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THey whoの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 2634


In 1443 (the third year of Kakitsu), Arimitsu HINO, from a branch of the Hino family, who was constantly talking of reviving the Southern Court, sent a force that was planning to assassinate Emperor Gohanazono to enter the Imperial Palace (the assassination attempt failed), where they stole two of the Three Imperial Regalia of Japan, the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi (the heavenly cloud gathering sword) and the Yasakani no Magatama (the Grand Jewels) before fleeing to Mt. Hiei accompanied by Tsuzoshu and Gonzoshu, brothers of the Southern dynasty lineage (the grandchildren of Gokameyama's younger brother) in what became known as the Kinketsu Incident (or the Incident at the Forbidden Palace). 例文帳に追加

1443年(嘉吉3年)には、南朝復興を唱える日野氏傍流の日野有光らの勢力が後花園天皇の暗殺を企てて御所に乱入(暗殺は未遂)、三種の神器の天叢雲剣と八尺瓊勾玉を奪い、南朝皇族の通蔵主・金蔵主兄弟(後亀山の弟の孫)を担いで比叡山に逃れる「禁闕の変」を起こした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The religious establishment at Hongan-ji Temple, which had been revived by Rennyo, of the Jodo Shinshu (True Pure Land sect), began to form large groups of laymen followers, called (Buddhist) "lecture meetings," and after the Onin War, these groups rivaled the Sengoku daimyo, who had supplanted the shugo daimyo, in strength; they began to be referred to as the Ikko sect, and united by faith, fell into opposition with the power and influence of the shugo daimyo. 例文帳に追加

浄土真宗の蓮如が再興した本願寺教団は、講と呼ばれる信徒集団を形成し、応仁の乱の後には守護大名に取って代わった戦国大名に匹敵する勢力になり、一向宗とも呼ばれるようになり、信仰の下に団結して守護大名の勢力と対抗する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since the Imperial visit to Fukuhara, the dissatisfaction of the aristocrats continued to grow and the Retired Emperor Takakura's health deteriorated, so using the request from the Enryaku-ji Temple, who were pro-Kiyomori (they were enemies with the Onjyo-ji Temple and the Kofuku-ji Temple but were not happy about the moving of the capital) as a reason, Kiyomori returned to Kyoto from Fukuhara in November, six months after the imperial visit to Fukuhara. 例文帳に追加

福原への行幸以降、貴族の不満も高まり、高倉上皇の健康が悪化していくなか、親清盛派の延暦寺(彼らは園城寺や興福寺と敵対関係にあったが、遷都には不満を抱いていた)などからの要望を契機として、福原行幸から半年後の11月、清盛は福原から京へ戻った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ibaraki Doji, who had found such a kindred spirit in Shuten Doji, also became his henchman, and together they began raiding the villages nearby; Ibaraki's mother, after hearing rumors of his misdeeds, draped herself in his baby clothes and appeared before him, which suddenly caused him to be flooded with memories of his childhood, so he vowed that 'never shall I set foot in this region again,' and together with Shuten Doji, began to make his way towards the capital (Kyoto), passing through Mt. Togakushi in Shinano (Nagano). 例文帳に追加

酒呑童子と意気投合した茨木童子は舎弟となり共に周囲の村々を襲っていたが、そのうわさを聞いた母が、彼の幼い頃の産着を着けて茨木童子の前に立つと、茨木童子は急に子供の頃の想い出が甦ったか、「二度とこの地を踏まぬ」と約束して、酒呑童子とともに信州戸隠山などを経て京へと向かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Ikko ikki initiated dozens of large-scale assaults (including the Battle of Kuzuryu-gawa River) in an attempt to restore their control over Yoshizaki-gobo Temple in Echizen Province, which had been usurped by the Asakura clan, and later, they fought with such powerful men as Nobunaga ODA and Harumoto HOSOKAWA, who had begun to fear that the sheer size of the Ikko riots (ikki) threatened to shake the very foundations of warrior rule; in the end, the Ikko ikki itself became somewhat analogous to Sengoku daimyo (Japanese territorial lord in the Sengoku period), and fought for hegemony over Japan. 例文帳に追加

朝倉氏に奪われた越前国吉崎御坊を取り戻すため何十回となく大規模な戦を起こしたり(九頭竜川の戦い)、一揆の拡大によって武家政権の基盤を脅かされることを恐れた織田信長や細川晴元ら権力者との争いを展開するなど戦国大名化して覇権を争ってもいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In reality, however, they are now considered the pioneers who brought revolutionary changes to the distribution business by strictly pursuing the concept of streamlining, as seen in the examples of the invention of the double-entry system in bookkeeping by a merchant from Hino, Genzaemon NAKAI, which was at the highest level in the word at that time (according to Eiichi OGURA "Goshu Nakai-ke chogo no ho" (bookkeeping method of the Nakai family in Omi Province)); the establishment of the system of 'Otoban nakama' by the merchants from Hino, which can said to be an early concept of the contracted hotel; and the expansion of the business by proactively opening branches, which is a similar concept to today's chain stores. 例文帳に追加

