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THey whoの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 2634


'led into the apprehension of invisible intelligent power by contemplation of the works of Nature, they could never possibly entertain any conception but of one single being, who bestowed existence and order on this vast machine, and adjusted all its parts to one regular system.' 例文帳に追加

「自然の業をじっくり考えることで、目に見えない知的な力を理解するようになれば、単一の存在がいて、この巨大な機械を存在させ秩序づけて、その部品すべてを調整して一個の規則正しい体系にまとめているという考え以外は、おそらく思い浮ばなくなるだろう」と。 - John Tyndall『英国科学協会ベルファースト総会での演説』

To them it was revealed, that not to themselves, but to you, they ministered these things, which now have been announced to you through those who preached the Good News to you by the Holy Spirit sent out from heaven; which things angels desire to look into. 例文帳に追加

彼らは,天から遣わされた聖霊によってあなた方に福音を宣教した人たちを通してあなた方に知らされたそれらの事柄のために奉仕しましたが,それが,自分たちのためではなく,あなた方のためであることを啓示されました。それは,み使いたちもひとめ見たいと望んでいる事柄です。 - 電網聖書『ペトロの第一の手紙 1:12』

It happened that after three days Paul called together those who were the leaders of the Jews. When they had come together, he said to them, “I, brothers, though I had done nothing against the people, or the customs of our fathers, still was delivered prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans, 例文帳に追加

三日後,パウロはユダヤ人の指導者たちを招いた。彼らが集まった時,彼は彼らに言った,「兄弟たち,わたしは,民に対しても,わたしたちの父祖たちの慣習に対しても,何一つ背くことはしていないのに,エルサレムから囚人としてローマ人たちの手に引き渡されてしまいました。 - 電網聖書『使徒行伝 28:17』

These are hidden rocky reefs in your love feasts when they feast with you, shepherds who without fear feed themselves; clouds without water, carried along by winds; autumn leaves without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots; 例文帳に追加

これらの者たちは,あなた方と一緒に食事をするとはいえ,あなた方の親ぼくの食事における隠れた岩礁であり,恐れもなく自らを養う羊飼い,風に吹きまわされる水のない雲,実を結ばずに二度死んで根こそぎにされた秋の木, - 電網聖書『ユダからの手紙 1:12』


He also said to the one who had invited him, “When you make a dinner or a supper, don’t call your friends, nor your brothers, nor your kinsmen, nor rich neighbors, or perhaps they might also return the favor, and pay you back. 例文帳に追加

彼は自分を招いた人にも言った,「あなたが昼食や夕食を設ける時は,自分の友人たちも,兄弟たちも,親族たちも,富んでいる隣人たちも呼んではいけない。そうでないと。彼らも逆にもてなして,あなたに返礼することになるかも知れない。 - 電網聖書『ルカによる福音書 14:12』


The report about him went out into all Syria. They brought to him all who were sick, afflicted with various diseases and torments, possessed with demons, epileptics, and paralytics; and he healed them. 例文帳に追加

彼に関する評判はシリア中に広まった。人々は病気の者,すなわち,いろいろな疾患や苦痛で苦しんでいる者,悪霊に取りつかれている者,てんかんの者,体のまひした者などを,すべて彼のもとに連れて来た。そこで彼は彼らをいやした。 - 電網聖書『マタイによる福音書 4:24』

When annexation of Korea was completed, Masatake TERAUCHI who was the first Governor-General of Korea, composed a waka, "If Kobayakawa, Kato, and Konishi were alive, how would they look the moon of tonight" (If Kobayakawa, Kato, and Konishi, who were commanders took part in the war by Hideyoshi to conquer Korea were still alive, how would they look at the moon of tonight after obtaining Korea for Japan) and Midori KOMATSU who was the secretary of foreign affairs, composed in reply to it "I would like to awake Taiko (Hideyoshi) from the underground and make him look at Hinomaru (national flag of Japan) above the mountains of Korea" (I would like to revive Taiko and show him Hinomaru flaunting above mountains of Korea) and they were delighted at success to annex of Korea which Hideyoshi could not achieve. 例文帳に追加

朝鮮併合がなった際、初代総督寺内正毅は『小早川、加藤、小西が世にあれば、今宵の月をいかにみるらむ(秀吉公の朝鮮征伐に参加された小早川・加藤・小西の諸将が今生きていれば、朝鮮を日本のものとしたこの夜の月をどのような気持ちでみられるだろうか)』と歌を詠み、外務部長だった小松緑はこれに返歌して、『太閤を地下より起こし見せばやな高麗(こま)やま高くのぼる日の丸(太閤殿下を蘇らせ見せ申し上げたいものだ、朝鮮の山々に高く翻る日の丸を)』と歌い、共に太閤の成し得なかった朝鮮の編入が成功したことを喜んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Article 89 (1) If any parties that execute city planning projects by obtaining approval pursuant to the provision of Article 59 paragraph (4) (hereinafter referred to as "special project executors") or officers or employees of juridical persons who are special project executors have received or demanded bribes or promised to receive the same in connection with their duties pertaining to the relevant city planning projects, they shall be punished by imprisonment with work not exceeding three years. If they have committed improper acts or have failed to perform required acts, they shall be punished by imprisonment with work not exceeding seven years. 例文帳に追加

