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THey whoの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 2652


Together with Hiromitsu OGAWA, gozoku (powerful kin group) in Yamato Province, the retainers attacked the angu of the Gonancho, based in Kitayama and Kawakami deep in Yoshino, on December 27, 1457, they defeated the brothers of Jitenno and Chugio who were descendants of the Southern Court emperor (the latter was a seii taishogun of the Gonancho), and took away the Shinji. 例文帳に追加

大和国の豪族・小川弘光とともに、吉野の奥で北山・川上に本拠を置いていた後南朝の行宮を長禄元年12月2日_(旧暦)(1457年12月27日)に襲撃、南朝の皇胤である自天王と忠義王(後南朝の征夷大将軍である)の兄弟を討ち倒して、神璽を持ち去った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In July 1913, the president of Kyoto Imperial University Masataro SAWAYANAGI, who was appointed by the Ministry of Education two months before, ordered seven professors (one for the medical school, five for the science and engineering school, and one for the literature school) to submit resignation letters because they called for the education reform, and dismissed them in August. 例文帳に追加

1913年7月、文部省の任命で就任して2ヵ月になったばかりの澤柳政太郎京都帝国大学総長は、教学の刷新を標榜して7教授(医科大学1名、理工科大学5名、文科大学1名)に辞表を提出させ8月に免官を発令した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With the progress of developments in shoen, conflict between kaihatsu-ryoshu (local nobles who actually developed the land) and kokushi intensified over the scope and the target of Fuyu (tax exemption), and more and more shoen acquired Funyu no ken (the right to keep the tax agents from entering their property) so they could take advantage of refusing the entry by kokushi's envoy. 例文帳に追加

荘園内での開発が進展するにともない、不輸の範囲や対象をめぐる開発領主と国司の対立がはげしくなると、荘園領主の権威を利用して国司の使者の立ち入りを認めない不入の権(日本)を得る荘園が増えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was considered that the first example of keryo was of the early shoen which were owned by koshin (the Imperial family) or court nobles who ordered Ie no tsukasa (house stewards) and the like via order documents using a kacho (tag), kafu (code), and iejirushi (house mark showing ownership by the family) to operate the holding from the end of the Nara period to the early Heian period; they were called 'XX keryo' (XX family's holding) or 'XX kaden' (XX family's paddy field). 例文帳に追加

奈良時代末期から平安時代初期に皇親・貴族が所有して家牒・家符・家印などを用いた命令文書で家司などに命じて経営させた初期荘園を「○○家領」「××家田」などと呼称したのが最初と考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Questions are raised on calling them 'Kawachi-Genji' despite the fact that they were no longer based on the manor of Kawachi Province, and it is, indeed, unreasonable that those who were apparently never based in Kawachi according to historical materials, such as MINAMOTO no Yoritomo, are included in Kawachi-Genji. 例文帳に追加

既に河内国の領内を本拠としていないにも関わらず「河内源氏」と呼称し続けることに対しての疑問もあり、源頼朝のように史料上明らかに河内に本拠を構えたことのない人物まで河内源氏と括ることへの違和感があるのは確かである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Until the time of Masayori TAKANASHI, a grandson of Masamori, the Takanashi clan remained independent, but Shingen TAKEDA, of Kai Province, who had destroyed the Murakami clan, invaded the land of the Takanashi clan and they retreated to the Iiyama area close to the boundary of Shinano and Echigo from Nakano, the base, between 1555 and 1558. 例文帳に追加

それでも政盛の孫の高梨政頼の頃まで独立性を保ってきたが、村上氏を撃破した甲斐国の武田信玄の侵攻を受け、弘治(日本)年間(1555-1558)に本拠地中野郷から信越国境に近い飯山郷まで後退した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although most military commanders of the Budan-ha were the ones who rendered distinguished services in a number of battle fields (especially in the Bunroku-Keicho War) (their name "Budan" meaning resorting to military means came from this fact), they could not be said to have had high positions in the center of the administration. 例文帳に追加