しかしその実は、当時世界最高水準の複式簿記考案(中井源左衛門・日野商人)(小倉栄一郎『江州中井家帳合の法』)や、契約ホテルのはしりとも言える「大当番仲間」制度の創設(日野商人)、現在のチェーン店の考えに近い出店・枝店を積極的に開設するなど、徹底した合理化による流通革命だったと評価されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Under shoen koryo sei (The System of Public Lands and Private Estates) in the early medieval period (from the late Heian period to the mid-Kamakura period), the 'myo' (rice-field lot under the charge of a nominal holder), which was managed by a lord of public land qualified as Gunji (a local government official), Goji (a local government official under the Ritsuryo system) or Hoji (an officer governing public land), shokan (an officer governing a shoen (manor)) often overlapped that of a lord of public land or some powerful myoshu (owner of rice fields) who was concurrently a peasant (they instead officially held peasant status in the early age) was mixed in a mosaic-like manner. 例文帳に追加

中世初期(平安時代後期~鎌倉時代中期)までの荘園公領制においては、郡司、郷司、保司などの資格を持つ公領領主、公領領主ともしばしば重複する荘官、一部の有力な名主百姓(むしろ初期においては彼らこそが正式な百姓身分保持者)が管理する「名田」(みょう)がモザイク状に混在していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They derived from boilerplates (shosoku-shu) which were a collection of correspondence from the late Heian period written by those who were engaged in literary work, such as nobles (A similar item called "Tokarissei," reportedly from China, is preserved in Todai-ji Temple Shoso-in Treasure Repository, but even this had been arranged from the Chinese original, showing that oraimono developed independently with an influence from China). 例文帳に追加

平安時代後期より公家などの文筆に携わる人々が往復書簡(往来)の形式を採った文例集(消息集)に由来している(同じ様な形式のものは、中国伝来とされる『杜家立成』が東大寺正倉院に収められているが、当時の中国の書式を元により整理された形式となっており、往来物が中国のものの影響を受けながらも日本独自に発展していったことが分かる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was thought that shosei (students who were given room and board in exchange for performing domestic duties) were taught by sho hakase (professors of calligraphy) but despite the fact that there were regulations regarding shosei in education laws, there were no regulations regarding the fixed number of shosei written within the shikiinryo (law which stipulates duties of the ministries) which fixed number of students, and they are thought to have been few in number (an entry in "Shoku Nihongi" (Chronicle of Japan Continued) for December 758 contains an article stating raw silk thread was awarded to shosei by Emperor Junnin, so it was not the case that there were not any shosei at all.) 例文帳に追加

書博士が書生を教えることとされていたが、学令には書生に関する規定はあるものの、学生定員を定めた職員令には書生の定員規定が書かれておらず、若干名であったと考えられている(『続日本紀』天平宝字2年11月甲午条に淳仁天皇から書生に生糸が授けられたとする記事があり、全くいなかった訳ではない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Besides that, Kamo clan, who had been taking over the post of rekihakase by succession in the government office contract system since the Heian period, thanks to its tradition and its experience, began to claim that goryakuso was its exclusive right and began to get the emperor to agree not to involve Abe clan in goryakuso even if they were Onmyonokami (according to "Heikoki" by TAIRA no Tsunetaka on December 5 and 13, 1240). 例文帳に追加

更に平安時代以来官司請負制のもとで暦博士を世襲してきた賀茂氏はその伝統と実績を背景として御暦奏を同氏の専権として主張するようになり、阿倍氏が陰陽頭であっても関与させないことを朝廷に認めさせるようになった(平経高『平戸記』仁治元年閏10月14日・22日条)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Gotairo (Council of Five Elders) highly regarded the fine deeds of the Shimazu family, who defeated the Ming army and permitted the systematic retreat of its allies and assisted an escape of the Konishi army in the Battle of Noryang (they killed Korean Marine General Yi Sun-sin in the process) which occurred soon after, and the Shimazu family was the only one that was awarded with the estate among various daimyo that participated in the Bunroku-Keicho War. 例文帳に追加

島津家がこの泗川の戦いで明軍を撃退して味方の組織的な撤退を可能にしたこと、また直後の露梁海戦で小西軍の脱出を可能にした(その際に、朝鮮水軍大将李舜臣を討取った)という功績は五大老達から高く評価されており、島津家は文禄・慶長の役に参加した諸大名で唯一の加増に預かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the same day, some students of Kyoto University had been protesting against the authorities who hadn't permitted the use of the campus till the end; after the protest finished, a group of about 100 students started marching to join the parade of Ritsumeikan University students and to participate in the Gakuen Fukko Kaigi (that day it was held at Ritsumeikan University); through Konoe-dori Street they were about to go across Kojin-bashi Bridge above the Kamo-gawa River (Yodogawa River system) toward the campus of Ritsumeikan University which was located right across the bridge. 例文帳に追加