第八十九条 第五十九条第四項の規定により認可を受けて都市計画事業を施行する者(以下「特別施行者」という。)又は特別施行者である法人の役員若しくは職員が、当該都市計画事業に係る職務に関し、賄賂を収受し、又は要求し、若しくは約束したときは、三年以下の懲役に処する。よつて不正の行為をし、又は相当の行為をしないときは、七年以下の懲役に処する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

In many cases, those old people tend to be seen with jealousy and envy by generations who could not see those great actors in person because they insist 'their performance was the real Kabuki (but they are dead and it is impossible now to see 'the real Kabuki'), based on the secret sense of superiority that they were able to see the past great actors' performance in person but the younger generations cannot. 例文帳に追加

多くの場合、自分は過去の名優の舞台を実見することができたが、それより若い世代は彼らを見ることができない、というひそかな優越感をもとにして、「彼らの舞台こそがほんとうの歌舞伎である(しかしながら彼らはもはや死に、今となっては「ほんとうの歌舞伎」というものを見ることは不可能である)」といった主張をするために、実際にそれらの名優を見られなかった世代からは一種の嫉妬と羨望を抱かれやすい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


They are all busy people. However, now that we have made an announcement, the sooner, the better. As for the committee members who are university professors, I hear that they will have more time to spare in March. In April, they will be busy as freshmen arrive on the campus. While it is up to the committee members to fix the date, I am hoping that such circumstances will be taken into consideration. 例文帳に追加

皆さんお忙しい方ですが、こういったことを公表させて頂いたわけでございますから、できるだけ早く、特に大学の教授もおられますけれども、お聞きするところによると大学の教授は、3月中は比較的時間がとれると(いうことです)。4月になると大学ですから、新入生が入ってきて、忙しいなんていうこともあり、それは、当然自主的にこの選ばれた方が決められることですけれども、そういったことも考慮して頂けるのかなと思っております。 - 金融庁


Any person who makes or has in his possession any die, plate or other instrument for the purpose of counterfeiting a trade mark, or has in his possession a trade mark for the purpose of denoting that any goods are the manufacture or merchandise of a person whose manufacture or merchandise they are not, or that they belong to a person to whom they do not belong, is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years, a fine not exceeding $100,000 or both. 例文帳に追加

商標を偽造する目的で金型,版又はその他の道具を作成もしくは所有する,又はある者の製品又は商品ではない製品又は商品をその者の製品又は商品として,又はある者に属していない商品がその者に属しているとして示すことを目的として商標を所有する者は,何人も犯罪をなし,有罪判決により5年以下の禁固もしくは100,000米ドル以下の罰金又はその両方を科せられる。 - 特許庁

A state of things in which a large portion of the most active and inquiring intellects find it advisable to keep the general principles and grounds of their convictions within their own breasts, and attempt, in what they address to the public, to fit as much as they can of their own conclusions to premises which they have internally renounced, cannot send forth the open, fearless characters, and logical, consistent intellects who once adorned the thinking world. 例文帳に追加

もっとも活動的で探求心に富む知識人の大部分が、自分の信念の偽らざる原理と根拠を自分の胸中にとどめ、公衆にむかって述べることにおいて、自分の結論を内心では拒絶している前提にできるだけ適合させたほうが得策だと思っているような状況では、偏見のない恐れを知らぬ人物や、かっては思想界を飾った論理的で首尾一貫した知識人が出現することはありえません。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

Article 17 (1) Persons who preside over hearings pursuant to the provisions of Article 19 (hereinafter referred to as "presiding officials") may, when they find necessary, request persons who are not parties, but who are recognized, in light of laws and regulations on which anticipated Adverse Disposition is pursuant to, as having an interest in the anticipated Adverse Disposition (referred to in paragraph 2, item 6 of the same Article as "interested parties") to intervene in the hearing process or may permit such interested parties' intervention in the hearing process. 例文帳に追加

第十七条 第十九条の規定により聴聞を主宰する者(以下「主宰者」という。)は、必要があると認めるときは、当事者以外の者であって当該不利益処分の根拠となる法令に照らし当該不利益処分につき利害関係を有するものと認められる者(同条第二項第六号において「関係人」という。)に対し、当該聴聞に関する手続に参加することを求め、又は当該聴聞に関する手続に参加することを許可することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) shareholders who gave notice to such Consolidated Stock Company, etc. to the effect that they dissented from such Consolidation-type Merger, etc. prior to the shareholders meeting set forth in Article 804(1) (in cases where a resolution of a Class Meeting is required to effect the Consolidation-type Merger, etc., including such Class Meeting) and who dissented from such Consolidation-type Merger, etc. at such shareholders meeting (limited to those who can exercise voting rights at such shareholders meeting); and 例文帳に追加

一 第八百四条第一項の株主総会(新設合併等をするために種類株主総会の決議を要する場合にあっては、当該種類株主総会を含む。)に先立って当該新設合併等に反対する旨を当該消滅株式会社等に対し通知し、かつ、当該株主総会において当該新設合併等に反対した株主(当該株主総会において議決権を行使することができるものに限る。) - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 633 (1) In cases where a Limited Liability Company effects the Contribution Refunds in violation of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the partners who executed the operations in connection with such Contribution Refunds shall be jointly and severally liable to such Limited Liability Company, together with the partners who received such Contribution Refunds, for payment of the monies in an amount equivalent to such Amount of Contribution Refunds; provided, however, that this shall not apply in cases where such partners who executed such operations have proven that they did not fail to exercise due care in the performance of their duties: 例文帳に追加