武断派の武将たちは、今まで数々の戦場(特に文禄・慶長の役)で、大きな戦功を立てたたものが多かった(これが武断派の名称の由来となった)が、その功績に比して政権の中枢で大きな地位を占めているとはいえなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Empress Koken/Shotoku (who had previously retired but was restored) along with Dokyo, insisting that a Shintaku (oracle) of Usa Hachimangu Shrine) had been handed down, tried to appoint Dokyo as heir to the Imperial Throne but they were stopped by FUJIWARA no Momokawa and WAKE no Kiyomaro, and after the Empress Shotoku's death in 770 Dokyo fell from power. 例文帳に追加

孝謙天皇称徳天皇(孝謙上皇が復位)と道鏡は宇佐八幡宮に神託がくだったとして、道鏡を皇位継承者に擁立しようとしたが、藤原百川や和気清麻呂に阻まれ、770年(宝亀元年)の称徳天皇の没後に失脚した(道鏡事件)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The decisive actions of Ii, provoked a stream of criticism, including action taken by Nariaki TOKUGAWA (the lord of the Mito clan) and Yoshikatsu TOKUGAWA (the lord of the Owari clan), who went to Edo-jo Castle to protest, but they were in fact punished by II for not gaining permission to enter the castle beforehand. 例文帳に追加

こうした井伊の強権的手法には反撥が相次ぎ、徳川斉昭・徳川慶勝(尾張藩主)・松平慶永らは抗議のため登城するが、無断で登城したことを理由に逆に井伊によって謹慎処分を受けることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Some members of Hisamitsu's clan who advocated sonjo party (royalists) misunderstood Hisamitsu's action as preparation to overthrow the bakufu, but they were suppressed by Hisamitsu (See the Teradaya incident), and his efforts with the Court worked, and Shigenori OHARA was sent as an imperial messenger to the bakufu. 例文帳に追加

この動きを倒幕への準備と見誤った同藩の尊攘派が久光によって鎮圧される事件が発生したものの(寺田屋騒動参照)、久光の朝廷工作により、幕府改革への勅使として大原重徳が遣わされるという事態となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The local samurai land owners in the northern Shinano area in the north of Zenko-ji Temple (such as the Takanashi clan and the Inoue clan), who were in a cooperative relationship with the Murakami clan against the Takeda clan, had originally connections with the Nagao family, the Echigo no Shugodai (the acting Military Governor of Echigo Province) family since they competed against the Murakami clan over the control of the northern Shinano area. 例文帳に追加

対武田では村上氏と協力関係にあった善光寺平以北の北信濃国人衆(高梨氏や井上氏の一族など)は、元々村上氏と北信の覇権を争っていた時代から越後の守護代家であった長尾氏と繋がりがあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As for the practice of Katatagae for the Hoi-jin Gods who presided over one direction for a long period (such as Daishogun, Kon-jin God, O and So Gods), it was considered to be ineffective to avoid the taboo if people practiced only one Katatagae on the first day when the Hoi-jin gods moved from one direction to another, so that during that period, they needed to practice Katatagae several times according to the following rules. 例文帳に追加

同一方角に長期間在する神(大将軍・金神・王相)については、遊行の最初の日に1回方違えしただけでは有効とは言えないとして、その期間中、以下のような規則で何度も方違えをする必要があった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The damage caused by the battle was so devastating that a number of samurais who played the central role in the Azai clan such as a senior vassal Naotsune ENDO, whom, they say, Nagamasa had trusted the most, Nagamasa's own younger brother Masayuki AZAI, Iezumi YUGE and the Imamura clan were killed. 例文帳に追加

姉川の合戦における浅井家の被害は甚大で、長政が最も信頼していたと言われている重臣遠藤直経や長政の実弟浅井政之をはじめ、弓削家澄、今村氏直ら浅井家で中心的役割を果たしていた多くの武将が戦死した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After defeating the Prince Nagaya in the Conspiracy of Nagayao, along with Muchimaro (Dainagon [chief councilor of state]) and Fusasaki (Sangi [councilor]) who had already become a court noble, Umakai and Maro also became sangi, and four brothers occupied the power among the nine court nobles and they played a political role in the Imperial Court from 729 to 737. 例文帳に追加