同じ日、京大の学生たちは会場使用を拒否した大学への抗議行動を終えたのち、わだつみ像歓迎のデモ、および立命大で開催中の復興会議に参加するため、約100名がデモ隊列を組んで近衛通を経由して鴨川(淀川水系)にかかる荒神橋を渡ろうとした(当時鴨川の対岸には立命大キャンパスが存在した)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the Kannushi (high priest) and Miko (high priestess) summon the god and allow themselves to be possessed by the god through Kagura (Ancient Shinto music and dancing) and Kito (prayers,) they invoke the divine spirit of Nigimitama (spirits of peace), but since Shikigami is said to have been a fierce god, it is believed that Onmyoji employed not only the divine spirit of Nigimitama but also the divine spirit of Aramitama (violent soul,) that is a 'violent god' and 'the gods of lower status who morphed into specters and monsters.' 例文帳に追加

神主や巫女は神降ろしによって、神を呼び出し憑依させることを、神楽や祈祷というが、これは和御魂の神霊であり、式神は鬼神となっていることから、和御魂の神霊だけではなく、荒御魂の神霊いわゆる「荒ぶる神」や「妖怪変化」の類である位の低い神を呼び出し、使役したと考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Toshiro MIFUNE, Shin SABURI, and Chiezo KATAOKA performed together in the same scene of the yakuza film 'Nihon no Don,' they greeted each other in the following fashion: first, Mifune (born in 1920 and who made his debut after the Second World War) said hello deferentially to the two seniors, then Saburi (born in 1909 and debuting in 1931) introduced himself to Kataoka with the words 'I'm Saburi, sir,' and lastly Kataoka (born in 1903 and debuting in 1927) said to the two juniors, 'Hello, guys.' 例文帳に追加

なお「日本の首領」で三船敏郎、佐分利信、片岡千恵蔵が同じ場面で競演した際には、挨拶の順は1)三船(1920生、戦後デビュー)が二人に挨拶し、2)次に佐分利(1909生、1931デビュー)が片岡に「佐分利でございます」と挨拶して3)最後に千恵蔵(1903生、1927デビュー)が「おう」と返事を済ませて大物同士の挨拶が済んだとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because, the issue of diplomatic relations itself with Korea was unsolved, and there's a remains existence who was a Seikan-ha (supporters for subjugation of the Korea) like Masaharu IJICHI, and, in the imperial decision made by the emperor, it wasn't mentioned to "cancel" dispatching an envoy to Korea, but simply said to "postpone" it, and the reason they stated was only the problem with Russia that has been the most tangled at that time. 例文帳に追加

なぜなら、朝鮮との国交問題そのものは未解決であること、伊地知正治のように征韓派でも政府に残留した者も存在すること、そして天皇の勅裁には朝鮮遣使を「中止」するとは書かれず、単に「延期」するとなっており、その理由も当時もっとも紛糾していたロシアとの問題のみを理由として掲げていたからである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, Tsuneo KANEMITSU, Takeru INUKAI, and Masataka OTA did not belong to either the orthodoxy faction or the reformists when the party split and they became 'the neutral faction' (also referred to as Kanemitsu faction) and in the following year, that is in 1940, councilors of orthodoxy faction who supported expulsion of Saito concerning the issue of the expulsion of Takao SAITO of Minsei Party (civil administration party) from the House of Representatives became isolated in the faction and joined the neutral faction, and then the neutral faction renamed their faction 'the unificationists.' 例文帳に追加

また、この分裂の際に正統派・革新派のどちらにも与しなかった金光庸夫・犬養健・太田正孝らは「中立派」(金光派ともいう)となり、翌1940年に発生した民政党の斎藤隆夫除名問題で除名を支持して正統派内で孤立した議員が中立派に加わって「統一派」と名乗った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After Isshinkai accomplished the annexation between Korea and Japan, Kankoku Tokan-fu (South Korea Protection Agency) entirely forbade making any political association in Korea in order to suppress the political confusion in Korea, so they were compelled to dismiss as the other political associations did in exchange of 150 thousand yen given as dissolution allowance, but Song Byung-joon and others who had been leading Isshinkai assumed office as adviser of Chusuin (a government office in Korea) of Chosen Sotoku-fu (Governor-General of Korea) and kept affecting on the Korean politics after the annexation. 例文帳に追加

