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The disaster prevention knowledge and lessons learned from this earthquake, and the corresponding recovery process, will be shared by Japan as an international public resource.  - 財務省


Looking at the current economic situation in the world, there seems to be no end to serious issues requiring our attention and efforts— the resolution and prevention of the repeated currency and financial crises, sustainable growth and poverty reduction in developing countries, and enhancement of international public goods such as addressing climate change.  - 財務省


How they distribute their additional revenue equitably among various stakeholders and between current and future generations will determine their future growth path.  - 財務省


We must fix our financial system and strengthen regulations to recover the functions of our financial markets, and we must also adopt decisive fiscal and monetary measures to avoid global economic meltdown.  - 財務省



Given the importance of global health in development policies, the World Bank and Japan have started joint research on health insurance and other fiscal measures and human resource for health in a bid to spread healthcare services in developing countries, while referring to Japan’s past experiences, where appropriate.  - 財務省



We will intensify our efforts to rebalance global demand, through increasing domestic demand in countries with current account surpluses, rotating demand from the public to private sector in countries with fiscal deficits and increasing national savings in countries with current account deficits.  - 財務省


While sharing common perspectives and consulting closely with the World Bank and other international organizations, it is crucial for the IMF to establish a clear division of labor with other institutions and focus its work on its core responsibilities, such as setting up macroeconomic frameworks and institution building in fiscal and monetary areas, where it has expertise and a comparative advantage.  - 財務省


Sound fiscal finances are essential to sustain recovery, provide flexibility to respond to new shocks, ensure the capacity to meet the challenges of aging populations, and avoid leaving future generations with a legacy of deficits and debt.  - 財務省


We called on the FSB to review national and regional implementation of prior G-20 commitments in these areas and promote global policy cohesion and to assess and report to our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in October 2010 if further work is required.  - 財務省



We call on our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors to launch the new Framework by November by initiating a cooperative process of mutual assessment of our policy frameworks and the implications of those frameworks for the pattern and sustainability of global growth.  - 財務省



building on the current reviews of the IMF and World Bank we asked the Chairman, working with the G20 Finance Ministers, to consult widely in an inclusive process and report back to the next meeting with proposals for further reforms to improve the responsiveness and adaptability of the IFIs.  - 財務省


In order to appropriate a large budget for post-earthquake reconstruction, we secured the necessary funds by temporarily raising individual and corporate income tax rates, reducing expenditures, and increasing non-tax revenues, without relying on the issuance of deficitcovering government bonds, based on the principle of not leaving a financial burden to future generations.  - 財務省


As we face a common challenge of ageing, our contribution to higher worldwidegrowth should rely more strongly on a good system of education and life-longlearning, research and development, innovation and entrepreneurship, on thefoundation of a sustainable fiscal and monetary framework.  - 財務省


Integrating their efforts, the World Bank and IMF should help qualifying countries with the drafting and implementation of poverty reduction plans for the effective targeting of savings derived from debt relief, together with increased transparency of budgetary procedures to protect social expenditures.  - 財務省


The Committee looked forward to receiving at its next meeting a report on progress made in further delineating priority global public goods investment areas for the Bank, as well as on division of labor between development partners and the development of appropriate financing arrangements.  - 財務省


In dealing with global public goods and global issues, the Bank is expected to build appropriate partnerships. It is also essential for the Bank to take a selective approach by making sure it has a comparative advantage in that particular area, and by taking into account such factors as the balance of resource allocation and consistency with overall assistance strategies.  - 財務省


With the collaboration of the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, Japan has made meaningful progress in harmonization on such areas as procurement, financial management and reporting in a pilot country. Taking this experience into account, a realistic approach to harmonization would be to start with feasible items and countries where appropriate.  - 財務省


In order to achieve sustainable development for Japan in this age of globalization, it is important to increase our nation's attractiveness so that it will be highly viewed by the world. If doubt over the sustainability of Japan's fiscal structure persists, however, it might be difficult to achieve this goal. - 財務省


To transform this economic recovery movement into sustainable economic growth led by private demand, it is important to take a comprehensive approach to vitalize the economy, build a sustainable fiscal structure that will not pass on burdens to our children and grandchildren, and ensure the people of their safety and security. - 財務省


It is important to ensure cooperation among countries aimed at the realization of a free and fair international economic community amid globalization. Japan will move ahead with cooperative policy for the stabilization and development of the world economy at such meetings as those of the G7 finance ministers and central bank governors. - 財務省


Through these efforts we have to build the prosperity of Japan in the 21st century. To that end, we intend to make all-out efforts to tackle the following challenges in our management of fiscal and other future policies. - 財務省


