-Life Insurance Agent registered under the following Article or an officer or employee thereof: to act as an agent or intermediary for the Entrusting Insurance Company, etc. in concluding an insurance contract (for a Bank, etc. serving as a Non-Life Insurance Agent, or an officer or employee thereof, this shall be limited to the cases specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as posing little risk to the protection of Policyholders, etc.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


四百二条 電子情報処理組織(裁判所の使用に係る複数の電子計算機を相互に電気通信回線で接続した電子情報処理組織をいう。)を用いて督促手続を取り扱う裁判所として最高裁判所規則で定める簡易裁判所の裁判所書記官に対しては、三百十三条の規定による場合のほか、同条に規定する簡易裁判所が別に最高裁判所規則で定める簡易裁判所である場合にも、最高裁判所規則で定める方式に適合する方式により記載された書面をもって支払督促の申立てをすることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 402 (1) To a court clerk of a summary court specified by the Rules of the Supreme Court as a court that shall handle a demand procedure by means of an electronic data processing system (meaning an electronic data processing system that connects multiple computers used in the court to one another by telecommunication lines), a petition for demand for payment may also be filed by means of a document prepared in a form that conforms to the form specified by the Rules of the Supreme Court in the case prescribed in Article 383 as well as in cases where the summary court prescribed in said Article is a summary court separately specified by the Rules of the Supreme Court.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


三条 公共施設等の整備等に関する事業は、国及び地方公共団体(これらに係る公共法人を含む。以下この条及び条において同じ。)と民間事業者との適切な役割分担並びに財政資金の効率的使用の観点を踏まえつつ、行政の効率化又は国及び地方公共団体の財産の有効利用にも配慮し、当該事業により生ずる収益等をもってこれに要する費用を支弁することが可能である等の理由により民間事業者に行わせることが適切なものについては、できる限りその実施を民間事業者にゆだねるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 3 (1) In implementing a project for the provision etc. of Public Facility etc., its implementation shall be entrusted to private business operators as much as possible, if the project is suitable for such entrustment. In deciding the suitability of entrusting such projects, consideration shall be given to factors such as: appropriate division of roles between the national government and local governments (including a Public Corporation pertaining to governments; hereinafter the same shall apply in this article and Article 18), on the one hand, and private business operators on the other hand; efficient use of public funds; improvement on efficiency of public administration, or efficient utilization of assets owned by the national and local governments, and; whether the income generated by the project will prove sufficient to pay the costs involved.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

三十条 主務大臣は、相互承認協定の規定により合同委員会(相互承認協定に規定する合同委員会をいう。以下この条において同じ。)が合同検証(相互承認協定に規定する合同検証をいう。)を行うことを決定した場合には、前条一項の規定による立入検査又は質問に際し、同項の職員の立会いの下に、相互承認協定の規定により合同委員会が指定する外国の職員が当該認定適合性評価機関の営業所、事業所その他の事業場に立ち入り、その認定に係る事業の状況若しくは設備、帳簿書類その他の物件を検査し、又は関係者に質問することを認めることができる。ただし、同項の規定による立入検査又は質問の対象となる者の同意がない場合は、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 38 Where the Joint Committee (Joint Committee prescribed in the applicable mutual recognition agreement; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) decides to conduct a joint verification (joint verification prescribed in the applicable mutual recognition agreement) pursuant to the provisions of the applicable mutual recognition agreement, the competent minister may allow a member of staff of the foreign state, who is designated by the Joint Committee pursuant to the provisions of the mutual recognition agreement, to enter into the offices or other places of work of the designated conformity assessment body concerned and inspect the state of designated conformity assessment business or facilities, books and records and other properties, or to make inquiries of the persons concerned in the presence of the ministerial officials set forth in Article 37 paragraph (1) when an on-site inspection or inquiry is conducted pursuant to the provisions of the same paragraph; provided, however, that this shall not apply without the consent of the person who is the subject of the on-site inspection or inquiry pursuant to the provisions of the same paragraph.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

6 受託者は、二項の会計帳簿を作成した場合には、その作成の日から十年間(当該期間内に信託の清算の結了があったときは、その日までの間。次項において同じ。)、当該会計帳簿(書面に代えて電磁的記録を法務省令で定める方法により作成した場合にあっては当該電磁的記録、電磁的記録に代えて書面を作成した場合にあっては当該書面)を保存しなければならない。ただし、受益者(二人以上の受益者が現に存する場合にあってはそのすべての受益者、信託管理人が現に存する場合にあっては信託管理人。第八項において同じ。)に対し、当該書類若しくはその写しを交付し、又は当該電磁的記録に記録された事項を法務省令で定める方法により提供したときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

(6) Where a trustee has prepared the accounting books set forth in paragraph (2), the trustee shall preserve said books (if electromagnetic records have been prepared in lieu of documents by the method specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice, such electromagnetic records; if documents have been prepared in lieu of electromagnetic records, such documents) for ten years from the date of their preparation (or until the date of the completion of the liquidation of the trust if this occurs within said ten-year period; the same shall apply in the following paragraph); provided, however, that this shall not apply where the trustee has delivered said documents or copies thereof to the beneficiary (if there are two or more beneficiaries at the time in question, to all beneficiaries; if there is a trust caretaker at the time in question, to the trust caretaker; the same shall apply in paragraph (8)), or has provided the beneficiary with information on the matters recorded in said electromagnetic records by the method specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 使用者は、当該事業場に、労働者の過半数で組織する労働組合がある場合においてはその労働組合、労働者の過半数で組織する労働組合がない場合においては労働者の過半数を代表する者との書面による協定(労使委員会における委員の五分の四以上の多数による決議及び労働時間等設定改善法七条一項の労働時間短縮推進委員会における委員の五分の四以上の多数による決議を含む。以下この条において同じ。)により、又は就業規則その他これに準ずるものにより、一箇月以内の期間を平均し一週間当たりの労働時間が四十四時間を超えない定めをした場合においては、前項に規定する事業については同項の規定にかかわらず、その定めにより、特定された週において四十四時間又は特定された日において時間を超えて、労働させることができる。例文帳に追加

(2) With regard to the business prescribed in the preceding paragraph, when an employer has stipulated that the average weekly working hours in a period not exceeding one month shall not exceed 44 hours in a written agreement either with a labor union organized by a majority of the workers at the workplace concerned where such a labor union exists or with a person representing a majority of the workers at a workplace where no such labor union exists (including resolutions unanimously adopted by a labor-management, and resolutions unanimously adopted by all the members of a working hours reduction task force committee referred to in the provisions of Article 7 of the Shorter Working Hours Promotion Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), the rules of employment, or the equivalent, the employer may have a worker work in excess of 44 hours in a specified week or in excess of 8 hours in a specified day in accordance with the stipulation, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 32 of the Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


3 使用者は、就業規則その他これに準ずるものにより、その労働者に係る始業及び終業の時刻をその労働者の決定にゆだねることとした労働者については、当該事業場の労働者の過半数で組織する労働組合がある場合においてはその労働組合、労働者の過半数で組織する労働組合がない場合においては労働者の過半数を代表する者との書面による協定により、次に掲げる事項を定めたときは、その協定で二号の清算期間として定められた期間を平均し一週間当たりの労働時間が四十四時間を超えない範囲内において、一項に規定する事業については同項の規定にかかわらず、一週間において四十四時間又は一日において時間を超えて、労働させることができる。例文帳に追加

(3) With regard to workers in the business referred to in paragraph (1) who have been given the right to decide the starting and finishing time of work pursuant to the rules of employment or the equivalent, when an employer has stipulated the following items in a written agreement either with the labor union organized by a majority of the workers at the workplace concerned where such a labor union exists or with a person representing a majority of the workers at a workplace where no such labor union exists, notwithstanding the provisions of the paragraph (1), the employer may have a worker work in excess of 44 hours in a week or in excess of 8 hours in a day, provided the average working hours per week for the period prescribed in the said agreement as the settlement period stipulated in item (ii) below do not exceed 44 hours:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


3 裁判所は、前項の請求に係る閲覧又は謄写をすることにより、当該委託金融商品取引所、当該委託金融商品取引所を子会社(会社がその株主又は総社員の議決権の過半数を保有する他の会社をいう。この場合において、会社及びその一若しくは二以上の子会社又は当該会社の一若しくは二以上の子会社がその総株主又は総社員の議決権の過半数を保有する他の会社は、当該会社の子会社とみなす。)とする金融商品取引所持株会社又は当該委託金融商品取引所の子会社(第八十七条の三二項に規定する子会社をいう。)に著しい損害を及ぼすおそれがあると認めるときは、前項の許可をすることができない。例文帳に追加

(3) The permission under the preceding paragraph may not be granted when the court finds that inspection or copying pertaining to the request under the preceding paragraph is likely to cause substantial detriment to said Entrusting Financial Instruments Exchange, the Financial Instruments Exchange Holding Company which has said Entrusting Financial Instruments Exchanges as its Subsidiary Company (meaning another company, the majority of whose voting rights of all shareholders or all members are held by the company. In this case, another company, the majority of whose voting rights of all shareholders or all members are held by the company and its Subsidiary Company or Subsidiary Companies or by the company's Subsidiary Company or Subsidiary Companies is deemed as a Subsidiary Company of the company) or to a Subsidiary Company of said Entrusting Financial Instruments Exchange (meaning a Subsidiary Company prescribed by Article 87-3(2)).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

百七十三条 百五十条の規定に違反して、風説を流布し、又は偽計を用い、当該風説の流布又は偽計(以下この項において「違反行為」という。)により有価証券等の相場を変動させ、当該変動させた相場により、自己の計算において、当該違反行為が行われた日から一月以内に当該有価証券等に係る有価証券の募集により当該有価証券を取得させ、又は当該有価証券等に係る有価証券の売買その他の取引若しくはデリバティブ取引をした者があるときは、内閣総理大臣は、次節に定める手続に従い、その者に対し、次の各号に掲げる場合の区分に応じ、当該各号に定める額(次の各号のいずれにも該当する場合は、当該各号に定める額の合計額)に相当する額の課徴金を国庫に納付することを命じなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 173 (1) When a person, in violation of the provision of Article 158, has caused a fluctuation of market prices of Securities, etc. by disseminating unfounded rumors or trading by fraudulent means (hereinafter referred to as the "Act of Violation" in this paragraph), and if said person, based on the market prices so fluctuated, has had the Securities acquired through public offering pertaining to said Securities, etc., or has conducted sales and purchase or other transactions of Securities in relation to said Securities, etc. or Derivative Transactions pertaining to said Securities, etc., on his/her own account and within one month from the date of the Act of Violation, the Prime Minister shall, in accordance with the procedures set forth in the following Section, order said person to pay to the national treasury an administrative monetary penalty equivalent to the amount prescribed in the following items in accordance with the categories listed in such items (in cases where said person falls under all of the following items, the total of the amount specified in each of the relevant items):  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