韓日併合の目的を達成した一進会は、その後、韓国統監府が朝鮮内の政治的混乱を収拾するために朝鮮の政治結社を全面的に禁止したため、解散費用15万円を与えられ、他の政治結社と同様に解散したが、一進会を率いた宋秉畯らは朝鮮総督府中枢院顧問となり合併後の朝鮮の政治にも大きく影響を与え続けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Munemitsu MUTSU heard that Kyutaro MIURA, a feudal retainer of the Kishu Domain, who was an influential supporter of the bakufu, together with Itsuzo IDA of the Ogaki Domain and others were plotting something threatening in Kyoto and that the Kishu clan was the mastermind of the assassinations of Ryoma SAKAMOTO and Shintaro NAKAOKA (Omiya Incident), which occurred in retaliation for the Iroha Maru Incident from which they had a grudge against Ryoma. 例文帳に追加

陸奥宗光は、当時有力な佐幕論者であった紀州藩士三浦休太郎が大垣藩井田五蔵らと共謀して京都にて不穏な動きをしていること、また、坂本龍馬、中岡慎太郎の暗殺(近江屋事件)が、伊呂波丸事件にて龍馬に恨みを持つ紀州藩が黒幕であるとの話を聞いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When they were trying to figure out the date when Kira Kozuke no Suke would be home, Oishi received information through his friend KADA no Azumaro, who was a scholar of Japanese classical literature, that the tea ceremony would be held on January 30 at Kira's residence since Azumaro was often invited to Kira's place to teach how to compose poetry and give lectures on "Genji Monogatari" (The Tale of Genji) as well as "Ise Monogatari" (The Tales of Ise). 例文帳に追加

吉良上野介在邸確実の日を探る必要もあったため、しばしば吉良邸に招かれて、『源氏物語』や『伊勢物語』を進講したり、歌の指導をしていた国学者荷田春満が、大石の友人であったので春満を通じて吉良邸茶会が12月14日にあるという情報を入手。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the Battle of Okehazama, Nobumoto MIZUNO and Sadatoshi HISAMATSU often visited Ieyasu entering Okazaki-jo Castle as envoy of Oda family to persuade him as much as possible in words to become the daimyo of the Oda side, however, Ieyasu did not accept their words so easily then they said that following the stupid commander Ujizane who did not revenge for Yoshimoto died in battle would surely end up Ieyasu losing his territory by the Takeda clan and the Hojo clan. 例文帳に追加

桶狭間の合戦後に、岡崎城に入城した家康の許に、織田家からの使者として、たびたび、水野信元、久松定俊の両人が訪問し、言葉を尽くして、和順を促したという、しかしながら、家康はなかなか応じず、討死した義元の仇も報じない愚将の氏真に従えば武田・北条にその所領を奪われるは必定。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As for reasons supporting that Tokyo is regarded the Capital of Japan, two are generally given: the Emperor who is prescribed by Japanese Constitution as "the symbol of Japan and the symbol of Japanese people's integration" is permanently stationed and the Imperial Palace is located in Tokyo, and also the highest organs of the three powers ruled by Japanese Constitution such as the Diet (legislature), the prime minister's official residence and central government ministries and agencies (administration) and the Supreme Court (administration of justice) are located in Tokyo (they are especially concentrated in Chiyoda Ward). 例文帳に追加

しかし東京都が首都とみなされる理由としては、日本国憲法で「日本国の象徴であり日本国民統合の象徴」と規定される天皇が常在し、皇居が東京都に所在すること、同じく憲法で国会(立法府)、首相官邸や中央省庁(行政府)、最高裁判所(司法府)という三権の最高機関のいずれもが東京都(中でも千代田区)に所在することが挙げられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When this story was spread to the island, with people who were Shizoku and also former officials, such as Shoko OKUHIRA in the lead, 1200 islanders with a wood stick, an oar or a blunt instrument for daily use in their hand, went to the police station whistling, blowing a trumpet shell or yelling, and they pressured the police station to 'hand over Shimoji' by surrounding the police station and throwing stones. 例文帳に追加

この話が島に広まると、同年7月22日、下里村の士族にして、以前は「下地頭」という旧吏でもあった奥平昌綱ら数名に率いられた島民約1,200名は、ある者は木棒、またある者は櫂、日用品の鈍器などまで手にして、口笛・法螺貝等を吹き鳴らしながら罵声を轟かせて派出所前に押し寄せ、四囲を取り囲んで投石を繰り返し、「下地を引き渡せっ」と迫った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Especially in Kaga Province, Rennyo himself participated in the internal conflict of the Togashi clan, a provincial military governor, along with the Ikki army, believing Togashi's protection for his religious community ('Taya-shu ketsugi bun' [Resolution of Taya Group] in 1473), but after that, the Togashi clan who feared the power of the religious community oppressed them which the followers fiercely resisted to the extent that they overthrew the Togashi clan and owned the province (Kaga Ikko-Ikki Revolt). 例文帳に追加