We will continue working with others in taking the necessary steps to put the global economy on a strong, stable and sustainable growth path, including by continuing to provide macroeconomic stimulus consistent with price stability and medium-term fiscal sustainability and restore lending.  - 財務省


In this regard, the comparative advantage of various international institutions, including UN agencies (e.g. such as World Health Organization (WHO) and Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)) and private institutions should be carefully reviewed given the scarcity of concessional resources.  - 財務省


Sustained growth in world trade, lower interest rates, open markets and continued financing in amounts and on terms appropriate to each individual case are essential to enable developing countries to achieve sound growth and overcome their economic and financial difficulties.  - 財務省


In this Report, we have identified priorities for securing future growth, namely, rebalancing and strengthening global demand, pursuing sound fiscal management, and enhancing finance to key sectors such as infrastructure, small and medium enterprises, households and green investment.  - 財務省

1. 我々、G20務大臣・中央銀行総裁は、界経済の回復及び強固で持続可能かつ均衡ある成長への移行を確実なものとし、金融規制改革と国際金融機関に関する我々の課題が順調に進んでいることを確かめるため、ワシントンDCにて会合した。例文帳に追加

1. We, the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, met in Washington D.C. to ensure the global economic recovery and the transition to a strong, sustainable and balanced growth as well as our agendas for the financial regulatory reform and international financial institutions remain on track.  - 財務省

出願人の居所又は所在地がエストニア共和国外に所在する場合は,国の識別のための界知的産機関(以下「WIPO」という)のStandard ST. 3に基づく2文字の国別記号(以下「2文字の国別記号」という)を宛先に付記するものとする。例文帳に追加

If the residence or seat of an applicant is located outside the Republic of Estonia, the two-letter code of the country pursuant to Standard ST. 3 of the World Intellectual Property Organization (hereinafter WIPO) for the identification of countries (hereinafter two-letter code of a country) shall be indicated in addition to the address.  - 特許庁


If priority is claimed on the basis of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization or another agreement, originals of the documents certifying priority issued to the applicant by the patent office which received the first patent application shall be annexed to patent application documents.  - 特許庁


The provisions of this paragraph shall apply unless the amendment thereof is required to implement decisions of the World Trade Organization adopted by virtue of the TRIPS Agreement, compliance with which decisions shall be mandatory for the Argentine Republic.  - 特許庁

(d) 国際協定に従った手数料の納付方法,納付者の名称及び所在地若しくは姓名及び住所,及び界知的産機関が発行した手数料の納付完了若しくは同機関のために開設された銀行口座からの手数料引落し指示の証明書の番号例文帳に追加

(d) the way of paying the fees for the action pursuant to the international agreement; the name and the seat or the name, surname and the address of the paying person, eventually the number of the International Office certification on the realized payment or the direction to draw money out of the account opened to this Organization; - 特許庁


The party filing the request shall present a certificate from the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization showing the mark and the goods or services in respect of which the protection of the international registration had effect in the Federal Republic of Germany prior to its cancellation in the International Register.  - 特許庁


At this year's 2012 conference, we applaud the efforts of the Trilateral Offices celebrating thirty years of international cooperation, dedication to its purpose, continued hard work, and commitment to building an innovation-friendly intellectual property system for the 21st century.  - 特許庁


This tells us that after 2000 the number of intermediate goods exported from Japan to China which had a higher rate of increase than the rate of increase in unit price for goods exported to the world was increasing, as was the number of items which rate of increase more than doubled. - 経済産業省


"As long as the United States does not make an effort to escape from this financial crisis, move forward with new policies for the current account deficit, reduce the budget deficit, balance the budget or change to a standard of currency other than the dollar, America and the world will once again face a financial crisis. - 経済産業省


The fact is confirmed that the final goods exported from the countries/ regions to China have increased and China is becoming to grow into a gigantic "world demand center" for the exporting countries/ regions. However, it should be noted that the exporting countries couldn't always dominate China's huge consumption market by exports. - 経済産業省

政府は、知的産推進計画2010 において、今後界的な成長が期待され、日本が優れた技術を有する産業分野を「国際標準化特定戦略分野」として選択と集を行い、国際競争力強化につながる国際標準化を推進する方針を示した。例文帳に追加

The government, in the Intellectual Property Strategic Program 2010, notes that with global growth expected and Japanese industry having superior technology, selected and concentrated "designated strategic fields of international standard" were presented to promote international standardization leading to strengthen international competitiveness. - 経済産業省