第六百三十三条 合同会社が前条の規定に違反して出資の払戻しをした場合には、当該出資の払戻しに関する業務を執行した社員は、当該合同会社に対し、当該出資の払戻しを受けた社員と連帯して、当該出資払戻額に相当する金銭を支払う義務を負う。ただし、当該業務を執行した社員がその職務を行うについて注意を怠らなかったことを証明した場合は、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 636 (1) In cases where a Limited Liability Company effects an equity interest refund in violation of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the partners who executed the operations in connection with such equity interest refund shall be jointly and severally liable to such Limited Liability Company, together with the partners who received such equity interest refund, for payment of the monies in the amount equivalent to such Partnership Interest Refund Amount; provided, however, that this shall not apply in cases where such partners who executed the operations regarding the refund of equity interest have proven that they did not fail to exercise due care in the performance of their duties: 例文帳に追加

第六百三十六条 合同会社が前条の規定に違反して持分の払戻しをした場合には、当該持分の払戻しに関する業務を執行した社員は、当該合同会社に対し、当該持分の払戻しを受けた社員と連帯して、当該持分払戻額に相当する金銭を支払う義務を負う。ただし、持分の払戻しに関する業務を執行した社員がその職務を行うについて注意を怠らなかったことを証明した場合は、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 16-2 (1) The surviving family members who are eligible to receive a compensation pension for surviving family shall be a worker's spouse, children, parents, grandchildren, grandparents, and siblings who were dependent on the worker's income at the time of his/her death; provided, however, that in the case of those other than a wife (including a person who has not made a notification of marriage but has been in a de facto marital relationship with the worker; the same shall apply hereinafter), this provision shall apply only where they have satisfied the requirements listed in any of the following items at the time of the worker's death: 例文帳に追加

第十六条の二 遺族補償年金を受けることができる遺族は、労働者の配偶者、子、父母、孫、祖父母及び兄弟姉妹であつて、労働者の死亡の当時その収入によつて生計を維持していたものとする。ただし、妻(婚姻の届出をしていないが、事実上婚姻関係と同様の事情にあつた者を含む。以下同じ。)以外の者にあつては、労働者の死亡の当時次の各号に掲げる要件に該当した場合に限るものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 27 (1) For each Class II Specified Chemical Substance, the competent ministers shall publicize technical guidelines on measures to be taken by persons who operate the business of manufacturing said Class II Specified Chemical Substance, persons who use said Class II Specified Chemical Substance on a regular basis, and any other persons who handle said Class II Specified Chemical Substance on a regular basis (hereinafter referred to as a "handler" in this section) in order to prevent environmental pollution attributable to the Class II Specified Chemical Substance they handle. 例文帳に追加

第二十七条 主務大臣は、第二種特定化学物質ごとに、第二種特定化学物質の製造の事業を営む者、業として第二種特定化学物質を使用する者その他の業として第二種特定化学物質を取り扱う者(以下この節において「取扱事業者」という。)がその取扱いに係る当該第二種特定化学物質による環境の汚染を防止するためにとるべき措置に関する技術上の指針を公表するものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Saigo was appointed the Satsuma group's Sashihiki commander of the Tokaido spearhead army on February 12th, and he was appointed the Shimo-sanbo staff of Tosei-daitokufu (Kuge was the appointed staff officer, the office of shimo-sanbo was the actual staff officer), then left first with the spearhead army (Hanjiro NAKAMURA, who was the Ichiban-shotai Taicho (commander of the first platoon), Shinpachi MURATA, who was the Niban-shotai Taicho (commander of the second platoon), and Kunimoto SHINOHARA, who was the Sanban-shotai Taicho (commander of the third platoon), and they occupied an important part of the Hakone Town of Tokaido. 例文帳に追加

西郷は2月12日に東海道先鋒軍の薩摩諸隊差引(司令官)、14日に東征大総督府下参謀(参謀は公家が任命され、下参謀が実質上の参謀)に任じられると、独断で先鋒軍(薩軍一番小隊隊長中村半次郎・二番小隊隊長村田新八・三番小隊隊長篠原国幹らが中心)を率いて先発し、2月28日には東海道の要衝箱根町を占領した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Simply speaking, military officers were 'government officials (espcially one of low to medium rank) who were armed and a full-time government [public] employee-like officials trained under the Ritsuryo-system,' while the bushi were 'the people who consisted of a 'lower ranking nobles,' 'lower ranking government officials' and 'people from powerful or medieval families' who regarded the new military art established during the 10th century as their iegei and were officially authorized to be armed by the Imperial Court or kokufu (provincial office)' and they did not acquire the military art of the Ritsuryo-system style in the training institution of the organization of the government according to the Ritsuryo codes. 例文帳に追加