特に加賀国においては教団への保護の約束を信じて蓮如自身が一揆とともに守護富樫氏の内紛に加担(文明_(日本)5年の「多屋衆決議文」)し、その後教団の力を恐れた富樫氏が弾圧を加えたため門徒らが激しく抵抗し、結果的に富樫氏を倒して一国を領有する事態となってしまっていた(加賀一向一揆)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At this timing, Shonyo began peace negotiations with Renjun who was called back from Nagashima in April, and Shonyo and Renjun were discharged by imputing the responsibility of having instigated this Ikki uprising to Shimotsuma brothers and, with the condition that they and all the followers in Kinai be excommunicated, the reconciliation between the bakufu, Hosokawa, and Rokkaku was achieved in November. 例文帳に追加

これを機に証如も4月に長島から呼び戻した蓮淳とともに和議を図り、下間兄弟を今回の一揆の扇動者としてその責任を転嫁することで証如・蓮淳の責任を不問とし、彼らや近江などの畿内門徒の総破門を行うことを条件にこの年の11月に幕府・細川・六角との和議が成立したのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the people who followed the nationalism and took this movement as a crisis, united the group following the People's Alliance (dissolved in 1902) set up by Atsumaro KONOE in 1900, and they advocated that it was necessary for people to pursue independence with united the nation by strengthening of the nationalism and reinforcement of control over the people. 例文帳に追加

だが、逆に国粋主義の流れを汲みこの動きを国内における危機と見た人々は既に1900年に近衛篤麿が結成していた国民同盟会(1902年解散)の流れを汲む諸派に結集して、国家主義の強化と国民への統制強化によって国民が一致団結して自主・独立を追求すべきであると唱えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The local lords of Yamato Province were either monk-soldiers of Daijo-in or Ichijo-in, the two biggest monzeki (temple formerly led by founder of sect, temple in which resided a member of nobility or imperial family) of Kofuku-ji Temple, or kokumin who were jinin (associates of Shinto shrines) of Kasuga-sha Shrine, but in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan), they fought each other divided into the Southern Court (Japan) side led by the Ochi clan of kokumin and the Northern Court (Japan) side led by the Tsutsui clan of Ichijo-in monk-soldier. 例文帳に追加

大和国国人は、興福寺の二大門跡である大乗院・一乗院の衆徒、あるいは春日社の神人(国民)として組織されていたが、南北朝時代(日本)には、南朝(日本)方であった国民の越智氏と北朝(日本)方であった一乗院衆徒の筒井氏を中心とし激しく争っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, as Emperor Meiji's Tokyo Gyoko (Emperor's going out to Tokyo) was nearing, OKUMA could not immediately move from Kyoto to Yokohama City where Parkes was, so he and others such as foreign governor Munenari DATE (Uwajima Domain) had a conference, resulting in an announcement to Japan and foreign countries on February 5, that they would issue new currency in the near future, and for Parkes, he instructed officer of Foreign Affairs Council Munenori TERASHIMA, who was also the governor of Kanagawa Prefecture, to appease. 例文帳に追加

だが、明治天皇の東京行幸を目前に控えて大隈は直ちに京都からパークスのいる横浜市に動くことは出来ず、大隈は外国官知事伊達宗城(宇和島藩)らと協議の結果2月5日に内外に向けて近いうちに新貨幣を発行することを発表し、パークスには神奈川県知事を兼務していた外国官判事寺島宗則が宥めるように指示している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In ancient times, any noble ranked higher than Chunagon (vice councilor of state) was entitled to do Kanso (submission of a report to the Emperor), but after the reign of Emperor Daigo, the post eligible for Kanso became limited to certain Shikiji-kugyo (high-ranked nobles engaged in submission of reports to the Emperor) who were ranked higher than Dainagon (chief councilor of State) and designated by imperial decree as 'Kanso-kojisha' (literally, attendants in charge of submission of reports to the Emperor), so that even ministers were not allowed to do Kanso unless they were so designated by imperial decrees. 例文帳に追加

古くは中納言以上の公卿であれば官奏を行い得たが、醍醐天皇以後には宣旨によって指名された大納言以上の特定の公卿が「官奏候侍者」とも称される職事公卿として専らこれを行うようになり、大臣と言えども天皇の宣旨を受けない限りは官奏を行い得なかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Dutch who were not allowed to celebrate Christmas, due to the ban on Christianity by the Edo Shogunate, had started the celebration as 'Dutch winter solstice' on the day of winter solstice and they invited Japanese people such as officers of the feudal government in Dejima, leaders of the island and interpreters of the language and treated them with western style food on the new Solar year's day in the similar manner as the Japanese New Year celebration. 例文帳に追加