二 当該裁判において没収を命じられた百九十条の二一項各号に掲げる財産に相当する額又は当該裁判において追徴を命じられた同項各号に掲げる財産の価額に相当する額(当該裁判において同項各号に掲げる財産の没収及び同項各号に掲げる財産の価額の追徴が命じられたときは、当該裁判において没収を命じられた同項各号に掲げる財産に相当する額及び当該裁判において追徴を命じられた同項各号に掲げる財産の価額に相当する額の合計額)例文帳に追加

(ii) the amount equivalent to the properties listed in each item of Article 198-2(1) for which confiscation was ordered pursuant to said court decision, or the amount equivalent to the values of the properties listed in each item of Article 198-2(1) for which collection of equivalent value was ordered pursuant to said court decision (in cases where confiscation of the properties listed in each item of Article 198-2(1) and collection of equivalent value of the properties listed in each item of Article 198-2(1) were ordered pursuant to said court decision, the sum of the amount equivalent to the properties listed in each item of Article 198-2(1) for which confiscation was ordered pursuant to said court decision and the amount equivalent to the values of the properties listed in each item of Article 198-2(1) for which collection of equivalent value was ordered pursuant to said court decision).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

六十条 広域漁業調整委員会は、都道府県の区域を超えた広域的な見地から、水産動植物の繁殖保護を図り、漁業権又は入漁権(百三十六条の規定により農林水産大臣が自ら都道府県知事の権限を行う漁場に係る漁業権又は入漁権に限る。)の行使を適切にし、漁場(同条の規定により農林水産大臣が自ら都道府県知事の権限を行うものに限る。)の使用に関する紛争の防止又は解決を図り、その他漁業調整のために必要があると認めるときは、関係者に対し、水産動植物の採捕に関する制限又は禁止、漁業者の数に関する制限、漁場の使用に関する制限その他必要な指示をすることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 68 (1) The Wide Sea-area Fisheries Adjustment Commission concerned may give an instruction such as restriction or prohibition concerning the gathering and catch of aquatic animals and plants, restriction concerning the number of fishery managers, restriction concerning the use of fishing grounds and other necessary matters to the parties concerned when the commission finds it necessary for the protection of reproduction of aquatic animals and plants, for the appropriate exercises of fishery rights and piscaries (limited to the fishery rights and piscaries pertaining to the fishing grounds in which the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister per se wields the authority of the Governors pursuant to the provision of Article 136), for the prevention or settlement of disputes concerning the use of fishing grounds (limited to the fishing grounds in which the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister per se wields the authority of the Governors pursuant to the provision of the same Article) and for other fisheries adjustment from a wide viewpoint exceeding the areas of prefectures.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

五十六条の二の 確認員は、学校教育法(昭和二十二年法律二十六号)に基づく大学若しくは高等専門学校において土木工学その他港湾の施設の建設に関して必要な課程を修めて卒業した者又は国土交通省令で定めるこれと同等以上の学力を有すると認められる者であって、国土交通省令で定める試験研究機関において十年以上港湾の施設の性能を総合的に評価する手法に関する試験研究の業務(国土交通省令で定めるものに限る。)に従事した経験を有するもののうちから選任しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 56-2-8 (1) Confirmation personnel shall be elected from those who are graduates from a university or a college of technology prescribed in the School Education Act (Act No. 26 of 1947) pursuing a degree in civil engineering or another field related to Port Facility construction or those acknowledged to have equivalent academic qualifications as prescribed by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and have more than ten years of experience in the research and development of methods of comprehensive evaluation of the performance of Port Facilities (limited to the work prescribed by an Ordinance by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) at a research and development institute prescribed by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第八十六条の二 航空運送事業を経営する者は、貨物若しくは手荷物又は旅客の携行品その他航空機内に持ち込まれ若しくは持ち込まれようとしている物件について、形状、重量その他の事情により前条一項の物件であることを疑うに足りる相当な理由がある場合は、当該物件の輸送若しくは航空機内への持ち込みを拒絶し、託送人若しくは所持人に対し当該物件の取卸しを要求し、又は自ら当該物件を取り卸すことができる。但し、自ら物件を取り卸すことができるのは、当該物件の託送人又は所持人がその場に居合わせない場合に限る。例文帳に追加

Article 86-2 (1) Any person who operates an air transport services may, when he/she has any reason to suspect that any cargo, baggage or personal effects carried by passengers or any other goods which have been carried or are about to be carried into an aircraft, judging from their shape, weight or other circumstances, constitute the goods referred to in paragraph (1) of the preceding article, refuse carriage of these goods in an aircraft and require the consignor or the owner of these goods to unload them, or unload them by himself/herself; provided, however, that the person who operates air transport services may unload the said goods by himself/herself only when the consignor or the owner of such goods is not present there.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

ロ 当該非居住者又は外国法人が、当該振替地方債の利子の支払を受けるべき日の前日までに、その者の当該振替地方債に係る所有期間その他の財務省令で定める事項を記載した書類(第八項及び十七項において「振替地方債所有期間明細書」という。)を、当該特定振替機関等及び当該利子の支払をする者を経由し、又は当該適格外国仲介業者及び当該振替地方債の振替記載等に係る特定振替機関等並びに当該利子の支払をする者を経由してイに規定する税務署長に提出していること。例文帳に追加

(b) The said nonresident or foreign corporation shall, no later than the day preceding the day on which he/she or it is to receive interest on the said book-entry transfer local government bonds, submit a document stating his/her or its holding period for the said book-entry transfer local government bonds and any other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance (referred to in paragraph (8) and paragraph (17) as "statement of the holding period of book-entry transfer local government bonds") to the district director prescribed in (a), via the said specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. and the person who pays the said interest, or via the said qualified foreign intermediary, the specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. pertaining to the entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said book-entry transfer local government bonds, and the person who pays the said interest.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 昭和六十三年四月一日以後に発行された割引債の発行者(これに準ずる者として政令で定めるものを含む。五項及び六項において同じ。)は、政令で定めるところにより、当該割引債の発行の際これを取得する者からその割引債の券面金額から発行価額を控除した金額に百分の十(特定割引債につき支払を受けるべき償還差益については、百分の十六)の税率を乗じて計算した金額の所得税を徴収し、その徴収の日の属する月の翌月十日までに、これを国に納付しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(3) The issuer (including a person specified by a Cabinet Order as being equivalent thereto; the same shall apply in paragraph (5) and paragraph (6)) of discount bonds issued on or after April 1, 1988, shall collect, upon issue of the said discount bonds, from the person who is to acquire the bonds, income tax equivalent to the amount calculated by deducting the issue price from the face value of the said discount bonds and then multiplying the result by a tax rate of 18 percent (or 16 percent in the case of profit receivable from redemption of specified discount bonds), and pay it to the State no later than the tenth day of the month following the month that includes the date of collection, pursuant to the provision of a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 特殊関係株主等である連結法人の前項各号に掲げる事実が生じた日を含む連結事業年度開始の日前十年以内に開始した事業年度に連結事業年度に該当しないものがある場合において、その該当しない事業年度に係る課税済留保金額(六十六条の九の一項に規定する課税済留保金額をいう。以下この項において同じ。)があるときは、前項の規定の適用については、その課税済留保金額は、当該事業年度の期間に対応する前十年以内の各連結事業年度の個別課税済留保金額とみなす。例文帳に追加

(2) Where a consolidated corporation that is a specially-related shareholder, etc. has a business year that commenced within ten years before the first day of the consolidated business year that includes the day on which the event listed in any item of the preceding paragraph has occurred, which is not included in a consolidated business year, and has a taxed amount of retained income (meaning a taxed amount of retained income prescribed in Article 66-9-8(1); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) for the said business year that is not included in a consolidated business year, with regard to the application of the provision of the preceding paragraph, such taxed amount of retained income shall be deemed to be an individually taxed amount of retained income for each consolidated business year within the preceding ten years which corresponds to the period of the said business year.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

一条 この法律は、原子力基本法(昭和三十年法律十六号)の精神にのつとり、核原料物質、核燃料物質及び原子炉の利用が平和の目的に限られ、かつ、これらの利用が計画的に行われることを確保するとともに、これらによる災害を防止し、及び核燃料物質を防護して、公共の安全を図るために、製錬、加工、貯蔵、再処理及び廃棄の事業並びに原子炉の設置及び運転等に関する必要な規制を行うほか、原子力の研究、開発及び利用に関する条約その他の国際約束を実施するために、国際規制物資の使用等に関する必要な規制を行うことを目的とする。例文帳に追加

Article 1 This Act, in accordance with the spirit of the Atomic Energy Basic Act (Act No. 186 of 1955), is enacted for the purpose of providing necessary regulations on refining activities, fabricating and enrichment activities, interim storage activities, reprocessing activities and waste disposal activities, as well as on the installment and operation, etc. of reactors, and also for the purpose of providing necessary regulations on the uses of international controlled material to execute treaties or other international agreements concerning the research, development and use of atomic energy, in order to ensure that the uses of nuclear source material, nuclear fuel material and reactors are limited to peaceful ones and carried out in a planned manner, and at the same time, to ensure public safety by preventing hazards due to these materials and reactors and protecting nuclear fuel material.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

一 特殊関係内国法人の株主等(法人税法二条十四号に規定する株主等をいう。以下この節において同じ。)である外国法人(特殊関係株主等に該当するものを除く。以下この号において同じ。)の発行済株式又は出資(自己が有する自己の株式又は出資を除く。)の総数又は総額(以下この節において「発行済株式等」という。)の百分の十以上の数又は金額の株式等(株式又は出資をいう。以下この節において同じ。)が特殊関係株主等によつて所有されている場合 当該株主等である外国法人の有する特殊関係内国法人の株式等の数又は金額が当該特殊関係内国法人の発行済株式等のうちに占める割合(当該株主等である外国法人が二以上ある場合には、当該二以上の株主等である外国法人につきそれぞれ計算した割合の合計割合)例文帳に追加

i) Where out of the total number or total amount of shares or capital contributions issued by a foreign corporation (excluding that falling under the category of a specially-related shareholder, etc.; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) which is a shareholder, etc. (meaning a shareholder, etc. prescribed in Article 2(xiv) of the Corporation Tax Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Section) of a specially-related domestic corporation (such issued shares or capital contributions shall exclude those held on their own by the said foreign corporation and the total number or total amount of such issued shares or capital contributions shall be referred to as the "issued shares, etc." in this Section), a specially-related shareholder, etc. holds 80 percent or more of the number or the amount of such shares, etc. (meaning shares or capital contributions; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Section): The ratio of the number or the amount of the shares, etc. of the specially-related domestic corporation held by the said foreign corporation which is a shareholder, etc. out of the total issued shares, etc. of the said specially-related domestic corporation (where there are two or more such foreign corporations which are shareholders, etc., the sum of the ratios calculated for each of them  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