この点に関し,我々は,APEC 域内外での知識交換の価値を認め,G20 により取り組まれた作業を十分考慮し,自然災害への政当局の対応への実務的に適用可能なガイドラインを構想するための銀,OECD 及びアジア開発銀行やその他の機関の共同の取組を評価する。例文帳に追加

In this regard we recognize the value of knowledge exchange within APEC and beyond and appreciate the joint efforts of the World Bank, the OECD, the ADB and other bodiesjoint efforts to elaborate practically applicable guidelines for financial authoritiesresponses to natural disasters with due regard the work undertaken by the G20. - 経済産業省


We remain committed to combat illicit trade; attack the financial underpinnings of transnational criminal organizations and illicit networks; strip criminal entrepreneurs and corrupt officials of their illicit wealth; and sever their access to the global financial system. - 経済産業省


Generally speaking, it is thought that the 2007 problem will have a negative effect, in the form of a need to ensure the transmission of skills to new workers and rising burden of retirement benefits will squeeze corporate finances, and a positive effect, in the form of reduced labor costs and an opportunity to blood a new generation of workers. - 経済産業省

2009 年の界金融危機を受けて赤字に転じた政 収支は、エネルギー価格の高止まりにより歳入の半分 近くを占める206 エネルギー関連の税収が好調なこと から改善傾向にあり(第1-6-2-8 図)、2011 年は2008 年以来3 年ぶりの黒字を計上した。例文帳に追加

Fiscal balance, which had fallen into negative territory due to the global financial crisis in 2009, was back on the recovery track because high energy prices caused an increase in tax revenue from energy which accounted for about a half of annual government revenue206 (see Figure 1-6-2-8), and in 2011, a fiscal surplus was recorded for the first time in the three years since 2008. - 経済産業省


In addition, declining stock prices led by the global financial crisis, have worsened consumer sentiment. Consumers are spending less, and retail and shopping arcade businesses are facing even more difficulty than in the past. It can be said that all industries are slowing down and facing difficulty. - 経済産業省


The Japan’s 21st century Vision11 reported at the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy on April 19, 2005, pointed out that a decline of current account surplus to GDP is envisioned due to the aggravated IS balance through the reduction in the savings rate in Japan along with the falling birthrate and aging population. - 経済産業省


It is necessary to pay close attention to future trends amidst concern that the expansion of thetwin deficits,” if that were to raise U.S. interest rates in the future, would have a negative impact on the global economy via increased interest payment burden, credit crunch due to worsening financial position, plunging dollar exchange rate, among other factors. - 経済産業省


It is necessary to pay close attention to future trends amidst concern that the expansion of the twin deficits in the future, if that were to raise domestic interest rates, would have a negative impact on the global economy as well via greater interest payment burden, credit crunch due to worsening financial position, plunging dollar exchange rate, among other factors. - 経済産業省


If we assume that the share of U.S. Treasury bonds held by the public sector is equivalent to the world average of approximately 60%, this would mean that an enormous sum of capital totaling approximately US$680.0 billion is invested in U.S. Treasury bonds. It is believed that a considerable amount of investment capital from foreign exchange reserves is included in the sum. - 経済産業省


These three countries lack the capacity to restore their finances. For example, they are, due to their deteriorating export competitiveness, without a good prospect for the increase of external demand that can make up for the sagging domestic demand as a result of the world economic crisis, and have also been slower compared to Germany in recovering their production activities. - 経済産業省

各国の電気機械の中間輸入額における我が国と韓国のシェアを、2000 年と 2010年とで比較してみると、2000 年では我が国がほとんどすべての国で韓国を上回るシェアを獲得しており、全界合計では 15.2%のシェアを誇っていた。例文帳に追加

If we compare the share of import value of intermediary goods for electric machinery into each country from Japan and South Korea in both 2000 and 2010, Japan retained a greater share than South Korea in almost all countries, and held 15.2% share of the total world market in 2000. - 経済産業省


Examining financial situations, after the world economic crisis, each country supported the economy by taking various economic measures such as tax reduction (purchasing automobile, housing acquisition, etc.), initiating public works (transportation infrastructure, energy/environmental concerns, etc.) and making benefit payments (unemployment/ suspension of employment, etc.). - 経済産業省


In April 2010, statements from leaders at the summit attended by finance ministers and central bank leaders from 20 countries stated that while the global economy is recovering faster than expected, the speed of the recovery differs within certain regions and between regions and different policy measures will be required. - 経済産業省



As we saw in (1), while the global economy is recovering, risks exist including a delayed recovery in employment and in restoring the financial system, expanding fiscal deficits, rising prices due to an inflow of funds to emerging countries and wild fluctuations in product, resource and food prices. - 経済産業省


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