簡単にいえば、武官は「官人として武装しており、律令官制の中で訓練を受けた常勤の公務員的存在」であるのに対して、武士は「10世紀に成立した新式の武芸を家芸とし、武装を朝廷や国府から公認された「下級貴族」、「下級官人」、「有力者の家人中世の家人」からなる人々」であって、律令官制の訓練機構で律令制式の武芸を身につけた者ではなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Mr. Yoshiro Kusano, a former judge at Hiroshima High Court who is now a professor at Gakushuin University's Faculty of Law and Graduate School of Law, was selected as the chairman of the committee. Also selected as committee members are Mr. Koetsu Aizawa, a professor at Saitama University's School of Economics and director at the Society of the Economic Studies of Securities; Mr. Yukio Akamatsu, a former prosecutor who now practices law; Mr. Osamu Kamoike, a professor at Tohoku Fukushi University's Faculty of Comprehensive Management who is also an honorary professor of Tohoku University and director of the Japan Society of Monetary Economics; and Hidehiro Kikuchi, president of the Japan Monetary and Financial Policy Research Institute. They will be appointed as advisors (part-time) to the Financial Services Agency (FSA). 例文帳に追加

委員長には、元広島高等裁判所判事で学習院大学の法学部兼法科大学院教授の草野芳郎さん。それから、委員には、埼玉大学経済学部教授で証券経済学会常任理事の相澤幸悦さん。それから、元検事で(弁護士の)赤松幸夫さん、東北福祉大学総合マネジメント学部教授で、東北大学名誉教授、日本金融学会理事の鴨池治さん、日本金融財政研究所所長の菊池英博さんの6名にお願いをし、金融庁の参与(非常勤)に任命することにいたしております。 - 金融庁

At most university-originated ventures, the management is composed of teachers and students of the university. As most of them have little experience of business management, often the company is not administered well enough. Even when the venture succeeds in growing to a certain level, the management is slow to be replaced by people who can handle the business at this stage. “Right-hand personswho should assist the management can be found rather easily in the field of R&D and they can be employed to supplement R&D abilities of the company. But university-orginated ventures often have difficulty in finding and employingright handswho should support them in business administration and financing. 例文帳に追加

大学発ベンチャーの経営者には大学教員や学生が就くことが多く、企業経営経験の不足から経営のマネジメントが十分には機能していない。また、事業が進展してもその段階に対応できる経営者への交代が進まない。こうした経営者を補完する「右腕」について見ても、研究開発能力を補完するために研究分野の人材は比較的採用できているが、経営や財務機能を補完するための「右腕」はなかなか採用できていない。 - 経済産業省

Article 8 (1) Any person who has imported plants or the import-prohibited articles shall notify the plant protection station of such circumstances without delay and shall receive an inspection by the plant protection officer on whether or not such plants or the import-prohibited articles and their containers or packages violate, as they are in their present state, the provision of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 6, whether or not they are the import-prohibited articles and whether or not they contain quarantine pests (excluding quarantine pests designated by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries: the same shall apply in this Article and the following Article); however, this shall not apply if they have received an inspection pursuant to the provision of paragraph 3 or they are imported as postal items. 例文帳に追加

第八条 植物又は輸入禁止品を輸入した者は、遅滞なく、その旨を植物防疫所に届け出て、その植物又は輸入禁止品及び容器包装につき、原状のままで、植物防疫官から、第六条第一項及び第二項の規定に違反しないかどうか、輸入禁止品であるかどうか、並びに検疫有害動植物(農林水産大臣が指定する検疫有害動植物を除く。本条及び次条において同じ。)があるかどうかについての検査を受けなければならない。ただし、第三項の規定による検査を受けた場合及び郵便物として輸入した場合は、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) In addition to a creditor who holds a claim pertaining to an obligation covered by the trust property, where a trust has been created by the method set forth in Article 3, item (iii), if the settlor has created the trust with the knowledge that it would harm settlor's creditor(s), notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, a person who holds a claim against the settlor (limited to cases where the settlor is a trustee) which has arisen prior to the creation of the trust may commence a execution, provisional seizure, provisional disposition or exercise of a security interest, or an auction, or may commence collection proceedings for delinquent national tax against property that belongs to the trust property; provided, however, that this shall not apply where there are beneficiaries at the time in question, and when all or some of those beneficiaries did not know, at the time when they became aware that they had been designated as beneficiaries or when they acquired beneficial interests, of the fact that the creditor would be harmed. 例文帳に追加

2 第三条第三号に掲げる方法によって信託がされた場合において、委託者がその債権者を害することを知って当該信託をしたときは、前項の規定にかかわらず、信託財産責任負担債務に係る債権を有する債権者のほか、当該委託者(受託者であるものに限る。)に対する債権で信託前に生じたものを有する者は、信託財産に属する財産に対し、強制執行、仮差押え、仮処分若しくは担保権の実行若しくは競売又は国税滞納処分をすることができる。ただし、受益者が現に存する場合において、その受益者の全部又は一部が、受益者としての指定を受けたことを知った時又は受益権を譲り受けた時において債権者を害すべき事実を知らなかったときは、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

168.3. In particular, and without in any way limiting the scope of protection against unfair competition, the following shall be deemed guilty of unfair competition: (a) Any person, who is selling his goods and gives them the general appearance of goods of another manufacturer or dealer, either as to the goods themselves or in the wrapping of the packages in which they are contained, or the devices or words thereon, or in any other feature of their appearance, which would be likely to influence purchasers to believe that the goods offered are those of a manufacturer or dealer, other than the actual manufacturer or dealer, or who otherwise clothes the goods with such appearance as shall deceive the public and defraud another of his legitimate trade, or any subsequent vendor of such goods or any agent of any vendor engaged in selling such goods with a like purpose; (b) Any person who by any artifice, or device, or who employs any other means calculated to induce the false belief that such person is offering the services of another who has identified such services in the mind of the public; or (c) Any person who shall make any false statement in the course of trade or who shall commit any other act contrary to good faith of a nature calculated to discredit the goods, business or services of another.例文帳に追加