江戸幕府によるキリスト教禁令のため、表だってクリスマスを祝うことができなかったオランダ人が、代わりとして冬至に合わせて「オランダ冬至」として開催し、また日本の正月の祝いをまねて太陽暦による正月元日に、出島勤めの幕府役人や出島乙名、オランダ語通詞たち日本人を招いて西洋料理を振る舞い、オランダ式の祝宴を催したのが始まりである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They originally belonged to the construction-related government officials (Shurishiki (repair offices), Mokuryo (Bureau of Carpentry), Zojishi (provisional government office for construction and repair of the governmental temples) and so on) and the local authorities (Kokuga (provincial government offices), Kokubun-ji (provincial monasteries and so on) and, if needed, made trips for work, and when the Kamakura period started, free Bansho who did not belong to any organization increased in number centering around urban areas, which resulted in keen competition among Bansho, thus Daikushiki was established from the 13th to 14th century as a system to control the contracting rights for work. 例文帳に追加

元は建築関連の官司(修理職・木工寮・造寺司など)や地方機関(国衙・国分寺など)などに所属し、必要に応じて他所に出作していたが、鎌倉時代に入ると都市を中心として特定の組織に属しない散在工が増加し、番匠間に競争が激化したため、13世紀から14世紀にかけて作事請負権を掌る職の体系として大工職が成立した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is thought that Hikoisaserihiko no Mikoto (also known as Kibitsuhiko no Mikoto) and Wakatakehiko no Mikoto brothers, the princes of Emperor Korei, as commanders of Yamato dynasty (Shido-shogun [Generals Dispatched to Four Circuits]), toured to the Kibi Province to subdue Ura, who were the armed forces there and advanced iron making skills (they are considered as powerful local clans and cooperating groups of toraijin, i.e. settlers from overseas). 例文帳に追加

孝霊天皇の皇子彦五十狭芹彦命(ひこいさせりひこのみこと、吉備津彦命)、稚武彦命(わかたけひこのみこと)の兄弟は、ヤマト王権の将帥(四道将軍)として温羅(うら)と呼ばれる製鉄に優れた吉備国の武装勢力(地方豪族やそれに与する渡来人の集団と考えられている)を制圧するために吉備国に遠征しこれを平定したといわれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In connection with outside directors, while some doubts have been raised about appointing as directors persons who may not necessarily be well acquainted with the management of the company in question, based on the expectation that they will fulfill such roles as ensuring the accountability of executive directors in ordinary times, ensuring that decisions in emerging situations take into account external views, and as a safety valve preventing reckless actions of executive directors, outside directors are suggested to be effective from the perspective of strengthening the supervisory function. 例文帳に追加

社外取締役をめぐっては、当該企業の経営に必ずしも通暁していない者を取締役として選任することには疑問があるとの指摘もあるが、平時における経営者の説明責任の確保、有事における社外の視点を入れた判断の担保や経営者の暴走等の防止・安全弁といった役割が期待され、監督機能の強化の観点からその有効性が指摘されている。 - 金融庁

The mission of Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), who are auditing and accounting professionals, is to promote fair corporate activities and to protect investors and creditors by ensuring the reliability of financial information from an independent standpoint, so that they shall contribute to the sound development of the national economy (Article 1 of the CPA Act). 例文帳に追加

公認会計士は、監査及び会計の専門家として、独立した立場において財務書類その他の財務に関する情報の信頼性を確保することにより、会社等の公正な事業活動、投資者及び債権者の保護等を図り、もって国民経済の健全な発展に寄与することを使命とする(公認会計士法第1条)。 - 金融庁

This means that the board members who often do not attend meetings not only get paid such an amount as I've just mentioned, but could also claim that they "knew nothing" when something happens. In my view, a governance system like this is, in all likelihood, quite far from the way laws expect a publicly-traded company to be managed. Can you please tell us how you see such a point of view? 例文帳に追加

あんまり出席しない人がそういうお金をとって、何か起きても何も知らないというふうになるようなガバナンス制度そのものというのは、恐らく金商法等で位置づけている、期待している株式会社のあり方とかそういうものとはかなり遊離したものではないかと思うのですけれども、そういう意味においてどうお考えなのか教えていただけますか。 - 金融庁

I would like to ask for your frank opinions about the auditing firm and certified public accountants who have overlooked financial window-dressing by Olympus. Even university and high-school students with a bit of knowledge are familiar with what accountants and auditing firms do, and they are wondering why an illegal practice like this financial window-dressing has been overlooked. 例文帳に追加

オリンパスの粉飾を結果的に見逃してしまった監査法人と公認会計士のことなのですが、大臣の言葉で率直な意見、お考えを伺いたいのですが、会計士とか監査法人の仕事というのは、ちょっと気のきいた大学生や高校生でも知っていて、何でこんな不正、粉飾を見逃してしまったのかと、これは大学生や高校生でもおかしいと思っているわけです。 - 金融庁