一 前項の他方の法人の株主等(所得税法二条第八号の二に規定する株主等をいう。次号において同じ。)である法人の発行済株式等の総数又は総額の百分の五十を超える数又は金額の株式等が同項の一方の法人により所有されている場合 当該株主等である法人の有する当該他方の法人の株式等の数又は金額が当該他方の法人の発行済株式等の総数又は総額のうちに占める割合(当該株主等である法人が二以上ある場合には、当該二以上の株主等である法人につきそれぞれ計算した割合の合計割合)例文帳に追加

i) Where over 50 percent of the total number or the total amount of the issued shares, etc. of a corporation which is a shareholder, etc. (meaning a shareholder, etc. prescribed in Article 2, item (viii)-2 of the Income Tax Act; the same shall apply in the following item) of the second corporation set forth in the preceding paragraph are held by the first corporation set forth in the preceding paragraph: The ratio of the number or the amount of shares, etc. in the second corporation that are held by the corporation which is its shareholder, etc. out of the total issued shares, etc. of said second corporation (where there are two or more such corporations which are shareholders, etc., the sum of the ratios calculated for each of them  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

5 実用新案権又は実用新案登録を受ける権利が国又は第八項の規定若しくは他の法令の規定による実用新案技術評価の請求の手数料の軽減若しくは免除(以下この項において「減免」という。)を受ける者を含む者の共有に係る場合であつて持分の定めがあるときは、これらの者が自己の実用新案権又は実用新案登録を受ける権利について二項の規定により納付すべき実用新案技術評価の請求の手数料は、同項の規定にかかわらず、国以外の各共有者ごとに同項に規定する実用新案技術評価の請求の手数料の金額(減免を受ける者にあつては、その減免後の金額)にその持分の割合を乗じて得た額を合算して得た額とし、国以外の者がその額を納付しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(5) Where the State or a person entitled to receive a reduction of the fees for the petition for Utility Model Technical Opinion or exemption therefrom under paragraph (8) or provisions of any other laws and ordinances (hereinafter in this paragraph a "Reduction/Exemption") has joint ownership of a utility model right or a right to obtain a utility model registration with other person(s), and the portion of their respective shares of said right has been agreed, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (2), the fees for the petition for Utility Model Technical Opinion payable by such persons for their utility model right or right to obtain a utility model registration under paragraph (2) shall be determined as the sum of the amounts calculated for each person other than the State jointly owning the right, by multiplying the applicable fees for the petition for Utility Model Technical Opinion provided under paragraph (2) (in the case of a person who receives the Reduction/Exemption, the amount after said Reduction/Exemption) by the ratios of the share of each person other than the State, and the person(s) other than the State shall pay such sum.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

五条の二 都道府県は、都市計画区域外の区域のうち、相当数の建築物その他の工作物(以下「建築物等」という。)の建築若しくは建設又はこれらの敷地の造成が現に行われ、又は行われると見込まれる区域を含み、かつ、自然的及び社会的条件並びに農業振興地域の整備に関する法律(昭和四十四年法律五十号)その他の法令による土地利用の規制の状況その他国土交通省令で定める事項に関する現況及び推移を勘案して、そのまま土地利用を整序し、又は環境を保全するための措置を講ずることなく放置すれば、将来における一体の都市としての整備、開発及び保全に支障が生じるおそれがあると認められる一定の区域を、準都市計画区域として指定することができる。例文帳に追加

Article 5-2 (1) The Prefectures may designate as quasi-city planning areas those areas outside of city planning areas in which the construction of a considerable number of buildings and other structures (hereinafter referred to as "buildings etc.") or land preparation is actually conducted, including areas in which construction is scheduled, giving due consideration to natural and social conditions, the current situation of land use regulations set forth in the Act Concerning Establishment of Agricultural Promotion Areas (Act No. 58 of 1969), and the current situation and developments concerning other matters stipulated in Ordinances of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and where it is recognized that that future integrated city improvement, development and preservation risks hindrance if measures are not taken to organize land use or conserve the environment.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 労働大臣は、当分の間、平均定期給与額が平成六年九月の平均定期給与額(新雇用保険法四十九条一項の規定により日雇労働求職者給付金の日額等が変更されたときは、直近の当該変更の基礎となった平均定期給与額。次項において同じ。)の百分の百二十を超えるに至ったことにより同項の規定により日雇労働求職者給付金の日額等を変更する場合においては、同項の規定にかかわらず、日雇労働求職者給付金の日額である四千百円については六千二百円に、等級区分日額である千二百円については一万千三百円に、それぞれ変更するものとする。例文帳に追加

(3) The Minister of Labour shall, for the time being, modify the daily amount of the benefit for daily work job applicant of four thousand one hundred yen to six thousand two hundred yen, and the classified daily amount of eight thousand two hundred yen to eleven thousand three hundred yen, respectively, if the daily amount of the benefit for daily work job applicant, etc. is to be modified pursuant to the provision of Article 49, paragraph (1) of the New Employment Insurance Act on the ground that the amount of average regular salary comes to exceed one hundred twenty one hundredth (120/100) of the amount of average regular salary of September 1994 (or the immediately preceding average regular salary being the basis of modification in the case where the daily amount of the benefit for daily work job applicant, etc. has been modified pursuant to the same paragraph; hereinafter the same shall apply in the following paragraph), notwithstanding the provision of the same paragraph.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 公表された著作物については、前項の教育機関における授業の過程において、当該授業を直接受ける者に対して当該著作物をその原作品若しくは複製物を提供し、若しくは提示して利用する場合又は当該著作物を三十一項の規定により上演し、演奏し、上映し、若しくは口述して利用する場合には、当該授業が行われる場所以外の場所において当該授業を同時に受ける者に対して公衆送信(自動公衆送信の場合にあつては、送信可能化を含む。)を行うことができる。ただし、当該著作物の種類及び用途並びに当該公衆送信の態様に照らし著作権者の利益を不当に害することとなる場合は、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

(2) When, in the course of a lesson at an educational institution set forth in the preceding paragraph, exploiting a work already made public, by (a) offering or presenting the original or reproductions of such work to those who directly take lessons, or (b) by performing, presenting or reciting it pursuant to the provisions of Article 38, paragraph (1), it shall be permissible to make public transmissions of such work (including, in the case of an automatic public transmission, making such work transmittable) for reception by those who are receiving the same lesson at the same time but at a location other than where such lesson is being given; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply in the case where such public transmission is likely to unreasonably prejudice the interests of the copyright holder in light of the type and the usage of the work as well as the manner of the public transmission. Since there is no Japanese-equivalent, this should be deleted.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

一 満十六歳に達する日の属する年度(四月一日から翌年三月三十一日までをいう。以下この項、四十四条の二及び四十六条において同じ。)に前条又は前項の規定により行われた健康診断の際要観察者(胸部エックス線検査によつて結核によるものと考えられる治癒所見の発見された者及び担当の医師が結核の発病のおそれがあると認めた者をいう。次号において同じ。)とされなかつた者に対してその者が満十七歳に達する日の属する年度及び満十歳に達する日の属する年度に当該健康診断を行つた事業者が行う健康診断例文帳に追加

(i) The medical examination conducted, for a person who has not diagnosed as requiring continuous medical observation (meaning a person who was not diagnosed as having traces of a cured past disease which is considered to be tuberculosis from the results of the thoracic x-ray examination, and a person who was not diagnosed as being apt to be affected by tuberculosis by the physician in charge; the same shall apply in the next item) from the result of the medical examination conducted pursuant to the provision of the preceding Article or preceding paragraph in fiscal year (meaning the 12 months from April 1 through March 31; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and Articles 44-2 and 46) in which the person reached the ages of 16, in fiscal years in which the person reaches the ages of 17 and 18 respectively by the employer who conducted the said medical examination.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

ニ 五十二条の十四一項の規定によりこの項の規定による指定を取り消された場合若しくはこの法律に相当する外国の法令の規定により当該外国において受けている当該指定に類する行政処分を取り消された場合において、その取消しの日前一月以内にその法人の役員(外国の法令上これと同様に取り扱われている者を含む。ニにおいて同じ。)であつた者でその取消しの日から五年を経過しない者又は他の法律の規定による指定であつて紛争解決等業務に相当する業務に係るものとして政令で定めるもの若しくは当該他の法律に相当する外国の法令の規定により当該外国において受けている当該政令で定める指定に類する行政処分を取り消された場合において、その取消しの日前一月以内にその法人の役員であつた者でその取消しの日から五年を経過しない者例文帳に追加

(d) In cases where the designation under this paragraph has been rescinded under the provisions of Article 52-84, paragraph (1) or an administrative disposition similar to said designation in a foreign state pursuant to the provisions of laws and regulations of the foreign state which are equivalent to this Act has been rescinded, a person who was an officer (including persons treated in the same manner under laws and regulations of a foreign state; the same shall apply in this sub-item (d)) of the juridical person within one month prior to the date of rescission and for whom five years have not passed since the date of rescission, or in cases where the designation under the provisions of other Acts which is specified by Cabinet Order as pertaining to business activities equivalent to Dispute Resolution, etc. or an administrative disposition similar to said designation in a foreign state as specified by Cabinet Order under the provisions of laws and regulations of the foreign state which are equivalent to said other Acts has been rescinded, a person who was an officer of the juridical person within one month prior to the date of rescission and for whom five years have not passed from the date of rescission; or  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

5 貸金業者は、貸付けに係る契約の締結に際し、その相手方又は相手方となろうとする者に対し、債務履行担保措置(当該契約に基づく債務の履行を担保するための保証、保険その他これらに類するものとして内閣府令で定めるものをいう。以下この項において同じ。)に係る契約(当該債務履行担保措置の対価として支払われる金銭の額が当該金銭の額を利息制限法第八一項に規定する保証料の額とみなして同条の規定を適用したときに同条の規定により無効とされることとなる部分を含むものに限る。)を、債務履行担保措置を業として営む者と締結することを当該貸付けに係る契約の締結の条件としてはならない。例文帳に追加

(5) A Money Lender shall not, when concluding a loan contract, require the counterparty or the person who intends to be the counterparty to the loan contract to conclude a contract for Security Measures for Performance of Obligations (meaning guarantees, insurance, and other measures specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as being similar thereto which are arranged for the purpose of securing performance of obligations under the contract; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) (limited to contracts covering a portion of the amount which is to be invalid under Article 8 of the Interest Rate Restriction Act, given that said provisions are applied by deeming that the amount of money paid as consideration for the Security Measures for Performance of Obligations is a guarantee charge provided for in that Article) with a person who is engaged in the business of Security Measures for Performance of Obligations on a regular basis, as a condition for concluding said loan contract.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