168.3特に,如何なる場合においても不正競争に対する保護の範囲を制限することなく,次に該当する者は,不正競争の罪を犯したものとみなす。 (a)自己の販売する商品の商品自体,その商品を入れる容器の包装紙又はそれらに付す図案若しくは語その他の外観上の特徴に,当該商品が実際の製造者若しくは販売者以外の者の商品であると購入者に思わせるように影響する虞がある他の製造者若しくは販売者の商品の概略の外観を与え,又はそのような目的をもって公衆を欺瞞し,かつ,他人からその者の正当な取引を詐取し,後の販売者から当該商品を詐取し,若しくは販売店から当該商品の販売に携わる販売者を詐取するような外観を自己の商品に与える者 (b)ある特定のサ-ビスを提供している他人のそのサ-ビスを自己が提供しているものと公衆に誤って信用させることを意図した術策,策略その他の手段を用いる者 (c)取引の場において虚偽の陳述をし,又は他人の商品,事業若しくはサ-ビスの信用を傷付けることを意図するような性質の善意に反するその他の行為を行う者 - 特許庁

(8) Where the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the Minister of the Environment have given notice to the effect that the new chemical substance to which a request under paragraph (1) pertains falls under item (ii) of paragraph (2), pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) or paragraph (3), where they have not issued a confirmation to the effect that the manufacture or import of the new chemical substance to which a request under paragraph (4) pertains falls under the items of said paragraph, where they have rescinded the confirmation under said paragraph, or where they have received a request under the preceding paragraph, they shall promptly make a determination as to which one of items (i) to (v) of paragraph (1) of Article 4 said new chemical substance falls under, based on the results of tests conducted on said new chemical substance, and shall notify the result thereof to the person who has made the request under paragraph (1) with regard to the new chemical substance. 例文帳に追加

8 厚生労働大臣、経済産業大臣及び環境大臣は、第二項若しくは第三項の規定により第一項の申出に係る新規化学物質が第二項第二号に該当するものである旨の通知を行つたとき、第四項の申出に係る新規化学物質の製造若しくは輸入が同項各号に該当する旨の確認を行わなかつたとき、同項の確認を取り消したとき、又は前項の申出があつたときは、速やかに、その新規化学物質について実施される試験の試験成績に基づいて、その新規化学物質が第四条第一項第一号から第五号までのいずれに該当するかを判定し、その結果をその新規化学物質について第一項の申出をした者に通知しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(5) The directors, accounting advisers, company auditors, or accounting auditors of the Company Being Managed who have been elected pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph shall retire from their posts at the conclusion of the first annual Shareholders Meeting or annual General Meeting of Members (in cases where a General Meeting is established, "Annual General Meeting") convened after the end of the business year during which they were appointed, and executive officers shall retire from their posts at the conclusion of the first meeting of the board of directors held after the conclusion of the first Annual Shareholders Meeting convened after the end of the business year during which they were appointed. 例文帳に追加

5 前項の規定により選任された被管理会社の取締役、会計参与、監査役又は会計監査人は選任時の属する事業年度の終了後最初に招集される定時総会又は定時社員総会(総代会を設けているときは、定時総代会)の終結の時に、執行役は選任時の属する事業年度の終了後最初に招集される定時総会が終結した後最初に開催される取締役会の終結の時に退任する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(j) The names and addresses of officers (for a membership company (meaning a membership company provided in Article 575, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act (Act No. 86 of 2005)), the personnel in charge of its business), whether they have authority of representation, and their brief biographical outlines (including whether they fall under officers or employees of a business person subject to inspections provided in Article 33, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Act (including those who have been officers or employees of said business person subject to inspections in the past two years)); 例文帳に追加

ヌ 役員(持分会社(会社法(平成十七年法律第八十六号)第五百七十五条第一項に規定する持分会社をいう。)にあつては、業務を執行する社員)の氏名、住所、代表権の有無及び略歴(法第三十三条第一項第三号に規定する受検営業者の役員又は職員(過去二年間に当該受検営業者の役員又は職員であつた者を含む。)に該当するか否かを含む。) - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 40 (1) Persons who have imported designated quarantine items must notify the Animal Quarantine Service to that effect without delay, and must have said items undergo inspection by an animal quarantine officer in their intact state, to determine whether or not they violate the provisions of Article 36 or Article 37 and whether or not they are likely to spread pathogens of a monitored infectious disease, provided, however, that this shall not apply to items that have already been inspected under the provisions of the following Article and for which a certificate of import quarantine has been issued under the provisions of Article 44, or to items imported as postal matter. 例文帳に追加

第四十条 指定検疫物を輸入した者は、遅滞なくその旨を動物検疫所に届け出て、その物につき、原状のままで、家畜防疫官から第三十六条及び第三十七条の規定の違反の有無並びに監視伝染病の病原体をひろげるおそれの有無についての検査を受けなければならない。ただし、既に次条の規定により検査を受け、かつ、第四十四条の規定による輸入検疫証明書の交付を受けた物及び郵便物として輸入した物については、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(7) In the case of a notification pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) (including the case where the said provision is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (2)) or paragraph (4) has been submitted to the Chief of the Labor Standards Office or pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) has been submitted to the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare and they find matters relating to each said notification violate the provisions of this Act or ordinances thereunder, they may order the employer who submitted said notification to suspend the commencement of the work pertaining to said notification, or to alter the said plan. 例文帳に追加