In the Diet, I was asked what relevant ministers should do when they have heard opinions from the committee. The committee will comprise members who have excellent judgment, academic knowledge and capabilities, so I have said that their opinions will be too important to be ignored. 例文帳に追加

私、国会でも、もし民営化委員会からの通知、意見があった場合、関係大臣はどうするんだというご質問を頂きましたから、それはそれなりに民営化委員会というのは識見、学識、能力ともに優れた人になって頂く予定ですから、この方たちが対等な競争条件等々について意見を言われた場合は、それは、決して無視できるような軽いものではないというようなことを申し上げております。 - 金融庁

It is nearly one year since the Lehman shock that triggered the financial crisis. As a minister who has been responsible for economic and fiscal policies over the past year, how do you assess the measures taken by the Aso cabinet to deal with the financial crisis? Also, do you think that those measures will stand the test of history as you said they should 例文帳に追加

間もなくリーマンショックと呼ばれる金融危機から1年がたつんですが、その中でこの1年間、大臣は経済財政等全てを担ってこられたと思いますが、麻生内閣が作った対策について大臣として振り返ってみてどう評価されているかということ、大臣は歴史の評価に耐えるものでなければいけないということをおっしゃっていましたが改めていかかでしょうか - 金融庁

10 The Customer Identity Verification Rules may not be available as a single set of rules in some cases, and they may be integrated with the Compliance Manual, etc. in other cases. The inspector should empirically review, regardless of the form of rules, whether or not the rules exhaustively stipulate necessary matters and are fully disseminated to the personnel who should be acquainted with them, upon approval by the Board of Directors or equivalent organization to the Board of Directors, thus ensuring an effective customer identity verification system. 例文帳に追加

10 本人確認規程は、必ずしも一本化されていない場合やコンプライアンス・マニュアル等に統合されている場合もある。これらの形式にこだわらず、記載すべき事項が漏れなく明文化され、取締役会等の承認を受け、必要のある役職員に周知徹底され、実効的な本人確認に係る態勢が整備されているか否かを実証的に検証する。 - 金融庁

No observations based on a third-party registration having coexisted with the mark applied for shall be entertained where they are directed, by the person who was the most recent owner of the said registration, against an application filed in respect of the same mark within the six months following expiry of the period of grace referred to in the foregoing Article.例文帳に追加

更新されなかった標章に関して第154条に規定する追加出願期間の経過後6月以内に同一標章についての登録出願がなされた場合は,当該標章と共存して登録されていた第三者の登録標章の最後の共存登録標章の所有者による当該登録を根拠とした異議は更新拒絶事由として取り上げられない。 - 特許庁

The Office shall enable the inspection of files to third persons only when they prove the legal interest. Before the registration of an industrial design to the Register, only following data may be communicated: who is designer, applicant of the industrial design, data concerning the right of priority, title of industrial design application and its reference mark. 例文帳に追加

庁は,第三者がファイルを閲覧するのを認めることができる。ただし,第三者が当該閲覧についての法的な利益を証明することを条件とする。登録簿への工業意匠登録がなされる前は,意匠創作者,出願人,優先権に関する詳細事項,工業意匠出願の名称及びその参照記号のみを第三者に知らせることができる。 - 特許庁

In order to find that amended matters are "matters obvious from the statement in the originally attached description, etc.," it is required that a person skilled in the art who contacts them evidently understands the meaning there of and understands them as if they were stated there in". 例文帳に追加

補正された事項が、「当初明細書等の記載から自明な事項」といえるためには、当初明細書等に記載がなくても、これに接した当業者であれば、出願時の技術常識に照らして、その意味であることが明らかであって、その事項がそこに記載されているのと同然であると理解する事項でなければならない(注1~3)。 - 特許庁

Although it mentions the expression "preventing the paste from freezing under refrigeration," the originally attached description, etc. does not mention anything about the use of the paste specified for "ice cream." Also, the sweet bean paste, which does not freeze under refrigeration, could be used for various purposes. Consequently, it is not considered that a person skilled in the art who contacts the originally attached description, etc. would understand the paste as being specially adapted "for ice cream" as if they were stated therein. 例文帳に追加

出願当初の明細書中に「冷凍時に凍結しない」という記載があるが、当初の明細書等のいずれの箇所にも、「アイスクリーム用」に用途を特定した発明についての記載はなく、また、冷凍時に凍結しないあんは種々の用途が想定され、「アイスクリーム用」に特定した発明が記載されているのも同然とも理解されない。 - 特許庁

Although it is well known that these lamps in this field have various functions other than decorative purposes, such as announcement or illumination, it is not considered that a person skilled in the art who contacts the originally attached description, etc. would understand that the first lamps have different functions from the second lamps as if they were stated therein. 例文帳に追加