一 貸付けの利率(利息及び十二条の二項に規定するみなし利息の総額(一年分に満たない利息及び同項に規定するみなし利息を元本に組み入れる契約がある場合にあつては、当該契約に基づき元本に組み入れられた金銭を含む。)を内閣府令で定める方法によつて算出した元本の額で除して得た年率(当該年率に小数点以下三位未満の端数があるときは、これを切り捨てるものとする。)を百分率で表示するもの(市場金利に一定の利率を加える方法により算定される利息を用いて貸付けの利率を算定する場合その他貸付けの利率を表示し、又は説明することができないことについて内閣府令で定めるやむを得ない理由がある場合にあつては、貸付けの利率に準ずるものとして内閣府令で定めるもの)をいう。以下同じ。)例文帳に追加

(i) The Loan Interest Rate (meaning the annual rate (when the annual rate includes a fractional amount beyond the third decimal place, such fractional amount shall be rounded down to the third decimal place) indicated as a percentage, which is obtained by dividing the total amount of interest and Payment Regarded as Interest as prescribed in Article 12-8, paragraph (2) (in cases of contracts incorporating interest that is less than a yearly amount and Payment Regarded as Interest under those provisions into the principal, the amount of money incorporated into the principal under said contracts shall be included) by the amount of principal calculated by the methods specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance (in cases where the Loan Interest Rate is calculated from the amount of interest obtained by adding a certain interest rate to the market rate of interest or where there is a compelling reason as provided by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as a case where the Loan Interest Rate cannot be indicated nor explained, that specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as being equivalent to the Loan Interest Rate); the same shall apply hereinafter);  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2, dividends shall not be taxed in the Contracting State of which the company paying the dividends is a resident for the purposes of its tax if the beneficial owner of the dividends is a company that is a resident of the other Contracting State and that has owned directly shares representing at least 80 per cent of the voting power of the company paying the dividends for the 12 month period ending on the date on which entitlement to the dividends is determined and the company that is the beneficial owner of the dividends: a) is a qualified person by reason of the provisions of subparagraph c) of paragraph 2 of Article 23; b) has at least 50 per cent of the aggregate vote and value of its shares owned directly or indirectly by five or fewer companies referred to in subparagraph a); or c) is granted benefits with respect to those dividends under paragraph 5 of Article 23.  - 財務省

12 平成十一年四月一日以後最初に特定振替機関等(社債等の振替に関する法律二条二項に規定する振替機関及び同法四十条の規定により当該振替機関とみなされる者並びに当該振替機関(当該みなされる者を含む。)の同法三条一項五号に規定する業務規程の定めるところにより口座の開設を受けた特定口座管理機関(五条の二五項二号に規定する特定口座管理機関をいう。)及び特定間接口座管理機関(五条の二五項三号に規定する特定間接口座管理機関をいう。)をいう。以下この条において同じ。)又は外国仲介業者(五条の二五項第八号に規定する外国間接口座管理機関(以下この条において「外国間接口座管理機関」という。)及び同項七号に規定する外国再間接口座管理機関(以下この条において「外国再間接口座管理機関」という。)をいう。以下この条において同じ。)に開設され、又は開設されている口座において当該特定振替機関等の営業所等(五条の二一項に規定する営業所等をいう。以下この条において同じ。)又は当該外国仲介業者の国外営業所等(外国仲介業者の国外にある営業所又は事務所をいう。以下この項及び次項において同じ。)を通じて特定振替国債等(特定短期公社債並びに社債等の振替に関する法律九十条二項に規定する分離元本振替国債及び財務省令で定めるところにより同条一項に規定する元利分離が行われた同条三項に規定する分離利息振替国債をいう。以下この条において同じ。)の振替記載等を受ける者(法人税法別表一に掲げる法人、特定振替機関等、外国仲介業者その他の政令で定めるものを除く。)は、その者の氏名又は名称及び住所(国内に住所を有しない者にあつては、財務省令で定める場所。以下この条において同じ。)その他の財務省令で定める事項を記載した告知書を、その最初に振替記載等(当該口座においてされるものに限る。以下この条において同じ。)を受ける際、その振替記載等を受ける特定振替機関等の営業所等の長に対し、又はその振替記載等を受ける外国仲介業者(当該外国仲介業者が外国再間接口座管理機関である場合には、当該外国仲介業者(当該外国仲介業者が他の外国再間接口座管理機関において当該特定振替国債等の振替記載等を受ける場合には、当該外国仲介業者及び当該特定振替国債等の振替記載等に係る他の外国再間接口座管理機関)及び当該特定振替国債等の振替記載等に係る外国間接口座管理機関)を経由して当該外国仲介業者(当該外国仲介業者が外国再間接口座管理機関である場合には、当該特定振替国債等の振替記載等に係る外国間接口座管理機関)が当該特定振替国債等の振替記載等を受ける特定振替機関等の営業所等の長に対し提出しなければならない。この場合において、当該告知書の提出をする者は、当該告知書の提出(当該外国仲介業者を経由して提出する場合を除く。以下この項において同じ。)をする特定振替機関等の営業所等の長又は当該外国仲介業者の国外営業所等の長にその者の住民票の写し、法人の登記事項証明書その他の政令で定める書類(以下この項から項までにおいて「確認書類」という。)を提示しなければならないものとし、当該告知書の提出を受ける特定振替機関等の営業所等の長又は当該外国仲介業者の国外営業所等の長は、当該告知書に記載されている氏名又は名称及び住所を当該確認書類により確認しなければならないものとする。例文帳に追加

(12) Where a person (excluding the corporations listed in Appended Table 1 of the Corporation Tax Act, specified book-entry transfer institution, etc., foreign intermediary and any other person specified by a Cabinet Order) makes, for the first time since April 1, 1999, entries or records under the book-entry transfer system with regard to specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc. (meaning specified short-term government or company bonds, principal-only book-entry transfer national government bonds prescribed in Article 90(2) of the Act on Book-Entry Transfer of Company Bonds, etc., and coupon-only book-entry transfer national government bonds prescribed in paragraph (3) of the said Article for which separate trading of principal and interest prescribed in paragraph (1) of the said Article has been conducted pursuant to the provision of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) in the person's account that will be or has been established with a specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. (meaning a [1] book-entry transfer institution prescribed in Article 2(2) of the Act on Book-Entry Transfer of Company Bonds, etc., [2] an institution that shall be deemed to be the said book-entry transfer institution pursuant to the provision of Article 48 of the said Act, and [3] a specified account management institution (meaning a specified account management institution prescribed in Article 5-2(5)(ii)) and specified indirect account management institution (meaning a specified indirect account management institution prescribed in Article 5-2(5)(iii)), with each of which the said book-entry transfer institution (including an institution that shall be deemed as such) has established an account in accordance with the operational rules prescribed in Article 3(1)(v) of the said Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) or established with a foreign intermediary (meaning a foreign indirect account management institution prescribed in Article 5-2(5)(viii) (hereinafter referred to in this Article as a "foreign indirect account management institution") and a foreign further indirect account management institution prescribed in Article 5-2(5)(vii) (hereinafter referred to in this Article as a "foreign further indirect account management institution"); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), via a business office, etc. (meaning a business office, etc. prescribed in Article 5-2(1); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) of the said specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. or an overseas business office, etc. (meaning a business office or any other office of a foreign intermediary which is located outside Japan; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and the next paragraph) of the said foreign intermediary, such person shall, upon making the first entries or records under the book-entry transfer system (limited to those made in the said account; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), submit a written notice stating the person's name and address (or any other place specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance in the case where the person does not have an address in Japan; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) and any other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance, to the head of the business office, etc. of the specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. through which the person makes the entries or records under the book-entry transfer system, or submit such a written notice via the foreign intermediary through which the person makes entries or records under the book-entry transfer system (in the case where the said foreign intermediary is a foreign further indirect account management institution, submission shall be made via the said foreign intermediary (in the case where the said foreign intermediary makes entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc. through another foreign further indirect account management institution, submission shall be made via the said foreign intermediary and such other foreign further indirect account management institution pertaining to the entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc.) and the foreign indirect account management institution pertaining to the entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc.), to the head of the business office, etc. of the specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. through which the said foreign intermediary (in the case where the said foreign intermediary is a foreign further indirect account management institution: the foreign indirect account management institution pertaining to the entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc.) makes entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc. In this case, such person who submits the said written notice shall present a copy of the person's certificate of residence, certificate of registered matters of the corporation and any other document specified by a Cabinet Order (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph to paragraph (18) as "identification documents") to the head of the business office, etc. of the specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. to which the said written notice is submitted (excluding the case where the said written notice is submitted via the said foreign intermediary; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) or to the head of the overseas business office, etc. of the said foreign intermediary to which the said written notice is submitted, and the head of the business office, etc. of the specified book-entry-transfer institution, etc. to which the said written notice is submitted or the head of the overseas business office, etc. of the said foreign intermediary to which the said written notice is submitted shall confirm, by the said identification documents, the name and address stated in the said written notice.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 都道府県知事は、地域密着型特定施設入居者生活介護につき市町村長から前項の届出があった場合において、当該申請に係る事業所の所在地を含む区域(百十二項一号の規定により当該都道府県が定める区域とする。)における介護専用型特定施設入居者生活介護の利用定員の総数及び地域密着型特定施設入居者生活介護の利用定員の総数の合計数が、同条一項の規定により当該都道府県が定める都道府県介護保険事業支援計画において定めるその区域の介護専用型特定施設入居者生活介護の必要利用定員総数及び地域密着型特定施設入居者生活介護の必要利用定員総数の合計数に既に達しているか、又は当該申請に係る事業者の指定によってこれを超えることになると認めるとき、その他の当該都道府県介護保険事業支援計画の達成に支障を生ずるおそれがあると認めるときは、当該市町村長に対し、必要な助言又は勧告をすることができる。例文帳に追加

(3) A prefectural governor, in a case when a mayor of a Municipality provides notification as set forth in the preceding paragraph regarding Daily Life Long-Term Care for a Person Admitted to a Community-Based Specified Facility, and when it is determined that the total sum of the total number of maximum users of Daily Life Care of a Patient Admitted to a Specialized Long-Term Care Specified Facility and the total number of maximum users of Daily Life Long-Term Care for a Person Admitted to a Community-Based Specified Facility in the area (which shall be an area provided by said prefecture pursuant to the provisions of Article 118, paragraph (2) item (i)) including the location of the Business Office pertaining to said application has been reached or is it determined that said total number of maximum users will be exceeded by the appointment as service provider pertaining to said application to provide service of Daily Life Care of a Patient Admitted to a Specialized Long-Term Care Specified Facility and the total number of the necessary number of users of Daily Life Long-Term Care for a Person Admitted to a Community-Based Specified Facility in said area provided by Prefectural Insured Long-Term Care Support Project Plan that is provided by said prefecture pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the same Article, or when it is determined that it will be likely to cause a problem with accomplishment of a Prefectural Insured Long-Term Care Support Project Plan, may provide necessary advice or recommendations to said mayor of the Municipality.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