7 労働基準監督署長は第一項(第二項において準用する場合を含む。)又は第四項の規定による届出があつた場合において、厚生労働大臣は第三項の規定による届出があつた場合において、それぞれ当該届出に係る事項がこの法律又はこれに基づく命令の規定に違反すると認めるときは、当該届出をした事業者に対し、その届出に係る工事若しくは仕事の開始を差し止め、又は当該計画を変更すべきことを命ずることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) Where any product has been designated as a product using a Class I Specified Chemical Substance, if the competent ministers find it particularly necessary for preventing the spread of environmental pollution attributable to the Class I Specified Chemical Substance being used in said product, they may, to the extent necessary, order persons who were operating the business of importing said product at the time of said designation to make efforts to recall said product which they imported and to take any other measures necessary for preventing the spread of environmental pollution attributable to the Class I Specified Chemical Substance being used in said product. 例文帳に追加

2 主務大臣は、一の製品が第一種特定化学物質使用製品として指定された場合において、当該製品に使用されている第一種特定化学物質による環境の汚染の進行を防止するため特に必要があると認めるときは、必要な限度において、その指定の際当該製品の輸入の事業を営んでいた者に対し、その輸入に係る当該製品の回収を図ることその他当該製品に使用されている第一種特定化学物質による環境の汚染の進行を防止するために必要な措置をとるべきことを命ずることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

In terms of other orders, including courtly rank and the Orders of the Rising Sun and Orders of the Sacred Treasure, when it came to civil servants (at the time, they were termed "government officials") in government service, once they fulfilled the prescribed condition--for example, working continuously for a certain number of years--almost everyone would receive such medals, and non-government soldiers (in Japan's army) or civilians could also receive them; the Order of the Golden Kite, however, was limited only to military personnel, and furthermore was only granted to those who had sufficiently distinguished themselves in battle, meaning that simply being a general or an army officer of imperial blood, without distinguished service in battle, would not bring one this medal. 例文帳に追加

位階や旭日章・瑞宝章などのその他の勲章は仕官して公務員(当時は官吏)となれば勤続年数などの一定の条件で大抵誰でも受勲することができ、また官吏では無い兵(日本軍)や民間人でも対象となったが、金鵄勲章は軍人軍属のみでかつ相応の戦功がなくては授与されず、大将や皇族軍人といえども相応の武功がなければ授与されなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, Ito was frustrated because he had not heard a word from the new government, and once he caught a news that the lord of the domains (Satsuma, Choshu, Tosa, Hizen) submitted the memorial to the emperor that they would return their lands and people to the emperor, Ito planned to submit the petition with his subordinates, Nakajima (Assistant Judicial Officer), Tanaka (Assistant Judicial Officer), Ga (Scholar of English, served for prefecture as an advisor), and also Mutsu who happened to get to know Ito joined them, and they all submitted in their five joint names "kokuzekomoku" which was composed of the six points. 例文帳に追加

だが、一向に新政府からの音沙汰がないのに不満を抱いた伊藤は、薩長土肥の藩主が版籍奉還の上表を行ったという報を聞きつけ、部下である県判事の中島、権判事の田中、同じく英学者で県出仕(顧問に相当する)の何と相談して建白書の提出を図り、これに偶々伊藤と面識を持った陸奥も加わって5人連名で提出したのが6ヶ条からなる『国是綱目』であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

All personnel other than those listed under (1) to (4) above is also engaged in, for example, control activities, information and communication within the organization, and ongoing monitoring, in the course of their duties. In this sense, they play a role in the design and operation of effective internal control within the scope of the authorities and responsibilities they have. "Other personnel in the organization" includes not only permanent employees but also short-term or temporary employees who undertake certain roles and perform their duties in the organization. 例文帳に追加

上記(1)~(4)以外の組織内のその他の者も、日常業務の中で、例えば、統制活動、組織内での情報と伝達及び日常的モニタリングなどに関する活動を遂行しており、自らの権限と責任の範囲で、有効な内部統制の整備及び運用に関して一定の役割と責任を有している。なお、組織内のその他の者には、正規の従業員のほか、組織において一定の役割を担って業務を遂行する短期、臨時雇用の従業員も含まれる。 - 金融庁

In fact, those of you who have carefully read the agreement reached among the three parties at the time the Act was created would know that it is written in the tripartite agreement. While I was serving as the chairman of the Policy Research Council of the People's New Party (PNP) at the time, and the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and the PNP had in fact agreed before the change of government on what kind of policy pledges they would fulfill if they came into power, about a week before the public notice of the commencement of the election on August 30-it was one of the six policy pledges. 例文帳に追加

実は、つくられたときと同時に、三党合意をよくお読みになられた方はお分かりだと思いますが、三党合意に書いてあるのです。私はまさに当時国民新党の政調会長でございましたから、政権交代の前に、実は民主党と社民党と国民新党で、政権をとったらどういう公約をするか、一緒に、8月30日の選挙が始まる公示の1週間ぐらい前に実は三党合意しまして、その中に6つ入っております、6つしか逆に入っていません。 - 金融庁