長屋王の変で長屋王を追い落とした後、すでに公卿となっていた武智麻呂(大納言)・房前(参議)に加え、官人の推挙により宇合・麻呂も参議となり、9人の公卿の内四兄弟で4人を占め729年から738年の間朝廷の政治を担った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to one belief, the five Kings of Wa, who intended to intervene in Gaya, located in the southern part of Korea, for acquiring concessions of natural resources there from the latter half of the fourth century, dispatched an envoy to China to submit to a suzerain-vassal relationship with the Chinese sovereign so that they might make use of such a relationship on the pretext of their intervention in Korea. 例文帳に追加

倭の五王による中国への冊封要請遣使は、4世紀後期から倭国が朝鮮半島南部の伽耶諸国群へ資源・利権獲得のために介入しようとしたため、その地の冊封を受けて大義名分を得ようとしたものと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They had been broken up by patrolling officers at that time, but people started to have meetings and the number of people who demanded to sell rice increased further, and moreover, nearly 200 residents gathered in Mizuhashi-machi town, Nakaniikawa County on August 3 to ask rice marketers and wealthy people to stop transporting rice and sell it. 例文帳に追加

この時は巡回中の警官によって解散させられたが、住民らは集会をはじめるなど、米の販売を要望する人数はさらに増加していき、翌月8月3日には中新川郡水橋町で200名弱の町民が集結し、米問屋や資産家に対し米の移出を停止し、販売するよう嘆願した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, by the policy of 'the tax revenue will be not be below that of the tax revenue that the Edo Shogunate received,' the high tax rate of 3% was calculated; upon hearing this high tax rate, Takayoshi KIDO opposed the rate up to the last minute saying that the rate will drive the farmers into the more dire situation than they faced under the Edo Shogunate government; yet he belonged to people who promoted land-tax reform actively. 例文帳に追加

しかも、「旧来の歳入を減じない」という方針によって3%という高額な税率が算定されたのである(なお、地租改正の推進派であった木戸孝允はこの高税率を聞くと、農民を幕藩体制よりも酷い状況に追い込むものだとして最後まで反対している)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During this time, there were people who came from the Eurasian Continent or the Korean Peninsula by sea, such as the Paekche people in exile due to the collapse of Kudara (Paekche) and Buddhist monks, however, they were minorities and assimilated with the Yamato race, having no effect on the predominance of the Yamato race. 例文帳に追加

この間、百済滅亡によって亡命してきた百済人や、仏教の僧侶など大なり小なりユーラシア大陸や朝鮮半島から海を渡ってきた人々(渡来人または帰化人)もいたが、それぞれ少数であったために大和民族に統合・同化され、国内での大和民族の優位性は変わらなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are Kubizuka enshrining a single person (like an enemy samurai commander) who was feared to become Onryo (a vengeful ghost) later, and also there are Kubizuka enshrining many solders killed in one battle (in a huge battle like the Battle of Sekigahara) together even though they were zohyo (common soldiers); a great number of both types of Kubizuka still exist throughout Japan. 例文帳に追加

首塚には、後に怨霊となる恐れがある単独の者(敵武将など)のものや、雑兵であっても多数の戦死者が出た場合(関ヶ原の戦いなど大きな戦い)のものなどがあり、今なお、全国各地に多数存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A small number of Japanese have had Japanese education in their families and Japanese schools in the countries where they live, but most of the third and fourth generations who can speak Japanese learned it as a foreign language. 例文帳に追加

故に、家庭や居留国の日本語補習校などで日本語教育を受けた人物も少数ながらも存在はするものの、三世や四世の世代で日本語を話すことが出来る人々は主に外国語として日本語を学んだ人々である場合が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Tsushima Domain, which was located between Japan and Korea, had economically depended on trade with Korea because of its geographical conditions; therefore, for the sake of the restoration of diplomatic relations with Korea, the Domain acted as a mediator between Japan and Korea and they had some activities such as sending back Korean captives who had been brought to Japan during Japan's Invasions of Korea. 例文帳に追加