九 投資組合等(投資事業有限責任組合若しくは民法(明治二十九年法律第八十九号)六百六十七条一項に規定する組合契約で投資事業を営むことを約するものによって成立する組合又は外国に所在するこれらの組合に類似する団体をいう。以下同じ。)に対する出資及び投資営業者を相手方とする匿名組合契約に基づく出資(以下この号において「投資組合向け出資等」と総称する。)であって、一の投資組合等又は投資営業者に対する投資組合向け出資等の価額の投資事業有限責任組合の総組合員の出資の総額(組合契約において各組合員の出資予定額(各組合員が出資することを約した上限額をいう。以下この号において同じ。)が定められている場合にあっては、総組合員の出資予定額の合計額)に対する割合が政令で定める割合を超えない範囲内において行うもの(次に掲げる投資組合向け出資等(十一号ロにおいて「特定投資組合向け出資等」という。)を除く。)例文帳に追加

(ix) Investment in Investment Partnership, Etc. (meaning an Investment LPS, or a partnership formed by a partnership agreement as prescribed in Article 667(1) of the Civil Code (Act No. 89 of 1896) by virtue of promises to carry on the investment business, or similar organizations located in a foreign country, with the same to apply hereafter) and investment based on Anonymous Partnership Agreements having an Investment Manager as a party (hereinafter collectively referred to in this item as "Capital Investment, Etc. in Investment Partnership") where the ratio of the amount of said Capital Investment, Etc. in Investment Partnership in any one Investment Partnership, Etc. or Investment Manager to the total amount of capital contribution by all the partners in the Investment LPS (if the partners' capital investment, commitment (the maximum amount that each partner has promised to invest, and likewise hereafter in this item) is stipulated in the Partnership Agreement, the total of such amounts) does not exceed the ratio prescribed by Cabinet Order (excluding Capital Investment, Etc. in Investment Partnership described in (a) and (b) below (referred to as "Specified Capital Investment, Etc. in Investment Partnership" in item (xi)-b, below)):  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

24 振替国債非課税適用申告書を提出した者(三項の規定により振替国債非課税適用申告書を提出したものとみなされる者を含む。以下この項、次項及び二十項において同じ。)が特定振替機関等若しくは適格外国仲介業者から振替国債の振替記載等を受けたとき又は特定振替機関等若しくは適格外国仲介業者に対し振替国債異動申告書を提出したときは、当該特定振替機関等又は適格外国仲介業者は、その都度、当該振替国債非課税適用申告書を提出した者の各人別(当該振替国債非課税適用申告書を提出した者が適格外国証券投資信託の受託者である場合にあつては、当該振替国債非課税適用申告書を提出した者の各人別及びその受託した適格外国証券投資信託の別)に、法五条の二十三項に規定する事項を振替帳簿に記載し、又は記録し、かつ、当該振替帳簿を財務省令で定めるところにより保存しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(24) When a person who has submitted a written application for tax exemption of book-entry transfer national government bonds (including one who shall be deemed to have submitted a written application for tax exemption of book-entry transfer national government bonds pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph, the next paragraph and paragraph (28)) has made entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding book-entry transfer national government bonds through a specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. or qualified foreign intermediary, or submitted a written application for a change of book-entry transfer national government bonds to a specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. or qualified foreign intermediary, the said specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. or qualified foreign intermediary shall, on each occasion, for each person who has submitted the said written application for tax exemption of book-entry transfer national government bonds (in the case where the person who has submitted the said written application for tax exemption of book-entry transfer national government bonds is the trustee of a qualified foreign securities investment trust, for each person who has submitted the said written application for tax exemption of book-entry transfer national government bonds and for each qualified foreign securities investment trust accepted thereby), enter or record in the books for book-entry transfer the matters prescribed in Article 5-2(13) of the Act, and preserve the said books for book-entry transfer pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

26 二十四項の規定は振替地方債非課税適用申告書を提出した者(五項の規定により振替地方債非課税適用申告書を提出したものとみなされる者を含む。以下この項及び二十項において同じ。)が特定振替機関等若しくは適格外国仲介業者から振替地方債の振替記載等を受けたとき又は特定振替機関等若しくは適格外国仲介業者に対し振替地方債異動申告書を提出したときについて、前項の規定は振替地方債非課税適用申告書を提出した者が適格外国仲介業者から振替地方債の振替記載等を受けたとき又は適格外国仲介業者に対し振替地方債異動申告書を提出したときについて、それぞれ準用する。この場合において、二十四項中「当該振替国債非課税適用申告書」とあるのは「当該振替地方債非課税適用申告書」と、前項中「当該振替国債非課税適用申告書」とあるのは「当該振替地方債非課税適用申告書」と、「振替国債に」とあるのは「振替地方債に」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加

(26) The provisions of paragraph (24) shall apply mutatis mutandis where a person who has submitted a written application for tax exemption of book-entry transfer local government bonds (including one who shall be deemed to have submitted a written application for tax exemption of book-entry transfer local government bonds pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (5); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and paragraph (28)) has made entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding book-entry transfer local government bonds through a specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. or qualified foreign intermediary, or submitted a written application for a change of book-entry transfer local government bonds to a specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. or qualified foreign intermediary; and the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis where a person who has submitted a written application for tax exemption of book-entry transfer local government bonds has made entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding book-entry transfer local government bonds through a qualified foreign intermediary, or submitted a written application for a change of book-entry transfer local government bonds to a qualified foreign intermediary. In this case, in paragraph (24), the term "the said written application for tax exemption of book-entry transfer national government bonds" shall be deemed to be replaced with "the said written application for tax exemption of book-entry transfer local government bonds"; in the preceding paragraph, the term "the said written application for tax exemption of book-entry transfer national government bonds" shall be deemed to be replaced with "the said written application for tax exemption of book-entry transfer local government bonds," and the term "pertaining to the said book-entry transfer national government bonds" shall be deemed to be replaced with "pertaining to the said book-entry transfer local government bonds."  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

四十一条の二 本邦以外の地域の港から本邦内の港に入港(一般船舶にあつては、特定海域への入域を含む。以下同じ。)をしようとする特定船舶(二千トンを超えるばら積みの油の輸送の用に供しているタンカー又は総トン数が百トン以上の一般船舶をいう。以下この章及び四十六号において同じ。)の船長は、三項に規定する場合を除き、国土交通省令で定めるところにより、あらかじめ、当該特定船舶の名称、船籍港、当該特定船舶に係るこの法律で定めるタンカー油濁損害賠償保障契約又は一般船舶油濁損害賠償等保障契約(以下この章において単に「保障契約」という。)の締結の有無その他の国土交通省令で定める事項(以下「保障契約情報」という。)を国土交通大臣に通報しなければならない。通報した保障契約情報を変更しようとするときも、同様とする。例文帳に追加

Article 41-2 (1) The captain of Specified Ship (meaning the Tanker carried more than 2,000 tons of Oil in bulk or the General Ship with the gross tonnage of not less than 100 tons. Hereinafter the same shall apply in this Chapter and in item 6 of Article 48) which intends to enter a port in Japan (for the General Ship, the entrance to the Specified Sea Areas is included. The same shall apply hereinafter) from a port in a region other than Japan shall notify the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism in advance of the name of the said Specified Ship, the port of registry, the existence or non existence of Contract on Insurance or Other Financial Security for Tanker Oil Pollution Damage or Contract on Insurance or Other Financial Security for General Ship Oil Pollution Damage prescribed in this Act pertaining to the said Specified Ship (hereinafter referred to simply as "Contract on Insurance or Other Financial Security" in this Chapter) and other matters prescribed in an ordinance of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (hereinafter referred to as "Information about Contract on Insurance or Other Financial Security").The same shall apply if the captain intends to change the Information about Contract on Insurance or Other Financial Security that was notified.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

10 前項の規定は、非居住者又は外国法人が適格外国仲介業者から振替記載等を受けている振替国債につきその利子の支払を受ける場合について準用する。この場合において、同項中「同条一項一号ロ」とあるのは「当該振替国債の振替記載等に係る特定振替機関等を経由して同条一項一号ロ」と、「特定口座管理機関である場合には、特定振替機関を経由して当該税務署長に対し提出したとき、当該特定振替機関等が特定間接口座管理機関」とあるのは「同条五項七号に規定する外国再間接口座管理機関(以下この項において「外国再間接口座管理機関」という。)」と、「特定口座管理機関(」とあるのは「同条五項第八号に規定する外国間接口座管理機関(以下この項において「外国間接口座管理機関」という。)(」と、「他の特定間接口座管理機関」とあるのは「他の外国再間接口座管理機関」と、「特定口座管理機関)及び特定振替機関」とあるのは「外国間接口座管理機関)及び当該振替国債の振替記載等に係る特定振替機関等」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加

(10) The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis where a nonresident or foreign corporation receives payment of interest on the book-entry transfer national government bonds for which he/she or it has made entries or records under the book-entry transfer system through a qualified foreign intermediary. In this case, in the said paragraph, the term "to the district director set forth in paragraph (1)(i)(b) of the said Article" shall be deemed to be replaced with "to the district director set forth in paragraph (1)(i)(b) of the said Article via the specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. pertaining to the entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said book-entry transfer national government bonds"; the term "(in the case where the said specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. is a specified account management institution, submission shall be made to the said district director via a specified book-entry transfer institution; in the case where the said specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. is a specified indirect account management institution" shall be deemed to be replaced with "(in the case where the said specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. is a foreign further indirect account management institution prescribed in paragraph (5)(vii) of the said Article (hereinafter referred to as a "foreign further indirect account management institution" in this paragraph"; the term "the specified account management institution pertaining to the entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said book-entry transfer national government bonds (" shall be deemed to be replaced with "the foreign indirect account management institution prescribed in paragraph (5)(viii) of the said Article (hereinafter referred to as "foreign indirect account management institution" in this paragraph) pertaining to the entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said book-entry transfer national government bonds ("; the term "any other specified indirect account management institution" shall be deemed to be replaced with "any other foreign further indirect account management institution"; and the term "the specified account management institution pertaining to the entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said book-entry transfer national government bonds) and [2] a specified book-entry transfer institution" shall be deemed to be replaced with "the foreign indirect account management institution pertaining to the entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said book-entry transfer national government bonds) and [2] the specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. pertaining to the entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said book-entry transfer national government bonds."  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