The Resolution shall also include the nomination of three alternate members who will have the same qualifications stated in the Law, and shall be proposed by the entities mentioned in the 5th subparagraph of the cited rule, and they shall substitute the titulars in case of absence or if they are affected by any legal cause of involvement or challenge that might be declared, which disqualified them to try the case. 例文帳に追加

この決定を行う際,経済・開発及び再開発大臣は,同条第5段落に規定する主体の推薦に基づき同法に規定される正規審判員と同一の資格を有する3名の代替審判員の指名も行う。このような代替審判員は,正規の審判員が不在の場合又は正規の審判員が具体的な事件において利害関係人として審理から排除される場合に,それらに代わって産業財産仲裁審判所を構成するものとする。 - 特許庁

(2) All those who carry out any other act infringing the registered trademark shall be obliged to compensate for the damage caused only if they have received sufficient warning from the trademark owner or, where appropriate, the person authorized to take the action regarding the existence of the trademark, suitably identified, and infringement thereof, with the requirement that they cease such violation, or where in their actions guilt or negligence has played a role or the trademark in question was well-known or famous.例文帳に追加

(2) 登録商標を侵害するその他の行為を実行したすべての者は,適切に識別された商標の存在及びその侵害について,当該侵害を停止すべきとの要求と併せ,商標の所有者若しくは該当する場合は訴訟を提起する権限を有する当事者による十分な警告を受領した場合,又はその者の訴訟において罪若しくは過失が役割を果たした場合,又は当該商標が周知若しくは著名であった場合に限り,生じた損害について賠償する義務を負うものとする。 - 特許庁

They have such difficulties because they are characteristically burdened with “weakness resulting from people” (as their management is often composed of university teachers, who in general have little experience of business management) and “weakness resulting from technologies” (as most of them intend to put into commercial use achievements of quite novel research that has not been much more than a “seed.” Such projects often require a longer lead time, which raises technological risks, and also have higher commercialization risks because new markets must be developed.) 例文帳に追加

これらの課題が発生する要因としては、大学発ベンチャーの特性として、「人材に起因する脆弱性」(大学の教員等の一般的には企業経営の経験に乏しい者が経営者に就く機会が多い)とともに、「技術に起因する脆弱性」(新規性が高く、シードに近い研究成果を基に事業化が図られるケースが多く、この場合、リードタイムが長いという技術面でのリスクが高いことに加え、新たな市場開拓が必要となる等、事業化までのリスクが高い)がある。 - 経済産業省

The company has a large following among middle-class urbanites who want to incorporate country living in an urban environment, and according to CEO Byron Cox, “home design and construction is the natural outcome for a company like ours. Our customers want a structure in tune with the Patio products they own.”例文帳に追加

同社には、都会の環境に田舎の生活を取り入れたいと思う中流階級の都会人の間に数多くの支持者がおり、最高経営責任者のByron Coxによると、「住宅設計や建設は弊社のような企業にとって当然の結果だ。弊社のお客様は、彼らが所有するPatioの商品と調和する建物を求めている」とのことだ。 - Weblio英語基本例文集

It's the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches, in numbers this nation has never seen. By people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different, that their voices could be that difference.例文帳に追加

この国が見たこともないほどの大行列が今日、あちこちの学校や教会の周りに伸びていました。並んだ人たちは3時間も4時間も待っていた。人によっては生まれて初めての経験でした。今度こそは違うと信じたから、今度こそ自分たちの声が違う結果を作り出せると信じたから、だからみんな並んだのです。そしてそうやって並んだ人たちが今夜、疑り深い人たちに答えを示したのです。 - Tatoeba例文

Article 32 In regard to the matters pertaining to appointment of the operation manager in charge of collection and delivery of the freight using automobiles and ensuring of safety of transportation, etc. by the second class consigned freight forwarding business operator (excluding those who conduct collection and delivery of the freight related to the said business with the permission prescribed in Article 3 or paragraph (1) of Article 35 of the Motor Truck Transportation Business Act), they shall be governed by the provisions of the paragraph (3) of Article 37 of the said Act. 例文帳に追加

第三十二条 第二種貨物利用運送事業者(貨物自動車運送事業法第三条又は第三十五条第一項の許可を受けて当該事業に係る貨物の集配を行う者を除く。)が自動車を使用して行う貨物の集配に係る運行管理者の選任その他の輸送の安全の確保等に関する事項については、同法第三十七条第三項に定めるところによる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) When the heads of each ministry and agency or a person who is delegated by them receive the submission of a report of gifts, etc. pursuant to the preceding paragraph, they shall send a copy of the report of gifts, etc. (limited to reports of the officials of designated service or higher and excluding the portions pertaining to the matters provided for in the proviso of paragraph 2 of Article 9) to the National Public Service Ethics Board. 例文帳に追加

2 各省各庁の長等又はその委任を受けた者は、前項の規定により贈与等報告書の提出を受けたときは、当該贈与等報告書(指定職以上の職員に係るものに限り、かつ、第九条第二項ただし書に規定する事項に係る部分を除く。)の写しを国家公務員倫理審査会に送付しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 9 (1) The heads of each ministry and agency, etc. or a person who is delegated by them receiving a report of gifts, etc., a report of share dealings, etc., or a report of income, etc. submitted pursuant to the provisions in the preceding three Articles shall preserve them for 5 years from the day following the last day of the period in which they shall be submitted. 例文帳に追加