また、この技術分野におけるランプの機能としては、目的に応じて、装飾以外に、報知、照明等種々の機能があることは周知であるとしても、出願当初の明細書等の記載に接した当業者からみて、第1のランプと第2のランプが異なる機能を有することが記載されているのと同然であると理解する事項であるとはいえない。 - 特許庁

The original claim does not specify sites of substitution and merely describes the combination of the sites of X and Y, which may form unspecific sites, including thirteen possible types of them. Consequently, it is not considered that a person skilled in the art who contacts the originally attached description, etc. would understand the specific sites of substitution of 3X and 4Y as if they were stated therein. 例文帳に追加

置換位置の特定されていない出願当初の特許請求の範囲に記載された事項は、X、Yの位置配置の組み合わせにおいて、13種の可能性を含む不特定のものを意味していたに過ぎず、3-X、4-Yという特定の位置関係のものがそこに記載されているのと同然ということはできない。 - 特許庁

The chemical substance provided in the amended claim of Amendment 2 provides a specific combination of X = alkyl and Y = phenyl, which is the only alternative. The originally attached description, etc. does not mention anything about this combination and it is not considered that a person skilled in the art who contacts the originally attached description, etc. would understand the combination as if they were stated therein. 例文帳に追加

一方、補正2の場合、補正後の特許請求の範囲に記載した化学物質は、X=アルキル及びY=フェニルという特定の組み合わせが唯一の選択肢となるが、このような特定の組み合わせを採用することは出願当初の明細書等のいずれの箇所にも記載されておらず、また、記載されているのと同然ともいえない。 - 特許庁

However, the originally attached description, etc. does not imply anything about the relationship between the film and the function, even if the insulating heating waves is a well-known function of the transparent conductive film. It is not considered that a person skilled in the art who contacts the originally attached description, etc. would understand that the film also has a function of insulating heat wires as if they were stated therein. 例文帳に追加

しかし、たとえ透明導電性薄膜に熱線遮蔽機能があることが周知であったとしても、熱線遮蔽機能との関係を示唆するような記載はなく、当初明細書等に接した当業者が、そこに熱線遮断の機能も兼ね備えることが記載されているのと同然と理解するとはいえない。 - 特許庁

Furthermore, even taking the latter "changing the interval of turning on and off the light for a single device used in succession" into consideration, there are other various means for changing the interval of turning on and off a light, such as art for connecting an RC circuit in series to a relay, and it is not considered that a person skilled in the art who contacts the originally attached description, etc. would understand that a variable capacitor is connected in parallel to change a response characteristic of the device as if they were stated therein. 例文帳に追加

そして、後者の意味だとしても、リレーの応答特性を変化させる手段には他にさまざまなもの(例えばRC回路をリレーに直列に接続するもの)があるから、当初明細書等に接した当業者が、可変コンデンサを並列に接続して応答特性を変えたものがそこに記載されているのも同然と理解するともいえない。 - 特許庁

Secondly - Agents who, upon these Implementing Regulations coming into force, are temporarily not entitled to practice, may continue non-entitled until expiry of the term therefor granted, upon the elapse of which they shall within a one-month term complete the bond in the amount set and take out the corresponding civil liability insurance. Failure to do so shall render the non-entitlement definitive.例文帳に追加

第2に-代理人は,本規則が有効になるに当たって,この業務を行う資格を一時的に剥奪されるが,その期限が切れるまで無資格の状態を続けることができるものとし,その期間満了後,1月以内に所定の金額の保証金を納め,関連する民事訴訟責任保険を入手完了しなければならないものとする。そうしなかった場合は,その無資格の状態は永久に決定的なものとなるべきものとする。 - 特許庁

If no such agreement has been made or if the agreement does not provide otherwise, any person entitled to the patent shall have the right to perform the acts referred to in Article 53 and to take action in accordance with Articles 70 to 73 against any such act, as well as against the acts referred to in Article 73(1) and (2) if they were performed by a party who was not entitled to do so;例文帳に追加

そのような合意がされていない場合,又は合意が別段の定めをしていない場合は,特許を受ける権原を有するすべての者は,第53条にいう行為をする権利を有し,また,そのような行為及び第73条(1)及び(2)にいう行為がそのような行為をする権原を有さない者によって行われる場合は,その行為に対し,第70条から第73条までに従って訴訟を提起する権利を有する。 - 特許庁


The research centers or institutes of the country may, following request of the party concerned, grant a leave of up to two years with salaries not exceeding fifty percent to a researcher of any degree who wishes to render industrially and commercially productive his technical contrivances and inventions provided they fall within the scope of the center or institute. 例文帳に追加

国内の研究センター又は研究施設は,関係当事者の要請により,自らの考案品又は発明品(ただし,当該センター又は施設において完成したものに限る)を工業的及び商業的に生産的なものとすることを希望する研究者(学位を問わない)に対し,2年を限度として有給(50%以内)休暇を与えることができる。 - 特許庁


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