一 卸売業 当該各事業年度の棚卸資産(法人税法二条二十号に規定する棚卸資産をいう。以下この号において同じ。)の販売に係る収入金額(当該各事業年度において棚卸資産の売買の代理又は媒介に関し受け取る手数料がある場合には、その手数料を受け取る基因となつた売買の取引金額を含む。以下この号において「販売取扱金額」という。)の合計額のうちに関連者(当該特定外国子会社等に係る法四十条の四一項各号、六十六条の六一項各号、六十条の九十一項各号及び前項各号に掲げる者をいう。以下この項及び次項において同じ。)以外の者との間の取引に係る販売取扱金額の合計額の占める割合が百分の五十を超える場合又は当該各事業年度において取得した棚卸資産の取得価額(当該各事業年度において棚卸資産の売買の代理又は媒介に関し受け取る手数料がある場合には、その手数料を受け取る基因となつた売買の取引金額を含む。以下この号において「仕入取扱金額」という。)の合計額のうちに関連者以外の者との間の取引に係る仕入取扱金額の合計額の占める割合が百分の五十を超える場合例文帳に追加

(i) Wholesale business: Where, out of the total revenue from selling inventory assets (meaning inventory assets prescribed in Article 2(xx) of the Corporation Tax Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) for the relevant business year (where there are any commissions to be received for agent or intermediary services for the buying or selling inventory assets for the relevant business year, such revenues shall include the amount from the transactions for which the said commissions were generated; hereinafter referred to as the "amount of sales transactions" in this item), the ratio of the sum of the amount of sales transactions with a person other than affiliated persons (meaning those listed in the items of Article 40-4(1), items of Article 66-6(1), items of Article 68-90(1) of the Act and the preceding items who are related to the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc.; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and the next paragraph) exceeds 50 percent, or out of the sum of the acquisition costs for acquiring inventory assets for the relevant business year (where there are any commissions to be received for agent or intermediary services for the buying or selling inventory assets for the relevant business year, such acquisition costs shall include the amount from the transactions for which the said commissions were generated; hereinafter referred to as the "amount of purchase transactions" in this item), the ratio of the sum of the amount of purchase transactions with a person other than affiliated persons exceeds 50 percent  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 法六十条の九十二一項に規定する連結法人に係る特定外国子会社等につき基準事業年度の期間内の日をその支払に係る基準日とする二以上の剰余金の配当等(当該二以上の剰余金の配当等が当該剰余金の配当等に係る基準事業年度に係る適用連結事業年度前の連結事業年度又は事業年度の期間内の日に支払われた剰余金の配当等(以下この項において「特定剰余金配当等」という。)である場合の当該二以上の剰余金の配当等を除く。)の支払があつた場合(特定剰余金配当等の支払があつた場合において、当該特定剰余金配当等に係る基準事業年度終了の日から六月を経過する日までに当該基準事業年度の期間内の日をその支払に係る基準日とする剰余金の配当等の支払がないときを含む。)における前項一号の規定の適用については、同号に定める金額は、一号に掲げる金額が二号に掲げる金額を超えることとなる場合の当該超える部分の金額に同項一号に規定する割合を乗じて計算した金額から三号及び四号に掲げる金額を控除した残額とする。例文帳に追加

(3) With respect to the application of the provisions of item (i) of the preceding paragraph, in the case where payment has been made for two or more dividends of surplus, etc. whose base dates for the payment are included in the base business year, with regard to a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. related to a consolidated corporation prescribed in Article 68-92(1) of the Act (where payment was made for the said two or more dividends of surplus, etc. on a day within a consolidated business year or business year preceding the applicable consolidated business year pertaining to the base business year for the said dividends of surplus, etc. (hereinafter such paid dividends of surplus, etc. shall be referred to as "specified dividends of surplus, etc." in this paragraph), excluding the said two or more dividends of surplus) (including the cases where payment has been made for specified dividends of surplus, etc. and payment has not been made for dividends of surplus, etc. whose base dates for the payment are included in the said base business year, up to the day on which six months have elapsed after the final day of the base business year for the said specified dividends of surplus, etc.); the amount specified in item (i) of the preceding paragraph shall be the amount obtained by multiplying the excess amount when the amount listed in item (i) exceeds the amount listed in item (ii) by the ratio prescribed in item (i) of the said paragraph and then deducting therefrom the amounts listed in item (iii) and item (iv):  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

9 法六十六条の五二項の規定の適用を受ける場合における一項から四項までの規定の適用については、一項一号中「)の金額」とあるのは「)の金額から、当該金額のうち特定債券現先取引等(同条四項第八号に規定する特定債券現先取引等をいう。以下この号において同じ。)に係るものに、当該金額に係る負債に係る調整後平均負債残高(五項に規定する調整後平均負債残高をいう。以下この号において同じ。)を当該金額に係る負債のうち特定債券現先取引等に係るものに係る平均負債残高(同条四項五号に規定する平均負債残高をいう。以下この条において同じ。)で除して得た割合を乗じて計算した金額を控除した残額」と、同号イ中「平均負債残高(同項五号に規定する平均負債残高をいう。以下この条において同じ。)」とあるのは「平均負債残高から調整後平均負債残高を控除した残額」と、同号ロ中「平均負債残高」とあるのは「平均負債残高から当該負債に係る調整後平均負債残高を控除した残額」と、同号ハ中「三(」とあるのは「二(」と、同項二号イ中「課税対象所得に係る保証料等の金額を控除した残額」とあるのは「、同条二項に規定する特定債券現先取引等に係る負債の利子等の額及び課税対象所得に係る保証料等の金額の合計額を控除した残額」と、二項中「平均負債残高から」とあるのは「平均負債残高から六項に規定する特定債券現先取引等に係るものに係る平均負債残高及び」と、「三を乗じて得た金額」とあるのは「二を乗じて得た金額の合計額」とする。例文帳に追加

(9) With respect to the application of the provisions of paragraph (1) to paragraph (4) in the case where the provisions of Article 66-5(2) of the Act is applied, the term "and then multiplying the said amount of expenses by the ratio" in paragraph (1)(i) shall be deemed to be replaced with ", then deducting the amount obtained by multiplying the part of the said amount of expenses that pertains to a specified bond transaction with a repurchase/resale agreement, etc. (meaning a specified bond transaction with a repurchase/resale agreement, etc. prescribed in Article 66-5(4)(viii) of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) by the ratio obtained by dividing the average balance of liabilities after adjustment (meaning the average balance of liabilities after adjustment prescribed in paragraph (5); hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) regarding the liabilities for the said amount by the average balance of liabilities (meaning the average balance of liabilities prescribed in paragraph (4)(v) of the said Article; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) regarding the liabilities for the said amount which pertains to a specified bond transaction with a repurchase/resale agreement, etc., and then multiplying the remaining amount after deduction by the ratio;" the term "The average balance of liabilities (meaning the average balance of liabilities prescribed in Article 66-5(4)(v) of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article)" in (a) of paragraph (1)(i) shall be deemed to be replaced with "The remaining amount after deducting the average balance of liabilities after adjustment from the average balance of liabilities;" the term "The average balance of liabilities" in (b) of the said item shall be deemed to be replaced with "The remaining amount after deducting the average balance of liabilities after adjustment regarding the said liabilities from the average balance of liabilities;" the term "three" in (c) of the said item shall be deemed to be replaced with "two;" the term "The amount obtained by deducting the amount of guarantee charge, etc. for the taxable income" in (a) of paragraph (1)(ii) shall be deemed to be replaced with "The amount obtained by deducting the sum of the amount of interest on liabilities, etc. pertaining to a specified bond transaction with a repurchase/resale agreement, etc. prescribed in paragraph (2) of the said Article and the amount of guarantee charge, etc. for the taxable income;" the term "where the remaining amount after deducting the amount" in paragraph (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "where the remaining amount after deducting the sum of the average balance of liabilities regarding the average balance of liabilities which pertain to a specified bond transaction with a repurchase/resale agreement, etc. prescribed in paragraph (6) and the amount;" and the term "by three" in the said paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "by two."  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 社員総数の千分の一(これを下回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その割合)以上に相当する数の社員若しくは千名(これを下回る数を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その数)以上の社員(特定相互会社にあっては、三十九条一項に規定する政令で定める数以上の社員)で六月(これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間)前から引き続いて社員である者又は三名(これを下回る数を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その数)以上の総代は、取締役に対し、総代会の日の週間(これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間)前までに、総代会の目的である事項につき議案の要領を通知すること(四十九条一項において準用する会社法二百九十九条二項(各号を除く。)又は三項の通知をする場合にあっては、その通知に記載し、又は記録すること)を請求することができる。ただし、当該議案が法令若しくは定款に違反する場合又は実質的に同一の議案につき総代会において全総代の議決権の十分の一(これを下回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その割合)以上の賛成を得られなかった日から三年を経過していない場合は、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

(3) Members representing at least one thousandth (or any smaller proportion prescribed by the articles of incorporation) of the total membership, or one thousand (or any smaller number prescribed by the articles of incorporation) or more members of a Mutual Company (or, in a Specified Mutual Company, members equal to or exceeding the number specified by a Cabinet Order set forth in Article 39, paragraph (1)), who have been members of the Mutual Company without interruption for the preceding six months (or any shorter period prescribed by the articles of incorporation), or three (or any smaller number prescribed by the articles of incorporation) or more general representatives may demand the directors that, no later than eight weeks (or any shorter period prescribed by the articles of incorporation) prior to the date of the General Meeting, members be notified of the outline of any proposal to be submitted with respect to an agenda item of the meeting (or, where a notice is to be given under Article 299, paragraph (2) (excluding the items) or (3) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 49, paragraph (1), such outline be described in, or recorded on, that notice); provided, however, that this shall not apply to the cases where the proposal is in violation of any applicable law or regulation or the articles of incorporation, or where three years have not elapsed since the day on which an essentially identical proposal was not approved by at least one tenth of the general representatives (or any smaller proportion prescribed by the articles of incorporation) in the General Meeting.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

二条 銀行が、その自己資本比率(前条七項に規定する単体自己資本比率又は同条第八項に規定する連結自己資本比率をいう。以下この条において同じ。)が当該銀行又は当該銀行及びその子会社等が従前に該当していた前条一項又は二項の表の区分に係る自己資本比率の範囲を超えて低下したことを知った後、速やかに、その自己資本比率を当該銀行又は当該銀行及びその子会社等が該当するこれらの表の区分に係る自己資本比率の範囲を超えて確実に改善するための合理的と認められる計画を金融庁長官に提出した場合には、当該銀行について、当該区分に応じた命令は、当該銀行又は当該銀行及びその子会社等の自己資本比率以上で当該計画の実施後に見込まれる当該銀行又は当該銀行及びその子会社等の自己資本比率以下の自己資本比率に係るこれらの表の区分(非対象区分を除く。)に掲げる命令とする。ただし、当該計画が合理的でないことが明らかになった場合には、当該銀行について、当該銀行又は当該銀行及びその子会社等が該当するこれらの表の区分に係る命令は、同条一項又は二項のとおりとする。例文帳に追加