第九条 前三条の規定により提出された贈与等報告書、株取引等報告書及び所得等報告書等は、これらを受理した各省各庁の長等又はその委任を受けた者において、これらを提出すべき期間の末日の翌日から起算して五年を経過する日まで保存しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) The inheritance obligee or donee or heir's creditor set forth in the preceding paragraph may not receive a liquidating distribution through bankruptcy proceedings until any other bankruptcy creditor with the same priority as theirs receives a liquidating distribution at the same proportion as they have received payment (in cases where there are two or more heirs, such payment shall be limited to the part of it corresponding to the inheritance share of the heir who received the order of commencement of bankruptcy proceedings; the same shall apply in the following paragraph). 例文帳に追加

2 前項の相続債権者若しくは受遺者又は相続人の債権者は、他の同順位の破産債権者が自己の受けた弁済(相続人が数人ある場合には、当該破産手続開始の決定を受けた相続人の相続分に応じた部分に限る。次項において同じ。)と同一の割合の配当を受けるまでは、破産手続により、配当を受けることができない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 106 If any share is co-owned by two or more persons, the co-owners may not exercise their rights in relation to such share unless they specify one person who exercises the rights in relation to such share, and notify the Stock Company of the name of that person; provided, however, that this shall not apply in cases where the Stock Company agrees to the exercise of such rights. 例文帳に追加

第百六条 株式が二以上の者の共有に属するときは、共有者は、当該株式についての権利を行使する者一人を定め、株式会社に対し、その者の氏名又は名称を通知しなければ、当該株式についての権利を行使することができない。ただし、株式会社が当該権利を行使することに同意した場合は、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) If the directors dispatch notices by an Electromagnetic Method referred to in Article 299(3) to the shareholders who have given consent under the same paragraph, the directors may provide, in lieu of the giving of the Reference Documents for Shareholders Meeting and Voting Forms pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the matters to be specified in such document by an Electromagnetic Method; provided, however, that, if requested by any shareholder, they shall give these documents to such shareholder. 例文帳に追加

2 取締役は、第二百九十九条第三項の承諾をした株主に対し同項の電磁的方法による通知を発するときは、前項の規定による株主総会参考書類及び議決権行使書面の交付に代えて、これらの書類に記載すべき事項を電磁的方法により提供することができる。ただし、株主の請求があったときは、これらの書類を当該株主に交付しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 383 (1) Company auditors shall attend the board of directors meeting, and shall state their opinions if they find it necessary; provided, however, that, in cases where there are two or more company auditors, if there is a provision on the vote by Special Directors pursuant to the provisions of Article 373(1), the specific company auditor who shall attend the board of directors meeting under paragraph (2) of that article shall be appointed by the company auditors from among the company auditors. 例文帳に追加

第三百八十三条 監査役は、取締役会に出席し、必要があると認めるときは、意見を述べなければならない。ただし、監査役が二人以上ある場合において、第三百七十三条第一項の規定による特別取締役による議決の定めがあるときは、監査役の互選によって、監査役の中から特に同条第二項の取締役会に出席する監査役を定めることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) In the cases provided for in paragraph (1) of the preceding article, creditors of a Stock Company may have the shareholders who are liable pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph pay monies equivalent to the book value of the Monies, Etc. they have received (or, in cases where such value exceeds the amount that the Stock Company owes to such creditors, such amount). 例文帳に追加

2 前条第一項に規定する場合には、株式会社の債権者は、同項の規定により義務を負う株主に対し、その交付を受けた金銭等の帳簿価額(当該額が当該債権者の株式会社に対して有する債権額を超える場合にあっては、当該債権額)に相当する金銭を支払わせることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 109 (1) If a committee of municipal examination boards, prefectural examination boards, or appeal examination boards, or a ex-committee thereof divulges trade secrets of those who conducted object service for Payment for Services and Supports for Persons with Disabilities, or personal secrets, etc. which they may come to possess in the course of duties, without just causes, the person shall be punished by less than imprisonment with work of 1 year or fine of less than 1,000,000 yen. 例文帳に追加

第百九条 市町村審査会、都道府県審査会若しくは不服審査会の委員又はこれらの委員であった者が、正当な理由なしに、職務上知り得た自立支援給付対象サービス等を行った者の業務上の秘密又は個人の秘密を漏らしたときは、一年以下の懲役又は百万円以下の罰金に処する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Article 103. The Ministers of State, members of the House of Representatives and judges in office on the effective date of this Constitution, and all other public officials who occupy positions corresponding to such positions as are recognized by this Constitution shall not forfeit their positions automatically on account of the enforcement of this Constitution unless otherwise specified by law. When, however, successors are elected or appointed under the provisions of this Constitution, they shall forfeit their positions as a matter of course. 例文帳に追加

第百三条 この憲法施行の際現に在職する国務大臣、衆議院議員及び裁判官並びにその他の公務員で、その地位に相応する地位がこの憲法で認められてゐる者は、法律で特別の定をした場合を除いては、この憲法施行のため、当然にはその地位を失ふことはない。但し、この憲法によつて、後任者が選挙又は任命されたときは、当然その地位を失ふ。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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原題:”The Belfast Address”

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原題:”On Liberty”

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電網聖書はパブリック・ドメインに置かれます。電網聖書は,The World English Bible (WEB)を土台とした新しい日本語訳です。この草稿は2002年3月3日版です。
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