日本と朝鮮の中間に位置する対馬藩は地理的条件から経済を朝鮮との交易に依存していた背景もあり、朝鮮との国交回復のため、朝鮮出兵の際に連れて来られた捕虜の送還をはじめ日朝交渉を仲介した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Korea demanded that Japan should hand over war criminals of Japan's Invasions of Korea, the Tsushima Domain handed over criminals in the domain (who had nothing to do with the invasions) as war criminals, after harming their throats with mercury so that they were unable to talk. 例文帳に追加

朝鮮側から朝鮮出兵の際の戦犯を差し出すように要求されたため、対馬藩は藩内の(朝鮮出兵とは全く無関係の)罪人の喉を水銀で潰して声を発せられなくした上で「朝鮮出兵の戦犯」として差し出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Koshiro FUJITA and others who thought that bakufu would do nothing regarding the order to close the Yokohama port and order regarding the defense navy issued by the Imperial Court on March 26, 1864, and they decided to raise an army themselves to lead an attack to execute the expulsion of foreigners. 例文帳に追加

1864年3月26日(文久3年2月19日(旧暦))に朝廷が出した横浜港の鎖港と海防軍備に関する勅愉に対しても幕府は無策を続けるつもりだと判断した藤田小四郎は自ら攘夷実行の先駆けとなるため挙兵の意を固めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They were able to maintain public order only after the guards who were sent from the Toda family of Ogaki Domain as well as Taketsune HORIBE chased them off with swords in their hands, and troops of Hiroshima Domain (50 foot soldiers, 30 kobito) led by Shingoemon KOBORI (military commander for the castle guards) arrived upon the request from the head family Tsunanaga ASANO the next day. 例文帳に追加

大垣藩戸田家から送られてきていた警備兵たちや堀部武庸らが刀を持って追い払い、さらに翌朝には本家の浅野綱長にも警備の兵が依頼されて、小堀新五右衛門(大番物頭)が指揮する広島藩兵(足軽50名・小人30名)が到着し、上屋敷は治安を取り戻した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In August 1863, the Tenchugumi (Heavenly Avenging Force,) a group of masterless samurai (roshi) who revered the emperor like Torataro YOSHIMURA, Keido MATSUMOTO, and Tesseki FUJIMOTO, raised an army in order to charge ahead of Emperor Komei's Imperial Trip to the Yamato Province and, led by ex-chamberlain Tadamitsu NAKAYAMA, they went to Yamato Province and attacked the magistrate's office in Gojo City on August 17. 例文帳に追加

文久3年(1863年)8月、吉村寅太郎、松本奎堂、藤本鉄石ら尊攘派浪士の天誅組は孝明天皇の大和行幸の魁たらんと欲し、前侍従中山忠光を擁して大和国へ入り、8月17日に五條市代官所を襲撃して挙兵した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that the book went out of print because the TOKUGAWA family and followers of Shogun were so outraged at the contents of the book that they threatened the publisher, Minyu Company, and its manager, Soho TOKUTOMI, who ultimately succumbed to the pressure because he wanted to become a member of Kizokuin (the House of Peers). 例文帳に追加

絶版となった理由は、その著書の内容に憤激した徳川氏一族や旧徳川氏の幕臣が、民友社に圧力をかけたためという説や、徳富蘇峰が貴族院議員就任を目指しており、貴族院に多数存在する徳川家関係者に遠慮したためとも言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later on, when a secret agreement was signed between Korea and Russia and Yukichi FUKUZAWA and others who heard about it from Kakugoro INOUE, they gave up on the government of the Korean Dynasties that were against equality, righteousness and independence with their Sadaejuui policy and petit Sinocentrism. 例文帳に追加

その後、朝露密約がされるが、そのような経緯の中で井上角五郎等から具に事情を聞いた福澤諭吉らは、ここに至り事大主義、小中華思想で、平等や義や独立の精神に反する朝鮮王朝政府に見切りをつけた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

What we have already discussed are the reasons why we need a Minsen Giin (elected assembly) today and what we have been suggesting is that it is a natural process to establish a Minsen Giin as our people are evolved enough and we have not brought this petition to exclude the bureaucrats, who are refusing our movement, but they are welcome to give their views on this matter. 例文帳に追加