Article 2 (1) In cases where a bank learns that its Capital Adequacy Ratio (which means the Non-Consolidated Capital Adequacy Ratio as prescribed in paragraph (7) of the preceding Article or the Consolidated Capital Adequacy Ratio as prescribed in paragraph (8) of the same Article; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) decreased lower than the range of the Capital Adequacy ratio pertaining to the categories in the tables in paragraphs (1) and (2) of the preceding Article under which said bank or said bank and its subsidiary company, etc. used to fall and submits without delay to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency a plan found to be reasonable to improve the Capital Adequacy Ratio certainly to exceed the range of the Capital Adequacy Ratio pertaining to the category of these tables to which said bank or said bank and its subsidiary, etc. correspond, then, an order in accordance with said category with regard to said bank, shall be an order listed in the category (except for exceptions from categories) in these tables corresponding to which is more than the Capital Adequacy Ratio of said bank or said bank and its subsidiary company, etc. and less than the Capital Adequacy Ratio to be expected after implementation of said plan; provided, however, that in cases where said plan is found to be unreasonable, with regard to said bank, an order pertaining to the categories of these tables to which said bank or said bank and its subsidiary company, etc. correspond shall be prescribed in paragraphs (1) and (2) of the same Article.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

六十条の九十 次に掲げる連結法人に係る外国関係会社のうち、本店又は主たる事務所の所在する国又は地域におけるその所得に対して課される税の負担が本邦における法人の所得に対して課される税の負担に比して著しく低いものとして政令で定める外国関係会社に該当するもの(以下この款において「特定外国子会社等」という。)が、各事業年度において、その未処分所得の金額から留保したものとして、政令で定めるところにより、当該未処分所得の金額につき当該未処分所得の金額に係る税額及び法人税法二十三条一項一号に規定する剰余金の配当、利益の配当又は剰余金の分配(以下この項において「剰余金の配当等」という。)の額に関する調整を加えた金額(以下この条において「適用対象留保金額」という。)を有する場合には、その適用対象留保金額のうちその連結法人の有する当該特定外国子会社等の直接及び間接保有の株式等の数に対応するものとしてその株式等(株式又は出資をいう。以下この項において同じ。)の請求権(六十六条の六一項に規定する請求権をいう。一号において同じ。)の内容を勘案して政令で定めるところにより計算した金額(以下この款において「個別課税対象留保金額」という。)に相当する金額は、その連結法人の収益の額とみなして当該各事業年度終了の日の翌日から二月を経過する日を含むその連結法人の各連結事業年度の連結所得の金額の計算上、益金の額に算入する。例文帳に追加

Article 68-90 (1) Where an affiliated foreign company related to any of the following consolidated corporations, which falls under the category of affiliated foreign company specified by a Cabinet Order as a company whose tax burden to be imposed on its income earned in a state or territory where its head office or principal office is located is significantly lower than the tax burden to be imposed on the income of a corporation in Japan (hereinafter referred to in this Subsection as a "specified foreign subsidiary company, etc."), in each business year, retains as part of the amount of undistributed income, pursuant to the provision of a Cabinet Order, any amount that is adjusted, with respect to the said amount of undistributed income, based on the tax amount pertaining to the said amount of undistributed income and the amount of dividend of surplus, dividend of profit or distribution of surplus prescribed in Article 23(1)(i) of the Corporation Tax Act (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as "dividend of surplus, etc.") (such adjusted amount hereinafter referred to in this Article as "eligible retained income"), the amount equivalent to the part of eligible retained income which is calculated pursuant to the method specified by a Cabinet Order as the amount of income corresponding to the number of shares, etc. of the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. held by the consolidated corporation through direct and/or indirect ownership, while taking into consideration the contents of the claim (meaning a claim prescribed in Article 66-6(1); the same shall apply in item (i)) vested in such shares, etc. (meaning shares or capital contributions; the same shall apply in this paragraph) (such part of eligible retained income hereinafter referred to in this Subsection as "individually taxable retained income") shall be deemed to be the amount of the consolidated corporation's profit, and included in its gross profit in the calculation of the amount of its consolidated income for the consolidated business year that includes the day on which two months have elapsed since the day following the last day of the relevant business year:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

六十六条の 六十六条の六一項の規定の適用を受けた内国法人に係る特定外国子会社等につき一号若しくは二号に掲げる事実が生じた場合又は当該内国法人に係る同条二項一号に規定する外国関係会社(当該特定外国子会社等から法人税法二十三条一項一号に規定する剰余金の配当、利益の配当又は剰余金の分配(以下この項において「剰余金の配当等」という。)の支払(二号に定める金額の同号に掲げる交付を含む。)を受けた外国関係会社のうち政令で定めるものに限る。以下この項において同じ。)につき三号に掲げる事実が生じた場合で、当該内国法人のこれらの事実が生じた日を含む事業年度開始の日前十年以内に開始した各事業年度(以下この条において「前十年以内の各事業年度」という。)において当該特定外国子会社等の課税対象留保金額で六十六条の六一項の規定により前十年以内の各事業年度の所得の金額の計算上益金の額に算入された金額(この項の規定により前十年以内の各事業年度において損金の額に算入された金額を除く。以下この条及び次条において「課税済留保金額」という。)があるときは、当該課税済留保金額に相当する金額は、当該特定外国子会社等又は当該外国関係会社につき生じた事実が次の各号に掲げる事実のいずれに該当するかに応じ当該各号に定める金額のうち当該内国法人に係る課税対象留保金額から充てられたものとして政令で定めるところにより計算した金額に相当する金額を限度として、当該内国法人のその事実が生じた日を含む事業年度の所得の金額の計算上、損金の額に算入する。例文帳に追加

Article 66-8 (1) Where an event listed in item (i) or item (ii) has occurred with regard to a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. related to a domestic corporation that has been subject to the provision of Article 66-6(1), or where an event listed in item (iii) has occurred with regard to an affiliated foreign company prescribed in Article 66-6(2)(i) (limited to an affiliated foreign company that has received, from the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc., payment of dividend of surplus, dividend of profit or distribution of surplus prescribed in Article 23(1)(i) of the Corporation Tax Act (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as "dividend of surplus, etc.") (such payment shall include the delivery listed in item (ii) of the amount specified in the said item), which is specified by a Cabinet Order; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) that is related to the said domestic corporation, if the taxable retained income of the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. in each business year of the said domestic corporation that commenced within ten years before the first day of the business year that includes the day on which the relevant event has occurred (hereinafter referred to in this Article as "each business year within the preceding ten years"), contains any amount included in the amount of gross profit in the calculation of the amount of the said domestic corporation's income for each business year within the preceding ten years pursuant to the provision of Article 66-6(1) (excluding any amount included in the amount of deductible expense for each business year within the preceding ten years pursuant to the provision of this paragraph; hereinafter referred to in this Article and the next Article as "taxed amount of retained income" ), such taxed amount of retained income shall be included in the amount of deductible expense in the calculation of the amount of the said domestic corporation's income for the business year that includes the day on which the relevant event has occurred, up to the amount equivalent to the amount calculated pursuant to the method specified by a Cabinet Order as part of the amount specified by each of the following items for the type of event corresponding to the event that has occurred with regard to the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. or the said foreign affiliated company, which is appropriated from the taxable retained income pertaining to the said domestic corporation:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

百三十二条三項の主務省令で定める書面は、次に掲げる書面(官公署が証明する 書面の場合には、認可の申請の日前三月以内に作成されたものに限る。)とする。一組織変更の理由及び内容を記載した書面 二次に掲げる場合に応じ、それぞれ次に定める書面 イ組織変更後株式会社商品取引所の役員が外国人である場合当該役員の住民票の 写し等、履歴書及びその者が法十五条二項一号イからルまでのいずれにも 該当しないことを誓約する書面 ロ組織変更後株式会社商品取引所の役員が法人である場合当該役員の登記事項証 明書、沿革を記載した書面及び法十五条二項一号ヲに該当しないことを誓 約する書面 ハ組織変更後株式会社商品取引所の役員が外国人又は法人でない場合当該役員の 住民票の写し等、履歴書、その者が法十五条二項一号イ及びロに該当しな い旨の官公署の証明書並びにその者が同号ハからルまでのいずれにも該当しない ことを誓約する書面 三組織変更計画を承認した会員総会の議事録 四直前事業年度の決算関係書類等 五現に存する純資産額を証する書面 六法百二十九条一項の規定により組織変更時発行株式を発行するときは、次に掲 げる書面 イ組織変更時発行株式の引受けの申込みを証する書面 ロ金銭を出資の目的とするときは、法百三十一条の三一項の規定による払込み があったことを証する書面 ハ金銭以外の財産を出資の目的とするときは、次に掲げる書面 (1) 検査役が選任されたときは、検査役の調査報告を記載した書面及びその附 属書類 (2) 法百三十一条の六において準用する会社法二百七条九項三号に掲 げる場合には、有価証券の市場価格を証する書面 (3) 法百三十一条の六において準用する会社法二百七条九項四号に掲 げる場合には、同号に規定する証明を記載した書面及びその附属書類 (4) 法百三十一条の六において準用する会社法二百七条九項五号に掲 げる場合には、同号の金銭債権について記載された会計帳簿 ニ検査役の報告に関する裁判があったときは、その謄本 七法百二十四条二項の規定による公告及び催告をしたこと並びに異議を述べた債 権者があるときは、当該債権者に対し弁済し若しくは相当の担保を提供し若しくは当 該債権者に弁済を受けさせることを目的として相当の財産を信託したこと又は当該組 織変更をしても当該債権者を害するおそれがないことを証する書面 商品取引所の業務に関する知識及び経験を有する従業員の確保の状況並びに当該従 業員の配置の状況を記載した書類 九主要な株主の氏名、住所又は居所、国籍及び職業(株主が法人その他の団体である 場合には、その商号又は名称、本店又は主たる事務所の所在の場所及び営んでいる事 業の内容)並びに保有する議決権の数を記載した書面例文帳に追加