臣等既ニ已ニ今日我国民撰議院ヲ立テズンバアル可カラザルノ所以、及今日我国人民進歩ノ度能ク斯議院ヲ立ルニ堪ルコトヲ弁論スル者ハ、則有司ノ之ヲ拒ム者ヲシテ口ニ藉スル所ナカラシメントスルニハ非ラズ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the following day, Masamura HOJO, Sanetoki HOJO, and Yoshikage ADACHI came to Tokiyori's private residence, and discussed how to deal with the gokenin of Yoritsune's group, but they could not take prompt actions, because the movement of Yasumura MIURA, Daigozoku (a big local ruling family) who had not clarified his attitude was unknown. 例文帳に追加

翌日、時頼の私邸に北条政村・北条実時・安達義景が集まり、頼経派御家人たちへの対応を協議したが、去就を曖昧にしていた大豪族三浦泰村の動きがまだ不明であったため、速やかな処断を行うことはできなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For a long time, Ito had been wary of Motoda who was known for his adverse opinion towards the modernization of Japan, and Ito immediately wrote 'Kyoikugi' (Proposition on Education) protesting vehemently that Motoda's view is the unrealistic theory; and thus they fiercely confronted each other. 例文帳に追加

かねてより日本の近代化そのものに否定的な考えを持っていることで知られた元田に警戒感を抱いていた伊藤は、ただちに「教育議」を執筆して元田の主張こそ現実離れの空論であると噛み付き、両者は激しく論争した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They were called jito (manager and lord of manor), and the given territory (chigyo) was called chigyosho or kyusho (in the bakufu, the given territory belonging to gokenin was specifically called kyuchi in order to distinguish it from chigyochi, the given territory belonging to hatamoto who are higher- ranked retainers) 例文帳に追加

彼らは地頭と呼ばれ、知行として与えられた土地(知行地)を知行所(ちぎょうしょ)もしくは給所(きゅうしょ)と呼んだ(なお、幕府御家人の場合は格上である旗本の知行地である給所と区別する意味で給地(きゅうち)と呼称させた)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The resignation of Seikan-ha (supporters of sending army to Korea) Sangi (councilors), including Takamori SAIGO, Shinpei ETO and Taisuke ITAGAI, who were defeated at the Seikan Ronsou (debate on subjugation of Korea) occurred in October 1873, made fuhei shizoku (former samurai with gripes) even more frustrated since they looked forward to conquer Korea.例文帳に追加

前年明治6年(1873年)10月に政府内で起きたいわゆる征韓論争に敗れた征韓派参議の西郷隆盛・江藤新平・板垣退助らが下野したことは、征韓論に期するところのあった不平士族らにとって、いっそうの不満を高めることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshimichi OWARI had already been dead by that time, so when the cabinet officials of the Shogunate had to select a successor from among Tsugutomo TOKUGAWA, Kishu Yoshimune and Tsunaeda TOKUGAWA who came from Tokugawa gosanke (three privileged branches of Tokugawa family), they backed up Kishu Yoshimune, but Yoshimune refused it firmly by saying that Tsunaeda was older than he was and Tsugutomo excelled in genealogy. 例文帳に追加

尾張吉通はこの時すでになく、幕閣らは徳川御三家の徳川継友・紀州吉宗・徳川綱条の中から後継者を選ぶことになり、紀州吉宗を推したが、吉宗は年齢においては綱条、血筋においては継友が優れていると固辞。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While Machi-yoriki and Machi-doshin were the subordinate of machi-bugyo (town magistrate) who were civil officers to maintain the public security of the Edo castle town, Kumi-yoriki and Kumi-doshin were under the control of the sakite-gumi, which was bankata (military officers), and regulated the Edo castle town so roughly that they were said to be feared by the Edo people. 例文帳に追加

同じく江戸城下の治安を預かる町奉行が役方(文官)であり、その部下である町与力や町同心とは対照的に、御先手組は番方であり、その部下である組与力・組同心の取り締まり方は極めて荒っぽく、江戸の民衆から恐れられたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This tradition has been a hotbed of craft such as, 'If Buddha's sariras increase in number, it is a sign of good business,' as seen in a comment by Hogen FUKUNAGA, founder of Ho-no-Hana Sampogyo, a religious organization, who stated, 'When I was given genuine Buddha's sariras, they multiplied by 100 due to my supernatural power.' 例文帳に追加

この伝承が、宗教団体法の華三法行を主催した福永法源が「真性仏舎利を奉戴した後、超能力で100個に増えた」と言ったことからも分かるように、「仏舎利が増えるならビジネスになる」という悪智慧の温床にもなってしまっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In December 918, during the scholar of Chinese literature Kiyotsura MIYOSHI's funeral procession over this bridge, his son, who had been a disciplinant in Kumano Sanzan (a set of three Grand Shrines located in the southeastern part of the Kii Mountain Range), hurriedly returned at the news of his father's death, and gave prayers to his father while throwing himself over the coffin, when a peal of thunder temporarily resurrected Kiyotsura and they embraced each other. 例文帳に追加

延喜18年(918年)12月、漢学者・三善清行の葬列がこの橋を通った際、父の死を聞いて急ぎ帰ってきた熊野三山で修行中の子・浄蔵が棺にすがって祈ると、清行が雷鳴とともに一時生き返り、父子が抱き合ったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There was a custom developed over generations that both the eastern and western family heads of the Otani Family's having lineage from Shinran, who was a son of the court noble Arinori HINO, and Hirotsuna HINO (Kakunyo's father) were adopted by influential court nobles; consequently, both the Otani families have increasingly been related to court nobles considering the maternal line, since they kept marriages with court nobles over generations. 例文帳に追加

もともと公家の日野有範の子息である親鸞と、日野広綱(覚如の父)の血統を引く東西両大谷家当主は、代々有力公家の猶子になる慣習があり、また、代々公家と通婚を続けており母系によっても公家化が進んでいった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Incidentally, the Isshiki clan families were scattered around the country, and in Kanto there existed the Satte Castellan Isshiki clan (a family of Osakane ISSHIKI, who was a grandchild of Naouji ISSHIKI) as a family of the Kamakura Kubo, and they served Koga Kubo till the end; moreover, the clan continued as the hatamoto (direct retainer of the shogun) and the domain of Mito during the Edo period. 例文帳に追加

なお、一色氏の一族は各地に点在しており、関東には鎌倉公方の御一家として幸手城主一色氏(一色直氏の孫の一色長兼の一族)がおり、古河公方の終焉まで仕え、江戸時代には旗本や水戸藩として続いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the Asakura clan's indecisive strategy failed to eliminate Nobunaga, and after they lost the greatest opportunity due to the death by disease of Shingen TAKEDA, who had launched the Westing Operation against Nobunaga, the resistance forces, including the Azai clan, were exposed to the Oda army's large-scale counterattack. 例文帳に追加

だが、朝倉氏の煮え切らない戦略姿勢が信長の息の根を止めなかったために、西上作戦を発動させた武田信玄の病没で最大の好機を逸してしまうと、浅井氏などの反攻勢力は織田軍の大反攻に晒される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Given that some local governments do not necessarily have systems in place which enable them to make investment decisions based on necessary financial knowledge, from the perspective of further enhancing investor protection, perhaps they should be classified asgeneral investors who can opt to become professional investors.” 例文帳に追加

地方公共団体には、必要な金融知識を踏まえた投資判断が行われ得る態勢が必ずしも整っていない団体も含まれることにかんがみ、投資家保護の一層の充実の観点から、「特定投資家へ移行可能な一般投資家」に分類すべきと考えられる。 - 金融庁

Given that local governments do not necessarily have systems in place which enable them to make investment decisions based on necessary financial knowledge, they should be classified as "general investors" who can opt to become "professional investors" from the perspective of further enhancing investor protection 例文帳に追加

地方公共団体には、必要な金融知識を踏まえた投資判断が行われ得る態勢が必ずしも整っていないことにかんがみ、投資家保護の一層の充実の観点から、「プロへ移行可能なアマ」に分類すべきと考えられる - 金融庁