The documents specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 132, paragraph 3 of the Act shall be as follows (in the case of certifications issued by a public agency, limited to documents prepared within three months prior to the date of filing the application): (i) a document containing the reasons for and contents of entity conversion; (ii) a document specified as follows corresponding to each case: (a) in the case where an officer of an Incorporated Commodity Exchange after Entity Conversion is a foreign national: a Copy of the Residence Certificate, etc. of said officer, the curriculum vitae, and a sworn, written statement by that person that such person is not subject to any of the provisions of Article 15, paragraph 2, item 1 (a) to (k) of the Act; (b) in the case where an officer of an Incorporated Commodity Exchange after Entity Conversion is a juridical person: a certificate of the registered matters of said officer, a document containing the history thereof, and a sworn, written statement by that person that such person is not subject to the provisions of Article 15, paragraph 2, item 1 (l) of the Act; (c) in the case where an officer of an Incorporated Commodity Exchange after - 80 - Entity Conversion is neither a foreign national nor a juridical person: a Copy of the Residence Certificate, etc. of said officer, the curriculum vitae, a certificate of a public agency that such person is not subject to the provisions of Article 15, paragraph 2, item 1 (a) or (b) of the Act, and a sworn, written statement by that person that such person is not subject to any of the provisions of (c) to (k) of the same item; (iii) minutes of a general meeting of the members which approved the entity conversion plan; (iv) Settlement Related Documents, etc. for the most recent business year; (v) a document proving the amount of the existing net assets; (vi) when issuing Shares of Stock Issued upon Entity Conversion pursuant to the provisions of Article 129, paragraph 1 of the Act, the following documents: (a) a document proving an application to subscribe for the Shares of Stock Issued upon Entity Conversion; (b) when making money the object of the contribution, a document stating that payment was made pursuant to the provisions of Article 131-3, paragraph 1 of the Act; (c) when making property other than money the object of the contribution, the following documents: 1. when an inspector has been appointed: a document containing the investigation report by said inspector and its annexed documents; 2. in the case set forth in Article 207, paragraph 9, item 3 of the Company Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 131-6 of the Act: a document proving the market price of the Securities; 3. in the case set forth in Article 207, paragraph 9, item 4 of the Company Act - 81 - as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 131-6 of the Act: a document containing the certification prescribed in the same item and its annexed documents; 4. in the case set forth in Article 207, paragraph 9, item 5 of the Company Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 131-6 of the Act: the account book stating the monetary claim set forth in the same item; (d) when there has been a court judgment on a report by an inspector: a transcript of said judgment; (vii) a document that states that a public notice or a notification under Article 124, paragraph 2 of the Act has been given; and when a creditor has made an objection, documents that state that the liabilities have been repaid or a reasonable collateral has been provided to said creditor or reasonable property has been deposited in trust for the purpose of repaying the liabilities to said creditor, or that said entity conversion is not likely to harm said creditor;(viii) a document stating the status of securing employees who have the knowledge and experience pertaining to the business of a Commodity Exchange and the status of the assignment of such employees; (ix) a document that contains major shareholdersnames, addresses or residences, nationalities and occupations (in the case where a shareholder is a juridical person or other organization, its trade name or name, the location of its head office or principal office, and the contents of its business), and the number of voting rights they hold.  - 経済産業省

七条の二 事業者が、不当な取引制限又は不当な取引制限に該当する事項を内容とする国際的協定若しくは国際的契約で次の各号のいずれかに該当するものをしたときは、公正取引委員会は、第八二節に規定する手続に従い、当該事業者に対し、当該行為の実行としての事業活動を行つた日から当該行為の実行としての事業活動がなくなる日までの期間(当該期間が三年を超えるときは、当該行為の実行としての事業活動がなくなる日からさかのぼつて三年間とする。以下「実行期間」という。)における当該商品又は役務の政令で定める方法により算定した売上額(当該行為が商品又は役務の供給を受けることに係るものである場合は、当該商品又は役務の政令で定める方法により算定した購入額)に百分の十(小売業については百分の三、卸売業については百分の二とする。)を乗じて得た額に相当する額の課徴金を国庫に納付することを命じなければならない。ただし、その額が百万円未満であるときは、その納付を命ずることができない。例文帳に追加

Article 7-2 (1) In case any entrepreneur effects an unreasonable restraint of trade or enters into an international agreement or an international contract containing such matters as fall under unreasonable restraint of trade, and such act falls under any of the following items, the Fair Trade Commission shall order the said entrepreneur, pursuant to the procedures as provided for in Section II of Chapter VIII, to pay to the national treasury a surcharge of an amount equivalent to an amount calculated by multiplying the sales amount of the relevant goods or services calculated pursuant to the method provided for by a Cabinet Order (in the case that the said act is pertaining to the receipt of supply of goods or services, the purchase amount of the relevant goods or services calculated pursuant to the method provided for by a Cabinet Order), for the period from the date on which the entrepreneur effected the business activities constituting the said act to the date on which the business activities constituting the said act were discontinued (in case such period exceeds three years, the period shall be the three years preceding the date on which the business activities constituting the said act were discontinued; hereinafter referred to as "period of implementation") by ten percent (three percent in case of retail business, or two percent in case of wholesale business); provided, however, that in case the amount thus calculated is less than one million yen, the Commission shall not order the payment of such a surcharge.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

百六十六条 次の各号に掲げる者(以下この条において「会社関係者」という。)であつて、上場会社等に係る業務等に関する重要事実(当該上場会社等の子会社に係る会社関係者(当該上場会社等に係る会社関係者に該当する者を除く。)については、当該子会社の業務等に関する重要事実であつて、次項五号から第八号までに規定するものに限る。以下同じ。)を当該各号に定めるところにより知つたものは、当該業務等に関する重要事実の公表がされた後でなければ、当該上場会社等の特定有価証券等に係る売買その他の有償の譲渡若しくは譲受け又はデリバティブ取引(以下この条において「売買等」という。)をしてはならない。当該上場会社等に係る業務等に関する重要事実を次の各号に定めるところにより知つた会社関係者であつて、当該各号に掲げる会社関係者でなくなつた後一年以内のものについても、同様とする。例文帳に追加

Article 166 (1) A person listed in any of the following items (hereinafter referred to as a "Corporate Insider" in this Article) who has come to know a Material Fact Pertaining to Business or Other Matters of a Listed Company, etc. (in the case of a Corporate Insider pertaining to a Subsidiary Company of the Listed Company, etc. (excluding a person who falls under the category of Corporate Insider pertaining to the Listed Company, etc.), limited to any Material Fact Pertaining to Business or Other Matters of the Subsidiary Company that are listed in items (5) to (8) of the following paragraph; the same shall apply hereinafter) in a manner as prescribed in the respective items shall not make sales or purchase, other types of transfer for value or acceptance of such transfer for value, or Derivative Transactions (hereinafter referred to as "Sales and Purchase, etc." in this Article) of Specified Securities, etc. pertaining to the Listed Company, etc. before the material facts pertaining to business or other matters are Publicized. The same shall apply for one year to a Corporate Insider who comes to know a Material Fact Pertaining to Business or Other Matters of the Listed Company, etc. in a manner as prescribed in any of the following items even after he/she ceased to be a Corporate Insider listed in the items:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

三条 この法律の施行の際現に従前の総理府、法務省、外務省、大蔵省、文部省、厚生省、農林水産省、通商産業省、運輸省、郵政省、労働省、建設省又は自治省(以下この条において「従前の府省」という。)の職員(国家行政組織法(昭和二十三年法律百二十号)第八条の審議会等の会長又は委員長及び委員、中央防災会議の委員、日本工業標準調査会の会長及び委員並びに これらに類する者として政令で定めるものを除く。)である者は、別に辞令を発せられない限り、同一の勤務条件をもって、この法律の施行後の内閣府、総務省、法務省、外務省、財務省、文部科学省、厚生労働省、農林水産省、経済産業省、国土交通省若しくは環境省(以下この条において「新府省」という。)又はこれに置かれる部局若しくは機関のうち、この法律の施行の際現に当該職員が属する従前の府省又はこれに置かれる部局若しくは機関の相当の新府省又はこれに置かれる部局若しくは機関として政令で定めるものの相当の職員となるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 3 Any person who is actually the official of the former Prime Minister's Office, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Construction or Ministry of Home Affairs (hereinafter referred to as the "Former Office/Ministry" in this Article) at the time of enforcement of this Act (excluding the president or chairperson and members of a council, etc. set forth in Article 8 of the National Administrative Organization Act (Act No. 120 of 1948), members of the Central Disaster Prevention Council, chairperson and members of the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee, and those specified by Cabinet Order as similar thereto) shall be the corresponding official of the Cabinet Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, or the Ministry of the Environment after the enforcement of this Act (hereinafter referred to as the "New Office/Ministry" in this article) or a department or organization thereunder, which is specified by Cabinet Order as the New Office/Ministry or a department or organization thereunder that corresponds to the Former Office/Ministry or a department or organization thereunder to which the official actually belongs at the time of enforcement of this Act, unless a letter of appointment is otherwise issued.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


三条 この法律の施行の際現に従前の総理府、法務省、外務省、大蔵省、文部省、厚生省、農林水産省、通商産業省、運輸省、郵政省、労働省、建設省又は自治省(以下この条において「従前の府省」という。)の職員(国家行政組織法(昭和二十三年法律百二十号)第八条の審議会等の会長又は委員長及び委員、中央防災会議の委員、日本工業標準調査会の会長及び委員並びにこれらに類する者として政令で定めるものを除く。)である者は、別に辞令を発せられない限り、同一の勤務条件をもって、この法律の施行後の内閣府、総務省、法務省、外務省、財務省、文部科学省、厚生労働省、農林水産省、経済産業省、国土交通省若しくは環境省(以下この条において「新府省」という。)又はこれに置かれる部局若しくは機関のうち、この法律の施行の際現に当該職員が属する従前の府省又はこれに置かれる部局若しくは機関の相当の新府省又はこれに置かれる部局若しくは機関として政令で定めるものの相当の職員となるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 3 A person who, at the time of the enforcement of this Act, has been an official (excluding a chairperson and a member of councils, etc. set forth in Article 8 of the National Government Organization Act [Act No. 120 of 1948], a member of the Central Disaster Prevention Council, a chairperson and a member of the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee, and those specified as similar persons by a Cabinet Order) of the prior and existing Prime Minister's Office, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Construction or the Ministry of Home Affairs (hereinafter referred to as a "Prior and Existing Ministry or Agency" in this Article) shall, unless an appointment is announced separately, become a relevant official of the Cabinet Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, or the Ministry of the Environment after the enforcement of this Act (hereinafter referred to as a "New Ministry or Agency" in this Article), or a department or organization established thereunder, which is specified by a Cabinet Order as the New Office or Ministry or the department or organization established thereunder that corresponds to the Former Office or Ministry or the department or organization established thereunder to which said official belongs at the time of the enforcement of this Act, with the same working conditions.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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