Therefore, I do not intend to exclude all members who followed the Koizumi-Takenaka policy line. However, I believe that it might be necessary to consider now whether they are suitable as FSA council members from various viewpoints 例文帳に追加

だから、そういう意味では、小泉・竹中路線におられた方を全部排除するとか、私は、そんな気持ちはありませんけれども、やはりその委員の方々がいろいろな意味で適切なのかどうか、ということは、私は、今日、この時点において、やはり検討する必要があると思っています - 金融庁

From my experience, people who have nobody to consult with agonize over the question of whether they should apply for the use of the guidelines. Therefore, I have instructed that efforts be made to make it as easy as possible for such people to seek consultation. 例文帳に追加

それと、私の経験からいえば、やはり相談する適当な人がいないということで、こういう私的ガイドラインまで行こうかという方は非常に悩まれますから、できるだけ敷居を低くして相談に乗るようにという指示を出させていただいているわけでございます。 - 金融庁

First, special private lending corporations which are deemed to have no possibility of undermining the interests of people who need loans if they are converted into ordinary corporations will continue to be exempt from the application of the Money Lending Act. 例文帳に追加

第1点は、貸付事業を行う特例民法法人が一般法人に移行した場合においても、資金需要者等の利益を損なうおそれがないと認められる一定の法人については、引き続き貸金業法の適用除外とする措置であります。 - 金融庁

It is only you who do not believe this is going well. We believe that this bill will be effective in meeting the expectations of SMEs and that financial institutions will judge that they can properly respond to it 例文帳に追加

うまくいっていないように思うのはあなたたちだけであって、我々は、ある面では中小・零細企業の期待に応えられるように、また金融機関も、そういうものに対してきっちりと対応していけるというように判断していただけるような中身になっていっていると私は思っています - 金融庁

Workers or persons who render services are obliged to make known to their employer or to whoever commanded the service, the creative or inventive activity they may have carried out under the protection of the respective work contract or service rendering agreement, whichever may be applicable. 例文帳に追加

サービスの提供を行う従業者又は請負人は,関係の労働契約又はサービス提供契約の保護の下に行うことのある創造的又は発明的活動について使用者又は業務委託者に報告する義務を負う。 - 特許庁

Any person who acquires products disposed of or sold in the exercise of powers conferred by this section and any person claiming through him shall have power to deal with the products in the same manner as if they had been made pursuant to a patent held on behalf of the State. 例文帳に追加

本条により付与された権限を行使して譲渡し又は販売した製品を取得した者及びこの者を通して権利を主張する者は,アイルランドの代理で所有する特許に従い行われたのと同じ方法で当該製品を取り扱う権限を有する。 - 特許庁

The Court must not grant relief under this section if the person who brings the proceedings proves that the acts in respect of which proceedings are brought constituted, or would have constituted if they had been done, an infringement of the trade mark concerned.例文帳に追加

裁判所は,訴訟を提起した者が,訴訟提起に係る行為がその商標の侵害を構成したこと,又は,その行為が行われていれば,侵害を構成していたであろうことを立証した場合は,本条に基づく救済を付与してはならない。 - 特許庁

However, the effect is mentioned only in the originally attached description, etc., and it is not considered that a person skilled in the art who contacts the originally attached description, etc. would understand that the first vertical stroke is the same as the second one and the effect brought from the working as if they were stated therein. 例文帳に追加

しかしながら、これに関しては、吸着器の効果についての当初明細書等の記載しかなく、この記載に接した当業者が、回目と同じストロークで回目の上下動ストロークを行うという作用及びこの作用に基づく上記効果まで記載されているのと同然と理解するとはいえない。 - 特許庁


The originally attached description, etc. discloses the existence of the cam groove, but does not state the form thereof. Therefore, it is impossible to say that a person skilled in the art who contacts the originally attached description understands the forms of the cam groove, the second plate, etc., which were made clear in Fig.2, as if they were stated therein. 例文帳に追加

当初の明細書等にカム溝の存在は開示されているが、その形状までは記載されておらず、当初明細書等に接した当業者が、図で明らかにされたカム溝の形状、第プレートの形状等が、そこに記載されていたのと同然と理解するものということはできない。 - 特許庁


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